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I promise to love, respect, protect and trust you, and give you the best of

myself, for I know that together we will build a life far better than either of us
could imagine alone. I choose you. I'll choose you over and over and over,
without pause, without doubt, I'll keep choosing you.

2 We going to take a blood oath to keep this relationship for now and till eternity. Anything we say

here during the process of the oath is gonna be represented as the blood bounding us. Say

after me

I promise to be there for us for better or for worse

I promise to be there in sickness and in health

I promise to always keep this love real

I promise to live with you no matter what the condition both in good and bad To always be there

for one another

I Promise to give you everything I have

I Promise to forgive every single one of your sins

I promise to treat you better than anyone

I promise to make love to you every single night

I promise to love your children even when the times get hard

I Promise to teach you everything I know

I promise to help you fulfill your dreams

I Promise to hold everything we stand for

I promise to assist one another in anything,emotional and financial needs

Let this oath bind this love forever. Forever and forever till death do us part

I adhere to this oath as a blood covenant with you my love till death do us part even in death.

Finally I will keep to the guidance of the oath rules above and never forsake it for the rest of our

life,we are now husband and wife forever and eternity till forever is no more,we are now two

souls in one, same heart same soul,Therefore what God has joined together, no human being

must separate.

i love you my wife, yours husband, If I leave you the oath will kill me and if you leave me the

oath will kill you that is blood oath so we should control ourself and never to allow human come

between us no man most seprate us okay else we will pay with our life because we took a blood

oath, okay?

@ Magic Finger

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