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Having restored the harmony of the Grand Council, the heroes set out in search

of the spirits a time they defeated the Queen of Demons.


who edge of the maginave seems routine,

part a
black the horizon.
travel when shadows darken
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This material is reserved for the Game Master.

If you are a Gamer, DO NOT READ IT: it might ruin your fun!

Welcome to Fabula Chronicles!

Pwihma to start, I want to remind you that each designed for 1Chapter is
to be played by a session group and composed of from Game Master 4 Players
lasting about 3 hours (including dedicated shared creation time).
You can entertain up to 6 players, followingthe conversion rules presentin the

paragraph According
Plans 5. to All on page

One of the strengths of the Fabula Ultima Role Playing Game is the shared narrative, which allows all players to actively participate

in the creation of the world by inserting and or modifying different elements in the adventure.

course not For pwihvare of sweetness this funny ca-

such an important feature And of Fabula Last, every Chapter of Fabula Chronicles

includes some textual elements that are the same for all game groups, for (especially while the remainingparts

those indicated in square brackets, for example [settlement] like or [boss])

I am totally shapedby you and the Players, thus making each session unique!

Example: [settlement] could correspond to cattle ranchers or a to an oasis in the desert inhabited by shit

songs and village isolatedwith

the world.
skin from
mountain rest wise old man

and a could case, long silk robes be a

In the first the [chief]

sun with turban, in the second it could be while the passion is goat's
a sprightly mountain girl with For

Feel free to adapt physical characteristics and behavioral gods NPCs encountered at

needs of changing other factors relevant to theages, identity

narrative-group, gender and for what not

ne; remember It will be possible to modify the Iconic NPCs in any way !

If you have any doubts regarding the running of the game, you can consult the
have Guide Strategic to
Official of Fabula Chronicles the
or document
e of Incorrect For
FAQ Fabula Ultima.

Good fun! And try not to leave no one with the bitter taste in the mouth, pwih!

BACKGROUND ................................................................ .... 3 PART 3: THE ARCANUM IS REVEALED ................................ 7
SYNOPSIS................................................. ....... 3 EPILOGUE................................................. ....... 8
INTRODUCTION................................................ 3 APPENDIX A: NPC PROFILES ................................ 9
PART 1: LIFE ON BOARD .......................................... 3 APPENDIX B: EXAMPLE CHAPTER 5................10
PART 2: AMBUSH! ...................................... 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................... 11

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Despite the differences that arose during the last assembly, the Great Council of Kardia remained united in the face of the common threat

represented by the demons and the Cult of the Rebirth of the Fourth Moon, above all thanks to the intervention of the heroes, who

convinced or persuaded several citizens to continue to support its activities. In search of answers and solutions to face the enemy, the

members of the Factions then set out to search for the Great Heroes of the past.


Traveling on the maginaves made available by the Grand Council, in a serene and collaborative atmosphere with the crew, the heroes in

search of the spirits of those who have already faced the Queen of Demons, however, fall into an ambush by the forces of darkness.

Despite failing to reach their goal, they are greeted by a mixture of positive and negative revelations, which they will soon have to deal with

for the good of Kardia.


As soon as you are ready to begin, read or paraphrase the following text:

“The breeze blows lightly leave the amagiport of Concordia edge of one of the numerous maginavi of the in the

fleet of the Grand Council. The last few days were tense
city, they in the but end the situation is normal

evil and almost everyone found harmony again. At the end of the assembly you are entrusted with the important task of

to track down the Big Heroes of the past forced,

certainly to to you, continuously reincarnating; their knowledge could
be useful
that numerous other means are always available and to provide them to you... With thought leave the city, this

together with members of Factions ready to give the good of

everything for Kardia.”


In this part of the Chapter, which lasts about an hour, the PCs have the opportunity to discover how it is to live on board a

[maginave] and dedicate themselves to new activities, collaborating with the [captain] and members of the [crew].

First, create details about the setting of this Chapter with the Players: ask them the following questions and take note of what they tell you,

but don't forget that you are also participating in the co-creation!

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The [maginave] is a type of airship, for both commercial and military purposes, large enough to transport resources and
sail for a long time. The [crew] consists of several magisailors and a [captain].

