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On the Cover
Sandhill cranes (Crus canadensis) take off from their night refuge from
predators en route to nearby fields to forage for the day. Bosque del Apache
National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico. Photograph© William D. Bowman.

Ecology, Fourth Edition

Copyright© 2017 by Sinauer Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.
This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.

Address inquiries and orders to:

Sinauer Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 407, Sunderland, MA 01375-0407 U.S.A.


FAX: 413-549-1118
E-mail: publish@sinauer.com

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Bowman, William D. I Hacker, Sally D. I Cain, Michael L. (Michael

Lee), 1956-
Title: Ecology I William D. Bowman, University of Colorado, Sally D. Hacker,
Oregon State University, Michael L. Cain, New Mexico State University.
Description: Fourth edition. I Sunderland, Massachusetts : Sinauer
Associates, Inc., c2017. I Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017002873 I ISBN 9781605356181
Subjects: LCSH: Ecology--Textbooks.
Classification: LCC QH541 .E31933 2017 I DOC 577--dc23
LC record available at https:/ /lccn.loc.gov /2017002873

Printed in U.S.A.
For fen, Gordon, and Miles and their unwavering support,
and to my students for pushing me as much as I pushed them.

For my family and my students, whose gift of time

has made all the difference.

For Debra and Hannah, with thanks and love.

About the Authors

William D. Bowman is a Profes-

sor at the University of Colorado at
Boulder, affiliated with the Depart-
ment of Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology, Mountain Research Station,
and the Institute of Arctic and Alpine
Research. He earned his Ph.D. from
Duke University. Dr. Bowman has
taught courses in introductory ecol-
ogy, plant ecology, plant-£oil interac-
tions, and ecosystems ecology, and
for over two decades he has directed
undergraduate summer field courses
and research programs. His research
focuses on the intersections of physi-
ological ecology, community dynam-
ics, and ecosystem function, particu-
larly in the context of environmental

Sally D. Hacker is a Professor at

Oregon State University, Corvallis,
where she has been a faculty member
since 2004. She has taught courses
in introductory ecology, community William D. Bowman Sally D. Hacker Michael L. Cain
ecology, and marine biology. She is
particularly interested in promot-
ing active and experiential learning textbooks, Ecology and Life: The Sci- and the Rose-Hulman Institute of
for students interested in ecology ence of Biology (Sinauer), she is author Technology. In addition to his work
and field experiences. Dr. Hacker's or coauthor on numerous articles and on this book, Dr. Cain is a coauthor
research explores the structure, func- book chapters exploring themes in of Campbell's Biology (Eleventh Edi-
tion, and services of natural and community ecology and ecosystem tion) and Biology in Focus (Second
managed ecosystems under varying functions and services. Edition). He has instructed students
contexts of species interactions and across a wide range of subjects, in-
global change. She has conducted Michael L. Cain, having opted to cluding introductory biology, ecol-
research with plants and animals focus full-time on writing, is affiliat- ogy, field ecology, evolution, botany,
in rocky intertidal, estuarine, and ed with the Department of Biology at mathematical biology, and biostatis-
coastal dune ecosystems. Her work New Mexico State University. After tics. His research interests include:
has most recently focused on the receiving his Ph.D. in Ecology and plant ecology; long-distance disper-
protective role of coastal ecosystems Evolutionary Biology from Cornell sal; ecological and evolutionary dy-
in mitigating the vulnerability from University, he was a faculty mem- namics in hybrid zones; and search
climate change. In addition to the ber at New Mexico State University behavior in plants and animals.
Brief Contents

1 The Web of Life 2 UnitS Communities 355

Unit1 Organisms and Their 16 The Nature of Communities 356
Environment 21 17 Change in Communities 377
z The Physical Environment 22 18 Biogeography 399
3 The Biosphere 50 19 Species Diversity
in Communities 424
4 Coping with Environmental Variation:
Temperature and Water 84 Unit6 Ecosystems 447
5 Coping with Environmental Variation:
20 Production 448
Energy 109
21 Energy Flow and Food Webs 470
Unit2 Evolutionary Ecology 135
22 Nutrient Supply and Cycling 493
6 Evolution and Ecology 136
Unit7 Applied and Large-Scale
7 Life History 160
Ecology 517
8 Behavioral Ecology 182
23 Conservation Biology 518
Unit3 Populations 203 24 Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem
9 Population Distribution and Management 544
Abundance 204 25 Global Ecology 568
10 Population Growth
and Regulation 226
11 Population Dynamics 249

Unit4 Species Interactions 271

12 Predation 272
13 Parasitism 294
14 Competition 317
15 Mutualism and Commensalism 336

Ecology is at the heart of understanding our world-it more fully below) about an applied problem or interest-
serves as the glue that brings together information from ing bit of natural history. Once students are drawn in by
a multitude of very different scientific disciplines, and the Case Study, the "storyline" that it initiates is main-
it integrates this information in a way that informs us tained throughout the rest of the chapter. We use a nar-
about how nature works. As our environment continues rative writing style to link the sections of the chapter to
to change at an alarming rate it becomes increasingly one another, thus helping students keep the big picture
critical that we improve our understanding of the reper- in mind. In addition, the sections of the chapter are or-
cussions of climate change, non-sustainable extraction of ganized around a small number of Key Concepts (also
resources, the spread of invasive species, and pollution. described more thoroughly below) that were carefully
Stewardship of resources that humanity requires-food, selected to summarize current knowledge and provide
clean water, clean air, and many others-is best under- students with a clear overview of the subject at hand .
stood through the lens of ecological understanding. Similarly, when designing the art, pedagogy came first.
Advances in ecology occur regularly, facilitated by Many students are visual learners, so we worked very
technological and computational breakthroughs, as well hard to ensure that each figure "tells a story" that can be
as creative experimental research. This continued ad- understood on its own.
vancement, along with the diversity of subjects that form As another way to help us achieve our primary goal
its basis, makes ecology a potentially daunting and com- of teaching students, we followed a "less is more" philos-
plicated subject to learn and teach. Covering the breadth ophy. We were guided by the principle that if we covered
of ecology sufficiently in a textbook requires care so that less material, but presented it clearly and well, students
students are not overwhelmed with the amount of mate- would learn more. Hence, our chapters are relatively
rial and instructors have adequate material to effective- short and they are built around a small number of Key
ly engage students. With these challenges in mind, the Concepts (typically, three to five). We made these choices
overarching goal for the Fourth Edition of Ecology was to to prevent students from being overwhelmed by long, dif-
enhance the book as a learning tool for students and as fuse chapters, and to allow them to master the big ideas
a teaching tool for professors. To achieve these goals, the first. In addition, we put our "less is more" philosophy
book's two core principles guided our every step. into action by asking each other whether the text served
one of the following purposes:
Core Principles Guiding Ecology, • Does it help to explain an essential concept?
Fourth Edition • Does it show how the process of ecological inquiry
This book is written for undergraduate students taking
their first course in ecology. We set out to introduce our • Does it motivate readers by focusing on a key eco-
readers to the beauty and importance of ecology, and to logical application or a fascinating piece of natural
do so without presenting them with too much material or history?
boring them with unnecessary detail. While writing the This approach made for some tough choices, but it en-
Fourth Edition of Ecology, we kept our focus on two core abled us to focus on teaching students what is currently
principles: "Teaching Comes First" and "Less Is More." known about ecology without burdening them with ex-
Enabling effective teaching is our primary goal and cessive detail.
motivation in Ecology. The structure and content of our We also recognize that many instructors are choosing
chapters are designed primarily to make them good tools to "flip" their instructional style, with an emphasis on
for teaching. For example, to introduce the material cov- hands-on activities during classroom time and a greater
ered and capture student interest, each chapter begins reliance on student learning of core material outside of the
with an engaging story (a "Case Study," as described classroom. Ecology serves this purpose well with its clear,
Preface IX

easy-to-read, and well-organized presentation of material. Case Studies Each chapter opens with an interesting vi-
In addition, there are several quantitative features-Ana- gnette-a Case Study. By presenting an engaging story or
lyzing Data exercises in the text and on the companion interesting application, the Case Study captures the read-
website, Hone Your Problem-Solving Skills and Hands- er 's attention while introducing the topic of the chapter.
On Problem Solving exercises-that can serve as the basis Later, the reader is brought full circle with the correspond-
for hands-on exercises. ing "Case Study Revisited" section at chapter's end. Each
Case Study relates to multiple levels of ecological hierar-
chy, thereby providing a nice lead-in to the Connections in
New to Ecology, Fourth Edition Nature feature, described next.
In striving to make Ecology the best teaching tool possi-
ble, we have updated, replaced, and edited sections of the Connections in Nature In most ecology textbooks, con-
text as appropriate. To accommodate the new features de- nections among levels of the ecological hierarchy are dis-
scribed below and keep the book to a manageable length, cussed briefly, perhaps only in the opening chapter. As a
we have revised and cut some sections. The Fourth Edition result, many opportunities are missed to highlight for stu-
includes: dents the fact that events in natural systems really are in-
terconnected. To facilitate the ability of students to grasp
Analyzing Data Exercises As part of their education how events in nature are interconnected, each chapter of
students should become comfortable working with and Ecology closes with a section that discusses how the mate-
analyzing data. Toward that end, we've added additional rial covered in that chapter affects and is affected by inter-
Analyzing Data exercises on the companion website. These actions at other levels of the ecological hierarchy. Where
online exercises give students extra practice with essential appropriate, these interconnections are also emphasized
skills such as performing calculations, making graphs, de- in the main body of the text.
signing experiments, and interpreting results.
Online Climate Change Connection Climate change has
Climate Change Connection Recognizing the increasing broad ecological effects with important implications for
evidence for and effects of climate change on ecological sys- conservation and ecosystem services. Half of the Fourth
tems, Climate Change Connection examples have been added Edition chapters include an online climate change exam-
into the main text of the book. These vignettes help students ple. These Climate Change Connection vignettes link top-
appreciate the many consequences of global climate change ics in the text to other levels of the ecological hierarchy,
on the distributions and functions of organisms as well as while enriching the student's understanding of ongoing
the ecosystems they depend on. Nearly half of the chapters climate change.
now include an in-text Climate Change Connection.
Ecological Inquiry Our understanding of ecology is con-
Hone Your Problem-Solving Skills The Fourth Edition stantly changing due to new observations and new results
features a new section added to the set of review ques- from ecological experiments and models. All chapters of
tions at the end of each chapter. The Hone Your Problem- the book emphasize the active, inquiry-based nature of
Solving Skills questions expose students to hypothetical what is known about ecology. This occurs throughout
situations or existing data sets, and allow them to work the narrative and is further highlighted by the Analyzing
through data analysis and interpretation to better under- Data exercises discussed earlier, and by the Figure Legend
stand key ecological concepts and relate these concepts Questions (described below). In addition, Ecology includes
to real life situations. a similar online Analyzing Data exercise for every in-text
Analyzing Data exercise, and hands-on interpretative and
quantitative exercises, described next.
Hallmark Features
In addition to the changes we just described, we've re- Hands-On Problem Solving Exercises This popular
vised and strengthened the key pedagogical features of feature of the Companion Website asks students to ma-
Ecology, introduced in previous editions: nipulate data, explore mathematical aspects of ecology
in more detail, interpret results from real experiments,
Pedagogical Excellence Students taking their first course and analyze simple model systems using simulations.
in ecology are exposed to a great deal of material, on a Each chapter of the book includes one or more Hands-
conceptual as well as individual-systems level. To help On Problems. These inquiry exercises can be used in two
them manage this vast amount of information, each chap- important ways: assigned as homework (all are avail-
ter of Ecology is organized around a small number of Key able to students via the Companion Website), or used
Concepts that provide up-to-date summaries of funda- as in-class exercises (each is provided in a new instruc-
mental ecological principles. tor format that makes it easy to incorporate them into
X Preface

