FChS1C10 Il Grande Abisso EN

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Climbed the Library Living

learned new things truth about the conspiracy,
Heroes face the darkness of the Abyss
in the
nearhidden truth.
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Material reserved for the Game Master: watch out for spoilers!

Welcometo Fabula Chronicles!

Pwihma to start, I want to remind you eachthought for ex- 4 Chapter is that
played byCompound
1 group andgame Master a Players in one

session of approximately 3 hours can entertain

(includingdedicated up to 6
co-authoring). You
players, following the conversion rules howeverpresent in Part 11.
in 3: The on page.

One of the strengths of the FabulaUltima Role PlayingGame is the sharednarrative that allows all players to actively participate to

in the creation of the world by inserting changes and/or different elements into the adventure.

course not For Pwihvare of sweetness this fun feature of

so important some Fabula Last, every Chapter of Fabula Chronicles includes and
textual elements are the same all the game groups, by square while the remaining parts (especially

those indicated in brackets, by you for example [settlement] as shaped or [boss]) I am total-
mind Players, making each session unique! and the

Example: [settlement] could correspond to cattle ranchers' songs and/ an oasis in the desert inhabited by a mer-

or to a village isolated from

a mountain rest wise old man with sunburnt
In the first the [chief]
and a could case, long silk robes
with turban, in the second it could be a lively girl while the passion is goat
hillbilly with for

Feel free to adapt physical characteristics and behavior of the NPCs encountered with the needs of

changing age, identity

of other
in anyrelevant
way! to the narrative-group, gender and but remember that it will be possible to modify the

neither; Not

If I had to have doubts regarding the running of the game, you can consult the Guide Strategic
Official of Fabula Chronicles or the document Incorrecte FAQ Fabula
For Ultima.

Good fun! of And seeks not leave no one with the bitter in pwih!

INTRODUCTION................................................ 3 PART 3: THE ASCENT................................................ 11
PART 1: GETTING TO THE BOTTOM................................................ 4 shrouded in darkness................................................................. .......12

USEFUL LESSONS................................................................ .................... 7 HOSTILE CORRIDORS ................................................ ...............13

HORROR!................................................ .......................... 9 APPENDIX A: NPC PROFILES ......................14

PART 2: OH, TRAGEDY! ................................ 9
THE SCREAM OF THE ABYSS................................................ ................11

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Having started with the attack on the Grand Magiport on New Year's Eve, the assault on the Climate Islands against the
island of Geminis turned out to be a hoax. Having discovered the conspiracy aimed at providing a pretext to antagonize these
distant lands, the heroes of Kardia have unmasked and defeated one of those responsible, Sòl, freeing the Green Island from
the yoke of an interference that blocked its communications with the outside world. However, the emergency protocol that
imprisons Geminis still remains active , for which it is necessary to recover the plans in the possession of Kaebos, leader of
the Ministry of the Ancient Library, which is located inside the structure on the island of Littera. However, swarms of Abyssals
block free access to the location, forcing the heroes to infiltrate via alternative methods. Once inside, the Factions discover
some truths about the Library and the past of a mysterious child, who turns out to be one of the conspirators: Minus Adras,
head of the Crystal Guild, who definitely has unfinished business with the Climatic Islands... to


Wearing special protective suits, the PCs enter a vast, pitch-black abyss within the Great Sea, the access to which is
mysteriously located in the Underground of the Living Library.

In the first part, the PCs embark on a journey to descend into the pit, customizing the surrounding environment and
dangers through shared creation . As they explore, they begin to gain information about this mysterious place, but are
momentarily knocked out by an unexpected encounter.

In the second part, the PCs find themselves near a colossal obsidian structure that seems to be sucking up all the mana.
Freely exploring the area, they find ancient inscriptions regarding a fearsome prophecy. But there is no time to reflect and
rest: Abyssals and corrupted creatures, led by a mammoth monstrosity, attack the PCs, who in the third part are involved in
a clash
against time, trying to fill the Clock as soon as possible which will take them safely to the surface.


