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Chapter 1 – Who? What?

Fourteen. What’s with that? Thank you very much for asking, my friend. That’s a number you should
actually be thinking right now. Why? Of course, this story is all about me and that special person who
inspired me to write this story.

My name is Matt. That is M-A-T-T, I spelled it for you as many of my friends doesn’t even know how to
spell a basic name. Some says Math, some says Mat, or even Mack. I don’t know why, but this name
confuses many. And just like anybody else, I have this weird thing happening inside me. There’s a voice
telling me stupid things like ditch your class, go to mall, party with your friends and all of that. I am a
student, grade 9 to be exact. And the life of a student is really not that perfect.

“Hey Mack!” Says the boy in green slacks and white polo. “Wanna hang out after school? There is a new
arcade just opened nearby! And there are plenty of chicks too!” “Nah, I’m good, Sherwin” I replied with
rolling my eyes out. “And it’s Matt, not Mack, you dummy!” We’ve been together for – what? 2 years?
And you still call me using that idiot nickname.” “Dude, chill! I’m just teasing you. I know you’re not into
arcade or something, but let’s just enjoy this moment! The YOUTH!” Grinding my teeth, I yelled at him
“NO!” And that NO caught people’s attention.

Sherwin is one of my buddies. But I never liked his style. I’m a little not-into-girls, but he’s the other way
around. We’ve been classmates for two years now, and I hate to say it but this guy is the only person
talks to me like a real human. School's full of competition. Everybody knows that for you to be admitted
to a high-end university, you need solid A's. And when I say A, I mean A+s or A.

Thud – Thud – Thud! A sudden race of heartbeat! The … what? I forgot that there is a class ongoing.

“Class, what’s with the commotion?” Opening my book on page 14, afraid of being yelled at I said
“Nothing, Ma’am”. My teacher, Ms. Gale staring straight at us. “Hmm. I don’t expect that you'll start an
unnecessary event in my class, Mr. Brown. Detention for you, and Mr. Wellington.” Trouble, yes, I was
caught on a trouble, just because I refuse to hang out with that “arcade-lover-chick-boy” Sherwin.

Detention.Who likes to be put in an awkward situation where you can’t do anything at all aside from
listening to this “I’ll help you change for the better” teacher? Mr. Ten, our detention teacher finally
came with his words of wisdom. “Class, I know everyone of you has something that you want to escape
into. Hated school, or your not-so-friendly bully, your annoying parents, and all of that. But today, let me
help you accept, not escape from your reality.” Wait, what? I was just here because of my classmate and
I really am fine with my life. I don’t have anything that I want to erase, nor want to escape into. “Sir.
Uhm, Mr. Ten, this is unfair. Not that I don’t want here, but I was just dragged here by my classmate for
being too noisy.”

“That’s cute, Matt.” says Sherwin. “You yelled at me, dude. I was supposed to be outside, playing on the
arcade.” “ Darn it! If you just listened to my “No”, I-I-I.” I stutter because I saw a cute girl from the other
class. That girl is Trish. She has this wonderful smile, with long and gorgeous silky wavy hair, and cute
little eyes that always makes me shiver when they met mine. She’s with her friends, passing by. And I
don’t want her to see me in detention.

“You 'kay dude? Haha you sounded like electrocuted cat!” said Sherwin while staring at me like a bully.
“Don’t stare at me like that! You know that I am weak when she’s around. - - - Shush! Mr. Ten might
hear us! I don’t want additional time for detention. I just want to go home, eat my dinner, and sleep.” I
added “I don’t want to take about it anymore, alright?” … He nodded swiftly, but his eyes says the same.
His slit eyes tells me that he’s about to bully me if only not for Mr. Ten, we might get another day

7 P.M. have past, and I am sleepy as a lion. I grabbed my bike and travelled home. The only thing I
remembered while eating my stale bread and cold butter is that I don’t want to repeat that again. But at
the end of the day, my day was completed because I saw Trish.

Not knowingly, I talked loud enough for my dad to hear me “Trish, your smile. Oh my!”

He’s like “Who? What?! Who’s this Trish? You’re literally just 14. Don’t make me angry, young man.
Study, and the girls will be easier for you. Once you dace the real world, you’ll thank me, son.

St. Mary School is a very prestigious school. There are only two sections each grade level and the
headcount should not exceed 26. And I know that my dad, my mom, or anyone in my family to waste
the opportunity for me to have a better life. So what, this is my life, I can do anything I wanted to.

“Never mind that, Dad. It’s just a petty infatuation.” says my mom, smiling while looking at me like “My
son is already grown up.” Then she asked me “How’s school?” And I was like “It’s fine, just like every
other day. It’s literally the first quarter and I suppose you don’t expect anything special to happen.”

But then knew something was up because of my unusual tone. The tone of my voice is down and
bothered. Of course, I was in detention for doing nothing. But that’s not my teacher thought – again, I
disrupted her class because I shouted.

I finished eating my stale bread, drank the iced water in my glass, and went to bed. Tomorrow morning
will be different. This feeling must come to its end? I don’t think so. I just look forward to what it may

Then the morning came, and viola! Darn it, I still though about what happened yesterday! I’m stressed
out and I don’t know what to do. I became famous because of an “accidental tone” of my voice.
Anyways, I’ll try to not think about it for a while.

Oh I’m late! It’s already 7:30 A.M. and the class will start at 9. I just barely woke up. With my eyes half-
open and still half-witted, I grabbed the breakfast sandwich my mom made, and ate it. I rushed into the
shower without thinking anything. The water is cold, but I must rush this kind of things just now – darn
it, I’m freaking late! I grabbed my bike and rushed to school. I arrived at 8:47 A.M. “Wow, it’s earlier
than expected”. Luckily I didn’t wear my polo uniform as I arrived suuuuper sweaty.