classroom sessions as active learning exercises or discus- time as we respond to new discoveries and new ways of
sion topics) . teaching. We would love to hear from you-what you like
about the book, what you don't like, and any questions
Figure Legend Questions Each chapter includes 3--6 Fig- or suggestions you may have for how we can improve
ure Legend Questions that appear in maroon type at the the book. You can reach us individually or as a group
end of the legend. These questions encourage students to by sending an email message to ecology@sinauer.com, or
grapple with the figure and make sure they understand its by writing us at Ecology, Sinauer Associates, PO Box 407,
content. The questions range from those that test whether Sunderland, MA 01375 USA.
students understand the axes or other simple aspects of
the figure to those that ask students to develop or evalu-
ate hypotheses. Acknowledgments
We wish to express our appreciation to the people at
Ecological Applications In recent years, ecologists have Sinauer Associates, with whom we worked closely during
increasingly focused their attention on applied issues. the writing but especially during the book's production.
Similarly, many students taking introductory ecology Andy Sinauer supported the plan for the book from its
are very interested in applied aspects of ecology. Thus, inception. He enthusiastically participated in every phase
ecological applications (including conservation biology) along the way. Danna Lockwood and Kathaleen Emer-
receive great attention in this book. Discussions of applied son did a terrific job guiding the book through its many
topics are woven into each chapter, helping to capture and stages of production. Lou Doucette did a superb job of
retain student interest. copyediting our manuscript. Elizabeth Morales provided
the beautiful illustrations. David Mcintyre and Martha
Ecological Toolkits Nearly half of the chapters include Lorantos, our photo editors, always managed to find ex-
an Ecological Toolkit, a box inset in the chapters that de- quisite images that enhance the information in the figures.
scribes ecological "tools" such as experimental design, Joan Gemme facilitated several rounds of page design.
remote sensing, GIS, mark-recapture techniques, stable We love her final version that you see here, as well as her
isotope analysis, DNA fingerprinting, and the calculation elegant cover design. Dean Scudder masterminded the
of species-area curves. entire marketing effort and Marie Scavotto produced the
attractive brochure. Mark Belk (Brigham Young Univer-
Links to Evolution Evolution is a central unifying theme sity) and Amy Arnett (Unity College) expertly wrote and
of all biology, and its connections with ecology are very assembled the engaging online and instructor resources.
strong. Yet, ecology textbooks typically present evolution These resources, along with the impressive array of sup-
almost as a separate subject. As an alternative to the stan- plements listed on pp. xiv and xv, were coordinated by
dard approach, the first chapter of Ecology's Unit 2 (Chap- Jason Dirks.
ter 6) is devoted to describing the joint effects of ecology And finally, we'd like to thank some of the many peo-
and evolution. This chapter explores the ecology of evo- ple who helped us tum our ideas into a book in print. We
lution at both the population level and as documented are grateful to our colleagues who generously critiqued
in the sweeping history of life on Earth. Other topics in the plan for the book or read one or more chapters in man-
evolutionary ecology are explored in Chapter 7 (Life His- uscript; they are listed on the following pages. Among the
tory) and in Chapter 8 (Behavioral Ecology). Concepts or hundreds of people we contacted while researching this
applications that relate to evolution are also described in book, we also wish to thank the following individuals for
many other chapters. their special efforts in providing guidance and generously
sharing their time and expertise: Jocelyn Aycrigg, Jenifer
Art Program Many of Ecology's illustrations feature "bal- Hall-Bowman, John Jaenike, Michelle Koo, Karen Mabry,
loon captions," which tell a story that can be understood Debra VamVikites, and Tim Wright.
at a glance, without relying on the accompanying text.
The art program is available as part of the Instructor 's
Resource Library (see Media and Supplements).
Ecology Is a Work in Progress
This book, like the subject we write about, does not con- mlcain@nmsu.edu
sist of a set of unchanging ideas and fixed bits of infor-
mation. Instead, the book will develop and change over

Reviewers for the Fourth Edition Ted Stankowich, California State University, Long Beach
Diana Tomback, University of Colorado, Denver
Anita Baines, University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
Monica Turner, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Nate Bickford, University of Nebraska at Kearney
Betsy Von Holle, University of Central Florida
Brian Butterfield, Freed-Hardeman University
Tobias Ziist, Cornell University
Kathleen Curran, Wesley College
John Fauth, University of Central Florida
Natalie Hyslop, University of North Georgia Reviewers for the First and Second Editions
Taegan McMahon, The University of Tampa David Ackerly, University of California, Berkeley
Luis Ruedas, Portland State University Gregory H. Adler, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Kathleen Schnaars Uvino, University of Jamestown Stephana Allesina, University of Chicago
Stuart Allison, Knox College
Reviewers for the Third Edition Kama Almasi, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
Diane Angell, St. Olaf College Peter Alpert, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
David Armstrong, University of Colorado
Anita Baines, University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
Robert Baldwin, Clemson University
Sarah Dalrymple, University of California, Davis
Betsy Bancroft, Southern Utah University
Mark A. Davis, Macalester College
Jeb Barrett, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
Abby Grace Drake, Skidmore College
State University
Joseph D'Silva, Norfolk State University
James Barron, Montana State University
Bret D. Elderd, Louisiana State University
Christopher Beck, Emory University
Mara Evans, University of California, Davis
Beatrix Beisner, University of Quebec at Montreal
Stephanie Fore, Truman State University
Mark C. Belk, Brigham Young University
Johanna Foster, Wartburg College
Michael A. Bell, Stony Brook University
Jennifer Fox, Georgetown University
Eric Berlow, University of California, Merced
Christiane Healey, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Kim Bjorgo-Thorne, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Hopi Hoekstra, Harvard University
Charles Blem, Virginia Commonwealth University
John Jaenike, University of Rochester
Steve Blumenshine, California State University, Fresno
Piet Johnson, University of Colorado, Boulder
Carl Bock, University of Colorado
Melanie Jones, University of British Columbia
Daniel Bolnick, University of Texas, Austin
Gregg Klowden, University of Central Florida
Michael Booth, Principia College
Michelle Koo, University of California, Berkeley
April Bouton, Villanova University
Karen Mabry, New Mexico State University
Steve Brewer, University of Mississippi
A. Scott McNaught, Central Michigan University
David D. Briske, Texas A&M University
Rick Paradis, University of Vermont
Judie Bronstein, University of Arizona
Karin Pfennig, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Linda Brooke Stabler, University of Central Oklahoma
Alysa Remsburg, Unity College
Kenneth Brown, Louisiana State University
Natalia Rybczynski, Canadian Museum of Nature
Rami Burks, Southwestern University
Dov Sax, Brown University
Stephen Burton, Grand Valley State University
Tom Schoener, University of California, Davis
Aram Calhoun, University of Maine
Andy Sih, University of California, Davis
XII Reviewers

Mary Anne Carletta, Georgetown College Vedham Karpakakunjaram, University of Maryland