As soon as you are ready to begin, read or paraphrase the following text:

“Kaebos' last words still resonate in your mind, inviting you to discover the truth. lower yourself into the Abyss to

Worn one special that allows you to breathe in the suit and not be overwhelmedby
Great Sea, slowly descending together concentrated state mana a several surreal -looking
alternate the liquid in
the pitstate
. Bizarre creatures float and whirl in the currents of ture and mana, which

sity). sometimes forming energy sources of variable (andgaseous,

A light of theactually
extendsyou wonderseveral
in depth, the Underground of the
days' journey tenuous allows how much to observe and Library
a you can access directly Abyss if

of which should instead be found as a genre, a Some symbols capture

yours the followers of Minus must be past here; we need to save necessary continue for
understandthe conspirators' plan andthe Library before it's too late!” too much

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Inspired by Kaebos, numerous members of the Factions managed to enter the Underground and find
various accesses to the Great Abyss. Once there, the groups may have decided to reorganize themselves
to best combine capabilities, allow the wounded to rest or send reliable companions to report useful
information to the allied forces, who may in turn decide to send reinforcements in support. of the characters.
If you are playing with a new group, allow the Players to narrate the travels and adventures of their PCs,
the discoveries and opinions on the events that have involved Geminis and the Library in recent times! It
could be an excellent opportunity to share experiences related to the memories lived during Chapter 9:
Towards Distant Lands.


In this part of the Chapter, lasting about an hour and a half, the PCs delve into the depths of the Abyss.

After leading the Kardia Factions into the depths of the Library, and allowing the heroes to experience
memories belonging to Minus Adras, leader of the Crystal Guild, Kaebos revealed himself as an entity
inextricably linked to the Library itself. He therefore allowed the allied forces to access some mysterious
entrances connected to the Great Abyss, a deep dark pit in which the truth about the conspiracy should be
hidden: in fact, Pettigrew's followers have already descended into the fault to recover lost knowledge and it
is It's the PCs' task to stop them before it's too late, especially since Kaebos seems to be succumbing to a
sort of increasingly rampant corruption , certainly triggered by a mysterious ritual carried out by Pettigrew
and his companions.

Entering the Abyss is anything but a simple undertaking for the PCs: the light is very faint, and menacing
creatures hide in these dark ravines. Even the liquid (made of mana!) with which the Abyss is full makes
movement difficult: fluid parts in which it is possible to swim alternate with empty areas in which to float or at
least try not to fall disastrously. Fortunately, however, some clues allow us to guess the right direction:
symbols placed here and there, certainly left by the followers of Minus Adras during the descent, and
drawings on the rocky walls that indicate the paths followed by the Arca Society (see Strategic Guide
Official, page 29; it seems that the organization has known the location of this place for a long time: is it
aware of the Factions' operations and wants to help them in some way?).

Point these out to the Players, then ask them the following co-creation questions and note their answers to
help you define the look and feel of the Abyss.

1 What does the region you are sinking into look like? What type of fauna, flora and rock formations can you find?
(Note: There should be a hint of corruption among the creatures present and an overall aura of oppression and

Example: a deep in whichfissure

canyons grow the remains of
in which there pale corals, surrounded by surreal here and an and disturbing
youcalm; an ancient civilization stand out an and unclean creatures roam; a well
which around
into a natural
a goal cistern which gradually
wanderforms a rock, small terracotta golems tentaclescovered with strange, sharp
While precise; etc.

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2 What aesthetic characteristics do the [special overalls] you wear have? What peculiar equipment they have

Example: richthe
in decorations, crystal
is able to adapt to ahelmets
strange with dragon features
transparent, ne; equipped with special lantern armor with a soft slime-like membrane, which covers

remain in an armored
overalls I amshell
etc.to produce sticky tentacles; and installed ropes and hooks, the door is inlaid with monochromatic crystals; while I
to the wearer's build I am present special protuberances in which

3 Which light source do you rely on to make the descent?

Example: the corals scattered on the rocky bubbles of faint glow; crest diving suits emit mana used the dive to are

equip the with luminescent crystals that allow peak illumination

portions of the abyss; the path traced by Society of Ark consists of bright drawings; etc.

4 What obstacles does the descent into the region present?

Example: Corrupted creatures wander with seaweedmake threatening from the light; small landslides modify the attracted currents

any control
themmana; shakes right direction; of make
earthquake difficult to
What move; etc.

5 Which areas seem safer?

Example: old ruinsof a repaired forgottentemple of a marine rocky; the skeleton crest under a carapace
colossal; monster a small natural cave in an area beaten by corrupt creatures; little etc.

