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Aided by the Obsidian Front,

the heroes mission

to the dangers
brings of the Selva. they escape But
newon their steps:
Concordia must know!
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Material reserved for the Game Master: watch out for spoilers!

Welcometo Fabula Chronicles!

Pwihma to start, I want to remind you each meant for 4 Chapter is

to be played 1 composed of session of approximately 3 Game
group and hours Master a Players
in a (including dedicated creation time for sharing).
You can entertain up to 6 players,following the conversion rules present in 13.

on page

One of the strengths of the Role Playing Game Fabula Ultimate shared narrative, which
It is for all players to actively participate in the

creation of the world to insert and or modify for different elements in the adventure. course not

pwihvare of sweetness this ca-funny of

an important feature
such Fabula Last, every Chapter of Fabula Chronicles

and includes some textual elements that are the same as all game groups,for (especially those while the remainingparts

indicated in square brackets, between shaped for example [settlement] as so totally or [boss])
I am and the Players, making each session unique! by you

Example: [settlement] could correspond to songs and to an oasis in the desert inhabited by shit

cattle ranchersor to a village isolatedwith

the world.
skin from
mountain rest wise old man
In the first long the [boss] could case, be a
sun with silk robes and a sprightly mountain turban, in the second it could be while
with for
girl with a passion for goat's cheese!

Feel free to physical characteristics adapt the and behavioral gods NPCs met at the ages,

changing other factors relevant to the narrative,identity

genderneeds of remember that; Not
and but
it will be possibleto modify Iconicway
! in any

If you have any doubts regarding the running of the game, you can consult the
have Guide Strategic to
Official of Fabula Chronicles the
or edocument of Incorrect For
FAQ Fabula Ultima.

Good fun! And try to leave

not aanyone
bad taste
with in your mouth, pwih!

INTRODUCTION................................................ 3 PART 3: ALONE ................................................ .. 9
PART 1: THE NEXT TOMORROW........................................ 4 THE FIRST VICTORY................................................................. .............10

PART 2: SOS ................................................ 6 END OF CHAPTER REWARDS ................................12

THE CONTROL DASHBOARD ................................................ ..... 7 APPENDIX A: NPC PROFILES ................................13

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The mysterious members of the Ark Society (an organization of scholars of ancient underground ruins and
long-lost cultures) save the PCs from the onslaught of the Climate Isles by escorting them through the Geminis
Aqueduct. From there, members of the Factions are led through the Mana Veins, ancient channels where the
Mana Priests once operated. Once out of the tunnels, the heroes find themselves in the Umbra Forest, where
they are attacked by an Abyssal: one of the creatures coming from the megalithic structures that, in recent
times, have been emerging from the Great Tide. An almost unbeatable opponent for our heroes, promptly saved
by the Obsidian Front: an elite corps specialized in facing these new enemies. The PCs thus have the
opportunity to discover that the Geminis government has activated a mysterious protection protocol in
response to the assault suffered, effectively isolating itself from the rest of Kardia; for this reason it is necessary
for someone to return to the Grand Magiport and ask for reinforcements from Concordia using the communication towers present the


Having reached the Grand Magiport of Geminis, the PCs find themselves in an area still devastated by the
assaults of the Climatic Islands, with local forces engaged in clashes that have turned the entire district upside down.
After identifying one of the communication towers present in the landing area (customizing it with co-
creation), the PCs reach the control bridge, finding it damaged. However, a large magitech construct
attacks them before they can make repairs, embroiling them in a boss fight!

After the conflict scene, the PCs can investigate the tower to discover that an unknown signal appears to be
blocking all signals in and out of Geminis; comes from the Shining Tower of Lumen: their next target!


The Grand Magiport District hasn't changed much since the night of the attack: streets and buildings are still a
battlefield, while wild beasts roam around ravenously, taking advantage of the absence of magical barriers to
protect defenseless citizens. Everywhere it is clear that no one expected such an event (even the inhabitants of
the Climate Islands who were already in Geminis before the attack know nothing about it!), and it seems that
governments or law enforcement are completely inadequate to manage the situation .

