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Writing exercise- helping a friend with exams

Dear Lizzy,
How are you? I know your exams are coming up!
You never told me what subjects you were taking. Maybe I could help you with some
pointers for better and faster learning.
You should plan your studies, so you would not have to cram everything in the week prior to
the exams. It’s best if you divide your time for each task you have to complete and work
consistently. There are many exam planners and they are usually very easy to follow. The key
to success for that method is sticking to the plans and quizzing yourself.
You could also use a problem-solving method. It is based on having your brain engaged in
activities, or rather keeping it focused on problems related to the study topics. There are many
practice tests online, so make sure you take those. Flashcards are a good practice run,
although they are a bit time consuming to make. You could try to find some examples online
or use the Quizlet program for AI generated flashcards.
Write all your tasks and exam dates in your calendar and dedicate time to each task and exam.
You will have a short feel-good moment as you complete and cross out each item on the list!
You can use a productive studying method, if you have difficulties concentrating for longer
periods of time. The time you spend studying should be solely dedicated to that. Such
methods include the pomodoro method, where you study for 20 minutes, and then take a
break for 5 minutes. You repeat this cycle until you finish. The best thing about this is that
you will not feel exhausted after it, unlike the other methods.
I wish you the best of luck and hope you do very well on your exams. I am always here for
you if you need any help!
Best wishes,
Your friend Mila

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