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Answer: 16-084 The “sandwich generation” refers to

A. elderly adults who cannot afford a wide variety of foods

Type: B. grown children who are caught in the middle of divorcing parents’ conflict
C. middle-aged people who want to appear young but are beginning to feel old
D. adults who are caring for children and elderly parents simultaneously

Answer: 16-085 Caregiver burnout refers to

A. the exhaustion that occurs in an adult caring for an aged relative
Type: B. the unhappiness that parents feel when grown children return to live at home
C. feelings of resentment that stepparents feel in taking care of their own children
plus those oftheir spouse
D. the exhaustion felt by single parents with teenage children

Answer: 16-086 The longest-lasting relationship in most people’s lives is with a

A. parent
Type: B. spouse
C. sibling
D. child

Answer: 16-087 Which ofthe following statements about sibling relationships in middle age 1s true?
A. They tend to become more important as people grow older.
Type: B. Typically, siblings rarely see each other during middle age.
C. Sibling rivalry generally increases during adulthood.
D. Very few middle-aged people have living siblings.

Answer: 16-088 According to the text, most siblings

A. remain emotionally close during middle adulthood
Type: B. remain in touch, but become emotionally distant because of marriage
C. lose touch with one another during middle adulthood, but reestablish contact
during late adulthood
D. fail to support one another when caring for elderly parents

Answer: 16-089 Adults in the United States usually become grandparents in their
A. thirties and forties
Type: B. forties and fifties
C. fifties and sixties
D. sixties.and seventies

Answer: 16-090 The multigeneration kinship structure that includes children, parents, grandparents,
and sometimes great-grandparents is the
Type: A. extended family
B. nuclear family
C. layered family
D. assimilated family

Answer: 16-09] According to one study cited in the text, percent of U.S. children have a
“vital connection” with one or more grandparents.
Type: A. 10
Di 25


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