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MAX l QTIFE INSURANCE so should your protection cover. Te. Super rm Plan LIFE INSURANCE COVERAGE IS AVAILABLE IN THIS PRODUCT. Cover your family's needs with a Term Plan that gives you an increasing __ Sum Assured option to cope with the rising inflation. WHAT THIS PLAN OFFERS YOU Option to cope up with rising inflation Max Life Super Term Plan offers unique Sum Assured option, where the Sum Assured increases by S% every year at simple rate till che end of the Policy Term without any increase in the premium. This helps your Life Insurance Plan cope wich the rising inflation and in line with your upgrading Ife style Flexibility to choose the Benefit Payout (On death ofthe Life Insured, the nominee can choose the Settlement Option: Opti: Hel sei bayals ne pion taneous rat entre: reste Beret ox lore vor Option 2: Receive 50% of Guaranteed Death Benefit as lump sum and 042% of Guaranteed Death Benefit as monthly income for 10 years increasing at 850% pa, (simple rate) every year starting from the polley anniversary fllowing the date of death Flexibility to choose between Policy Terms Choose Policy Terms from a minimum of 10 years to maximum of 35 years Comprehensive Insurance Cover at Affordable Rates ‘Max Life Super Term Plan offers comprehensive insurance cover at affordable rates to take care of your loved ones, in ease you are nat around CHOOSE YOUR PLAN IN FOUR SIMPLE STEPS C) (+) PR ecw EEC Gs IN. ARRIVE AT THE pty ms Peaotias Een crac) 4A Max Financial and J AXIS BANK JV PLAN FEATURES Type of Pa ’A Nor-Linkod Non Parscpatng hetvadul Pore Risk Premium ie nsurance Pan ‘Coverage ‘All nvidalsn accordance with Board approved underwrng poly of the Company ‘ini 7 Paxman Ags ‘of Lif Insured a Eery (ge ison Last Bid) inima Age 1B years Maximum Age 65 years aximam Mawrty Age fof the Life Insured (Age as on Las Birthday) years Premium Payment Term & Modes “Ths ea regular premium paying plan, Premium Payment Term le same a Policy Tarm This product allows Annual, Semi - Annual, Quarterly and Menthly Premium Payment Modes Policy Term Minirnurn Policy Term: IO years Maximum Policy Terra 35 years “The Poicyholder wil have the option ro choose «term betwee 10 years and 35 years, wth ineras of | yar Premium “Fninury Premiums The minimum Premium fr the products € 5000 pa. exuding Underwritng Exta Premium, loading Tor ‘modal premium, Rider Premiums and appliable exes, cesses or eves f hiv ‘Maximum Prema: No ln subject o he limits determined in accordance with Board approved underwriting policy ofthe Company Sum Assured “Minienury Summ Assured 25 Laths subject to minimum Prema ite “Maximum Sum sured: No im subject to elt determined in accordance with Board sporoved underwctng policy ofthe Company Pease note thatthe Sum Assured wl be arable in muller of | Lak only Premium Races Premium Rates vary basis the following parameters 44) Gender (Males, Females and Transgenider): The Premium Rates vary by gender of the Pollcyhoder. The Premium Rate for ferales ‘el be sae 2 at of mals with 3 five year ae offset Where the corresponding rate Ik not aalabe, the Premium Rate svalbl or iow _age for male fe wl be used. The premium rates fr transgender lives wil be same as those for mae lives +b) Smokers / Non ~ Smokers: The Premium Rates vary by smoker staus (a. Non-Smoker and Smoker) <6) Sub - Standard Lives: Th produce wil be ofred toa ves, However, substandard lives shal berated up in accordance with the Board approved underwriting policy of the Company 1d) Summ Assured Option Chosen: The Premium Rates wil vary bass the Sum Assured option chosen by the Plleyolder (Level Sum Assured or Increasing Sum Assured) at pli Inception “Sample Premium Amount | Bamps of Annuilsed Premium (n#) fra Life Cover (Sum Assured) of € 50 Lakhs 25 yar ter. Realy male Non = Smoker Smoker ‘Age Option | @) ‘Opsion 2 (8) ‘Option (8) [Option 2.) 