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for safety and environment

Venting and Sizing Software

Translated Version


Rev.: 13-00-00

Pos : 1.2 /Betriebsanl eitungen/0 D eck blatt/2b Adresse - Pr otego @ 2\m od_1308137876410_7448.docx @ 17962 @ @ 1

Braunschweiger Flammenfilter GmbH

Industriestraße 11
38110 Braunschweig

phone: +49 (5307) 809-0

=== Ende der Liste für T extm arke Adres seIOM ===

Pos : 1.4 /Quest/Deckbl att/3 Sc hutz @ 19\mod_1436276638516_7448.docx @ 117003 @ @ 1

PROTEGO®, FLAMMENFILTER® and FLAMEFILTER® are trademarks of Braunschweiger Flammenfilter GmbH.

© 2023 Braunschweiger Flammenfilter

The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this manual and all related manuals as well as the communication of
its contents to others without express authorization by Braunschweiger Flammenfilter GmbH is prohibited.
Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages.

Pos : 1.5 /Betriebsanl eitungen/0 D eck blatt/4 U ebersc hrift @ 2\m od_1307713375699_7448.docx @ 17932 @ @ 1
All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
=== Ende der Liste für T extm arke Sc hutz ===
PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Contents


1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 4

2 Current Version................................................................................................... 4

3 Registration and Login ....................................................................................... 5

3.1 Registration ............................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Login........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.3 Logout ..................................................................................................................................... 7

4 Profile .................................................................................................................. 7
4.1 Changing Password ................................................................................................................ 7
4.2 Profile Settings ........................................................................................................................ 8
4.2.1 Unit System............................................................................................................... 9
4.2.2 Flow Capacity ......................................................................................................... 10
4.2.3 Volumetric Flow Rates ............................................................................................ 10
4.2.4 Advanced Settings .................................................................................................. 11

5 Language ........................................................................................................... 11

6 Project ............................................................................................................... 11
6.1 Project List............................................................................................................................. 11
6.1.1 Project Home Page ................................................................................................. 12
6.1.2 Edit Project.............................................................................................................. 13
6.2 Venting .................................................................................................................................. 14
6.2.1 Calculation of normal breathing .............................................................................. 17
6.2.2 Fire case ................................................................................................................. 18
6.2.3 Additional venting loads .......................................................................................... 19
6.3 Venting Results ..................................................................................................................... 20
6.4 Temperature Correction for Uninsulated Hot Tanks ............................................................. 21
6.5 Sizing..................................................................................................................................... 21
6.5.1 Terms for Pressure ................................................................................................. 22
6.5.2 Selection of Device Functions ................................................................................ 22
6.5.3 Valve Data .............................................................................................................. 24
6.5.4 Flame Arresters and Vent Caps ............................................................................. 26
6.5.5 Optional Inputs ........................................................................................................ 27
6.5.6 Sizing Results ......................................................................................................... 30
6.5.7 Flow Chart............................................................................................................... 35

for safety and environment
Contents 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

7 QuickSizing ........................................................................................................ 35
7.1 QuickSizing of Valves ........................................................................................................... 35
7.2 QuickSizing of Flame Arresters ............................................................................................ 40
7.3 Using the Filter ...................................................................................................................... 42
7.4 Open Second Window .......................................................................................................... 43

8 Sizing Pilot Valves ............................................................................................. 44

8.1 Pressure Sizing ..................................................................................................................... 46
8.2 Vacuum Sizing ...................................................................................................................... 47

9 Tools ................................................................................................................... 49
9.1 Coefficient of Discharge Method ........................................................................................... 49
9.2 Conversion of Thermal Conditions ....................................................................................... 50
9.3 Determination of the Molar Mass .......................................................................................... 55
9.4 My Products .......................................................................................................................... 56

Flammenfilter 3
for safety and environment
PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Introduction

Pos : 1.7 /Betriebsanl eitungen/0 D eck blatt/1 Protego - Kopf und Fuß tex t @ 2\mod_1307712449345_7448.docx @ 17915 @ @ 1
for s afety and envir onm ent
Pos : 2.1 /Quest/01 Einl eitung/01 10 Einl eitung - Ü berschrift @ 20\m od_1444982888962_7448.doc x @ 136281 @ 1 @ 1

1 Introduction
Pos : 2.2 /Quest/01 Einl eitung/01 20 Einl eitung @ 20 \mod_1444982949022_7448.docx @ 136305 @ 1 @ 1

This manual is intended to give the user of PROTEGO ® QuEST assistance in dealing with
the various program modules. Please note that this manual is not intended to teach
technical basics. It is assumed that the user knows the relevant norms/standards and is able
to look up background information there.
This manual does not claim to be all-inclusive. It is subject to regular revision. Therefore, we
recommend that you always use the current version.
PROTEGO® QuEST is the software for review and selection of current PROTEGO ® devices
such as vent caps, valves and flame arresters.
Please note that PROTEGO® QuEST displays the standard operating conditions for
PROTEGO® devices, referring to the product data sheet. For deviating conditions please
contact your PROTEGO® sales representative.

2 Current Version
PROTEGO® QuEST 3.0 was launched on Aug. 22nd, 2022.
Pos : 3.1 /Quest/10 Anmel dung+Registrier ung/10 10 Brow ser @ 19\mod_1433310842657_7448.docx @ 116284 @ @ 1

The following browsers are supported:

Google Chrome 104, Mozilla Firefox 103, Microsoft Edge 104.
It is possible that PROTEGO® QuEST will also work in other browsers or additional versions
of the listed browsers.

for safety and environment
Registration and Login 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Pos : 3.2 /Quest/10 Anmel dung+Registrier ung/10 20 Ü berschrift - R egistrati on and Logi n @ 19\m od_1433169775398_7448.docx @ 115804 @ 1 @ 1

3 Registration and Login

Pos : 3.3 /Quest/10 Anmel dung+Registrier ung/10 30 R egister and Login @ 21\m od_1453886782459_7448.docx @ 142520 @ @ 1

This paragraph will show how to reach the Registration page of our software Quick
Engineering and Sizing Tool.
Specific Functions within PROTEGO® QuEST are available free-of-charge after a one-time
approved registration.
The Registration and Login page can be reached from the PROTEGO ® homepage under Competences via the item (1).

Fig. 1: PROTEGO® Homepage

After pressing the button „Login PROTEGO® QuEST“ you get to the login screen of

Pos : 3.4 /Betriebsanl eitungen/z-------------Seitenumbr uch @ 0\mod_1260867944314_0.docx @ 7706 @ @ 1

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for safety and environment
PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Registration and Login

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3.1 Registration
Pos : 3.6 /Quest/10 Anmel dung+Registrier ung/10 50 R egistration @ 19\mod_1433321868517_7448.docx @ 116463 @ @ 1

Only registered users can access PROTEGO® QuEST. To register:

1. Press Register

2. Read the Privacy Statement and confirm that you agree with
3. Fill in the required contact data
4. Read the License Agreement and confirm that you agree with it
5. Press the button Register
Registered users will get a link by e-mail for a final confirmation. Once your registration is
confirmed you will receive an alphanumerical password.

Fig. 2: Registration
Login and password can be saved during a session by clicking on Remember me.
PROTEGO® QuEST login and password can be saved permanently only per browser
Pos : 3.7 /Quest/10 Anmel dung+Registrier ung/10 60 Ü berschrift - Logi n @ 19\m od_1433169916064_7448.docx @ 115906 @ 2 @ 1

for safety and environment
Profile 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

3.2 Login
Pos : 3.8 /Quest/10 Anmel dung+Registrier ung/10 70 Login @ 19\m od_1433311126345_7448.docx @ 116305 @ @ 1

Please type your e-mail address and password in the corresponding fields and press the
yellow Login button.

Fig. 3: Login
If logging on is not possible you can request a new password by clicking on (1) „Forgot your
Pos : 3.9 /Quest/10 Anmel dung+Registrier ung/10 80 Ü berschrift - Log out @ 19\m od_1433170278891_7448.docx @ 115969 @ 2 @ 1

3.3 Logout
Pos : 3.10 /Quest/10 Anm eldung+Registrierung/10 90 Log out @ 19\m od_1436274924901_7448.docx @ 116937 @ @ 1

The logout button is located in the upper left side.