6 What does the area of what appears to be the [backdrop] look like?

Example: a place where the mana is black, the violetremaining,

crystals ascovered
large aswith
pitch, with only ruins of buildings accuminate make ea
the landscape is sinister; one ancient citadel of which carcasses and a plain where feeble
will-o'-the-wisps of the most disparate
veins and
crimson grotesqueplants; a illuminate and

stalagmites black andconsumed;



Despite the protection of the [special suits], the high concentration of mana can have repercussions on the PCs.
For the duration of the Chapter, the PCs' Mind Point costs are halved.
However, each time a PC spends Mind Points and rolls a critical failure, you can spend the opportunity to choose
an option: the PC suffers a status of your choice between poisoned or enraged; or the PC takes minor damage of
a type of your choice and cannot repeat the Test he failed until the end of his next turn. If you wish, you can create
similar effects in agreement with the group, reflecting the magical backlash caused by the enormous amount of
mana present in the area.

The PCs then dive deeper and deeper and begin to explore the area. Manage this part through travel scenes (see
Basic Manual, pages 106-109); even if the descent lasts a few hours and not entire days, travel rolls are still made (at
least two or three) with an LD depending on the region created together with the group (presumably d8 or d10). If the
group makes a discovery, they reveal to the Players one of the pieces of information in the Useful Lessons section
(see page 7).

Then, set two Watches: a 6-section “Exploration” Watch and a “Looming Threat” Watch with the number of sections
equal to the travel rolls you intend to make.

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The “Exploration” Watch is used to track the progress made by the PCs as they gather information about the
area; every time the PCs perform a relevant activity to discover why Kaebos has directed them into the Great
Abyss (or even simply to continue their descent), ask the Players to carry out an appropriate Test with LD of
10, filling in the sections of the Clock based on the Result.
If successful, provide the PCs with one or more of the following information:

• In the area it is possible to notice traces of Abyssal pitch and ichor, thus revealing the presence of these creatures
(which however seem distant and not looming); however, it is filled with [corrupted creatures] belonging to the flora
or fauna of the Great Abyss. It seems that corruption has been spreading for some time…

• A strange current, present at regular intervals, seems to attract things and people towards the [bottom]. It's not
simple gravity; by performing a Ritual (or similar methods), the PCs can discover that these are flows of mana that
are slowly being sucked towards an unknown point.

• Suspended in the liquid mana are some fragments of ancient ruins bearing partial and somewhat rambling inscriptions;
not only that, some symbols are traced on the inscriptions, allowing (those with the skills) to translate the terms
"Sisters", "Fall", "Mana" and "World".

• Ancient ornaments present in some submerged ruins recall motifs dating back to a Kardia from another era, probably
older than the last great conflicts of the past: this area was once populated!

• Analyzing the symbols drawn by Pettigrew's followers, it is possible to see how they have been left for some time now
different time; is it already too late?

• Following the cave paintings of the Ark Society seems to be easier to avoid the [corrupted creatures], following
ancient channels linked to the Mana Veins already seen previously (see Chapter 2: Subterranean Escape and
Chapter 9: Towards Distant Lands).

• Observing the bubbles that here and there rise towards the surface it is possible to notice that they branch out: it is
reasonable to hypothesize that there are more wells in addition to the main one. Alternative conduits used by Minus'
followers, members of the Ark Society and possible allies of the Factions... and probably by the Abyssals themselves!

The Looming Threat Watch is used to track the arrival of a giant Abyssal. After each travel roll, or whenever
the Players take too long to make a decision or a failure by the PCs might attract the attention of creatures in the
area, fill 1 section. As the Clock fills up, insert omens into the scene that suggest that something terrible is
approaching, such as a large pitch-colored tentacle seen in the distance, a gigantic shadow passing over the PCs
or a roar (followed by tremors) spread throughout the area.

If the “Exploration” Clock is filled before the “Improving Threat” Clock, continue with Useful Lessons (see page

However, if the “Improving Threat” Clock is filled before the “Exploration” Clock, continue with Horror! (see page

Note: Use the elements that emerge during co-creation to improvise the areas or crevices to explore, taking
into account dangers and possible rewards, inflicting status, minor or heavy damage resulting from environmental
effects or any other details you deem appropriate as a consequence of one or more failures.

If there are conflict scenes, also remember to reward the PCs with rest scenes, free refills of Inventory Points,
obsidian finds (if the PCs have not already obtained this type of resource otherwise; see below for examples of
splinters or improvised weapons) or any other effect you see fit.

