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The recentearthquakes have Kardia,

shaken all

especially the mineral-rich rocks.
is difficult, While the heroes strive to help those left
behind by the forces of evil the plot begins

take shape.
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This material is reserved for the Game Master.

If you are a Gamer, DO NOT READ IT: it might ruin your fun!

Welcome to Fabula Chronicles!

Pwihma to start, I want to remind you that each designed for 1Chapter is
to be played by a session group and composed of from Game Master 4 Players
lasting about 3 hours (including dedicated
you can
fun byup
to 6 the rules

of however 8.
conversion present in the Heroes of Good paragraph on page.

One of the strengths of the Fabula Ultima Role Playing Game is the shared narrative, which allows all players to actively participate

in the creation of the world by inserting and or modifying different elements in the adventure.

course not For pwihvare of sweetness this funny ca-

such an important feature And of Fabula Last, every Chapter of Fabula Chronicles

includes some textual elements that are the same for all game groups, for (especially while the remainingparts

those indicated in square brackets, for example [settlement] like or [boss])

I am totally shapedby you and the Players, thus making each session unique!

Example: [settlement] could correspond to cattle ranchers or a to an oasis in the desert inhabited by shit

songs and village isolatedwith

the world.
skin from
mountain rest wise old man

and a could case, long silk robes be a

In the first the [chief]

sun with turban, in the second it could be while the passion is goat's
a sprightly mountain girl with For

Feel free to adapt physical characteristics and behavioral gods NPCs encountered at

needs of changing other factors relevant to theages, identity

narrative-group, gender and for what not

ne; remember It will be possible to modify the Iconic NPCs in any way !

If you have any doubts regarding the running of the game, you can consult the
have Guide Strategic to
Official of Fabula Chronicles the
or document
e of Incorrect For
FAQ Fabula Ultima.

Good fun! And try to leave

not aanyone
bad taste
with in your mouth, pwih!

BACKGROUND ................................................................ .... 3 PART 2: DOWN THE MASK ................................ 7
SYNOPSIS................................................. ....... 3 EPILOGUE................................................. ....... 9
INTRODUCTION................................................ 3 APPENDIX A: NPC PROFILES ................................12
PART 1: THE MINE ........................................... 4 APPENDIX B: EXAMPLE CHAPTER 2................13

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The concentrations of dark mana found throughout Kardia after the demon attack were only the beginning of the problems.
Following the Mana Compass made available by the Ministry of the Ancient Library, the heroes arrived in mysterious places,
protected by an ancient guardian. Having discovered a passage to ruins surrounded by luminescent crystals, they were able to
explore the place before a violent earthquake forced them to flee.

Since then, near some mines in Kardia the earth has never stopped shaking.


Rocklight is a luminescent crystal and powerful mana catalyst fundamental to the study of magic. Its extraction, coordinated by
the Crystal Guild, risks being slowed down or blocked completely due to frequent earthquakes. It seems that the seismic
phenomena have several epicenters, all near the lightrock mines that dot the kingdoms of Kardia. The multiple collapses have
made the areas unsafe and scared the most fearful miners to flee, while opening up new unstable-looking tunnels. Given the
emergency situation, the Grand Council of Kardia has therefore ordered that reconnaissance teams go to verify the situation,
rescue any injured people and map the new tunnels.

Having reached their destination, the group meets the person in charge of the excavations, who requests their help using a
plausible excuse to lead them into the depths of the tunnels. Having fallen into her trap, a much greater danger and new clues to
the Demon Queen 's plans await them .


As soon as you are ready to begin, read or paraphrase the following text:

“Autumn has now left the sky devoid of moonlight to winter , it seems to herald dark, difficult times.

Frequent earthquakes shaking

entire the rock-light mines of Kardia, endangering the miners are slowing down the
extraction chain coordinated by the Crystal Guild. The rock light, important and ca-

talizer e amplifier of luminescentcrystals is formed and has always been the object of study by academics.

peaks for use His guaranteedachievement of in the use of magic. new

The Grand Council therefore ordered the Factions to send reconnaissanceteams to provide nearest
for the
miners. Don't hesitate so you have to board one maginave reach for a

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In this part of the Chapter, the PCs descend into the [mine] to investigate what happened, led by the [mine
chief] and his [animal companion]. This part should last approximately an hour and a half.

