HowToIntall Save

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-Window Users Only-

Copy folder "JaShinn" in to

"(OS Letter Drive):\Users\(UserProfileName)\AppData\LocalLow". :3

Windows 10 or 11 Users:
If you can not find APPDATA then,
FileExplore > View > options,
In a pop up window of "Folder Options", go to "View" tab, under
"Advanced settings > Files and Folders" is "Hidden files and Folders"
set it to "Show hidden files, folders, and drives", then at bottom
right of the window click "Apply" and "OK". ^w^

Windows 7 users:
If you can not find APPDATA then,
From Start Menu, open Control Panel, In Windows 7, click
Appearance and Personalization, and then Folder Options.
In a pop up window of "Folder Options", go to "View" tab, under
"Advanced settings > Files and Folders" is "Hidden files and Folders"
set it to "Show hidden files, folders, and drives", then at bottom
right of the window click "Apply" and "OK". ^w^

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