Fig. 4: Logout
The language which was selected before the last log out will be selected for the next login.
Pos : 4.1 /Quest/20 Profil/20 010 Profil - Übersc hrift @ 19\mod_1437491664066_7448.docx @ 117256 @ 1 @ 1

4 Profile
Pos : 4.2 /Quest/20 Profil/20 020 Einführung @ 19\m od_1438768330258_7448.doc x @ 118887 @ @ 1

Each user of PROTEGO® QuEST has an individual Profile, which contains the Registration
data and the personal usage preferences and settings. Some settings will be carried out in
the new projects, where they can be adjusted and customized for that specific project.
If your employer or personal data has to be changed, please inform
Both your company data and your personal data cannot be viewed by other PROTEGO®
QuEST users and will not be passed on to third parties.
Pos : 4.3 /Quest/20 Profil/20 030 Passw ort - Ü bers chrift @ 19\m od_1438768612723_7448.docx @ 118908 @ 2 @ 1

4.1 Changing Password

Pos : 4.4 /Quest/20 Profil/20 040 Passw ort @ 19\m od_1438768811866_7448.doc x @ 118929 @ @ 1

After your first successful login, you should change the password, which was sent per email,
to one more familiar to you by clicking on the Change Password button on the lower right
Pos : 4.5 /Quest/20 Profil/20 050 Profilei nstellungen - Ü bersc hrift @ 19\m od_1438781183237_7448.docx @ 118950 @ 2 @ 1

Flammenfilter 7
for safety and environment
PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Profile

4.2 Profile Settings

Ein : 4.6 /Quest/20
utz er Profil/20eit,
hat die Möglichk 060Vertr
anz ugeben,@di19\m od_1438781237648_7448.docx
e z. B. im Krankheits- oder Urlaubs fall@ 119001
s eine Proj@
1 beiten k önnen. Die Vertreter müss en ebenfalls registrierte N utzer s ei n. Proj ekte w erden eigenv erantw ortlic h durc h den Bearbeiter betreut. Im Vertr etungs fall k ann der Bearbeiter v om Besitzer (N utz er, der das Proj ekt angel egt hat) abw eichen. N ur der Besitz er kann s ein Pr ojek t löschen.

Each user has the chance to allow other registered PROTEGO ® QuEST users to work on all
the projects created by them as editor. Editors have the right to modify existing projects
independently from the project creator of their own responsibility. Editors do not have the
right to delete projects.
In order to allow other users as editors, you should answer the question (1) with yes and
enter the editor’s email addresses in the field underneath, separating them with commas (2).
The selected users will be able to edit all your projects.
If a user wants to share only specific projects – either new or existing - with selected users,
please go to chapter Project in this manual.


6 3

4 5

Fig. 5: Profile settings

Renew subscription (3)

Access to PROTEGO® QuEST can be extended by clicking on Renew subscription. Your
request will be sent to your Account Manager. Subscriptions are then extended for one year,
(see 6).
Cancel account (4)
If you wish to delete your PROTEGO® QuEST account with all data, click on Cancel
Change password (5)
Clicking on Change password allows you to change your password.
Pos : 4.7 /Quest/20 Profil/20 070 Einheitens ystem - Ü bersc hrift @ 19\m od_1438781908680_7448.docx @ 119022 @ 3 @ 1

for safety and environment
Profile 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

4.2.1 Unit System

Pos : 4.8 /Quest/20 Profil/20 080 M aß einheiten @ 19\mod_1438781972216_7448.docx @ 119043 @ @ 1

PROTEGO® QuEST has three predefined measuring systems: metric (SI), metric
(PROTEGO) and USC (US-customary). Nevertheless, PROTEGO® QuEST allows users to
create ad-hoc unit systems simply by following this procedure:
1. Select one of the predefined unit systems (either SI or USC)
2. Press the Plus button
3. Give a name to the new measuring system
4. Apply changes to the predefined system
5. Press the button Apply


Fig. 6: Unit system

Metric (PROTEGO) is identical to metric (SI), but it defines the units for pressure and
temperature respectively as mbar and degree Celsius in order to facilitate the sizing of
PROTEGO® devices. Metric (PROTEGO) is the default in PROTEGO ® QuEST.

Flammenfilter 9
for safety and environment
PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Profile

Fig. 7: New unit system

To delete a user created unit system click the trash can icon (6).

Fig. 1: Create a new unit

Pos : null /Quest/20 Pr ofil/20 110 Lüftungsleis tung - Ü bersc hrift @ 21\mod_1454580459823_7448.docx @ 143670 @ 3 @ 1

4.2.2 Flow Capacity

Pos : null /Quest/20 Pr ofil/20 120 Lüftungsleis tung @ 21\m od_1454580519331_7448.docx @ 143694 @ @ 1

The standard, which is desired as default for the calculation of the required flow capacities
from the tank, can be selected here.
Pos : null /Quest/20 Pr ofil/20 130 Vol umenstr omangaben @ 29 \mod_1539172127375_7448.docx @ 283145 @ 3 @ 1

4.2.3 Volumetric Flow Rates

Here, the desired physical state for gas flows is preset. This is valid for all modules.
Changes of the state are possible in appropriate places.
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for safety and environment
Language 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

4.2.4 Advanced Settings

The settings in Profile are default settings for new projects, but can be changed within the
individual projects, if desired.
◼ The standard of reference for the setting of pressure and/or vacuum relief valves
(Default: API 650)
◼ The maximum number of same valves on a tank (Default: 5)
◼ The question if entered data associated with a unit should automatically be deleted
when changing the unit of measurement. (Default: no)

5 Language
PROTEGO® QuEST is a multilingual program. The language can be switched using the
drop down menu at the top left of the screen.
We recommend selecting the language before starting to work.
If the language is switched while working before entered values are saved on a page by
clicking the continue or calculate button, the values on this page may be lost.
Pos : 5.1 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30 010 Proj ekt - Übersc hrift @ 19\mod_1437491699754_7448.docx @ 117277 @ 1 @ 1

6 Project
Pos : 5.2 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30 020 Proj ekt @ 19\m od_1439276151771_7448.docx @ 119527 @ @ 1

PROTEGO® QuEST data is collected into Projects.

To use the modules Venting and Sizing, a project must be created. For this purpose there is
the opportunity to start a new project or import an existing one, see menu Project on the left
side of the window.
A project may contain several tanks at the same location, i. e. a whole plant or just a part of
For each tank within a project Venting is the software routine allowing the users to calculate
the required in- and out-breathing load, which can then be imported into the Sizing routine in
order to determine the type and amount of PROTEGO ® devices.
Some profile settings are taken as initial values in a new project, and can be changed in the
project if necessary. Subsequent changes to the project data, such as the unit system, only
affect newly created tanks.
Pos : 5.3 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30 030 Proj ektlis te - Übersc hrift @ 29\mod_1539175956633_7448.docx @ 283178 @ 2 @ 1

6.1 Project List

Pos : 5.4 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30 040 Proj ektlis te @ 29\mod_1539176018210_7448.docx @ 283206 @ @ 1

With the help of the selection list (1) the view of the projects can be restricted.

1 3

Fig. 8: Project list

Flammenfilter 11
for safety and environment
PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Project

Using the double arrows (2), the project list can be sorted in ascending and descending
order for project name, editor name, and date of last modification.
Existing projects can be selected for display based on the sharing option into
1. my own projects, created by the user and not shared
2. projects shared with me, but created by another user
3. projects I am sharing with other users
4. all projects of mine (Default)
Projects created by the user can be marked in the last column and deleted via the trash can
button (3). If a project has been shared with a user, it cannot be marked for deletion by the

Pos : 5.5 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30 050 Proj ekt - Startseite @ 19\mod_1439277218380_7448.docx @ 119590 @ 3 @ 1

6.1.1 Project Home Page

Some fields of the project home page are described below.

1 2

3 4 5

Fig. 9: Project

1. Project creator. Only the creator can delete the project.

2. Project editor, the last user, who applied changes on the project inputs.
3. Edit button.
4. Delete button.
5. Export button.
6. Select tank, where Venting or Sizing routine will be applied.
7. Project path. The user can return back to the project screen by clicking on the project

for safety and environment
Project 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Pos : 5.6 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30 060 Proj ekt bearbeiten - Ü berschrift @ 29\m od_1539178199857_7448.doc x @ 283267 @ 3 @ 1

6.1.2 Edit Project

Pos : 5.7 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30 070 Proj ekt bearbeiten @ 29\mod_1539770793682_7448.docx @ 283453 @ 3 @ 1

In this section general data for a project can be entered. The input of the project name (1) is
mandatory, as well as, at least, the tank numbers (4) on the next page of the project.
When a new project is created, the unit system (2) and the emails of the users (3) with
which the project is shared are taken from Profile but can be changed within the project.


