DIN Handbook 405A

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DIN Handbook 405

Iron and steel

Quality standards 5
Stainless and other high-alloy steels

Issued by DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin.

© 2006 Beuth Verlag GmbH

Berlin · Wien · Zürich
Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 2601-0

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Website: www.beuth.de
e-mail: info@beuth.de

4th Edition
Complete to January 2006

All rights reserved. Without written permission from the publisher, no part of this book may
be used for purposes not permitted by German copyright law, including duplication, trans-
lation, microform reproduction and electronic storage and processing.

© for DIN Standards held by DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin.

The contents of this work have been checked carefully by the authors and publisher, but no
responsibility can be taken for their accuracy. The publisher accepts liability solely for dam-
age caused by its own intent or gross negligence.

ISBN 10: 3-410-16267-4

ISBN 13: 978-410-16267-4
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
Standardization in Germany
Organization and principles
Standardization is instrumental in the creation of order in our technical world. It is an inte-
gral part of the existing economic, social and legal structure.
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. (DIN, for short), a self-governing institution of
trade and industry, is the body responsible in Germany for the preparation of national stan-
dards. It performs this function on the basis of its statutes and of the principles set out in
DIN 820, and pursuant to the agreement concluded with the German Federal Government
in 1975. As the representative of Germany, it fulfils an equivalent function in the European
(CEN/CENELEC) and international (ISO) standards organizations, while in the field of elec-
trical engineering such activities are coordinated through the DKE Deutsche Kommission
Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik im DIN und VDE.
The standards work undertaken by DIN is a service that profits the whole of the national
economy. This work is defined as the systematic standardization of tangible and intangible
objects by the mutual efforts of all interested parties for the benefit of the entire commu-

The { symbol
The { symbol is the visible representation of DIN’s work for the benefit of the community.
Its use is not restricted to DIN members, but all products bearing the { symbol must
comply with the pertinent DIN Standards and meet other justified requirements with regard
to their serviceability. If products bearing the symbol are found not to comply with the pro-
visions laid down for its use, permission to use the mark will be withdrawn.

Membership of DIN
Membership of DIN is open to companies and corporate bodies from any country.
Members of DIN pay an annual subscription fee which is based on the number of salaried
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The current minimum fee is EUR 744.00 (for all organizations with up to 100 employees).
Members of DIN are granted, among other benefits, the following reductions:
– 15 % discount on orders for the DIN-Katalog für technische Regeln,
– 15 % discount on orders for DIN Standards, including translations,
– 15 % discount on subscriptions to DIN-Mitteilungen + elektronorm,
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

– permission to reproduce DIN Standards for in-house purposes against payment of a
small flat-rate fee.

Information on standards
The results of DIN’s activities in the field of standardization are recorded in DIN Standards.
In special fields and areas of responsibility, other German private-sector regulatory bodies
also issue normative documents.
The main annual catalogue published by DIN is the DIN-Katalog für technische Regeln,
edited by the DITR-Datenbank der DIN-Software GmbH. Volume 1 of the DIN Catalogue
represents the single most comprehensive printed source of information on the technical
rules which are valid in Germany; volume 2 contains the corresponding references to inter-
national collections of technical rules. Both volumes are also available on CD-ROM.
The technical rules listed in this catalogue are not only DIN Standards and documents pub-
lished by other regulatory bodies, but also those statutory provisions (laws, regulations,
etc.) that contain technical specifications. The titles of the documents are in many cases
given in both German and English.
DIN publishes a monthly journal, the DIN-MITTEILUNGEN + elektronorm which, besides
featuring articles and reports on standards work in Germany and abroad, also includes a
gazette of new publications and other activities in the field of technical rules, the DIN-An-
zeiger für technische Regeln.
In addition to the printed products, DITR also offers a large number of other services. For
further information please contact:
Deutsches Informationszentrum für technische Regeln (DITR)
Burggrafenstr. 6, 10787 Berlin, Germany
Fax: +49 30 2628 125
e-mail: auskunft@din.de

Translations of German standards

DIN-Sprachendienst, the language services section of DIN, publishes official English trans-
lations of the most important DIN Standards. These translations may be purchased singly
or on a subscription basis.
In addition to the printed translations, the Auslandsnormen-Service (Foreign Standards
Sales Section) maintains a large collection of typescript translations in English, French and
Spanish which outside companies and organizations have been authorized to prepare, but
which have not been reviewed by DIN. The essential bibliographic data of all available trans-
lations, in both printed and typescript formats (2005: 18,500), are referenced in the trans-
lations catalogue published annually as Volume 3 of the main DIN-Katalog für technische
Printed translations are to be ordered from Beuth Verlag (or, for customers outside Ger-
many, from their respective national standards body) and typescript translations from Aus-
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Any enquiries for information on the services provided by DIN-Sprachendienst should be

addressed to:
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.
Mailing address: 10772 Berlin, Germany
House address: Burggrafenstr. 6, 10787 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 2601-2129
Fax: +49 30 2601-1266
e-mail: margaret.saunders@beuth.de
DIN Handbooks in English
Standards relating to specific subject groups are also published collectively in the form of
DIN-Taschenbücher, of which to date 18 have been completely translated into English and
issued as DIN Handbooks.

Electronic media
In addition to the DIN Catalogue, standards information is offered in the form of electronic
standards information services, including bibliographic searches (PERINORM).

DIN Catalogue in electronic format

Volumes 1 and 2 of the DIN Catalogue are also available on subscription on CD-ROM. Sub-
scribers are supplied with complete monthly updates. The online version of the DIN Cata-
logue can be accessed for a charge at:

As the most comprehensive European reference database on CD-ROM, Perinorm repre-
sents the complete source of information on the standards collections of national standards
SIS, SNV, SUTN, TSE, UNI, but also of information on European Standards (issued by CEN,
CENELEC, ETSI), on standards issued by international standards organizations such as
ISO, IEC, ITU and on EU Directives.
Perinorm is a trilingual database that can be accessed optionally in English, French or Ger-
man, and is supplied on an annual subscription basis. Bibliographic data on standards col-
lections of North American standards bodies, such as ANSI, API, ASME, ASTM, EIA, IEEE,
NEMA, SAE and UL, as well as Australian, South African and Japanese standards may be
ordered as a supplementary package (Perinorm International).
Perinorm is updated monthly.
Subscribers can access the internet version of Perinorm at

The complete collection of DIN Standards, including all illustrations, formulae and tables, is
now offered in fax format on CD-ROM, using Perinorm to manage and display the full texts.
The search index is available in German, English and French, and the collection is updated
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

monthly. The DIN Standards file on CD-ROM can be supplied in separate sections or as a
complete package.

DIN and Beuth Verlag online

Details of DIN, ISO and ASTM Standards, VDI and DVS Codes of practice and some collec-
tions of American standards are available online and Beuth publications can be ordered at
Users have access to the bibliographic data of more than 100,000 national and international
technical rules, including document numbers, dates of issue, titles, prices, as well as infor-
mation on document types and the language versions available.
More than 50,000 DIN and ISO Standards can be accessed at myBeuth.de by registered
users, and can be downloaded as pdf files for a fee.

Sales of DIN Standards and translations

The sole agent for the sale of DIN Standards and draft standards, as well as of printed
translations of DIN Standards in Germany is:
Beuth Verlag GmbH
Mailing address: 10772 Berlin, Germany
House address: Burggrafenstr. 6, 10787 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 2601-0
Website: www.beuth.de
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Beuth Verlag supplies copies of European Standards (DIN EN, in both the German and,
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© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

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Valid as of August 2002.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. holds the exploitation rights to the copyright on
DIN Standards (DIN-Normen) and on their translations. No part of DIN Standards may be
reproduced without prior permission from DIN. Requests for such permission should be
addressed to:
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.
Rechtsabteilung (Legal Department)
10772 Berlin, Germany.
Compliance with DIN Standards
As a rule, the specifications given in DIN Standards are implemented because they are
deemed to represent good practice, and not because legislation has made compliance with
them mandatory. An obligation to comply with DIN Standards may, however, devolve from
contractual agreements (e.g. between supplier and purchaser), or in those instances where
DIN Standards have been incorporated in German laws or statutory regulations.
Even if compliance with DIN Standards is not explicitly stipulated, many contracts, regula-
tions and specifications state in general terms that certain products or procedures must
conform to the state of the art or good practice as documented in DIN Standards.

Exclusion of liability
DIN Standards are available for use by anyone, this person being directly responsible for
correctly applying the information contained therein.
DIN Standards are not the sole source of information on correct technical procedures ap-
plicable under normal conditions, but just one such source. It should also be borne in mind
that DIN Standards can only reflect the state of the art existing at the time of their publica-
Compliance with DIN Standards does not, in itself, confer immunity from legal obligations.
In this regard, each person bears the risk of his/her own action. Any liability on the part of
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. or of those persons involved in the preparation of
DIN Standards is excluded.
Anyone finding an inaccuracy, error, or ambiguity when applying a DIN Standard is re-
quested to notify DIN immediately so that prompt action can be taken.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
Useful contacts at Beuth Verlag
Specialist, customized information from
Deutscher Informationsdienst für technische Regeln (DITR)
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*) extended searches will be charged at 17,50 EUR for each 15 minutes; there is no charge for
brief enquiries

Sales Germany
Phone: +49 30 2601-2260
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International sales
Phone: +49 30 2601-2759
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Suscription service/electronic media

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DIN Conferences and seminars

Phone: +49 30 2601-2518
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© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

The move away from standardization at the national level towards an emphasis on the
European level continues at a rapid pace. This dynamic process presents a special challenge
for those working in the iron and steel sectors, especially since steel grades and product forms
are being standardized for which no German standard exists. In addition, national steel
standards are being replaced almost daily by European Standards. In order to keep abreast
with this progress, it is necessary to publish new editions of the DIN Handbooks on iron and
steel at regular intervals.
As with the previous edition, this set of Handbooks (DIN Handbooks 401 to 405) is divided up
according to subject area. This volume, DIN Handbook 405, contains 5 new European
Standards which have replaced national standards, and DIN EN 10088-1 to -3, and
DIN EN 10217-7 have been revised for this edition.
It should be noted that, although draft standards appear in the original German Handbooks,
the English versions of these drafts are not included here. Such temporary editions may be
significantly altered in their final form, and so a decision was made to await the publication of
the final versions of DIN EN Standards. The English equivalents become available shortly
afterwards and may be ordered individually from Beuth Verlag.

DIN Translation Services

January 2006
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
Iron and steel standards in English
Standards available in English, including those not included in Handbooks 401 to 405, which
are relevant to the manufacture, processing and use of iron and steel (except dimensional
standards) and related ISO Standards and European Standards (as of January 2006)

DIN Standards
DIN DIN Date of Title Correlation
Hdbk issue with

402 488-1 1984-09 Reinforcing steel – Grades, properties and marking DIN EN 10080
ISO 6935-1
ISO 6935-2
402 488-6 1986-06 Reinforcing steel – Inspection DIN EN 10080
ISO 10144
488-7 1986-06 Reinforcing steel – Verification of weldability of DIN EN 10080
reinforcing steel bars – Test procedure and evalu-
536-1 1991-09 Crane rails – Dimensions, static values and steel
grades for crane rails with type A bottom flange
536-2 1974-12 Crane rails, type F (flat) – Dimensions, static val-
ues and steel grades
401 1599 1980-08 Identification marking of steel
1615 1984-10 Normal-duty, welded, circular unalloyed steel
tubes – Technical delivery conditions
1623-2 1986-02 Cold reduced structural steel sheet and strip – ISO 4997
Technical delivery conditions
401 4000-23 1988-12 Tabular layouts of article characteristics for iron
and steel
5512-1 1997-05 Steel for use in rail vehicle construction – Hot
rolled unalloyed and weatherpoof structural steels
5512-2 1997-05 Steel for use in rail vehicle construction – Unal-
loyed steel flats up to 3 mm thick
5512-3 1991-01 Steel for use in rail vehicle construction – Stainless
steel flats
5512-4 1997-05 Steel for use in rail vehicle construction – Fine-
grain structural steel
5902 1995-11 Fishplates for flat bottom rails – Dimensions and ISO 6305-1
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

5904 1995-11 Steel sleepers for flat bottom rails – Dimensions, ISO 6305-3
static parameters and materials
5906 1995-10 Rail clips for grooveless flat bottom rails – Dimen- ISO 6305-2
sions and material
15400 1990-06 Lifting hooks – Mechanical properties, lifting ca-
pacity, stresses and materials
404 17021-1 1976-02 Heat treatment of ferrous materials – Steel selec-
tion according to hardenability
404 17022-1 1994-10 Heat treatment of ferrous materials – Hardening
and tempering
DIN DIN Date of Title Correlation
Hdbk issue with

404 17022-2 1986-06 Heat treatment of ferrous materials – Heat treat-

ment methods – Hardening and tempering of tools
404 17022-3 1989-04 Heat treatment of ferrous materials – Case harden-
17115 1987-02 Steel for welded round steel chains – Technical
delivery conditions
17122 1978-03 Steel conductor rails for electric traction – Techni-
cal delivery conditions
17405 1979-09 Soft magnetic materials for d.c. relays – Technical
delivery conditions
405 17440 2001-03 Technical delivery conditions for stainless steel
drawn wire
405 17455 2002-99 Welded circular stainless steel tubes for general
purposes – Technical delivery conditions
405 17456 1999-02 Seamless circular stainless steel tubes for general
purposes – Technical delivery conditions
405 17470 1984-10 Heating conductor alloys – Technical delivery con-
ditions for round and flat wire

DIN EN Standards
DIN DIN EN Date of Title Correlation
Hdbk issue with

403 39 2001-11 Loose steel tubes for tube and coupler scaffolds –
Technical delivery conditions
401 1559-1 1997-08 Founding – Technical conditions of delivery – ISO 4990
Part 1: General
401 1559-2 2000-04 Founding – Technical conditions of delivery – ISO 4990
Part 2: Additional requirements for steel castings
401 1560 1997-08 Founding – Designation system for cast iron –
Material symbols and material numbers
401 10001 1991-03 Definition and classification of pig iron ISO 9147
404 10016-1 1995-04 Unalloyed steel rod for drawing and/or cold roll- ISO 16120-1
ing – Part 1: General requirements
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

404 10016-2 1995-04 Unalloyed steel rod for drawing and/or cold roll- ISO 16120-2
ing – Part 2: Specific requirements for general
purpose rod
404 10016-3 1995-04 Unalloyed steel rod for drawing and/or cold roll- ISO 16120-3
ing – Part 3: Specific requirements for rimmed and
substitute rimmed low carbon steel rod
404 10016-4 1995-04 Unalloyed steel rod for drawing and/or cold roll- ISO 16120-4
ing – Part 4: Specific requirements for rod for
special applications
401 10020 2000-07 Definition and classification of steel ISO 4948-1,
ISO 4948-2
DIN DIN EN Date of Title Correlation
Hdbk issue with

401 10021 1993-12 General technical delivery conditions for steel and ISO 404
steel products
402 10025-1 2005-02 Hot rolled products of structural steels – Part 1: ISO 630
General technical delivery conditions ISO 1052
ISO 4995
ISO 6316
402 10025-2 2005-04 Hot rolled products of structural steels – Part 2: ISO 630
Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy struc- ISO 1052
tural steels ISO 4995
ISO 6316
402 10025-3 2005-02 Hot rolled products of structural steels – Part 3: ISO 4950-2
Technical delivery conditions for normalized/nor- ISO 4951-2
malized rolled weldable fine grain structural steels
402 10025-4 2005-04 Hot rolled products of structural steels – Part 4: ISO 4950-2
Technical delivery conditions for thermomechani- ISO 4951-3
cal rolled weldable fine grain structural steels
402 10025-5 2005-02 Hot rolled products of structural steels – Part 5: ISO 4952
Technical delivery conditions for structural steels ISO 5952
with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance
402 10025-6 2005-02 Hot rolled products of structural steels – Part 6: ISO 4950-3
Technical delivery conditions for flat products
of high yield strength structural steels in the
quenched and tempered condition
401 10027-1 1992-09 Designation systems for steels – Part 1: Steel ISO/TR 4949
names and principal symbols
401 10027-2 1992-09 Designation systems for steel – Part 2: Numerical
403 10028-1 2003-09 Flat products made from steel for pressure pur- ISO 9328-1
poses – Part 1: General requirements
403 10028-2 2003-09 Flat products made from steel for pressure pur- ISO 9328-2
poses – Part 2: Unalloyed and alloy steels with
elevated temperature properties
403 10028-3 2003-09 Flat products made from steel for pressure pur- ISO 9328-4
poses – Part 3: Weldable, normalized, fine grain
403 10028-4 2003-09 Steel flats for pressure purposes – Part 4: Nickel ISO 9328-2
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

alloy steels with low temperature toughness

403 10028-5 2003-09 Steel flats for pressure purposes – Part 5: Weld-
able fine grain steels, thermomechanically rolled
403 10028-6 2003-10 Steel flats for pressure purposes – Part 6: Weld- ISO 9328-4
able fine grain steels, quenched and tempered
403, 10028-7 2000-06 Flat products made of steels for pressure pur- DIN 17460,
405 poses – Part 7: Stainless steels ISO 9328-5
401 10052 1994-01 Vocabulary of heat treatment terms for ferrous ISO 4885
401 10079 1993-02 Definition of steel products ISO 6929
DIN DIN EN Date of Title Correlation
Hdbk issue with