1 What type of [maginave] are you traveling on?

Example: a light cruiser; a tourist maginave; a maginavevespecialized in aerial

etc.; fighters;

2 What is the characteristic of the [maginave]?

Example: a greenhouse lush; room one gaming; a aquarium that all bridges; crosses etc.;

3 Who is his [captain] and what characterizes him?

Example: an ex pirate who lives in the ideal of love and of freedom; a veteran severe
with character and
martial; a sentient robot but fin "literal" in understanding too many things; etc.

4 Who makes up the [crew] and what attitude do they have towards passengers?
(Note: the attitude should not worry the PCs or make them suspicious)

Example: hostile friendly-looking anthropomorphic animals; but dedicated to jokes of all kinds; rather automatons
libertine pirates who don't they look forward to meeting you new hubs are better; etc.

5 Among the members of the [crew], which of them is the most characteristic?
(Note: should be a friendly NPC to interact with)

Example: a chef good-natured makes confusion; that always boatswain

always tends to which distract yourself with-

centering on useless details; knows

toothless lookout one songs never heard before; etc.

After boarding the [maginave], the PCs are summoned by the [captain] to his office to discuss the route to take and receive
updates on the current situation. Once the meeting is over, they should have time to happily wander around the [maginave]
and interact with the [crew].

However, before proceeding, read or paraphrase the following scene from the Game Master:

“Amongthe steep peaks of a crystal mysterious mountain stands a dark Inside of the great halls, tower. one one
sphere rests Concordia. high pedestal projectsthe image of onto a numerous imagined intent to leave a
A figure standsout in front of these images with
subtle smile that in the shadow that surrounds it you can only glimpsethe and

lips, violates his and while

perfect, the he observes

Since a Villain has just appeared on the scene, all Players score 1 Fabula Point. Then continue with the exploration of
the [maginave].

At this point, the group should face various activities related to life on board, and possibly some adversity, in order to
interact with the crew and enjoy a typical day aboard a [maginave].
These activities might include relaxing and fun experiences, such as flying fish fishing and cook-offs, or more challenging
challenges, such as helping to fix a small fault, quelling friction between [crew] members , or escaping a threatening storm.

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The group could carry out Tests to deal with events, perhaps solving Clocks or challenging NPCs with Opposing Tests; allow
each Player to narrate how they collaborate to achieve eventual success, choosing the Characteristics to use accordingly.

You could also use this moment to allow players to interact with each other with a rest scene, a quiet moment to forge new
Bonds or modify existing ones.


The group of heroes left Concordia aboard the Zefiro, a military airship specialized in hunting huge creatures to tame.
creatures Captain Sir Astrill IV is an old knight attached to tradition
who give longcharacter
sunny monologues
with never
the importance
a good opportunity
of chivalry to
the discipline
Sir Astrill will
IV: save the world. loves and fortunately, his crew is Sonya, a trainer with
always the joke

ready, not that one each

During the journey, Sonya asks the heroes if One of the PCs, are interested in knowing something more about how train
not open test is creature. An a Wanderer by name Flick, he's very interested and it offers itself as support worker. Carry out

an immense creature
Therefore ÿVIG + INTÿ if trulytodocile.
see as the cave in extricating cage cleaning between And sfa-
sea Who knows what a short experience this is Not prove useful later!

In this part of the Chapter, which lasts about an hour and a half, the PCs fall into an ambush. In addition to having to
avoid being defeated, the heroes must also prevent the [maginave] from falling into the void.

After a day aboard the [maginave], the group has moved far enough away from Concordia for the Demon Queen's minions to
attack, putting the forces of evil's plan into action.

Read or paraphrase the following:

“The journey is suddenly interrupted by your voice 'Captain! alarmed by the lookout:

Clouds starboard!”
maginave. From afar you can see storm
to come clouds,close
dangerously you can see strangedark ones that seem with crimson tints,
to the
The helmsman in
is all
theways to divert
strong the attempted
the unstable mana.course,

you have
to try
go to
quickly. Whileyou
the crew prays to “Cronostorm”, making yourealize
that what is happening, the wind is too strong and a member
in the general confusionclearly hear the word you can and

After a few moments some violent voice

the captain's jolts,calls
the you
situation seems
back out, to calm
a nasty down.
surprise again and when
awaits you..." However,

open bridge and a


Taking advantage of a magical storm, the enemy has prepared an ambush to stop the heroes and prevent the group from
contacting the spirits of the past. In this boss encounter, the PCs face a Minor Villain (a champion-rank creature ) accompanied
by a swarm (see Core Rulebook, page 297)