The Standard adopted for die calculation of the required in- and out-breathing flow rates (5)
is imported from the Profile settings, though it can be modified for a specific project. Latitude
of the tank farm (6) (Default between 42° and 58°) can be specified here; use the world map
if you are unsure about the latitude of the tank farm of your project. All input data on that
page above the individual tank numbers and labels are shared by all the tanks.

If you need calculations for more than one tank, just press the to add more tanks.

Flammenfilter 13
for safety and environment
PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Project


Fig. 10: Project data

Pos : 5.8 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30a Venting/30a 010 Venting - Übersc hrift @ 19\m od_1439276343881_7448.docx @ 119548 @ 2 @ 1

6.2 Venting
Pos : 5.9 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30a Venting/30a 020 Venting @ 19\mod_1439276382652_7448.docx @ 119569 @ @ 1

Venting is the calculation routine to determine the normal in- and out-breathing as well as
the (fire-case) emergency out-breathing requirements for the selected low-pressure and
atmospheric storage tank in agreement with the following standards
◼ ISO 28300 (API 2000 6th Edition, EN 14015 Annex L)
◼ API 2000 7th Edition
◼ API 2000 7th Edition Annex A
◼ TRGS 509 (former TRbF 20)

We recommend completing any venting calculation before sizing the devices for the
application based on the calculated venting requirements.

Pos : 5.10 /Quest/30 Projekt/30a Venting/30a 030 Venting - Sc hwimmdecke + äuß erer M antel @ 19\m od_1439209515106_7448.docx @ 119344 @ @ 1

PROTEGO® QuEST does not apply to tanks with external floating-roof, since there is no
vapor space above the liquid. An exception to this general rule is when the external floating
roof is sitting on supporting legs. In this case the height of the tank is equal to the length of
the supporting legs.
For a tank with a self-contained annular space the thermal breathing can be calculated by
using the annular space volume.
Pos : 5.11 /Quest/30 Projekt/30a Venting/30a 040 Venting - Starts eite @ 19\m od_1439278053997_7448.docx @ 119611 @ @ 1

Based on the answers to the following questions, additional input data may or may not be
required, and eventually input screens may appear or disappear. For instance, if the tank is
uninsulated (1), the whole screen dealing with tank insulation will be skipped.
Tooltips are available to guide the user in thermal breathing calculations.
Note: API 2000 7th Ed is referred always to the methodology in the Main Body of the
Standard. If some statement is referred to the methodology in Annex A, then the standard
will be referenced as API 2000 7th Ed. Annex A.

for safety and environment
Project 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Other tanks
Other tanks are tanks which are neither cylindrical nor spherical. In order to determine the
normal and emergency breathing requirements for these tanks, QuEST needs the following
input data from the user:
◼ tank height
◼ tank volume
◼ tank total surface area ATTS
◼ tank wetted surface area ATWS
The only validation of the input data done by PROTEGO® QuEST for a tank of other shapes
is that the Wetted Surface area is smaller, or at most, equal to the total surface area,

Fig. 11: Venting

Pos : 5.12 /Quest/30 Projekt/30a Venting/30a 040a Venti ng - Is olier ung @ 22\mod_1454670404788_7448.docx @ 145840 @ @ 1

If the insulation is not fireproof, it will be burned when exposed to fire: a non-fireproof
insulation may provide some protection against solar radiation, but it is irrelevant when the
tank is exposed to fire.
In PROTEGO® QuEST, the influence of fireproof insulation on the calculation of emergency
venting is controlled by the manually entered environmental factor.
For non-fireproof insulation, the environmental factor for the fire case calculation is equal to
one. For tanks protected by fireproof insulation, an environmental factor less than one may
be entered.
The insulation factor, which is a measure of the degree of protection offered by the
insulation on the tank, is calculated from the insulation thickness, the thermal conductivity,
and the heat transfer coefficient given.
By pressing the Default button (2), reference quantities from the previous selected venting
standard are given.

Flammenfilter 15
for safety and environment
PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Project

There is no reduction of thermal breathing thanks to insulation in API 2000 7 th Ed. Annex A
and in TRGS 509.

Fig. 12: Insulation

For all types of tanks, the percentage of insulated area (4) above ground can be given.
For vertical above ground tanks there is the additional choice of selecting individual isolated
surface areas. For vertical tanks a partially insulated shell is possible, so the height of the
insulation must be additionally specified.
Pos : 5.13 /Quest/30 Projekt/30a Venting/30a 040b Venti ng - Doppelw and @ 29\mod_1539850198371_7448.docx @ 283505 @ @ 1

Double wall / tank with containment tank

If the option "double wall" is selected, a factor for the reduction of the thermal breathing is
used from API 2000 7th Ed., chapter, equation 13, which is identical to equation L.10
from EN 14015:2004, chapter L.3.3.5, the latter is used when applying EN ISO 28300.
For all types of tanks, the percentage of tank surface within the containment tank can be
specified. For vertical tanks, there is the additional choice of selecting individual surface
areas within the containment. Vertical tanks within a containment tank must be on the
There is no reduction of thermal breathing thank to double wall in API 2000 7 th Ed. Annex A
and in TRGS 509.
Pos : 5.14 /Quest/30 Projekt/30a Venting/30a 050 Venting - Sei te 2 @ 20\mod_1443697189825_7448.docx @ 134792 @ @ 1

for safety and environment
Project 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Tank data
The input data for flow rates must be available in the normal or standard condition of air.
The result values are determined analogously either in the normal or standard condition of
air, depending on the setting made (1).

Fig. 13: Venting input page 2

If additional in- and out-breathing must be considered in order to compensate for defect
blanketing, condensation in vapor space or flashing or any other sources, then the question
Additional venting loads (2) must be answered with yes. An additional window will appear to
allow the input of venting loads.
Pos : 5.15 /Quest/30 Projekt/30a Venting/30a 050a Venti ng - Norm ale Be- und Entlüftung @ 29\m od_1539858643425_7448.docx @ 283509 @ @ 1

6.2.1 Calculation of normal breathing

Depending on the selected standard, different input data is required so that the input
windows offer different possibilities.
Breathing requirements acc. to TRGS 509 were developed for vertical cylindrical tanks on
ground. For the other tanks the following assumptions are taken.
Elevation of above ground vertical tanks is neglected. Horizontal tanks are treated as
vertical tanks, whose height is equal to the length of the horizontal tank. For tanks of other
form, the height to diameter ratio is set to one.
In API 2000 7 th Ed. Annex A the user should answer if the flash point of the stored product
is less than 100°F (37.8°C) or not. In case the flash point is unknown, it should be
answered, if the boiling point is less than 300°F (148.9°C). According to the given answers,
PROTEGO® QuEST decides if the liquid is volatile or not.
Using ISO 28300, API 2000 6th and API 2000 7th Ed, the user can directly select the C factor
according to the table in PROTEGO® QuEST for the latitude of the tank location and the
vapour pressure.

Flammenfilter 17
for safety and environment
PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Project

Using API 2000 7th Ed., PROTEGO® QuEST can decide by itself if a liquid is volatile or not
based on the vapor pressure.
Using ISO 28300 PROTEGO® QuEST can decide by itself if a liquid is volatile or not based
on the vapor pressure and operating temperature. An additional screen for additional
venting load appears if the liquid is volatile acc. to ISO 28300 and API 2000 7th Ed.
If the vapor pressure is unknown (default), PROTEGO® QuEST will assume the liquid is
An additional question asks if the liquid in the tank is flashing; if so, an additional breathing
load for flashing liquid can be given.
If the operating temperature exceeds 120°F and the tanks are sized acc. to API 2000 7 th
Ed., then a temperature correction for uninsulated hot tanks to normal out-breathing loads is
The following figure shows the input mask for ISO 28300.

Fig. 14: Process data

Pos : 5.16 /Quest/30 Projekt/30a Venting/30a 060 Venting - F euerfall @ 20\m od_1443689299550_7448.docx @ 134680 @ @ 1

6.2.2 Fire case

For the calculation of the outbreathing load in the case of fire, the boiling point, the latent
heat and the molar mass of the liquid are required. It is assumed that the product
evaporates completely, so that the molar mass of the liquid and the gas are identical.
The user can either enter the required data directly or select one of the media from the drop-
down menu under Product description. For more information, see MyProducts.
PROTEGO® QuEST offers also the possibility to select n-Hexane using the properties
mentioned in API 2000 7th Edition, and ISO 28300, and deselect it by clicking “do not apply
An environmental factor is needed for aboveground tanks without a cooling system. The
values shown in the corresponding table in the standards are the same within ISO 28300
and API 2000 7th Ed.

for safety and environment
Project 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

PROTEGO® QuEST permits users to enter the value for the environmental factor manually
and comply with local and national regulations, like OSHA 1910.106 in the USA.
The environmental factor spreads between zero and one: an environmental factor equal to
one indicates a tank without a fire-proof insulation or no insulation at all and it represents
therefore the worst case. It is the default value in QuEST.
There is no separate procedure for emergency venting in API 2000 7 th Ed. Annex A.