“There, there. Matty! I heard what happened yesterday” says the curly chubby boy while chugging his
juice. “Shut up, James” I replied “So what? You wanna join the club? Come and shout while Ms. Gale
lectures. Come on”. He told me that it’s just a joke, but not for me. Especially that the rumor about the
commotion might reach the other class where “she” belongs.

Math class! My “favorite” subject. Just thinking about it makes me feel dizzy. Oh gosh, I can’t take these
numbers – what will this “x” has to do with my future? Can I use the square root to purchase my favorite
snack at the canteen? Anyways, this might be my least favorite subject, but for the sake of the school, I
just bear with it.
Wow! Time flies when you “enjoy”. Here comes P.E., my literal favorite subject! I am not that athletic,
but - - - this is a joint subject with the other section. Alright! I get to see Trish!

“Here we go, P.E. time!” says the muscular boy in white P.E. uniform. Wow, he sure changed fast from
that polo shirt earlier. Sam is really a sport-loving guy. Only thinks about basketball, football, and going
to gym. He annoys me a lot because he – he… he is Trish’s… well, he courts Trish, and she’s really into it.
He might be his type, the muscular, tall-dark-handsome combo guy. What’s my advantage? Hmmmm. I
can sing? Darn it! And I am And I become petrified when she’s around. Sooooo… yah. I am nothing
compared to this muscle man.

Well, I am just 14, I can build some muscles! Oh my.

I am distracted, but I expected this. No one to blame but me. I got no guts to confess this feeling. But
well, I am not giving up just yet. Not until they become a real couple.

“Hi Trish” says Sam with a freaking uncomfortable smile. “You look awesome on your P.E. shirt. Plus
matching that pink lipstick of yours”. I am freaking out when I saw that. He’s one of the popular guys the
rumor's talking about. Should I make my move? What should I do?

“Hehe, shove off handsome. You’re just teasing me. Those compliments aren’t true.” Trish said that, but
her eyes are sticking to Sam's “armor of the gods” body. She's really into it. Well we don’t know just yet
what will happen on the future. Sooo, I’ll just wait and see. But for me, the “Who? What?” is her, Trish,
the one I have a crush on.

Chapter 2 – The unexpected gallery

Weekends, at last! I can enjoy my time without thinking of anyone or anything but me, me, me! What’s
my plan for today?

 Go to a bookstore
 Buy a random keychain for my collection
 Play my guitar

Hmmmm, this seems nice. I will not think first about the things happened yesterday. That might bug me
up and destroy my mood. As my previous teacher said “Think about the past, and you will never get iver
it. Think of the present and the future you will thank you for that”. Seems legit, I should not be bothered
by yesterday’s event and I should look forward to what my future will become.

I went to my list and instead of going to the bookstore, I played my guitar. “Braaaang, braaaang! Tinin
tinin tin!” The noise came out of my guitar is nice. Not to brag about but I am a talented guitarist. I love
to play jazz and rock, depending on my mood. Hmmmm… what to play next? I got my phone and check
for the newest songs available on the internet. There you go, a mellow song that matches my mood.

Ha! I’m bored, might as well go to a bookstore to grab a keychain. So I went to the local bookstore inside
the mall near our school and purchase another guitar-figure keychain. “Added to collections, yes?” the
old man says while smiling at me. “ You’re a regular, so buy one and I’ll treat you another one for free”.
Gosh! An unexpected, but exciting treat for me today! Lucky! I think I will be never better after this.
Might grab a heart-shaped one and give it to Trish on Monday. Hmmm.
“Yah, Mister, I’d like to take your offer, buy this one” as I grab the flying v guitar keychain “and this one”
while grabbing the cupid-thingy keychain. I only paid for one and got one for free. Cool! I’ll brag this to
Sherwin on Monday. I usually never excited about Mondays, but I am now because of this crazy

I walked excitedly while looking at the keychains then – THUD! BANG! Oh my, I bumped into something
– or someone? I almost fell over because of my lack of balance. I tried to look for the person who just
bumped into me. But… but… the person’s gone! I just heard a quick “Oh I’m sorry!” on a shaking voice.
“What’s that?” I am pretty confused about what happened. It sounded like a girl, but I am not sure

Because of my boredom, I took my time and walk around the mall. Suddenly I found a gallery event.
“Awesome paintings!” I shouted while looking at those fascinating art works. I walked backwards while
excitedly explore the gallery. While I turn around, suddenly, and because of my clumsiness, I bumped
again into something.


I fell over this time.

While I still have my eyes closed, I murmured “I- I’m sorry..! I – I”.

I suddenly realized that I have bumped into a girl of my age. She is also seated on the ground, probably
fell over too. She looked at me for about seven long seconds with a shock on her face, and blushing red

“Oh my! I’m sorry… I must… go” she said while picking up the books on the ground. She rushed without
letting me talk further. But I realized that she forgot something important. Her identification card was
left behind, and I know that my responsibility to return it back to her.

“Great! This ID includes her address, and this is just few blocks away from home”. I don’t know but I felt
a little excited when I saw the card.

“Reine, huh? Name’s sound familiar. Hmmm?” Raine literally translates Queen in French. Pretty name,
nice. I need to locate Raine, she still might be inside this mall. I tried to locate Raine but it’s unable to.
She might went home or off to somewhere I don’t know. Who knows?

Before I left the mall, I saw Trish. “Oh my word! Why she’s here?” I never realized that she’s holding
hands with…

Dang! She’s with Sam!

Haha! My beloved high school life has been ruined. I walked fast, faster than I ever could and
disappeared from their sight. Well, what would I care? I’m bitter, yes, but there’s nothing I can do about

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