However, the Players may have no doubts and want to go straight towards their goal: to warn Concordia of the
danger and ask for help! In this case, after creating the first game elements you can continue directly with Part
2: SOS (see page 6) and then play the events of Parts 1 and 3 together, arranging the contents of the Chapter
based on the needs of the group !

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After the vicissitudes in the Umbra Forest, some PCs may have decided to temporarily leave the group to help the Obsidian

Front in fighting the Abyssals, while others may have gone elsewhere to check on the health of their family members scattered

across Geminis... Each game group could vary between one Chapter and another, and new characters could join the members

of the Factions for the good of Kardia: returning to the Grand Magiport, the PCs could for example welcome brave volunteers

engaged in the defense of the area or who escaped the New Year's Eve assault. These new additions could bring with them

information received from higher-ranking members of the Factions or picked up by eavesdropping on a squabble between

soldiers of the Climate Islands, and so on.

The Players could also briefly narrate the characters' journey from the Umbra Forest to the Grand Magiport... in short, multiple

situations can be adapted to this Chapter, the important thing is that everyone has their moment in the spotlight!


In this part of the Chapter, which lasts about an hour, the PCs cross the Grand Magiport District in search of a
communication tower, facing adversaries and helping those in difficulty.

As soon as you are ready to begin, read or paraphrase the following text:

It's almost dawn. Having reachedthe threshold of the Grand Magiporto District it seems impossible that that place, even in its beauty, which is of such
to little hours first full of life, jubilation a theater and can now be a

instruction. The festive voices and the music that filled the streets have given way to cries of pain and the sounds of crossed blades.

is in vain: look at the rubble, signs you will

Quickly scan the area
find everything and recognize
and everywhere in the tumult ferocious
of detonations, and through somethe
battles, reassuring element, it

Kardia Factions, the soldiers of the Climatic Islands, the monsters who have barriers deactivated between and and infiltrators.

the magical barrier that A

as columns of colorful smoke appear: soon sky covered
between the entrance
with clouds
of burning
as purple ephemeral patina ago and

vehicles andplanes.
the communications towerstransforms
that there the mission that normally regulate
it into traffic.
resolute A view and numerous
determination. envelops landingGeminis prevents all
or leaving the island. In distance, the wide notice area of some of the maginaships it hosts

reminds you of your discouragement ee

The PCs entered the Grand Magiport through a [secondary entrance], far from prying eyes or dangers of any kind; uses co-

authoring to allow Players to add interesting details about the location, such as who provided the entry information, what lurking

dangers were avoided, and so on. From this point, one of the several [communication towers] of the Grand Magiport is clearly

visible (for the creation of this element, see page 7). The PCs must cross the district to the landing area of the maginaves, but it is

far from a simple undertaking: numerous skirmishes rage in the streets, while explosions and sudden collapses constantly shock

the remaining population.

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Along the way, the PCs encounter some events, which you can determine randomly by rolling a d20 and
consulting the table below. Obviously, you can choose the events that seem most suitable to the gaming group
or invent new ones, but it is recommended to play at least four (respecting the indicative timing of the Chapter).

1 An easy fight against some guillopendres (see Basic Manual, page 324) that have emerged from underground.

2 A call for help can be heard from under the rubble. By carrying out a Test with an LD of 7 you can find the origin of the
screams, but the building is unsafe! (Set a 4-Section Clock : How does it fill? What happens if it fills completely?)

3 An Explorer Postman is trying to recover a crate of supplies that is about to fall into a deep furrow in the ground.
It can be helped with a Test with LD of 10; if successful, each PC refills up to 2 Inventory Points for free.

4 A brigand and a guard (see Basic Manual, page 350) from the Climatic Islands intercept the PCs: who
do they have intentions?

5 A Monster Hunter was caught upside down near a watchtower. He is surrounded by a number of vampire bats (see
Core Manual, page 324) equal to half the Players (rounded down), which threaten to bring him down

6 A member of the Ivory Order and a soldier from the Climate Islands are kneeling, lifeless after having probably killed
each other… they were just cadets. A scene that is decidedly emblematic of the tragedy inherent in every war.

7 2 magitech infantrymen (see Basic Manual, page 329) attack the PCs: an easy fight.

8 The PCs hear moans near the access to the city's underground tunnels. A family, the only parent
a seriously injured survivor, he asks for treatment before he can escape and reach safety.