Walter Carson, University of Pittsburgh Michael Kinnison, University of Maine
Peter Chabora, Queens College, CUNY Timothy Kittel, University of Colorado
David D. Chalcraft, East Carolina University Jeff Klahn, University of Iowa
Gary Chang, Gonzaga University Astrid Kodric-Brown, University of New Mexico
Colin A. Chapman, University of Florida Tom Langen, Clarkson University
Elsa Cleland, University of California, San Diego Jennifer Lau, Michigan State University
Cory Cleveland, University of Montana Jack R. Layne, Jr., Slippery Rock University
Liane Cochran-Stafira, Saint Xavier University Jeff Leips, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Rob Colwell, University of Connecticut Stacey Lettini, Gwynedd-Mercy College
William Crampton, University of Central Florida Gary Ling, University of California, Riverside
James Cronin, Louisiana State University Scott Ling, University of Tasmania
Todd Crowl, Utah State University Dale Lockwood, Colorado State University
Anita Davelos Baines, University of Texas, Pan American Svata Louda, University of Nebraska
Andrew Derocher, University of Alberta Sheila Lyons-Sobaski, Albion College
Megan Dethier, University of Washington Richard Mack, Washington State University
John Ebersole, University of Massachusetts, Boston Lynn Mahaffy, University of Delaware
Erie Ellis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Daniel Markewitz, University of Georgia
Sally Entrekin, University of Central Arkansas Michael Mazurkiewicz, University of Southern Maine
Jonathan Evans, University of the South Andrew McCall, Denison University
John Faaborg, University of Missouri Shannon McCauley, University of Michigan
William F. Fagan, University of Maryland Mark McPeek, Dartmouth College
Jennifer Fox, Georgetown University Scott Meiners, Eastern Illinois University
Kamal Gandhi, University of Georgia Bruce Menge, Oregon State University
Rick Gillis, University of Wisconsin, La Crosse Thomas E. Miller, Florida State University
Thomas J. Givnish, University of Wisconsin Sandra Mitchell, Western Wyoming College
Elise Granek, Portland State University Gary Mittelbach, Kellogg Biological Station,
Martha Groom, University of Washington Michigan State University
Jack Grubaugh, University of Memphis Russell Monson, University of Colorado
Vladislav Gulis, Coastal Carolina University Daniel Moon, University of North Florida
Jessica Gurevitch, Stony Brook University David Morgan, University of West Georgia
Bruce Haines, University of Georgia William F. Morris, Duke University
Nelson Hairston, Cornell University Kim Mouritsen, University of Aarhus
Jenifer Hall-Bowman, University of Colorado Shannon Murphy, George Washington University
Jason Hamilton, Ithaca College Courtney Murren, College of Charleston
Christopher Harley, University of British Columbia Shahid Naeem, Columbia University
Bradford Hawkins, University of California, Irvine Jason Neff, University of Colorado
Christiane Healey, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Scott Newbold, Colorado State University
Mike Heithaus, Florida International University Shawn Nordell, Saint Louis University
Kringen Henein, Carleton University, Ontario Timothy Nuttle, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Kevin Higgins, University of South Carolina Mike Palmer, Oklahoma State University
Nat Holland, Rice University Kevin Pangle, The Ohio State University
Stephen Howard, Middle Tennessee State University Christopher Paradise, Davidson College
Randall Hughes, Florida State University Matthew Parris, University of Memphis
Vicki Jackson, Central Missouri State University William D. Pearson, University of Louisville
John Jaenike, University of Rochester Jan Pechenik, Tufts University
Bob Jefferies, University of Toronto Keith Pecor, The College of New Jersey
Art Johnson, Pennsylvania State University Karen Pfennig, University of North Carolina
Jerry Johnson, Brigham Young University Jeff Podos, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Pieter Johnson, University of Colorado David M. Post, Yale University
Reviewers XIII

Joe Poston, Catawba College Jonathan Shurin, University of California, San Diego
Andrea Previtalli, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Frederick Singer, Radford University
Seth R. Reice, University of North Carolina Richard Spellenberg, New Mexico State University
Alysa Remsburg, Unity College John J. Stachowicz, University of California, Davis
Heather Reynolds, Indiana University, Bloomington Christopher Steiner, Wayne State University
Jason Rohr, University of South Florida Cheryl Swift, Whittier College
Willem Roosenburg, Ohio University, Athens Ethan Temeles, Amherst College
Richard B. Root, Cornell University Michael Toliver, Eureka College
Scott Ruhren, University of Rhode Island Bill Tonn, University of Alberta
Nathan Sanders, University of Tennessee Kathleen Treseder, University of Pennsylvania
Mary Santelmann, Oregon State University Monica Turner, University of Wisconsin
Tom Sarro, Mount Saint Mary College Thomas Veblen, University of Colorado
Dov Sax, Brown University Don Waller, University of Wisconsin
Maynard H. Schaus, Virginia Wesleyan College Carol Wessman, University of Colorado
Sam Scheiner Jake F. Weltzin, University of Tennessee
Thomas Schoener, University of California, Davis Jon Witman, Brown University
Janet Schwengber, SUNY Delhi Stuart Wooley, California State University, Stanislaus
Erik P. Scully, Towson University Brenda Young, Daemen College
Catherine Searle, Oregon State University Richard Zimmerman, Old Dominion University
Dennis K. Shiozawa, Brigham Young University
Media and Supplements
to accompany Ecology, Fourth Edition

For the Student optimized for use in presentations. Complex figures

are provided in both whole and split versions.
Companion Website (ecology4e.sinauer.com)
• PowerPoint Resources: Three different PowerPoint
The Ecology Companion Website offers students a wealth
presentations are provided for each chapter of the
of study and review material. Access to the site is includ-
ed with each new copy of the textbook (see inside front
cover). The Companion Website includes: • Figures: All figures and tables from each chapter,
with titles and full captions (in the Notes field) .
• Chapter Outlines and Summaries • Lecture: A complete lecture outline, including
• Hands-On Problem Solving Exercises that provide selected figures.
practical experience working with experimental • Hands-On Problems: Instructor versions of all
data and interpreting results from simulations and Hands-On Problems are provided in ready-to use
models. presentations.
• Analyzing Data Exercises----<ompanions to the • Hands-on Problem Solving Exercises: In addition
in-book exercises that give students extra practice to the instructor versions mentioned above, the stu-
with quantitative skills. dent versions of the exercises from the Companion
• Climate Change Connection examples explore Website, with answers, are included in Microsoft
the links between ecological concepts and climate Word format.
change. • Answers to Analyzing Data Exercises: Complete
• Web Extensions expand on the coverage of selected answers for all of the online Analyzing Data com-
topics introduced in the textbook. panion exercises.
• Online Quizzes are a great way for students to Test Bank
check their comprehension of the material covered The Ecology, Fourth Edition Test Bank includes a thorough
in each chapter (instructor registration required). set of questions for each chapter. All important concepts
• Web Stats Review-a brief statistics primer for are covered, and additional quantitative questions have
ecology. been added for the Fourth Edition. Each question is ref-
• Flashcards, Suggested Readings, and Glossary erenced to a specific chapter heading and concept num-
ber, and is categorized according to Bloom's Taxonomy.
All of the questions from the Companion Website online
For the Instructor quizzes are also included. The Test Bank is provided in
(All instructor resources are available to adopting in- three formats:
structors online. Instructor registration is required. Please • Microsoft Word (by chapter)
contact your Sinauer Associates representative to request
• Diploma (software included): Diploma is a pow-
erful, easy-to-use exam creation program that lets
Instructor's Resource Library you quickly assemble exams using any combina-
The Ecology Instructor's Resource Library includes a va- tion of publisher-provided questions and your own
riety of resources to aid instructors in course planning, questions.
lecture development, and student assessment. The IRL • Blackboard: Question bank files ready to import
includes: into your Blackboard course.
• Figures & Tables: All of the textbook's figures (in-
cluding photos) and tables are provided as }PEGs,
Media and Supplements XV

Online Quizzing Value Options

The Companion Website includes an online quiz for each eBook
chapter of the textbook. Via the instructor's website, these
Ecology, Fourth Edition is available as an eBook, in several
quizzes can be assigned or opened for use by students as
different formats, including VitalSource, RedShelf, Yuzu,
self-quizzes. Custom quizzes can be created usmg any
and BryteWave. All major mobile devices are support~d .
combination of publisher-provided questions and instruc-
For details on the eBook platforms offered, please v1s1t
tor-created questions. Quiz results are stored in an online
www.sinauer. com/ ebooks.
gradebook and can be exported. (Note: Instructors must
register with Sinauer Associates in order for their students Looseleaf Textbook
to access the quizzes.) (ISBN 978-1-60535-619-8)
Ecology is also available in a three-hole punched, loose-
leaf format. Students can take just the sections they need
to class and can easily integrate instructor material with
the text.

CHAPTER 1 • The Web of Life 2 CONCEPT 1.3 Ecologists evaluate com peting hyp otheses
about natural system s w ith observations, experiments,
Deformity and Decline in Amphibian Populations: and models. 13
ACaseStudy 2 Answering Ecological Questions 13
Approaches Used To Study Global Warming 14
CONCEPT 1.1 Events in the natural world are
interconnected . 3 • ECOLOGICAL TOOLKIT 1.1
Designing Ecological Experiments 15
Connections in Nature 3
CONCEPT 1.2 Ecology is the scientific study of Are Introduced Predators a Cause of Amphibian
interac tion s between organisms and their Decline? 17
en vironm ent. 8
What Is Ecology? 8 A CASE STUDY REVISITED Deformity and Decline in
Amphibian Populations 18
Mission Impossible? 18

Unit 1
Organisms and Their Environment 21

CHAPTER 2 • The Physical Environment 22 Global Climate Patterns 31

Climate Variation and Salmon Abundance: CONCEPT 2.4 Region al climates reflect the
influen ce of ocean s and continents, m ountains, and
A Case Study 22
vegetation. 34
Introduction 23 Regional Climate Influences 34
CONCEPT 2.1 Climate is the most fundamental ANALYZING DATA 2.1
component of the physical environment. 23 How Do Changes in Vegetation Cover Influence
Climate 23 Climate? 37

CONCEPT 2.2 Winds and ocean currents result CONCEPT 2.5 Season al and long-term climate variation
from d ifferences in solar radiation across Earth's are associated w ith ch anges in Earth's position relative
su rface. 26 to the sun. 38
Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulation 26 Climate Variation over Time 38
CONCEPT 2.3 Large-scale atmosph eric and oceanic
circ ulation patterns establish global patterns of
temperature and precip itation. 31
Contents XVII