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of creatures of soldier rank equal to each other. Youreskin

can (see Core Manual, page 302) this boss as you like,
obviously considering that the PCs are suspended in the air aboard a maginave. For example, it could be a large
winged creature, accompanied by smaller ones, or by the crew members themselves and the captain, or even by
knights aboard winged mounts led by an imposing ringleader. In any case, the boss possesses a reddish-tinged
gem that allows him to interact with storms and influence the creatures that accompany him, and fights until he dies
(or defeats the PCs). The heroes must also be careful to maintain control of the [maginave] so as not to crash or
fall into the void!
Also, remember that the PCs get 1 Fabula Point because a Villain has entered the scene; it also warns the Players
that this enemy has a number of Ultima Points equal to that of the PCs involved in the conflict.

Based on the number of Players present, calibrate the battle according to this scheme:

3 PLAYERS [boss]*

4 PLAYERS [boss] + [swarm]

5 PLAYERS [boss] + 2 [swarm]

6 PLAYERS [boss] + 3 [swarm]

* in this case, when the creature enters Crisis it attacks the [maginave] directly (the swarm is purely scenic).


The battle is one of attrition: the [boss] is in fact very resistant to attacks and is more inclined to recharge his Life
Points, while the [swarm] acts as his reserve of Mind Points. Additionally, each time a [swarm] is defeated, another
takes its place at the start of the next round. The [boss] uses Seize the Day!
to try to inflict the slow status on a PC, so that the [swarm] can then attack and petrify them.
When the [boss] enters Crisis, the [swarm] dedicates itself completely to compromising the vehicle; attacking and
defeating a [swarm] depletes 1 section of the ship's health clock (see Ship's Health, below). Since he fights to the
death, the [boss] spares no Ultima Points to choose Escape.


During combat, the heroes must also prevent the [Swarm] from crashing the [Maginave]. When the [boss] enters
Crisis, create a 6-section “Ship Integrity” Watch. Each time the [swarm] attacks, fill 1 section; if the Clock fills up
completely, the heroes are forced to Surrender while the vehicle crashes, losing consciousness and later waking
up in the rubble: the Chapter ends with a Sudden Brake. PCs can empty sections of the Watch during their turn
via the Objective action (for example, they can dedicate themselves to repairing damage, rescuing members of the
[crew], taking the helm, etc.).

The characters can use the Fabula Points at their disposal to invoke the help of some of the NPCs present on the
scene (at least one should be on their side!). They could also attempt to escape by creating a Watch parallel to the
ship's Integrity Watch. If the group is in particular difficulty, you could draw attention to the mysterious gem: with a
10-section Watch , the boss is deprived of it, losing the possibility of casting the Cover Me! spell. and the support of
any remaining [swarm] , remaining alone.

If the PCs emerge victorious from the conflict, proceed to Part 3; otherwise, go to A Sudden Brake, page. 8.

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In this part of the Chapter, which lasts about half an hour, the PCs unexpectedly find themselves in the
presence of an Arcanum, freed from the clutches of the forces of darkness.

At the end of the conflict, the PCs find the mysterious gem possessed by the [boss] on the battlefield . When they
get closer to analyze it, they can notice how it appears to be pulsating, while its color is slowly turning towards a
pearly white.

After a few moments, the mana around the [maginave] stabilizes and a spirit takes shape in front of the group,
towering above the PCs and transporting them into a dream plane. In the background there are scenes linked to the
past (glimpses of the Last War, ruins that return to being intact and perfectly functional buildings, etc.; however, the
PCs do not seem to directly recognize these scenes or these places). The spirit is slightly confused, as if it has been
trapped for a long time, and multiple voices together seem to come from its figure. The heroes find themselves
faced with the Arcanum of Heroic Memory, the spirit of the Great Heroes who in the past gave their lives to defeat
the Queen of Demons.

Players can interact with the Arcanum, obtaining information related to the Great Heroes and their relationship with
the Demon Queen. The Arcanum provides no linear memories, being only fragments of multiple jumbled memories.
For this reason, the PCs must carry out appropriate Tests to interact with it, while still being able to obtain only partial
information (see Fragments of the Past, below).

Regardless of the outcome of the conversation, before taking leave, the Arcanum reveals that he perceives a strong
magical disturbance within the Living Library (see Favorable Wind, page 8).