9 A heavy thud opens up a chasm at the PCs' feet! They can avoid taking minor damage from the ground with a Test of
ÿDEX + INTÿ with LD of 10. What could have caused the shock?.

10 Someone (or something) is following the PCs: out of the corner of their eye they can see the edge of a cloak
disappearing behind a pile of rubble. If they try to investigate, there doesn't seem to be anyone...

11 Strange that no one took advantage of the various objects left here and there by the fugitives... if the PCs try to take
them, they are attacked by a crazed clangormat (see Basic Manual, page 328). Is this a lesson to them?

12 A frightened crowd is fleeing in the direction of the PCs: with a Test with an LD of 10 you can avoid suffering minor
physical damage. When the situation calmed down, the great danger from which the crowd was fleeing does not
seem to be in sight.

13 Some frightened fugitives, clearly in a state of confusion, looking in vain for an escape route. It seems to be the fault of
a vampire bat (see Basic Manual, page 324), intent on "singing" into a magical microphone: it inflicts the confused
status on anyone who comes near.

14 2 mercenaries (see Basic Manual, page 352) from the Climatic Islands corner the PCs: if they don't want to face
them, they can fill a 4-section Watch to lose them.

15 Inside the exhibition which hosted several portraits celebrating the Climatic Islands, only one painting survived the
destruction: it depicts a neuros berry from the island of Cadrys (see Official Strategic Guide, page.
25). The light with which the image is portrayed is really very vivid and pulsating... perhaps even a little too much!
With a flash of light, a wheel of lightning suddenly leaps out of the picture (see Core Manual, page 332).

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16 Various debris prevent passage and the goods elevators in the area are definitely out of order: by carrying out a
Test with an LD of 12 you can overcome the obstacle; on failure, the PCs suffer minor physical damage.
Alternatively, they can attempt to reactivate the hoists with a Group Test.

17 The animals on display during New Year's Eve have escaped and are wandering around destroying everything they come across.
For everyone's sake, it's better to calm them down (or make friends with them to fight enemies!) with Tests or Skills of your choice.

18 Desperate for the destroyed artists' sets, some frightened survivors are loading their few things onto the carts
before leaving in search of a safe place: if they are helped, each PC can choose an option between recovering
up to 20 Life Points or recharging up to 2 Inventory Points for free.

19 A sniper from the Climate Islands is keeping the PCs at gunpoint, while a magitech infantryman is approaching
threatening (see Basic Manual, pages 352 and 329): an inevitable clash?

20 Something terrible is behind the PCs. They turn around and… there's nothing! On the other hand, nothing can go wrong
when you turn 20, right?

Of course, it would be a shame if those two birds fluttering in the sky were actually evil eyes (see Core Manual,
page 340)!

After playing a sufficient number of events, continue with the second part of the Chapter.

In this part of the Chapter, which should take about an hour of gameplay, the PCs reach the
[communication tower] and are attacked by a very powerful enemy.

As soon as you are ready to continue, read or paraphrase the following text:

You have finally reached your destination. The

the Climatic
right here,
that stand
from your
out inburning
the night
sky while
of thestill
eternal fires.
coming (incredible

as Carefully cross the magic square wreckageof magitech militias, explosion craters among
debris, warning a slight cold breeze on yours skin: an unnatural silence

this area. Maybe it's just the thing that invites you to lower your sixth sense guard little be wary of this and with

deceptive quiet. But there is something

definitively will
putting to
be able
to send
to the
calls you: in your time not yet a Concordia effort and


The PCs reach one of the [communication towers] (the closest to them, according to the route they
followed to reach the area) and prepare to climb it to access the command center. These graceful columns
of modern art, as many as the landing strips of the Grand Magiporto, usually regulate the air traffic of the
ships. Although they show different characteristics, they share the same structure: a tall scalable body acts
as a base and flows into a larger upper structure, generally divided into three rooms, one of which houses
the tower's control bridge (see page 7).

To customize the [Comm Tower], ask Players the following questions and take note of what they tell you,
but don't forget that you're participating in co-creation too!

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1 How is it made? (Note: remember that we are in a high fantasy context and that the tower uses mana crystals to

facilitate communications).

