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Chapter 06

Improving Readability with Style and Design

True / False Questions

1. Providing too much information can distract readers and weigh a business document down.

True False

2. The more specific you are, the more likely your readers are to become impatient and begin
skimming your message.

True False

3. If you are specific in your message, then your readers are more likely to believe you are credible.

True False

4. When readers see long paragraphs, they often stop reading and start trying to pick out significant
words and phrases from the text.

True False

5. Long paragraphs in a business message are a sign that the text is well organized.

True False

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6. In order to be concise, you must sometimes leave out relevant information.

True False

7. One primary cause of overly long paragraphs is placing more than one main idea or topic in a


True False

8. By eliminating redundancies, you can reduce the overall word count in a business message.

True False

9. Prepositional phrases should be used in business messages to increase clarity.

True False

10. A paragraph should rarely exceed 150 words.

True False

11. The closer you match your writing style to the way your readers think and talk, the easier it is for
them to process the information you present.

True False

12. People can generally process information more quickly when writers use passive verbs.

True False

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13. One advantage of using simple, short words is that they help readers process information more


True False

14. Writers should typically use the active voice when they want to avoid blaming others or sounding

True False

15. The use of buzzwords in business messages usually stirs positive feelings among readers.

True False

16. Sentences that begin with "it is" or "there are" generally contain more words than necessary.

True False

17. Documents with a lot of text and not much white space look daunting or cluttered.

True False

18. The more you use special formatting, such as italics or underlining, the more likely you are to
communicate your emphasis to your reader.

True False

19. Reviewing business messages minimizes the possibility of embarrassing and damaging mistakes.

True False

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20. The FAIR test helps business writers to make sure their communications are ethical.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

21. A business message is complete if it

A. avoids all miscalculation, misinformation, and typographical errors.

B. provides all the information necessary to meet the intended purpose.

C. uses efficient language that says as much as possible in a few words.

D. maximizes paragraph length and minimizes white space.

E. keeps the word count as low as possible without redundancies or empty phrases.

22. To ensure the completeness of a business message, be sure to

A. be specific.

B. avoid empty phrases.

C. avoid redundancies.

D. control paragraph length.

E. use action verbs.

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23. In the context of creating a complete business message, which of the following is true?

A. Providing too much information can distract the readers and weigh a business document down.

B. Using action verbs focuses on the goal of coordinating action in the workplace and livens up

your writing.

C. Using longer, more unusual words to "sound smart" can increase the credibility of your


D. Using the passive voice allows for faster processing by the readers, because most people
naturally think in that structure.

E. Relying on parallel language can distract the readers from the main message you want to


24. Which of the following guidelines should be followed to ensure that you are creating a complete

business message?

A. Use longer, more unusual words to "sound smart" and increase the credibility of your message.

B. Avoid parallel language as it can distract the readers from the main message you want to


C. Include all the information you need by eliminating as much white space as possible.

D. Plan, write, and review your message strategically to provide all relevant information, but
nothing irrelevant.

E. Use the active voice to avoid blaming others or sounding too bossy.

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25. A survey of recruiters found that the most sought after characteristic of writing is

A. being accurate.

B. being concise.

C. avoiding redundancy.

D. avoiding buzzwords.

E. using parallel language.

26. In order to be accurate, a business message must be

A. concise.

B. exact.

C. short.

D. redundant.

E. general.

Emma's boss has reviewed her proposal. He tells Emma that she needs to make it more accurate.
Which of the following should she try to eliminate?

A. prepositional phrases

B. parallel language

C. miscalculations

D. passive voice

E. redundancies

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28. Which of the following is most likely to negatively influence readers' perceptions of your


A. long paragraphs

B. inaccurate statements

C. generous white space

D. passive voice

E. nonparallel language

29. Which of the following is most likely to positively influence your readers' perceptions of your

A. being wordy

B. being specific

C. using buzzwords

D. starting sentences with "There are"

E. using prepositional phrases

30. Raj tends to generalize in his writing because he believes that makes his writing easy for most

people to understand. What is the likely effect of his generalizations on his readers?

A. They may doubt his competence on the subject he is writing about.

B. They are more likely to read the message carefully.

C. They will be pleased that they can find the information they need quickly.

D. They will be assured that Raj is not hiding unpleasant facts.

E. They will focus their attention on Raj's primary message.

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31. Hugo includes the following sentence in his memo: "The increase in profits is greater than any I

have seen during my career." What is the flaw in this sentence?

A. It uses obscure words.

B. It contains redundancy.

C. It uses passive voice.

D. It is not specific.

E. It uses a figure of speech.

32. Anwar's colleague tells him that some of his coworkers believe he has misleading them about his
team's expenses. They believe that his reports have concealed the truth. What should Anwar do in

his next report to avoid giving his coworkers that impression?

A. He should shorten his paragraphs and increase white space.

B. He should avoid using buzzwords that tend to annoy readers.

C. He should include specific details and dollar amounts.

D. He should avoid using unfamiliar words that may alienate readers.

E. He should include a personal note at the front of his report.

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33. Andre, the floor manager of a packing plant, is under pressure from his boss to increase

productivity. He circulates a memo telling all of his workers that they need to increase the number
of units packed each hour. After a month, production has not changed significantly. What went
wrong in his communication?

A. He did not explain the pressure he was under.

B. His message was not concise enough.

C. He used a memo instead of a more formal document.

D. His message did not set a clear and specific production target.

E. His message was not friendly enough.

34. Which of the following statements is the most specific way for a company to convey that it needs
to reduce its current workforce by half?

A. The company will have to lay off a few employees.

B. The company will have to terminate a small percentage of its employees.

C. The company will have to terminate the majority of its employees.

D. The company will have to lay off about half of its employees.

E. The company will have to terminate 50 percent of its employees.

35. Being concise means

A. removing relevant information.

B. omitting needless words.

C. omitting parallel structure.

D. removing white space.

E. removing paragraph breaks.

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36. Which of the following is most likely to help you write concisely?

A. using longer sentences

B. avoiding redundancy

C. using more prepositional phrases

D. avoiding the active voice

E. using buzzwords

37. When business messages contain long paragraphs, readers are most likely to think the writer is

A. disorganized.

B. intelligent.

C. accurate.

D. respectful.

E. professional.

38. The typical paragraph length for a business message is

A. 10-20 words.

B. 40-80 words.

C. 150-200 words.

D. 300-400 words.

E. 500-850 words.

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39. One way to solve the problem of overly lengthy paragraphs is to

A. include more figures of speech.

B. focus on one idea or topic in each paragraph.

C. use passive voice instead of active.

D. start more sentences with "There is."

E. replace verbs with prepositional phrases.

40. Julio has a long paragraph that describes the two main causes of employee absenteeism and gives

a suggestion to address each cause. Ideally, how many paragraphs does Julio need to cover this

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

E. five

41. As a rule of thumb, for routine messages, the sentence length should be no more than

A. 8 words.

B. 15 words.

C. 20 words.

D. 25 words.

E. 30 words.

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42. Consider the following statement: "Employee managers can use our motivational tools to motivate

their employees to increase productivity." The best way to make this statement concise is to

A. eliminate the passive voice.

B. remove empty phrases.

C. replace a prepositional phrase with a verb.

D. start with "It is" or "There are."

E. remove redundant words.

43. Consider the statement: "In order to build a sustainable organization, it is important to hire
employees with sustainable qualities." One way to make this statement more concise is to

A. eliminate the passive voice.

B. remove empty phrases.

C. replace a prepositional phrase with a verb.

D. start with "It is" or "There are."

E. remove redundant words.

44. Consider the statement: "As most of you know, Mega Manufacturing had its most profitable year

ever last year." One way to make this statement more concise is to

A. eliminate the passive voice.

B. remove empty phrases.

C. replace a prepositional phrase with a verb.

D. start with "It is" or "There are."

E. remove redundant words.

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45. It becomes easier for your readers to process the information you present when you

A. match your writing style to the way your readers think and talk.

B. use prepositional phrases extensively as they increase the clarity of the message.

C. choose long and obscure words to pique their curiosity.

D. avoid using parallel language, which makes it difficult to distinguish between the information


E. include a lot of text in your message and very little white space.

46. People reading a business message are most likely to be confused by a sentence that

A. uses action verbs rather than passive verbs.

B. uses active voice rather than passive voice.

C. has parallel structure.

D. contains redundancies to drive home the point.

E. does not mention the subject.

47. Which statement about active voice and passive voice is true?

A. The active voice diverts attention from the doer.

B. People tend to think in a doer-action-object pattern.

C. The active voice is best when you do not want to attribute blame.

D. People tend to sound bossy when using the passive voice.

E. The passive voice places the object first.

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48. People are most likely to process information quickly when writers use

A. prepositional phrases.

B. action verbs.

C. the passive voice.

D. complex words.

E. long sentences.

49. To create a more natural writing style and improve the ease of reading, a writer should use

A. passive verbs.

B. parallel language.

C. the passive voice.

D. figures of speech.

E. buzzwords.

50. Consider the following sentence: "CEO Mike Maloney regrets to announce that PharmCo will be
downsizing at the end of September." Which of the following actions would improve the ease of

A. Cut the prepositional phrase "at the end of September."

B. Change "at the end of September" to "at the end of the third quarter."

C. Change "PharmCo" to "PharmCo Drug and Pharmaceutical Company."

D. Change the buzzword "downsizing" to "laying off employees."

E. Change "CEO Mike Maloney" to "The CEO of PharmCo."

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51. Using the active voice while writing business messages

A. diverts the attention from the subject.

B. makes the writer sound less bossy.

C. allows for faster processing of the business message.

D. makes the message difficult to navigate.

E. is useful when the writer wants to avoid assigning blame.

52. The use of familiar words in business messages is most likely to

A. distract attention from the message.

B. decrease the credibility of the message.

C. cause the readers' attention to wander because of boredom.

D. decrease the specificity of the message.

E. help the readers to process the information easily.

53. Glen is writing a memo to suggest that his company hire someone to act on its behalf in a foreign
market. If he wants to improve the ease of reading of his message, which term should he use to
describe that person?

A. fiduciary

B. executor

C. agent

D. procurator

E. envoy

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54. Which statement about buzzwords is true?

A. They make text more active.

B. They are trite due to overuse.

C. They have very technical meanings.

D. They shorten the length of the message.

E. They improve a message's accuracy.

55. Which of the following statements accurately describes the use of figures of speech, such as

idioms and metaphors, in business writing?

A. They should be avoided because they lack specificity.

B. They send the signal that the writer is out of touch with the audience.

C. They are an effective way to write more concisely.

D. They should be avoided because they are too I-centered.

E. They are an effective way to make a message more natural.

56. What impact does beginning sentences with "it is" or "there are" have on a business message?

A. The message is less precise because it is wordy and lacks a specific subject.

B. The message is less precise because it contains figurative, not literal, meanings.

C. The message is more concise because those are brief phrases.

D. The message is more active because the second word is a verb.

E. The message is less natural sounding because it is not parallel.

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57. To improve ease of reading when using headings in business documents,

A. avoid using headings in complex messages.

B. use different font styles and formatting for different headings.

C. make sure the headings accurately convey the contents of a section.

D. use wordy prepositional phrases as headings.

E. avoid using headings in information-rich messages.

58. Which of the following is most likely to improve the ease of navigation in information-rich and

complex messages?