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A creature sensitive to obsidian takes 10 physical damage , ignoring the creature's Affinities. The creature is considered hit by
an obsidian weapon for the purposes of effects involving this type of interaction.


A melee or ranged weapon, of the Player's choice (see Core Manual, pages 130-131), with the following Quality:

This weapon is considered obsidian for the purposes of related effects. This to such material.
weapon deals 10 damage to Abyssal creatures
Species .


?? a panorama ofrecent

the Ivory
lute strongly from
are Order shipping.
Postmen and Explorers, and
Factions like

family of supportproperties most

“Ah, the wonders of technique! The [special suits] explore the Sea for innovation

different models, there are



of some particularGeminis,
all produced taking
already did ofinthe
advantage And
allow ancient
to breathe in conditions of lack of air likethat
Kardia. times
However, resist mana currents without losing
control of the magic they used required large amounts of magical energy, whichtoday is of the most modern

add tracksuits
field. given
by the
ability to adapt
of crystals
to equipment
and These also useful to knowledge in the
touch a classy whoever wears them,
as a sheet. A true prodigy!"


The PCs find themselves in a little-traveled area. Here a team of [members of the Ark Society] are sorting out the notes
taken during the exploration. Initially wary, they become friendly as soon as they recognize the PCs as fighters from the
Factions. If the PCs ask for information about what is happening in the Library, the [members of the Ark Society] are

somewhat confused: there are no accesses nearby, as the Great Abyss is days away from the island of Littera. Furthermore,
it seems that they are not aware of the events following New Year's Eve... but how long have they been down here?!

In any case, they can reveal some basic information about their particular Faction (see Official Strategy Guide, page 29),
also explaining that few people believe in their work, since they descend from "an ancient cult that in the past operated in the
shadows of Kardia, guided by wrong intentions.” Furthermore, no one knows their leader, who seems to always communicate
enigmatically through messages, coded letters, and conversations recorded inside magical crystals. But there are those who
would swear they recognized him while searching the underground tunnels of Geminis...

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However, the [Arca Society members] are more than willing to reveal the fruit of their research to the group,
especially because they want to make sure that "at least someone can tell the world about it." Choose one of
the following key discoveries and reveal it to the PCs: you can base your choice on relevant elements that
emerged during the co-creation or on what seems most interesting to the Players at the table.

• The sisters. “The moons that illuminate the night skies of Kardia are benevolent entities of a divine nature. However,
their last sighting was in forgotten times, when they prevented an evil entity from completely destroying the world by
sealing its spirit in a place forgotten by gods and men. Since then, they are said to continue to watch over Kardia,
regulating the movement of mana through a cycle of renewal and destruction. Furthermore, it seems that it is
possible to come into contact with these entities in a single point of the world, well hidden in a land where time itself
has fragmented into tiny grains of sand with enormous magical powers. And it is also thanks to this sand that it
seems possible to somehow reawaken the dormant evil entity..."

Note: if PCs inform the Hero's Journal Players learn this about scoring Secret War].


• Hymeria. “In ancient times, it seems that demons were simply one of the people of Kardia, and that this word did not
have a negative connotation. They were in fact responsible for controlling the flow of mana in the world, magical
beings who were constantly strengthened by the passage of the Longing, the comet known as the Fourth Sister.
However, followers of evil used an opportunity to alter the magical flow of demons and transform them into monstrous
beings at their service. Among the Heroes who arose to stop this Cult was a young priestess, Hymeria, sent by the
gods to eradicate evil and bring peace to the world. During an expedition, Hymeria discovered ancient ruins, with
lightrock crystals partially corrupted by evil, and a voice began urging her to continue with her mission. Believing
she was motivated by the gods, Hymeria recovered some crystals and researched the ruins, discovering a creature
imprisoned within them, its soul fragmented for eternity. Somehow, the voice invited her to free the creature from
its torment, and Hymeria ended up falling madly in love with it, unaware that she had fallen into the same trap
that had already corrupted many of her allies. He thus set out to gather forces to march against whoever had inflicted
such suffering on his beloved, invoking semi-divine powers to alter space and time and imprison good and evil in a
continuous cycle of rebirth and destruction. At least until the Night of Tears..."

