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February 2001

Materials Letters 47 Ž2001. 297–304


Relationship between impact energy and compression toughness

energy of high-strength fiber-reinforced concrete
¨ ¨ Eren, Tahir Çelik )
Khaled Marar, Ozgur
Department of CiÕil Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean UniÕersity, Gazimagusa, Mersin 10 Turkey
Received 8 June 2000; received in revised form 18 July 2000; accepted 21 July 2000


A simple, economical, and practical drop-weight impact testing machine was developed to determine the impact
resistance for high-strength fiber-reinforced concrete ŽHSFRC. composite. Impact and compression tests were carried out on
concrete cylinders reinforced with three different aspect ratios of hooked-end steel fibers lrd Žlengthrdiameter.: 60, 75, and
83 Ž30r0.50, 60r0.80, and 50r0.60 mmrmm., and four different percentages of steel fibers 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0% by
volume of concrete. For each aspect ratio and volume of fibers, complete stress–strain curves of HSFRC were generated in
order to determine the total energy absorbed for each cylindrical specimen in compression. The addition of steel fibres to
concrete has improved impact resistance and also the compression toughness. The test results showed that a logarithmic
relation exists between compression toughness energy Ž ECt . by means of the generated stress–stress curves from the
compressive tests and the impact energy ŽE I . by means of the modified impact machine for HSFRC at different lrd ratio of
60, 75, and 83. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: High-strength fiber-reinforced concrete; Impact energy; Compression toughness energy; Compressive strength; Stress–strain

1. Introduction istics of HSC. The short discrete fibers delay the

propagation of microcracks, due to the fact that
High-strength concrete ŽHSC. is generally speci- fibers bridge these cracks and restrain their widen-
fied as concrete having a compressive strength above ing, thus improve the post-peak ductility and energy
41 MPa w1x. HSC composite is a brittle material, and absorption capacity w4x. The effect of fibers on the
brittleness can be reduced by the addition of short mechanical behavior of high-strength fiber-rein-
randomly distributed discrete fibers up to volume of forced concrete ŽHSFRC. composite is governed by
2.0% or even greater w2x. The addition of steel fibers the volume of fibers, aspect ratio of fibers and bond
to HSC improves resistance to impact w3x and frac- between fibers and cementitious matrix. Toughness
ture that are governed by the toughness character- or energy absorption capacity can be determined
from the area under the stress–strain curve in com-
pression, which is the total energy absorbed prior to
Corresponding author. Tel.: q90-392-3653669; fax: q90-
complete separation of the specimen. In this re-
392-3654479. search, the area under the stress–strain curve was
E-mail address: ŽT. Çelik.. determined by using a computer program written in

00167-577Xr01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 5 7 7 X Ž 0 0 . 0 0 2 5 3 - 6
298 K. Marar et al.r Materials Letters 47 (2001) 297–304

Fortran Language based on Trapezoidal Rule that the number of blows is less if a larger mass Ž13.5 kg.
can read from the data file up to the required strain. is used, which is more effective in transmitting
A repeated impact drop-weight test Žequipment impact loads.
and procedure. has been published by the ACI Com- The objective of the present work is to produce a
mittee 544 w5x report that yields a number of blows relationship between compression toughness and im-
required to cause a certain level of distress in FRC pact resistance of HSFRC composites by comparing
specimen. Some researchers have used the impact them since these two properties are a measure of the
apparatus that is reported by the ACI Committee 544 energy absorption capacity of the material. Impact
w6–9x. Although this method can be used for FRC, it energy was determined by using the simple and
is difficult to use it for HSFRC due to the small economical drop-weight impact testing machine de-
weight of the hammer Ž4.54 kg.. On the other hand, veloped in this paper, which can be used also on a

Fig. 1. Impact testing machine.

