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1. Define Goals

2. Research

3. Wireframing

4. Design Mockups

5. Prototyping

6. Development

7. Content Creation

8. Testing

9. Optimization

10. Launch
Website Checklist


Determine website purpose, target audience, and set clear objectives.

Conduct market research, gather content requirements, and create a sitemap.

Sketch rough layouts of key pages focusing on usability and structure.

Develop detailed visual representations with attention to branding and aesthetics.

Create interactive prototypes to test user interactions and navigation.

Choose technology stack, code the website, and integrate third-party tools if needed.

Write and optimize content for SEO, incorporate multimedia elements, and align with design.

Conduct thorough testing for bugs, cross-browser compatibility, and user feedback.

Optimize performance, implement SEO best practices, and ensure accessibility standards are met.

Deploy the website to the hosting server and monitor performance and security regularly.

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