CONCEPT Z.6 Salinity, acidity, and oxygen CONCEPT 4.Z The temperature of an organism is
concentrations are major determina nts of the chemical determined by exchanges of energy w ith the externa l
env ironment. 44 environment. 88
The Chemical Environment 44 Variation in Temperature 88
A CASE STUDY REVISITED Climate Variation and Salmon ANALYZING DATA 4.1
Abundance 46 How Does Fur Thickness Influence Metabolic Activity in
Endotherms? 97
Climate Variation and Ecology 47 CONCEPT 4.3 The water balance of an organism is
determ ined by exchanges of water and solutes with the
externa l env ironment. 98
CHAPTER 3 • The Biosphere SO Variation in Water Availability 98
The American Serengeti-Twelve Centuries of A CASE STUDY REVISITED Frozen Frogs 105
Change in the Great Plains: A Case Study SO CONNECTIONS IN NATURE
Introduction 51 Desiccation Tolerance, Body Size, and Rarity 106
CONCEPT 3.1 Terrestrial biomes are cha racterized by the
growth forms of the dominant vegetation. 51 CHAPTERs • Coping with Environmental
Terrestrial Biomes 51 Variation: Energy 109
Climate Diagrams 54 Toolmaking Crows: A Case Study 109
Tropical Forests and Greenhouse Gases 57
CONCEPT 5.1 Organ is ms obtain energy from sunlight,
ANALYZING DATA 3.1 from inorganic chemical compounds, or through the
How Will Climate Change Affect the Grasslands con sumption of organic compounds. 110
Biome? 6Z Sources of Energy 110
CONCEPT 3.Z Biological zones in freshwater ecosystems CONCEPT S.Z Radiant and chemical energy captured by
are associated w ith the velocity, depth, temperature, autotrophs is converted into stored energy in carbon-
clarity, and chemistry of the water. 71 carbon bonds. 112
Freshwater Biological Zones 71 Autotrophy 112
CONCEPT 3.3 Marine biological zones are determined by ANALYZING DATA 5.1
ocean depth, light availability, and the stab ility of the How Does Acclimatization Affect Plant Energy
bottom substrate. 73 Balance? 116
Marine Biological Zones 73 CONCEPT 5.3 Env ironmental constraints have resulted
A CASE STUDY REVISITED The American Serengeti- in the evolution of biochemical pathways that improve
'I'welve Centuries of Change in the Great Plains 79 the efficiency of photosynthesis. 117
RlJ CONNECTIONS IN NATURE Photosynthetic Pathways 117
~ Long-Term Ecological Research 80 CONCEPT 5.4 Heterotrophs have adaptations for
acquiring and assimilating energy efficiently from a
CHAPTER 4 • Coping with Environmental variety of organic sources. 123
Heterotrophy 123
Variation: Temperature and Water 84
Frozen Frogs: A Case Study 84 Stable Isotopes 1Z4
Introduction 85 A CASE STUDY REVISITED Toolmaking Crows 129
CONCEPT 4.1 Each species has a range of environmental CONNECTIONS IN NATURE
tolerances that de termines its potential geographic Tool Use: Adaptation or Learned Behavior? 130
distribution. 85
Responses to Environmental Variation 85
XVIII Contents

Evolutionary Ecology 135

CHAPTER 6 • Evolution and Ecology 136 CONCEPT 7.2 Reproductive patterns can be classified
along several continua. 169
Trophy Hunting and Inadvertent Evolution: Life History Continua 169
A Case Study 136
CONCEPT 7.3 There are trade-offs between life history
Introduction 137 traits. 172
CONCEPT 6.1 Evolution can be viewed as genetic Trade-Offs 172
change over time or as a process of descent w ith CONCEPT 7.4 Organism s face d ifferent selection
modification. 137 pressures at different life cycle stages. 175
What Is Evolution? 137 Life Cycle Evolution 175
CONCEPT 6.2 Natural selection, genetic d rift, and gene • ANALYZING DATA 7.1
flow can cause allele frequencies in a population to Is There a Trade-Off between Current and Delayed
change over time. 140 Reproduction in the Collared Flycatcher? 17S
Mechanisms of Evolution 140 A CASE STUDY REVISITED Nemo Grows Up 178
CONCEPT 6.3 Natural selection is the only evolutionary CONNECTIONS IN NATURE
mechanism that con sistently causes adaptive Territoriality, Competition, and Life History 179
evolution. 144
Adaptive Evolution 144
CHAPTER 8 • Behavioral Ecology 182
Evolutionary Responses to Climate Change 146 Baby Killers: A Case Study 182
CONCEPT 6.4 Long-term patterns of evolution are Introduction 183
sh aped by large-scale processes s uch as speciation,
mass extinction, and adaptive radiation . 148 CONCEPT 8.1 An evolutionary approach to the study of
behavior lead s to testable prediction s. 183
The Evolutionary History of Life 148
An Evolutionary Approach to Behavior 183
CONCEPT 6.S Ecological interac tion s and evolution exert
a profound influence on one another. 153 CONCEPT 8.2 Animals make behavioral choices that
enhance their energy gain and reduce their risk of
Joint Effects of Ecology and Evolution 153
becoming prey. 186
A CASE STUDY REVISITED Trophy Hunting and Foraging Behavior 186
Inadvertent Evolution 155
CONCEPT 8.3 Mating beh aviors reflect the costs
and benefits of parental investment and m ate
The Human Impact on Evolution 156 defen se. 191
• ANALYZING DATA 6.1 Mating Behavior 191
Does Predation by Birds Cause Evolution in Moth
Populations? 1S7 CONCEPT 8.4 There are advantages and d isadvantages to
living in groups. 196
Living in Groups 196
CHAPTER 7 • Life History 160
Nemo Grows Up: A Case Study 160 Does the Dilution Effect Protect Individual Ocean
Skaters from Fish Predators? 197
Introduction 161
CONCEPT 7.1 Life h istory patterns vary w ithin and
among sp ecies. 161
Behavioral Responses to Predators Have Broad
Life History Diversity 161 Ecological Effects 200
Climate Change and the Timing of Seasonal
Activities 164
Contents XIX

Populations 203

CHAPTER 9 • Population Distribution and CHAPTER 10 • Population Growth and

Abundance 204 Regulation 226
From Kelp Forest to Urchin Barren: Human Population Growth: A Case Study 226
A Case Study 204 Introduction 227
Introduction 205
CONCEPT 10.1 Life tables show how survival and
CONCEPT 9.1 Populations are dynamic entities that vary reproductive rates vary with age, size, or life cycle
in size over time and space. 205 stage. 228
Populations 205 Life Tables 228
CONCEPT 9.2 The distributions and abundances of CONCEPT 10.2 Life table data can be used to project
organisms are limited by h abitat suitability, historical the future age structure, size, and growth rate of a
factors, and dispersal. 209 population. 231
Distribution and Abundance 209 Age Structure 231
Have Introduced Grasses Altered the Occurrence of Effects of Climate Change on Tree Mortality
Fires in Hawaiian Dry Forests? 211 Rates 234

CONCEPT 9.3 Many species have a patchy distribution of • ECOLOGICAL TOOLKIT 10.1
populations across their geographic range. 213 Estimating Population Growth Rates in a Threatened
Species 23S
Geographic Range 213
CONCEPT 9.4 The dispersion of individuals w ithin CONCEPT 10.3 Populations can grow exponentially
when conditions are favorable, but exponential growth
a population d epends on the location of essential
cannot continue indefinitely. 236
resources, competition, dispersal, and beh avioral
interactions. 215 Exponential Growth 236
Dispersion within Populations 215 • ANALYZING DATA 10.1
How Has the Growth ofthe Human Population
CONCEPT 9.S Population abundances and Changed over Time? 238
distributions can be estimated w ith area-based counts,
distance m ethods, mark-recapture studies, and niche CONCEPT 10.4 Population size can be d etermined
models. 216 by d en sity-dependent and d ensity-indep endent
Estimating Abundances and Distributions 216 factors. 240
Effects of Density 240
Estimating Abundance 218 CONCEPT 10.S The logistic equation incorporates limits
A CASE STUDY REVISITED From Kelp Forest to Urchin to growth and shows how a population may stabilize at
Barren 221 a maximum size, the carrying capacity. 242
Logistic Growth 242
IIZJ From Urchins to Ecosystems 222 A CASE STUDY REVISITED Human Population
Growth 244
Effects of Climate Change on the Geographic CONNECTIONS IN NATURE
Distributions of Species 223 Your Ecological Footprint 245
XX Contents

CHAPTER 11 • Population Dynamics 249 Delayed Density Dependence 254

A Sea in Trouble: A Case Study 249 CONCEPT 11.3 The risk of extinction increases greatly in
small populations. 257
Introduction 250 Population Extinction 257
CONCEPT 11.1 Population growth patterns include • ANALYZING DATA 11.1
exp onential growth, logistic growth, fluctuation s, and How Does Variation in AAffect Population Growth? 258
reg ular cycles. 251
Patterns of Population Growth 251 CONCEPT 11.4 In metapopulation s, sets of spatially
isolated population s are linked by dispersal. 263
Metapopulations 263
Collapsing Population Cycles and Climate
Change 254 A CASE STUDY REVISITED A Sea in Trouble 265
CONCEPT 11.2 Delayed den sity dependence can cause CONNECTIONS IN NATURE
population s to fluctuate in size. 254 From Bottom to Top, and Back Again 266