404 10083-1 1996-10 Quenched and tempered steels – Part 1: Technical ISO 683-1
delivery conditions for high-grade steels
404 10083-2 1996-10 Quenched and tempered steels – Part 2: Technical ISO 683-1
delivery conditions for unalloyed quality steels
404 10083-3 1996-02 Quenched and tempered steels – Part 3: Technical ISO/TR 11637
delivery conditions for boron steels
404 10084 1998-06 Case hardening steel – Technical delivery condi- ISO 683-11
404 10085 2001-07 Nitriding steels – Technical delivery conditions ISO 683-10
404 10087 1999-01 Free-cutting steels – Technical delivery conditions ISO 683-9
for semi-finished products, hot-rolled bars and
405 10088-1 1995-08 Stainless steels – Part 1: List of stainless steels ISO/TR 15510
405 10088-2 1995-08 Stainless steels – Part 2: Technical delivery condi-
tions for general purpose sheet/plate and strip
405 10088-3 1995-08 Stainless steels – Part 3: Technical delivery condi-
tions for general purpose semi-finished products,
bars, rod and sections
404 10089 2003-04 Hot rolled steels for quenched and tempered ISO 683-14
springs – Technical delivery conditions
405 10090 1998-03 Valve steels and alloys for internal combustion ISO 683-15
405 10095 1999-05 Heat resisting steels and nickel alloys ISO 4955
10106 1996-02 Cold rolled non-oriented electrical steel sheet and IEC 404-8-4
strip delivered in the fully processed state
10107 1996-02 Grain-oriented electrical steel sheet and strip de- IEC 404-8-7
livered in the fully processed state
402 10111 1998-03 Continuously hot rolled low carbon steel sheet and ISO 3573
strip for cold forming – Technical delivery condi-
403 10120 1997-01 Steel sheet and strip for welded gas cylinders ISO 4978
10126 1996-02 Cold rolled electrical unalloyed steel sheet and IEC 404-8-3
strip delivered in the semi-processed state
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

402 10130 1999-02 Cold-rolled low carbon steel flat products for cold ISO 3574,
forming – Technical delivery conditions (includes ISO 14590
Amendment A1:1998)
404 10132-1 2000-05 Cold-rolled narrow steel strip for heat treatment – ISO 4960
Technical delivery conditions – Part 1: General
404 10132-2 2000-05 Cold-rolled narrow steel strip for heat treatment –
Technical delivery conditions – Part 2: Case hard-
ening steels
404 10132-3 2000-05 Cold-rolled narrow steel strip for heat treatment –
Technical delivery conditions – Part 3: Steels for
quenching and tempering
DIN DIN EN Date of Title Correlation
Hdbk issue with

404 10132-4 2000-05 Cold-rolled narrow steel strip for heat treatment – ISO 4960
Technical delivery conditions – Part 4: Spring
steels and other applications
402 10139 1997-12 Cold rolled uncoated mild steel narrow strip for ISO 6932
cold forming – Technical delivery conditions
402 10142 2000-07 Continuously hot-dip galvanized mild steel sheet ISO 3575
and strip for cold forming – Technical delivery con-
ditions (including Amendment A1:1995)
402 10147 2000-07 Continuously hot-dip galvanized sheet and strip ISO 4998
made from structural steel – Technical delivery
402 10149-1 1995-11 Hot-rolled flat products made of high yield
strength steel for cold forming – Part 1: General
delivery conditions
402 10149-2 1995-11 Hot-rolled flat products made of high yield ISO 6930-1
strength steels for cold forming – Part 2: Delivery
conditions for thermo-mechanically rolled steels
402 10149-3 1995-11 Hot-rolled products made of high yield strength ISO 6930-2
steels for cold forming – Part 3: Delivery condi-
tions for thermomechanically rolled steels
405 10151 2003-02 Stainless steel strip for springs – Technical deliv- ISO 6931-2
ery conditions
402 10152 2003-08 Electrolytically zinc coated cold rolled steel flats – ISO 5002
Technical delivery conditions
401 10160 1999-09 Ultrasonic testing of steel flat product of thickness
equal to or greater than 6 mm (reflection method)
401 10163-1 2005-03 Technical delivery conditions for the surface con- ISO 7788
dition of hot rolled steel plate, wide flats and sec-
tions – Part 1: General requirements
401 10163-2 2005-03 Technical delivery conditions for the surface con- ISO 7788
dition of hot rolled steel plate, wide flats and sec-
tions – Part 2: Plate and wide flats
401 10163-3 2005-03 Technical delivery conditions for the surface con-
dition of hot rolled steel plate, wide flats and sec-
tions – Part 3: Sections
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

402 10164 2005-03 Steel products with improved deformation proper- ISO 7788
ties perpendicular to the surface of the product –
Technical delivery conditions
10165 1996-02 Cold rolled electrical alloyed steel sheet and strip IEC 404-8-2
delivered in the semi-processed state

401 10168 2004-09 Steel products – Inspection documents – List of

information and description
402 10169-1 2004-04 Continuously organic coated (coil coated) steel flat
products – Part 1: General information (definitions,
materials, tolerances, test methods)
DIN DIN EN Date of Title Correlation
Hdbk issue with

402 10169-3 2003-09 Continuously organic coated (coil coated) steel flat
products – Part 3: Products for building interior
402 10202 2001-07 Cold rolled electrolytic steel with chromium/chro- ISO 11949
mium oxide coating ISO 11950
401 10204 2005-01 Inspection documents for metallic products (in- ISO 10474
cludes Amendment A 1:1995)
402 10205 1992-01 Cold rolled blackplate in coil form for the produc- ISO 11951
tion of tinplate or electrolytic steel products with
chromium/chromium oxide coating
403 10207 1997-09 Steels for simple pressure vessels – Technical de-
livery conditions for plate, strip and bars (includes
Amendment A 1:1997)
403 10208-1 1998-02 Technical delivery conditions for steel pipes for ISO 3183-1
use with combustible fluids – Part 1: Pipes of re-
quirements class A
402 10208-2 1996-08 Technical delivery conditions for steel pipes for ISO 3183-2
use with combustible fluids – Part 2: Pipes of re-
quirements class B
402 10209 1996-05 Continuously hot dip refined steel sheet and strip ISO 5001
with zinc-aluminium-coating (ZA) – Technical deliv-
ery conditions
402 10210-1 1994-09 Hot worked hollow sections for structural steel-
work made from unalloyed structural steel or fine
grain structural steel – Part 1: Technical delivery
403 10213-1 1996-01 Technical delivery conditions for steel castings for ISO 4991
pressure vessels – Part 1: General
403 10213-2 1996-01 Technical delivery conditions for steel castings for ISO 4991
pressure vessels – Part 2: Steel grades for service
at ambient temperature and elevated temperature
403 10213-3 1996-01 Technical delivery conditions for steel castings for DIN 17182,
pressure vessels – Part 3: Steel grades for service ISO 4991
at low temperatures
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

405 10213-4 1996-01 Technical delivery conditions for steel castings for ISO 4991
pressure vessels – Part 4: Austenitic and auste-
nitic-ferritic steel
403 10216-1 2004-07 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes – ISO 9329-1
Technical delivery conditions – Part 1: Non-alloy
steel tubes with specified room temperature prop-
403 10216-2 2004-07 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes – ISO 9329-2
Technical delivery conditions – Part 2: Non-alloy
and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated tem-
perature properties
DIN DIN EN Date of Title Correlation
Hdbk issue with

403 10216-3 2004-07 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes –

Technical delivery conditions – Part 3: Alloy fine
grain steel tubes
403 10216-4 2004-07 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes – ISO 9329-3
Technical delivery conditions – Part 4: Non-alloy
and alloy steel tubes with specified low tempera-
ture properties
405 10216-5 2004-11 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes – ISO 9329-4
Technical delivery conditions – Part 5: Stainless
steel tubes
403 10217-1 2005-04 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes – Tech- ISO 9330-1
nical delivery conditions – Part 1: Non-alloy steel
tubes with specified room temperature properties
403 10217-2 2005-04 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes – Tech- ISO 9330-2
nical delivery conditions – Part 2: Electric welded
non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified
elevated temperature properties
403 10217-3 2005-04 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes – Tech-
nical delivery conditions – Part 3: Alloy fine grain
steel tubes
403 10217-4 2005-04 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes – Tech- ISO 9330-3
nical delivery conditions – Part 4: Electric welded
non-alloy steel tubes with specified low tempera-
ture properties
403 10217-5 2005-04 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes – Tech- ISO 9330-4
nical delivery conditions – Part 5: Submerged arc
welded non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with speci-
fied elevated temperature properties
403 10217-6 2005-04 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes – Tech- ISO 9330-5
nical delivery conditions – Part 6: Submerged arc
welded non-alloy steel tubes with specified low
temperature properties
405 10217-7 2005-05 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes – Tech- ISO 9330-6
nical delivery conditions – Part 7: Stainless steel
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

401 10218-1 1994-05 Steel wire and wire products – General – Part 1:
Test methods
402 10219-1 1997-11 Cold formed structural hollow sections of unal-
loyed and fine grain structural steels – Part 1:
Technical delivery conditions
401 10221 1996-01 Surface quality classes of hot rolled steel bars ISO 9443
and wire rod of circular cross section – Technical
delivery conditions
403 10222-1 2002-07 Steel forgings for pressure purposes – Part 1: ISO 9327-1
General requirements for open die forgings
DIN DIN EN Date of Title Correlation
Hdbk issue with

403 10222-2 2000-04 Steel forgings for pressure purposes – Part 2: Fer- ISO 9327-2
ritic and martensitic steels with specified elevated
temperature properties (includes Corrigendum
403 10222-3 1999-02 Steel forgings for pressure purposes – Part 3: ISO 9327-3
Nickel steels with specified low temperature prop-
403 10222-4 2001-12 Steel forgings for pressure purposes – Part 4: ISO 9327-4
Weldable fine grain steels with high proof strength
(includes Amendment A1:2001)
405 10222-5 2000-02 Steel forgings for pressure purposes – Part 5: ISO 9327-5
Martensitic, austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stain-
less steels
403 10224 2005-12 Non-alloy steel tubes and fittings for the convey- ISO 559
ance of water and other aqueous liquids – Techni-
cal delivery conditions
402 10225 2002-01 Weldable structural steels for fixed offshore struc- ISO 9327-5
tures – Technical delivery conditions
401 10229 1998-11 Evaluation of resistance of steel products to hydro-
gen induced cracking (HIC)
402 10238 1996-11 Automatically blast-cleaned and automatically pre-
fabrication-primed structural steel products
402 10248-1 1995-08 Hot rolled non-alloy steel sheet piling – Part 1:
Technical delivery conditions
402 10249-1 1995-08 Cold formed non-alloy steel sheet piling – Part 1:
Technical delivery conditions
404 10250-1 1999-12 Open die steel forgings for general purposes – DIN EN 10083-1,
Part 1: General requirements DIN EN 10083-2
404 10250-2 1999-12 Open die steel forgings for general engineering DIN EN 10083-1,
purposes – Part 2: Non-alloy quality and special DIN EN 10083-2
404 10250-3 1999-12 Open die steel forgings for general engineering DIN EN 10083-1
purposes – Part 3: Alloy special steels
404, 10250-4 2000-02 Open die steel forgings for general engineering
405 purposes – Part 4: Stainless steels
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

401 10254 2000-04 Steel closed die forgings – General technical deliv-
ery conditions
403 10255 2004-11 Non-alloy steel tubes suitable for welding and
threading – Technical delivery conditions
403 10256 2000-07 Non-destructive testing of steel tubes – Qualifica- ISO 11484
tion and competence of level 1 and 2 non-destruc-
tive testing personnel
404 10263-1 2002-02 Steel rod, bars and wire for cold heading and cold ISO 4954
extrusion – Part 1: General technical delivery con-
DIN DIN EN Date of Title Correlation
Hdbk issue with

404 10263-2 2002-02 Steel rod, bars and wire for cold heading and cold ISO 4954
extrusion – Part 2: Technical delivery conditions
for steels not intended for heat treatment after
cold working
404 10263-3 2002-02 Steel rod, bars and wire for cold heading and cold ISO 4954
extrusion – Part 3: Technical delivery conditions
for case hardening steels
404 10263-4 2002-02 Steel rod, bars and wire for cold heading and cold ISO 4954
extrusion – Part 4: Technical delivery conditions
for steels for quenching and tempering
404, 10263-5 2002-02 Steel rod, bars and wire for cold heading and cold ISO 4954
405 extrusion – Part 5: Technical delivery conditions
for stainless steels
10264-1 2002-06 Steel wire and wire products – Steel wire for ISO 2332
ropes – Part 1: General requirements
10264-2 2002-06 Steel wire and wire products – Steel wire for ISO 2332
ropes – Part 2: Cold drawn non alloyed steel wire
for ropes for general applications
10264-3 2003-02 Steel wire and wire products – Steel wire for
ropes – Part 3: Round and shaped non alloyed
steel wire for high duty applications
10264-4 2002-11 Steel wire and wire products – Steel wire for
ropes – Part 4: Stainless steel wire
10265 1996-01 Magnetic materials – Specification for steel sheet IEC 404-8-5
and strip with specified mechanical properties and
magnetic permeability
401 10266 2003-12 Steel tubes, fittings and structural hollow sec- ISO 3545-1
tions – Symbols and definition of terms for use in ISO 3545-2
product standards ISO 3545-3
404 10267 1998-02 Ferritic-pearlitic engineering steel for precipitation ISO 11692
hardening from hot working temperatures
402 10268 1999-02 Cold-rolled flat products made of high yield ISO 13887
strength micro-alloyed steel for cold forming –
General delivery conditions
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

403, 10269 1999-11 Steels and nickel alloys for fasteners with specified
405 elevated and/or low temperature properties
404 10270-1 2001-12 Steel wire for mechanical springs – Part 1: Pat- ISO 8458-1,
ented cold drawn unalloyed spring steel wire ISO 8458-2
404 10270-2 2001-12 Steel wire for mechanical springs – Part 2: Oil ISO 8458-1,
hardened and tempered spring steel wire ISO 8458-3
404, 10270-3 2001-08 Steel wire for mechanical springs – Part 3: Stain- ISO 6931-1
405 less spring steel wire
402 10271 1998-12 Electrolytically zinc-nickel (ZN) coated steel flat
products – Technical delivery conditions
DIN DIN EN Date of Title Correlation
Hdbk issue with

403, 10272 2001-01 Stainless steel bars for pressure purposes

403 10273 2000-04 Hot rolled weldable steel bars for pressure pur-
poses with specified elevated temperature proper-
404 10277-1 1999-10 Bright steel products – Technical delivery condi- ISO 683-18
tions – Part 1: General
404 10277-2 1999-10 Bright steel products – Technical delivery con- ISO 683-18
ditions – Part 2: Steels for general engineering
404 10277-3 1999-10 Bright steel products -Technical delivery condi- ISO 683-9
tions – Part 3: Free-cutting steels
404 10277-4 1999-10 Bright steel products – Technical delivery condi- ISO 683-18
tions – Part 4: Case-hardening steels
404 10277-5 1999-10 Bright steel products – Technical delivery condi- ISO 683-18
tions – Part 5: Steels for quenching and tempering
405 10283 1998-12 Corrosion-resistant steel castings ISO 11972
402 10292 2005-03 Continuously hot-dip coated strip and sheet of
steel with higher yield strength for cold forming –
Technical delivery conditions
404 10293 2005-06 Steel castings for general engineering uses ISO 3755
ISO 14737
405 10295 2003-01 Heat resistant steel castings ISO 11973
404 10296-1 2004-02 Welded circular steel tubes for mechanical and
general engineering purposes – Technical delivery
conditions – Part 1: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes
404 10297-1 2003-06 Seamless circular steel tubes for mechanical and
general engineering purposes – Technical delivery
conditions – Part 1: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes
405 10302 2002-09 Creep resisting steels, nickel and cobalt alloys
10303 2001-07 Thin magnetic steel sheet and strip for use at me-
dium frequencies
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

10304 2001-07 Magnetic materials (iron and steel) for use in relays
28, 10305-1 2003-02 Steel tubes for precision applications – Technical ISO 3304
404 delivery conditions – Part 1: Seamless cold drawn
28, 10305-2 2003-02 Steel tubes for precision applications – Technical ISO 3305
404 delivery conditions – Part 2: Welded cold drawn
28, 10305-3 2003-02 Steel tubes for precision applications – Technical ISO 3306
404 delivery conditions – Part 3: Welded cold sized
DIN DIN EN Date of Title Correlation
Hdbk issue with

403 10305-4 2003-10 Steel tubes for precision applications – Technical

delivery conditions – Part 4: Seamless cold drawn
tubes for hydraulic and pneumatic power systems
28, 10305-5 2003-08 Steel tubes for precision applications – Technical
404 delivery conditions – Part 5: Welded and cold size
square and rectangular tubes
403 10305-6 2005-08 Steel tubes for precision applications – Technical
delivery conditions – Part 6: Welded cold drawn
tubes for hydraulic and pneumatic power systems
401 10306 2002-04 Iron and steel – Ultrasonic testing of H beams with
parallel flanges and IPE beams
401 10307 2002-03 Non-destructive testing – Ultrasonic testing of
austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steels
flat products of thickness equal to or greater than
6 mm (reflection method)
401 10308 2002-03 Non-destructive testing – Ultrasonic testing of
steel bars
405 10312 2005-12 Welded stainless steel tubes for the conveyance of
water and other aqueous liquids – Technical deliv-
ery conditions
401 10314 2003-04 Method for the derivation of minimum values of
proof strength of steel at elevated temperatures
404 10323 2004-11 Steel wire and wire products – Bead wire ISO 16650
404 10324 2004-11 Steel wire and wire products – Hose reinforcement ISO/DIS 23717
402 10326 2004-09 Continuously hot-dip coated strip and sheet of ISO 4998
structural steels – Technical delivery conditions ISO 5000
ISO 9364
402 10327 2004-09 Continuously hot-dip coated strip and sheet of low
carbon steels for cold forming – Technical delivery
13674-1 2003-12 Railway applications – Track; Rail – Part 1: Vignole
railway rails 46 kg/m and above
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

DIN EN ISO and DIN ISO Standards

DIN DIN EN Date of Title Correlation
Hdbk ISO issue with

401 377 1997-10 Steel and steel products – Location and prepa- ISO 377
ration of test pieces for mechanical testing
(ISO 377:1997)
404 683-17 2000-04 Heat-treated steels, alloy steels and free-cut- ISO 683-17
ting steels – Part 17: Ball and roller bearing steels
(ISO 683-17:1999)
DIN DIN EN Date of Title Correlation
Hdbk ISO issue with

401 3887 2003-10 Steels – Determination of depth of decarburization ISO 3887

404 4957 2001-02 Tool steels (ISO 4957:1999) ISO 4957
405 7153-1 2001-02 Surgical instruments – Metallic materials – Part 1: ISO 7153-1
Stainless steel
401 14284 2003-02 Steel and iron – Sampling and preparation of sam- ISO 14284
ples for the determination of chemical composition
401 15630-1 2002-09 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of ISO 15630-1
concrete – Test methods – Part 1: Reinforcing bar,
wire rod and wire
401 15630-2 2002-09 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of ISO 15630-2
concrete – Test methods – Part 2: Welded fabric
401 15630-3 2002-09 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of ISO 15630-3
concrete – Test methods – Part 3: Prestressing
405 DIN ISO 2000-08 Implants for surgery – Metallic materials – Part 1: ISO 5832-1
5832-1 Wrought stainless steel
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
Subject index
The standards numbers highlighted in blue link to the actual documents.