Example: it is an obelisk of marblesilvery

veins rotating
and bluewithout
flowing along his profile; it's a building
with a crystallinespire to his top; it is a colorful minaret with stairs that


2 What characteristic elements or peculiarities distinguish it?

Example: it floatswith
is fromofasmoke
tower anchored
vapors valves
to the
ground glass;
by chains brass to luminous engravings are on it;


3 How can you reach the top?

Example: by means of a levitating stone platform; via a tube in which

a glass

luminescent liquid; using brass scale; a etc.

4 In addition to the room that houses the control bridge, describe two other rooms in the upper part of the tower.

Example: a maintenance tool warehouse; for a Kardia's mobile world map for the studyfor
of musical equipment

music to ships in transit; broken; transmit by etc.

Once the [communication tower] is created, you can quickly narrate the climb to get to the top or have the Players directly

describe how the PCs reach the control bridge.


?? In 197 AD, the Crystal Guild in the midst of academic ferment was in the application of the magical


of mana
up to that time
prolific singer-songwriter) Leviticus that wouldKhora
have brought
that some
(andpossess technology.

ignore: it is in fact

possible to tune them to make other crystals placed also with a resonate great
distances, easily transmitting the human voice. distance, from that In short, after have invented

a method to magically
to communicate through melodiesto day he began to cheer with joyful
his fellow members of the Guild... at least until he was expelled from the community. politely (and quickly!)
put with a silence Nonetheless, its underlying discovery still improves the lives of Kardians when Mana began convenience,
of many innovations and He has helped

to become more susceptible. A real one Not found?

Having climbed to the top of the [communication tower], the PCs immediately notice a strong burning smell and distinctly hear
frequent crackling sounds coming from the control bridge: a large metal surface equipped with levers, vials full of mana, sets of

microphones and devices that appear very complicated at first glance, alternating with gears and engravings to channel magic in

different ways. All these components gather around a large crystal used for transmission, which should levitate and shine, but

seems inactive. Small sparks illuminate the damaged part of the equipment, while thin streams of smoke are dispersing upwards.

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As the PCs approach the control board to analyze the damage, a sinister and terrifying metallic clang makes everyone
jump. The doors behind them are torn down and a massive [magitech destroyer] stands in the doorway with
weapons aimed at them. It is large, armored and decidedly menacing, adorned with magical engravings typical of
the Climatic Islands (recognizable as they are similar to those that identified the delegations' maginaves). Its external
covering is partially damaged (probably from previous clashes) and each of its components seems to be powered by
a mana sphere embedded in its chest, which also seems damaged: perhaps that is the cause of its fury? He
seems to have been attracted by the control board (or by the arrival of the PCs?) and immediately pounces on the
members of the Factions, without allowing an escape route: it's time for a boss fight!

During the battle, the PCs can easily notice how the [magitech destroyer] is overwhelmed by such a fury that it
indiscriminately damages everything around it. Despite his size he has very agile, almost monkey-like movements
which, combined with his size, constitute a danger in a contained environment such as that of the [communication
tower]. If the Players are in difficulty, you can point out how any risks of the building collapsing could also be
dangerous for the creature; its weight may even have opened gaps in the floor that could cause it to fall (a Clock of
some kind, perhaps with 10 sections?).

On its turn, the [magitech destroyer] tries to inflict slow status on everyone with Earthgrinder, and then
hits them on its next turn with Raging Whirlwind. Not being very reasonable, he tends to attack the PCs
who attack him in turn.

If there are more than 5 Players (see page 13), the [magitech destroyer] is followed by his trusty [sword drone]
and [shield drone]: the first marks his enemies to allow him to inflict extra damage, while the second acts as a
reinforcement, healing part of the damage suffered.

Once the battle is over, continue with the third part of the Chapter.

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In this part of the Chapter, which lasts about an hour, the PCs investigate the tower and discover that a
signal is blocking communications, continuing towards their next destination.

After defeating it, the PCs may decide to analyze the [magitech destroyer] with an Open Test
to find out the following information:


10+ The construct is a rather advanced model, with high-level quality magitech; nothing that could be considered
in common use for the military forces of the Union.