Species Interactions 271

CHAPTER 12 • Predation 272 CHAPTER 13 • Parasitism 294

Snowshoe Hare Cycles: A Case Study 272 Enslaver Parasites: A Case Study 294
Introduction 273 Introduction 295
CONCEPT 12.1 Most carnivores h ave broad d iets, CONCEPT 13.1 Parasites typically feed on only one or a
whereas a majority of herbivores have relatively narrow few host species, but host species h ave multiple parasite
d iets. 274 sp ecies. 296
Carnivore and Herbivore Dietary Preferences 274 Parasite Natural History 296
CONCEPT 12.2 Predation results in a w ide range of CONCEPT 13.2 Hosts h ave mech anisms for defending
capture and avoida nce mechanism s. 276 them selves against parasites, and parasites h ave
Mechanisms Important to Predation 276 mech anism s for overcoming host defenses. 298
Defense and Counterdefenses 298
CONCEPT 12.3 Predator population s can cycle w ith their
p rey p opulation s. 281 • ANALYZING DATA 13.1
Predator-Prey Population Cycles 281 Will a Defensive Symbiont Increase in Frequency in a
Host Population Subjected to Parasitism? 300
Do Different Herbivore Species Select for Different CONCEPT 13.3 Host and parasite population s can
Plant Genotypes? 282 evolve together, each in response to selection press ure
imposed by the other. 302
CONCEPT 12.4 Predation can affec t prey d istribution Parasite-Host Coevolution 302
and abundance, in some cases causing a shift from one
community type to another. 286 CONCEPT 13.4 Hosts and parasites can have important
Effects of Predation on Communities 286 effects on each other 's p opulation dynamics. 305
A CASE STUDY REVISITED Snowshoe Hare Cycles 290
Host-Parasite Population Dynamics 305
~ CONNECTIONS IN NATURE CONCEPT 13.5 Parasites can alter the o utcomes of
IIZJ From Fear to Hormones to Population sp ecies interaction s, thereby causing communities
Dynamics 291 to ch ange. 309
Parasites Can Change Ecological
Communities 309
Contents XXI


Climate Change and Disease Spread 310 Eat Animals 332
CONNECTIONS IN NATURE The Paradox of Diversity 333
From Chemicals to Evolution and Ecosystems 314
CHAPTER 15 • Mutualism and
CHAPTER 14 • Competition 317 Commensalism 336
Competition in Plants That Eat Animals: A Case The First Farmers: A Case Study 336
Study 317 Introduction 337
Introduction 318
CONCEPT 15.1 In positive interaction s, n o species is
CONCEPT 14.1 Competition can be d irec t or indirec t, h armed an d the ben efits are greater tha n the costs for
var y in its inten sity, an d occu r between sim ila r or at least one species. 337
dissimilar species. 319 Positive Interactions 337
General Features of Competition 319
CONCEPT 15.2 Each partner in a mutualistic interac tion
CONCEPT 14.2 Competing species are m ore likely to acts in ways that serve its own ecological an d
coexist when they use resou rces in different ways. 322 evolutionary in terests. 343
Competitive Coexistence 322 Characteristics of Mutualism 343
CONCEPT 14.3 Competitive in teraction s can be modeled • ANALYZING DATA 15.1
using the logistic equation . 325 Does a Mycorrhizal Fungus Transfer More Phosphorus
to Plant Roots That Provide More Carbohydrates? 345
The Lotka-Volterra Competition Model 325
• ANALYZING DATA 14.1 CONCEPT 15.3 Positive in teractions affec t the
Will Competition with a Native Mosquito Species abun dances an d d istrib utions of popula tion s as well
Prevent the Spread of an Introduced Mosquito? 329 as the str ucture of ecological communities. 347
Ecological Consequences of Positive
CONCEPT 14.4 The outcom e of competition can be Interactions 347
altered by the p h ysical environment, d isturban ce, and
predation . 329 A CASE STUDY REVISITED The First Farmers 351
Altering the Outcome of Competition 329 CONNECTIONS IN NATURE
From Mandibles to Nutrie nt Cycling 351