Bars * Stainless steel * Sections Sections * Bars * Stainless steel

DIN EN 10088-3 DIN EN 10088-3
Bars * Steel for pressure applications Springs * Strip DIN EN 10151
DIN EN 10272 Springs * Wire DIN EN 10270-3
Stainless steel * Overview
Castings for pressure applications DIN EN 10088-1
DIN EN 10213-4 Stainless steel * Plate * Strip
Castings, corrosion-resistant DIN EN 10088-2
DIN EN 10283 Stainless steel * Sections * Bars
Castings, heat resisting DIN EN 10295 DIN EN 10088-3
Creep resisting steel DIN EN 10302 Steel for pressure applications * Bars
DIN EN 10272
Fasteners DIN EN 10269 Steel * Fasteners DIN EN 10269
Flats for pressure applications Steel * Surgery DIN ISO 5832-1
DIN EN 10028-7 Steel, creep resistant DIN EN 10302
Forgings DIN EN 10222-5 Steel, heat resisting DIN EN 10095
DIN EN 10250-4 DIN EN 10295
Strip * Stainless steel * Plate
Heat resisting steel DIN EN 10095 DIN EN 10088-2
DIN EN 10295
Heating conductor alloys DIN 17470 Tubes, seamless DIN EN 10216-5
Tubes, welded DIN EN 10312
Nickel alloys DIN EN 10095
DIN EN 10269 Valve steel DIN EN 10090

Plate * Strip * Stainless steel Wire * Springs DIN EN 10270-3

DIN EN 10088-2

Rod * Bars * Cold extrusion

DIN EN 10263-5
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Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes

Part 7: Stainless steels
English version of DIN EN 10028-7 EN 10028-7
ICS 77.140.20; 77.140.30 Supersedes
DIN 17441, September
1996 edition, and
Flacherzeugnisse aus Druckbehälterstählen – Teil 7: Nicht rostende
parts of DIN 17440,
February 1997 edition,
and DIN 17460,
September 1992

European Standard EN 10028-7 : 2000 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by CEN/TC 22.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee), Technical Committees Stähle für den Druckbehälterbau, Nicht rostende
Stähle, and Hochwarmfeste Stähle.
DIN 50601 is the standard corresponding to EURONORM 103 referred to in clause 2 of the EN.

DIN 17441, September 1996 edition, and parts of DIN 17440, February 1997 edition, and DIN 17460,
September 1992 edition, have been superseded by the specifications of EN 10028-7.

Previous editions
DIN 17440: 1967-01, 1972-12, 1985-07, 1996-09; DIN 17441: 1985-07, 1997-02; DIN 17460: 1992-09.

National Annex NA
Standard referred to
(and not included in Normative references)
DIN 50601 Metallographic examination – Determination of the ferritic or austenitic grain size of steel and
ferrous materials
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN comprises 44 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN 10028-7 : 2000-06
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 17 Sales No. 1117
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN 10028-7

January 2000

ICS 77.140.20; 77.140.30

English version

Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes

Part 7: Stainless steels

Produits plats en aciers pour appa- Flacherzeugnisse aus Druckbehälter-

reils à pression – Partie 7: Aciers stählen – Teil 7: Nicht rostende
inoxydables Stähle

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1999-09-03.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2000. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10028-7 : 2000 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Page 2
EN 10028-7 : 2000
Page 3
EN 10028-7 : 2000

Preliminary reference data for the tensile

Reference data of strength values for 1 % (plastic)

strain and creep rupture

at low
of austenitic steels

(informative) National A-deviations

contain information relating to agreements that may be

made at the time of ordering.
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1) 2) 3)
p0,2 80 mm



3) √S 0
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5) 6)
p0,2 p1,0 m 80 mm

3) 3)

8) 8)
9) 10)

9) 10)

8) 8)
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9) 10)
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EN 10028-7 : 2000

2) 7)

5) 6)
p0,2 p1,0 m 80 mm

3) 3)

11) 11)
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Page 18
EN 10028-7 : 2000

2) 7)

5) 6)
p0,2 p1,0 m 80 mm

3) 3)

9) 10)


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p0,2 p1,0
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m 80 mm
3) 4)




4) √
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4) 5)

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EN 10028-7 : 2000
DEUTSCHE NORM September 2005

DIN EN 10088-1 {
ICS 77.140.20 Supersedes
August 1995 edition.

Stainless steels
Part 1: List of stainless steels
English version of DIN EN 10088‑1

Nichtrostende Stähle – Teil 1: Verzeichnis der nichtrostenden Stähle

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by Subcommittee TC 23/SC 1 ‘Stainless steels’ (Secretariat: Germany)
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee), Subcommittee 06/1 Nichtrostende Stähle. This standard provides an over-
view of
– the chemical composition of all stainless steels covered in ECISS standards or designated for inclu-
sion in European standards, classified as corrosion resisting, heat resisting, or creep resisting steels (see
tables 2 to 9),
– the physical properties of stainless steels (see Annex A),
– the classification of grades (see Annex B),
– classification by microstructure (see Annex C),
– which stainless steels are included in which ECISS standards (see Annex D),
– the chemical composition of nickel and cobalt alloys included in DIN EN 10095, DIN EN 10269 and
DIN EN 10302 (see Annex E).

This standard differs from the August 1995 edition as follows.
a) ‘Stainless steel’ is now the overall term for corrosion resisting, heat resisting and creep resisting
b) Heat resisting and creep resisting steels have been included (see tables 6 to 9). The definition of cor-
rosion resisting steels has been adopted from the previous definition of stainless steels.
c) A table has been included listing the ECISS standards covering the use of steels to this standard for
particular products.
d) The following new steel grades have been included:
– 2 ferritic corrosion resisting steels,
– 11 martensitic and precipitation hardening corrosion resisting steels,
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

– 13 austenitic corrosion resisting steels,

– 3 austenitic‑ferritic corrosion resisting steels,
– 6 ferritic heat resisting steels,
– 14 austenitic heat resisting steels,
– 1 austenitic‑ferritic heat resisting steel,
– 8 martensitic creep resisting steels,
– 21 austenitic creep resisting steels.

Continued overleaf.
Document comprises 40 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of English price group 17
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, www.din.de
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen). www.beuth.de
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DIN EN 10088-1:2005-09

e) Ferritic corrosion resisting steel X2CrAlTi18‑2 (1.4605) and precipitation hardening corrosion resisting
steel X8CrNiMoAl15‑7‑2 (1.4532) have been omitted.
f) Guidance data have been included in Annex A for ferritic heat resisting, austenitic heat resisting, auste-
nitic‑ferritic heat resisting, martensitic creep resisting and austenitic creep resisting steels.
g) Annex B has been reworked to reflect the new classification of stainless steels by their working properties
(corrosion resisting steels, heat resisting steels and creep resisting steels), classification by microstructure
(ferritic, martensitic, precipitation hardening, austenitic and austenitic‑ferritic steels), and classification by
significant alloying elements.
h) Annex C has been included, giving empirical formulae for steel grade classification by microstructure.
i) Annex D has been included, with a matrix showing which steels are included in which standards.
j) Annex E has been included, with a table giving the chemical composition of nickel and cobalt alloys listed
in DIN EN 10095, DIN EN 10269 and DIN EN 10302.
k) The standard has been editorially revised.

Previous edition
DIN EN 10088‑1: 1995‑08
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
EN 10088-1
June 2005

ICS 77.140.20 Supersedes EN 10088‑1:1995.

English version

Stainless steels
Part 1: List of stainless steels

Aciers inoxydables – Partie 1: Liste Nichtrostende Stähle – Teil 1: Ver-

des aciers inoxydables zeichnis der nichtrostenden Stähle

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2005‑04‑14.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2005. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10088-1:2005 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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DIN EN 10088-2 {
ICS 77.140.20; 77.140.50 Supersedes
August 1995 edition.

Stainless steels
Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for sheet/plate and strip of corrosion resisting steels for
general purposes
English version of DIN EN 10088‑2

Nichtrostende Stähle – Teil 2: Technische Lieferbedingungen für Blech und Band aus korrosionsbestän-
digen Stählen für allgemeine Verwendung

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by Subcommittee TC 23/SC 1 ‘Stainless steels’ (Secretariat: Germany)
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee), Subcommittee 06/1 Nichtrostende Stähle. This standard covers technical
delivery conditions for sheet/plate and strip of corrosion resisting steels for general purposes.

This standard differs from the August 1995 edition as follows.
a) The overall term for steels as in this standard has been amended to ‘corrosion resisting steels’, while
the term ‘stainless steels’ now covers corrosion resisting, heat resisting and creep resisting steels.
b) A clause on “Formability at room temperature” has been included.
c) The specifications for physical and chemical analytical procedures have been revised.
d) Ferritic steel X2CrAlTi18‑2 (1.4605) and precipitation hardening steel X8CrNiMoAl15‑7‑2 (1.4532) have
been omitted.
e) The following additional steel grades have been included:
1) two ferritic steel grades: X1CrNb15 (1.4595), X5CrNiMoTi15‑2 (1.4589),
2) five martensitic steel grades: X15Cr13 (1.4024), X38CrMo14 (1.4419), X55CrMo14 (1.4110),
X1CrNiMoCu12‑5‑2 (1.4422), X1CrNiMoCu12‑7‑3 (1.4423),
3) seven austenitic steel grades: X5CrNi17‑7 (1.4319), X5CrNiN19‑9 (1.4315), X1CrNiMoCuN24‑22‑8
(1.4652), X11CrNiMnN19‑8‑6 (1.4369), X8CrMnCuNB17‑8‑3 (1.4597), X1CrNiMoCuNW24‑22‑6
(1.4659), X2CrNiMnMoN25‑18‑6‑5 (1.4565),
4) three austenitic‑ferritic steel grades: X2CrNiCuN23‑4 (1.4655), X2CrNiMoN29‑7‑2 (1.4477),
X2CrNiMoSi18‑5‑3 (1.4424).
f) Inclusion of specifications for 0,2 %‑proof strength levels in the cold‑worked condition.
g) Technical delivery conditions for sheet and strip for the building and construction engineering industry
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

will be dealt with in a future edition of DIN EN 10088‑4.

h) The standard has been editorially revised.

Previous editions
DIN EN 10088‑2: 1995‑08
DIN 17440: 1967‑01, 1972‑12, 1985‑07
DIN 17441: 1985‑07

Document comprises 41 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of English price group 17
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, www.din.de
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen). www.beuth.de
12.05 9663042
EN 10088-2
June 2005

ICS 77.140.20; 77.140.50 Supersedes EN 10088‑2:1995.

English version

Stainless steels
Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for sheet/plate and strip of corrosion
resisting steels for general purposes

Aciers inoxydables – Partie 2: Condi- Nichtrostende Stähle – Teil 2: Tech-

tions techniques de livraison des tôles nische Lieferbedingungen für Blech
et bandes en acier de résistance à la und Band aus korrosionsbeständigen
corrosion pour usage général Stählen für allgemeine Verwendung

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2005‑05‑04.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2005. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10088-2:2005 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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DEUTSCHE NORM September 2005

DIN EN 10088-3 {
ICS 77.140.20; 77.140.50; 77.140.65 Supersedes
August 1995 edition
and DIN 17440,
March 2001 edition.

Stainless steels
Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for semi‑finished products, bars, rods, wire, sections and
bright products of corrosion resisting steels for general purposes
English version of DIN EN 10088‑3

Nichtrostende Stähle – Teil 3: Technische Lieferbedingungen für Halbzeug, Stäbe, Walzdraht, gezogenen
Draht, Profile und Blankstahlerzeugnisse aus korrosionsbeständigen Stählen für allgemeine Verwendung

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by Subcommittee TC 23/SC 1 ‘Stainless steels’ (Secretariat: Germany)
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee), Subcommittee 06/1 Nichtrostende Stähle. This standard covers technical
delivery conditions for semi‑finished products, bars, rods, wire, sections and bright products of corrosion
resisting steels for general purposes.

This standard differs from the August 1995 edition and DIN 17440, March 2001 edition, as follows.
a) The overall term for steels as in this standard has been amended to ‘corrosion resisting steels’, while
the term ‘stainless steels’ now covers corrosion resisting, heat resisting and creep resisting steels.
b) The clause on mechanical properties has been revised.
c) The specifications for surface quality have been revised.
d) The specifications for physical and chemical analytical procedures have been revised.
e) The following additional steel grades have been included:
four ferritic steel grades: X2CrTi17 (1.4520), X3CrNb17 (1.4511), X6CrMoNb17‑1 (1.4526), X2CrTiNb18
six martensitic steel grades: X15Cr13 (1.4024), X38CrMo14 (1.4419), X55CrMo14 (1.4110), X46CrS13
(1.4035), X40CrMoVN16‑2 (1.4123), X2CrNiMoV13‑5‑2 (1.4415),
three precipitation hardening steel grades: X1CrNiMoAlTi12‑9‑2 (1.4530), X1CrNiMoAlTi12‑10‑2
(1.4596), X5NiCrTiMoVB25‑15‑2 (1.4606),
twelve austenitic steel grades: X5CrNi17‑7 (1.4319), X9CrNi18‑9 (1.4325), X5CrNiN19‑9 (1.4315),
X1CrNiMoN25‑22‑2 (1.4466), X1CrNiMoCuN24‑22‑8 (1.4652), X11CrNiMnN19‑8‑6 (1.4369),
X12CrMnNiN17‑7‑5 (1.4372), X8CrMnNiN18‑9‑5 (1.4374), X8CrMnCuNB17‑8‑3 (1.4597),
X2CrNiMoCuS17‑10‑2 (1.4598), X1CrNiMoCuNW24‑22‑6 (1.4659), X2CrNiMnMoN25‑18‑6‑5 (1.4565),
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

two austenitic‑ferritic steel grades: X2CrNiMoN29‑7‑2 (1.4477), X2CrNiMoSi18‑5‑3 (1.4424).

f) Specifications have been included for the mechanical properties of bright steel products of ferritic,
martensitic, precipitation hardening, austenitic and austenitic‑ferritic bars, and for the tensile strength
of wires.
g) An annex has been included on the availability of corrosion resisting steel wire in the cold work‑hard-
ened condition.

Continued overleaf.
Document comprises 55 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of English price group 20
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, www.din.de
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen). www.beuth.de
12.05 9663043
DIN EN 10088-3:2005-09

h) Technical delivery conditions for bars, rods, wires, sections and bright products for the building and
construction engineering industry will be dealt with in a future edition of DIN EN 10088‑5.
i) The standard has been editorially revised.

Previous editions
DIN EN 10088‑3: 1995‑08
DIN 17440: 1967‑01, 1972‑12, 1985‑07, 2001‑03
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
EN 10088-3
June 2005

ICS 77.140.20; 77.140.50; 77.140.65 Supersedes EN 10088‑3:1995.

English version

Stainless steels
Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for semi‑finished products, bars,
rods, wire, sections and bright products of corrosion resisting steels for
general purposes

Aciers inoxydables – Partie 3: Condi- Nichtrostende Stähle – Teil 3: Tech-

tions techniques de livraison pour les nische Lieferbedingungen für Halb-
demi‑produits, barres, fils machines, zeug, Stäbe, Walzdraht, gezogenen
fils tréfilés, profils et produits trans- Draht, Profile und Blankstahlerzeug-
formés à froid en acier résistant à la nisse aus korrosionsbeständigen
corrosion pour usage général Stählen für allgemeine Verwendung

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2005‑05‑04.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2005. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10088-3:2005 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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EN 10088-3:2005
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Valve steels and alloys for internal {

combustion engines
English version of DIN EN 10090 EN 10090
ICS 27.020; 77.140.10 Supersedes DIN 17480,
May 1992 edition.
Descriptors: Steel, valves steel, internal combustion engines.

Ventilstähle und -legierungen für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen

European Standard EN 10090 : 1997 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by ECISS/TC 23.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuß Eisen und Stahl
(Steel and Iron Standards Committee), Technical Committee Ventilwerkstoffe.
This standard is based on ISO 683-15, from which it deviates as follows:
a) Steel grades X50 CrSi 8 2 and NiCr 15 Fe 7 TiAl have been dropped and grade X40CrSiMo10-2
has been included.
b) The reference values for creep strength for grade X33CrNiMnN23-8 have been changed.
The DIN Standards corresponding to the EURONORMs referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as follows:
EURONORM 60 DIN 1013-1
EURONORM 103 DIN 50601

DIN 17480, May 1992 edition, has been superseded by the specifications of EN 10090.

Previous editions
DIN 17480: 1984-09, 1992-05.

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references)
DIN 1013-1 Hot rolled round steel for general applications – Dimensions and tolerances
DIN 50601 Metallographic examination – Determination of the ferritic or austenitic grain size of
steel and ferrous materials
DIN 59110 Steel wire rod – Dimensions, tolerances and mass
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

ISO 683-15 : 1991 Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels – Valve steels for internal
combustion engines

EN comprises 15 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN 10090 : 1998-03
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. English price group 10 Sales No. 1110
Beuth Verlag GmbH, D-10772 Berlin, has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN 10090

December 1997

ICS 27.020; 77.140.10

Descriptors: Steel, valves steel, internal combustion engines.