13+ In addition to the previous information, it is noted that the workmanship of the various mechanical components
and the general level of magitech are very, very similar to those of the Union: from territories that have not
had cultural exchanges for centuries such as the Climatic Islands one would expect a technological level
and a very different aesthetic!

16+ In addition to the previous information, under a plaque of the construct there is an engraving: the mark of
Galan Industries (see Official Strategy Guide, page 31)! How did the Climate Islands obtain this

The PCs can finally dedicate themselves to putting the control bridge back into operation to send their SOS to
Concordia, evaluating the extent of the damage with an Open Test to discover the following information:


The PCs do not understand the causes and extent of the damage, but they know enough to attempt a
difficult repair process.

10+ The PCs realize that the board was damaged in the fighting. They have a good understanding of what it
takes to repair it.

13+ The PCs understand perfectly how the control panel works and can repair it quite easily.

16+ Not only would the PCs know how to repair the bridge with their eyes closed, but they understand that the
damage that made it unusable is not a direct consequence of the clashes that occurred at the Grand
Magiport: it is deliberate sabotage!

Once the repairs have been completed, the PCs can finally attempt to use the [communication tower]: they
reactivate the crystal and send the request for help... but all they hear is a confused shouting coming from various
points of Geminis, beyond to some sort of strange distorted melody: a constant dirge that seems to emphasize
the impossibility of sending or receiving any signal.

With some tests (LD equal to 10) it is possible to understand that a massive interference is blocking the entire
signal, information that could also be communicated by a possible [technician] who was stuck during the clashes
with the magitech, who promptly came out to discover help the PCs once the area is secured. A further Test with
LD equal to 10 or some useful interaction with providential NPCs allows the members of the Factions to discover
that the only place in all of Geminis from which such a magical disturbance signal could come is the Shining
Tower: the very tall structure that stands on the great bridge of Lumen, the Entertainment District of Geminis.

Note: This revelation is very important for the PCs, make sure they get it!

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As soon as the PCs understand that it is actually impossible to use the [communication tower] to send
a signal to Concordia and go down from the structure to decide what to do, they witness a massive
intervention by Geminis forces: under the timid morning light , the Monster Hunters imprison the last free
beasts in the area (even if many others have escaped their control and have crossed the borders of the
district!), while the members of the other Factions, led by the Ivory Order, defeat the last invaders of the
Climatic Islands and are responsible for helping the survivors, providing care and assistance. But the
Factions are not alone! A large contingent of magitech creatures , led by flesh-and-blood leaders, has
arrived from the hinterland of the Green Island, providing crucial support to defeat the invaders. The
forces bear the insignia of the Galan family: could this be their private militia?

The battle of the Grand Magiport is won, but Geminis is far from safe.

You can now play a short rest scene: the PCs could help some survivors to get stronger, interact with
other characters or share the sensations they felt; in any case, it is possible to obtain the following

• The joint effort of the Kardia Factions located in Geminis made it possible to reconquer the Grand Magiport
District and put a stop to the invasion. Not to mention the help provided by the Galans, which proved
providential! But there is no point in claiming victory: some invaders have retreated to who knows where. Are
they planning further assaults in other sensitive areas of Geminis?

• Several of the creatures that invaded the district taking advantage of the deactivated magical barriers are
still around: the Obsidian Front will have its work cut out for it…

• Although the Factions are still trying to ascertain the number of victims of this terrible tragedy, it is known that the
Twin Sovereigns escaped the assault, being promptly brought back to Castle Libra. The same goes for the
famous Sòl, who managed to return to his home in the Entertainment District thanks to a personal escort. It
also seems that some member of the Factions was able to observe the dismay of a dejected but completely
unharmed Grand Magister Gradetia...

• It is not possible to leave the island while the emergency protocol remains active; Furthermore, the barriers
block the access of any external forces, which is very useful in stopping further invasions, but also prevents the
arrival of reinforcements and supplies from the rest of Kardia! Even if Concordia has no way of knowing exactly
what happened, the Grand Council will certainly have called an extraordinary session to understand more.

• (Note: only if interacting with Galan militias) Athena Galan managed to escape the attack thanks to her incredible
fighting skills. Returning to her home, she immediately ordered her private militias to leave to help the Grand
Magiporto. They did it as soon as possible. As the financier of the New Year's Eve celebrations, she appears
to be consumed with guilt over what happened and is burning with blind fury towards the Climate Islands.