A. using headings to convey the contents of sections

B. avoiding the use of numbered or bulleted lists

C. using several different font styles in the document

D. using a new style of formatting for each section

E. avoiding the use of too much white space

59. Which statement about ease of navigation is true?

A. You should avoid using headings in information-rich and complex messages.

B. Visual appeal should be the first consideration for all written business communications.

C. Documents with too much text and not enough white space look daunting or cluttered.

D. Readers are likely to be distracted by bullets and numberings in a document.

E. In general, you should use special formatting as much as you can so your ideas stand out.

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60. For most written business communications, the first consideration should be to

A. present the message in a visually appealing manner.

B. get the message across in an easy-to-read manner.

C. select the facts in a persuasive manner.

D. construct the message in passive voice.

E. demonstrate how much of an expert you are.

61. Your colleague Li has just finished drafting an important business proposal. Now he has asked you

for advice on how to review the document. What should you tell him to do?

A. Do a grammar check and spell check.

B. Do a spell check, do the FAIR test, and proofread.

C. Do the FAIR test and get feedback.

D. Do a spell check, do a grammar check, and get feedback.

E. Do the FAIR test, proofread, and get feedback.

62. Which of the following choices is a component of the reviewing process?

A. audience analysis

B. identifying the primary message

C. determining the key points

D. determining the message structure

E. conducting the FAIR test

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63. The "R" in the FAIR test stands for

A. revision.

B. respect.

C. relevancy.

D. redundancy.

E. repetition.

64. You are applying the FAIR test to a business message. Which of the following questions are you

most likely to ask while analyzing its factual accuracy?

A. Are there any logical errors?

B. Have you allowed message recipients to provide input?

C. Have you considered how the message will impact stakeholders?

D. Have you evaluated impacts on others from an ethical perspective?

E. Have you demonstrated that you value others?

65. Which task are you most likely to do during the first pass of proofreading?

A. Check for grammatical errors.

B. Look for typographical mistakes.

C. Imagine how the audience will respond.

D. Check for problems with the writing style.

E. Look for issues with language mechanics.

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66. Which task are you most likely to do during the final pass of proofreading?

A. Check for adequate white space.

B. Look for typographical mistakes.

C. Imagine how the audience will respond.

D. Ask yourself if you are confident in your facts.

E. See if you have made logical errors.

67. Chun has designed a flyer to invite employees to a workshop about time management. She wants

to know if it is inviting and clear. Which of the following colleagues could provide the best

A. a colleague in the Human Resources Department

B. a colleague in the Shipping Department

C. a colleague in the Legal Department

D. a colleague on the Executive Committee

E. a colleague in the Marketing Department

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68. Salim has written a proposal advocating that his company should implement a schedule in which

employees work four 10-hour days, with half of the employees having Monday off and the other
half having Friday off. He claims that productivity will increase because fewer people will take days
off to go to medical appointments, which they can schedule on their off day. Which of the

following people has the correct expertise to give Salim helpful feedback about his proposal?

A. a colleague in the Purchasing Department

B. a colleague in the Shipping Department

C. a colleague in the Human Resources Department

D. a colleague in the Research and Development Department

E. a colleague in the Public Relations Department

69. Dale has written a proposal for a new initiative. Which of the following will help him evaluate how

his message will impact stakeholders?

A. doing a first pass of proofreading

B. applying the FAIR test

C. doing a second pass of proofreading

D. consulting the design department

E. using the AIM planning process

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70. The primary purpose of the FAIR test is to make sure that business communications are

A. concise.

B. accessible.

C. error-free.

D. understandable.

E. ethical.

Essay Questions

71. List three ways of ensuring the completeness of business messages.

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72. Why is it necessary to ensure that business messages are accurate?

73. Discuss two ways of reducing the overall word count in business messages. Give specific examples
of each.

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74. What is the impact of using the active voice in business messages?

75. What techniques can a business writer use to make series and lists easier for readers to

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76. What is the purpose of including headings in a business communication, and how can you make

sure they achieve this purpose?

77. Describe the significance of using white space in a business document.

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78. Is visual appeal the most important factor for creating a good business document? Explain.

79. Describe the three components of the review process for business communications.

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80. Discuss how to proofread a business document.

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Chapter 06 Improving Readability with Style and Design Answer Key

True / False Questions

1. Providing too much information can distract readers and weigh a business document down.

Providing too much information can distract the readers and weigh a business document down.
On the other hand, not providing enough information can leave the reader wondering how to


AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
2. The more specific you are, the more likely your readers are to become impatient and begin
skimming your message.


The more specific you are, the more likely readers are to have their questions answered. If you
are not specific, your readers may become impatient and begin scanning and skimming for the
information they want.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

3. If you are specific in your message, then your readers are more likely to believe you are

Being specific also affects the judgments your readers make about your credibility. Specific

statements lead your readers to believe you know what you are talking about (competence),
that you are not hiding anything (character), and that you want your readers to be informed


AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:

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McGraw-Hill Education.
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: Credibility in Business Communications

4. When readers see long paragraphs, they often stop reading and start trying to pick out

significant words and phrases from the text.

Before they even begin to read, readers form impressions about ease of reading by looking at
paragraph length. When they see long paragraphs, they often enter skim mode—searching for

certain words and ideas rather than reading.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

5. Long paragraphs in a business message are a sign that the text is well organized.

Long paragraphs can signal disorganization and even disrespect for the reader's time.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
6. In order to be concise, you must sometimes leave out relevant information.

When you write concisely, your message is far easier to read. Conciseness does not imply

removing relevant information. Rather, it implies omitting needless words so that readers can
rapidly process your main ideas (the relevant information).

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

7. One primary cause of overly long paragraphs is placing more than one main idea or topic in a


One primary cause of overly lengthy paragraphs is placing more than one main idea or topic in
the paragraph.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
8. By eliminating redundancies, you can reduce the overall word count in a business message.

One way to reduce word count and make your messages easier to read is to avoid

redundancies, which are words or phrases that repeat the same meaning.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

9. Prepositional phrases should be used in business messages to increase clarity.

Prepositional phrases are not bad in themselves. In many cases, they are perfectly appropriate.
But their overuse leads to wordiness and less clarity.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
10. A paragraph should rarely exceed 150 words.

Rarely should a paragraph exceed 150 words. Typically, paragraphs should contain 40 to 80

words. For routine messages, paragraphs as short as 20 to 30 words are common and

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

11. The closer you match your writing style to the way your readers think and talk, the easier it is

for them to process the information you present.


The closer you match your writing style to the way your readers think and talk, the easier it is
for them to process the information you present. Ease of processing means your readers need

less mental effort to understand your message.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
12. People can generally process information more quickly when writers use passive verbs.

People can generally process information more quickly when writers use active verbs, which

help achieve a more active, engaging tone.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

13. One advantage of using simple, short words is that they help readers process information more


People generally process simple, short words more quickly than long, complex ones.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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14. Writers should typically use the active voice when they want to avoid blaming others or
sounding bossy.


While the active voice is the preferred writing style for most business writing, the passive voice
is sometimes better when attempting to avoid blaming others or sounding bossy.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

15. The use of buzzwords in business messages usually stirs positive feelings among readers.

Buzzwords, which are workplace terms that become trite because of overuse, can stir negative

feelings among some readers.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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16. Sentences that begin with "it is" or "there are" generally contain more words than necessary.

Most sentences that begin with "it is" or "there are" fail to provide a specific subject and

generally contain more words than necessary.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

17. Documents with a lot of text and not much white space look daunting or cluttered.

Documents with too much text and not enough white look daunting or cluttered. On the other
hand, documents with too much white space may look insufficient.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-02 Explain and use navigational design to improve ease of reading.
Topic: The Principles of Document Design

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18. The more you use special formatting, such as italics or underlining, the more likely you are to
communicate your emphasis to your reader.


Typically, you will apply special formatting sparingly; if you use too much special formatting,
your main ideas will not stand out.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-02 Explain and use navigational design to improve ease of reading.
Topic: The Principles of Document Design

19. Reviewing business messages minimizes the possibility of embarrassing and damaging


During the reviewing stage, you are most likely to improve your message, making it far more
successful. You will also minimize the possibility of embarrassing and damaging mistakes.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-03 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and
Topic: The Writing Process

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20. The FAIR test helps business writers to make sure their communications are ethical.

The FAIR test is a way of ensuring ethical business communication.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-03 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and
Topic: The FAIR approach

Multiple Choice Questions

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21. A business message is complete if it

A. avoids all miscalculation, misinformation, and typographical errors.

B. provides all the information necessary to meet the intended purpose.

C. uses efficient language that says as much as possible in a few words.

D. maximizes paragraph length and minimizes white space.

E. keeps the word count as low as possible without redundancies or empty phrases.

Most of your messages in the workplace have a clear goal: to update your team members, to
promote a service to a client, to give an assignment, and so on. Your goal of completeness
means that your message provides all the information necessary to meet that purpose.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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22. To ensure the completeness of a business message, be sure to

A. be specific.

B. avoid empty phrases.

C. avoid redundancies.

D. control paragraph length.

E. use action verbs.

Most of your messages in the workplace have a clear goal: to update your team members, to

promote a service to a client, to give an assignment, and so on. Your goal of completeness
means that your message provides all the information necessary to meet that purpose. You can

achieve completeness with three basic strategies: providing all relevant information; being
accurate; and being specific.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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23. In the context of creating a complete business message, which of the following is true?

A. Providing too much information can distract the readers and weigh a business document

B. Using action verbs focuses on the goal of coordinating action in the workplace and livens
up your writing.

C. Using longer, more unusual words to "sound smart" can increase the credibility of your

D. Using the passive voice allows for faster processing by the readers, because most people
naturally think in that structure.

E. Relying on parallel language can distract the readers from the main message you want to
One challenge while writing a business message is deciding which information is relevant for

your message. After all, providing too much information can distract your readers and weigh
your document down. On the other hand, not providing enough information can leave your
reader wondering how to respond.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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24. Which of the following guidelines should be followed to ensure that you are creating a
complete business message?

A. Use longer, more unusual words to "sound smart" and increase the credibility of your


B. Avoid parallel language as it can distract the readers from the main message you want to


C. Include all the information you need by eliminating as much white space as possible.

D. Plan, write, and review your message strategically to provide all relevant information, but
nothing irrelevant.

E. Use the active voice to avoid blaming others or sounding too bossy.
Strategic planning, writing, and reviewing will enable you to prepare a complete business
message, one that provides all of the relevant information without any irrelevant distractions.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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25. A survey of recruiters found that the most sought after characteristic of writing is

A. being accurate.

B. being concise.

C. avoiding redundancy.

D. avoiding buzzwords.

E. using parallel language.

Accuracy is a basic objective of all business communications because your colleagues,

customers, and clients base important decisions on your communications. A recent survey of
corporate recruiters showed which elements of writing style are most important. Accuracy was

the most sought after characteristic of writing style (95 percent).