English version

Valve steels and alloys for internal

combustion engines

Aciers et alliages pour soupapes de Ventilstähle und -legierungen für

moteurs à combustion interne Verbrennungskraftmaschinen

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1998-01-02.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 1997. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10090 : 1997 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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EN 10090 : 1997

Page Page
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7.1 Chemical composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
7.2 Mechanical properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Normative references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
7.3 Internal and external condition . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
7.4 Dimensions and tolerances . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Classification and designation . . . . . . . . . . 3 8 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.1 Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8.1 Agreement of tests and inspection
4.2 Designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5 Information to be supplied by the 8.2 Number of tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
purchaser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8.3 Selection and preparation of samples
5.1 Mandatory information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 and test pieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5.2 Supplementary information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8.4 Test methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
8.5 Retests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6 Manufacturing process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
8.6 Certification of the tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6.1 Melting process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
6.2 Manufacture of the product . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6.3 Heat treatment condition and surface 10 Complaints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
finish at the time of delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Annex A (informative) Technical supplement . . 11

This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee ECCIS/TC 23 ‘Stainless steels’, the
Secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by August 1998 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

1 Scope
1.1 This European Standard applies to the grades of wrought high-alloy materials listed in table 1. These valve
materials are used for intake and exhaust valves in reciprocating internal combustion engines.
lt is applicable to bars, wire, rod and forgings and for the surface finishes listed in note 3 of 6.3.

1.2 This European Standard does not apply to alloys resistant to wear and corrosion which are used to protect
valve seat surfaces.

1.3 In addition to the specifications of this European Standard, the general technical delivery requirements
of EN 10021 are applicable, unless otherwise specified.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter.
For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this
European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest
edition of the publication referred to applies.
EN 10002-1 Metallic materials – Tensile testing – Part 1: Method of test at ambient temperature (including
Addendum AC 1 : 1990)
EN 10002-5 Metallic materials – Tensile testing – Part 5: Method of test at elevated temperature
EN 10003-1 Metallic materials – Hardness test – Brinell – Part 1: Test method
EN 10020 Definition and classification of grades of steel
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EN 10090 : 1997

EN 10021 General technical delivery requirements for steel and iron products
EN 10027-1 Designation systems for steels – Part 1: Steel names, principal symbols
EN 10027-2 Designation systems for steels – Part 2: Numerical system
EN 10052 Vocabulary of heat treatment terms for ferrous products
EN 10079 Definition of steel products
EN 10109-1 Metallic materials – Hardness test – Part 1: Rockwell methods (scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, K) and methods N and T (scales 15N, 30N, 45N, 15T, 30T, 45T)
EN 10204 Metallic products – Types of inspection documents (includes Amendment A1 : 1995)
EN 10221 Surface quality classes for hot-rolled bars and rods – Technical delivery conditions
EN ISO 377 Steel and steel products – Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for me-
chanical testing (ISO 377 : 1997)
prEN 10278 Dimensions and tolerances of bright steel products
CR 10261 Iron and steel – Review of available methods of chemical analysis
ISO 14284 : 1997 Steel and iron – Sampling and preparation of samples for the determination of chemical
EURONORM 17 1) Rod in general purpose non-alloy steel for cold drawing – Dimensions and tolerances
EURONORM 60 1) Hot rolled round bars for general purposes
EURONORM 1031) Microscopic determination of the ferritic or austenitic grain size of steels

3 Definitions
For the purposes of this European Standard, the following definition applies in addition to the definitions given
in EN 10020, EN 10021, EN 10052, EN 10079, EN ISO 377, and ISO 14284:
valve materials: Steels and non-ferrous metal alloys which exhibit, to varying degrees, resistance to:
– heat,
– thermal cycling,
– corrosion
– oxidation,
– fatigue loading,
– impact,
– adhesive and abrasive wear.
Valve materials are therefore used for the manufacture of intake and exhaust valves in reciprocating internal
combustion engines.

4 Classification and designation

4.1 Classification
4.1.1 All steel grades are classified as alloyed special steels according to EN 10020.

4.1.2 Valve materials are divided into two categories based upon their structure, which is itself determined by
the general chemical composition:
– martensitic steels, which are primarily used for intake valves and the stem portion of exhaust valves;
– austenitic alloys, which are primarily used for exhaust valves.

4.2 Designation
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

4.2.1 Names
For the steel grades covered by this European Standard, the steel names as given in the relevant tables are
assigned in accordance with EN 10027-1.
NOTE: The first few chemical symbols indicate the main alloy elements and the figure immediately following
them indicates the average content of these alloys, followed by the chemical symbols of the remaining
alloying elements.

4.2.2 Numbers
For the steel grades covered by this European Standard, the steel numbers as given in the relevant tables are
in accordance with EN 10027-2.

1) lt may be agreed at the time of ordering, until this EURONORM has been adopted as a European Standard,
that either this EURONORM or a corresponding national standard should be applied.
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EN 10090 : 1997

NOTE: The numbers are formed as set out in EN 10027-2, with the number 1 or 2 indicating the material group.
Number 2 designates the material group which comprises chemically resistant and high temperature or heat
resistant nickel and cobalt alloys.

5 Information to be supplied by the purchaser

5.1 Mandatory information
The following information shall be supplied by the purchaser at the time of ordering:
a) the quantity to be delivered;
b) the designation of the product form (e.g. bar);
c) the number of the dimensional standard (e.g. EURONORM 60);
d) the dimensions and tolerances on dimensions and shape;
e) reference to this European Standard (EN 10090);
f) name or number of the steel or alloy grade (see table 1);
g) the heat treatment condition on delivery (see 6.3);
h) all other necessary details including the intended method of processing (hot extrusion or upsetting with
electric resistance heating);
i) if required, the type of inspection document in accordance with EN 10204 (see 8.1).

10 t round bars of 30 mm diameter, dimensional tolerances as specified in EURONORM 60, of a steel grade
according to EN 10090 with the name X45CrSi9-3 and the number 1.4718, in the soft annealed condition
(+A), intended for hot extrusion, inspection document 3.1.B as specified in EN 10204:
10 t rounds EURONORM 60-30
steel EN 10090-X45CrSi9-3+A, for hot extrusion
EN 10204-3.1.B
10 t rounds EURONORM 60-30
steel EN 10090-1.4718+A, for hot extrusion
EN 10204-3.1.B

5.2 Supplementary information

The following supplementary information may be supplied by the purchaser and be agreed with the manufac-
a) product analysis (see 7.1.3);
b) verification of mechanical properties in the reference heat treatment condition (see A.2.4);
c) limitations on non-metallic inclusions (see 7.3.1);
d) surface quality class for hot-rolled round bars and rods (see 7.3.5);
e) other tests (see 8.2.2);
f) special marking (see 9.1).

6 Manufacturing process
6.1 Melting process
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

6.1.1 Unless otherwise agreed in the order, the type of melting process (see 6.1.2) is at the discretion of the

6.1.2 The non-ferrous metal alloys NiFe25Cr20NbTi and NiCr20TiAl are usually produced by remelting proc-

6.2 Manufacture of the product

The manufacturing process route of the product shall be at the manufacturer’s discretion.

6.3 Heat treatment condition and surface finish at the time of delivery
The heat treatment condition and surface finish of the products at the time of delivery shall be agreed when
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EN 10090 : 1997

NOTE 1: Valve materials intended for subsequent processing by metal forming are normally ordered in one of
the heat treatment conditions indicated in table 3.
NOTE 2: When they have become finished components, the materials are used, depending on their chemical
composition, in the quenched and tempered or the precipitation-hardened condition (see tables A.1 and
NOTE 3: Valve materials are mainly supplied in bar form, with one of the following surface finishes:
– turned and polished;
– turned and ground;
– ground;
– ground and polished;
– turned and ground, then polished;
– as rolled.

7 Requirements
7.1 Chemical composition
7.1.1 The chemical composition of the materials, determined in the cast analysis, shall conform to the speci-
fications in table 1.

7.1.2 Slight deviations from the specified limits may be permitted by the purchaser if the material character-
istics are only affected to a negligible extent.

7.1.3 At the time of ordering, it may be agreed that the result of the product analysis, with the permissible
deviations given in table 2, shall serve as proof that the limiting values for the cast analysis in table 1 have been
complied with.

7.2 Mechanical properties

Table 3 specifies values of the mechanical properties at room temperature for the soft annealed and quenched
and tempered conditions of martensitic steels and for the controlled cooled and/or quenched conditions of
austenitic materials (see also tables A.1 to A.4).

7.3 Internal and external condition

7.3.1 Any limitations on non-metallic inclusions for valve materials shall be agreed upon at the time of order-

7.3.2 The valve materials shall not have any internal defects detrimental to valve fabrication and use of the

7.3.3 NiCr20TiAl and NiFe25Cr20NbTi alloys shall have a grain size of 4 and/or finer when tested in accord-
ance with EURONORM 103, although isolated areas containing larger grains shall be tolerated.

7.3.4 In the case of bars which were turned or ground during finishing (see 6.3, note 3), the depth of surface
defects shall not exceed the tolerance class h11 of prEN 10278.

7.3.5 In all other cases, the requirements governing surface quality shall be agreed upon at the time of order-
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

For round bars and rods to be delivered in the hot-rolled surface condition, these requirements should be based
on EN 10221 where appropriate.

7.4 Dimensions and tolerances

The dimensions and tolerances for the product shall comply with the requirements agreed upon at the time of
ordering. The agreements shall, as far as possible, be based on corresponding European Standards and
EURONORMs or otherwise on suitable national standards.
NOTE: The following European Standards and EURONORMs cover dimensions and/or tolerances for products
included in this European Standard:
– for rod: EURONORM 17;
– for as-rolled round bars: EURONORM 60;
– for bright products: prEN 10278.
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EN 10090 : 1997

8 Testing
8.1 Agreement of tests and inspection documents
8.1.1 For each delivery, the issue of one of the documents listed in 8.6 may be agreed upon at the time of

8.1.2 lf, in accordance with the agreements at the time of ordering, a test report is to be provided, this shall
cover the results of the cast analysis for all elements specified for the valve material supplied.

8.1.3 lf, in accordance with the agreements at the time of ordering, an inspection certificate or an inspection
report is to be provided, the specifications in 8.2 to 8.5 are to be observed.

8.2 Number of tests

8.2.1 Mechanical tests The test unit shall consist of products from the same cast, the same type of manufacturing process
and the same heat treatment batch; all products of the test unit shall have cross-sections of the same form and
nominal dimensions. For the purpose of verifying the mechanical properties given in table 3, unless otherwise agreed at the
time of ordering, one sample per 10 t shall be taken from the test units as described in As far as possible,
the hardness shall be determined, otherwise the tensile test shall be carried out.

8.2.2 Other tests

Where, in addition to the tests in 8.2.1, other tests are to be carried out and certified in an inspection certificate
or inspection report, this shall be agreed upon at the time of ordering together with the necessary details on
the test unit and the number of tests.

8.3 Selection and preparation of samples and test pieces

8.3.1 Product analysis
For product analysis, the selection and preparation of samples shall be carried out in accordance with the
requirements of ISO 14284.
lf the spectrographic analysis method is used, testing may be carried out on the surface of the product.
However, in cases of doubt, it will be necessary to carry out several analyses evenly distributed over the cross-
section of the product, averaging results.

8.3.2 Tensile and hardness tests The test pieces for the tensile test shall be taken in the longitudinal direction of the products (in
accordance with EN ISO 377) and be prepared in accordance with EN ISO 377 and EN 10002-1. The hardness test shall be made in the cross-sectional area from which the tensile test pieces are to
be taken. The test pieces for the hardness test shall be prepared in accordance with EN 10003-1 or EN 10109-1.

8.3.3 Grain size

The instructions given in EURONORM 103 shall apply to the sampling and preparation of test pieces for
determining the austenitic grain size.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

8.3.4 Surface testing

In cases of dispute, transverse microsections shall be prepared for the microscopic examination of the surface
quality (see also 8.4.5).

8.4 Test methods

8.4.1 Chemical analysis
The chemical composition shall be determined in accordance with the appropriate European Standards listed
in CR 10261 or prepared since the publication of CR 10261.

8.4.2 Tensile test

The tensile test at room temperature shall be performed in accordance with EN 10002-1. The tensile test at
elevated temperature shall be performed in accordance with EN 10002-5.
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EN 10090 : 1997

8.4.3 Hardness test

The Rockwell C hardness test shall be performed in accordance with EN 10109-1, the Brinell hardness test shall
be performed in accordance with EN 10003-1.

8.4.4 Grain size

The austenitic grain size shall be determined in accordance with EURONORM 103.
Unless otherwise agreed, the choice between the various methods specified in EURONORM 103 is left to the
discretion of the manufacturer.

8.4.5 Surface defects

In cases of dispute, the depth of surface defects shall, in accordance with EN 10221, be determined by
metallography on a transverse microsection. lf this is not possible, the defective spot shall be filed until the
defect disappears, in order to determine the depth of the defect by suitable means.

8.5 Retests
EN 10021 shall apply for retests.

8.6 Certification of the tests

EN 10204 is valid, acceptable inspection documents being:
– a test report,
– an inspection certificate, or
– an inspection report.

9 Marking
9.1 Each coil of wire or bundle of bars shall be identified by means of a securely affixed label listing
– the manufacturer’s mark or name,
– the grade of material,
– the cast number,
– the nominal size.
Marking which identifies the surface finish and/or indicates the coil or bundle weight may be agreed upon.

9.2 The marking on the label shall remain clearly legible even after prolonged outdoor exposure of the coil or

9.3 In the case of bars with diameters not smaller than 30 mm or with a cross-section of equivalent area, the
manufacturer shall also ensure that one bar per bundle is marked as a guide bar. This requires painting its front
end white and affixing the manufacturer’s mark, the material grade and the cast number on the front end, either
by engraving (die-stamping), or by printing (rubber stamping), or by means of adhesive tape.
In the case of diameters smaller than 30 mm, or cross-sections of an equivalent area, a second label giving
information about the manufacturer, the material grade and the cast number shall be provided.

10 Complaints
The conditions for dealing with complaints specified in EN 10021 shall apply.
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EN 10090 : 1997
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Table 1: Types of materials and specified chemical composition (cast analysis)
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EN 10090 : 1997

Table 2: Product analysis – Permissible deviations from the specified cast analysis
(see table 1)
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EN 10090 : 1997

Table 3: Mechanical properties at room temperature in the heat treatment condition on delivery
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EN 10090 : 1997

Annex A (informative)
Technical supplement
A.1 General
Property values specified in the main text of this European Standard are technical delivery conditions, while
those specified in this annex are not technical delivery conditions (with the exception indicated in table A.1,
footnote 4) because they are the result of processing after delivery. The data in this annex are provided only
as a guide to the relative performance of the different materials covered in this European Standard.
They are not intended for use in the purchase, design, development, manufacture or usage of any item. Users
must assure themselves of the properties actually obtained in practice.

A.2 Mechanical properties

A.2.1 For the reference heat treatment condition (see table A.5), reference values for mechanical properties
at room temperature are given in table A.1.

A.2.2 For the reference heat treatment condition (see table A.5), reference values for tensile strength and
0,2 %-proof strength at elevated temperatures are given in tables A.2 and A.3 respectively.

A.2.3 Reference values for the creep strength after 1 000 h are given in table A.4.
NOTE: A European Standard on creep rupture testing of metallic materials is in preparation and should be
applied as soon as it is available, because the results of creep tests are very dependent on differences in
the testing conditions.

A.2.4 lf the mechanical properties covered in tables A.1 to A.3 are to be checked, then the relevant reference
heat treatment indicated in table A.5 should be carried out before the mechanical properties are tested. In
addition, for tests at room temperature the specifications of 8.3.2, 8.4.2 and 8.4.3 shall be applied. For tests
at elevated temperatures, those of EN ISO 377 and EN 10002-5 should be applied.

A.3 Physical properties

Table A.6 contains reference values relating to the physical properties of the materials complying with this
European Standard.

A.4 Subsequent processing and heat treatment

A.4.1 Shaping and heat treatment
All the materials listed in this European Standard are suitable for hot forming. As a general rule, hot forming
becomes more difficult as the alloy content increases, because of the reduced capacity for flow. Consequently,
abrupt reductions in cross-section during any single forging pass should be avoided.
When establishing parameters for heating prior to forging, the low thermal conductivity of austenitic alloys
should be borne in mind. Any temperature gradients in valve alloys can cause tremendous internal stresses
during forging and working, which result in internal ruptures and surface cracks.
Guideline temperatures for hot forming and heat treatment are given in table A.5.