TRGS 509 has no procedure for emergency venting.


The conversion ratio from SCFH to Nm³/h for emergency venting is derived from the ideal
nozzle flow theory as described f. i. in API 2000 7th Ed. Annex D, Eq. D.3.

For thermal in- and out-breathing the conversion factor from SCFH to Nm³/h is derived from
the ideal gas equation as described f. i. in API 2000 7th Ed. Annex D, Eq. D.1 and D2.

Pos : 5.17 /Quest/30 Projekt/30a Venting/30a 060a Z us atzl üftung @ 29\mod_1539873260358_7448.docx @ 283613 @ 3 @ 1

6.2.3 Additional venting loads

Additional in- and outbreathing loads for the most common causes of overpressure and
vacuum, mentioned in ISO 28300 and API 2000, are listed in dropdown menus (1). They will
be added to the normal in- and outbreathing requirements calculated for thermal breathing
and liquid movement.

Fig. 15: Additional venting loads

The options for additional outbreathing loads include inert gas blanketing failure, flashing or
volatile liquids, abnormal heat transfer (heating), and a generic additional outbreathing load.
The options for additional inbreathing loads include inert gas blanketing failure, steam
condensation, abnormal heat transfer (cooling), uninsulated hot tank vapor condensation,
and a generic additional inbreathing load.

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Pos : 5.18 /Quest/30 Projekt/30a Venting/30a 070 Venting Ergebnis - Ü berschrift @ 20\m od_1444138958811_7448.doc x @ 135458 @ 2 @ 1

6.3 Venting Results

Pos : 5.19 /Quest/30 Projekt/30a Venting/30a 080 Venting Ergebnis @ 20 \mod_1444138995671_7448.docx @ 135482 @ @ 1

The result overview shows the total sums for the needed normal outbreathing (1) and
inbreathing (2) capacities for the tank as well as the total emergency outbreathing capacity
for the fire case (3).


Fig. 16: Venting results

Venting results are always given in the first column in air at either Normal or Standard
condition as chosen by the user and in air at PROTEGO® Diagram condition in the second
Click the Details (4) button to see the individual parts which led to the total sums (1) and (2).

If some inputs in Venting are modified, the user shall verify that the Venting inputs in the
following pages are consistent with the changed data, and the new Venting results shall be
calculated anew to reflect the changes.

Pos : 5.20 /Quest/30 Projekt/30a Venting/30a 090 Venting Ergebnis - D etails @ 20\mod_1447426379787_7448.docx @ 138430 @ @ 1

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Venting results in detail

Fig. 17: Venting results in detail

Pos : 5.21 /Quest/30 Projekt/30a Venting/30a 100 Tem per aturkorr ektur - Übersc hrift @ 23\mod_1460548835008_7448.docx @ 163057 @ 2 @ 1

6.4 Temperature Correction for Uninsulated Hot Tanks

Pos : 5.22 /Quest/30 Projekt/30a Venting/30a 110 Tem per aturkorr ektur @ 23\m od_1460548882639_7448.docx @ 163082 @ @ 1

If the storage temperature is above 120°F (48,9°C) API 2000 7th edition requires to convert
the outbreathing load due to filling into an equivalent air capacity at normal or at standard
condition. PROTEGO® QuEST adopts the simplified formula D37. The method proposed in
Annex D.9, and this formula, relies on assumptions, which may be too stringent in some
cases. It is the user’s discretion to control the validity on a case-by-case basis and
eventually use alternative formulas based on sound engineering judgement.
Pos : 6.1 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30b Sizi ng/30b 010 Sizing - Ü berschrift @ 19\m od_1439298907455_7448.doc x @ 119673 @ 2 @ 1

6.5 Sizing
Pos : 6.2 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30b Sizi ng/30b 020 Sizing - Einl eitung @ 20\mod_1443518472933_7448.docx @ 130623 @ @ 1

Sizing is the selection of proper PROTEGO® devices with or without flame arrester units for
normal and emergency venting of a tank.
The units used in the report correspond to those of the entered values.
In the sizing application two approaches can be distinguished:
◼ Sizing with previous venting
◼ Sizing without using module venting

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If sizing is used after having calculated the venting requirements, the results from venting
will be used for selecting suitable devices.
If no venting module is used, no value can be imported in sizing and the user must specify
all inputs required for the selection of suitable devices.
The number of required devices, sized for both overpressure and vacuum, is determined by
the worst-case sizing scenario as the ratio between the required flow rate and the flow rate
of each device.
The flow rate of each device in Sizing is a function of the pressure drop through the device,
i. e. the difference between inlet and outlet pressure. Pilot-operated valves are an exception
to this rule and are not available in Sizing: please use Sizing Pilot Valves instead.
PROTEGO® QuEST selects any device within its general application ranges of temperature
and pressure as given in the database. If the inputs in Sizing are not matched by any device
in the database contact your PROTEGO® representative to find an appropriate solution.

Always update the Sizing calculation, if some changes to the input data are performed in
Venting, as new Venting results may be obtained.

Pos : 6.3 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30b Sizi ng/30b 030 Sizing - Einsatzgrenzen v on Arm aturen @ 19\m od_1439298675933_7448.docx @ 119632 @ @ 1
Pos : 6.4 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30b Sizi ng/30b 040 Sizing - Ventildrüc ke - Übersc hrift @ 20\mod_1444209622842_7448.docx @ 135640 @ 3 @ 1

6.5.1 Terms for Pressure

Pos : 6.5 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30b Sizi ng/30b 050 Sizing - Ventildrüc ke @ 20\mod_1444209702028_7448.docx @ 135664 @ @ 1

Pressures are regarded as relative pressures (gauge) to ambient pressure!

Used definitions:
Adjusted set pressure (vacuum)
Gauge pressure (vacuum), at which a valve starts to open under test conditions.
Set pressure (vacuum)
Gauge pressure (vacuum), at which a valve starts to open under service conditions.
Relieving pressure (vacuum)
Gauge pressure (vacuum), at which the required mass flow is vented through the valve.
Pressure increase between the adjusted set pressure (vacuum) and the relieving pressure
(vacuum) expressed as a percentage of the adjusted set pressure (vacuum).
Built-up back pressure
Back pressure generated by the flowing gases in an outlet line.
Superimposed back pressure
Back pressure which is already present in the discharge line before the valve opens.

Pos : 6.6 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30b Sizi ng/30b 060 Sizing - Auswahl Armaturfunktionen @ 29\m od_1539953438993_7448.docx @ 283695 @ 3 @ 1

6.5.2 Selection of Device Functions

Sizing allows to perform a parallel selection of a device suitable for normal breathing and
one for fire case (emergency breathing) requirements. The screen is divided into the fire
case on the right and the normal breathing on the left side.

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Project 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Fig. 18: Selection of device functions

The optional inputs (1) for valves are selective which means, that only the valves in the
database which have been explicitly tagged with the selected options, will be considered.
The devices suitable for fire case are end-of-line valves, marked using the selective tag as
emergency relief valve.
Since the settings of the relief devices are usually given as gauge values, a reference value
for atmospheric pressure (2) is asked. Default is 101.325 kPa (1.01325 bar).
For Sizing without Venting it is required to specify how the flow rate is referred (3).
If sizing with previous venting is applied, it can be decided in case of fire whether the
emergency venting valve is designed for the complete emergency venting flow capacity (1)
calculated in venting or for the capacity reduced by the normal venting flow capacity (2).

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Fig. 19: Fire case, emergency venting flow capacity selection

The following screens differ between valves on one side and flame arresters or vent caps on
the other.
Pos : 6.7 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30b Sizi ng/30b 070 Sizing - Ventilang aben @ 29\m od_1540299224599_7448.doc x @ 283815 @ 3 @ 1

6.5.3 Valve Data

For valves the settings include the set pressure (1) and either the relieving pressure (2a) or
the overpressure (2b). From top to bottom of the screen the settings must be given for the
pressure side of the normal breather, then for its vacuum side and, if selected, for the
emergency relieving valve.