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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26. In order to be accurate, a business message must be

A. concise.

B. exact.

C. short.

D. redundant.

E. general.
Accuracy is a basic objective of all business communications because your colleagues,

customers, and clients base important decisions on your communications. In short, accurate
information is true, correct, and exact.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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Emma's boss has reviewed her proposal. He tells Emma that she needs to make it more
accurate. Which of the following should she try to eliminate?

A. prepositional phrases

B. parallel language

C. miscalculations

D. passive voice

E. redundancies
Inaccuracies may result from miscalculations, misinformation, poor word choice, or simply

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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28. Which of the following is most likely to negatively influence readers' perceptions of your

A. long paragraphs

B. inaccurate statements

C. generous white space

D. passive voice

E. nonparallel language

Accuracy, like specificity, strongly impacts your readers' perceptions of your credibility. Just one
inaccurate statement can lead readers to dismiss your entire message and lower their trust in

your future communications as well.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: Credibility in Business Communications

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McGraw-Hill Education.
29. Which of the following is most likely to positively influence your readers' perceptions of your

A. being wordy

B. being specific

C. using buzzwords

D. starting sentences with "There are"

E. using prepositional phrases

Being specific affects the judgments your readers make about your credibility. Specific
statements lead your readers to believe that you know what you're talking about (competence);

that you are not hiding anything (character); and that you want your readers to be informed

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: Credibility in Business Communications

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McGraw-Hill Education.
30. Raj tends to generalize in his writing because he believes that makes his writing easy for most
people to understand. What is the likely effect of his generalizations on his readers?

A. They may doubt his competence on the subject he is writing about.

B. They are more likely to read the message carefully.

C. They will be pleased that they can find the information they need quickly.

D. They will be assured that Raj is not hiding unpleasant facts.

E. They will focus their attention on Raj's primary message.

Being specific affects the judgments your readers make about your credibility. Specific
statements lead your readers to believe that you know what you're talking about (competence);

that you are not hiding anything (character); and that you want your readers to be informed
(caring). Using generalities instead of specifics can have the opposite effect.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: Credibility in Business Communications

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McGraw-Hill Education.
31. Hugo includes the following sentence in his memo: "The increase in profits is greater than any I
have seen during my career." What is the flaw in this sentence?

A. It uses obscure words.

B. It contains redundancy.

C. It uses passive voice.

D. It is not specific.

E. It uses a figure of speech.

Being specific affects the judgments your readers make about your credibility. Specific
statements lead your readers to believe that you know what you're talking about (competence);

that you are not hiding anything (character); and that you want your readers to be informed
(caring). Hugo's sentence lacks specificity. It is unclear exactly how much profits increased.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: Credibility in Business Communications

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McGraw-Hill Education.
32. Anwar's colleague tells him that some of his coworkers believe he has misleading them about
his team's expenses. They believe that his reports have concealed the truth. What should Anwar

do in his next report to avoid giving his coworkers that impression?

A. He should shorten his paragraphs and increase white space.

B. He should avoid using buzzwords that tend to annoy readers.

C. He should include specific details and dollar amounts.

D. He should avoid using unfamiliar words that may alienate readers.

E. He should include a personal note at the front of his report.

Being specific would help Anwar assure his coworkers that he is not trying to hide any facts

from them.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: Credibility in Business Communications

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33. Andre, the floor manager of a packing plant, is under pressure from his boss to increase
productivity. He circulates a memo telling all of his workers that they need to increase the

number of units packed each hour. After a month, production has not changed significantly.
What went wrong in his communication?

A. He did not explain the pressure he was under.

B. His message was not concise enough.

C. He used a memo instead of a more formal document.

D. His message did not set a clear and specific production target.

E. His message was not friendly enough.

The problem with Andre's memo is that it does not give a target figure. He needs to tell his
workers how many more units they need to complete in a set time period to meet new goals.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
34. Which of the following statements is the most specific way for a company to convey that it
needs to reduce its current workforce by half?

A. The company will have to lay off a few employees.

B. The company will have to terminate a small percentage of its employees.

C. The company will have to terminate the majority of its employees.

D. The company will have to lay off about half of its employees.

E. The company will have to terminate 50 percent of its employees.

"The company will have to terminate 50 percent of its employees" is the most specific choice,
because it states exactly what percentage of employees will be terminated.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
35. Being concise means

A. removing relevant information.

B. omitting needless words.

C. omitting parallel structure.

D. removing white space.

E. removing paragraph breaks.

When you write concisely, your message is far easier to read. Conciseness does not imply

removing relevant information. Rather, it implies omitting needless words so that readers can
rapidly process your main ideas.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
36. Which of the following is most likely to help you write concisely?

A. using longer sentences

B. avoiding redundancy

C. using more prepositional phrases

D. avoiding the active voice

E. using buzzwords
Strategies for writing concisely include controlling paragraph length, using shorter sentences,

avoiding redundancy, avoiding empty phrases, and avoiding wordy phrases.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
37. When business messages contain long paragraphs, readers are most likely to think the writer is

A. disorganized.

B. intelligent.

C. accurate.

D. respectful.

E. professional.
Long paragraphs can signal disorganization and even disrespect for the reader's time.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
38. The typical paragraph length for a business message is

A. 10-20 words.

B. 40-80 words.

C. 150-200 words.

D. 300-400 words.

E. 500-850 words.
Typically, paragraphs in business messages should contain 40 to 80 words. For routine

messages, paragraphs as short as 20 to 30 words are common and appropriate. Rarely should
paragraphs exceed 150 words.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Learning Objective: 06-02 Explain and use navigational design to improve ease of reading.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
39. One way to solve the problem of overly lengthy paragraphs is to

A. include more figures of speech.

B. focus on one idea or topic in each paragraph.

C. use passive voice instead of active.

D. start more sentences with "There is."

E. replace verbs with prepositional phrases.

One primary cause of overly lengthy paragraphs is placing more than one main idea or topic in

a single paragraph.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
40. Julio has a long paragraph that describes the two main causes of employee absenteeism and
gives a suggestion to address each cause. Ideally, how many paragraphs does Julio need to

cover this material?

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

E. five
Long paragraphs can signal disorganization and even disrespect for the reader's time. One

primary cause of overly lengthy paragraphs is placing more than one main idea or topic in the
paragraph. Ideally, Julio should have a separate paragraph for each of the two causes and each
of the two suggestions. Therefore, his one long paragraph should be broken into four.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
41. As a rule of thumb, for routine messages, the sentence length should be no more than

A. 8 words.

B. 15 words.

C. 20 words.

D. 25 words.

E. 30 words.
As a rule of thumb, for routine messages, you should aim for average sentence length of 15 or

fewer words.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
42. Consider the following statement: "Employee managers can use our motivational tools to
motivate their employees to increase productivity." The best way to make this statement

concise is to

A. eliminate the passive voice.

B. remove empty phrases.

C. replace a prepositional phrase with a verb.

D. start with "It is" or "There are."

E. remove redundant words.

Removing the redundant words from a message is a way of making a business message

concise. The above statement can be rewritten, "Managers can use our tools to motivate their
employees to increase productivity."

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
43. Consider the statement: "In order to build a sustainable organization, it is important to hire
employees with sustainable qualities." One way to make this statement more concise is to

A. eliminate the passive voice.

B. remove empty phrases.

C. replace a prepositional phrase with a verb.

D. start with "It is" or "There are."

E. remove redundant words.

Eliminating extra words allows you to get your ideas across as efficiently as possible. You will
often find that you can reduce word count by 30 to 40 percent simply by converting many of

your prepositional phrases into single-word verbs. The above statement can be rewritten as,
"Hiring employees with sustainable qualities helps you build a sustainable organization."

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
44. Consider the statement: "As most of you know, Mega Manufacturing had its most profitable
year ever last year." One way to make this statement more concise is to

A. eliminate the passive voice.

B. remove empty phrases.

C. replace a prepositional phrase with a verb.

D. start with "It is" or "There are."

E. remove redundant words.

Many phrases fill space without adding meaning. Many of these phrases are common in
conversations but are not needed in written messages. The above statement can be written,

"Mega Manufacturing had its most profitable year ever last year."

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
45. It becomes easier for your readers to process the information you present when you

A. match your writing style to the way your readers think and talk.

B. use prepositional phrases extensively as they increase the clarity of the message.

C. choose long and obscure words to pique their curiosity.

D. avoid using parallel language, which makes it difficult to distinguish between the
information provided.

E. include a lot of text in your message and very little white space.

The more closely you match your writing style to the way your readers think and talk, the easier
it is for them to process the information you present.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
46. People reading a business message are most likely to be confused by a sentence that

A. uses action verbs rather than passive verbs.

B. uses active voice rather than passive voice.

C. has parallel structure.

D. contains redundancies to drive home the point.

E. does not mention the subject.

When the subject or doer is missing from a sentence, readers may become confused.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
47. Which statement about active voice and passive voice is true?

A. The active voice diverts attention from the doer.

B. People tend to think in a doer-action-object pattern.

C. The active voice is best when you do not want to attribute blame.

D. People tend to sound bossy when using the passive voice.

E. The passive voice places the object first.

People tend to think in a doer-action-object pattern, so using this pattern in your writing

enhances comprehension. Active voice uses that pattern.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
48. People are most likely to process information quickly when writers use

A. prepositional phrases.

B. action verbs.

C. the passive voice.

D. complex words.

E. long sentences.
People can generally process information more quickly when writers use action verbs.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
49. To create a more natural writing style and improve the ease of reading, a writer should use

A. passive verbs.

B. parallel language.

C. the passive voice.

D. figures of speech.

E. buzzwords.
Using parallel language means that you apply a consistent grammatical pattern across a

sentence or paragraph. Parallelism is most important when you use series or lists, as it makes
them easier to read.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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50. Consider the following sentence: "CEO Mike Maloney regrets to announce that PharmCo will be
downsizing at the end of September." Which of the following actions would improve the ease

of reading?

A. Cut the prepositional phrase "at the end of September."

B. Change "at the end of September" to "at the end of the third quarter."

C. Change "PharmCo" to "PharmCo Drug and Pharmaceutical Company."

D. Change the buzzword "downsizing" to "laying off employees."

E. Change "CEO Mike Maloney" to "The CEO of PharmCo."

To keep your writing natural and engaging, make sure you don't distract your readers with

overused or out-of-place words or phrases. Buzzwords, which are workplace terms that
become trite because of overuse, can stir negative feelings among some readers. Using the
buzzword "downsizing" as a term for layoffs is likely to annoy employees.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
51. Using the active voice while writing business messages

A. diverts the attention from the subject.

B. makes the writer sound less bossy.

C. allows for faster processing of the business message.

D. makes the message difficult to navigate.

E. is useful when the writer wants to avoid assigning blame.

Using active voice in writing includes many benefits. The doer-action-object approach allows

for faster processing because most people's natural thinking occurs in this way. It also
emphasizes the business orientation of action. Perhaps most important, it specifies the doer.