A.4.2 Machining
Machining is possible but difficult in the case of austenitic materials, due to their high strength, toughness and
strain hardening characteristics. To prevent cracks from occurring during grinding operations, appropriate
grinding conditions should be chosen.
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EN 10090 : 1997
Page 12
Table A.1: Reference values for the mechanical properties at room temperature (for diameters up to 40 mm)
(applicable to the reference heat treatment condition in accordance with table A.5)
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EN 10090 : 1997

Table A.2: Reference values for the tensile strength at elevated temperatures

Table A.3: Reference values for the 0,2 %-proof strength at elevated temperatures
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EN 10090 : 1997

Table A.4: Reference values for the creep strength after 1 000 h
(applicable to the reference condition in accordance with table A.5)

Table A.5: Reference data for hot forming and heat treatment
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Table A.6: Reference data relating to physical properties
(applicable to the reference condition in accordance with table A.5)
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EN 10090 : 1997
Page 15

Heat resisting steels and nickel alloys {

English version of DIN EN 10095
EN 10095
ICS 77.120.40; 77.140.20

Hitzebeständige Stähle und Nickellegierungen

European Standard EN 10095 : 1999 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by ECISS/TC 23.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuß Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee).
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN comprises 33 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN 10095 : 1999-05
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. English price group 14 Sales No. 1114
Beuth Verlag GmbH, D-10772 Berlin, has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN 10095

March 1999

ICS 77.120.40; 77.140.20


English version

Heat resisting steels and nickel alloys

Aciers et alliages de nickel réfractaires Hitzebeständige Stähle und Nickel-


This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1999-03-01.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 1999. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10095 : 1999 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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EN 10095 : 1999
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EN 10095 : 1999
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EN 10095 : 1999

All dimensions are in millimetres

Type of Round cross-section products Rectangular cross-section products



Figure 1: Position of test pieces for steel bars and rods ß 160 mm diameter or thickness
(longitudinal test pieces)

Figure 2: Position of test pieces for steel bars > 160 mm diameter or thickness
(transverse test pieces (q))
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Location of samples

Figure 3: Position of test pieces for beams, channels, angles, T sections and Z sections

3) By agreement, the sample may be taken from the web, at a quarter of the total height.
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EN 10095 : 1999

Direction of the longitudinal axis

of the test piece in relation to
Thickness of Distance of test piece from the rolled surface
Type of test the principal direction of rolling
piece product at a product width of

mm < 300 mm ö 300 mm mm

1 Rolled surface
Tensile1) Longitudinal Transverse


1 Rolled surface

1) In cases of doubt or dispute, the gauge length, L0, shall be 5,65 S0 for test pieces from products
not less than 3 mm thick.
For products < 3 mm in thickness, non-proportional test pieces with a gauge length of 80 mm and
a width of 20 mm shall be used, but test pieces with a gauge length of 50 mm and a width of 12,5 mm
may also be applied. For products with a thickness of 3 to 10 mm, flat proportional test pieces with
two rolled surfaces and a maximum width of 30 mm shall be used. For products with a thickness
> 10 mm, one of the following proportional test pieces may be used:
– either a flat test piece with a maximum thickness of 30 mm; the thickness may be reduced to
10 mm by machining, but one rolled surface must be preserved;
– a round test piece with a diameter of 5 mm or greater the axis of which shall be located as near
as possible to a plane in the outer third of half the product thickness.
2 ) or for > 10 ß 30

Figure 4: Position of the tensile test pieces in flat products

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EN 10095 : 1999
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Table 1: Chemical composition (cast analysis) 1) of ferritic heat-resisting steels
Steel designation % by mass

Name Number Others

to to to
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to to to
to to to
to to to to
to to

1) Elements not listed in the table may not be intentionally added to the steel without the agreement of the purchaser, except for finishing the cast. All appropriate
precautions are to be taken to avoid addition of such elements from scrap and other materials used in production which would impair mechanical properties
and the suitability of the steel.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
Table 2: Chemical composition (cast analysis) 1) of austenitic-ferritic and austenitic heat-resisting steels
Steel designation % by mass

Name Number Others

Austenitic heat-resisting steels

to to
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to to
to to
to to to
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to to to

to to to
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

to to to to to
to to to to to to
to to to to to to
to to to
to to to to

Austenitic-ferritic heat-resisting steels

to to to to

EN 10095 : 1999
1) Elements not listed in the table may not be intentionally added to the steel without the agreement of the purchaser, except for finishing the cast. All appropriate
precautions are to be taken to avoid addition of such elements from scrap and other materials used in production which would impair mechanical properties

Page 15
and the suitability of the steel.
*) Patented steel grade.
Table 3: Chemical composition (cast analysis) 1) of austenitic nickel alloys

EN 10095 : 1999
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Designation % by mass

Name Number

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to der to to

to to to to

to to to to

to to to to

1) Elements not listed in the table may not be intentionally added to the alloy without the agreement of the purchaser, except for finishing the cast. All appropriate
precautions are to be taken to avoid addition of such elements from scrap and other materials used in production which would impair mechanical properties
and the suitability of the alloy.
2 ) A maximum of 1,5 % Co is allowed and counted as nickel. Reporting of cobalt is not required.
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EN 10095 : 1999

Table 4: Permissible deviations between specified composition of cast analysis and product
analysis for steels (see tables 1 and 2)

Cast analysis Permissible deviations 1)

Element (Specified limits) from the specified composition
% %

1) If several product analyses are carried out on one cast, and the contents of an individual element determined lies
outside the permissible range of the chemical composition specified for the cast analysis, then it is only allowed
to exceed the permissible maximum value or to fall short of the permissible value, but not both for one cast.
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EN 10095 : 1999

Table 5: Permissible deviations between specified composition of cast analysis and product
analysis for nickel alloys (see table 3)

Cast analysis Permissible deviations 1)

Element from the specified composition
% by mass % by mass

1) If several product analyses are carried out on one cast, and the contents of an individual element determined
lies outside the permissible range of the chemical composition specified for the cast analysis, then it is only
allowed to exceed the permissible maximum value or to fall short of the permissible value, but not both for one
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
Table 6: Mechanical properties at room temperature for heat resisting steels and nickel alloys in the usual delivery condition
(see table B.1)
Designation Product Proof strength Tensile A (min), as a percentage
Heat strength Flat products
Thickness, treat-
a, or ment Long
Name Number Form diameter, condi- products
d, tion
in mm l, tr l tr

Ferritic heat resisting steels

Flat products to
Bars to
Rod and to
sections to
Austenitic heat resisting steels
Flat products to
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Rod and
sections to

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For 1) to 3), see page 20.
EN 10095 : 1999
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Table 6 (concluded)
Designation Product Proof Tensile A (min), as a percentage
Heat strength strength Flat products
Thickness, treat-
ment Long
Name Number a, or products
Form condi-
diameter, d,
in mm tion
l, tr l tr

Austenitic-ferritic heat resisting steels

Flat products
Bars to
Heat resisting nickel alloys
Flat products
Bars to
Flat products
Bars to
Flat products to
Bars to
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Rod to
Flat products
Bars to
Flat products
1) The maximum HB values may be raised by 100 units or the maximum tensile strength value may be raised by 200 N/mm 2 and the minimum elongation value
be lowered to 20 % for cold worked sections and bars of ß 35 mm thickness.
2) For guidance only.

3) For rod, only the tensile values apply.

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EN 10095 : 1999

• Table 7: Type of process route and surface finish of sheet, plate and strip 1)
2) Type of treatment Surface finish Notes

Hot 1U Hot rolled, not heat Covered with rolling Suitable for products which are to
rolled treated, not scale be further worked, e.g. strip for
descaled rerolling.

1C Hot rolled, heat Covered with rolling Suitable for parts which will be
treated, not scale descaled or machined in subse-
descaled quent production or for certain
elevated temperature applications.

1E Hot rolled, heat Free of scale The type of mechanical descaling

treated, mechani- (e.g. coarse grinding or shot
cally descaled blasting) depends on the steel and
the product and is at the manu-
facturer’s discretion unless other-
wise agreed.

1D Hot rolled, heat Free of scale Usually standard for most grades
treated, pickled to ensure good corrosion resist-
ance; also common finish for fur-
ther processing. It is permissible
for grinding marks to be present.
Not as smooth as 2D or 2B.

Cold 2C Cold rolled, heat Smooth with scale Suitable for parts which will be
rolled treated, not from heat treatment descaled or machined in subse-
descaled quent production or for certain
elevated temperature applications.

2E Cold rolled, heat Rough and dull Usually applied to grades with a
treated, mechani- scale which is very resistant to
cally descaled pickling solutions. May be fol-
lowed by pickling.

2D Cold rolled, heat Smooth Finish for good ductility, but not
treated, pickled as smooth as 2B.

2B Cold rolled, heat Smoother than 2D Most common finish for most grades
treated, pickled, to ensure good corrosion resistance,
skin-passed smoothness and flatness. Also com-
mon finish for further processing.

2R Cold rolled, bright Smooth, bright, Smoother and brighter than 2B.
annealed 3) reflective Also common finish for further

Special 1G or 2G Ground 4 ) See footnote 5. Grade of grit or surface roughness

finishes can be specified. Unidirectional
texture, not very reflective.

1J or 2J Brushed 4) Smoother than Grade of brush or polishing belt or

or dull polished 4) ground. surface roughness can be specified.
See footnote 5. Unidirectional texture, not very

1P or 2P Bright polished 4) See footnote 5. Mechanical polishing. Process or

© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

surface roughness can be specified.

Non-directional finish, reflective
with high degree of image clarity.

2F Cold rolled, heat Uniform non-reflec- Heat treatment by bright

treated, skin-passed tive, matt surface annealing or by annealing and
on roughened rolls pickling.
1) Not all process routes and surfaces finishes are available for all grades.
2) First digit: 1 = hot rolled; 2 = cold rolled.
3) May be skin-passed.
4) One surface only, unless specifically agreed at the time of ordering.
5) Within each finish description, the surface characteristics can vary, and more specific requirements may
need to be agreed between manufacturer and purchaser (e.g. grade of grit or surface roughness).
• Table 8: Type of process route and surface finish for long products 1)

EN 10095 : 1999
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Form of product
Symbol Semi-
2) Type of process route Surface finish Bars Notes
Rod finish

Hot 1U Hot formed, not heat Covered with scale (spot × × × Suitable for products to be further hot
formed treated, not descaled ground if necessary) formed.
For semi-finished products, grinding on all
sides can be specified.
1C Hot formed, heat treated 3), Covered with scale (spot × × × Suitable for products to be further pro-
not descaled ground if necessary) cessed. For semi-finished products, grinding
on all sides can be specified.
1E Hot formed, heat treated 3), Largely free of scale (but × × × The type of mechanical descaling, (e.g.
mechanically descaled some black spots may grinding, peeling or shot blasting) is at
remain) the manufacturer’s discretion unless other-
wise agreed. Suitable for products to be
further processed.
1D Hot formed, heat treated 3), Free of scale × × – Tolerance: ö IT 14 5) 6)
1X Hot formed, heat treated 3), Metallically clean – × – Tolerance: ö IT 12 5) 6)
rough machined (peeled
or rough turned)
Cold 2H Heat treated 3 ), mechani- Smooth and bright. – × – On products formed by cold drawing without
processed cally or chemically descal- Substantially smoother than subsequent heat treatment, the tensile
ed, cold processed 4) finishes 1E, 1D and 1X strength is substantially increased, particu-
larly on austenitic structure, depending on
the degree of forming. Tolerance IT 9 to
IT 11 5) 6).
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

2D Cold processed 4), heat Smoother than finishes 1E – – Finish for good ductility (cold heading)
treated 3), pickled, and 1D
(skin passed)
2B Heat treated 3 ), machined Smoother and brighter than – × – Pre-finish for close ISO tolerances. Toler-
(peeled), mechanically finishes 1E, 1D and 1X ances: IT 9 to IT 11 5) 6).
1 ) Not all process routes and surface finishes are available for all steels.
2 ) First digit: 1 = hot formed; 2 = cold processed.
3 ) On ferritic, austenitic and austenitic-ferritic grades, the heat treatment may be omitted if the conditions for hot forming and subsequent cooling are such that

the requirements for the mechanical properties of the product are complied with.
4 ) The type of cold forming processing (e.g. cold drawing, turning, or centerless grinding) is at the manufacturer’s discretion, provided that the requirements

concerning tolerances on dimensions and surface roughness are complied with.

5 ) Specific tolerance within the ranges shall be agreed upon at the time of ordering.

6 ) For information only.

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EN 10095 : 1999

Table 9: Tests to be carried out, test units and scope of testing in specific testing
Product forms
Type of test 1) Test unit Number of test
Flat products, rod, bars pieces per sample
and sections
Chemical analysis m Cast The results of the cast analysis )
are given by the manufacturer. 2)

Tensile test at room m Batch 3) 1 sample per 30 t; maximum of 1

temperature 2 per test unit
) Tests marked “m” (mandatory) shall be carried out as specific tests. In all cases, optional tests shall be
carried out as specific tests only if agreed at the time of ordering.
) A product analysis may be agreed at the time of ordering, specifying the scope of testing at the same time.
) Each batch consists of products derived from the same cast and having been subject to the same heat
treatment cycle in the same furnace. In the case of a continuous furnace or in process annealing, a batch
is the lot heat-treated without interruption with the same process parameters.
The shape and size of cross sections of products in a single batch may be different providing that the ratio
of the largest to the smallest areas is equal to or less than three.

•• Table 10: Marking of products

Marking with 1
with specific testing ) without specific testing 1)

manufacturer’s name, trademark or logo + +

number or grade + +

cast number + +

identification number 2) + (+)

) Key to symbols:
+ = marking shall be applied
(+) = marking shall be applied if so agreed, or at the manufacturer’s discretion
2) If specific tests are to be carried out, the numbers or letters used for identification shall allow the

product(s) to be related to the relevant inspection certificate or inspection report.

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Annex A (informative)
Applicable dimensional standards
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EN 10095 : 1999

Annex B (informative)
Technical information on heat resisting steels and nickel alloys
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Table B.1: Heat treatment (for guidance only)

Designation Heat treatment

Temperature 2)
Name Number Symbol 1) °C Type of cooling3)

Ferritic heat resisting steels


Austenitic heat resisting steels 6)


Austenitic-ferritic heat resisting steel


Heat resisting nickel alloys

) A = annealed; AT = Solution annealed.
2 ) If heat treatment is carried out in a continuous furnace, the upper part of the range specified is usually
preferred or even exceeded.
3 ) a = air; w = water.

) In special cases, furnace cooling is also permitted.
) Cooling to be sufficiently rapid.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

) Heat treatment is not required in each case since the material will be exposed to elevated temperatures
in service.
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EN 10095 : 1999

Table B.2: Maximum application temperature T a for air

(for guidance only)

Ta max.
Name Number °C

Ferritic heat resisting steels

Austenitic heat resisting steels

Austenitic-ferritic heat resisting steel

Heat resisting nickel alloys

1 ) See B.3.
) The loss of metal caused by scaling does not exceed
1 g/m2 . h at Ta, and does not exceed 2 g/m2 at Ta + 50 °C on
average, for a period of 120 h with 4 intermediate coolings.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
Table B.3: Creep properties
Estimated average values of the strength for 1 % elongation at elevated temperature1)
(for guidance only) Values given in N/mm2
Designation 1 % elongation for 1 000 h 1 % elongation for 10 000 h 1 % elongation for 100 000 h
Name Number ment

Ferritic heat resisting steels

Austenitic heat resisting steels

© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Austenitic-ferritic heat resisting steel

EN 10095 : 1999
Heat resisting nickel alloys

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1) Values in parentheses involve time and/or stress extrapolation.
Table B.4: Creep properties

EN 10095 : 1999
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Estimated average values of the strength for rupture at elevated temperature1)
(for guidance only) Values given in N/mm2
Designation Rupture for 1 000 h Rupture for 10 000 h Rupture for 100 000 h
Name Number

Ferritic heat resisting steels

Austenitic heat resisting steels

© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Austenitic-ferritic heat resisting steel

Heat resisting nickel alloys

1) Values in parentheses involve time and/or stress extrapolation.

Table B.5: Physical properties for the steels and nickel alloys (for guidance only)
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion Thermal Specific heat Electrical
Designation 10 –6 K–1 conductivity capacity resistivity
Density between 20 °C and W/(m . K) kJ/(kg . K) Vmm2/m Magnetisa-
Name Number kg/dm3 at at at 20 °C at 20 °C

Ferritic heat resisting steels

Austenitic heat resisting steels
No 1)
No 1)
No 1)
No 1)
No 1)
No 1)
No 1)
No 1)
No 1)
No 1)
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No 1)
No 1)
No 1)
No 1)
Austenitic-ferritic heat resisting steel
Heat resisting nickel alloys

EN 10095 : 1999
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1) Slightly magnetic when cold worked.
2) Paramagnetic.
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Annex C
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EN 10095 : 1999

Annex D (informative)
Grades from EN 10088-1 and prEN 10028-7 used as heat resisting steels

Steels from EN 10088-1 Steels from EN 10028-7

Name Number Name Number

*) Patented steel grade.

© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
D EUTSCHE NORM February 2003

Stainless steel strip for springs {

Technical delivery conditions
English version of DIN EN 10151 EN 10151
ICS 77.140.25 This standard, together with
DIN EN 10270-3, August 2001
edition, supersedes DIN 17224,
February 1982 edition.
Federband aus nichtrostenden Stählen –
Technische Lieferbedingungen

European Standard EN 10151 : 2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by ECISS/TC 23 ‘Steels for heat treatment, alloy steels and free-cutting
steels – Qualities and dimensions’ (Secretariat: Germany).
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee), Technical Committee Nichtrostende Federstähle.
DIN V 17006-100 is the standard corresponding to CEN Report CR 10260 referred to in clause 2 of the EN.

DIN 17224, February 1982 edition, has been superseded by the specifications of EN 10151.

Previous editions
DIN 17224: 1955-04, 1968-07, 1982-02.

National Annex NA
Standard referred to
(and not included in Normative references)
DIN V 17006-100 Designation systems for steel – Additional symbols for steel names
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 29 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN 10151 : 2003-02
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 13 Sales No. 1113
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN 10151

November 2002

ICS 77.140.25

English version

Stainless steel strip for springs

Technical delivery conditions

Bandes pour ressorts en aciers inoxy- Federband aus nichtrostenden Stäh-

dables – Conditions techniques de len – Technische Lieferbedingungen

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-09-14.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-
land, and the United Kingdom.
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European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2002. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10151 : 2002 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
DEUTSCHE NORM November 2004

DIN EN 10216-5 {
ICS 23.040.10; 77.140.75 Supersedes DIN 17458,
July 1985 edition, and
DIN 17459, September
1992 edition.

Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes

Technical delivery conditions
Part 5: Stainless steel tubes
English version of DIN EN 10216-5

Nahtlose Stahlrohre für Druckbeanspruchungen – Technische Lieferbedingungen –

Teil 5: Rohre aus nichtrostenden Stählen

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by ECISS/TC 29 (Secretariat: Italy).
The responsible German body involved in the preparation of this standard was the Normenausschuss Eisen
und Stahl (Steel and Iron Standards Committee), Technical Committee Nichtrostende Stahlrohre.
DIN V 17006-100 is the standard corresponding to International Standard CR 10260 referred to in clause 2
of the EN.

DIN 17458, July 1985 edition, and DIN 17459, September 1992 edition, have been superseded by
EN 10216-5.

Previous editions
DIN 17440: 1967-01, 1972-12; DIN 17458: 1985-07; DIN 17459: 1992-09.

National Annex NA
Standard referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Bibliography)
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

DIN V 17006-100 Designation systems for steel – Additional symbols for steel names

Document comprises 44 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of English price group 17
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, www.din.de
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen). www.beuth.de
02.05 9607203
EN 10216-5

September 2004

ICS 23.040.10; 77.140.75

English version

Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes

Technical delivery conditions
Part 5: Stainless steel tubes

Tubes en acier sans soudure pour ser- Nahtlose Stahlrohre für Druckbean-
vice sous pression – Conditions tech- spruchungen – Technische Lieferbe-
niques de livraison – Partie 5: Tubes en dingungen – Teil 5: Rohre aus nicht-
aciers inoxydables rostenden Stählen

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2004-03-03.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2004. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10216-5 : 2004 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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DIN EN 10217-7 {
ICS 23.040.10; 77.140.75 Supersedes DIN 17457,
July 1985 edition.

Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes

Technical delivery conditions
Part 7: Stainless steel tubes
English version of DIN EN 10217-7:2005

Geschweißte Stahlrohre für Druckbeanspruchungen – Technische Lieferbedingungen – Teil 7: Rohre aus

nichtrostenden Stählen

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by ECISS/TC 29 ‘Steel tubes and fittings for steel tubes’ (Secretariat: Italy).
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee), Technical Committee Nichtrostende Stahlrohe.

DIN 17457, July 1985 edition, has been superseded by the specifications of EN 10217-7.

Previous editions
DIN 17440: 1967-01, 1972-12; DIN 17457: 1985-07.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Continued overleaf.
Document comprises 36 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of English price group 16
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, www.din.de
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen). www.beuth.de
08.05 9646321
EN 10217-7

May 2005

ICS 23.040.10; 77.140.75

English version

Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes

Technical delivery conditions
Part 7: Stainless steel tubes

Tubes soudés en acier pour service Geschweißte Stahlrohre für Druckbe-

sous pression – Conditions techni- anspruchungen – Technische Liefer-
ques de livraison – Partie 7: Tubes bedingungen – Teil 7: Rohre aus
en aciers inoxydables nichtrostenden Stählen

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2004-10-14.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: 36, rue de Stassart, B-1050 Brussels

© 2005. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10217-7:2005 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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EN 10217-7:2005
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D EUTSCHE NORM February 2000
Steel forgings for pressure purposes
Part 5: Martensitic, austenitic and austenitic-ferritic {
stainless steels
English version of DIN EN 10222-5 EN 10222-5
ICS 23.020,30; 77.140.80; 77.140.85 Supersedes parts of
DIN 17440, September 1996
Schmiedestücke aus Stahl für Druckbehälter – Teil 5: Martensitische, edition, and DIN 17460,
austenitische und austenitisch-ferritische nicht rostende Stähle September 1992 edition.

European Standard EN 10222-5 : 1999 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by ECISS/TC 28.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee), Technical Committee Schmiedestücke.

DIN 17440, September 1996 edition, and DIN 17460, September 1992 edition, have been superseded by the
specifications of EN 10222-5.

Previous editions
DIN 17740: 1967-01, 1972-12, 1985-07, 1996-09; DIN 17460: 1992-09.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN comprises 16 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN 10222-5 : 2000-02
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 12 Sales No. 1112
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN 10222-5

December 1999

ICS 77.140.30; 77.140.85

English version

Steel forgings for pressure purposes

Part 5: Martensitic, austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steels

Pièces forgées en acier pour appa- Schmiedestücke aus Stahl für Druck-
reils à pression – Partie 5: Aciers behälter – Teil 5: Martensitische,
inoxydables martensitiques, austenitische und austenitisch-
austénitiques et austéno-ferritiques ferritische nicht rostende Stähle

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1999-09-03.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 1999. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10222-5 : 1999 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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EN 10222-5 : 1999

Reference data for stress-rupture properties

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Annex A (informative)
Reference data for stress-rupture properties
Table A.1: Stress-rupture properties
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Table A.1: Stress-rupture properties (continued)

Table A.1: Stress-rupture properties (concluded)

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EN 10222-5 : 1999
D EUTSCHE NORM February 2000
Open die steel forgings for general engineering
purposes {
Part 4: Stainless steels
English version of DIN EN 10250-4 EN 10250-4
ICS 77.140.20; 77.140.85 Supersedes parts of
DIN 17440,
September 1996 edition.
Freiformschmiedestücke aus Stahl für allgemeine
Verwendung – Teil 4: Nichtrostende Stähle

European Standard EN 10250-4 : 1999 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by ECISS/TC 28.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee), Technical Committee Schmiedestücke.

Parts of DIN 17440, September 1996 edition, have been superseded by the specifications of DIN EN 10250-4.

Previous editions
DIN 17440: 1967-01, 1972-12, 1985-07, 1996-09.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN comprises 20 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN 10250-4 : 2000-02
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 10 Sales No. 1110
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN 10250-4
October 1999

ICS 77.140.20; 77.140.85

English version

Open die steel forgings for general engineering

Part 4: Stainless steels

Pièces forgées en acier pour usage Freiformschmiedestücke aus Stahl für

général – Partie 4: Aciers inoxy – allgemeine Verwendung – Teil 4:
dables Nichtrostende Stähle

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1999-09-09.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 1999. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10250-4 : 1999 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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EN 10250-4 : 1999
D EUTSCHE NORM February 2002
Steel rod, bars and wire for cold heading
and cold extrusion {
Part 5: Technical delivery conditions for stainless steels
English version of DIN EN 10263-5 EN 10263-5
ICS 77.140.60; 77.140.65 Supersedes DIN 1654-5,
October 1989 edition.
Walzdraht, Stäbe und Draht aus Kaltstauch- und Kaltfließ-
pressstählen – Teil 5: Technische Lieferbedingungen für
nichtrostende Stähle

European Standard EN 10263-5 : 2001 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared jointly by ECISS/TC 15 ‘Wire rod – Qualities, dimensions, tolerances and
specific tests’, ECISS/TC 23 ‘Steel for heat treatment, alloy steels and free-cutting steels – Qualities’, and
ECISS/TC 30 ‘Steel wires’.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee), Technical Committee Kaltstauch- und Kaltfließpressstähle.
For ease of reference, the table overleaf correlates the material designations/symbols used in DIN 1654-5
with those given in the present standard.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 10 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN 10263-5 : 2002-02
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 08 Sales No. 1108
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
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DIN EN 10263-5 : 2002-02

Table: Correlation of the material designations used in DIN 1654-5 and EN 10263-5

Material designation
DIN 1654-5 EN 10263-5
Symbol Number Symbol Number
X 6 Cr 17 1.4016 X6Cr17 1.4016
X 10 Cr 13 1.4006 X12Cr13 1.4006
X 2 CrNi 19 11 1.4306 X2CrNi19-11 1.4306
X 5 CrNi 18 12 1.4303 X4CrNi18-12 1.4303
X 5 CrNiMo 17 12 2 1.4401 X5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401
X 2 CrNiN 18 10 1.4311 – –
X 2 CrNiMoN 17 13 3 1.4429 X2CrNiMoN17-13-3 1.4429
X 6 CrNiTi 18 10 1.4541 X6CrNiTi18-10 1.4541
X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2 1.4571 X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 1.4571
X 3 CrNiCu 18 9 1.4567 X3CrNiCu18-9-4 1.4567

DIN 1654-5, October 1989 edition, has been superseded by the specifications of EN 10263-5.

Previous editions
DIN 1654-5: 1980-03, 1989-10.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
EN 10263-5
June 2001

ICS 77.140.60; 77.140.65


English version

Steel rod, bars and wire for cold heading

and cold extrusion
Part 5: Technical delivery conditions for stainless steels

Barres, fil machine et fils en acier Walzdraht, Stäbe und Draht aus
pour déformation à froid et extrusion Kaltstauch- und Kaltfließpress-
à froid – Partie 5: Conditions stählen – Teil 5: Technische Lieferbe-
techniques de livraison des aciers dingungen für nichtrostende Stähle

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2001-04-19.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2001. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10263-5 : 2001 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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EN 10263-5 : 2001
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© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
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© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
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© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
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© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
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© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
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© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
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© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405
D EUTSCHE NORM August 2001

Steel wire for mechanical springs {

Part 3: Stainless spring steel wire
English version of DIN EN 10270-3 EN 10270-3
ICS 77.140.25; 77.140.65 Supersedes parts of DIN 17224,
February 1982 edition.
Stahldraht für Federn – Teil 3: Nicht rostender Federstahldraht

European Standard EN 10270-3 : 2001 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by ECISS/TC 30 ‘Steel wires’ (Secretariat: Belgium).
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee).

Parts of DIN 17224, February 1982 edition, have been superseded by the specifications of EN 10270-3.

Previous editions
DIN 17224: 1955-04, 1968-07, 1982-02.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 21 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN 10270-3 : 2001-08
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 10 Sales No. 1110
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN 10270-3
April 2001

ICS 77.140.25; 77.140.65


English version

Steel wire for mechanical springs

Part 3: Stainless spring steel wire

Fils en acier pour ressorts Stahldraht für Federn – Teil 3: Nicht

mécaniques – Partie 3: Fils en rostender Federstahldraht
acier inoxydable

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2001-02-19.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2001. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10270-3 : 2001 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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D EUTSCHE NORM January 2001

Stainless steel bars for pressure purposes {

English version of DIN EN 10272
EN 10272
ICS 77.140.20; 77.140.30; 77.140.60 Supersedes parts of DIN 17440,
September 1996 edition.
Nichtrostende Stäbe für Druckbehälter

European Standard EN 10272 : 2000 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by ECISS/TC 22 ‘Steels for pressure purposes – Qualities’ (Secretariat:
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee), Technical Committee Stähle für den Druckbehälterbau.
DIN ISO 286-1 is the standard corresponding to International Standard ISO 2861 referred to in clause 2 of
the EN.

Parts of DIN 17440, September 1996 edition, have been superseded by the specifications of EN 10272.

Previous editions
DIN 17440: 1967-01, 1972-12, 1985-07, 1996-09.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 34 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN 10272 : 2001-01
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 14 Sales No. 1114
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN 10272

October 2000

ICS 77.140.20; 77.140.30; 77.140.60


English version

Stainless steel bars for pressure purposes

Barres en acier inoxydable pour Nichtrostende Stäbe für

appareils à pression Druckbehälter

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2000-09-15.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2000. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10272 : 2000 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

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Table 7 (concluded)

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EN 10272 : 2000
D EUTSCHE NORM December 1998

Corrosion-resistant steel castings {

English version of DIN EN 10283
EN 10283
ICS 77.140.20; 77.140.80 This standard, together
with DIN EN 10213-1 and
DIN EN 10213-4, January
Descriptors: Steel, castings, testing.
1996 editions, supersedes
DIN 17445, November 1984
Korrosionsbeständiger Stahlguß edition.

European Standard EN 10283 : 1998 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by ECISS/TC 31.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuß Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee), Technical Committee Stahlguß.
DIN V 17006-100 is the standard corresponding to the document CR 10260 referred to in clause 2 of the EN.

DIN 17445, November 1984 edition, has been superseded by the specifications of EN 10283.

Previous editions
DIN 17445: 1969-02, 1984-11.

National Annex NA
Standard referred to
(and not included in Normative references)
DIN V 17006-100 Designation systems for steel – Additional symbols for steel names
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN comprises 14 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN 10283 : 1998-12
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. English price group 08 Sales No. 1108
Beuth Verlag GmbH, D-10772 Berlin, has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN 10283

September 1998

ICS 77.140.20; 77.140.80

Descriptors: Steel, castings, testing.

English version

Corrosion-resistant steel castings

Aciers moulés résistant à la corrosion Korrosionsbeständiger Stahlguß

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1998-09-04.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 1998. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10283 : 1998 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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EN 10283 : 1998


© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

This European Standard has been prepared by the Technical Committee ECISS/TC 31 “Steel
castings” the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of
an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by March 1999, and conflicting national
standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by March 1999.

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
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EN 10283 : 1998
D EUTSCHE NORM January 2003

Heat-resistant steel castings {

English version of DIN EN 10295
EN 10295

ICS 77.140.80 Supersedes

Supersedes DINedition.
March 1998 17465,
August 1993 edition.
Hitzebeständiger Stahlguss

European Standard EN 10295 : 2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by ECISS/TC 31.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee), Technical Committee Stahlguss.

DIN 17465, August 1993 edition, has been superseded by the specifications of EN 10295.
As compared with DIN 17465, the steel names have been changed as follows (with the material numbers left

Designation as in DIN EN 10295 Designation as in DIN 17465

Name Material number Name Material number

GX30CrSi7 1.4710 GX30CrSi6 1.4710

GX40CrSi24 1.4745 GX40CrSi23 1.4745

GX40CrSi28 1.4776 GX40CrSi29 1.4776

GX40CrNiSi22-10 1.4826 GX40CrNiSi22-9 1.4826

GX40CrNiSiNb24-24 1.4855 GX30CrNiSiNb24-24 1.4855

GX40NiCrSi38-19 1.4865 GX40NiCrSi38-18 1.4865

GX40NiCrSiNb38-19 1.4849 GX40NiCrSiNb38-18 1.4849

GX40NiCrSi35-26 1.4857 GX40NiCrSi35-25 1.4857

© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

GX40NiCrSiNb35-26 1.4852 GX40NiCrSiNb35-25 1.4852

Previous editions
DIN 17465: 1977-09, 1993-08.

EN comprises 13 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN 10295 : 2003-01
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 11 Sales No. 1111
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN 10295
October 2002

ICS 77.140.80

English version

Heat-resistant steel castings

Aciers moulés réfractaire Hitzebeständiger Stahlguss

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-07-13.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-
land, and the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2002. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10295 : 2002 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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EN 10295 : 2002

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EN 10295 : 2002
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D EUTSCHE NORM September 2002

Creep resisting steels, nickel and cobalt alloys {

English version of DIN EN 10302
EN 10302

ICS 77.120.01; 77.140.01; 77.150.01 Supersedes

This standard,
DIN Vtogether
ENV 12447,
DIN EN 10028-7,
1997 edition.
June 2000
Hochwarmfeste Stähle, Nickel und Kobaltlegierungen edition, DIN EN 10222-5,
February 2000 edition,
supersedes DIN 17460,
September 1992 edition.

European Standard EN 10302 : 2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by ECISS/TC 23.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee).

DIN 17460, September 1992 edition, has been superseded by the specifications of EN 10302.

Previous editions
DIN 17460: 1992-09.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN comprises 44 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN 10302 : 2002-09
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 17 Sales No. 1117
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN 10302

May 2002

ICS 77.120.01; 77.140.01; 77.150.01

English version

Creep resisting steels, nickel and cobalt alloys

Aciers et alliages à base de nickel et de Hochwarmfeste Stähle, Nickel und

cobalt résistant au fluage Kobaltlegierungen

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-03-01.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-
land, and the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2002. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10302 : 2002 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
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EN 10302 : 2002
DEUTSCHE NORM December 2005

DIN EN 10312 {
ICS 23.040.10
DIN EN 10312:2003-04

Welded stainless steel tubes for the conveyance of water and other
aqueous liquids –
Technical delivery conditions;
English version of DIN EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005

Geschweißte Rohre aus nichtrostendem Stahl für den Transport von Wasser und anderen
wässrigen Flüssigkeiten –
Technische Lieferbedingungen
Englische Fassung DIN EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Document comprises 29 pages

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without prior permission of

DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
English price group 14
03.06 9706564
DIN EN 10312:2005-12

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by ECISS/TC 29 ‘Steel tubes and fittings for steel tubes’ (Secretariat: Italy),
Subcommittee 5 ‘Steel tubes for the conveyance of aqueous liquids’ (Secretariat: United Kingdom).

The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (Steel
and Iron Standards Committee), Technical Committee 09/5 Nichtrostende Stahlrohre.


This standard differs from the April 2003 edition as follows:

a) The title of the standard has been amended (water intended for human consumption no longer included).

b) Details regarding the possible use of steel tubes for the transport of water intended for human
consumption have been included in the foreword.

c) Clause 15 ‘Evaluation of conformity’ has been included.

d) Annex ZA has been revised.

e) Some editorial amendments have been made.

Previous editions

DIN 17440: 1967-01, 1972-12, 1985-07, 1996-09, 2001-03

DIN 17455: 1985-07, 1999-02
DIN EN 10312: 2003-04
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN 10312
December 2002
+ A1
June 2005

ICS 23.040.10 Supersedes EN 10312:2002.

English version

Welded stainless steel tubes for the conveyance

of water and other aqueous liquids –
Technical delivery conditions
(includes Amendment A1:2005)

Tubes soudés en acier inoxydable Geschweißte Rohre aus nichtrosten-

pour le transport d’eau et d’autres dem Stahl für den Transport von
liquides aqueux – Conditions tech- Wasser und anderen wässrigen Flüs-
niques de livraison (amendement sigkeiten – Technische Lieferbedin-
A1:2005 inclus) gungen (enthält Änderung A1:2005)

EN 10312:2002 was approved by CEN on 2002-10-16 and Amendment A1 on

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
the United Kingdom.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2005. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)


Foreword to EN 10312:2002 .......................................................................................................................... 3
Foreword to EN 10312:2002/A1:2005 ........................................................................................................... 4
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 4
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................. 5
2 Normative references ....................................................................................................................... 5
3 Terms and definitions....................................................................................................................... 6
4 Symbols ............................................................................................................................................. 6
5 Classification and designation ........................................................................................................ 6
5.1 Classification ..................................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Designation........................................................................................................................................ 6
6 Information to be obtained by the manufacturer ........................................................................... 6
6.1 Mandatory information ..................................................................................................................... 6
6.2 Options............................................................................................................................................... 7
6.3 Example of an order.......................................................................................................................... 7
7 Manufacturing process..................................................................................................................... 7
7.1 Grades of steel for feedstock material............................................................................................ 7
7.2 Tube manufacture and delivery conditions.................................................................................... 7
8 Requirements .................................................................................................................................... 8
8.1 General ............................................................................................................................................... 8
8.2 Chemical analysis ............................................................................................................................. 8
8.3 Mechanical properties ...................................................................................................................... 8
8.4 Corrosion resistance ........................................................................................................................ 8
8.5 Appearance and soundness ............................................................................................................ 8
8.6 Straightness....................................................................................................................................... 9
8.7 Preparation of ends .......................................................................................................................... 9
8.8 Dimensions, masses and tolerances .............................................................................................. 9
8.9 Reaction to fire ................................................................................................................................ 12
9 Inspection ........................................................................................................................................ 12
9.1 Type of inspection .......................................................................................................................... 12
9.2 Inspection documents .................................................................................................................... 12
9.3 Content of inspection document ................................................................................................... 12
9.4 Summary of inspection and testing .............................................................................................. 13
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

10 Sampling .......................................................................................................................................... 14
10.1 Frequency of tests .......................................................................................................................... 14
10.2 Preparation of samples and test pieces ....................................................................................... 14
11 Test methods ................................................................................................................................... 14
11.1 Tensile test....................................................................................................................................... 14
11.2 Drift expanding test ........................................................................................................................ 14
11.3 Flattening test.................................................................................................................................. 14
11.4 Leak-tightness test ......................................................................................................................... 15
11.5 Non-destructive test of weld seam................................................................................................ 15
11.6 Visual examination.......................................................................................................................... 15
11.7 Dimensional inspection.................................................................................................................. 15
11.8 Intergranular corrosion test ........................................................................................................... 16
11.9 Material identification ..................................................................................................................... 16

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

12 Retests, sorting and reprocessing................................................................................................ 16

13 Marking ............................................................................................................................................ 16
14 Packaging ........................................................................................................................................ 16
15 Evaluation of conformity................................................................................................................ 17
15.1 General............................................................................................................................................. 17
15.2 Initial type testing (ITT)................................................................................................................... 17
15.3 Factory production control (FPC) ................................................................................................. 18
Annex A (informative) Preferred steel grades ........................................................................................... 20
Annex B (informative) Recommended use of tubes ................................................................................. 21
Annex ZA (informative) Clauses of this European Standard addressing the provisions of the
EU Construction Products Directive............................................................................................. 22
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................. 27

Foreword to EN 10312:2002
This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISS/TC 29 ‘Steel tubes and
fittings for steel tubes’, the Secretariat of which is held by UNI.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, by June 2003 at the latest, and conflicting national standards shall be
withdrawn, by September 2004 at the latest.