Note: if the PCs learn information,

Demons].communicate to the Players about in the Hero's Journal[ This is Queen of

• The Abyssals and obsidian. “Long ago, the known world was a tumultuous place, where war, hatred and violence
were commonplace. Somehow, the malice, the thirst for power and the greed of overly ambitious dictators and rulers
continued to corrupt the life flow of Kardia, slowly transforming the mana into a black crystal capable of eradicating
every trace of humanity from the hearts of individuals. Thus it was that at a certain point what is known to today's
Kardians as obsidian was born, an extremely resistant material generated by pure mana corrupted beyond belief,
capable of slowly extending its unhealthy aura to neighboring places, damaging body and spirit. . Initially, the crystal
arose in the depths of the Great Sea, corrupting the creatures that inhabited it, including several populations who
would later flee to the continents of Lympha and Kardia. However, many individuals were forced to give way to evil,
transforming into beings suffocated by the power of obsidian, creatures attracted by the pure mana absorbed by the
crystal, in a vain attempt to regain possession of what had been stolen from them. Thus the Abyssals were born.
With the spread of corruption and the diminishing of magical energies (such as the Climate Island singularities) of the
surface world, creatures are now beginning to populate all of Kardia, threatening to destroy not only the ecosystem
of flora and fauna, but even life itself and the cycle of renewal of mana.”
Note: The PCs learn information, communicate to the Players about in the Hero's Journal [The Origin is whether to score the Abyssals].

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Whether the information surprises the group or not, at a certain point the [members of the Ark Society]
look around, very agitated. Continue with Horror!, and consider the possibility of NPCs participating in the
battle, helping the party in some way.


The PCs are surprised by an [Abyssal of the Depths], which attacks them with ferocity and determination.
The battle lasts only one round: if the [Abyssal of the Depths] is not defeated, it automatically exits the
scene, attracted by a strong and chilling call that reverberates throughout the chasm. Then, a gigantic
shadow hurls itself at the group, reducing all the characters on stage to 0 Life Points and dragging them
into a pit in the [backdrop]. If the PCs manage to defeat the Abyssal in a single round, the same happens,
but give them the opportunity to recover Life Points and Mind Points for free during the next part.

Then continue with the second part of the Chapter.


In this part of the Chapter, which lasts about half an hour, the PCs witness an important revelation.

Dark. After a few moments, the PCs regain their senses, but are quite battered, finding themselves with
an amount of Life Points and Mind Points equal to half their respective maximum values (or a lower
value if their current HP and MP at the end of Part 1 were already lower than half of the maximum values;
minimum 1)! The surrounding environment is characterized by a sinister majesty. The area is poorly lit, but
sufficient to clearly distinguish the surrounding elements, mostly covered in dark pitch and surrounded by
mia-sma that can now easily be linked to the Abyssals. As the PCs look around, they can notice how liquid
mana is running low: it seems to be somehow being absorbed by... a colossal monolith of perfectly
smooth and pure obsidian ! At his feet lie the partially crystallized bodies of several creatures, trapped
in grimaces of pain and terror. It seems their life force is being drained by nearby obsidian, slowly
transforming them into Abyssal-like horrors. .

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Here and there, [corrupted creatures] infest the area. Fortunately, there are some [ancient ruins] nearby
where you can rest in peace.

If the PCs wish to gather information about the area, you can reveal the following details:

• The monolith. The colossal structure appears to be continually expanding, absorbing mana over time and incorporating
nearby crystallized bodies. It seems to feed on all magical sources in its vicinity.

• Crystallized bodies. These are [Corrupted Creatures] and humanoid remains, arranged around the black obelisk.
It seems that they found shelter near it, only to end up being corrupted by it or completely deprived of their life force.
The bodies, emaciated and worn, almost look like ice or crystal sculptures; they are completely devoid of magic.

• Pitch and miasma. Several creatures have become entangled or somehow damaged by the substances emanating from
the Abyssals, and are slowly being corrupted by them. It seems like a cycle destined to repeat itself ad infinitum, with
new [corrupted creatures] ready to form and then become fearsome Abyssals in the future.

• Mana residues. At one time, the pools of liquid mana scattered throughout the area must have been a veritable sea, as
can be seen from the markings on the rock walls of the area. It is immediately clear how the [seabed] has dried up
more and more rapidly and inexorably.

Furthermore, based on what emerged in shared creation, you can have the PCs explore some elements created
by the Players.