If the PCs report the dirge coming from the Entertainment District to anyone, they are promptly urged to
act for the good of all of Geminis and the Factions of which they are a part. On the other hand, their
actions have already proven to be more than heroic! Furthermore, it is pointed out to them that the
disturbance appears to only affect transmissions in and out of Geminis, as crystal communications within
the Green Isle are still functional!

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At this point, the PCs have nothing left to do but head towards Lumen, the Entertainment District; creates an effective
means with the Players to reach the goal and quickly narrates the beginning of the journey. If you wish, you can take
inspiration from these options:

1 By means of the Magitreno, a stately vehicle with an opalescent frame, elegantly decorated and embellished, which moves on
a rail and is powered by a large rock-light crystal. The ticket is very expensive, but the trip is a real treat (and a lot safer too)!

2 By means of the Melmigibile, a hot air balloon with the features of a large caramel melt (see Basic Manual, page 338); some
claim to be a real melt caramel, which for some strange reason has become gigantic and light as a cloud. It is certainly a
cheaper journey than the Magitreno, quite reliable even if sometimes a little turbulent.

3 (Note: if the Players ventured into the Geminis Aqueduct in Chapter 2: Subterranean Escape) Traveling through the
underground tunnels that extend throughout Geminis, perhaps hiring a guide or looking for members of the Ark Society
(see Guide Official Strategy, page 29) to travel safely. Some tunnels can be very dangerous, but nothing too difficult for a
well-equipped group of budding heroes!

As soon as you are ready to conclude, read or paraphrase the following scene from the Game Master:

“Through one large glazed

the one combined from above the richly illuminated city. Sunlight peers
unusual nuances. ofwalking
Nervously the magical
backbarrier thatshe
and forth encapsulates
is as absorbed
the island,
in her thoughts,
nascent, istaking
long strides, gulping dyeing the Island Green by
room from the back of her neck

a glass; a trickle of cold sweatdrops

along the neck. Suddenly, it brings a light harmony from the crystal of communication emanated from it

her back to reality. On the other side a voice, andsafe calm:

'“The operation was a complete success. everyone's mouth. as we have planned, the will be on your name soon
We all expect big things at your place.'

'C-of course!'

the delicatesituation. is is 'Well, you

It has now begun and not your we can allow ourselves mistakes. Not now!
know I know that

determination will falter right now, but just be clear:

in our
at random
our cause would rather die suffer than

this night I had bad dreams.'

'N-no, I'll
notdo what I have to no,
fear, do.'

But say
while e sentence, the light of the crystal dims, the communication is interrupted.

The figure pours a face. another glass sitsbrings

on the fine sofa.
a sip, He drinks yes while he a hand on the

Then the tension in him gets the better of him: he throws the glass,against glass
shattering it into pieces.

'How did we get to This?' you ask, the while his hands tremble uncontrollably.”

The Chapter is over!

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Rememberto check the rewards how

directions and

media Updates the Hero's Journal in the Official Strategy Guide.

Follow social
by NEEDtoGAMES! to not
miss the news and future releases of Fabula and
Chronicles, pwih!


If you played Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of this Season with the same PC (the order doesn't matter!), you are entitled
to an additional reward, chosen from the following:


Having witnessed the events of New Year's Eve have certainly left a mark on your soul; reports the title [Escaped
the Assault] in the Hero's Journal. When the PC takes an Opposed Test using VOL, he gains a +1 modifier for
that Test (in addition to any other modifiers).


The moment is difficult and the enemies are very dangerous, but staying united and helping each other will lead
you to victory; reports the title [Kardia's Friend] in the Hero's Journal. When the PC succeeds in a Support Test
to help a leader with whom they have a Bond, you can add the strength of the Bond to the leader's Test even if it
is not the Bond with the highest strength (if it is instead the Bond with the highest strength higher, add an
additional +1 modifier to the leader's Test).

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In this section you can find the statistics of the opposing NPCs present in the Chapter. For a detailed
explanation on how to read an NPC's profile, you can consult the Fabula Ultima Basic Manual on page 320.

Typical traits: agile, out of control, mechanical, towering.