First, create details about the setting of this Chapter with the Players: ask them the following questions and take
note of what they tell you, but don't forget that you are also participating in the co-creation!


Rocklight mines are present throughout Kardia, although they are mostly located in Rubinia. The supervision of
the extraction activities falls to the Crystal Guild, in collaboration with the other Factions with regards to the safety
of the loads, the mapping of the tunnels and the study of the minerals. Depending on the territory in which they are
located, mines can take on different aspects and shapes.

1 Where in Kardia is the [mine] located?

Example: along the jagged edges of Rubinia; in the sunny desert in the central islands of the LandsGreat
of an Emas; nestled two snow-capped peaks of the

Ridge; between etc.

2 What are the characteristics of the territory in which the [mine] is located?

Example: Rissima mana swamps up liquid that shine blindingly in the sunlight; steep rock peaks of largethousand-year-old trees
which they grow luminescent mushrooms; whose tops are lost in the clouds; Between etc.

3 What makes [mine] unique ?

Example: wind;magi-mechanized system of pulley trolleys that move the cloud material extracted;
a and
that flows
rise; the
the greatsound fuels the


4 What is the entrance to the [mine] like?

Example: an opening in the rock; a barred entrance warning signs; rough with decorated stone; archancient of an

5 What can you find inside the [mine]?

Example: labyrinthine corridors in rough stone; a well-propped one great cave populated by fungal forest; corridors one


6 What dangers can you encounter inside?

Example: frequent collapses; beasts that live in the a sentient forest seeking to envelop And

darkness; eat heroes;

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At the entrance to the [mine] the heroes meet the [mine boss] and his [animal companion].

1 What does the [mine boss] look like? (Note: It should inspire confidence.)

Example: He is a man half chubby-cheeked

blondes; old age is a And the nose is a muscular young girl with purple hair;

long man look

with a braided clever with small glasses on the nose; etc.

2 What is the peculiar characteristic of the [mine chief]?

Example: While he speaks and curls the hairs on his goatee; exclaims “By the rocks!”; drinks continuously-
often: all
tion from a worn-out flask; a etc.

3 What does the [animal companion] look like? (Note: He should appear cute, docile and servile in nature.)

Example: It's a giant mole with a long yellow tail; it is a rock-collared

eyes; an etc.
he is a dog with a massivewhite boar with bright

4 Why does the [mine chief] need heroes?

Example: saving trapped miners from collapse; explore for structure stability; a new gallery; check the for


Having reached the [mine], the heroes meet the [mine chief], as he prepares his equipment to go inside. He wears a
heavy armored suit and a protective helmet on which is embedded a sliver of lightrock that projects a light beam in front
of him. He carries with him a portable magimechanical drill that allows him to open new passages in the rock, which he
affectionately calls "Oba-chan".

At his side there is always the faithful [animal companion], a large trained companion, with a superb sense of smell,
capable of identifying the rocklight even under many layers of earth.

When he notices the heroes he turns to them, updating them on the situation, appearing grateful and asking for their
help. Use the co-creation responses to provide details to the PCs about what their assignment is. He makes no secret
of the fact that there may be dangerous creatures in the mine, because he saw them roaming the area shortly before
the collapse.

Where does this music come from?

Remember that you are playing a TTJRPG, so you cannot miss some
background music in the style of the most famous video game titles, suited to the
environments explored and any clashes present (as long as it is not and everyone
oppwihmente agrees). Who has never hidden a string orchestra in a dungeon? Bring
it on with those ancestral choirs, pwih !

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The exploration of the mine is equivalent to that of a dungeon, a great JRPG classic in which the heroes will find traps and
dangers waiting for them.

The narrative is managed through dungeon scenes (see page 110 of the Basic Manual). You therefore do not need to create a
map of the environments: you can recount the key moments involving the heroes, leaving each Player to describe the relevant
actions of their PC. Tests and conflicts proceed as normal.

Each room should feature a specific item (clue, treasure, etc.). The last one, the one furthest from the entrance, must correspond
to the Boss' room, a large room illuminated by a vein of pulsating rock light with only one way out. The battle foreseen in Part 2:
Mask Off takes place here .
Always take into account the playing time and try to adjust the difficulty of the dungeon so that it is not repetitive or too frustrating
for the group. Remember: you are playing with the Players, not against them!

Since this part should occupy the first half of the session, it is advisable that the dungeon does not consist of more than five
rooms, including the Boss room. Use co-authoring elements to describe environments, and feel free to imagine connections and
distances between sections.