Communities 355

CHAPTER 16 • The Nature of • ANALYZING DATA 16.1

What Are the Effects of Invasive Species on Species
Communities 356 Diversity? 363
"Killer Algae!": A Case Study 356 CONCEPT 16.3 Commu n ities can be charac terized by
Introduction 357 complex n e tworks of d irec t and indirec t in teractions
tha t vary in streng th and d irection. 365
CONCEPT 16.1 Communities are groups of in teractin g Interactions of Multiple Species 365
species that occur together a t the same p lace a n d
time. 357 • ECOLOGICAL TOOLKIT 16.1
Measurements of Interaction Strength 369
What Are Communities? 357
CONCEPT 16.2 Species d iversity and species com position Context De pe nde nce of Ocean Acidifi cation 3 72
are important descrip tors of community str ucture. 360
Community Structure 360 A CASE STUDY REVISITED "Killer Algae! " 373
Stopping Invasions Requires Commitment 374
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Baffle. Frustrate, thwart, defeat, circumvent, checkmate,
undermine; bewilder, perplex, confound, disconcert.
Ant. Aid, assist, advance, encourage, promote.
Balance. Poise, hold in equilibrium; weigh, compare, estimate;
neutralize, counteract, compensate; equalize, square, adjust.
Ant. Upset, cant, tilt, overbalance, subvert.
Bald. Bare, hairless; treeless, unsheltered, naked, verdureless;
unadorned, prosaic, dull, vapid, tame, inelegant; literal,
unvarnished; mere, unsupported, uncorroborated.
Ant. Adorned, periwigged; forested, shaded; bright, elegant,
rhetorical; ornate, polished, witty, scintillating.
Baleful. Harmful, hurtful, injurious, baneful, pernicious, deadly,
Ant. Innocent, beneficial, salutary, advantageous.
Balk. Frustrate, defeat, foil.
Ant. Aid, promote, instigate.
Banish. Dismiss, drive out, eject, expel, exile, ostracize, evict,
Ant. Welcome, admit, protect, domesticate, harbor.
Banquet. Feast, treat, regalement, entertainment, festivity,
carousal, cheer.
Ant. Fast, starvation, abstinence.
Banter, n. Badinage, irony, raillery, ridicule, satire, chaff, mockery,
jeering, derision.
Ant. Discourse, discussion.
Barbarous. Brutal, atrocious, cruel, inhuman, merciless, savage,
barbaric, barbarian.
Ant. Civilized, humane, polite, refined, tender, delicate,
cultured, elegant, nice, courtly.
Bare. Nude, naked, unclothed, exposed; sheer, simple, mere; bald,
unadorned, meager; poor, destitute, indigent, empty.
Ant. Dressed, protected; rich, luxurious, costly.
Bargain. Agreement, contract, stipulation, transaction; purchase,
speculation, haggling, getting, proceeds; cheap purchase.
Ant. Loss, misprofit; cheat.
Barren. Sterile, childless, unprolific; unfertile, unproductive;
uninstructive, ineffectual.
Ant. Productive, fertile, luxuriant, fecund; profitable, useful.
Barrier. Obstruction, hindrance, obstacle, bar, barricade, rampart;
restraint, restriction.
Ant. Thoroughfare, entrance, admittance, opening, passage.
Base. Cheap, worthless, inferior; vulgar, humble, unknown; mean,
contemptible, servile; shameful, scandalous, vile.
Ant. Noble, honored, exalted, pure, valued, lofty, esteemed,
Bashful. Modest, shy, retiring, reserved, diffident.
Ant. Bold, forward, pert, impudent, confident, conceited,
Basis. Base, foundation, groundwork.
Ant. Apex, top, superstructure.
Bathe. Wash, lave, cover, flood, immerse, suffuse.
Ant. Dry, expose.
Battle, n. Fight, contest, skirmish, combat, encounter, bout,
engagement, strife, action, conflict.
Ant. Armistice, truce, concord.
Bauble. Trifle, toy, plaything, trinket, gimcrack, knickknack.
Ant. Valuable, jewel, ornament, decoration, gem, possession.
Bays. Crown, wreath, garland, chaplet; honors, renown, plaudits,
praise, glory, applause.
Ant. Disgrace, contumely, stigma, brand.
Beach. Shore, strand, margin, sands, marge, rim, coast, seashore,
Ant. Ocean, sea, deep, main.
Beacon, n. Signal fire, mark, sign, guide, light, flame.
Ant. Shadow; dark; will-o’-the-wisp, ignis fatuus.
Beam, v. Shine, emit rays, beacon, gleam, glitter, be radiant.
Ant. Die out, grow dark, go out.
Bear. Support, sustain, hold up, carry; have, hold, possess; suffer,
undergo, endure, tolerate, submit to; permit, allow; maintain,
cherish, harbor; be responsible for; produce, yield, give birth to;
Ant. Drop, drag; release, give up; protest, resist, rebel, resent,
Bearing. Behavior, deportment, demeanor, appearance, aspect,
position, carriage, mien, air; relation, connection; patience,
endurance; direction, course, aim; effect, force, meaning, scope;
producing; bed, socket.
Ant. Misbehavior; disconnection, independence, irrelevancy;
pendency, suspension; diversion, deflection; inanity, absurdity.
Beat. Strike, thrash, flog, cudgel, pound, scourge, whip, batter,
smite, pommel, overcome, chastise, conquer, defeat, castigate,
bruise, bastinado, belabor, switch, spank, worst, vanquish.
Ant. Soothe, stroke, caress, pat, shield, protect, mollify, heal.
Beatific. Ravishing, enrapturing, enchanting, transporting,
Ant. Tormenting, disgusting, obnoxious.
Beatitude. Bliss, felicity, blessedness.
Ant. Suffering, tribulation, pain, dolor.
Beautiful. Handsome, lovely, charming, fair, pretty, graceful,
exquisite, beauteous, bewitching, attractive, picturesque, comely.
Ant. Hideous, repulsive, ugly, deformed, frightful, ghastly,
Because. Since, inasmuch as, for, as.
Ant. Yet, notwithstanding, however, although, nevertheless.
Beckon. Signal, sign, call by gesture, nod.
Ant. Ignore, repulse.
Become. Suit, adorn, fit, set off, be appropriate to; get or grow to,
turn to, change into; befall, bechance, happen to.
Ant. Disagree, clash, mismatch.
Becoming. Befitting, beseeming, fit, graceful, proper, neat,
suitable, congruous, worthy.
Ant. Unseemly, indecent, derogatory, unsuitable.
Befall. Happen, occur, chance, betide.
Ant. Impend, threaten, loom.
Befitting. Decent, becoming, suitable, proper, appropriate,
Ant. Compulsory, obligatory; improper, inexpedient.
Before. Preceding, in front of; prior to, previous; in advance of,
ahead of; hitherto; above, in a former place or previous passage;
formerly, of old, already; under the judgment or control of.
Ant. Behind, after, subsequently, later.
Beg. Beseech, pray, ask, request, supplicate, solicit, sue, implore,
Ant. Require, demand, extort, exact, insist; refuse.
Beggar. Mendicant, supplicant, pauper, suitor, applicant.
Ant. Bestower, giver, benefactor.
Beggary. Want, penury, indigence, destitution.
Ant. Riches, wealth, affluence, abundance, plenty.
Beginning. Origin, commencement, fountain, source, spring, start,
opening, initiation, arising, outset, rise, inception, inauguration.
Ant. End, finish, fulfilment, outcome, conclusion, termination,
result, effect, expiration, completion.
Beguile. Cheat, deceive, befool; amuse, entertain, cheer, solace.
Ant. Enlighten, advise; weary, bore.
Behavior. Conduct, deportment, manners, breeding, carriage,
bearing, action, demeanor, life.
Ant. Misconduct, misdemeanor.
Behest. Command, injunction, charge, precept.
Ant. Option, liberty.
Behind. Back, astern, rearward.
Ant. Before, in front of.
Behold. See, look, discern, gaze, scan, observe, contemplate.
Ant. Ignore, miss, wink, overlook, disregard, connive.
Behoof. Advantage, profit.
Ant. Loss, detriment, disadvantage.
Being. Reality, existence, actuality; essence, inmost nature,
substance, life, vital principle, root, heart.
Ant. Nonentity, nullity, non-existence.
Beleaguer. Besiege, beset, blockade, invest; compass, block up,
surround, obstruct, environ.
Ant. Abandon; conquer, subdue.
Belief. Trust, confidence, conviction, credence, persuasion,
reliance, assurance; dogma, creed, tenets, opinion, view; credit,
acceptance, assent, currency.
Ant. Distrust, denial, discredit, dissent, rejection, disavowal.
Belligerent. Warlike, contending, conflicting, hostile, rival,
opposed, adverse, antagonistic, pugnacious, contentious,
Ant. Peaceful, friendly, forbearing, pacific, neutral.
Belonging, n. Quality, gift, endowment, attribute; property, goods,
estate, chattel, possession; appendage, appurtenance, accessory.
Belonging, a. Related, connected, appertaining, congenial,
cognate, accompanying.
Ant. Alien, optional, independent, irrelevant.
Below. Under, beneath, underneath, hereinafter.
Ant. Above, beforementioned, previously.
Bend. Curve, twist, crook, bow, deflect, deviate, diverge, twine;
influence, persuade, incline, submit.
Ant. Straighten, stiffen, direct; resist, break, crush.
Beneath. Below, under, underneath; unworthy of, unbefitting.
Ant. Above, superior to; over, aloft.
Benediction. Benison, blessing, beatitude; gratitude, thanks,
praise; benefit, grace, boon.
Ant. Curse, censure, execration, ingratitude.
Benefactor. Patron, supporter, upholder, friend, contributor.
Ant. Destroyer, enemy, oppressor, brute.
Beneficence. Charity, bounty, liberality, benevolence.
Ant. Malevolence, hatred, stinginess, miserliness,
Benefit. Boon, service, advantage, profit, favor, blessing.
Ant. Evil, loss, damage, calamity, injury, privation.
Benevolence. Kindness, humaneness, charitableness, good will,
altruism, beneficence, liberality, philanthropy, benignity, bounty,
humanity, sympathy, munificence, generosity, unselfishness, kind-
Ant. Malevolence, malignity, selfishness, stinginess,
unkindness, brutality, churlishness, barbarity, illiberality, self-
seeking, niggardliness, harshness.
Benign. Kind, gracious, amiable, gentle, friendly, benevolent,
humane, obliging, good.
Ant. Hateful, harsh, brutal, churlish.
Bequeath. Will, leave, devise; hand down, transmit, impart.
Ant. Withhold, alienate, disinherit.
Bereavement. Deprivation, loss, destitution, affliction, forlorn
condition, desolation.
Ant. Blessing, compensation, reparation, consolation,
restitution, restoration, substitution.
Bereft. Stripped, despoiled, deprived.
Ant. Endowed, blessed, enriched, compensated.
Beseech. Beg, implore, pray, ask, solicit, entreat, petition,
Ant. Grant, requite, confer; disdain, defy.
Beset. Surround, circle, hem in, besiege, beleaguer; embarrass.
Ant. Defend, defy, repel.
Beside. Near, close together; aside from; out of.
Ant. Far, distant.
Besides or Beside. Except, save, distinct from; moreover,
furthermore, else, beyond that.
Ant. Apart, separate from; exclusively; finally.
Bestow. Give, present, award, grant, confer; place, stow, store.
Ant. Receive; seize, appropriate, usurp; disperse, throw away.
Bet. Stake, wager, pledge.
Ant. Plan, calculate, dispose.
Betide. Happen, bechance, befall, come to pass, occur, take place.
Ant. Result, be destined or doomed.
Betimes. Seasonably, in good time or season.
Ant. Inopportune, late, tardy, unseasonable.
Betoken. Signify, denote, indicate, represent, imply, prove, show,
augur; presage, prefigure, foretell, portend.
Ant. Mask, hide, mislead, belie, misrepresent.
