Liu & Eatough 2017

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Few and far between

Pulsars — fast-spinning neutron stars — are precision clocks provided by nature. Finding pulsars in the Galactic
Centre orbiting Sagittarius A*, the closest supermassive black hole to the Earth, will offer unprecedented
opportunities to test general relativity and its alternatives.

Kuo Liu and Ralph Eatough

n the fifty years since their discovery, all stationary black holes in GR are moment (effectively a measurement of
pulsars have proven to be of tremendous characterized by only three parameters — the oblateness of the mass distribution
value for experiments in both astrophysics mass, spin and electric charge — commonly of a gravitating body) — with a precision
and fundamental physics — from helping to referred to as the no-hair theorem of at least 1% and within a time scale of
understand the properties of the interstellar (NHT). Given their essential roles in GR, approximately five years8. For standard Kerr
environment and the state of ultradense experiments that can test CCC or NHT astrophysical black holes, the CCC and
nuclear matter, to developing cosmology and are of great importance and much sought NHT require the unitless spin of the black
testing gravity in the strong-field regime. after. In particular, an invalidation of either hole, χ, to be no larger than unity, and the
These exciting scientific achievements have CCC or NHT would signal a breakdown in unitless quadrupole moment of the black
in return stimulated dozens of surveys for GR and might hint at a way to bridge the hole, q, to be fully determined by its spin9:
previously unidentified pulsars. Among gap between classical and quantum gravity, q =​ −​χ2. Therefore, the measurement of
these campaigns, finding pulsars at the thus providing a path to new physics. black hole properties from pulsar timing will
centre of our own Galaxy, the Milky Way, While the direct detection of gravitational directly examine these most fundamental
would be the culmination of intensive search waves emitted by two merging black holes predictions of GR.
efforts by pulsar astronomers that have shows the potential of the Advanced Laser Analogous to the ongoing stellar
lasted for over two decades. The Galactic Interferometer Gravitational-Wave monitoring campaigns, which have
Centre is of particular importance because Observatory (LIGO) for understanding just incorporated a new generation of
of the compelling evidence for the presence black hole properties5, tests of CCC and instruments, a pulsar timing experiment
of a supermassive black hole in this region; a NHT in the highly dynamical situation of a will explore the spacetime in the vicinity
highly desirable companion for an orbiting merger event might remain challenging6. of Sgr A* in the far-field (~100–1,000
pulsar. Known to astronomers by the name Instead, finding a pulsar closely orbiting Schwarzschild radii; 10–5–10–4 pc). An
of its compact radio source counterpart, Sgr A* might offer the solution. Pulsars are experiment, focusing on much smaller
Sagittarius A* (Sgr A* for short), the typically extremely stable rotators; a crucial scales, close to the event horizon (within less
hypothesis that it is a black hole is strongly feature for an accurate timekeeper. The than 10 Schwarzschild radii; 10–6 pc), will be
supported by near-infrared observations. technique that utilizes this unique property enabled by the Event Horizon Telescope10,
For the past two decades, monitoring of Sgr is called pulsar timing (Fig. 1). The basic which is aiming to image the immediate
A* has revealed the rapid motion principle of pulsar timing is to measure the vicinity of the black hole (the so-called black
of massive stars in close orbits around arrival time of pulsations from the pulsar, hole shadow) in the near future11. Being
an object of tremendous mass and to account for every single rotation over independent but synergistic, the pulsar
(approximately four million solar masses), time scales of years to decades. Through experiment can provide valuable input for
but with no observable counterpart at the such measurements the rotational period this project — from the mass of the black
same wavelength1,2. of pulsars can in some cases be determined hole, the magnitude and direction of the
Over the past hundred years, black hole with a precision better than 10–17 s. Other black hole spin and the distance from the
physics has advanced enormously with effects that influence the pulse arrival time Earth to Sgr A* (ref. 12), to the interstellar
the establishment of the general theory on Earth, such as orbital motion around scattering properties along the line of sight
of relativity (GR) by Albert Einstein, another object, are also measurable with and the strength of the local magnetic field
leading to a series of intriguing theorems exceptional precision7. Therefore, it is clear in the Galactic Centre13. Such information is
and predictions still to be verified by that a pulsar in orbit around a black hole of considerable value to the modelling and
experiments. At the centre of a black hole, a simply meets all the desirable experimental subtraction of external general relativistic
singularity, where the curvature of spacetime conditions — a precision ‘clock’ moving in magnetohydrodynamic effects during the
becomes infinite, is predicted to exist by the strong gravitational field of a black hole. imaging process14. The case for the detection
Einstein’s field equations under a “set of This is particularly true when the black hole of one or more pulsars closely orbiting Sgr
rather general conditions”3. The cosmic is supermassive, as is the case for Sgr A* — A* is therefore substantial.
censorship conjecture (CCC) requires all the gravitational potential in its vicinity is Fortunately, the Galactic Centre appears
singularities to be hidden within the event several orders of magnitude larger than a to offer an ideal environment for the
horizon and invisible to external observers4, companion stellar-mass black hole (typically production of pulsars. For example, high-
as in the occurrence of a naked singularity 5–30 solar masses) with the same separation. mass stars — the progenitors of pulsars — are
GR loses its predictive power. The outer By modelling the relativistic motion of a widespread, and the abundant existence
spacetime in the vicinity of a stationary pulsar orbiting Sgr A*, one can anticipate of possible neutron stars, in the form of
black hole is fully described by the measuring its properties — namely the X-ray binaries, has already been observed15.
Kerr–Newman metric. As a consequence, mass, spin and the mass quadrupole Therefore, it seems logical to expect a large
812 Nature Astronomy | VOL 1 | DECEMBER 2017 | 812–813 |