2a 3a

2a 3b


Fig. 20: Valve data

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Project 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

If the tank design pressures (3a), (3b) are known, they must be entered, as their values are
used for validating the setting inputs of the relief device.





Fig. 21: Flow capacity and back pressure of a pipe-away valve

For Sizing without Venting, the required flow capacity (1) can be entered either as volume
flow or mass flow.
For in-line and pipe-away pressure relief valves the superimposed and built-up back
pressure (2) can be entered as well as an inlet pressure loss (2a).
For in-line vacuum valves, the pressure far upstream of the valve inlet (3) and the pressure
drop up to the valve inlet (4) can also be recorded. Pressure losses (5) occurring between
the valve outlet and a tank (5) can also be taken into account.
More details on how inputs are validated and used for the valve selection can be
downloaded by clicking the button Explanation.

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For Sizing without Venting, the operating temperature is required since device employment
will be verified against certified approvals.
Pos : 6.8 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30b Sizi ng/30b 080 Sizing - Armatur en ohne Ventile @ 29\mod_1540216513187_7448.docx @ 283755 @ 3 @ 1

6.5.4 Flame Arresters and Vent Caps

If Sizing without Venting is used the dropdown (1) appears.

Fig. 22: End-of-line flame arrester

A state for gas or the operating state must be selected on the first page in the "Flow rates
given in" field (1) to be able to specify the molar mass or gas density on the following page.
For a flow rate at operating conditions, additionally the compressibility factor is needed to
calculate the density.
In this example, an endurance burning poof end-of-line device for alcohol mixtures is sized
with a required flow rate for a gas at normal condition. On the next page, the "Alcohol
mixture" selection box can be checked.

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Project 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Fig. 23: Product data

For Sizing without Venting, the required flow capacity can be specified either as volume flow
or mass flow at the maximum permissible pressure drop across the device.
The required flow rate and the max. pressure drop can be different for the pressure and
vacuum scenario. PROTEGO® QuEST selects devices for the worst case.

Fig. 24: Flow capacity and pressure drop

For Sizing without Venting, the operating temperature is required since device employment
will be verified against certified approvals.
Pos : 6.9 /Quest/30 Proj ekt/30b Sizi ng/30b 090 Sizing - Optionen @ 29\mod_1540216562957_7448.docx @ 283782 @ 3 @ 1

6.5.5 Optional Inputs

The last input page contains optional inputs for devices selected for normal breathing like
desired nominal size, maximum number of same devices on tank. The given optional inputs
do not apply to emergency relief valves.

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Fig. 25: Optional inputs

Valves for both overpressure and vacuum relief can be either combined pressure and
vacuum relief valves (1) or separate valves specifically for overpressure and vacuum (2),
see next figure. The latter option is warmly encouraged if combined pressure vacuum valves
are too oversized on one or both sides.
For combined pressure vacuum valves, the maximum oversizing (3) can be specified. The
default setting is 50%. If either overpressure or vacuum side exceeds the specified max.
oversizing, pressure vacuum valves can still be sized but a warning message will appear in
the sizing results, inviting the user to evaluate the option of separate valves for overpressure
and vacuum.

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Project 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Fig. 26: Optional valve inputs

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Pos : 6.10 /Quest/30 Projekt/30b Sizi ng/30b 100 Sizi ng Erg ebnis - Ü berschrift @ 20\m od_1448533007466_7448.docx @ 138924 @ 3 @ 1

6.5.6 Sizing Results

Pos : 6.11 /Quest/30 Projekt/30b Sizi ng/30b 110 Ausw ahlkriterien Armatur en @ 20\m od_1448531821618_7448.docx @ 138900 @ @ 1

When searching for suitable devices various selection criteria must be verified:
◼ Function
◼ Type of device
◼ Set pressure / vacuum
◼ Relieving (opening) pressure / vacuum
◼ Kind of flame arrester
◼ Explosion group
◼ Operating pressure / max. pressure drop
◼ Operating temperature
◼ Burn classification
◼ Flow capacity
◼ with the same number of devices needed, sort out those with larger connection size
◼ with the same connection size, sort out those with larger number of required devices

If there is no result for the desired connection size, devices with larger nominal size will be
proposed, if available.

All devices meeting or exceeding all selection criteria will be accepted. If for instance a
flame arrester is required to be “not burning proof”, a flame arrester meeting all other
requirements but being “short time burning proof” is ranking better than required
If there is at least one device matching all the selected criteria, no devices with superior
properties will be shown as result. If for example a flame arrester with explosion group IIA is
required and there are devices matching all criteria available for selection, then there is no
need to display devices of the same type with explosion group IIB3. These are the results
that will appear by default as "Best Selection".
By pressing the button "Show all devices", all devices that meet or exceed the selection
criteria are displayed. In the example above, devices with same or higher explosion group
matching or exceeding all other criteria would also be displayed. The label of the button
changes to "Limit to Best Selection", so by pressing it again the selection is limited to the
devices matching exactly the criteria.

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Project 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Fig. 27: Results – Show all devices

It is possible to add TAG numbers for devices, selected by the Identifier. For those devices
a TAG number and additional data are entered by pressing the "Add TAG no." button (1)
and a check mark is visible on the data record in the "TAG" column. If that device identifier
is marked, all sizing data incl. TAG number and additional data are recorded into the PDF
However, if the "Back" button is pressed and the user returns to the input mask for Options,
all TAG numbers and additional data disappear, since results are re-determined.
Pos : 6.12
Press ure: /Quest/30 Projekt/30b Sizi ng/30b 111 Sizi ng - Ergebnis @ 20\mod_1448967633749_7448.docx
1: Symbols @ 139470 @ @ 1

𝑝𝑠𝑒𝑡 + Δp𝑠𝑒𝑡 + 𝑝𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 = 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑓

The flow capacity of a pressure relief valve is determined by the difference between the
inlet and the outlet

A combined pressure and vacuum end-of-line valve with pipe away has to be sized for and
a relieving pressure (1) of 27 mbar-g a superimposed back pressure of 2 mbar and no built-
up backpressure (2) and an inlet line pressure loss of 10 Pa, namely 0.1 mbar.

Fig. 28: Input data set and relieving pressure

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Fig. 29: Input data flow capacity and back pressure

When the valve reaches its opening at a relieving pressure (1) of 27 mbar, the pressure in
the tank is 27.1 mbar-g, which is below the MAAP of the tank of 30 mbar-g.
For a selected device, the results can be displayed via the button "Details".
In this case, the pressure at the valve inlet during relief is equal to the relieving pressure of
27 mbar-g and since the total back pressure (superimposed + built-up) is only 2 mbar-g the
pressure drop across the device (3) is 25 mbar, see Fig. 31.
This pressure drop at the pressure side determines the flow capacity of the device (5).
See guidance for set and relieving pressure in case of small built-up back pressures and
little in-line pressure losses: for this specific example higher settings are possible.

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Fig. 30: Results

The adjusted set pressure (6) is the difference between the set pressure (7) and the
superimposed back pressure (2). The adjusted set pressure (6) is the basis for calculating
the overpressure (4).
The vacuum side has a set vacuum of -5 mbar-g with an allowed accumulation of 10% and
a pressure loss from the valve to the tank of 50 Pa (0.5 mbar). These inputs mean that the
relieving vacuum is -5.5 mbar-g and the pressure in the tank when the vacuum side is
-6 mbar-g. Since the pressure in the tank is below the tank design vacuum of -10 mbar-g,
the inputs data are correct, and a solution can be found. The pressure drop at the vacuum
side is 5.5 mbar-g, since the inlet of the vacuum side is at ambient pressure.

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Fig. 31: Results, page 2

Excess capacities inform the user how oversized selected devices are. They are calculated
as the percentage difference between the total flow through the devices and the required
flow rate. In case of combined pressure vacuum valves, excess capacities can infer whether
sizing of separate overpressure and vacuum valves is reasonable.
If separate pressure and vacuum valves are selected instead of a combined PVRV and a
valve for the fire case, the result looks accordingly.

Fig. 32: Results, sizing of separate valves for overpressure and vacuum

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Flow capacities, especially of static flame arresters, refer to new, clean devices without any
clogging of the flow area.