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission
and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).

For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.

Another European Standard covering tubes for the conveyance of aqueous liquids is:

EN 10224, Non-alloy steel tubes and fittings for the conveyance of water and other aqueous liquids –
Technical delivery conditions

Compliance of a product with this document does not confer a presumption of fitness of the product for the
transport of water intended for human consumption within the meaning of the Directive 89/106/EEC.
However, until the operation of the envisaged European Acceptance Scheme for construction products in
contact with water intended for human consumption and the revision of the present document, products
complying with this document may be used for the transport of water intended for human consumption if
they comply with the relevant national, regional or local regulatory provisions applicable in the place of use.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Annexes A and B are informative.

This document includes a Bibliography.

In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard:

Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

Foreword to EN 10312:2002/A1:2005
This amendment to EN 10224:2002 has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISS/TC 29 ‘Steel tubes
and fittings for steel tubes’, the Secretariat of which is held by UNI.

This amendment shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or
by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by December 2005 at the latest.

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission
and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).

For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.

In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard:

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

This European Standard applies to welded tubular products in stainless steels for use with all types of
aqueous liquids.

In respect of potential adverse effects on the quality of water intended for human consumption, caused by
the product covered by this standard:

a) this standard provides no information as to whether the product may be used without restriction in any
of the member states of the EU or EFTA;

b) it should be noted that, while awaiting the adoption of verifiable European criteria, existing national
regulations concerning the use and/or the characteristics of this product remain in force.

The European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) draws attention to the fact that it is claimed that
compliance with this document may involve the use of a patent concerning steel grade 1.4362 given in
Table A1.
CEN takes no position concerning the evidence, validity and scope of this patent right.
The holder of this permit has assured CEN that he/she is willing to negotiate licences under reasonable
and non-discriminatory terms and conditions with applicants throughout the world. In this respect, the
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

statement of the holder of this patent right is registered with CEN. Information may be obtained from
AB Sandvik Steel
20-SLS, FoU Centrum
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights other than those indicated above. CEN is not responsible for identifying any such patent

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

1 Scope
This European Standard specifies the technical delivery conditions for light gauge welded stainless steel
tubes, primarily for water applications, supplied in straight lengths and for use at ambient temperatures.
This document does not cover applications where elevated temperature properties are required. The tube
is suitable for use with compression fittings or press fittings and for adhesive bonding, silver brazing or inert
gas welding of capillary fittings. The document is applicable to tubes in the size range from 6 mm to
267 mm outside diameter made of stainless (except martensitic and precipitation hardening) steel grades
taken from EN 10088-2.

2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications.
These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply
to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references
the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments).

EN 10002-1, Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 1: Method of test at ambient temperature.

EN 10020:2000, Definition and classification of grades of steel.

EN 10021, General technical delivery requirements for steel and iron products.

EN 10052, Vocabulary of heat treatment terms for ferrous products.

EN 10088-1, Stainless steels — Part 1: List of stainless steels.

EN 10088-2, Stainless steels — Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for sheet/plate and strip for general

EN 10168, Iron and steel products — Inspection documents — List of information and description.

EN 10204, Metallic products — Types of inspection documents.

EN 10233, Metallic materials — Tube — Flattening test.

EN 10234, Metallic materials — Tube — Drift expanding test.

EN 10246-1, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 1: Automatic electromagnetic testing of

seamless and welded (except submerged arc welded) ferromagnetic steel tubes for verification of hydraulic
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN 10246-2, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 2: Automatic eddy current testing of seamless
and welded (except submerged arc-welded) austenitic and austenitic-ferritic steel tubes for verification of
hydraulic leak-tightness.

EN 10246-3, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 3: Automatic eddy current testing of seamless
and welded (except submerged arc welded) steel tubes for the detection of imperfections.

EN 10246-8, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Part 8: Automatic ultrasonic testing of the weld seam
of electric welded steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal imperfections.

EN 10266, Steel tubes, fittings and structural hollow sections - Definitions and symbols for use in product

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

EN ISO 377, Steel and steel products - Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for
mechanical testing (ISO 377:1997).

EN ISO 2566-2, Steel - Conversion of elongation values - Part 2: Austenitic steels (ISO 2566-2:1984).

EN ISO 3651-1, Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 1:

Austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in nitric acid medium by
measurement of loss in mass (Huey test) (ISO 3651-1:1998).

EN ISO 3651-2, Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 2: Ferritic,
austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in media containing sulfuric acid
(ISO 3651-2:1998).

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this European Standard the terms and definitions given in EN 10020:2000, EN 10021,
EN 10052, and EN 10266 apply.

4 Symbols
See EN 10266.

5 Classification and designation

5.1 Classification

The classification of the steels contained in this European Standard is given in EN 10088-1.

5.2 Designation

For tubes covered by this European Standard, the steel designation consists of the number of this
European Standard (EN 10312) and either the steel name in accordance with EN 10027-1 and CR 10260
or the steel number in accordance with EN 10027-2.

6 Information to be obtained by the manufacturer

6.1 Mandatory information

The following information shall be obtained by the manufacturer at the time of enquiry and order.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

a) the quantity (total length or number);

b) the term tube;

c) the tube series and the dimensions (outside diameter, wall thickness) (see Tables 1 and 2 and annex

d) the steel designation according to this European Standard (see 5.2);

e) the length (5 m or 6 m) (see 8.8.3).

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

6.2 Options

A number of options are specified in this European Standard and these are listed below. In the event that
the purchaser does not indicate a wish to implement any of these options at the time of enquiry and order,
the tubes shall be supplied in accordance with the basic specification.

1) annealed or solution annealed condition depending on grade (see 7.2);

2) intergranular corrosion test (see 8.4);

3) for use with capillary, compression or press fittings (see 8.5.1 and annex B);

4) lengths other than 5 m and 6 m (see 8.8.3);

5) removal of the internal weld bead (see 8.8.6);

6) specific inspection (see 9.1);

7) selection of leak tightness test method (see 11.4.1);

8) marking on a label (see clause 13);

9) end protection of the tubes or bundles of tubes (see clause 14).

6.3 Example of an order

EXAMPLE 1000 m of welded steel tube in accordance with EN 10312 series 1 with an external diameter of
76,1 mm, a wall thickness of 1,5 mm, in standard lengths of 6 m made of steel grade X5CrNi 18-10 and
with marking on a label would have the following description:

1000 m tube — series1 76,1 × 1,5 — EN 10312 X5CrNi18-10 —6— option 8

7 Manufacturing process

7.1 Grades of steel for feedstock material

The grades of steel required shall be specified from EN 10088-2.

A list of preferred grades is given in annex A.

7.2 Tube manufacture and delivery conditions

Tube shall be manufactured from steel strip and longitudinally welded without the addition of filler material.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Tubes shall not include welds used for joining lengths of strip.

Tube shall be supplied in the as-welded condition unless option 1 is specified.

Option 1: The tubes shall be supplied in the solution-annealed condition (austenitic or austenitic-ferritic
steels) or the annealed condition (ferritic steels).

When tubes in the annealed condition are specified (see option 1), they shall meet a hardness requirement
The hardness test method, test load and values to be achieved shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

8 Requirements

8.1 General

The tubes, when supplied in a delivery condition given in 7.2 and inspected in accordance with clause 9
shall conform to the requirements of this European Standard.

In addition, the general technical delivery requirements specified in EN 10021 apply.

8.2 Chemical analysis

Chemical analysis shall be in accordance with EN 10088-2. The cast analysis reported by the steelmaker
shall apply.

8.3 Mechanical properties

Mechanical properties shall be in accordance with EN 10088-2.

8.4 Corrosion resistance

In accordance with EN 10088-2 some steels have resistance to intergranular corrosion. When option 2 is
specified, tubes shall be tested in accordance with 11.8.

Option 2: The tubes shall be subjected to an intergranular corrosion test (see 11.8).

8.5 Appearance and soundness

8.5.1 Appearance

The tubes shall be smooth and have a bright surface, free from all external and internal surface defects
that can be detected by visual examination.

NOTE The welding conditions should be controlled so that the heat discoloration in the welded area is kept to a
minimum, to ensure corrosion resistance is not reduced.

Surface imperfections, which encroach on the specified minimum wall thickness, shall be considered
defects and tubes containing these shall be deemed not to conform to this European Standard.

The tubes are intended for general use unless option 3 is specified, then the outside surface including the
weld area and tube ends shall be suitable for the type of fitting specified.

Option 3: Tubes shall be suitable for use for capillary, compression or press fittings, purchaser to specify
which type at the time of enquiry and order.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

NOTE A surface roughness value can be agreed at the time of enquiry and order.

8.5.2 Soundness

The tubes shall pass a leak tightness test in accordance with 11.4.2, 11.4.3 or 11.4.4. The full length of the
weld seam shall be subjected to a non-destructive test in accordance with 11.5 for the detection of

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

8.6 Straightness

The deviation from straightness of any tube length L shall not exceed 0,0015 L. Deviations from
straightness over any 1 m length shall not exceed 3 mm for series 1 tubes. For series 2 tubes deviations
from straightness shall not exceed:

⎯ 2 mm for 12 mm < D < 128 mm.


⎯ 2,5 mm for D ≥ 128 mm

8.7 Preparation of ends

The tubes shall be delivered with square cut ends, free from harmful burrs.

8.8 Dimensions, masses and tolerances

8.8.1 General

This European Standard covers two series of outside diameters and related wall thicknesses as given in
Tables 1 and 2.

NOTE For recommended uses see annex B.

8.8.2 Mass

For the mass per unit length the values given in EN 10088-2 shall be used as a basis for the density of the
steel grade concerned.

NOTE Information on the calculation of mass per unit length can be found in EN 10220 and EN ISO 1127.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

Table 1 — Dimensions of light gauge stainless steel tubes — Series 1

Dimensions in millimetres
Specified Outside Specified wall
outside diameter thickness
maximum minimum
6 6,04 5,94 0,6
8 8,04 7,94 0,6
10 10,04 9,94 0,6
12 12,04 11,94 0,6
15 15,04 14,94 0,6
18 18,04 17,94 0,7
22 22,05 21,95 0,7
28 28,05 27,95 0,8
35 35,07 34,97 1,0
42 42,07 41,97 1,1
54 54,07 53,84 1,2
66,7 66,75 66,08 1,2
76,1 76,30 75,54 1,5
(103) 103,8 102,2 1,5
108 108,3 107,2 1,5
(128) 129,0 127,0 1,5
133 133,5 132,2 1,5
(153) 154,5 151,5 1,5
159 159,5 157,9 2,0
NOTE Non-preferred sizes of tube are shown in parentheses
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

Table 2 — Dimensions of light gauge stainless steel tubes — Series 2

Dimensions in millimetres
Specified Tolerance on Specified wall Tolerance on
outside D thickness T
diameter T
12,0 ± 0,10 1,0 ± 0,10
15,0 ± 0,10 1,0 ± 0,10
18,0 ± 0,10 1,0 ± 0,10
22,0 ± 0,11 1,2 ± 0,10
28,0 ± 0,14 1,2 ± 0,10
35,0 ± 0,18 1,5 ± 0,10
42,0 ± 0,21 1,5 ± 0,10
54,0 ± 0,27 1,5 ± 0,10
64,0 ± 0,32 2,0 ± 0,15
76,1 ± 0,38 2,0 ± 0,15
88,9 ± 0,44 2,0 ± 0,15
108,0 ± 0,54 2,0 ± 0,15
133,0 ± 1,00 3,0 ± 0,30
159,0 ± 1,00 3,0 ± 0,30
219,0 ± 1,50 3,0 ± 0,30
267,0 ± 1,50 3,0 ± 0,30

8.8.3 Length

The tube shall be supplied in standard lengths of 5 m or 6 m, the length to be specified at the time of
enquiry and order, unless option 4 is specified.

Option 4: The tubes shall be supplied in lengths other than 5 m and 6 m, the length shall be agreed at the
time of enquiry and order.
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8.8.4 Tolerance on outside diameter

The tolerance on outside diameter shall be within the limits given in Tables 1 and 2. Out of roundness is
included in the tolerance.

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

8.8.5 Tolerance on wall thickness

The tolerance on wall thickness shall be:

⎯ ± 10 % for series 1 tubes;

⎯ as given in Table 2 for series 2 tubes.

8.8.6 Height of the weld seam

The external weld seam shall be removed. The internal weld seam need not be removed unless option 5 is

Option 5: The internal weld seam shall be removed.

8.8.7 Tolerance on length

The tolerance on standard lengths is ± 20 mm. For lengths other than standard lengths, tolerances shall be
agreed at the time of enquiry and order.

8.9 Reaction to fire

The tube material is class A11) .

9 Inspection

9.1 Type of inspection

Conformity to the requirements of the order shall be checked by non-specific inspection unless option 6 is

Option 6: The tubes shall be subjected to specific inspection.

9.2 Inspection documents

For tubes supplied with non-specific inspection, a test report 2.2 in accordance with EN 10204 shall be
issued. For tubes supplied with specific inspection, an inspection certificate 3.1.B in accordance with
EN 10204 shall be issued.

9.3 Content of inspection document

The content of the inspection document shall be in accordance with EN 10168 as given below.
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The test report or the inspection certificate shall contain the following codes and information:

A Commercial transactions and parties involved.

B Description of products to which the inspection document applies.
C02 Directions of the test pieces for D = 267,0 mm.

1) In accordance with Commission Decision 96/603/EEC of 4 October 1996 the material is class A1 and therefore
does not require to be tested for reaction to fire.

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

C10-C13 Tensile tests if applicable.

C30-C39 Hardness test if applicable.
C60-C69 Other tests.
C71-C92 Chemical composition.
D01 Marking and identification, the surface appearance, the shape and dimensional
D02-D99 Leak Tightness Test, NDT of the weld.
Z Validation.

9.4 Summary of inspection and testing

Inspection and testing shall be carried out in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3 — Summary of inspection and testing

Test/Inspection Frequency of testing Clause

Non-specific inspection Specific inspection
and testing and testing
Mandatory Cast analysis Steel manufacturers Steel manufacturers 8.2
cast cast
analysis analysis
Hardness test a By agreement 7.2
Tensile test Manufacturer’s 1/test unit 11.1
Drift expanding test for Manufacturer’s 1/test unit 11.2
D ≤ 150 mm procedure
Flattening test Manufacturer’s 1/test unit 11.3
Leak tightness test Individual Individual 11.4
Weld NDT Individual Individual 11.5
Visual examination See 11.6
Dimensional inspection See 11.7
Material identification Individual Individual 11.9
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

Optional Intergranular 11.8

corrosion test Not applicable By agreement
Only for ferritic steel tubes supplied annealed when option 1 is specified.
Only for tubes supplied in accordance with Table 2.

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

10 Sampling

10.1 Frequency of tests

10.1.1 Test unit

A test unit shall consist of not more than 400 tubes per steel grade and specified dimension.

10.1.2 Number of sample tubes

One sample tube shall be taken from each test unit.

10.2 Preparation of samples and test pieces

Samples and test pieces shall be taken at the tube ends in accordance with the requirements of
EN ISO 377.

The test piece for the tensile test shall be prepared in accordance with EN 10002-1 and shall either be a
full tube section or a strip section taken from opposite the weld in the direction longitudinal to the axis of the

The test pieces for the drift expanding test and the flattening test shall consist of a full tube section and
shall be in accordance with EN 10233 for the flattening test and EN 10234 for the drift expanding test.

Test pieces for the intergranular corrosion test shall be in accordance with EN ISO 3651-1 or
EN ISO 3651-2 (see 11.8).

11 Test methods

11.1 Tensile test

The test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 10002-1 and the following determined:

⎯ the tensile strength (Rm);

⎯ the 0,2 % proof strength (Rp 0,2) and 1,0 % proof strength (Rp 1,0);

⎯ the percentage elongation after fracture with a reference to a gauge length Lo of 5,65 √ So. If a non-
proportional test piece is used, the percentage elongation value shall be converted to the value for a
gauge length Lo = 5,65 √ So using the tables in EN ISO 2566-2.

11.2 Drift expanding test

© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

The test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 10234.

For austenitic and austenitic-ferritic steels the tube section shall be expanded at one end using a conical
tool having an included angle, β (see EN 10234) of 60° until the maximum outside diameter of the
expanded end exceeds the original outside diameter by 25 %. For ferritic steels the test criteria shall be
agreed at the time of enquiry and order.