Betray. Reveal, expose, divulge, deliver up, deceive; manifest,
show, indicate; lure, ensnare, entrap, beguile; seduce, ruin,
Ant. Protect, preserve, foster, cherish, conceal, suppress, guard.
Betrothal. Engagement, plighting, affiancing.
Better. Amend, ameliorate, improve, correct, advance, reform.
Ant. Make worse, degrade, wreck, weaken, cripple, impair,
Between. Amid, among, betwixt.
Ant. Outside, beyond, without.
Bewail. Bemoan, lament, sorrow, grieve.
Ant. Rejoice, joy, exult.
Beware. Take care, be cautious, be wary, look out, mind.
Ant. Be reckless, careless; neglect, ignore.
Bewilderment. Confusion, embarrassment, daze, maze,
perplexity, mystification.
Ant. Enlightenment, self-possession, calmness, discernment,
Bewitch. Charm, enchant, fascinate, captivate.
Ant. Repulse, avoid, recoil, annoy, harass.
Beyond. Over, across, remote, farther than, before; yonder, above,
Ant. Beside, near, at hand, close; behind, back; below, less
Bias. Bent, inclination, tendency, leaning, proneness, proclivity,
propensity, partiality, predilection.
Ant. Repulsion, reaction, repugnance.
Bicker. Wrangle, quarrel, dispute, squabble.
Ant. Agree, sympathize, understand, harmonize.
Bidding. Command, order, direction, appointment, mandate;
offer, bid, proposal.
Ant. Request, solicitation; refusal, rebuff.
Bide. Dwell, stay, reside, wait, tarry, remain; endure, bear.
Ant. Depart, go, move, migrate; resist, rebel, protest.
Big. Large, great, wide, bulky, huge, gross, fat; proud, arrogant,
haughty, pompous.
Ant. Small, little, least, thin, narrow; humble, subservient,
Bigot. Zealot, fanatic, dogmatist, devotee.
Ant. Skeptic, liberal, apostate, proselyte, doubter, agnostic.
Bigoted. Intolerant, opinionated, prejudiced, dogmatical, narrow-
minded, one-sided.
Ant. Liberal, broad-minded, open to conviction.
Bill. Account, charge, score, amount due, reckoning; draft of law;
poster, placard, advertisement.
Bind. Fetter, tie, fasten, shackle, restrict, restrain, secure; compel,
oblige, engage.
Ant. Free, loose, set free, untie.
Birth. Family, parentage, origin, source, lineage, nativity, descent,
extraction, race; rise.
Ant. Death, extinction.
Bit. Part, piece, fragment, morsel.
Ant. Whole, mass, aggregation.
Biting. Gnawing, sharp, severe, sardonic, censorious, piercing,
sarcastic, trenchant.
Ant. Pleasant, gentle, soothing, genial, flattering.
Bitter. Harsh, caustic, cutting, savage, acidulous, acrimonious,
irate, sharp, sour, stinging, pungent, virulent.
Ant. Sweet, honeyed, nectared, luscious, dulcet, saccharine.
Blacken. Slander, malign, defame, daub, bespatter, befoul,
asperse, traduce, vilify, decry, calumniate.
Ant. Clear, eulogize, vindicate, whiten, whitewash.
Blackguard. Rascal, scoundrel, villain.
Ant. Gentleman.
Blame. Censure, rebuke, chide, reprove, reproach, condemn,
vituperate, reprobate, reprehend, dispraise.
Ant. Approve, praise, exonerate, acquit, exculpate.
Blameless. Pure, innocent, irresponsible, without fault.
Ant. Guilty, implicated, blameworthy, faulty.
Blanch. Bleach, whiten, whitewash.
Ant. Blacken, stain, dye, darken, color.
Bland. Soft, gentle, mild, affable, gracious, tender, benign,
courteous, complaisant.
Ant. Harsh, abrupt, rough, biting, savage, severe, impolite.
Blandishment. Flattery, coaxing, fascination, wheedling,
attraction, charm, fawning, cajolery.
Ant. Bluntness, unmannerliness, roughness, scolding, severity,
Blank. Bare, drear, bleak, void, empty; utter, pure, simple, mere,
unqualified, unmitigated; amazed, astonished, confused,
Ant. Full, replete; complex; modified, qualified; composed,
controlled, self-possessed, cognizant, intelligent.
Blasphemy. Profanity, sacrilege, impiety, swearing.
Ant. Reverence, godliness, veneration.
Blast. Shrivel, destroy, blight, kill, ruin, wither, annihilate; explode,
rend, burst.
Ant. Restore, expand, swell.
Blazon. Exhibit, show off, blaze, blare, trumpet, proclaim, publish.
Ant. Conceal, hush, cover, hide, suppress, shroud, bury.
Bleach. Blanch, whiten.
Ant. Blacken, darken, soil, stain.
Bleak. Windy, exposed, bare; cold, chill, raw, desolate, comfortless,
Ant. Sheltered, protected, warm, balmy, cheerful, comfortable.
Blemish. Blot, spot, flaw, fault, imperfection, stain; defacement,
tarnish, disfigurement, disgrace, defect, dishonor, stigma, taint.
Ant. Purity, unsulliedness, honor, integrity, wholeness.
Blend. Mix, unite, fuse, merge, mingle, amalgamate, combine,
coalesce, harmonize.
Ant. Separate, run, dissociate, divide.
Bless. Delight, gladden, make happy, thank, glorify, exalt, praise,
extol, felicitate, cheer.
Ant. Curse, anathematize, sadden, grieve.
Blessing. Benediction, benison; good, benefit, happiness, profit,
boon, gain; glory, praise, gratitude.
Ant. Malediction, curse; bereavement, impoverishment,
calamity, deprivation, disaster, damage, detriment.
Blight. Pestilence, withering, blast, destruction.
Ant. Development, maturity.
Blind. Sightless, unseeing, eyeless, undiscerning, ignorant,
unconscious, uninformed.
Ant. Clear-sighted, far-seeing, discerning, penetrating,
conscious, keen, aware, sensitive.
Blink. Wink, ignore, connive, overlook.
Ant. Notice, note, mark.
Bliss. Blessedness, happiness, joy, ecstasy, rapture, felicity,
Ant. Torment, woe, suffering, misery, accursedness.
Blithe. Merry, joyous, cheerful, gay, lively, airy, sportive,
blithesome, mirthful, jocund, elated, vivacious, joyful.
Ant. Dejected, heavy, dull, sullen.
Block. Obstruct, arrest, stop, fill.
Ant. Free, open, clear.
Blockhead. Dunce, dolt, stupid fellow, numskull, ninny,
simpleton, ignoramus, dullard, booby.
Ant. Sage, adept, savant, philosopher, schoolman, luminary.
Blood-thirsty. Cruel, savage, ferocious, murderous, bloody,
bloody-minded, gory, barbarous, inhuman, ruthless, sanguinary.
Ant. Humane, kind, merciful, mild, tender, compassionate.
Bloom, n. Blossom, flower, flowering, efflorescence; flush,
freshness, prime, vigor, glow; delicacy, innocence.
Ant. Decay, decadence, blight, blast, roughness, toughness,
ghastliness, superannuation, cadaverousness, coarseness.
Bloom, v. Blossom, bud, flower, germinate, sprout, blow, develop.
Ant. Blight, be blasted, wither.
Blooming. Flourishing, flowering; young, beautiful, fair, fresh.
Ant. Fading, waning, old, unsightly, deformed, blasted,
Blot. Sully, spot, tarnish, spoil, discolor, pollute, stain, erase, blur,
blotch, smear, smutch, obliterate.
Ant. Cleanse, clear, whiten, blanch; perpetuate, preserve.
Blot out. Erase, cancel, expunge, obliterate, efface, destroy, wipe
Ant. Restore, replace.
Blow, n. Knock, thump, stroke, box, buffet, calamity, cuff, cut,
concussion, disaster, lash, misfortune, rap, shock, stroke, wound,
affliction, blast, gale, gust; disappointment.
Ant. Relief, comfort, blessing, consolation, assuagement.
Bluff. Abrupt, blunt, inconsiderate, open, rough, unmannerly,
uncivil, blustering, bold, brusque, coarse, discourteous, frank,
impolite, plain-spoken, rude.
Ant. Bland, courteous, genial, polite, refined, reserved, urbane,
Blunder. Error, mistake, misunderstanding, fault, slip, oversight,
inaccuracy, delusion.
Ant. Accuracy, correctness, truthfulness, exactness, ratification,
foresight, achievement, success, correction.
Blunt, a. Obtuse, dull, pointless, edgeless, brusk, abrupt, plain,
informal, stupid, stolid.
Ant. Sharp, keen, acute, sensitive, polished, courteous, refined.
Blunt, v. Subdue, numb, harden, dull, make dull, deaden, paralyze,
stupefy; moderate, allay, mitigate, assuage.
Ant. Quicken, sharpen, instigate, excite, stimulate, animate,
Blush, n. Bloom, color, reddening, carnation, complexion; shame,
confusion, guiltiness.
Ant. Pallor; innocence, purity, unconsciousness; boldness,
Bluster. Storm, rage, insult, roar, swagger, vaunt, boast.
Ant. Cringe, whine, whimper.
Boast. Vaunt, brag, swagger, magnify, make much of, swell,
bluster, triumph, glory, vapor.
Ant. Whine, cringe; minimize, apologize.
Bodily. Corporeally; completely, wholly, altogether, entirely,
collectively, unitedly.
Ant. Spiritually, ghostly; piecemeal, partially, gradually,
Body. Material or physical substance; carcass, corpse; trunk, stem,
bulk, main part; person, individual, mortal, creature, being;
company, society, corporation; system; consistency, substance;
ashes, form, dust, frame, remains, clay.
Ant. Intellect, intelligence, soul, spirit, mind; branch, limb;
world, universe; mass, conglomeration.
Boil. Bubble, rage, effervesce, explode, fume.
Ant. Calm, subside, cool, recover.
Boisterous. Loud, unrestrained, stormy, noisy, furious, violent,
Ant. Quiet, silent, unostentatious, mild, gentle, peaceful, calm,
serene, self-possessed.
Bold. Courageous, fearless, adventurous, brave, intrepid,
dauntless, audacious, daring, valiant.
Ant. Timorous, fearful, retiring, shy, bashful.
Bolster. Support, prop, help, sustain, aid, buoy, patch, defend,
Ant. Depress, fail, relax.
Bombast. Bluster, pomposity, fustian, braggadocio,
Ant. Modesty, humility, veracity, moderation, temperance.
Bond. Tie, fastening, manacle, fetter; compact, obligation, security.
Ant. Option, freedom, parole, honor, discretion.
Bondage. Servitude, slavery, imprisonment, captivity,
incarceration, subjection, serfdom, confinement, thraldom.
Ant. Liberty, freedom, manumission, independence.
Bondsman. Slave, serf, captive, vassal, prisoner.
Ant. Freeman, gentleman, master, lord.
Bonny. Fair, pretty, pleasant, handsome, shapely, buxom.
Ant. Homely, ugly, unseemly, deformed, ill-favored.
Bonus. Premium, douceur, boon, benefit.
Ant. Fine, penalty, discount, mulct.
Booby. Dunce, idiot, numskull.
Ant. Wiseacre, solon, oracle.
Bookish. Pedantic, studious, learned, erudite, educated.
Ant. Illiterate, ignorant.
Boor. Rustic, clown, lout, peasant, countryman, plowman, swain,
Ant. Gentleman, courtier.
Boorish. Rude, rustic, clownish, loutish, ungainly, awkward,
coarse, rough, gawky.
Ant. Polite, civil, polished, urbane, courtly, affable, gracious.
Bootless. Useless, unavailing, unprofitable, profitless, vain.
Ant. Effectual, profitable, useful, effective.
Booty. Plunder, prey, spoil, pillage, loot.
Ant. Restitution, fine, forfeiture, confiscation, penalty.
Border. Edge, limit, boundary, brink, rim, verge, enclosure,
confine, band.
Ant. Land, tract, interior, center, space, substance.
Bore. Pierce, perforate, penetrate, drill; weary, plague, trouble, vex,
worry, annoy.
Ant. Delight, gratify, please.
Bosom. Breast, heart, affection; hollow, depths, midst, inmost
recesses; retreat, retirement, quiet, privacy.
Ant. Surface, exterior, expanse; manner, deportment,
Both. Twain, two.
Ant. Either, each, every, neither, none, not any, no one.
Bother. Worry, pester, perplex, harass, plague, tease, vex, molest,
annoy, excite.
Ant. Aid, assist, calm, quiet, compose.
Bottom. Deep, profound, base, foot; foundation, basis,