During the exploration of the dungeon it is important that the group notices, carrying out the most appropriate tests:

• Abandoned work tools and old signs of excavation, as if no one has been working for a long time.

• Signs that significant quantities of rocklight have been mined and removed (in addition to the normal activity of the [mine]).

• The area is permeated with dark mana (anyone who has played Chapter 2 can recognize the negative aura, almost
of oppression, which emanates).

• Shards of crystallized dark mana and dimly luminescent lightrock lie on the ground.

Here are some suggestions of environments, dangers, or clues the party might encounter before reaching the Boss room:

• Break Room: Remains of a camp in an area to make new

bonds. repaired well defensible of the [mine], where the PCs e

on the can rest And The miners' bivouac could help the PCs gather clues
fact that this area has long been abandoned.

• Room with minor danger: frequentlyorthreatens

a a carnivorous plant, known in the [mine] e or-how beasts accustomed to the

darkness or PC or inflicts minor damage (see 108 wall or a collapsing sinking floor couldslow down
of the Core Manual). page

• Room with clues: a place where the environment is described to thesounds

minor danger
or and mentions with animal details to be investigated

races, how recent footprints.

• Treasureroom: deposit of old accumulated objects where the PCs can recharge
for free (ideally,
and find
at least 2).

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During co-authoring, i Players decide that it is found excavating on a small floating rock off the island of
Rubinia. To access the mine you need to go down into a deep, near a dark well, a series of rooms dug into the underlying rock.

a lake, which leads to a guide, old GM Marco plays theirs

Zork the giant ant Isabella; the man asks the heroes to help him save some miners trappedby the collapse.

The group then finds itself in a labyrinth of tunnels, searching for the missing. dangerous

First the heroes

an area
have to overcome where the ceiling is so thin that it shows water and pe-mine. submerging
Any skis on their heads. noise can rock cost causing in the dear, cracks and the

Having escaped the danger, the heroes reach safer room, where there is a camp. The clues reveal that

where the miners lived, It seems like there's a lot of heroes in a little time. they objects
in I am find, butare
any na-locked key in which various useful
a cash register
one visible
from a distance wall of semi-collapsed rock,

Continuing, after a faced with a forest of bizarre howling grasses, the group reaches the bottom of the mine: having a

boundlesshall, adorned with columns carved into the light rock, in which traces of dark mana are clearly visible.

Here a surprise awaits them…

Once the group has tackled Part 1: The Mine, continue with the second part of the Chapter.


In this part of the Chapter, the PCs discover that they have been deceived by the [mine chief], who reveals his true plans.
It should take up the remaining playing time.

Read or paraphrase the following:

“It's been a while since you entered the tunnels, mission time. there is a trace of the objective of yours but not

After a few moments of breathing, your companion turns around pour withofayou I mockinggrin.

'I believe that we have now gone far enough inside to be able to talk only about unaware with calm. I imagine that
Not You will be surprised what you know here but
Not there is no mission to accomplish, victims...

Now the time

willhas come,
the time Moon stands for e
Fourth rebirth My brothers and I have so that sisters have worked and

manifest itself in its coming glory. Our eyes our ears Kardia ours and they are everywhere on and now close to the

forces of Queen of Demons they are awakeningtothe

final attack!

Destiny already exists state written, I'll hug him...

it remains youofdecide
a matter theor good
whether with with and the bad!'”

Use this moment to have the PCs interact with the [mine boss]. He reveals to the heroes that he is a member of the Cult of the
Rebirth of the Fourth Moon, a group of fanatics who have infiltrated all of Kardia in league with the Demon Queen. His goal is to
corrupt the heroes and trick them into joining the cult.

When the [mine chief] realizes that the PCs' beliefs are adamant, he reveals that he led them to this area of the [mine] precisely
because of the large concentration of lightrock present, ready to be corrupted with a dark mana crystal to subjugate even the
bravest hearts.

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If the heroes do not intervene, he brings the crystal in his possession closer to the rocklight, which reacts to
the corruption by resonating like a tuning fork and unleashing the same vibrations as in days gone by (it could
cause collapses, without involving the PCs): he is trying to control the characters , who must carry out a test of
[VOL + VOL] with LD equal to 10 to try to resist: those who fail are afflicted by the confused status until the
end of the battle. If it is interrupted instead , the [mine boss] takes his first turn of the conflict with the bribery attempt.

