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It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,

If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,

If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.

1. Gambar rajah Venn di ruang jawapan menunjukkan set A, B dan C dengan set semesta ξ = � ∪ � ∪ �.
The Venn diagram in the answer space shows sets A, B and C with universal set � = � ∪ � ∪ �.

Lorekkan set
Shade the set of

a) �' ∩ �
b) � ∪ (� ∩ �)

2. Gambar rajah Venn menunjukkan set semesta. � = � ∪ � ∪ � dan � � ' = �(� ∩ �)

The Venn diagram shows a universal set. � = � ∪ � ∪ � dan � � ' = �(� ∩ �)

a) Nilai y
Value y b) �(� ∪ � ∪ �)

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.

3. Gambar rajah Venn menunjukksn set semesta � = murid Tingkatan 4 , set � =

ahli Kelab Muzik dan set � = ahli Kelab Robotik . Diberi � � = 58, � � = 20, � � = 16 dan
� � ∩ � = 9, tentukan bilangan murid yang bukan ahli kedua-dua kelab tersebut.
The Venn diagram shows the universal set, � = ���� 4 ������ , ��� � =
������� �� ����� ���� ��� ��� � = ������� �� ������� ���� . Given � � = 58, � � =
20, � � = 16 and � � ∩ � = 9, determine the number of pupils who are not members of both clubs.

4. Dalam sebuah kelas seramai 40 orang murid, 32 orang murid lulus Fizik, 35 orang murid lulus Kimia dan 3
orang murid gagal kedua-dua mata pelajaran itu.
In a class of 40 students, 32 students passed Physics, 35 students passed Chemistry and 3 students failed both

a) Lukis gambar rajah Venn untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara dua set itu.
Draw a Venn diagram to show the relationship between the two sets.

b) Cari
i. Bilangan murid yang lulus satu mata pelajaran sahaja.
The number of students who passed one subject only.
ii. Bilangan murid yang lulus kedua-dua mata pelajaran tersebut.
The number of students who passed both subjects.

c) 85% daripada murid dalam kelas itu lulus Biologi. Subjek manakah yang mempunyai peritus lulus
tertinggi? Justifikasikan jawapan anda.
85% of the students in the class passed Biology. Which subject has the highest passing percentage?
Justify your answer.
[9 markah/ marks]

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.


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