11.3 Flattening test

The test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 10233.

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

For austenitic and austenitic-ferritic steels, the tube section shall be flattened at room temperature between
the platens until the distance between the platens is 5T. The weld shall be placed at 90° to the direction of
flattening. For ferritic steels the test criteria shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order.

11.4 Leak-tightness test

11.4.1 General

The manufacturer shall declare the leak tightness applied test method in accordance with either 11.4.2;
11.4.3; or 11.4.4. (See ZA.3) The choice of test method is at the discretion of the manufacturer, unless
Option 7 is specified.

11.4.2 Eddy current test

Depending on the type of steel, the test shall be carried out in accordance with one of the following

⎯ EN 10246-1 for ferromagnetic steels;

⎯ EN 10246-2 for austenitic steels and ferritic-austenitic steels.

11.4.3 Hydrostatic test

The hydrostatic test shall be carried out at a minimum gauge pressure of 50 bar2) for tubes up to and
including 76,1 mm outside diameter, and of 30 bar 3) for tubes greater than 76,1 mm outside diameter.

The tube shall withstand the test pressure without leakage or visible deformation.

NOTE The hydrostatic test is not a strength test.

11.4.4 Pneumatic test

The tube shall be tested with air under water at a minimum pressure of 6 bar3). No air bubbling shall occur.

11.5 Non-destructive test of weld seam

Non-destructive testing of the weld seam shall be carried out in accordance with one of the standards
given below for the detection of imperfections.

⎯ EN 10246-3 to acceptance level E4(H);

⎯ EN 10246-8 to acceptance level U4 (minimum notch depth shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

11.6 Visual examination

Tubes shall be visually examined and shall conform to 8.5.1.

11.7 Dimensional inspection

The specified dimensions shall be verified.

2) 1 bar = 105 N/m2 = 105Pa.

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

Wall thickness shall be measured at the tube end.

The tube diameter shall be measured at a distance of not less than 10 mm or more than 3D from the end
of the tube.

11.8 Intergranular corrosion test

The test shall be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 3651-1 or EN ISO 3651-2, details to be agreed at
the time of enquiry and order.

11.9 Material identification

Each tube shall be tested to assure that the correct grade is being supplied.

12 Retests, sorting and reprocessing

Retests, sorting and reprocessing shall be in accordance with EN 10021.

13 Marking
Unless option 8 is specified, the information shall be marked indelibly on each tube at intervals of not more
than 1 m.

Option 8: Marking shall be applied on a label attached to the bundle or the box of the tubes.

The marking shall include the following information:

⎯ the manufacturer's name or trade mark;

⎯ the number of this European Standard;

⎯ the steel name or number;

⎯ the dimensions;

⎯ in case of specific inspection;

⎯ an identification number (e.g. order or item number) which permits the correlation of the
product or delivery unit to the related document;

⎯ the mark of the inspection representative.

© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

14 Packaging
Carbon steel strapping shall not come into contact with the tubes. Tube ends need not be protected unless
option 9 is specified for tubes to be used for water for human consumption.

Option 9: Tubes or bundles of tubes shall be supplied with protection at the ends.

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

15 Evaluation of conformity

15.1 General

The compliance of tubes with the requirements of this document and with the stated values (including
classes) shall be demonstrated by:
⎯ initial type testing;

⎯ factory production control.

15.2 Initial type testing (ITT)

15.2.1 General

ITT is the complete set of tests or other procedures described in the technical specification, determining
the performance of samples of products representative of the steel tube designs. Initial type testing shall be
performed to show conformity with this document on first use of this document for welded stainless steel
tubes being put onto the market and:

⎯ at the beginning of the production of a new or modified steel tube type or change to the raw material;

⎯ at the beginning of a new or modified method of production.

In the case of type testing on welded stainless steel tubes for which initial type testing in accordance with
this document was already performed, type testing may be reduced:

⎯ if it has been established that the performance characteristics compared with the already tested steel
tubes have not been affected or;

⎯ if historical data is available (see 15.2.4).

The results of all type tests shall be recorded and stored for at least 5 years.

15.2.2 Characteristics

All characteristics in Clause 8, for which the manufacturer is stating a value, shall be subject to ITT by tests
and/or calculation and/or tabulated values in accordance with the relevant subclasses of Clause 8.

15.2.3 Product families

For the purposes of testing (including FPC testing) welded stainless steel tubes may be grouped into
families, where it is considered that the results for a characteristic from any one product is common to all
tubes within that family.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

15.2.4 Use of historical data

Tests previously performed on the same steel tube type in accordance with the provisions of this document
(same characteristic(s), test method, sampling procedure, system of attestation of conformity, etc.) may be
taken into account.

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

15.2.5 ‘Deemed to satisfy’ provisions and use of reference tabulated data

In those cases where conformity with this document is based on ‘deemed to satisfy’ provisions or tabulated
values, type testing shall be limited to the verification of whether the steel tube meets the requirements to
use those values, classes or levels, unless better values, classes or levels are being claimed.

15.2.6 Sampling

ITT shall be performed on samples of welded stainless steel tubes representative of the manufactured
types in accordance with Table 4. The frequency of testing or assessment shall be in accordance with
Clause 9.4.

Table 16 — Characteristics and compliance criteria for the initial type testing of welded stainless
steel tubes

Characteristic Requirement Assessment Compliance

Clause Method Criteria

Yield Strength 8.3 11.1 Pass

Dimensional 8.8 except for 8.8.3 11.7 Pass

Tolerances and 8.8.6

Tightness: Liquid 8.5.2 11.4 Pass

15.3 Factory production control (FPC)

15.3.1 General

The manufacturer shall establish, document and maintain an FPC system to ensure that the products
placed on the market conform to the stated performance characteristics. The FPC system shall consist of
procedures, regular inspections and tests and/or assessments and the use of the results to control
feedstock and any other incoming materials or components, equipment, the production process and the

An FPC system conforming to the requirements of EN ISO 9001, and made specific to the requirements of
this document, shall be considered to satisfy the above requirements.

The results of inspections, tests or assessments requiring action shall be recorded, as shall any action
taken. The action to be taken when control values or criteria are not met shall be recorded and retained for
the period specified in the manufacturer’s FPC procedures.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

15.3.2 Equipment

Testing - All weighing, measuring and testing equipment shall be calibrated and regularly inspected
according to documented procedures, frequencies and criteria.

Manufacturing - All equipment used in the manufacturing process shall be regularly inspected and
maintained to ensure use, wear or failure does not cause inconsistency in the manufacturing process.
Inspections and maintenance shall be carried out and recorded in accordance with the manufacturer’s
written procedures and the records retained for the period defined in the manufacturer's FPC procedures.

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

15.3.3 Feedstock and components

The specifications of all incoming feedstock and components shall be documented, as shall the inspection
scheme for ensuring their conformity.

15.3.4 Design process

The factory production control system shall document the various stages in the design of products; identify
the checking procedure and those individuals responsible for all stages of design.

During the design process itself, a record shall be kept of all checks, their results, and any corrective
actions taken. This record shall be sufficiently detailed and accurate to demonstrate that all stages of the
design phase, and all checks, have been carried out satisfactorily.

15.3.5 Product testing and evaluation

The manufacturer shall establish procedures to ensure that the stated values of all declared performance
characteristics are being maintained during regular production and record the results of these as part of the
production control system. These records shall be retained for the period defined in the manufacturer's
FPC procedures and shall include at least the following:

⎯ identification of the product tested;

⎯ dates of sampling;

⎯ test methods used;

⎯ test and inspection results;

⎯ dates of the tests;

⎯ identification of the responsible authority within the factory.

NOTE See also 15.2.3.

15.3.6 Inspection

Inspection of welded stainless steel tubes shall be in accordance with Clause 9.

15.3.7 Non-conforming products

The manufacturer shall have written procedures, which specify how non-conforming products shall be dealt
with. Any such events shall be recorded as they occur and these records shall be kept for the period
defined in the manufacturer’s written procedures.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

Annex A

Preferred steel grades

Table A.1 lists preferred grades of steel, which can be used. The steels conform to EN 10088-2.

Table A.1 — Steel grades

Type of steel Steel Grade
Steel Name Steel Number
Ferritic X3CrTi17 1.4510
X3CrNb17 1.4511
X2CrMoTi18-2 1.4521
Austenitic X2CrNi18-9 1.4307
X2CrNi19-11 1.4306
X5CrNi18-10 1.4301
X6CrNiTi18-10 1.4541
X2CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4404
X5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401
X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 1.4571
X2CrNiMo17-12-3 1.4432
X3CrNiMo17-13-3 1.4436
X2CrNiMo18-14-3 1.4435
X2CrNiMoN17-13-5 1.4439
X1NiCrMoCu25-20-5 1.4539
X1CrNiMoCuN20-18-7 1.4547
X1NiCrMoCuN20-20-7 1.4529
Austenitic – ferritic X2CrNiN23-4 1.4362 a
X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 1.4462
Patented grade.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

Annex B

Recommended use of tubes

The recommended use of tubes, manufactured in accordance with this European Standard, with fittings, is
given in Table B.1.

Table B.1 — Recommended use of tubes with fittings

Fitting Series 1 Series 2
Capillary Yes No
Compression Yes Yes
Press Yes Yes
NOTE Diameters and wall thickness should be in accordance with
Tables 1 and 2.
Tubes for use with capillary fittings supplied with outside
diameter D in accordance with series 1 may have their wall
thickness in accordance with series 2.
Care needs to be taken to avoid damaging the tube.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

Annex ZA

Clauses of this European Standard addressing the provisions of the

EU Construction Products Directive

ZA.1 Scope and relevant characteristics

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate M131 (Pipes, Tanks and Ancillaries not in
contact with water intended for human consumption) given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association.

The clauses of this European Standard shown in this annex meet the requirements of the mandate given
under the EU Construction Products Directive (89/106/EEC).

Compliance with these clauses confers a presumption of fitness of the construction products covered by
this annex for their intended uses indicated herein; reference shall be made to the information
accompanying the CE marking.

WARNING: Other requirements and other EU Directives, not affecting the fitness for intended use,
may be applicable to the construction products falling within the scope of this standard.

NOTE 1 In addition to any specific clauses relating to dangerous substances contained in this
standard, there may be other requirements applicable to the products falling within its scope (e.g.
transposed European legislation and national laws, regulations and administrative provisions). In order to
meet the provisions of the EU Construction Products Directive, these requirements need also to be
complied with, when and where they apply.

NOTE 2 An informative database of European and national provisions on dangerous substances is

available at the Construction web site on EUROPA (accessed through

This annex has the same scope as Clause 1 of this standard with regard to the products covered. It
establishes the conditions for the CE marking of tube or fittings intended for the use indicated below and
shows the relevant clauses applicable (see Table ZA.1).

Construction Product: Welded stainless steel tube

Intended uses: In installations for the transport/disposal/storage of water not

© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

intended for human consumption.

The requirement on a certain characteristic is not applicable in those Member States where there are no
regulatory requirements on that characteristic for the intended end use of the product. In this case,
manufacturers placing their products on the market of these Member States are not obliged to determine
nor declare the performance of their products with regard to this characteristic and the option “No
performance determined” (NPD) in the information accompanying the CE marking (see ZA.3) may be used.

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

Table ZA.1 – Relevant clauses

Essential characteristics Requirement clauses Levels and/or Notes
in this (or another) classes
European Standard

Reaction to fire 8.9 Ferrous Class

products are
Class A1

Yield strength 8.3 - MPa

(From EN 10088-2)

(crushing strength, internal

and external pressure
strength, longitudinal bending
strength, maximum load for
admissible deformation)

Dimensional tolerances 8.8 except for 8.8.3 - Tolerance (<mm) + Pass

and 8.8.6 (The height
of the internal and
external weld bead is
not a requirement of
the mandate a)

Tightness: Liquid 8.5.2 - Test method + Pass

Durability 11.8 - Pass

When required, for the calculation of crushing strength, internal and external pressure strength, longitudinal bending strength, or
the maximum load for admissible deformation, the weld bead is assumed to be flush with the surface of the tube.

ZA.2 Procedure(s) for the attestation of conformity of welded stainless steel tubes

ZA.2.1 Systems of attestation of conformity

The system for the attestation of conformity of welded stainless steel tubes, indicated in Table ZA.1, in
accordance with the Decision of the Commission 99/472/EC of 1999-07-17 as given in Annex III of the
mandate for (Pipes, Tanks and Ancillaries not in contact with water intended for human consumption) is
shown in Table ZA.2 for the indicated intended use and relevant class:
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

Table ZA.2 – Attestation of conformity systems

Attestation of
Product Intended use Level or class
conformity system
In installations for the - 4
Welded stainless
transport/disposal/storage of
steel tube
water, not intended for human

System 4: See Directive 89/106/EEC (CPD) Annex III.2. (ii), Third possibility

The attestation of conformity of the welded stainless steel tube in Table ZA.1 shall be according to the
evaluation of conformity procedures indicated in Table ZA.3 resulting from the application of the clauses of
this European Standard indicated therein.

Table ZA.3 - Assignment of evaluation of conformity tasks for tube under system 4

Evaluation of
Tasks Content of the task conformity clauses
to apply
Factory production
Tasks under the Parameters related to all relevant
control (FPC) 15.3
responsibility of the characteristics of Table ZA.1
Initial type testing All characteristics of Table ZA.1 15.2

ZA.2.2 Declaration of conformity

When compliance with this annex is achieved, the manufacturer or his agent established in the EEA, shall
prepare and retain a declaration of conformity, which entitles the manufacturer to affix the CE marking.
This declaration shall include:

⎯ name and address of the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the EEA, and
place of production;

⎯ description of the product (welded stainless steel tube for use in installations for the
transport/disposal/storage of water not intended for human consumption)., and a copy of the
information accompanying the CE marking; Annex ZA of this European Standard);

⎯ provisions to which the product conforms (i.e. Annex ZA of this European Standard);
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

⎯ this product is not intended for use in heating networks where elevated temperature properties are

⎯ name of, and position held by, the person empowered to sign the declaration on behalf of the
manufacturer or his authorised representative.

The above mentioned declaration and certificate shall be presented in the official language or languages of
the Member State in which the product is to be used.

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

ZA.3 CE Marking
The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the EEA is responsible for the affixing
of the CE marking. The CE marking symbol shall be in accordance with Directive 93/68/EEC and shall be
shown on the accompanying commercial documents. The following information and characteristics shall
accompany the CE marking symbol (where relevant):

⎯ name or identifying mark and registered address of the producer;

⎯ last two digits of the year in which the marking is affixed;

⎯ number of this European Standard [EN 10312];

⎯ product name and description e.g. tube + description of area of use;

⎯ specified proof strength;

⎯ leak-tightness test method;

⎯ dimensional tolerance;

⎯ Reaction to fire i.e. Class A1;

⎯ Durability (where relevant) i.e. resistance to intergranular corrosion – and test method used;

⎯ "no performance determined" for characteristics where this is relevant;

⎯ series number.

The NPD option may be used when and where the characteristic, for a given intended use, is not subject to
regulatory requirements in the country of destination.

Figure ZA.1 gives an example of the information to be given on the commercial documents.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)

CE conformity marking, consisting of the

“CE”-symbol given in Directive

01234 Identification number of the certification


AnyCo Ltd, P.O. Box 21, B - 1050 Name or identifying mark and registered
address of the producer
Last two digits of the year in which the
marking was affixed

EN 10312

Welded stainless steel tubes, Series 1, 76.1 x 1.5mm, No. of European standard
grade X5CrNi18-10, for use in installations for the
transport/disposal/storage of water not intended for
human consumption or other aqueous products.
Description of product
National regulations establish the suitability of this
product if intended to be used in contact with water and
intended for human consumption.
information on regulated characteristics
This product is not suitable for use at elevated
temperatures (e.g. in heating networks)

Yield strength (min) 230 MPa

Dimensional tolerances Passed

Tightness: Liquid (hydrostatic test) Passed

Reaction to fire: Class A1

Durability: 1.5 mm/yr (EN ISO 3651-1)

Figure ZA.1 – Example CE marking information

© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

In addition to any specific information relating to dangerous substances shown above, the product should
also be accompanied, when and where required and in the appropriate form, by documentation listing
any other legislation on dangerous substances for which compliance is claimed, together with any
information required by that legislation.

NOTE European legislation without national derogations need not be mentioned.

EN 10312:2002 + A1:2005 (E)


EN 10027-1, Designation systems for steels — Part 1: Steel names, principal symbols.

EN 10027-2, Designation systems for steels — Part 2: Numerical system.

EN 10220, Seamless and welded steel tubes - General tables of dimensions and masses per unit length.

CR 10260, Designation systems for steel - Additional symbols.

EN ISO 1127, Stainless steel tubes — Dimensions, tolerances and conventional masses per unit length.

EN ISO 9001, Quality management systems - Requirements (ISO 9001:2000).

© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

D EUTSCHE NORM August 2000

Implants for surgery – Metallic materials {

Part 1: Wrought stainless steel
(ISO 5832-1 : 1997) ISO 5832-1
ICS 11.040.40; 77.140.20 Supersedes DIN 17443,
April 1986 edition.
Chirurgische Implantate – Metallische Werkstoffe –
Teil 1: Nicht rostender Stahl (ISO 5832-1 : 1997)

This standard incorporates International Standard

ISO 5832-1 Implants for surgery – Metallic materials – Part 1: Wrought stainless steel.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by ISO/TC 150 ‘Implants for surgery’.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Feinmechanik und
Optik (Optics and Precision Mechanics Standards Committee), Technical Committee Implantatwerkstoffe.

DIN 17443, April 1986 edition, has been superseded by the specifications of DIN ISO 5832-1.

Previous editions
DIN 17443: 1977-10, 1986-04.
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. DIN Handbook 405

ISO Standard comprises 7 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN ISO 5832-1 : 2000-08
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 07 Sales No. 0407
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
Page 1
ISO 5832-1 : 1997

Implants for surgery – Metallic materials

Part 1: Wrought stainless steel
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ISO 5832-1 : 1997
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ISO 5832-1 : 1997
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ISO 5832-1 : 1997
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ISO 5832-1 : 1997
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ISO 5832-1 : 1997
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ISO 5832-1 : 1997

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