DEX d8 INT d6 VIG d12 VOL d6 PV 360 w 180 PM 100 Init. 10

DEF +2 D. MAG +1 ' aVUb RSa ERSfVUiRSl b IM


$ Raging Vortex wÿVIG + DEXÿ +1 wÿTM + 5ÿ physical damage. This attack has multi(2). If the target
is afflicted with the slow status, this attack deals 5 extra damage.

a Rock-Kaboom wÿDEX + INTÿ +1 wÿTM + 10ÿ ground damage . If the target is marked*,
this attack deals 5 extra damage.
*only if a [sword drone] is present


h Grinder w 20 PM w Special w Instant.

The magitech destroyer chooses any number of creatures visible to him: each of them
suffers the slow status.


Mode Change w The magitech destroyer transforms by closing itself in its armor:
- Becomes heavier, so it gains Resistance to air damage, but becomes Vulnerable to ground
- Becomes more compact, so it gains Resistance to fire damage, but becomes
Vulnerable to lightning damage.

No Breath w The magitech destroyer is immune to poison damage.

Exposed Core w Once per round, a character can target the magitech destroyer's core with an offensive
attack or spell. If it does, the magitech destroyer's Defense and Magic Defense are treated as 12 for that
attack or spell. If hit, the magitech destroyer takes 5 extra damage.

Based on the number of Players present, calibrate the battle according to this scheme:

3 PLAYERS 1 [magitech destroyer]*

4 PLAYERS 1 [magitech destroyer]

5 PLAYERS 1 [magitech destroyer] + 1 [sword drone]

6 PLAYERS 1 [magitech destroyer] + 1 [sword drone] + 1 [shield drone]

* in this case, the creature has 270 Life Points and takes 3 turns per round; furthermore, the eventual Resolution Clock has 4 sections.

FABULA CHRONICLES © 2023 NEED GAMES! All rights reserved. Product not salable. FC S1C03 13
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Typical traits: sharp, aggressive, quick, ruthless.

DEX d10 INT d8 VIG d8 VOL d6 PV 60 w 30 PM 40 Init. 9

DIF +0 D. MAG +0 'VU aba ERSf iVUl b IM


$ Slicing Dive wÿDEX + VIGÿ +1 wÿTM + 5ÿ physical damage. Each target hit by
this attack is considered marked until the start of the sword drone's next turn. If the target is afflicted
with the slow status, this attack deals 5 extra damage.


Flying w The sword drone can fly or levitate. In addition to the obvious narrative benefits, creatures on
the ground cannot reach the sword drone with melee attacks while it is in midair (but the sword drone can
make melee attacks against those on the ground).
If the sword drone takes damage of a type to which it is Vulnerable, it is immediately forced to land and
loses the benefits of this Ability until the end of the round, when the sword drone takes flight again.
Additionally, the sword drone can be forced to land by expending an opportunity. While in Crisis, the sword
drone loses all benefits of this Ability.


Typical Traits: Dependable, Tough, Slow, Heavy.

DEX d8 INT d8 VIG d8 VOL d8 PV 60 w 30 PM 50 Init. 8

DEF +0 D. MAG +0 'RS aRSb a ERSf il b IM


$ Dull Strike wÿDEX + VIGÿ +1 wÿTM + 5ÿ ground damage.


h Repair Protocol w 5 MP w One Creature w Instant.

Each target recovers 20 Life Points.


SUPERVISION: Alberto Orlandini and Matteo Pedroni

TEXTS: Matteo Delvecchio and Dario Sicchio

ADDITIONAL TEXT: Marco Mezzocapo, Chris Pagliari

REVIEW: Alberto Orlandini

GRAPHICS: Erica Viotto

ILLUSTRATIONS: Lorc, Lorenzo Magalotti, Catthy Trinh

PLAYTEST: Paolo Carenzi, Simone Coluccelli, Selene Dal Borgo, Gabriele Ferri, Federico Franconieri,
Beatrice Pietrasanta

Fabula Chronicles is based on Fabula Ultima TTJRPG © 2023 Need Games & Rooster Games.

FABULA CHRONICLES © 2023 NEED GAMES! All rights reserved. Product not salable. FC S1C03 14

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