Finally, while the PCs rest among the ruins, they discover the remains of an ancient cult's temple. Pictographs,
symbols, or other carvings on walls and columns represent the Sisters, the moons of Kardia, and the Mana Sea,
teeming with gigantic creatures that resemble the Abyssals. A large gravestone, altar, vase or similar bears an
engraving, partially ruined by time, entitled Oh, Trage-dia:
“When the evil of the world has condensed the cataclysm has sacrifice
struck… the
of of
pain begotten
theThe andtime
planet has with dead
born creatures…
the monstersthey
of the
areAbyss, harbingers
black and

they watchwill
over defeated
intoprison the
the Abyss, evil,
of life which
and lies
overwill dormant
be in Kardia
the depths…
sent by theyhis
to restore absorb the lifeblood
strength… it flows that the whole world… nourishes the moons
to they



From the outset, it should be clear to the PCs that touching elements such as pitch, crystallized bodies, and
the monolith are extremely dangerous. Try to make this obvious as you describe the environment. If a PC
comes into contact with these elements, you can introduce negative consequences: for example, they may
suffer minor damage to Mind Points, some negative status or a temporary reduction in die size. Depending
on the severity, you may also opt for more impactful repercussions, such as the stiffening of a limb that may
prevent you from properly equipping a weapon for a while, or even a temporary loss of maximum Life Points
or Mind Points values . You could also ask the Player to describe how their character is affected by what they
inadvertently see or touch, perhaps impacting their Bonds.

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While the group reflects on what they have learned, another eerie call, like the one heard previously, echoes
throughout the [backdrop]. A strange light pervades the inscriptions present in the ruins, and all the
[corrupted creatures] present in the area (or near the obsidian monolith) seem mysteriously attracted to the
PCs, concentrating their attention and appearing ready to attack them... As if If that wasn't enough, the now
infamous silhouette of the gigantic horror that previously put the PCs out of action returns to show itself: the
PCs don't have much time, and they must quickly find a way to get back to the surface!

Continue with the third part of the Chapter.


In this part of the Chapter, lasting about an hour, the PCs try to escape the Abyss and its fearsome

Pursued by swarms of [corrupted creatures] and Abyssals summoned by the colossal horror, the PCs have
little time to organize themselves and leave the area. Set two opposing clocks with 12 sections.

ÿ The first, called “Sani e Salvi”, fills with 1 section every time one or more PCs succeed in a Test to overcome
an obstacle to the ascent. Once filled, the Heroes manage to re-emerge to the surface (continue with Hostile
Corridors, page 13). ÿ The second, called “Hit and

Sunk”, is filled every time one or more PCs fail a Test to overcome an obstacle to the ascent. Once filled, the
colossal horror reaches and defeats the Heroes (continue with Shrouded in Darkness, page 12).

Manage the narrative as a conflict scene (see Core Manual, pages 58-81), starting with a variable number
of creatures based on the composition of the group:

3 PLAYERS use 1 [Abyssal Depth (Elite)] and 1 [Corrupted Swarm]

4 PLAYERS use 1 [Abyssal Deep (champion)] and 1 [Corrupted Swarm]

5 PLAYERS use 1 [Abyssal Depth (champion)] and 2 [Corrupted Swarms]

6 PLAYERS use 1 [Abyssal Depths (champion)] and 3 [Corrupted Swarms]

Remember that not all conflicts are life-or-death fights. Furthermore, it is important to make it clear to the
Players how important it is to save your skin quickly rather than defeat an enemy that immediately appears
out of reach! In fact, the clash is also influenced by the presence of the colossal horror: a real environmental
effect that will leave the group no respite until defeated or the danger has escaped! At each round of the
battle, ask the Players how their PCs intend to face the ascent, performing Objective actions to fill the “Safe
and Safe” Clock; remember to take into account the elements previously introduced during co-authoring.
Invite them to prefer team play (see Basic Manual, page 76): after all, there are so many pursuers, so it might
be wise to join forces as much as possible!

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Based on the chosen approach, establish the Test Characteristics and favor an LD of 10, rewarding the
Players' creativity with situational modifiers and encouraging the spending of Fabula Points to encourage
creative solutions.

You can use the following examples to help the Players decide how the PCs might approach the conflict:

ÿ Carry out a ÿDES + VIGÿ test to identify rocky peaks on which to leverage to give yourself a greater push.

ÿ Carry out a ÿDES + VIGÿ Test to use your weapons and produce an ascending current, which can also
benefit other members of the group if you obtain a result above a certain threshold.