Since business activities depend on accountability and coordination, knowing the identity of the
doer of an action is usually important. Furthermore, writing in the active voice usually results in
fewer words.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
52. The use of familiar words in business messages is most likely to

A. distract attention from the message.

B. decrease the credibility of the message.

C. cause the readers' attention to wander because of boredom.

D. decrease the specificity of the message.

E. help the readers to process the information easily.

Whenever possible, one should choose short, conversational, and familiar words in business

messages so that they are easier for readers to interpret. Using longer, less common words to
"sound smart" rarely pays off. They slow processing and distract from your message. They may

even inadvertently send the signal that you are out of touch, quirky, or arrogant.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
53. Glen is writing a memo to suggest that his company hire someone to act on its behalf in a
foreign market. If he wants to improve the ease of reading of his message, which term should

he use to describe that person?

A. fiduciary

B. executor

C. agent

D. procurator

E. envoy
To keep your writing natural and engaging, remember that people generally process simple,

short, familiar words more quickly than long, complex or unfamiliar ones.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
54. Which statement about buzzwords is true?

A. They make text more active.

B. They are trite due to overuse.

C. They have very technical meanings.

D. They shorten the length of the message.

E. They improve a message's accuracy.

To keep your writing natural and engaging, make sure you do not distract your readers with

overused or out-of-place words or phrases. Buzzwords, which are workplace terms that
become trite because of overuse, can stir negative feelings among some readers.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
55. Which of the following statements accurately describes the use of figures of speech, such as
idioms and metaphors, in business writing?

A. They should be avoided because they lack specificity.

B. They send the signal that the writer is out of touch with the audience.

C. They are an effective way to write more concisely.

D. They should be avoided because they are too I-centered.

E. They are an effective way to make a message more natural.

Figures of speech, such as idioms and metaphors, are generally out of place or inappropriate in
business writing. Since they are nonliteral, they lack the precise meanings needed in business.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
56. What impact does beginning sentences with "it is" or "there are" have on a business message?

A. The message is less precise because it is wordy and lacks a specific subject.

B. The message is less precise because it contains figurative, not literal, meanings.

C. The message is more concise because those are brief phrases.

D. The message is more active because the second word is a verb.

E. The message is less natural sounding because it is not parallel.

Readers naturally want to know precisely who or what the subject of a sentence is, particularly

in business writing, where specificity is so important. Most sentences that begin with "it is" or
"there are" fail to provide a specific subject and generally contain more words than necessary.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

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McGraw-Hill Education.
57. To improve ease of reading when using headings in business documents,

A. avoid using headings in complex messages.

B. use different font styles and formatting for different headings.

C. make sure the headings accurately convey the contents of a section.

D. use wordy prepositional phrases as headings.

E. avoid using headings in information-rich messages.

As you develop your headings, make sure they concisely and accurately convey the contents of

a section.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-02 Explain and use navigational design to improve ease of reading.
Topic: The Principles of Document Design

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McGraw-Hill Education.
58. Which of the following is most likely to improve the ease of navigation in information-rich and
complex messages?

A. using headings to convey the contents of sections

B. avoiding the use of numbered or bulleted lists

C. using several different font styles in the document

D. using a new style of formatting for each section

E. avoiding the use of too much white space

In information-rich and complex messages, headings can help your readers identify key ideas
and navigate the document to areas of interest.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-02 Explain and use navigational design to improve ease of reading.
Topic: The Principles of Document Design

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McGraw-Hill Education.
59. Which statement about ease of navigation is true?

A. You should avoid using headings in information-rich and complex messages.

B. Visual appeal should be the first consideration for all written business communications.

C. Documents with too much text and not enough white space look daunting or cluttered.

D. Readers are likely to be distracted by bullets and numberings in a document.

E. In general, you should use special formatting as much as you can so your ideas stand out.
Your readers will form an immediate impression about your document based on how much

white space (areas without text) it has. Documents with too much text and not enough white
space look daunting or cluttered. On the other hand, documents with too much white space

may look insufficient.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-02 Explain and use navigational design to improve ease of reading.
Topic: The Principles of Document Design

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McGraw-Hill Education.
60. For most written business communications, the first consideration should be to

A. present the message in a visually appealing manner.

B. get the message across in an easy-to-read manner.

C. select the facts in a persuasive manner.

D. construct the message in passive voice.

E. demonstrate how much of an expert you are.

Visual appeal is not the first consideration for most written business communications. Rather,

the goal is to get your message across in an easy-to-read manner.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-02 Explain and use navigational design to improve ease of reading.
Topic: The Principles of Document Design

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McGraw-Hill Education.
61. Your colleague Li has just finished drafting an important business proposal. Now he has asked
you for advice on how to review the document. What should you tell him to do?

A. Do a grammar check and spell check.

B. Do a spell check, do the FAIR test, and proofread.

C. Do the FAIR test and get feedback.

D. Do a spell check, do a grammar check, and get feedback.

E. Do the FAIR test, proofread, and get feedback.

The reviewing process includes three interrelated components: conducting the FAIR test,
proofreading, and getting feedback (generally not needed for routine messages).

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-03 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and
Topic: The FAIR approach

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McGraw-Hill Education.
62. Which of the following choices is a component of the reviewing process?

A. audience analysis

B. identifying the primary message

C. determining the key points

D. determining the message structure

E. conducting the FAIR test

The reviewing process includes three interrelated components: conducting the FAIR test,

proofreading, and getting feedback.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-03 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and
Topic: The FAIR approach

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McGraw-Hill Education.
63. The "R" in the FAIR test stands for

A. revision.

B. respect.

C. relevancy.

D. redundancy.

E. repetition.
The reviewing process includes three interrelated components: conducting the FAIR test,

proofreading, and getting feedback. The "R" in FAIR test stands for "respect."

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-03 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and
Topic: The FAIR approach

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McGraw-Hill Education.
64. You are applying the FAIR test to a business message. Which of the following questions are you
most likely to ask while analyzing its factual accuracy?

A. Are there any logical errors?

B. Have you allowed message recipients to provide input?

C. Have you considered how the message will impact stakeholders?

D. Have you evaluated impacts on others from an ethical perspective?

E. Have you demonstrated that you value others?

The reviewing process includes three interrelated components: conducting the FAIR test,
proofreading, and getting feedback. The "F" in FAIR test stands for "facts." At this stage you

should check the validity of the content, including whether it contains logical errors.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-03 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and
Topic: The FAIR approach

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McGraw-Hill Education.
65. Which task are you most likely to do during the first pass of proofreading?

A. Check for grammatical errors.

B. Look for typographical mistakes.

C. Imagine how the audience will respond.

D. Check for problems with the writing style.

E. Look for issues with language mechanics.

Proofreading involves rereading your entire document to make sure it is influential and

accurate. You might consider rereading each sentence several times, each time with a different
focus. On your first pass, place yourself in the position of your audience members. On your

second pass, check for problems with writing style and language mechanics.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-03 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and
Topic: The Writing Process

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McGraw-Hill Education.
66. Which task are you most likely to do during the final pass of proofreading?

A. Check for adequate white space.

B. Look for typographical mistakes.

C. Imagine how the audience will respond.

D. Ask yourself if you are confident in your facts.

E. See if you have made logical errors.

Proofreading involves rereading your entire document to make sure it is influential and

accurate. You might consider rereading each sentence several times, each time with a different
focus. On your first pass, place yourself in the position of your audience members. On your

second pass, check for problems with writing style and language mechanics. You should check
for typographical errors only after all your other corrections have been made.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-03 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and
Topic: The Writing Process

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McGraw-Hill Education.
67. Chun has designed a flyer to invite employees to a workshop about time management. She
wants to know if it is inviting and clear. Which of the following colleagues could provide the

best feedback?

A. a colleague in the Human Resources Department

B. a colleague in the Shipping Department

C. a colleague in the Legal Department

D. a colleague on the Executive Committee

E. a colleague in the Marketing Department

One of the best ways to ensure that your communication is effective and fair is to get feedback

from others. Get perspectives from trusted colleagues, particularly if they have some knowledge
that relates to your business message. In Chun's case, the colleague in the Marketing
Department would best be able to comment on her flyer.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-03 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and
Topic: The Writing Process

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McGraw-Hill Education.
68. Salim has written a proposal advocating that his company should implement a schedule in
which employees work four 10-hour days, with half of the employees having Monday off and

the other half having Friday off. He claims that productivity will increase because fewer people
will take days off to go to medical appointments, which they can schedule on their off day.

Which of the following people has the correct expertise to give Salim helpful feedback about
his proposal?

A. a colleague in the Purchasing Department

B. a colleague in the Shipping Department

C. a colleague in the Human Resources Department

D. a colleague in the Research and Development Department

E. a colleague in the Public Relations Department

One of the best ways to ensure that your communication is effective and fair is to get feedback

from others. Get perspectives from trusted colleagues, particularly if they have some knowledge
that relates to your business message. In Salim's case, because he is suggesting a change to
working hours, he should ask a colleague in the Human Resources Department to give him

feedback on his proposal.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-03 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and
Topic: The Writing Process

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McGraw-Hill Education.
69. Dale has written a proposal for a new initiative. Which of the following will help him evaluate
how his message will impact stakeholders?

A. doing a first pass of proofreading

B. applying the FAIR test

C. doing a second pass of proofreading

D. consulting the design department

E. using the AIM planning process

The FAIR test ensures ethical business communication. The "I" in FAIR stands for Impacts. You
should ask yourself whether you have thought about how the message will impact various


AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-03 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and
Topic: The FAIR approach

Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
70. The primary purpose of the FAIR test is to make sure that business communications are

A. concise.

B. accessible.

C. error-free.

D. understandable.

E. ethical.
The FAIR test is a way of ensuring ethical business communication.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-03 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and
Topic: The FAIR approach

Essay Questions

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71. List three ways of ensuring the completeness of business messages.

One can ensure the completeness of business messages by (1) providing all relevant
information, (2) being accurate, and (3) being specific.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

72. Why is it necessary to ensure that business messages are accurate?

Accuracy is a basic objective of all business communications because colleagues, customers,

and clients base important decisions on these communications. In short, accurate information is
true, correct, and exact. Writers should aim for accuracy in facts, figures, statistics, and word
choice. Accuracy, like specificity, strongly impacts the readers' perceptions of the writer's

credibility. Just one inaccurate statement can lead readers to dismiss an entire message and
lower their trust in the writer's future communications as well.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
73. Discuss two ways of reducing the overall word count in business messages. Give specific
examples of each.

One way to reduce word count and make business messages easier to read is to avoid

redundancies, which are words or phrases that repeat the same meaning. For example,
consider the phrase "past history"; history can only be past, so there's no need to use both
words. By eliminating redundancies, one can reduce overall word count. Avoiding empty

phrases is another way of reducing the overall word count in business messages. Many phrases
simply fill space without adding additional meaning. Many of these phrases are common in
conversations but are not needed for written messages. Examples of such phrases include

"Needless to say" and "In my opinion."