groundwork; valley, meadow; ship, vessel; seat; grounds, lees,
sediments; stamina, power of endurance.
Ant. Top, height, acme, apex, summit, crown, brow; surface.
Bound, v. Skip, leap, frisk, jump, spring; confine, limit,
circumscribe, terminate, restrict, restrain.
Ant. Hobble, limp, crawl, creep, shamble; enlarge, open,
extend, spread out.
Boundary. Margin, limit, confines, border, bound, frontier, line,
marge, verge, termination, term, barrier, bourn, edge, enclosure,
landmark; circumference.
Ant. Land, region, estate, interior, territory; center, citadel;
Boundless. Unlimited, illimitable, unbounded, measureless,
Ant. Narrow, restricted, confined, circumscribed.
Bountiful. Liberal, generous, benevolent, unselfish, munificent.
Ant. Miserly, selfish, stingy, niggardly.
Bounty. Liberality, gift, generosity, charity, benefaction, benignity,
benevolence, munificence, donation; premium, reward, bonus.
Ant. Closeness, stinginess, niggardliness, miserliness.
Bower. Recess, arbor, retreat, alcove, summerhouse.
Ant. Open place.
Brag. Boast, vaunt, bully, swagger.
Ant. Cringe, whine, whimper.
Braid. Bind, weave, plait, tie.
Ant. Unbind, dishevel.
Branch. Member, bough, limb, shoot, arm, twig, scion, offshoot,
ramification; section, department, division; article, part, portion;
tributary; derivative line, cognate stock.
Ant. Trunk, stock, stem; race, family, house.
Brand, v. Denounce, mark, stigmatize, disgrace.
Ant. Honor, decorate, distinguish.
Brandish. Flourish, wield, whisk, shake, wave.
Ant. Suspend, stay, arrest.
Bravado. Boasting, bragging, bluster.
Ant. Diffidence, reserve, concealment, modesty.
Brave. Fearless, heroic, undaunted, undismayed, adventurous,
bold, courageous, daring, dauntless, gallant, intrepid, valiant,
venturesome, doughty, chivalrous, chivalric, splendid, courteous.
Ant. Afraid, cringing, fearful, shrinking, timid, timorous,
frightened, cowardly, faint-hearted, pusillanimous, churlish,
discourteous, fearsome.
Brawny. Muscular, strong, powerful, athletic, sinewy, herculean,
robust, stout.
Ant. Weak, fragile, delicate, feeble, effeminate, lean.
Breach. Break, rupture, opening, fracture, flaw, fissure, rent;
violation, infringement, non-observance; quarrel, difference,
variance, dissension, schism, alienation.
Ant. Integrity, wholeness, flawlessness, completeness;
reconciliation, healing; conservation, observance; inviolateness;
union, fidelity, amalgamation.
Break. Fracture, rend, part, sever, shatter, smash, shiver; weaken,
impair, enfeeble, enervate; tame; make bankrupt; dismiss, discard,
degrade, cashier; mitigate, assuage; interrupt, stop, cut short;
open, unfold; destroy, sunder, burst, rive, crack, crush, demolish,
rupture, split, transgress.
Ant. Fasten, join, mend, secure, unite, weld, attach, bind,
solder, heal, piece, conjoin, rejoin; protect, conserve; encourage,
strengthen, preserve; observe, obey.
Breast. Bosom, heart, affection, conscience.
Breathless. Out of breath; lifeless, dead; exhausted, eager,
absorbed, attentive, fascinated; astonished, astounded, bewildered.
Ant. Calm, collected, cool, composed; indifferent, uninterested.
Breed, n. Lineage, race, pedigree, progeny, stock, line, family,
extraction, strain.
Ant. Ancestor, source, original, origin.
Breed, v. Bring forth, bear, beget, produce; nurture, foster,
nourish; discipline, educate, instruct, train, teach, school; occasion,
originate, generate, procreate, propagate, cause, evolve.
Ant. Destroy, extirpate, stifle, extinguish.
Breeding. Discipline, instruction, education, nurture, training,
schooling; manners, deportment.
Ant. Ill manners, misbehavior; ignorance, illiteracy.
Brevity. Shortness, terseness, conciseness, compression, pithiness,
succinctness, pointedness; abbreviation, abridgment.
Ant. Prolixity, diffuseness, verbosity, length, protraction,
elongation, extension, tediousness.
Brew. Concoct, compound, mix, hatch, foment, excite; prepare,
collect, gather, grow; threaten, impend; form.
Ant. Disperse, break, spoil, mar, miscompound.
Bridle, v. Restrain, curb, control, govern, check; bristle, ruffle;
master, moderate, compress, repress.
Ant. Relax, loosen, give vent, liberate, discharge; soothe, calm.
Brief. Short, concise, succinct.
Ant. Long, tedious, diffuse.
Bright. Shining, resplendent, luminous, glowing, lustrous,
beaming, gleaming, glistening, blazing, flaming, flashing, radiant,
ruddy, refulgent, brilliant, dazzling, sparkling, scintillating,
burnished; lucid, clear, transparent, pellucid, lambent, cloudless,
limpid; glorious, famous, illustrious; intelligent, acute, discerning,
keen, ingenious; auspicious, promising, propitious, favorable,
inspiring; cheerful, merry, lively, happy, animated.
Ant. Opaque, dull, dark, gloomy, black, ebon, shadowy, rayless,
sunless, murky, cloudy, overcast, pitchy, lurid; obscure,
mysterious, enigmatical, mystic, unintelligible, occult, recondite,
abstruse, cabalistic, transcendental; disheartening, discouraging,
dismal, cheerless; ignorant, unlettered, untaught, imbecile, rude,
benighted; foul, infamous, horrible, damnable, vile, infernal,
wicked, sullen, atrocious, dejected.
Brilliant. Bright, radiant, flashing, lustrous, glorious, luminous,
effulgent, beaming, sparkling; illustrious, distinguished,
celebrated, famous, renowned, eminent.
Ant. Dark, dull, stupid, gloomy; notorious, infamous; obscure,
Bring. Bear, fetch, convey; conduct, guide, lead, attend,
accompany, convoy; obtain, gain, procure, produce; induce, prevail
Ant. Remove, export, send, exclude, debar, transport, abstract,
Brisk. Lively, quick, vivacious, active, alert, animated, prompt,
sprightly, nimble, spry, agile.
Ant. Slow, heavy, dull, sluggish, indolent, inactive, unenergetic,
Bristling. Full, crowded, swarming, stocked, multifarious,
multitudinous; bristly, standing on end like bristles; ruffled,
roughened, corrugated, bespined; bridled, angered, offended.
Ant. Smooth, soothed, allayed; prone; bare, nude, scant,
devoid, vacant.
Brittle. Fragile, crumbling, shivery, frail, easily broken.
Ant. Tough, stout, strong, hardy.
Broach. Open, pierce, tap; suggest, hint, approach, break; utter,
publish, proclaim, give out; originate, propound.
Ant. Repress, cork, bottle, secrete, conceal, hide.
Broad. Wide; large, ample, extensive, vast, spacious, capacious;
liberal, tolerant, free, hospitable; spread, diffused, open; gross,
vulgar, indecent, coarse.
Ant. Narrow; contracted, restricted, confined, limited;
prejudiced, illiberal, bigoted, reserved; veiled, enigmatical,
shrouded, shaded; refined, delicate, sketchy; specific, pointed.
Broil. Affray, quarrel, contention.
Brook. Tolerate, bear, suffer, endure, abide, submit to, undergo,
Ant. Resist, resent, reject.
Brotherhood. Fraternity, fellowship, association, sodality, society.
Browbeat. Bully, intimidate, bulldoze, overawe.
Ant. Rally, support.
Bruise. Pommel, crush, squeeze, break, pound, batter, deface.
Ant. Heal, soothe.
Brunt. Shock, attack, impulse, onslaught, onset, assault.
Ant. Repulse, resistance, endurance.
Brutal. Brutish, animal, beastly, bestial; savage, ferocious, cruel,
harsh, uncivil, rude, rough, gruff, impolite, brusque; sensual,
Ant. Humane, self-controlled, civilized, enlightened, elevated,
noble, refined, intelligent, grand.
Bubble. Toy, trifle, fancy, conceit, dream, vision, froth, trash.
Ant. Prize, treasure, reality, substance, jewel, good, advantage.
Buffoon. Wag, clown, jester, mountebank, harlequin, droll, punch,
Ant. Wit, genius, pedant, philosopher.
Build. Make, form, shape, figure, model; construct, erect, raise.
Ant. Demolish, overthrow, destroy.
Building. Architecture, edifice, structure, fabric, pile, erection.
Ant. Ruin, demolition, dilapidation, dismantlement.
Bulk. Magnitude, size, volume, mass; greatness, amplitude,
massiveness; majority, major part, most, principal part;
Ant. Portion, section, atom, particle; diminution, tenuity,
contraction, dismemberment, disintegration.
Bulwark. Rampart, fortress, fortification, stronghold,
intrenchment, bastion, parapet, citadel.
Ant. Siege, bombardment, cannonade, boarding, storming.
Bungler. Botcher, clown, fumbler, clumsy workman, novice.
Ant. Adept, adroit, master, artist, proficient workman,
Buoy, v. Float, support, sustain; elevate, inspire, assure, animate,
Ant. Sink, drown, depress, swamp; crush, betray, fail, deject,
Buoyant. Light; cheerful, hopeful, sprightly, vivacious, joyous,
blithesome, jocund, sportive, jubilant, elastic, floating.
Ant. Heavy, dejected, depressed, moody, joyless, cheerless,
Burden. Load, weight; cargo, freight; capacity, tonnage:
impediment, incubus, grievance, trial, trouble, affliction, sorrow;
chorus, refrain; topic, drift, tenor, point, substance.
Ant. Ease, lightness; facility, airiness, light-heartedness;
consolation, assuagement, alleviation, liberation, mitigation.
Burial. Interment, sepulture, entombment, burying.
Ant. Exhumation, disinterment.
Burlesque. Parody, travesty, caricature, ridicule, farce.
Ant. Classic, history, fact.
Burn. Char, consume, cremate, scorch, set on fire, singe, ignite,
incinerate, kindle, blaze, cauterize, glow, smolder.
Ant. Smother, stifle, subdue, extinguish, cool, put out; subside,
glimmer, lower, pale.
Burnish. Brighten, polish, make to glisten, glaze, gloss.
Ant. Dull, bedim, cloud, scratch, abrade.
Burst. Break, open, explode, blow up, rend, split, crack, discharge,
shatter, disrupt.
Ant. Cohere, hold, stand, stick together, adhere.
Bury. Inter, cover up, entomb, inearth, inhume, inurn; shroud,
conceal, secrete, hide; immure, confine; cancel, compose, hush,
cover with oblivion.
Ant. Resurrect, exhume, disinter, excavate, expose, resuscitate;
publish, announce, advertise.
Business. Employment, craft, trade, commerce, handicraft, traffic,
transaction, work, vocation, job, affairs, avocation, profession,
occupation, calling, concern, duty, office, interest.
Ant. Stagnation, leisure, inactivity.
Bustle. Activity, stir, commotion, excitement, haste, hurry, energy,
eagerness, flurry.
Ant. Idleness, inactivity, vacation, stagnation, quiet, indolence,
indifference, unconcern.
Busy. Engaged, employed, occupied; diligent, industrious, active,
working, sedulous; brisk, stirring, bustling, agile, spry, nimble;
meddling, officious.
Ant. Idle, lazy, indolent, slothful.
But. Save, except, furthermore, barely, besides, however, just, only,
notwithstanding, though, unless, yet, still, merely, nevertheless,
provided, moreover.
Buxom. Bonny, blithe, shapely.
Ant. Lean, slender, ill-shaped.
Buy. Purchase, bargain, acquire; bribe, corrupt, pervert, suborn,
Ant. Sell, hawk, retail, vend.
By. Through, with; at, on; from, according to; near, close by; past;
along, over; before, in the sight of, in the name of; per, at.

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