K. Marar et al.r Materials Letters 47 (2001) 297–304 299

Table 1
Test results of VeBe time, air content, compressive strength Ž f c ., impact energy Ž E I ., and compression toughness energy Ž ECT . at 28 days
lrd Volume VeBe Air fc Impact resistance EI at complete ECT at strain of
Ratio of fibers time content ŽMPa. Žnumber of blows. failure 0.023 mmrmm
Ž%. Žs. Ž%. First Complete N m ŽCOV. a N m ŽCOV. a
crack failure
– 0.0 3.7 0.95 74.5 4 5 111 Ž0.2059. 1124 Ž0.0747.
60 0.5 4.0 0.95 82.2 8 18 398 Ž0.1404. 2933 Ž0.0785.
60 1.0 8.5 0.80 82.8 22 45 994 Ž0.0890. 4237 Ž0.0600.
60 1.5 12.7 0.80 84.6 40 75 1656 Ž0.0768. 5300 Ž0.0634.
60 2.0 16.4 0.65 85.9 101 192 4240 Ž0.0913. 6030 Ž0.0450.
75 0.5 2.7 0.90 80.4 17 37 817 Ž0.1013. 4421 Ž0.0860.
75 1.0 13.8 0.80 82.5 29 56 1237 Ž0.0722. 5400 Ž0.0669.
75 1.5 14.2 0.80 84.2 43 151 3335 Ž0.0874. 7041 Ž0.0812.
75 2.0 94.6 0.70 87.9 116 276 6095 Ž0.0670. 7873 Ž0.0329.
83 0.5 5.6 1.05 83.0 21 48 1060 Ž0.0971. 5081 Ž0.0954.
83 1.0 9.0 0.95 83.9 33 68 1502 Ž0.0905. 6469 Ž0.0673.
83 1.5 15.7 0.80 86.0 81 172 3798 Ž0.0876. 7320 Ž0.0732.
83 2.0 102.2 0.65 87.3 193 373 8237 Ž0.0346. 8552 Ž0.0304.
Coefficient of variation.

Fig. 2. Stress–strain curves for lrd ratio of 60 at steel fiber volume of 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, and 2.0%.
300 K. Marar et al.r Materials Letters 47 (2001) 297–304

construction site. On the other hand, a sophisticated the aggregates used were crushed limestone and their
closed-loop, servo controlled compression testing gradings complied with ASTM C 33-93 w11x. High
machine Ž3000 kN capacity. was used for determin- range water reducing admixture complying with
ing the compression toughness energy for the HS- ASTM C 494-92 w11x was used. The HSFRC mix
FRC composites. In this investigation, the authors proportions including blast-furnace slag cement, sil-
have attempted to obtain a relationship between these ica fume, water, superplasticizer, coarse aggregate
two important properties. and fine aggregate were 550, 55, 195, 17, 1066, and
710 kgrm3 , respectively. Hooked-end bundled steel
fibers with three different lrd ratios of 60, 75, and
2. Experimental program 83 were used in this investigation. The length and
diameter of the three types of steel fibers were 30,
2.1. Concrete 60, 50 mm and 0.5, 0.8, 0.6 mm, respectively. Four
different fiber volumes were added to each series of
The water-cementitious ratio used in this investi- mixes at 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, and 2.0% by volume of
gation was 0.31. Blast-furnace slag cement comply- concrete Ž39.25, 78.50, 117.75, and 157.0 kgrm3 ..
ing with ASTM C 595-97 w10x was used for all The workability of freshly mixed HSFRC was
mixes. The specific gravities of the fine and coarse measured by using a VeBe time according to BS
aggregates were 2.67 and 2.68, respectively. The 1881: Part 104: 1983 w12x. HSFRC cylindrical speci-
maximum size of coarse aggregate was 20 mm. All mens were prepared in accordance with BS 1881:

Fig. 3. Stress–strain curves for lrd ratio of 75 at steel fiber volume of 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, and 2.0%.
K. Marar et al.r Materials Letters 47 (2001) 297–304 301

Part 111: 1983 w13x, and all the specimens were impact energy delivered to the specimen produced
compacted in cylindrical steel molds by means of a by each blow is calculated as follows:
vibrating table. 1
EI s MVI2 N Ž 1.
2.2. Impact energy tests where EI is impact energy ŽN m., M is mass of the
drop hammer Žkg., VI is impact speed Žmrs., and N
The impact test was performed on 150 mm Ždiam- is number of blows. In other investigations w14,15x,
eter. = 60 mm Žlength. concrete cylinders cut from impact energy was calculated as: mass of drop ham-
150 = 300 mm diameter cylinders by using a ma- mer Žkg. multiplied by gravity acceleration Žmrs 2 .
sonry saw. Twelve cylinders were tested to obtain multiplied by height of drop Žm..
the average number of blows required to cause the
first crack and the ultimate failure at 28 days of age. 2.3. Compression toughness energy tests
The impact testing machine developed is shown in
Fig. 1. The weight of the drop hammer was 13.5 kg Compression toughness tests were performed on
and the height of drop was 0.30 m. During the 150 = 300 mm HSFRC cylinders. Six cylinders were
impact, the speed of the drop hammer Ž V I . is mea- tested for each series at the age of 28 days. Tests
sured, and it was calculated as 1.8088 mrs. The were conducted in a digital closed-loop servo con-