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
74. What is the impact of using the active voice in business messages?

Using the active voice in writing includes many benefits. The doer-action-object approach
allows for faster processing because most people's natural thinking occurs in this way. It also

emphasizes the business orientation of action. Perhaps most important, it specifies the doer.
Since business activities depend on accountability and coordination, knowing the identity of the
doer of an action is usually important. Furthermore, writing in the active voice usually results in

fewer words.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

75. What techniques can a business writer use to make series and lists easier for readers to

Parallel language is one way to make series and lists easier to comprehend. Using parallel
language means that you apply a consistent grammatical pattern across a sentence or

paragraph. Parallelism is most important when you use series or lists. For example, when you
describe a product with three characteristics, begin all three items with an adjective, not just
two out of three. When you use consistent grammatical patterns like this for items in lists and

series, readers can process the information far more naturally and quickly. A second way to
make lists easier for readers to comprehend is to use numbers or bullets to separate the items.

AACSB: Communication

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-01 Describe and apply the following principles of writing style that improve ease of reading:
completeness, conciseness, and natural processing.
Learning Objective: 06-02 Explain and use navigational design to improve ease of reading.
Topic: The Principles of Document Design
Topic: The Principles of Writing Style

76. What is the purpose of including headings in a business communication, and how can you
make sure they achieve this purpose?

The purpose of a heading in a business communication is to help your readers navigate the

document with ease and to identify primary ideas. To make sure your headings do what they
are designed to do, you should make them consistent throughout your document. You also

need to make sure that they concisely and accurately reflect the contents of each section.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-02 Explain and use navigational design to improve ease of reading.
Topic: The Principles of Document Design

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McGraw-Hill Education.
77. Describe the significance of using white space in a business document.

Readers form an immediate impression about business documents based on how much white
space (areas without text) it has. Documents with too much text and not enough white space

look daunting or cluttered. On the other hand, documents with too much white space may look
insufficient. So one must maintain a balance in the use of white space.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 06-02 Explain and use navigational design to improve ease of reading.
Topic: The Principles of Document Design

78. Is visual appeal the most important factor for creating a good business document? Explain.

Visual appeal is important, but it is not the first consideration for most written business
communications. Rather, the most important goal is to get the message across in an easy-to-
read manner. As writers design their documents, the focus should first be on providing easy

navigation for the readers.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-02 Explain and use navigational design to improve ease of reading.
Topic: The Principles of Document Design

Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
79. Describe the three components of the review process for business communications.

The three related components of the reviewing stage are applying the FAIR test, proofreading,
and feedback. The FAIR test is a way to ensure ethics in business communication. It requires

writers to consider facts, access, impacts, and respect. Proofreading, usually done in multiple
passes, includes considering the audience response and checking for errors and problems with
style and mechanics. Getting feedback means asking trusted colleagues to view the message,

evaluate its success, and provide you with their thoughts about it.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-03 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and
Topic: The Writing Process

80. Discuss how to proofread a business document.

Proofreading involves rereading your entire document to make sure it is influential and
accurate. You might consider rereading each sentence several times, each time with a different
focus. On your first pass, place yourself in the position of your audience members. Imagine how

they will respond. On your second pass, check for problems with writing style and language
mechanics. In the final pass, look for and correct misspellings and typos.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 06
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 06-03 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Topic: The Writing Process

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
entistä vihaisemmaksi ja epäluuloisemmaksi, ja kätki rahansa
salaisiin piilopaikkoihin, ettei kukaan voisi niitä löytää; kuoltuaankaan
hän ei tahtonut antaa niitä kellekään.

Vouti oli nimittäin miettinyt entistä elämäänsä sen yön jälkeen,

jolloin paholainen oli käynyt hänen luonansa, ja huomannut, ettei
hänellä ollut ainoatakaan hyvää työtä, ei pienintäkään tekoa, joka
olisi aiheutunut hänen sydämensä hyvyydestä, ja johon hän olisi
voinut Jumalan edessä puolustuksekseen vedota. Kaikki oli vain
saastaa, syntiä ja itsekkyyttä. Ja hän arveli epätoivoissaan, että jos
hän nyt, paholaisen käynnin säikähdyttämänä, rupeaisi elämään
toisin kuin ennen, ei Jumala ehkä lukisi enää sitä hänelle ansioksi,
vaan itsekkäistä syistä johtuneeksi lahjomiseksi, jolla hän nyt
koettaisi Jumalaa lepytellä ja houkutella unohtamaan kaikki entiset.
Masentuneena hän silloin päätteli, että hänen osanaan maailmassa
oli olla se, miksi hänet oli luotu, vääryydentekijä, kiskuri ja saituri,
että hänen oli turhaa koettaakaan teeskennellä hyvyyttä, koska
hänen sydämensä ei ollut hyvä, vaan paha. "Jumala määrää",
päätteli hän, "suurimmankin syntisen sielusta ja ruumiista, ja hänen
sekä paholaisen välinen asia on, minne ne molemmat joutuvat".
Näin hän paadutti sydämensä entistä kovemmaksi ja eli elämänsä
synkkänä ja katumattomana loppuun saakka.

Kun vouti sitten sairastui kuolintautiinsa, meni paholainen Jumalan

luo, osoitti voutia sormellaan ja sanoi: "Tuon miehen sielu ja nahka
kuuluvat minulle". "Niinkö luulet?" hymähti siihen Jumala
ajatuksissaan ja rupesi tarkemmin tutkimaan voudin sielua.
"Katsoppas", sanoi hän sitten paholaiselle, "hänen tilikirjastaan
näkyy, ettei hän suostunut antamaan sieluaan sinulle, kun kävit sitä
tahtomassa, vaan sanoi sen päinvastoin olevan minun huomassani.
Mitä siitä arvelet?" — "Ei suostunutkaan", vastasi paholainen, "mutta
jos milloinkaan syntisen sielu on minun saaliini, niin on se nyt, sillä
pahempaa ja saastaisempaa vääryydentekijää ei maailmassa juuri
liene ollut monta". "Totta kyllä", arveli nyt Jumala murheellisena,
"vouti on tuottanut minulle elämällään paljasta surua, mutta mitäpä
hän muutakaan olisi voinut tehdä?" "Kuinka niin?" kysyi nyt
paholainen hämmästyen. "Sinä et, paholaisparka, opi näitä asioita
milloinkaan ymmärtämään. Kurkistappas nyt tuonne voudin sieluun.
Näetkös siellä erään nurkan, joka on erivärinen kuin muut?
Tiedätkös, että tänne tuli eilen eräs maailman hurskaimpia miehiä,
jonka sielussa oli samanlainen kolkka; hänet se johdatti kulkemaan
hyveen ja jalojen töiden tietä, voutiparan taas ahneuden tietä. Se
nurkka on kuitenkin annettu heille molemmille täältä, ja se pani
voudin kieltämään sielunsa sinulta; ilman sitä hän olisi
ahneudessaan luovuttanut sen vaikka kirjallisella sopimuksella.
Ymmärtänet nyt, ettei sinulla ole mitään oikeutta hänen sieluunsa?"
"Mutta miten on mahdollista, että samanlainen nurkka tuottaa niin
päinvastaiset seuraukset?" kysyi ällistynyt ja raivostunut paholainen.
"Niin, sanoppas se!", hymyili siihen Jumala, ja hänen kasvoillaan oli
tutkimaton ja ajatteleva ilme.

"Mutta hänen nahkansa minä ainakin tahdon!" kiukutteli nyt

paholainen. "Vouti vannoi minulle, etten minä saa edes sitäkään
ilman sinun lupaasi, mutta sepähän nähdään". — "Niin", vastasi
Jumala, "et saakaan, luonnollisesti, mutta sitä, lupaanko sen vai en,
en tahdo nyt sinulle ilmoittaa. Saat koettaa ottaa sitä ja näyttää
valtaasi. Ellet onnistu, täytyy sinun jälleen myöntää, että minun
aivoitukseni ovat sinulle tutkimattomat ja ylivoimaiset". Näin
sanottuaan vaipui Jumala jälleen ajatuksiinsa ja hänen kasvojensa
ilme kuvastui maailman kaikkeudessa ihmeen lempeänä,
surumielisenä hohteena. Mutta paholainen pakeni hänen edestään
maan päälle anastamaan voudin nahkaa ja osoittamaan siten


Kaikkialla tiedettiin voudin ankarasti sairastuneen ja iloittiin siitä, sillä

toivottiin hänen kuolevan. Ainoatakaan osanoton ja säälin sanaa ei
kuulunut, sillä vouti oli ehtinyt tehdä pahaa kaikille ihmisille.

Paljon pahaa hän oli tehnyt kylän köyhälle ja vanhalle suutarille.

Hän oli pakottanut suutarin tekemään kenkiä melkein ilmaiseksi, oli
kiskonut häneltä ankarat verot ja kaksinkertaiset päivätyöt, oli
ryöstänyt hänen ainoan lehmänsä ja saattanut hänet melkein mieron
tielle. Hän olisi ajanutkin suutarin maailmalle, ellei hän itse olisi
tarvinnut kenkiä ja tiennyt saavansa ne vanhalta suutarilta
mitättömästä hinnasta. Siksi hän ei ollut kiristänyt häneltä viimeistä

Näiden kärsimysten keskellä oli suutarin elämä kulunut. Hän ei

ollut kuitenkaan niistä katkeroitunut, vaan oli oppinut panemaan
kätensä ristiin ja nöyrtymään, kuten hän arveli, Jumalan tahdon alle.
Ja olipa hän vielä säilyttänyt ennallaan iloisen ja herttaisen
mielenlaatunsakin, purkaen murheensa lauluun ja hilpeään
vasarankalkutteluun. Kun hän nyt kuuli voudin sairaudesta ja
ihmisten vahingonilosta, pani hän vasaransa pois, risti kätensä,
mietti maailman murheellista menoa ja tunsi sääliä voutia kohtaan.
Hänelle selveni siinä, että vouti mahtoi olla hyvin onneton ihminen.
Niinpä hän illan tullen otti hattunsa ja meni voudin taloon.

Siellä ei ollut ketään, sillä kaikki palvelijatkin olivat hyljänneet

sairaan herransa ja jättäneet hänet yksin kuolemaan. Suutari aukaisi
varovaisesti oven, ja kulki läpi laajojen huoneiden, kunnes tuli voudin
ovelle. Hiljaa hän astui sisään ja seisahtui ovensuuhun. Hän näki
sairaan vuoteellaan ja katsoi häntä. Silloin kääntyi vouti vaivalloisesti
häneen päin ja suutari huomasi hänen silmissään säikähtyneen
ilmeen. "Tuletko nyt kostamaan minulle kuolinvuoteellani?" kysyi
vouti ja hänen äänensä vapisi. Suutari ei vastannut mitään, vaan
meni sairaan luo ja istui hänen vuoteensa ääreen pyöritellen
hattukuluaan kädessään. Vaitiollen he tarkastelivat toisiaan.

"En tule kostamaan", sanoi sitten suutari, "sillä kosto on Jumalan.