Pos : 6.13 /Quest/30 Projekt/30b Sizi ng/30b 130 Diagramm e Ü berschrift @ 23\m od_1467725567859_7448.docx @ 203569 @ 3 @ 1

6.5.7 Flow Chart

Pos : 6.14 /Quest/30 Projekt/30b Sizi ng/30b 140 Diagramm e @ 20\mod_1448369156114_7448.docx @ 138800 @ @ 1

The flow capacity charts display the volume flow rate in function of the relieving pressure for
new, clean devices in PROTEGO® QuEST database. The capacity loads are given for air at
20°C and 1 bar.
For valves, the flow charts assume the valves to be completely open (full lift).
Pos : 7.1 /Quest/40 Quic kSizi ng/40 010 Ei nführ ung Quick Sizing @ 19\mod_1437490783331_7448.docx @ 117191 @ 1 @ 1

7 QuickSizing
Quick-Sizing is a tool to calculate the performance of a specific device outside of a project.
In its common application it facilitates the reading of the flow charts.
In the dropdown list “Series”, you can type the first letter of a device series to jump to the
appropriate position, e. g. if you are looking for VD/SV-100 press “V”.
In the dropdown list “Nominal Size”, you can type the first number of a device size to jump to
the appropriate position, e. g. if you are looking for VD/SV-100 press “1”.
Pos : 7.2 /Quest/40 Quic kSizi ng/40 020 QuickSizi ng v on Ventilen - Ü bersc hrift @ 19\m od_1437489634006_7448.docx @ 117127 @ 2 @ 1

7.1 QuickSizing of Valves

Pos : 7.3 /Quest/40 Quic kSizi ng/40 030 Ventile - Eing abe nur Drück e @ 19\mod_1440136094440_7448.docx @ 120697 @ @ 1

If a pressure and vacuum relief valve is selected, the required flow rate (1) on the pressure
side can be given for either air or gas at either normal or standard condition.
On the vacuum side for end-of-line valves, the required flow rates (1a) can be given for air
at either at normal or standard condition, while for in-line valves the required flow rate can
be given for either air or gas at either normal or standard condition.
For both pressure and vacuum, the outputs can be specified in the PROTEGO ® diagram
condition (air at 1 bar, 20°C).

The fields for gas properties (2), (3) are available only after the normal or standard
condition of gas is selected (1).

Example 1
Given: set pressure/vacuum and relieving pressure/vacuum
Wanted: volume flow rates

Flammenfilter 35
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3 7


Fig. 33: Considering gas data
The operating temperature (4) is always required for a comparison with the permissible
operating temperature of the selected device.
The tool tips for the set pressure/set vacuum input data fields show the upper and lower limit
values of the selected device.
Relieving pressure and vacuum values must account for the minimum overpressure of the
valve. If the same series is present with different overpressures, the overpressure is
mentioned in the model name for easy recognition.
Built up (5) and superimposed (6) backpressure are optional inputs for in-line and pipe-away
Vacuum settings of in-line / pipe-away valves assume an external vacuum source at
atmospheric pressure. For non-atmospheric external vacuum sources perform a specific
calculation within module Sizing.
The gas density (7), if displayed, is calculated using the operating temperature and

for safety and environment
QuickSizing 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Result for example 1

The calculated volumetric flow rates of a known device to specified pressures are shown


Fig. 34: Result of volume flow calculation

The result always shows the volume flow for the selected device and given pressure
according to the PROTEGO® diagram condition (8).
The volume flow is displayed in the state selected on the first input page (1), (1a).
For conversion between the selected state and air at PROTEGO ® diagram condition please
refer to chapter 9.2.
Pos : 7.4 /Quest/40 Quic kSizi ng/40 040 Ventile - Eing abe Dr uck+Vol umenstr om @ 29\m od_1540373616251_7448.docx @ 283822 @ @ 1

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Example 2
Given: set pressure/vacuum and relieving pressure/vacuum as well as
needed volume flows (9), (9a)


Fig. 35: Input data, example 2

In this example, the user wants to know if the given flow rates (9), (9a) can flow through the
valve at the given relieving pressures (design pressures).

for safety and environment
QuickSizing 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Results for example 2

If the number of required valves (10) is greater than 1, the required flow rates are greater
than can flow through one valve at relieving pressure.







Fig. 36: Results for example 2

The relieving gas flow at relieving minus back pressure (11) is 871 m³/h, whereas the
needed gas flow (9) is 1000 m³/h. That is the reason while two devices (10) are needed.
The vacuum volume flow at relieving pressure (12) is 554 m³/h and since the required
vacuum flow rate is 500 m³/h (9a), one device would suffice.
In this example the total amount of required devices is two (10) because the requirements
for pressure are higher than those for vacuum.
Positions (13) and (14) are the required volume flow rates equally divided by the required
number of devices (10).
The adjusted set pressure (15) of 8,5 mbar-g is determined from the difference between set
pressure of 10 mbar-g and the superimposed back pressure of 1,5 mbar-g.
Pos : 7.5 /Quest/40 Quic kSizi ng/40 050 QuickSizi ng v on Flamm endurchsc hl agsicherungen - Ü bersc hrift @ 20\m od_1444133327576_7448.docx @ 135410 @ 2 @ 1

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7.2 QuickSizing of Flame Arresters

Pos : 7.6 /Quest/40 Quic kSizi ng/40 060 Volum enstrom und Druck verl ust @ 20 \mod_1444133398148_7448.docx @ 135434 @ @ 1

The following example describes the results for a flame arrester with input data for pressure
loss (1), (1a) and flow capacity (2), (2a).
Requirements for pressure loss and flow capacity may be different for pressure or vacuum
operating conditions, so data for both requirements can be entered. Data input for vacuum
is optional.


2 3

2a 3a

Fig. 37: Input data

If the required flow rate is unknown, the input fields must remain empty.

for safety and environment
QuickSizing 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST



8 8a

4 4a


Fig. 38: Results

Quick Sizing checks how many devices (6) are needed to comply to both requirements (1),
(1a) and (2), (2a).
The volume flow rates (5) and (5a) are shown in the state specified in (3) and (3a) for the
max. pressure loss (4), (4a).
For conversion between the selected state and air at PROTEGO ® diagram condition please
refer to chapter 9.2.
Since the flow rate for a max pressure loss of 10 mbar-g (4) is 596 m³/h (5), one device
would be enough for 500 m³/h (2). However, since in vacuum the flow rate for a max
pressure loss of 5 mbar-g (4a) is 380 m³/h (5a), two devices (6) are required for a flow
capacity (2a) of 700 m³/h.
The given flow capacity (2), (2a) is split to the number of necessary devices (7), (7a) and
causes a pressure drop across (8), (8a) each device.
Pos : 7.7 /Quest/40 Quic kSizi ng/40 070 Filterfunkti on - Übersc hrift @ 23\mod_1463646959622_7448.docx @ 192079 @ 2 @ 1

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7.3 Using the Filter

Pos : 7.8 /Quest/40 Quic kSizi ng/40 080 Filter ausw ahl @ 23\m od_1463647052816_7448.docx @ 192105 @ @ 1

With the Filter function device models can be preselected according to the intended usage.
Selection example:
1. Select option Filter (1)
2. Select function and type of device as desired. The table below shows an example for
the selection of a flame arrester.
3. Press button Apply

Pos. Properties Value for this example

2 Function flame arrester
3 Type of device in-line device
4 Flame arrester stable detonation
5 Ex-Certification IIA
6 Burn rating short time burning proof

Tab. 2: Example of filter selection


Fig. 39: Filter selection

The list of device models considered will be limited only to the criteria given and those with
higher-grade properties.

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QuickSizing 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Fig. 40: Models acc. to the settings

If a specific nominal size is desired, an additional preselection of the eligible devices will
occur to match only those, whose nominal size equals the selected Nominal size from the
drop-down menu. Devices for a specific nominal size can be preselected using the Nominal
size filter.
If data for a specific device, for instance DA-SB-200/100-IIA-P1,1, is desired, select the
device Series (DA-SB) at first, then select the Nominal size (100 mm – 4 in). The list of
models contains only those ones matching both criteria. From that limited list the desired
device (DA-SB-200/100-IIA-P1,1) can be selected.

Fig. 41: Types of the series and nominal size acc. to the filter settings
Pos : 7.9 /Quest/40 Quic kSizi ng/40 090 Zweites Brow serfenster - Ü bersc hrift @ 23\mod_1468919005386_7448.docx @ 204989 @ 2 @ 1

7.4 Open Second Window

Pos : 7.10 /Quest/40 Quick Sizing/40 100 N eues Fenster @ 23\m od_1468919077608_7448.doc x @ 205015 @ @ 1

In order to work in parallel, you can open PROTEGO® QuEST in a second browser tab or
window. The following figure shows the possibility to open the conversion tool under the
menu Tools in order to perform a volume flow conversion parallel to QuickSizing.