Fig. 4. Stress–strain curves for lrd ratio of 83 at steel fiber volume of 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, and 2.0%.
302 K. Marar et al.r Materials Letters 47 (2001) 297–304

trolled compression testing machine with a capacity strain of 0.023 mmrmm for all cylindrical speci-
of 3000 kN. The stress–strain curves were obtained mens. In an earlier investigation w16x, it was ob-
by using four linear variable differential transformers served that the extensometer gauge, attached to the
ŽLVDT. that were placed around the test specimen to mid-section of cylindrical specimen Žgauge length of
measure the axial plate-to-plate deformations. A per- 100 mm., reading was disturbed by cracks formed on
sonal computer serving, as a data acquisition system, the specimen surface. It was concluded that the
was used to read the data. The loading rate adopted extensometer gauge reading might not be useful in
in this investigation was 0.03 mmrmin. Energy ab- the study of the strain softening behavior of concrete.
sorption in compression was calculated as the area In this investigation, axial plate-to-plate deformation
under the stress–strain curve ŽN m. at a maximum measurements were chosen.

Fig. 5. Relationship between compression toughness energy and impact energy for steel fiber ration of 60, 75, and 83.
K. Marar et al.r Materials Letters 47 (2001) 297–304 303

3. Experimental results and discussion ship between compression toughness energy Ž ECT .
and impact energy Ž EI . as shown below:
The test results of VeBe time, air content, com-
ECT Ž 60 . s 1392.8ln Ž E IrEI 0 . q 1185.2 Ž 2.
pressive strength Ž fcX ., impact energy Ž EI ., and com-
pression toughness energy Ž ECT . at 28 days are ECT Ž 75 . s 1706.4ln Ž E IrEI 0 . q 1132.3 Ž 3.
shown in Table 1.
ECT Ž 83 . s 1735.6ln Ž E IrEI 0 . q 1293.0 Ž 4.
3.1. Impact energy test results In the above relations, ECT is compression toughness
energy ŽN m., E I is impact energy ŽN m., and E I0 is
As can be seen from Table 1, increasing the fiber the impact energy ŽN m. of the plain HSC. The
content increased the impact resistance for all of lrd correlation coefficients for lrd ratio of 60, 75, and
ratios of the steel fibers. A 2.0% fiber volume and 83 are 0.994, 0.998, and 0.991, respectively.
lrd ratio of 60, 75, and 83 increased the impact As a result, if the impact energy is obtained by
energy of the plain HSC by 38, 55, and 74 times, using the drop weight impact testing machine, com-
respectively. pression toughness energy can be obtained from Eqs.
Ž2., Ž3., and Ž4..
3.2. Compression toughness energy test results

It can be seen from Table 1 that, as the fiber 4. Conclusions

volume and fiber aspect ratio increased, compression
toughness energy also increased. For lrd ratio of 60, Increasing the volume of steel fibers leads to
75, and 83 at steel fiber volume of 2.0%, the com- increase in impact resistance. Impact resistance of
pression toughness energies were about 5.4, 7.0, and HSFRC with a fiber volume percentage of 2.0% and
7.6 times higher than that of plain HSC, respectively. an aspect ratio of 83 increased about 74 times com-
Figs. 2–4 show complete stress–strain curves for pared to that of plain concrete. Compression tough-
lrd ratio of 60, 75, and 83 at different volumes of ness Žarea under stress–strain curve. significantly
steel fibers, respectively. From these figures, it can increased due to the addition of steel fibers to the
be seen that there is an increase in the slope of the plain HSC. The relationship between compression
descending portion of the stress–strain curve as the toughness energy and impact energy of HSFRC
fiber volume fraction decreases. While the fiber vol- composite for steel fiber aspect ratio of 60, 75, and
ume increased, the post-peak ductility and energy 83 was found to be a logarithmic function. It can be
absorption of the HSFRC in compression increased. said that from impact testing machine Ždrop-weight
The strain at the peak compressive stress also in- test., compression toughness energy of HSFRC com-
creased by increasing the volume of fiber. posites can be obtained. This helps the engineers in
designing and construction of structures where com-
3.3. Comparison between compression toughness en- pression energy absorption is especially important.
ergy and impact energy

The relationship between impact energy and com- References

pression toughness energy is shown in Fig. 5 for
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304 K. Marar et al.r Materials Letters 47 (2001) 297–304

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