ÿ Carry out an ÿINT + INTÿ test to remember a tunnel used during the descent that can serve as
as a shortcut.

ÿ Perform Spell or Ritual actions with ÿINT + VOLÿ to produce clouds that act as a distraction for pursuers or
to speed up the group's movements (remembering, however, that mana is unstable; see How Much Mana
is in the Abyss!, page 5 ).

ÿ Perform Guard or Skill actions to cover allies while they take Tests to complete the
as soon as possible the “Safe and Healthy” Watch.

During the enemies' turn, the [corrupted swarms] perform Hinder actions (to wear out the Heroes) or
Target actions (to fill the “Hit and Sinned” clock; depending on the situation, you could favor Opposing
Tests instead of simple Tests of Characteristic).

The [Abyssal of the Depths] attacks the PCs head-on, favoring anyone afflicted by one or more statuses,
resorting to Diresong when possible to strengthen its allies or to Without Respite to call other [corrupted
swarms] into the field.

During the conflict, the colossal horror agitates and hits the rocky walls of the Abyss to cause landslides
and collapses (or similar effects based on what emerged during the co-creation), gradually causing
increasingly greater damage: at the end of each round , all the characters present on the scene (therefore
allied or adversary PCs and NPCs) suffer minor damage; if the “Hit and Sunk” Watch has 6 or more full
sections, the damage becomes heavy instead. If, however, the “Safe and Safe” Watch has 6 or more full
sections, the colossal horror causes these effects only every other round (one yes, one no).

Each time the PCs take out a [Depth Abyssal] or two [Tainted Swarms], fill 1 section of the “Safe and
Safe” Watch. Furthermore, if there is no [Depth Abyssal] present at the end of the conflict round, the
colossal horror does not cause its usual environmental effect, but emits a powerful roar that immediately
brings the same number of creatures onto the battlefield as at the beginning of the conflict round. conflict.

shrouded in darkness

Now exhausted by the creatures that infest the Abyss, the PCs are struck by colossal horror before saving
themselves, and knocked out with a single, powerful blow. After an indefinite amount of time, the PCs come
to their senses in a dry area, warmed by an [Arca Society member's] makeshift bivouac.
The latter says that he found the PCs floating unconscious in the blackish liquid of the Abyss, deciding to
rescue them and dress their wounds: each PC wakes up with a number of HP equal to their maximum
value. However, the visions in the Abyss and the clash with the colossal horror have certainly impacted the
souls of the characters: invite each Player to narrate how his PC must face consequences similar to those
imposed by a Surrender (see Basic Manual, page 89).

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Afterwards, the [Ark Society member] helps the PCs return to the surface (e.g. by pointing the way or leading the way).

So continue with Hostile Corridors.


As soon as you are ready to continue, read or paraphrase the following text:

“Somehow, you managed to escape the Abyss of to its dangers, rising to the surface and And
the Library. However,
soon as the atmosphere is decidedly different
the again as you take off your overalls, quickly you can and note

while thelast visit:

room andpitch
streets ofstreams flow to
Adras seem from
be your wallsinthat
engaged anseem
time, ruined
intense by the
battle. thatvarious bricks and
the Factions and followers
rubble scattered throughoutthe
of Pettigrew
are said to be holy and if several Abyssals have returned to haunt the dark corridors.

reason, and I'm at

But what really makes you jump is the voice of Kaebos, now definitively controlled by Pettigrew: 'You really don't believe I can

snoop any further!' allow

You have a few moments to escape from the strange

you down.
to on the walls exploding room while it's time to hunt And they recall ski-

moment to and organize the corrupt creature forces take back the Library!”

The Chapter is over!

Remember to check out the Hero's Journal how

directions and update the
rewards in the Official Strategy Guide. Follow NEED GA's social media
MES! to not - miss out on news andAndfuture releases of Fabula Chronicles, pwih!

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In this section you can find the statistics of the opposing NPCs present in the Chapter. For a detailed
explanation on how to read an NPC's profile, you can consult the Fabula Ultima Basic Manual on page 320.

Typical traits: thousand eyes, obedient, sensitive to obsidian, toxic.

DEX d8 INT d8 VIG d10 VOL d8 PV 180 w 90 PM 70 Init. 10

DEF +2 D. MAY +1 'IM aRSb RSaRSERSf iRSl b IM


$ Endless Fangs wÿDEX + VIGÿ +2 wÿTM + 10ÿ physical damage . If the Deep Abyssal is in
Crisis, this attack gains the multi (2) property.

a Toxic Spit wÿDEX + INTÿ +2 wÿTM + 10ÿ poison damage and the target suffers
slow status .


h Diresong r w 10 x B w Up to three creatures w Scene.

