Human Development Papalia Test Bank - 277

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Answer: B 17-001 The traditional age for entering into late adulthood is
A. 60
ype: oF Be 465
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Answer: C 17-002 Which ofthe following is not a widespread stereotype of the aged?
A. They are usually tired, poorly coordinated, and prone to
ype: 9 ¢C infections and accidents.
B. Most of them live in institutions.
C. They enjoy being older.
D. They can neither remember nor learn.

Answer: D 17-003 Positive stereotypes of older people

A. may be as inaccurate as negative stereotypes
Eype. F B. are nearly as harmful as negative ones
C. overlook the diversity of this population
D. all of the above

Answer: B 17-004 Ageism is

A. prejudice or discrimination, usually against young people
Type: F B. prejudice or discrimination against older person
C. negated by studies showing that older adults are more competent than younger
D. especially prevalent in Japan

Answer: B 17-005 Suppose you overhear someone say “I hate visiting my grandparents in that
retirement community they live in. Being around all those old people gives me the
Type © creeps!” This person is expressing
A. foreclosure
B. ageism
C. tacit knowledge
D. _ pre-operational thinking

Answer: C 17-006 In comparison with younger people, older people have often been portrayed by the
media as being , though that is improving.
Types F A. more attractive
B. more intelligent
C. less competent
D. less dependable

Answer: A 17-007 According to the text, which ofthe following is not a myth regarding the elderly?
They are over concerned with sexual matters.
Lype: CC They have many accidents.
They spend much time watching television.
gOw>They are grouchy.


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