Before continuing, inform the Players that this is a real boss fight. If you think the group is not sufficiently
prepared, feel free to adapt the scene to their current abilities or conditions.


The battle sees the heroes lined up against the [mine boss] (a creature of champion rank equivalent to 3
characters) and his [animal companion] (of elite rank), together with any [corrupt miners] (of soldier rank)
who have arrived in help from hidden galleries. The [mine boss] is a minor Villain who has a number of Ultima
Points equal to the PCs present (who instead obtain 1 Fabula Point for the appearance of a Villain on the scene).
In this Chapter, the [mine master] cannot use Ultima Points to choose the Escape option (see page 101 of
the Core Manual), but rather to:

• Invoke a Trait: after taking a Test, the [mine master] can spend 1 Ultima Point to invoke
one of his Traits and reroll one or both dice.

• Recovery: the [mine boss] can use an action and spend 1 Ultima Point to recover from all statuses and
recover 50 Mind Points.

Despite its peaceful and apparently good-natured nature, the [animal companion] obeys its master's orders,
joining the fight. Any interaction aimed at stopping the creature (even through Abilities like Feral Voice) seems
to work, but the Villain uses the corrupted rocklight to force it to fight.

Depending on the number of Players present, the opponents involved could vary, according to this scheme:

3 PLAYERS [mine boss] + [animal companion]*

4 PLAYERS [mine boss] + [animal companion]

5 PLAYERS [mine boss] + [animal companion] + [corrupt miner]

6 PLAYERS [mine boss] + [animal companion] + 2 [corrupt miner]

* in this case, the creature has 90 HP and takes only one turn per round.


The [Mine Master] begins the fight on his first turn of each round, the [Mine Master] should use Like a Bomb-
er, as long as he is available or in Crisis. On his second and third turns he should instead use Obstacle or
Oba-chan against a random target. When entering Crisis, the [mine boss] should use Charge!!! (if possible)
and then resort to Vital Steal instead of Obstruction.

The [animal companion] should use Rockshake on its first turn of each round, and on its second turn it
should lunge at a random target with Piercing Claw.

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If the heroes manage to defeat the Villain and his followers, by searching him they may find a scroll containing
information on some peculiarities of the Rocklight (see The Secrets of the Rocklight, below). The group
barely has time to read it before the vibrations triggered by the [mine chief's] attempted control
cause the structure to collapse permanently, forcing the PCs to quickly escape to safety.


If a PC chooses the Sacrifice option (see Surrender and Sacrifice on page 12 of the Official Strategy
Guide), he offers his life to allow his companions to escape to safety, leading to the defeat of the [mine boss]
and ending the clash. Allow the player to narrate how this happens; also consider the possibility that the PCs
still manage to discover the Secrets of Rocklight (see below), despite fleeing the scene.


If all the heroes are defeated, they wake up hours later (with HP and MP equal to half their maximum values)
outside the [mine], which has now collapsed due to strong vibrations. There is no longer any trace of rocklight
nearby. Waiting for them is a note from the [mine chief]: he mocks them, saying that he spared them because
they were not strong enough to deserve his attention. The defeat suffered hurts so much that the PCs should
consider a change of Theme. Furthermore, they realize that their pockets have literally been emptied: each
PC loses any remaining Inventory Points ; to recharge them you will need to spend zenith in the activities of
downtime (see Between the Chapters on page 11 of the Official Strategic Guide).


The parchment, with a very ancient appearance, seems to come from a manuscript stolen from the
headquarters of the Ministry of the Ancient Library. Contains information on rocklight and its
properties: the mineral has the ability to amplify the energy with which it is irradiated, whatever its
nature and purpose; therefore, if it is contaminated by dark mana it allows you to manipulate the
mind of those exposed to its light. The corrupted rocklight is also referred to as "the Puppeteer".


With the specter of combat behind them and having escaped from the [mine] (or found outside), the PCs have
no choice but to return to the maginave that brought them to this place. Much of what they have discovered
must be reported immediately to the respective Factions, who will then decide what to do based on how much
they consider the information a threat to Kardia's order. New dangers are gathering on the horizon: there is no
time to waste.