Until this spell ends, each target gains a +1 bonus on Accuracy Tests.


S Without Respite w The Deep One spends 10 MP and calls upon a [corrupted swarm] for help, which
joins the conflict starting the next round. It is not possible to have more than three [Corrupted
Swarms] on scene at the same time .


Mind Steal w If the Deep Abyssal is the target of an offensive spell r, after that spell is resolved, the
creature regains an amount of Life Points equal to half the spell's original Mind Point cost.

Born of the Abyss w If the Deep Abyssal is hit by an obsidian weapon (or hits a creature protected by
obsidian armor or a shield with a melee attack), its Affinities become the following until it ends
of the round:

'VU aba E fil b VU

As the Abyssal Deep's Affinities change, the PCs can study this creature again.

Lvl 10 w MONSTER
Typical traits: aggressive, annoying, expendable, swarming.

DEX d10 INT d6 VIG d10 VOL d6 PV 70 w 35 PM 40 Init. 0

DIF +0 D. MAG +0 'RS a b VUaRSEVUf iIMlVU b AS


$ Unrestrained Attack wÿDEX + VIGÿ +1 wÿTM + 5ÿ physical damage and choose between slow,
weak, confused and shaken: the target suffers the chosen status.


Unstoppable w The Corrupted Swarm is immune to Slow and Confused statuses.

Puff! w When reduced to 0 Hit Points, the corrupted swarm explodes in a cloud of corrupted mana and
black pitch, dealing 10 poison damage to every other creature in the scene. If it is reduced to 0 Life
Points in the same round that it is hit with an obsidian weapon ( or hits a creature protected by obsidian
armor or shield with a melee attack), it does not explode.

Variable w Depending on co-creation, the Corrupted Swarm Species can be one of the following types:
monster, undead, plant, humanoid.

FABULA CHRONICLES © 2023 NEED GAMES! All rights reserved. Product not salable. FC S1C10 14
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Typical traits: thousand eyes, obedient, sensitive to obsidian, toxic.

DEX d8 INT d8 VIG d10 VOL d8 PV 270 w 135 PM 140 Init. 11

DEF +2 D. MAY +1 'IM aRSb RSaRSERSf iRSl b IM


$ Endless Fangs wÿDEX + VIGÿ +2 wÿTM + 10ÿ physical damage . If the Deep Abyssal is
in Crisis, this attack gains the multi (2) property.

a Toxic Spit wÿDEX + INTÿ +2 wÿTM + 10ÿ poison damage and the target suffers
slow status .


h Diresong r w 10 x B w Up to three creatures w Scene.

Until this spell ends, each target gains a +1 bonus on Accuracy Tests.


S Without Respite w The Deep One spends 10 MP and calls upon a [corrupted swarm] for help,
which joins the conflict starting the next round. It is not possible to have more than three
[Corrupted Swarms] on scene at the same time .


Mind Steal w If the Deep Abyssal is the target of an offensive spell r, after that spell is resolved,
the creature regains an amount of Life Points equal to half the spell's original Mind Point cost.

Born of the Abyss w If the Deep Abyssal is hit by an obsidian weapon (or hits a creature protected by
obsidian armor or a shield with a melee attack), its Affinities become the following until it
ends of the round:

'VU aba E fil b VU

As the Deep Abyssal's Affinities change, the PCs can study this creature again.


SUPERVISION: Nicola Degobbis and Alberto Orlandini

TEXTS: Matteo Delvecchio

ADDITIONAL TEXT: Alberto Orlandini

REVIEW: Alberto Orlandini

GRAPHICS: Erica Viotto

ILLUSTRATIONS: Lorc, Lorenzo Magalotti, Catthy Trinh

PLAYTEST: Paolo Carenzi, Simone Coluccelli, Selene Dal Borgo, Gabriele Ferri, Federico Franconieri,
Andrea Limardo, Beatrice Pietrasanta

Fabula Chronicles is based on Fabula Ultima TTJRPG © 2023 Need Games & Rooster Games.

FABULA CHRONICLES © 2023 NEED GAMES! All rights reserved. Product not salable. FC S1C10 15

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