Tulin siksi, että tunsin sääliä sinua kohtaan. Mahtaa olla katkeraa
kuolla, kun on sellainen synnin taakka harteilla kuin sinullakin?"

"Säälistäkö todella tulit?" ihmetteli nyt vouti. "Miten voit minua

sääliä? Olenhan tehnyt sinulle kaikkea mahdollista pahaa".

"En voi mitään sille, että sydämeni on sääliä täynnä. Säälin kaikkia
ihmisiä ja eläimiä, koko maailmaa, sinua ja eniten itseäni. Toivoisin
voivani heitä jotenkin auttaa, sinuakin. Etkö pelkää iankaikkista

"Se on Jumalan huomassa kaikki", vastasi vouti; "paljon,

määrättömän paljon pahaa olen tehnyt, siitäkin huolimatta, että olen
tiennyt sen pahaa olevan, enkä siis ansaitse mitään armoa
Jumalalta; miksi niin olen tehnyt, sitä en voi itsekään ymmärtää.
Mutta paholaiselle en ole suostunut sieluani lupaamaan. Enkä
nahkaanikaan", lisäsi hän hetken perästä hymyillen.

Suutaria kammotti.

"Kuuleppas, suutari", jatkoi sitten vouti salaperäisesti. "Koska olet

näin hyvä ihminen ja olet halunnut minua auttaa, niin tekisitkös
minulle erään palveluksen?"

"Jos vain voin", vastasi suutari, "niin teen mielelläni. Kun ajattelen
tekosiasi minua kohtaan, ovat ne hyvin vähäpätöisiä. Annan ne
sinulle sydämestäni kaikki anteeksi, sillä olet niistä jo saanut
suuremman rangaistuksen kuin olisit ansainnutkaan. Mitä minun
pitäisi tehdä?"

"Kiitos, suutari", vastasi vouti. "Olet aina ollut kunnon mies, ja olen
iloinen, että olet nyt tässä. Näetkös, voisitkohan valvoa kirkossa
kolme yötä sen jälkeen, kun minut on sinne haudattu? Katsos, niin
kauan kuin olen hautaamatta ja pyhät kynttilät palavat pään pohjissa,
ei ole hätää, mutta mitä sitten tapahtuu, kun olen joutunut kirkon
lattian alle, siitä ei ole takeita. Uskaltaisitkohan tehdä tämän hyvän
työn minulle? Kolmen yön perästä ei ole enää vaaraa".

"Kovinpa pyydät minulta kolkkoa asiaa", jahkaili siihen suutari,

"mutta jos arvelet minun kirkossa olostani koituvan itsellesi jotakin
helpotusta, niin Jumalan avulla koetan täyttää pyyntösi. Eikäpähän
minulla, vanhalla suutari-pahaisella, liene siellä mitään pelättävää, ei
ainakaan niin suurta, ettei Jumala minua pystyisi varjelemaan. Ja
kukapa tietää, mitä hyviä seurauksia valvomisestani saattaisi olla".

"Kiitos, kiitos, suutari!" sanoi vouti; "toivoisin nyt, että olisin

kohdellut sinua hiukan paremmin, mutta tehty, mikä tehty. Menehän
nyt, sillä mitäpäs sinulla on enää täällä tekemistä, ja kuollessani
olenkin mieluummin yksin. Sytytä kuitenkin nuo siunatut kynttilät
tuohon pääni pohjiin!"

Ja suutari teki voudin pyynnön mukaan sekä poistui murheellisena

ja ajattelevaisena. Samana yönä vouti kuoli, ja pappi luki rukouksia
hänen vuoteensa ääressä. Kun sukulaiset seuraavana päivänä
saapuivat tarkastamaan hänen aarteitaan, ei niitä löytynytkään, ei
mistään; rautainen rahakirstu oli typösen tyhjä. Vouti oli kätkenyt
kaikki rahansa.


Mutta heti voudin kuoleman jälkeen meni suutari papin luo ja kertoi,
mitä vainaja oli häneltä pyytänyt, sekä kysyi, oliko hänen täytettävä
antamansa lupaus; se tuntui nimittäin hänestä nyt hyvin pelottavalta.
"Tottakai sinun on mentävä", vastasi hurskas pappi, "sillä eipä tiedä,
mitä Jumala on tälläkin asialla tarkoittanut. Mutta älkäämme
uhmailko pahoja voimia, vaan käyttäkäämme turvaksemme niitä
keinoja, joita Jumala on meille pahan vastustamiseksi suonut. Minä
tulen kanssasi kirkkoon varustaakseni sinut kaiken varalle".

Kun vouti sitten oli haudattu kirkon lattian alle, lähelle kuorin
aituusta, ja oli tullut ilta, lähtivät suutari ja pappi kirkkoon. "Mitä sinä
noilla teet?" kysyi pappi ihmeissään nähdessään, että suutarilla oli
kaikki työkalunsa sekä nahkaa mukanansa. "Arvelin vain", selitti
suutari vilpittömästi, "että olisi kenties Jumalalle mieluisinta minun
valvoessani tehdä sitä työtä, jolla olen elämänikäni kunniallisesti ja
rehellisesti elänyt: töillään kukin Herralle kiitosta kantaa ja niinpä
minäkin naskalilla ja vasaralla sekä pikilangalla. Vanhastaan olen
myös tottunut suutaroidessani hyräilemään virrenpätkää, mikä tapa
ei lienekään pahitteeksi tällaisella hetkellä". — "Niinpä vainkin",
hymyili nyt tähän pappi, huomaten suutarin yksinkertaisen
hurskauden, "suutaroi sinä vain, sillä kyllä todella siten palvelet
Jumalaasi parhaalla osaamallasi tavalla. Naskalinpistokin, jos se
vain tehdään Herralle alttiilla mielellä, on hänelle arvokkaampi kuin
kaikki tekopyhän maailman messut". Näin puhellen he saapuivat jo
hämärtyneeseen kirkkoon.

Täällä pappi vei suutarin kuorin aituuksen sisäpuolelle, alttarin

eteen, ja piirsi liidulla lattiaan ympyrän, kirjoittaen ympyrän reunalle
Jeesuksen nimen. "Pane nyt, suutari", neuvoi hän, "pönttösi tämän
piirin sisäpuolelle ja pysy visusti siellä, tapahtui mitä hyvänsä. Vaikka
minä itse tulisin sinua sieltä pois käskemään, niin älä lähde, ellen ota
tätä pyhää evankeliumikirjaa käteeni, kun sitä minulle tarjoat. Sitä
näet ei kosketa kukaan muu kuin elävä ihminen, joka on sinulle
vaaraton. Mitä muuta sinun täällä on tehtävä, sitä emme tiedä, mutta
Jumala kyllä osoittaa sinulle kaikki, kunhan vain luotat lujasti

Näin sanoen pappi hyvästeli ja siunasi hänet, ja pian oli suutari

yksinänsä suuressa, kolkossa kirkossa, työskennellen alttarin
juurella parin himmeän kynttilän valossa. Heti papin mentyä tuntui
suutarista perin kammottavalta, mutta hän tarttui kuitenkin urheasti
vasaraansa, pisteli anturaan reikiä ja ajoi niihin nauloja niin että
kirkko kumahteli. Vanhaan tapaansa hän löi naulat lujaan, sillä hän
oli aina vasaraa käyttäessään tottunut kuvittelemaan, että hän lyö
joka iskulla pahaa vasten naamaa ajaen sen näkymättömiin, ja se
häntä aina innostutti iskemään reippaasti. Ja kun hän käytteli
naskalia ja pikilankaa, pisti hän reiän terävästi kuin synnin piston
huonoon omaantuntoon, kuroen sitten pikilangalla syntisparan
lähtemättömästi kiinni. Näin hän palveli suutaroidessaan Jumalaa.

Kirkossa oli pimeätä ja rauhallista, eikä suutari huomannut mitään

erikoista, vaan jatkoi työtänsä ahkerasti vaipuen syviin tuumailuihin
vouti-vainajan elämän ja kuoleman, synnin ja armon johdosta. Mutta
sitten hän äkkiä tunsikin tukan nousevan pystyyn ja kylmän hien
pursuavan otsalleen — hänen huomaamattaan oli kirkkoon
ilmestynyt itse paholainen. Suutari lopetti ompelunsa ja rupesi
katsomaan, mitä paholaisella oli täällä tähän aikaan tekemistä.

Vanha kehno oli kamalan näköinen, niin kamalaan, ettei suutari

ollut koskaan voinut sellaista kuvitella, eikä hän tuosta pahan
ulkonäöstä jälkeenpäin muistanutkaan muuta kuin että sillä oli pitkä
ja karvainen häntä, jonka päässä oli terävä ja käyrä kynsi. Siinä sitä
katsoessaan suutari huomasi, ettei paholainen nähtävästi ollut vielä
äkännytkään häntä, vaan kuljeskeli tuossa kirkon lattialla kuin
omissa ajatuksissaan. Vähitellen silloin suutari rohkaisi mielensä ja
seurasi hiljaa paikaltaan paholaisen vehkeitä.

Tämä kiristeli uhmaillen hampaitaan ja avasi kirkon lattian voudin

haudan kohdalta. Sitten hän avasi haudan, nosti sieltä voudin arkun
ja avasi senkin. Sanomattomaksi kauhukseen näki nyt suutari, että
paholainen rupesi nylkemään voutia, tehden sen niin taitavasti, ettei
ihminen olisi ikinä sellaiseen kyennyt. Kelmo nimittäin nylki voudin
aivan tuppeen, niin ettei jäänyt mitään muita reikiä kuin mitä nahassa
luonnollisesti voi olla, ähisi mielissään ja vannoi: "Ähäs, sainpa minä
nahkasi!" Ja koko ajan hänen nylkiessään liikahteli hännän kynsi
lattialla myrkyllisen näköisesti.

Saatuaan voudin nyljetyksi, viskasi paholainen touhuissaan nahan

syrjään ruveten asettelemaan arkun kantta paikoilleen ja sitä takaisin
hautaan toimittamaan. Nahka sattui kuitenkin lentämään kuorin
aidalle. Hirmustuneena tällaisesta kauhistavasta teosta suutari nyt
tunsi omituisen rohkeuden heräävän sielussaan, ja päätti ruveta
riitelemään voudin nahasta itsensä paholaisen kanssa. Hänen
sydämessään vilahti valoiselta ja rohkealta kuin olisi itse Jumala
siellä hymyillyt, ja sylkäisten kouraansa hän tarttui pihteihinsä, nipisti
kuorin aidalla olevan voudin nahan niihin, varoen kuitenkin
astumasta ympyränsä ulkopuolelle, ja veti tyynesti ja varovaisesti
nahan turvaan oman ympyränsä sisään, jääden sitten odottamaan,
mitä tuleman piti.

