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Argumentative Essay

Objective: Learn how to generate evidence for a Q3 and

execute a well- written argumentative essay.
Vocabulary Terms
Argument- A spoken written or visual text that expresses a point of view
OR the use of evidence or reason to discover some version of the truth.
Claim- persuades, argues, convinces, proves, or provocatively suggests
something to a reader who may or may not initially agree with you.
Purpose- The author’s intention when writing.
Evidence- facts or information that are used to support a claim.
Commentary- explanation or interpretation of a situation, event, or piece
of work.
Counterclaim- a claim that negates or disagrees with the thesis/claim
Generating Evidence
CHORES - Acronym
C - current events
H - history & art
O - our experiences
R - reading
E - entertainment
S - sports & science
Try It On Your Own!!
Q3 promt (2018 Free- Response)

In her book Gift From the Sea, author and aviator Anne Morrow Lindbergh
(1906-2001) writes, “We tend not to choose the unknown which might be a shock or a
disappointment or simply a little difficult to cope with. And yet it is the unkown with
all its dissapointments and suprises that is the most enriching.

Consider the value Lindbergh places on choosing the unknown. Then write an essay in
which you develop your own position on the value of exploring the unknown. Use
appropriate, specific evidence to illustrate your position.
Forming a Claim Statment
Based on the evidence you brainstormed, create a claim that
ecompases your entire argument.

Create an intricate claim that

- Is precise
- Encompases all of the evidence
- Adresses both sides of the argument
Writing the Essay

Evidence : specific (dates, - Claims at the beginning

details, etc.) of each new paragraph
- No cliches - Transitions between
Comentary : should be
longer than evidence - Conclusion wraps it all up
- Should not restate
Key Takeaways
- Remember CHORES to help generate evidence

- Reading more helps your knowledge for argumentative

- Specific evidence is important

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