Flammenfilter 43
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PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Sizing Pilot Valves

Fig. 42: Work in parallel

Click the desired menu with the right mouse button to open a new tab or window.

More browser windows for the same project file shall not be used. Opening more windows
for the same tank, for instance one for Venting and one for Sizing, carries a high risk of
mismatch. This shall be avoided.

8 Sizing Pilot Valves

The tool Sizing Pilot Valves aims to facilitate the selection and sizing of PROTEGO ® pilot
operated pressure and vacuum relief valves.
To choose a PROTEGO® pilot operated valve use the button Select.

Fig. 43: Selection of valve series

for safety and environment
Sizing Pilot Valves 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Press the button Apply to confirm the selection.

Fig. 44: Selection of valve model

Once the model has been selected, press Apply to upload the model data to the input mask.
If the selection mask is closed without pressing Apply, discharge coefficient and flow
diameter need to be specified by the user.
After entering the set pressure, the discharge coefficient (1) and according flow diameter (2)
is shown in the input fields. The de-rated discharge coefficient (3) depends on the chosen
standard and is usually 95% or 90% of the measured discharge coefficient.


Fig. 45: Pilot operated valve input data

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PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Sizing Pilot Valves

8.1 Pressure Sizing

PROTEGO® pilot operated pressure valves are provided with a sensing line, which can end
up either near the valve inlet flange (internal sensing line) or to the storage tank (external
sensing line).
Set pressure, overpressure, and inlet temperature of the overpressure sizing scenario
selected by the user are validated against the application ranges for the selected device.
The relief capacity can be either a mass or a volume flow rate for gas in operating, normal
or standard condition.
The atmospheric pressure is needed in order to convert gauge pressures into absolute
pressures and determine for instance the pressure at device inlet and the pressure at device
outlet, which are required for the calculation of the required flow area and the flow capacity
of the device.
PROTEGO® pilot operated pressure valves require a minimum overpressure to reach full lift.
The max. set pressure for the device in Eq. (1a) should be chosen so that the pilot operated
valve reaches full opening at the max. allowable accumulated pressure of the tank (MAAP),
which is the tank design pressure (TDP) plus the maximum allowable accumulation in the
selected standard. Most standards also require the set pressure of the device never to
exceed the tank design pressure of the tank, see Eq. (1b).

𝑝𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑥 (1 + %𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑝 ) = 𝑀𝐴𝐴𝑃 = [𝑇𝐷𝑃 ∙ (1 + %𝑎𝑐𝑐 )] (1a)

𝑝𝑠𝑒𝑡 ≤ 𝑝𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑥 ≤ 𝑇𝐷𝑃 (1b)

When the valve reaches full opening at the MAAP, flow through the discharge line generate
an inlet pressure loss from the tank to the valve inlet as well as back pressure at the outlet
of the device. The max. pressure at the device inlet is the difference between the max.
allowable accumulated pressure (MAAP) of the tank and the inlet pressure loss, as shown in
Eq. (2a). Pilot operated valves with an internal sensing line react very sensitively to a high
inlet pressure loss and therefore a maximum allowable inline pressure loss is set in analogy
to API 520 3% rule. If that threshold is exceeded, the user may either switch to an external
sensing line or contact your PROTEGO® sales team for support.

𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑇𝐷𝑃 ∙ (1 + %𝑎𝑐𝑐 ) − ∆𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 (2a)

If the tank design pressure is unknown - or if the standard for the max. allowable
accumulated pressure is either unknown or not included in the list - select the option
unknown. In that case, no input for the inlet pressure loss is required and the relationship
between set pressure and the gauge pressure at device inlet is given in Eq. (2b).

𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 = 𝑝𝑠𝑒𝑡 ∙ (1 + %𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑝 ) (2b)

A graphical visualization of successful setting for external and internal sensing line applied
to a PROTEGO® pilot operated valve can be downloaded by clicking the button Explanation.

for safety and environment
Sizing Pilot Valves 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Product data
Molar mass, compressibility factor, and ratio of specific heats at valve inlet conditions are
required for overpressure sizing. The molar mass can also be calculated from the gas
density and the compressibility factor by means of the pressure and temperature at device

The required capacity and the flow capacity of the device are expressed both as mass flow
rate and as volume flow rate in operating, normal and standard conditions.
The required flow diameter and the corresponding required flow area are calculated from
the volume flow rate in normal conditions using Eq. 25 in API 2000 7th Ed., Eq. 21 in ISO
28300. The mass flow rate through the device is also calculated using the same equations
for the reference diameter of the device.
The number of valves required to discharge the relief capacity is the minimum number of
valves of the selected model required to discharge the required mass flow rate.
The difference between the given and the calculated flow capacity is the value of oversizing.
The user can collect all the input data and the calculation results for the overpressure
scenario alone by clicking on Export as PDF.
If the valve allows vacuum sizing, a dedicated button shall appear left to the button Back.
If only the overpressure sizing is considered, another valve size of the same model can also
be selected via the drop down list (1).

Fig. 46: Pilot operated valve results

The result data is modified accordingly so that it can be seen how many valves of the newly
selected size are required. If the vacuum performance for the newly selected valve is also to
be considered, the valve on the first input page must be changed.

8.2 Vacuum Sizing

Sizing of pilot operated valves for vacuum scenario is like sizing of in-line vacuum valves in
module Sizing. Depending on the process conditions and the isometry of the discharge line,
ambient air or inert gas, eventually mixed with vapors, previously released from the tank,
can flow into the tank during a vacuum scenario. PROTEGO® QuEST copes with this
multitude of scenarios by allowing the user to select different values for the molar mass and
the compressibility factor for the vapors.

Flammenfilter 47
for safety and environment
PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Sizing Pilot Valves

The button Product as for Overpressure imports the needed values from the overpressure
scenario into the vacuum sizing.
The pressure at inlet is the pressure present at the flange, where air, inert gas and/or
process vapors enter the valve during vacuum, which is normally the outlet flange for the
vapors leaving the valve during overpressure relief. The pressure at inlet usually accounts
for the pressure losses from safe location to the valve. The pressure at inlet is added to the
set vacuum of the valve to define the adjusted set vacuum. The difference between the
relieving vacuum and the adjusted set vacuum gives the overpressure of the valve for
vacuum relief.
PROTEGO® QuEST verifies that the adjusted set vacuum and the calculated overpressure
are within the expected range for the valve and if not, related error messages are shown
and the input fields are marked in red.
PROTEGO® QuEST also verifies that the relieving vacuum of the valve is not so low to
exceed the tank design vacuum (TDV), when the downstream pressure loss between valve
and tank is accounted for. If this condition is violated, an error message appears, and all
three input fields are marked for correction.
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑉 = 𝑇𝐷𝑉 + ∆𝑝𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 (3)

A graphical visualization of successful setting for a vacuum sizing of a PROTEGO ® pilot

operated valve can be downloaded by clicking the button Explanation.

Fig. 47: Pilot operated valve – vacuum side input data

The user can collect all the input data and the calculation results for both the overpressure
and the vacuum scenario calculations by clicking on Export as PDF.

for safety and environment
Tools 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Fig. 48: Pilot operated valve – results vacuum side

The number of devices, required for the overpressure and the vacuum scenarios, are
determined independently from each other and may be different.

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9 Tools
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Within Tools you can find some calculation apps, useful to daily calculations.

The calculation results will not be stored so input and output data will be lost if the language
is switched.

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9.1 Coefficient of Discharge Method

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The procedure presented here is described in API 2000 Editions as well as in ISO 28300.
This tool takes its name from the presence of a discharge coefficient to correlate the flow
through a device to the ideal (isentropic) gas flow through a Laval nozzle.
The following formulae apply strictly to flow of gases. For PROTEGO® devices the flow rates
refer to air at 1 bar and 20°C (PROTEGO® diagram condition).
The following formulae should not be used to size PROTEGO® devices for liquid flows and
condensing vapors.

Discharge coefficients of low-pressure relief valves are strongly pressure dependent. At set
pressures of 300 mbar-g or more this dependence softens noticeably. Using a discharge
coefficient measured for flows with high set pressures to flows with much lower set

Flammenfilter 49
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PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Tools

pressure values may lead to inaccurate results, which deviate from the measured values
shown in the flow charts.