Saatuaan haudan ja lattian jälleen umpeen paholainen kääntyi

ottamaan voudin nahkaa ja ällistyi suunnattomasti, kun sitä ei
ollutkaan missään. Nyt vasta vanha kehno katseli tarkemmin
ympärilleen ja huomasi suutarin, joka istui rauhallisesti alttarin
edessä vasara kädessä ja katseli häneen vilpittömästi kirkkailla ja
lapsellisilla silmillään. Paholainen meni lähemmäksi ja huomasi, että
voudin nahka oli siellä suutarin pöntön vieressä, ympyrän
sisäpuolella; näkipä paholainen senkin, että ympyrään oli kirjoitettu
vapahtajan nimi, ja silloin hän värisi. Hän rohkaisi kuitenkin mielensä
ja vaati röyhkeästi:

"Anna pois nahka! Se on minun. Tarvitsen sitä".

Suutaria kammotti kovasti, mutta hän älysi kuitenkin vastata:

"En anna! Ethän sinä nahkaa tarvitse, vaan minä, joka suutari

"Sinun täytyy antaa! Nahka on minun — minähän sen olen


"En anna! Eikä sinulla ollut mitään oikeutta tulla vouti-vainajan

nahkaa nylkemään".

Tästä paholainen yhä enemmän raivostui, sillä hän rupesi

huomaamaan, kenenkä aseena suutari tässä toimi. Hän otti
hirveimmän muotonsa koettaen pelottaa suutaria ja vaati kauhealla
voimalla nahkaa itselleen. Mutta suutari säilytti mielenmalttinsa ja

"Älä uhkaile! jos lienee sinun, niin ota omasi pois!"

Ja vimmoissaan vanha kehno koetti rynnistää suutarin ympyrän

sisään, mutta turhaahan se oli: joka kerta täytyi hänen tuupertua
takaisin kuin näkymättömän, mahtavan voiman pois työntämänä.
Hän tekeytyi niin isoksi, että pää kosketti kirkon kattoon, ja koetti
sieltä kumartumalla kurkottaa ympyrän sisään, mutta turhaa oli
sekin. Suutari istui vain rauhallisena katsellen vilpittömästi ja
lapsellisesti paholaisen puuhia. Silloin tämä äkkiä katosikin kovalla
jyrähdyksellä ja suutari jo luuli, että kaikki oli ohi.

Vähän ajan kuluttua aukenivat kirkon ovet tavalliseen tapaan ja

sieltä tuli hiljaa pääkäytävää myöten suutarin vanha naapuri. Tämä
saapui kuin muina miehinä kuorin aituuksen luo ja sanoi:

"Tule jo pois, naapuri, kovin on myöhäinen, odottavat sinua kotona

ja kovasti pelkäävät. Eihän täällä ole mitään vartioitavaa".

"Niin vain", arveli siihen suutari, jonka epäluulo oli herännyt.

"Veisataan kuitenkin ennen lähtöä virsi 'Jeesuksen muisto ihana'.
Aloitahan sinä".

"Veisataan vain", vastasi naapuri ja rupesi laulamaan. Mutta

suutari kuulikin hänen lausuvan: "Suksi luisti ihana", ja pysäytti
hänet. "Miten sinä lauloit? Sano selvästi: 'Jeesuksen muisto ihana'".
"Suksi luisti ihana", vastasi naapuri siihen kiireesti, mutta suutari
nappasi häntä vasaralla otsaan ja sanoi: "Pakene pois, saatana", ja
samalla mies katosikin.
Tuskin oli suutari tästä säikähdyksestä selvinnyt, kun kirkon ovet
taas rauhallisesti aukenivat ja sieltä ilmestyi itse seurakunnan vanha
pappi, sama, joka oli hänet kirkkoon saattanut. Pappi tuli alttarin
aituuksen luo, nojasi siihen ja sanoi:

"No nyt olet koetuksesi kestänyt ja vouti on saanut rauhan. Lähde

kotiisi, sillä kaikki en jo ohi. Tulin sinua itse hakemaan, kun pelkäsin

"Niinpä kylläkin, lähdetään vain", sanoi suutari ja oli muka

kokoavinaan kompeitaan. "Otahan sinä tuo evankeliumikirja
kantaaksesi, kun minulla on näitä kojeita näin paljon", ja suutari
ojensi kirjan papille.

Mutta samalla kuin kirja oli koskettaa papin kättä, tuntui se

kärähtävän kuin tulinen rauta. Pappi hävisi ja hänen paikallaan oli
jälleen sama entinen vanha kehno, mutta nyt yhä kammottavamman
näköisenä. Sähisten hän kysyi suutarilta:

"Mitä tahdot, jos annat voudin nahan minulle?"

Tätä ei suutari ollut odottanut. Hän rupesi miettimään, mitä tässä

oli tehtävä, kunnes hänen mieleensä salaperäisellä tavalla rupesivat
kuvastumaan kaikki ne onnettomuudet, jotka vouti kiskomisillaan oli
saanut aikaan, ja kaikki se hyvä, mikä olisi seurauksena, jos voudin
rahat jotenkin saataisiin palautetuiksi oikeille omistajilleen. Mutta
nehän olivat kadonneet, niitähän ei oltu löydetty ollenkaan — ja
silloinpa suutarille samalla valkenikin, mitä tässä oli tehtävä. Mutta
sittenkin hän epäili. Hänen tuntonsa kielsi luovuttamasta voudin
nahkaa mistään hinnasta, niin, hän kuuli aivan selvästi äänen
sielussaan varoittavan: "Älä anna nahkaa paholaiselle!" Mitä oli siis
tehtävä? Suutarille tuli tuska, kun ei voinut huomata, miten oli
meneteltävä. Ahdistuksessaan hän turvautui hiljaiseen rukoukseen ja
sanoi itsekseen: "Herra, koskaan en ole tieten ja tahtoen ketään
pettänyt! Suo nyt anteeksi, jos kerran teen sen, sillä onhan
petettäväni itse pimeyden pääruhtinas. Amen". Tämän jälkeen hän
sai rauhan ja vastasi paholaiselle suoraan: "Kun tuonet kaikki voudin
kadonneet rahat, niin olkoon menneeksi".

Muuta ei paholaiselle tarvinnut sanoa. Vilauksessa hän oli poissa

ja tuli siinä samassa takaisin tuoden raskaan kantamuksen hopeaa
ja kultaa. "Tässä ovat voudin rahat", sanoi hän ja kaatoi ne kaikki
suutarin eteen. "Työntelehän ne tänne piirini sisään", komensi tämä
tyynesti, ja kun toinen oli sen tehnyt ja rupesi pyytämään nahkaa,
sanoi suutari vain: "Ehei, vanha kehno! Enempi meidän voudilla
rahaa olla täytyi. Eivät tässä ole vielä puoletkaan. Sinä koetat vain
pettää minua". Taas meni paholainen rahan hakuun ja toi vielä
äskeistä isomman taakan. Mutta suutaripa oli katsonut kelloaan ja
huomannut, että aavetunti, jolloin pahoilla voimilla on oikeus
näkyväisestä liikkua, oli pian loppumassa. Sen vuoksi hän taas esteli
ja vaati lisää rahaa, eikä paholaisen auttanut muu kuin mennä
hakemaan. Huohottaen hän palasi takaisin ja sanoi: "Ei ole voudin
rahoja enää muualla kuin kahden kallion raossa pitkän matkan
päässä, josta niitä ei nyt ehdi hakea. Ja niitäkin on vain kaksi äyriä
— vouti pudotti ne kerran sinne. Mutta tässä on kolme riksiä, jotka
putosivat kortinpelaajilta tuonne riihen lattian alle. Ota ne ja anna
vihdoinkin nahka!"

Mutta suutari ei antanut ja paholainen yltyi hirveään raivoon.

Suutarikin jo pelästyi ja tuli siinä liikahtaessaan pyyhkäisseeksi
yhden kirjaimen Jeesuksen nimestä pois. Siitäpä sai paholainen
tungetuksi tuon kynsipää-häntänsä sisään ja rupesi sillä
tavoittelemaan nahkaa, kunnes suutari hätäännyksissään iskikin
hännän naulalla lattiaan kiinni. Ja juuri kun paholainen siinä rupesi
tuskissaan parkumaan, löikin kello kirkon tornissa yhtä ja kuului
kukon ensimmäinen kiekuna. Silloin paholainen muuttui korpiksi,
lennähti rikkinäisestä ikkunasta ulos ja ronkkui käheästi kirkkotarhan

Kun pappi aamulla varhain kiiruhti kirkkoon, tapasi hän siellä

suutarin hyvissä voimissa ahkerasti suutaroimassa. Ei ollut vähäinen
pastorin hämmästys hänen nähdessään valtavat rahakasat ja
kamalan ihmisennahan hänen vierellään. Ihmeissään hän kuunteli
suutarin kertomusta yöllisistä tapahtumista ja lausui vihdoin: "Suurta
asetta ei Jumala tarvitse tahtoessaan tehdä vanhan kehnon puuhat
tyhjiksi. Siihen kelpaa heikoinkin ihminen, kun hänellä vain on
puhdas tunto ja viattoman rohkeus. Inhimillisesti katsoen oli vouti
suuri syntinen, mutta Jumala ei käy tuomiolle kanssamme meidän
ajatuksemme mukaan. Hän ei tahtonut luovuttaa paholaiselle edes
hänen nahkaansakaan ja siksipä tämä, osoittaakseen uhmaansa ja
valtaansa, niin kovasti sitä halusikin. Mutta mitäs nämä tässä ovat?"

Ja pappi osoitti suutarin piirin ympärystää. Kaikki ne rahat, jotka

yöllä olivat siihen pudonneet, olivat muuttuneet paljaiksi vanhoiksi
lehdiksi, mutta piirin sisässä olevat olivat puhdasta kultaa ja hopeaa.
Ja kun he sitten yhdessä rupesivat tutkimaan voudin nahkaa,
huomasivat he sen alkavan kutistumistaan kutistua. "Tässä on
vieläkin saatanan sormi pelissä", älysi nyt pappi, haki vihkivettä ja
kastoi nahan kolminaisuuden nimeen; silloin se heti lakkasi
kutistumasta. Yhdessä he sitten avasivat voudin haudan, pistivät
nahan arkkuun ja pappi siunasi sen uudelleen häiritsemättömään
lepoon. Eikä suutarin enää tarvinnut mennä kirkkoon valvomaan.

Voudin rahat jaettiin sitten kaikille vääryyttä kärsineille ja

siunautuivat ne pian moninkertaisiksi. Onni ja rauha palasi moneen
vielä äsken onnettomaan kotiin. Ja suutari oli kiristänyt paholaiselta
niin paljon kultaa, että sitä jäi riittävästi vielä hänelle itselleenkin,
joten hän eli huoletonna kuolinpäiväänsä saakka, kuitenkaan
heittämättä rakasta suutarointiansa, jota mahdollisesti ehkä vieläkin

Jeesus istui iankaikkisuutensa istuimella ja hänen lempeä hymynsä

levisi kirkkautena ja rauhana loppumattomuuteen. Kaukaa siinsi
hänen silmiinsä ihmisten asuinsija, jonka yllä väreili milloin suru,
milloin ilo, mutta enimmäkseen suru. Hänen jalkainsa juuressa istui
pyhä Pietari ja kuunteli tarkkaavaisesti.