To end the Last War, the Great Heroes were forced to sacrifice themselves to seal the Demon Queen and
her evil followers. What is not known to most is that in reality the sacrifice was part of an immense ritual
fueled by their life energy, used to create the Queen's prison.
Unfortunately, something went wrong: the Queen of Demons was sealed, but a curse struck the souls of
the Heroes, preventing them from reuniting with the Mana Sea. Given their commitment to preserving
peace on Kardia, the cursed souls nevertheless became a powerful Arcanum, capable of inspiring future
generations. Although he does not remember exactly how this happened, the Arcanum manages to
reconstruct the image of a knight with long white hair officiating a ritual, fragmenting his soul into numerous
crystals of rocklight. From then on, everything is a blur.


Given the unstable nature of the crystal that is holding its essence, the party does not have much time to bind the
Arcanum (see Bind and Summon in the Core Manual, page 177). To do this you need to perform a Ritual
corresponding to a 4-section Clock with LD equal to 10 (which becomes equal to 7 if the Arcanist possesses Ritual
Arcanism); however, a second 6-section Clock fills with each failure: the crystal begins to shatter and once destroyed
will completely release the Arcanum, thus preventing the binding. If there are multiple Arcanists in the group, they can
all bind the Arcanum with the same Ritual, but only one Arcanist can perform it: any other Arcanists or companions
who wish to help can assist him (see Basic Manual, page 120). Regardless of the outcome, the Ritual consumes all
the current Mind Points of the Arcanist performing it.

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Domains: heroism, memory, protection.

You are immune to the slow status.

You treat your Willpower as increased by one die size (maximum d12).

Memento. When one or more creatures visible to you are hit by an offensive attack or spell, you

can cause that offensive attack or spell to automatically fail against each creature. If you do,

dismiss this Arcanum (it is not a voluntary dismissal).

You can use this effect even if the Magic or Accuracy Test was a critical success; if you do, that
critical success doesn't generate an opportunity.


Depending on the outcome of the battle, the PCs can emerge victorious and continue their journey (Favorable Wind) or
find themselves picking up the pieces (of morale and of the [maginave]) after a sound defeat (A Sudden Brake).


Just before the Arcanum takes leave of the group, a strong pang of pain runs through him, making him waver: he is
sensing a strong interference of dark mana, coming... from inside the Living Library. At this point, the few forces that
allowed him to remain visible fail and the PCs find themselves back on board the [maginave].


If the PCs fail to defeat the [boss], they wake up, having miraculously escaped death (they only have 1 HP and 1 MP!),
among the rubble of the [maginave] which has crashed onto a small floating rock. The heroes are unaware of how much
time has passed, but they realize that they may not be the only survivors: it is up to you to decide who and how escaped

Whatever the outcome, to conclude read or paraphrase the following scene from the Game Master:

“A deafening silence fills the air around you and time from
incomprehensible seems to have stopped when it permeates interference:
almost from the microphones

radio comes out of the edge message made

'Fzzz... request for help... fzzz... Kingdom of Geminis... Living Library... hurry!'
In another place many miles away from you, a knight wearing a long ornate helmet leaves a huge hall. step horns and with

To his a resting crystal ball on a high pedestal projects orange lights on the walls,
shoulders, lights flickering living flames..."

The Chapter is over!

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Remember to check the rewards and directions on how to update the

Hero's Journal in . Follow NEED
GAMES Official
social networks!
Strategic so you don't
miss the news and future releases of ! Fabula


In this section you can find the statistics of the opposing NPCs faced by the heroes in the second part of the Chapter.
For a detailed explanation on how to read an NPC's profile, you can consult the Core Manual
by Fabula Ultima on page. 320.

Lv 15 w DEMON

An evil creature in the service of darkness. Harness the

Puppeteer's powers to control a crowd of followers.

Typical Traits: Hungry, cruel, terrifying, fast.

DEX d10 INT d6 VIG d10 VOL d6 PV 320 w 160 PM 110 Init. 12

DEF +1
D. MAG +2 'RS aVUb aIME f iRSlVU b IM


$ Seize the Day! wÿDEX + VIGÿ +1 wÿTM + 10ÿ physical damage and the target suffers the slow status.


h Shadow in the Wind w 10 PM w Spellcasterw Snapshot .

Harnessing dark mana, the boss bends magic and will to overwhelm his opponents. Until this spell
ends, if an offensive spell is cast on the boss, the creature that cast the offensive spell in question is
targeted instead (any other targets are targeted normally). After this happens, this spell ends.

h Vampiric Shock r wÿVOL + VIGÿ+1 w 10 MPw One creature w Instant.