30 6.500 9.250 8,700 15,000 35 8.200 12.450 11.550 18,200 0 11,300 17:800 16.500 26,700 5 16,300 26,050 24.450 33,700 50 23,950) 38,650 36.550 59,350) Option I Level Sum Assured Option Option 2- increasing Sum Assured Option ‘Surval/ Surrender Bena _| No Sureval/ Sorrender Benet avalabe onder thi pan ‘Sum Assured Options “The product offers folowing two optors, tobe chosen only at poly me=pton: + Level Sur Assured: Under this option, the Sum Assured remains fixed throughout the Paley Term + Increasing Sum Assured: Under this option, the Sum Assure increases by 8% pa simple rate) on each palcy anniversary without Increase in premium amount azar Bene [No Maturity Benefit ix payable under the plan Death Benefic| Payable on death ofthe Life Insured during the Polcy Term proved te poli ln force or the Reduced insurance Cover is acuve, On ‘the death of the Life Insured ane during he term of the poly, che Company wil pay the Guaranteed Death Benet under te pan Guarancoed Death Banfi is defined a higher of + 10 emes the Sum of Annusled Premium’ and Underwriting Extra Premium ifany), + 105% of Sum of Total Premiums Pat Underwting xara Premiame and loadings for modal premiume(f any) 3 on the date of death of fe sured, + Guaranteed Maturity Sum Assured payable on macuriy date + Sum Assured elective on the Policy aniversary previous or coinciding with dhe date of death “~Aannualsed Premium’ means Premium amount payable during 3 Polcy Year chosen by Poliyholr, excusing Underwriting Extra Premium, keading for modal erin Rider Premiums and applicable tes, cesses or levies if any. “Total Pres Pald" crane the ‘01 of a Premium recsived, excluding Underwriting Excra Premium, losing fr mods premium Rider Promium and apleable taxes, ‘cesses of levies, ary. "Underwriting Extra Premium” means an adeivoral amount charged by Us, 8 per Uacerring Policy. which is cetermines onthe bate of disclosures made by Poleyholer Inthe Proposal Form or anyother information receved by Us ncicing toed eration report of the Lie lature “Serement Option ‘On death of he Life Insured, the nominee fae two options: (pcan I: Take the fl Guaranteed Dasth Benalla lurp um or Opvon 2 Take 0% ofthe Guaranteed Death Benefit lump sum and 042% of Guaranteed Death Benfi as monthly income for years {Sexemene Period) increasing at 850% pa. (simple rate) every yar staring from polcy anniversary flowing the dat of death Incase Option 2 selected anytime during the Settement Period, the nominee shal have the right to commute the rersiing payouts by submlzing a writen request ta the Company. On reclpt of uch request, the Company sal pay the present value of al future payouts discounted se che rate of 650% pa tothe nominee Reduced Insurance Cover Riders Avaiabie "The policy offers Reduced Insurance Cover from palcy year 1é onwards n ase Palcyholder deconviues payment of Premiums afar paving Prem for 1S years. Ts feature only avalabl for Paley Tarm greater than equal to 16 years, Reduced Insurance Covers alelted a Reduced Insurance Cover = [ (Policy Year of Discontinuance of Premium - I) / Policy Term}~0.25 ] X Guaranteed Desth Benoit ax Life Accidental Death & Disrienberment Rider (UIN - IG48027V03) provides lump sum benefit cate of death / dismemberment due o accident. Max Life Water of Pramium Pius Rider (UIN - 1048028V03) provides watver of al fur premiums n cas ofan eventualty. Whare the Polephalder same a Life Insured, waiver ofall funie Premiums i provided i case of limemberment or dagnosis of cra ness of ‘the Polcyhoder, however where te Poiyholder and Life naire are feren: waiver of al fare Promiums provided in cate of dsmemberment, dagnoss of creates or death of che Poicyholder For abe dela on Rand vias Ta Coton plese alert te respeive Rar Prowpaca sisbe Ww ae SUTaRCS a Example for Level Sum Assured Option Mr, Sharma, 35. year old and healthy (non-smoker), opts for Max Life Super Term Plan. He chooses to buy Level Sum Assured option with a term of 30 years. He pays © 16,500 as his yearly premium for a Sum Assured of € 1Crore. (On sudden demise of Mr, Sharma during 10" policy year (i.e, post payment of 10 Annualised Premiums), his wife (nominee) opts to take the entire proceeds from the policy from which she receives the lump sum amount of & | Crore immediately. PolicyYear Year | Premium Paid -@ 16,500 pa. Year 10 Age of Life Insured 35 Ye Yrs On sudden demise of Mr. Sharma during 10 policy year (e., post payment of 10 Annualised Premiums), his wife (nominee), is not sure how to use the entire Death Benefit. Instead of taking the entire amount as lump sum, she plans to opt for the Settlement Option 2 where she will get % 50 Lakhs as lump sum immediately after death and the remaining % 50 Lakhs as monthly income (starting from next policy anniversary) increasing at 8.50% p.a. (simple rate) every year starting from the policy anniversary following the date of death np sam a dat) income increasing by 8.50% per annum (simple rate) Death Benefit Vc. a Total Income received = % 69.68 Lakhs i O@ TBA67I0 €8BR60 Yer!