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Sloane Square PoLel LlmlLed

712 Sloane Square London SW1W 8LC

h (0) 20 7896 9988 lax (0) 20 7881 3973

New ears Lve at S|oane Square note|
1o see Lhe old ouL and brlng ln Lhe new celebraLe your new ?ear aL Lhe Sloane Square PoLel erfecLly
slLuaLed Lo Lake full advanLage of Lhe flreworks and [usL mlnuLes away from Lhe 1hames youre sure Lo geL a
good vlew of Lhe flreworks before parLylng Lhe nlghL away
SLay aL Lhe Sloane Square from only 22900 lncluslve of vA1 and breakfasL ln a double room wlLh a lazy check
ouL of 12pm 8efore prepplng for Lhe blggesL nlghL of Lhe year why noL do some lasL mlnuLe shopplng on Lhe
klngs 8oad or ln knlghLsbrldge As Lhe Sloane Square PoLel ls convenlenLly locaLed ad[acenL from eLer !ones
you have plenLy of Llme Lo shop before dlnlng aL Lhe Chelsea 8rasserle 8CCk NCW

leasL your eyes on Pead Chef Slmon Penbery's new ?ears Lve menu LhaL ls sure Lo geL your LasLe buds
Llngllng AL Lhe Chelsea 8rasserle we have Lwo dlfferenL opLlons for guesLs sLaylng aL Lhe hoLel an 'Larly blrd'
menu aL 3000 for three courses or our spec|a| menu at 6000 per person Menu lLems lnclude seoteJ Jlvet
cooqbt scollops coollflowet poocetto ooJ tbyme or wllJ veolsoo ftom tbe Nlvlll estote peppeteJ pot stlltoo
Joopbloolse pototoes
Larly blrds LhaL have already made plans ln London for Lhe evenlng can Lake advanLage of Lhe scrumpLlous
new ?ear's Lve menu aL 3000 and dlne beLween 3 630pm 1o make a reservaLlon please emall 020 7881
3999 or emall reservaLlon[chelseabrasserlecouk
lor guesLs LhaL wanL Lo counL down Lo 2012 and spend Lhe evenlng aL Chelsea 8rasserle we have a delecLable
menu aL 6000 per person lncludlng champagne on arrlval Lhree courses wlLh an amuse bouche and coffee
?ou wlll be enLerLalned wlLh our fourplece 1ony kofl Lhe CrganlsaLlon [azz band and lf you don'L fancy
rushlng off Lo Lhe flreworks you can avold Lhe crowds and waLch Lhe counLdown on our screen ln Lhe bar
8ook now Lo avold dlsappolnLmenL on 020 7881 3999 or emall reservaLlon[chelseabrasserlecouk

1o compleLe Lhe Sloane Square experlence guesLs are lnvlLed Lo our Members Club klLLs unLll 3am for a
supplemenL of 1000 per person lor more lnformaLlon on our new ?ear's Lve exLravaganza aL Lhe hoLel
please call our 8eservaLlons deparLmenL on 020 7896 9888 or emall reservaLlons[sloanesquarehoLelcouk

Sloane Square PoLel LlmlLed
712 Sloane Square London SW1W 8LC
h (0) 20 7896 9988 lax (0) 20 7881 3973

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