A discharge coefficient always refers to a characteristic flow cross-section of a device. For

this reason, the input of the flow area is needed before proceeding with the calculation.
PROTEGO® QuEST uses a derated discharge coefficient, which is 95% of the discharge
coefficient, in accordance with API 2000 7th Edition and ISO 28300.

2 𝑘+1
1 𝑘 𝑝𝑜 𝑘 𝑝𝑜 𝑘
𝑞 = 125,15 ∗ 𝐾 ∗ 𝑝𝑖 ∗ 𝐴 ∗ √( )∗( ) ∗ [( ) − ( ) ]
𝑀∗𝑍∗𝑇 𝑘−1 𝑝𝑖 𝑝𝑖

2 𝑘+1
1 𝑘 𝑝 𝑘 𝑝 𝑘
125,15 ∗ 𝐾 ∗ 𝑝𝑖 ∗ √(𝑀 ∗ 𝑍 ∗ 𝑇) ∗ ( ) ∗ [( 𝑝𝑜 ) − ( 𝑝𝑜 ) ]
𝑘−1 𝑖 𝑖

Formula Unit Note

A cm² Minimum flow area
q m³ Flow rate
K – Derated discharge coefficient
pi kPa Absolute pressure at device inlet
po kPa Absolute pressure at device outlet
k – Ratio of specific heats of the gaseous phase, cp/cv
M kg/kmol Molar mass of the gas
Z – Real gas factor, use Z = 1 if unknown
T K Absolute temperature at device inlet

Tab. 3: Discharge coefficient method

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9.2 Conversion of Thermal Conditions

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The program module is used to convert between operating, normal, standard and diagram
conditions either with air or other gases.

Name Reference condition

Normal 101.325 kPa (14.6959 psi), 0°C (32°F)
Standard 14.6959 psi (101.325 kPa ), 60°F (15.56°C)
PROTEGO® diagram condition (air) 1 bar (14.5038 psi), 20°C (68°F)

Tab. 4: Normal and Standard condition

for safety and environment
Tools 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

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If either an input or output condition for gas is selected, the gas density is calculated in the
thermal condition as shown in the table below.

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PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Tools

Flow rate medium Flow rate medium Calculated density condition

(vol. or mass flow rate) (vol. or mass flow rate)
Air at NORMAL Air at STANDARD no calculation necessary
Air at NORMAL Air at DIAGRAM no calculation necessary
Air at STANDARD Air at DIAGRAM no calculation necessary
GAS at NORMAL (vol) GAS at STANDARD (vol) no calculation necessary
GAS at NORMAL (vol) GAS at STANDARD (mass) At the state present as input
GAS at NORMAL (mass) GAS at STANDARD (mass) At the state present as input

Tab. 5: Gas density

The physical or normative background in the conversion between an input condition and an
output condition within PROTEGO® QuEST is specified in the following table. The user is
warned that there may be other flow conversion methods than the ones referenced in this
table, which may lead to different results.

for safety and environment
Tools 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

Volume Flow rate medium Volume Flow rate medium Physical or normative
INPUT OUTPUT background
Air at NORMAL Air at STANDARD Ideal Gas Model
Air at STANDARD Air at NORMAL Ideal Gas Model
Air at NORMAL Air at DIAGRAM Ideal Gas Model
Air at STANDARD Air at DIAGRAM Ideal Gas Model
Air at DIAGRAM Air at NORMAL Ideal Gas Model
Air at DIAGRAM Air at STANDARD Ideal Gas Model
Gas at OPERATING Gas at NORMAL Real Gas Model
Gas at OPERATING Gas at STANDARD Real Gas Model
Gas at NORMAL Gas at OPERATING Real Gas Model
Gas at STANDARD Gas at OPERATING Real Gas Model
Gas at NORMAL Gas at STANDARD Ideal Gas Model
Gas at STANDARD Gas at NORMAL Ideal Gas Model
Air at NORMAL Gas at NORMAL API 2000 7th Ed. Annex D
Gas at NORMAL Air at NORMAL API 2000 7th Ed. Annex D
Air at STANDARD Gas at STANDARD API 2000 7th Ed. Annex D
Gas at STANDARD Air at STANDARD API 2000 7th Ed. Annex D
Air at DIAGRAM Gas at OPERATING See note below
Gas at OPERATING Air at DIAGRAM See note below
Air at DIAGRAM Gas at NORMAL PROTEGO Catalog Chapter 1
Gas at NORMAL Air at DIAGRAM PROTEGO Catalog Chapter 1
Air at DIAGRAM Gas at STANDARD PROTEGO Catalog Chapter 1
Gas at STANDARD Air at DIAGRAM PROTEGO Catalog Chapter 1

Tab. 6: Physical or normative background

NOTE: Among three possible conversion ways between Air at DIAGRAM and Gas at
OPERATING condition the most conservative one will be used. Two of these three
calculation paths are “two step calculations” involving the intermediate stage with the gas at
NORMAL condition. If the gas at NORMAL condition is not gaseous, like for instance steam,
then one direct conversion between Air at DIAGRAM and Gas at OPERATING condition
applies. This direct method is based on the extended simplified isentropic nozzle flow and is
not recommended if either the operating pressure exceeds 200 mbar gauge or the operating
temperature is below 250K. If the gas at OPERATING condition condenses at normal
temperature and either the operating pressure or the temperature approach or exceeds the
application limits of the direct conversion method, please review your calculation with other
engineering correlations or contact for further advice.
The following table contains “two step calculations”, meaning that in order to pass from input
to output a first straight ahead calculation is required from input to intermediate condition
and then a second calculation will convert the intermediate condition into output. The

Flammenfilter 53
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PROTEGO® QuEST 2023-04-26 Tools

physical or normative backgrounds of the individual calculations have been described in the
pages above. The user is warned here again that there may be other calculations than the
one listed in the following table which may lead to different results.

Volume Flow rate medium Volume Flow rate medium Volume Flow rate medium
INPUT Intermediate OUTPUT

Tab. 7: Two step flow conversion

DIN Mitteilung 73, 1994, Nr. 1

If the storage gas has a molar weight of less than 4,63 kg/kmol (4.63 lb/lbmol), the following
equation applies to determine the equivalent air breathing in normal condition as specified
within DIN Mitteilung 73, 1994, Nr. 1.

𝑉̇𝐺𝑎𝑠@𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 = 𝑉𝐴𝑖𝑟@𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙
̇ ∗ 2,5

General comments
When a flow conversion is requested either from or to gas at operating condition, the user
should verify that the medium is gaseous at operating condition.
When a flow conversion either from or to gas at normal (or standard) condition is needed,
the user should verify that the medium is gaseous at normal (or standard) condition.
This criterion must be verified also if gas at normal (or standard) condition is an intermediate
For flow conversions involving any vapor, which may condense at either normal or standard
condition, please review your calculation with other engineering correlations or contact for further advice.
A mass flow rate is obtained by multiplying the corresponding volume flow rate with the
density of the medium at the selected physical condition.
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Tools 2023-04-26 PROTEGO® QuEST

9.3 Determination of the Molar Mass

For a given gas density at Normal condition, the molar mass of the gas can be determined
as follows.
1. Enter required capacity at Normal condition of gas
2. Choose Normal condition of air in the row named „Calculated capacity“
3. Enter the gas density
4. The compressibility factor „1.0“ is used for normal and standard conditions as default.
The user has to verify this assumption for his application.
5. Click button Calculate

Tab. 2: Molar mass calculation

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9.4 My Products
Every user has the option to export, change and import the table MyProducts. The table is in
Microsoft™ Excel format so be sure to have a compatible tool to work on it. In the table, the
user can define the physical properties for the products which will appear in the dropdown
menu for the fire case calculations in Venting.
Product name Notes Flash point Boiling point Latent heat Molar mass
Bubble point
[°C] [°C] [J/kg] [kg/kmol]
n-Hexane (API 2000) n-Hexane properties 15,555 334900 86,17
as given in API 2000
n-Hexane (DB) Standard Reference Database 68.72 334930 86170.000
Number XY
Ethanol Standard Reference Database 78.37 849613 46068.000
Number XY
Toluene Standard Reference Database 110.99 357900 92140.000
Number XY

Fig. 3: Default products

In MyProducts n-Hexane is defined as n-Hexane (API 2000) with a boiling point of 60° F
(15.555°C) as mentioned in ISO 28300 and API 2000 7th Ed.

As an example, n-Hexane is added with the true physical properties from an online
=== Ende der Liste für T extm arke Inhalt ===

for safety and environment

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