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To conclude, read or paraphrase the following scene from the Game Master:

“The gentle roll of the maginave cradles your gaze while

it retraces
the revelations thelands
You observe the of you move away.

your mind at When you now leave the bridgecaptures

of the deaf state it shiver runs down
and your
yoursspine as you think

consequences. by ship, a noise look around you.

be careful, forcing you closer to With amazement there

some of the rocks
to the island you left are just
in sizealtitude
and even
. falling into Sea of Mana, some islands of while

Turning your gaze to the sky, the distinct trail

whose hues
wake ,you
can start as the
a comet,
of the moons.
you can now see a shape that illuminatesthe celestial vault Kardia

three above route

The Fourth Sister is reborn!”

The Chapter is over!

Remember to check the rewards and directions on how to update the Hero's
Journal in . Follow NEED GAMES social
Guidenetworks! Official
Strategicso you don't miss the news
and future releases of ! Fabula



After recent events, studies on rocklight have allowed the Crystal Guild to design this explosive prototype, using some of the
samples recovered by the reconnaissance teams. From now on, the Artificer can create a new type of Project (see Among the
Chapters on page 11 of the Official Strategy Guide):


Shocklight Average Small Consumable

Total Project Cost: 400 z w Defect: No.

A small shell containing an unrefined sliver of lightrock. If cast, it inflicts the shaken
status on up to 5 creatures (choice of the PC using the item).

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Each PC who has completed Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of Season 0 in any order can choose one of these Chronicles
additional rewards,
made available by the Factions as thanks for their work.

TRAVEL CLOAK (Accessory) w 500 Z

You gain a +4 bonus to your Initiative modifier.

This comfortable cloak not only helps you face the elements, but also blend in with your surroundings.

GLASS CRUSHER (Weapon) w 500 Z wÿVIG + VIGÿ wÿTM + 10ÿ PHYSICAL

One Hand w Melee w Target Magic Defense.

A hammer with a stone head and fragments of lightrock inside.

APPRENTICE'S TUNIC (Armor) w 600 Z w DEX DIE w INT+2 DICE w -1

You are immune to the confused status.

Created to counteract the negative effects of dark mana this comfortable tunic was designed by the Crystal Guild.

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In this section you can find the statistics of the opposing NPCs faced by the heroes in the second part of the Chapter. For a
detailed explanation on how to read an NPC's profile, you can consult the Core Manual
by Fabula Ultima on page. 320.


Zealous and ambitious member of the Fourth Moon Rebirth Cult. He can't
stand being told no!

Typical traits: corrupt, cynical, sagacious, ruthless.

DEX d8 INT d8 VIG d8 VOL d8 PV 210 w 105 PM 110 Init. 10

DEF +3 D. MAG +2 'RS ab aRSERSf iVUl b

Equipment (cannot be stolen!): miner's helmet, Oba-chan, miner's suit


$ Oba-chan wÿDEX + VIGÿ +3 wÿTM + 12ÿ physical damage . Damage dealt with this weapon
ignores the target's Resistances.

a Like a Bomb-er wÿDEX + DEXÿ +2 wÿTM + 10ÿ fire damage and the target suffers the
shaken and confused statuses . This attack has multi (2). The mine manager throws small
shells of gunpowder, normally used in mine work to explode rock walls.


h Lifesteal r wÿVIG + VOLÿ+1 w 10 MPw One creature w Instant.

Absorb the vitality of others. The target takes ÿTM + 15ÿ shadow damage , and the minemaster
recovers an amount of HP equal to half the target's lost HP (if the loss was reduced to 0
somehow, he does not recover HP).

h Obstacle r w 10 MP w One creature w Instant.

Trap the enemy behind a rock obstacle. The target takes one less action on its next turn (to a
minimum of zero actions).

h Rage w 20 MP w One creature w Instant.

The target can immediately make a free attack with one of its attacks.


S Load!!! w The mine chief mounts his animal companion and charges, brandishing Oba-chan like a spear.
Oba-chan 's damage becomes ÿTM + 30ÿ. This action can be taken if the animal companion has not
been reduced to 0 HP and has not yet acted this round. After this action, the animal companion does
not act this round.

S Limited Reserve w The Like a Bomb-er attack can be used a number of times equal to the number of
PCs involved in the conflict scene. You can use a Clock to help you keep track of this parameter.


Spiritual Treasure w Service Helmet (Accessory) w 750 z

You gain a +2 bonus to your Initiative modifier and are immune to the confused status.