— Mitä kuuntelet, Pietari? kysyi Jeesus häneltä hymyillen


— Katso tuonne, vastasi Pietari, ihmisten asuinsijoille, jotka

tunnet. Kaukana siellä Pohjan perillä on pienoinen maa, täynnä
humisevia vaaroja, leppeitä lehtoja ja välkkyviä järvenselkiä. Tuolla
vaaran kainalossa on pieni mökki, köyhän asunto, täynnä yhtä
ainoata rikkautta, lapsia. Näetkö?

— Kyllä näen, myönsi Jeesus, muuttuen surumieliseksi ilmeeltään.

— Tuo köyhä mies ei tahdo mitenkään jaksaa elättää lapsiaan,

vaimoaan ja itseään. Kaikki he ovat nälkäisiä. Siksipä ukko, hurskas
mies, alati kantaa rukouksissa huoliaan tänne Jumalan istuimen
eteen, toivoen, että luoja hänen kohtalonsa korjaisi. Hän on rukoillut
jo kauan. Usein öisin portillani valvoessani olen maailman sorinan
keskeltä erottanut hänen hätäisen äänensä, kun hän lakkaamatta
rukouksissaan taistelee asiansa puolesta, ja syvä sääli on vallannut
sydämeni. Olen ajatellut monta kertaa, että tuota miesparkaa pitäisi
auttaa, sillä hän on todellakin kurjassa tilassa ja hänen rukouksiansa
pitäisi jo kuulla. Vai mitä arvelet?

— Ei suinkaan häntä sentään auttaa pidä, vastasi Jeesus,

kuunneltuaan hänkin miehen rukousta. Jos hän pääsee parempiin
oloihin, ei hän enää muista Jumalaa eikä lähimmäisiään ollenkaan.
Olen selvästi hänen äänestään kuullut, että vain hätä panee hänet
rukoilemaan; "hätä käskee härän juosta", sanoo noiden
suomalaisten oma sananlasku.

Mutta Pietari kiisti vastaan ja näin sukeutui Jeesuksen ja hänen

välillään eräs niistä tuttavallisista ja herttaisista riitelykohtauksista,
joiden kautta he olivat tulleet maan ihmisille niin kodikkaiksi ja
toverillisiksi. Hän väitti:

— Hätä, niinpä tietysti, että hätä. Mutta nälkäisen ääni on käreä ja

kärty, ei niin huokaava ja nöyrä kuin tällä miehellä. Hänen pitkistä
rukouksistaan olen kuullut, että hänen sydämensä on aivan puhdas
kaikesta ylpeydestä, joten hän varmaankin menestyisi

Mutta Jeesus vain pudisti surumielisesti päätänsä ja nuo Pietarin

väitteet eivät näyttäneet saavan häntä vakuutetuksi. Pietari tästä jo
hiukan suutahti ja jatkoi:
— En suinkaan minä tässä nyt suotta aikojani miehen puolesta
rukoilisi, elleivät hänen hätähuutonsa olisi tosiaankin sydäntäni
lämmittäneet. Kun et tahtone ruveta häntä auttamaan, niin menen
itsensä Ukko-Jumalan puheille asiaa esittämään. Menen vaikka
takuuseen, että mies on sellainen kuin olen sanonut.

Silloin Jeesus hymähtäen kääntyi hänen puoleensa ja sanoi:

- No, jos todellakin menet siitä takuuseen, niin koetetaan.

— Menen kyllä, vakuutti Pietari ja lisäsi: Olkoon asia sitten sovittu.

Voimmehan jonkun ajan kuluttua mennä katsomaan, minkälaiseksi
myötäkäyminen on miehen muuttanut?

— Kyllä, vastasi Jeesus ajattelevaisesi. Minun on muutenkin

mentävä katsomaan tuota kaukaista ja pientä maata sekä siellä
elävää kansaa. Voisivat kurjuudessaan pian ruveta luulemaan, että
olen heidät unohtanut.

Ja Vapahtajan käsky meni kirkkautena maata kohti saapuen perille

köyhän miehen matalaan majaan, kaukaiseen Suomen saloon.
Mutta ihmisen sydän oli Jeesuksen kädessä selvänä ja läpinäkyvänä
kuin taivaan avaruus, eikä pieninkään piirto ollut häneltä salattu, ja
huoaten katseli sitä maailman vapahtaja.


Niinpä tapahtuikin sitten köyhän miehen elämässä äkillinen muutos.

Kun hän ensi kerran tämän jälkeen meni metsälle, yhdytti hän heti
kolme hirveä, jotka sai tapetuksi. Ja siitä alkoi ehtymätön onni
kaikessa. Oli otettavana mitä hyvänsä maasta, vedestä ja ilmasta,
kaikki tuli saalis kuin tunkien sisään. Pian rikastui mies, hylkäsi
pienen töllinsä ja osti komean talon suuresta kylästä. Kun
kymmenen vuotta oli näin saanut kuluneeksi, ei hän enää
muistanutkaan entistä köyhyyttänsä. Laajoina lainehtivat hänen
ympärillään viljapellot, komeasti kumisivat suuren pirtin
permantopalkit, ja ylpeänä hallitsi koko tätä rikkauttansa itse isäntä,
koko seudun kuulu pohatta.

Näin olivat asiat, kun eräänä harmaana ja sateisena syksyn iltana

kylään ilmestyi kaksi vanhaa ja repaleista miestä, jotka arkaillen
kävelivät pitkin raittia ja näyttivät miettivän, mistä uskaltaisi pyytää
yösijaa. Jo aikoi toinen heistä kolkuttaa muutaman köyhän näköisen
talon ovelle, kun toinen häntä kielsi, sanoen:

— Älä mene. Tuolla näkyy olevan oikein suuri ja rikas talo.

Mennään sinne, sillä sieltä saamme varmaankin hyvän yösijan,
ehkäpä ruokaakin runsaasti. Mutta Pietari - sillä hänhän se oli - näytti
epäröivän ja arveli:

— Tiedä heidät, rikkaat, ottavatko tällaisia kerjäläisiä yöksi

luokseen. Köyhä aina paremmin köyhää auttaa.

Silloin hänen toverinsa, joka oli Jeesus, hymähti ja sanoi:

— Etkö näe, että tuo rikas on se entinen sinun puoltamasi köyhä

mies, josta oikein menit takuuseen? Paikallaan on siis, että
sopimuksen mukaan menemme tarkastamaan, minkälainen hänestä
on tullut. Sinäpä olet vastuussa, että velkamiehemme nyt meistä
huolta pitää.

Pietari ällistyi kovin tästä puheesta, mutta eihän auttanut muu kuin
myöntyä. Jeesus oli vienyt hänet ensin sinne vaaran kupeeseen,
jossa köyhän miehen töllin piti olla, mutta siitä ei löydettykään muuta
kuin hiukan perustuksia. Silloin ei Jeesus ollut sanonut, minne mies
oli muuttanut, joskin näkyi sen kyllä tienneen. Vaikka siis Pietarin
olisi pitänyt olla iloinen siitä, että luoja oli nähtävästi tarkoin täyttänyt
köyhän miehen rukoukset, ei hän kuitenkaan tuntenut tyytyväisyyttä,
vaan ahdistusta ja pelkoa. Jeesus huomasi sen ja kysyi:

— Etkö luotakaan enää tuohon mieheen?

— Tiedä hänet, vastasi Pietari, miksi on voinut muuttua. Ehkä on

paha välillä käynyt viettelemässä. Mutta mennäänhän nyt sitten.

He menivät rikkaan miehen ovelle ja kolkuttivat. He saivat odottaa

kauan, ja Pietari muisti huoaten Jeesuksen sanat: "Katso, minä
seison ovella ja kolkutan". Hänen vanhaan sydämeensä nousi kuva
syksyn pimeyteen vajonneesta maailmasta, synkistä ja suljetuista
asunnoista, joiden välillä harhailee Jeesus, maailman vapahtaja,
kolkuttaen tuhansille oville ja odottaen vastausta. Ja tuntuu kuin
kaikki muut, paitsi tuo yksinäinen vaeltaja ja kolkuttaja, nukkuisivat
sikeässä unessa, siitä milloinkaan heräämättä. Pietaria värisytti ja
yön kylmä tuuli suhisi lohduttomasti pihan lehdettömissä puissa.

Vihdoin rupesi sisältä kuulumaan liikettä ja Pietari ajatteli

ilostuneena: "Ovat varmaankin väsyksissä raskaasta työstä, ahkerat
ihmiset, ja siksi oli vaikea herätä. Mutta nytpä tulevatkin kiireesti
avaamaan". Hänen vanha sydämensä lämpeni ja hän katui jo, että
oli äsken ajatellut niin moittivasti ihmismaailmasta.

Mutta ovea raotettiinkin vain hiukan, ja hyvin äreä ja ynseä ääni

kuului tiedustelevan, kuka koputti.

— Olemme vain pari köyhää ja vanhaa matkamiestä, jotka

Jeesuksen tähden pyytäisimme almua ja yösijaa, vastasi Jeesus
hiljaa ja vakavasti, katsahtaen samalla Pietariin.

— Ei meillä ole kulkureille mitään yösijoja varattuina, kuului isäntä

tympeästi vastaavan. Menkää tiehenne!

— Mutta me olemme aivan märkinä ja nälässä, emmekä vanhoina

miehinä muutenkaan jaksaisi pitemmälle kulkea. Antakaa edes
suojaa, kun on näin huono sää, jos ette ruokaa antaisikaan. Eikö
teillä olisi jotakin työtä, jota huomenna siitä hyvästä korvaukseksi

— Kun edes aamulla varhain riihelle pystyisitte? kuului nyt isännän

ääni tyytymättömän epäilevästi puoleksi tiedustavan.

— Kyllähän me… kiiruhti nyt Jeesus vakuuttamaan. Tokihan tässä

nyt riihelle…

Silloin isäntä avata ramuutti raskaat lukot ja päästi tulijat sisään.

Hänen äkeä koiransa tuli heitä nuuskimaan, mutta ei isännän
ihmeeksi murissutkaan, vaan painoi päänsä nöyrästi ja katsoi
rukoillen vieraisiin. Isännästä tämä tuntui oudolta, mutta Pietari
ajatteli taas surumielin: "Luontokappalekin paremmin tuntee luojansa
läsnäolon kuin ihminen". Sitten isäntä vei heidät pirtin ovinurkassa
olevaan, kurjaan vuoteeseen, viskasi heille leivänkannikan ja varoitti
olemaan aamulla varhain valmiina riihelle lähtöön.

Eikä Jeesus hennonnut puhua Pietarille mitään, vaan makasi

hiljaa seinän puolella, kuunnellen Pietarin huokauksia ja tuulen
kolkkoa huminaa, kun se vihaisena myrskynä puhalsi yli poloisen
Suomenniemen. Raskaassa unessa lepäsivät vihdoin kaikki, mutta
Jeesus valvoi kurjalla olkivuoteellaan, huolena nukkuvain kohtalo.

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