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Answer: 15-084 Bella, at age 52, has signed up for a class at her local community college.

If she is
like most mature learners, in comparison with her younger classmates, she is likely
Type: to
A. focus more on classroom learning
B. be more highly motivated
C. have sharper academic skills
D. receive more support from friends and family

Answer: 15-085 Which ofthe following is not a factor that encourages early retirement in the forties
or fifties?
Type: A. Corporate downsizing
B. Generous pension plans
C. Pressure in the workplace
D. Social security benefits

Answer: 15-086 Generalizing from the text, during middle adulthood, the typical worker is likely to
fit one of two descriptions:
Type: A. earning power Is stable or earning power is declining
B. at the peak ofa career or on the threshold of a new career
C. seeking advancement or planning for retirement
D. “substantive complexity” or “creativity”

Answer: 15-087 Middle-aged men with stable careers may be “workaholics” if they
A. feel secure financially and now need new goals
Type: B. find it hard to relinquish authority
C. are satisfied with their achievement
D. each of the above

Answer: 15-088 Middle-aged men who have come to terms with a lower level of achievement than
they had hoped for
Type: A. have been categorized as “mellowed”
B. are generally less happy than those who are still striving for higher goals
C. almost always have a deep-seated sense of failure
D. are generally men who were never emotionally dependent on job success

Answer: 15-089 Adults who.follow the shifting career pattern try to achieve a better match between
their current job and which ofthe following?
Type: A. What they can do
B. What they want and expect from their work
C. What they are getting out of their current work
D. Allof these

Answer: 15-090 People may shift careers anytime during adulthood, but with its altered
family responsibilities and financial needs, is a typical time to do it.
Type: young adulthood
middle adulthood
older adulthood
UOW> none of the above

Answer: 15-091 Substantive complexity is

A. the degree to which work requires thought and independent judgment
Type: B. the degree to which work requires technical skills
C. the degree to which work tends to lead to stress and burnout
D. another term for creativity


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