® Yer) PolieyYear Year | Premium Paid-16500 pa. Year 10 ‘Age of Life Insured 35Yrs 440s “The income will start from the policy anniversary following the date of death, ‘The above illustrations and stated values are only suggestive. Actual Premium amount and Sum Assured may vary depending on the age, health conditions and certain other factors. Example for Increasing Sum Assured Option Mr. Verma, 40 year old, healthy (non-smoker), opts for Max Life Super Term Plan. He wants a Protection Pian where the Life Cover increases every year to mitigate the impact of inflation. He opts for Increasing Sum Assured option with a term of 30 years. He pays % 42,100 as his yearly premium for an initial Sum Assured of € | Crore. Now Mr. Verma's Sum Assured increases every year by & 5 Lakhs (5% of initial Sum Assured of € | Crore) till the end of Policy Term. ‘On sudden demise of Mr. Verma during 21* policy year (i.e. post payment of 21 Annualised E Premiums), his wife (nominee) opts to take the entire proceeds from the Policy as lump sum amount. Option | In the 21* policy year, Mr. Verma’s Sum Assured has increased to 2 Crores (increase of € 5 Lakhs per annum) which will be paid to his nominee. Increasing Death Beneftt Death Benefit increasing by 5% pa. (5 Lakhs pa.) ——«~€ Death Benefit pach cee peer eee Vcr 7 Bi Potcy Terminates Policy Year Year | Premium Paid= 42100 pa. Year 21 Ageoflifinsured 401s Ors ‘On sudden demise of Mr. Verma during 2I* policy year (ie.. post payment of 21 Annualised Premiums), his wife (nominee), instead of taking the entire amount as lump sum, opts for the Settlement Option 2. In the 21* policy year, Mr. Verma’s Sum Assured has increased to & 2 Crores (increase of 75 Lakhs per annum) so his wife will get € 1 Crore as lump sum immediately after death and the remaining @ | Crore as monthly income (starting from next policy anniversary) increasing at 8.50% paa. (simple rate) every year starting from the policy anniversary following the date of death. Increasing Death Benefit Death Benefic increasing by 5% pa. (@5 Lakhs pa) -——_, Income Phase Lamp sum | year monthly income is &€4,000 atdeath Income increasing by 8.50% pa, (simple rats) £3 1 Crore “Total Income received == 1.39 Crores Cr. A® & & Death Benefie In Crores 2crt Policy t Tiomseso tame Tiesiwo FAO Terminates Yar?” Yar Yer Yori PolgyYear Year| Premium Fald- £42,100 pa, Year 21 Age oflifelnsured 40Yrs Orr “The income will stare from the policy anniversary following the date of death. ‘The above illustrations and stated values are only suggestive. Actual premium amount and Sum Assured may vary depending on the age, health conditions pee eed i | iis ostomeregine umber sus 11960 1205577 ‘UFE'to 5616188 bd swweumasifensurancecom ‘Max Life Ineurance Company Limited i Joint Venture between Max Financial Services Limited and Axle Bank Limited. Corporate Office: 21" Floor DLF Square ‘Building, lacaranda Mara, DLF city Phase |, Gurugram (Haryana) - 122 002, For more details onthe risk actors, Terms and Conditions, plebse read the prospectus carefully before concluding a sale-Insurance isa subject matter of solicitation You may be entitled to certain applicable tax benefits on your premiums and poley benoit Please nota al the tax benefit are subject to tax laws prevaling a the tne of payment of premium or reesipt of benefits by you. Tax benefits are rubjet 10 ‘changes in tax laws, Trade logo dieplayed belongs to Max Financial Services Ltd, and Avle Sank 1d. respectively and with thelr consents, reused by Max fe Insurance Co, Ls. You can cll us on our Customer Helpline No, 1860 120 5577 or SMS ‘LIF’ to S616188 or Website www. ARN: Max Life/AURAA/Leaflet/Super Term Plan/November 2019 IRDAL Regn.No-- 104 BEWARE OF SPURIOUS / FRAUD PHONE CALLS! "IRDA s nor involved in activites like seg insurance policies amouncing bonus or investment of premiums + Public receving such phone calls are requested o lodge a police complain.

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