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Answer: B 16-001 The Focus Box on Madeline Albright concluded that one ofher greatest assets is
; again and again, she has adjusted to new environments, learned
dTypers. ¢C new languages, mastered new challenges, and reshaped her identity.
4 A. perseverance
B. adaptability
C. resilience
D._ self-assurance

Answer: B 16-002 According to the timing-of-events model,

A. personality development is influenced primarily by age
Fype: F B. personality development is influenced less by age than by what events people
experience and when these events occur
C. personality development is influenced equally by age and by specific events
D. it is impossible to distinguish the effects of age on personality development from
the effects of specific events

Answer: B 16-003 The first major theorist about adult development was the Swiss psychologist
A. Abraham Maslow
Type: F B. Carl Jung
C. Erik Erikson
D. Carl Rogers

Answer: A 16-004 According to Jung, during the midlife transition men and women
A. turn inward to express previously suppressed aspects of personality
Type: F B. concentrate on obligations to family and society
C. become less self-centered and more empathic
D. do not change significantly, since personality is set in childhood

Answer: C 16-005 Adam is 42 years old, and in the midst of his midlife transition. According to Carl]
Jung’s analysis of midlife, Adam needs to accomplish two important tasks for a
Type: successful transition. These are
A. to become more extroverted and more involved with family
B. to become more assertive and more achievement oriented
C. to give up the image of youth and acknowledge one’s eventual death
D. to increase generativity and decrease stagnation

Answer: B 16-006 According to Erikson, middle-aged adults are involved in the crisis of
A. identity versus identity confusion
Type, FE B. generativity versus stagnation
C. industry versus inferiority
D. intimacy versus isolation

Answer: A 16-007 According to Erikson, generativity can take the form of

A. fostering the development of the young
Ty pei &, B. decreased concern for the well-being of others
C. amaintenance of a youthful lifestyle
D. a desire to have a child in midlife

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