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Lvl 10 w BEAST
A faithful companion, also forced to follow orders against his own will.

Typical traits: kind-hearted, loyal, fears fire, blindsight.

DEX d8 INT d6 VIG d10 VOL d8 PV 180 w 90 PM 50 Init. 9

DEF +2 D. MAG +4 ' a b RSa ERSfVUi lVU b


$ Piercing Claw wÿDEX + VIGÿ +1 wÿTM + 5ÿ physical damage and the target suffers the slow status.

h Rock Skin wÿVIG + VOLÿ+1 w 10 PM w Spellcaster w Scene.

Until this spell ends, the animal companion becomes resistant to physical damage.

h Rockshaker r wÿVIG + VOLÿ+1 w 10 × B MP w Up to three creatures w Snapshot.

Sharp rock spikes rise from the ground beneath enemies, enveloping them. Each target hit takes
ÿTM + 15ÿ ground damage . This spell cannot target creatures that are flying, floating, falling, or in
Opportunity w Each target hit takes one less action during its next turn (to a minimum of zero


Crisis w While in Crisis, the animal companion loses Resistance to Lightning damage and
gains Resistance to Shadow damage, and Pierclaw deals an extra 5 damage.

A tireless worker with a kind soul, irremediably corrupted by the power of
the Puppeteer.

Typical traits: corrupt, strong, irritable, gloomy.

DEX d8 INT d6 VIG d10 VOL d8 PV 60 w 30 PM 45 Init. 10

DEF +3 D. MAY +1 ' aba ERSf iRSl b

Equipment (cannot be stolen!): pickaxe, miner's suit.


$ Pickaxe Strike wÿVIG + VIGÿwÿTM + 10ÿ physical damage .


Corrupted Mind w While in Crisis, the Corrupted Miner is immune to all statuses.


Aboard a maginave, the heroes travel in the direction of one of the mining excavations located on the border of
Torax, wondering what awaits them and using the time of the journey to get to know each other.

Having reached their destination, the PCs find themselves faced with an immense chasm that descends into the depths of the
earth and whose bottom cannot be seen. Here Korpulax awaits them , a dwarf with a vigorous beard intertwined with rings
salalucciola named Prudence.
decorated with lightstone, and at his side an enormous

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Grateful for the heroes' arrival, Korpulax informs them that he is in charge of the excavations and that he was
preparing to descend into the chasm as some of the miners were stuck due to a recent earthquake.

The heroes offer to accompany him and equip themselves as best they can to prepare for the rescue mission.

As they descend deeper, the group realizes the peculiarity of this area: the deeper you go, the less you suffer the effects of
gravity. After overcoming a debris-laden updraft and encountering several abandoned excavation sites, the heroes begin to doubt
the veracity of the dwarf's words.

Cornered, when they have now reached the deepest point of the excavations, Korpulax reveals his true identity
by trying to convince them to embrace the Cult of the Rebirth of the Fourth Sister and revealing to them its
widespread diffusion throughout Kardia. Without hesitation, the heroes decide to face the dwarf, who, thanks to
the use of a dark mana crystal, corrupts his animal companion and prepares for the battle. After a bitter conflict,
the heroes manage to prevail and abandon the excavations, taking with them a parchment found among the
dwarf's clothes.

Its contents reveal the possibility of using rocklight to manipulate minds, nicknamed "The Puppet Master" for this reason, and the
use that the Cult of the Fourth Sister Rebirth is making of it.

Boarding the maginave on the way back, a dull noise attracts the heroes' attention: all around them small rocks begin to fall and
the smaller floating islands slowly lose altitude. Above them the shape of the comet appears clear: the Fourth Sister has arrived.



SUPERVISION: Alberto Orlandini and Matteo Pedroni

TEXTS: Adventurers of Il Salotto di Giano APS (Claudia Carbonara, Laura Cardinale, Fabio Giannace, Angelo Lunati, Marco

REVIEW: Alberto Orlandini

GRAPHICS: Erica Viotto

PLAYTESTER: Janus' Living Room APS (Max Casagrande, Simone Dal Borgo, Fabio Giannace, Tommaso Giordano, Angelo Lunati,
Asya Mazzucco, Niccolò Tricerri, Mattia Ventura, Francesca Viganò)



Fabula Chronicles is based on Fabula Ultima TTJRPG © 2022 Need Games & Rooster Games.

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