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Sgr A*




Radio telescope Reference clock Pulses arrive earlier

Fig. 1 | Tracking a pulsar as it orbits the central supermassive black hole. Changes in the location of a pulsar as it orbits another body can be inferred by
measurements of variation in the arrival time of pulses through the technique of pulsar timing — a process that allows every single rotation of the pulsar to
be counted and tracked. For a pulsar orbiting Sgr A*, as depicted here, timing observations reveal that pulses are arriving earlier through epochs i to iii, as
a consequence of the pulsar moving closer to the Earth in its orbit. As the pulsar moves to the other side of the orbit, pulses would correspondingly appear
delayed. The timing of a typical pulsar orbiting Sgr A* would be sensitive to changes in pulsar location of the order of tens of kilometres at a Galactic Centre
distance of approximately 8.3 kpc. Such precision allows deviations in the pulsar motion, caused by the effects of general relativity, to be measured with
unparalleled precision.

population of pulsars, and indeed stellar Galactic Centre is distant, at just over 8 kpc. References
population analyses have predicted up to an By using a free electron density model of 1. Boehle, A. et al. Astrophys. J. 830, 17 (2016).
2. Gillessen, S. et al. Astrophys. J. 837, 30 (2017).
order of one thousand pulsars in the central the Galaxy we can say that ~84% of known
3. Joshi, P. S. in Springer Handbook of Spacetime (eds Ashtekar, A. &
parsec16. However, only six pulsars have pulsars are closer than the Galactic Centre. Petkov, V.) 409–436 (Springer, Heidelberg, 2014).
been found within a projected distance of Second, pulsars are typically very weak 4. Penrose, R. in General Relativity: An Einstein Centenary
80 pc from Sgr A*, despite intensive search radio sources and, because the intensity of Survey (ed. Hawking, S. W.) 581–638 (Cambridge Univ. Press,
efforts17. Uncertainty over the whereabouts radio emission reduces with the square of Cambridge, 1979).
5. Abbott, B. P. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 061102 (2016).
of the Galactic Centre pulsars has recently the distance, it is believed that the majority
6. Thrane, E., Lasky, P. & Levin, Y. Preprint at
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of PSR J1745–2900, the pulsar that currently bigger, more sensitive radio telescopes, like 7. Desvignes, G. et al. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc 448,
lies closest to Sgr A* at a projected distance the planned Square Kilometre Array, might 3341–3380 (2016).
of ~0.1 pc (ref. 13). Formerly, the lack of be required to detect a typical pulsar at 8. Liu, K. et al. Astrophys. J. 747, 1 (2012).
9. Thorne, K. S. Rev. Mod. Phys. 52, 299–340 (1980).
numerous pulsar detections in this region the large distance of the Galactic Centre17. 10. Doeleman, S. S. et al. Nature 455, 78–80 (2008).
has been attributed to scattering of radio While there is an interesting possibility that 11 Falcke, H. & Markoff, S. B. Class. Quantum Grav. 30,
waves in the dense and turbulent Galactic Galactic Centre pulsars do not exist in large 244003 (2013).
Centre environment18. Scattering smears numbers, we take the optimistic view that 12 Psaltis, D. et al. Astrophys. J. 818, 121 (2016).
out the pulses from pulsars, making them previous radio pulsar surveys simply did 13. Eatough, R. P. et al. Nature 501, 391–394 (2013).
14. Goddi, C. et al. Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 26, 1730001 (2017).
undetectable. While PSR J1745–2900 itself not have the sensitivity required to detect a 15. Muno, M. P. et al. Astrophys. J. 622, L113–L116 (2005).
cannot be used for tests of GR — it is still too significant pulsar population. Consequently, 16. Wharton, R. S. et al. Astrophys. J. 753, 108 (2012).
distant (~105 Schwarzschild radii) from the observations with the next generation 17. Eatough, R. P. et al. Proc. Adv. Astrophys. SKA (AASKA14) 045
black hole — it acts as a unique probe of the of radio telescopes will provide the best (2015);
Galactic Centre environment. Measurements opportunities for more pulsar discoveries in 18 Cordes, J. M. & Lazio, T. J. W. Astrophys. J. 475, 557–564 (1997).
19. Spitler, L. G. et al. Astrophys. J. 780, L3 (2014).
have revealed that pulse scattering is far less the Galactic Centre. ❐
than predicted19. In addition, this pulsar is
believed to be a magnetar, which is one of the Kuo Liu and Ralph Eatough Acknowledgements
K.L. and R.E. acknowledge financial support by the
rarest classes of pulsar13, suggesting it should Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy,
European Research Council for the ERC Synergy Grant
form part of a larger underlying population. Bonn, Germany. BlackHoleCam under contract no. 610058. Fig. 1 is based
The unlikely combination of these two factors e-mail:; on a sketch by R.E. The telescope outline is based on a
has only enhanced a mystery surrounding the photograph by E. Middelberg.
whereabouts of Galactic Centre pulsars.
However, two connected aspects of this Published online: 1 December 2017 Competing interests
conundrum should be noted. First, the The authors declare no competing interests.

Nature Astronomy | VOL 1 | DECEMBER 2017 | 812–813 | 813

© 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

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