The target takes ÿTM + 15ÿ lightning damage and the boss recovers an amount of Life Points equal to
half the target's lost Life Points.


S You will fall with Me! w When the boss enters Crisis, he orders the swarm to leave the PCs alone and crash
the ship. Create a 6-section “Ship Integrity” Watch: when completed, the maginave crashes with the PCs
on board, forcing them to Surrender (see Ship Integrity on page 6).


Spiritual Treasure w Steadfast Harpoon (Arcane Weapon) w 750 z

You are immune to the shaken status and attacks with this weapon target Magic Defense.

Steering wheel w See Basic Manual, page. 309 for the detailed explanation of this Skill.

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Evil followers, corrupted by the Puppet Master's powers. They obey

their leader, at least while he is in possession of the gem...

Typical traits: hungry, annoying, repellent, fast.

DEX d10 INT d8 VIG d6 VOL d8 PV 40 w 20 PM 45 Init. 9

DEF +0 D. MAG +0 ' aVUb VUa ERSf il b RS


$ Life-Snatching Bite wÿDEX + DEXÿwÿTM + 5ÿ physical damage and the target suffers the slow
status. If the target is slow or weak, the attack petrifies it: the target takes one less action during its
next turn (minimum 0).


S Praise be to the Master! w The swarm can use an action and spend up to 10 MP to choose a visible
creature. The chosen creature regains the same amount of MP.


Impregnable w The swarm is immune to the slow status.

Steering wheel w See Basic Manual, page. 309 for the detailed explanation of this Skill.


Aboard the Mangianuvole, a maginave specialized in the collection and storage of lightning, the heroes have recently
left Concordia in the direction of a small community west of the Capital. In fact, it seems that Captain Lucius, in one of
his last journeys, collected information regarding an eccentric hermit who could be one of the reincarnated Great
Heroes. Agreeing that it might be a good lead to follow, the heroes entrust the Captain with managing the route and
dedicate the rest of the day to exploring the maginave.

Fate has it that, shortly after departure, the boatswain Voroi, whose hair reacts instantly to the presence of
any storms, warns the crew of the proximity of possible clouds full of lightning, indicating the way with the
orientation of his tufts.

Even though they are engaged in a mission of greater importance, the Captain cannot miss the opportunity and asks
the heroes to help them in the collection. Excited by the opportunity to experiment with a new activity, the heroes
willingly accept and, armed with lightning cages, get to work. Fishing bears excellent fruit, despite the danger and the
attack of some lightning gulls who don't like someone stealing their food, i.e. the lightning bolts. However, venturing
thus inside the clouds caused problems with the engine that supports the maginave, compromising its power; for this
reason, for the rest of the day the crew is struggling with repairs, but with the support of the heroes the problem is
quickly solved.

Busy with their chores, the heroes notice too late that a flock of harpies led by a colossal Demonic Harpy is attacking
the ship: all they have to do is face them. The conflict is long and exhausting; more than once it seems that the Harpy
is about to get the upper hand, but in the end the heroes manage to eliminate it and with its demise the flock also

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Once calm has returned, the maginave is ready to leave again, but from the crystal left on the bridge emerges the mystical figure
of one of the Great Heroes, who ascended to Arcanum. Transported into a dream dimension, the heroes learn of the ritual with
which the Queen of Demons was sealed, who is now ready to take revenge.

While he is intent on enlightening the heroes with his knowledge, a vibration causes the Arcanum to resonate, forcing him to
vanish, but not before he has informed the group of a danger near the Living Library.
To confirm this, a disturbed signal from the on-board radio brings the heroes back to the present world.



SUPERVISION: Alberto Orlandini and Matteo Pedroni

TEXTS: Adventurers of Il Salotto di Giano APS (Claudia Carbonara, Laura Cardinale, Fabio Giannace, Angelo Lunati, Marco

REVIEW: Alberto Orlandini

GRAPHICS: Erica Viotto

PLAYTESTER: Janus' Living Room APS (Tommaso Giordano, Asya Mazzucco, Marco Mezzocapo, Laura Soru, Francesca Viganò)



PIXEL ART: Gabriele Derosas

Fabula Chronicles is based on Fabula Ultima TTJRPG © 2022 Need Games & Rooster Games.

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