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Core Ch 10 Transpiration, transport and support in plants

10.1 Transpiration
Definition: water absorbed by the plant is lost in the form of water vapour from
its surface into the atmosphere

 >90% of the total water loss takes place through the stomata of leaves &
 <10% of the total water loss takes place through the cuticle of leaves &
 very small proportion of water is lost through the lenticels on the woody
stems in woody plants

10.1.1 Process of transpiration

1. The water film lining the surface of mesophyll cells evaporates into the air
spaceair space becomes almost saturated with water vapour
2. conc of water vapour in the air space > conc of water vapour in the
atmospherewater diffuses from the air space to the atmosphere through
the stomata

10.1.2 Creation of transpiration pull

1. Water evaporates from the mesophyll cells to the air spacewater potential of
mesophyll cells decrease
2. Water is drawn from adjacent cells (with higher water potential) by osmosis
3. Water is drawn from neighbouring cells (with higher water potential) by
4. Water is finally drawn from the xylem vessels, creating the transpiration pull
5. Water is pulled up the xylem vessels from the roots

10.1.3 Significance of transpiration

1. creates transpiration pullallows the transport of water and minerals in the
xylem vessels
2. creates transpiration pullhelps the absorption of water and minerals by the
3. removes heat from the leavesproduces a cooling effect to prevent the plant
from being overheated
10.1.4 Stomata distribution on leaves of different kinds of plants
1. Terrestrial dicotyledonous plants:
stomatal density of upper epidermis<stomatal density of lower epidermis
(leaves of dicotyledonous plants are held horizontally & upper epidermis is
directly illuminated by the suntemp of upper epidermis>temp of lower
epidermisexcessive water loss by transpiration if stomatal density of upper
epidermis is high)

2. Submerged plants:
few or no stomata on both the upper & lower epidermis
leaves not covered with cuticledissolved gases, water and minerals diffuse
directly into the leaves through all surfaces

3. Floating plants:
have stomata on the upper epidermis only
lower epidermis not covered with cuticledissolved gases, water and
minerals diffuse directly into the leaves through all surfaces

10.1.5 Experiments
(I) Measurement of the rate of transpiration using a bubble potometer
(measure the rate of water uptakeindirect measurement of the rate of
transpiration as most of the water absorbed are lost by transpiration

1. Cut a leafy shoot and fit it into the bubble potometer under water (stem end
will be exposed to the air if we cut the shoot in the airair bubble may enter
the xylem vesselblock water uptake)
2. Set up the apparatus and seal off all connections with vaseline (ensure no
water leakage)
3. Introduce an air bubble into the tube. Record the distance travelled (d) by the
bubble in a certain period of time (t)
4. Rate of transpiration: (d×cross-sectional area of capillary tube)/t
(II) Measurement of the amount of water absorbed and lost by a plant using a
weight potometer

(burette: measure the rate of water uptake by a leafy shoot)

(balance: measure the rate of water loss by transpiration of the leafy shoot)

1. Cut a leafy shoot from a plant and fit it tightly into the weight potometer
under water
2. Set up the apparatus and seal off all connections with vaseline
3. add a thin layer of oil to the water surface in the burette (prevent evaporation
of wateraffect the accuracy of results) (evaporationrate of water uptake
is higher than expected)
4. Record the initial water level (Vi) in the burette and the initial weight (Wi) of
the entire set-up
5. After a certain period of time, record the final water level (Vf) in the burette
and the final weight (Wf) of the entire set-up
6. Amount of water absorbed: Vf-Vi
7. Amount of water lost: Wf-Wi

Amount of water absorbed>Amount of water lost

∵some water absorbed is used in photosynthesis, growth and other metabolic
10.1.6 Factors affecting the rate of transpiration
1. Light intensity (increased light intensityincreased rate of transpiration)
Light intensity increasesstomata opens widercross-sectional area for the
diffusion of water vapour increaseswater vapour in the air spaces diffuses
out more rapidly through the stomata

2. Temperature (increased tempincreased rate of transpiration)

Temp increasesrate of evaporation of the water film from the surfaces of
mesophyll cells increaseswater vapour in the air space diffuses out more
rapidly through the stomata

3. Air movement (windy conditionsincreased rate of transpiration)

Wind blows away water vapour around stomatamaintain a steep
concentration gradient of water vapour between the air space and the
surrounding airrate of diffusion of water vapour (transpiration) increases

4. Relative humidity (increased relative humiditydecreased rate of

high relative humiditydecrease the concentration gradient of water vapour
between the air space and the surrounding airdiffusion rate of water vapour
(transpiration) decreases

10.2 Absorption of water and minerals in plants

-the absorption process takes place in roots
-mainly driven by transpiration pull

10.2.1 Structure of the root

1. Epidermis (the outermost layer of the root, not covered with cuticle)
-made up of thin-walled cells
-protects the inner tissues from infection
-root hairs are presentprovide a large surface area for the absorption of
water and minerals

2. Cortex (under the epidermis)

-made up of several layers of thin-walled cells
-stores food (in form of starch)
-allows the passage of water and minerals along the root
3. Vascular bundle (xylem + phloem)
-located in the centre of the root
-xylem transports water and minerals, phloem transports food

*tip of the root is protected by root cap

10.2.2 Adaptive features of roots for the absorption of water & minerals
Feature of roots Adaptation
Highly-branched Provides a large surface area for the
absorption of water & minerals
Numerous root hairs are present Provides a large surface area for the
absorption of water & minerals
Epidermis is not covered by cuticle Water & minerals can easily pass through
the epidermis into the root
Long and fine root hairs Root hairs can easily grow btn soil
particles, in close contact with soil
particleshelp absorb water and

10.2.3 Process of absorption of water

1. water is lost continuously to the atmosphere by transpiration
2. water is drawn up the xylem vessels by transpiration pull
3. water in cortex cells enter the xylem vessels
4. water moves inwards from cell to cell by osmosis, or moves along the cell walls
across the cortex by simple diffusion
5. water in the soil enters the root hair cells by osmosis

10.2.4 Absorption of minerals

-minerals are taken up against the concentration gradient by active transport
(∵conc of minerals in the soil<conc of minerals in the root hair cells)

-on rare occasions (conc of minerals in the soil>conc of minerals in the root hair
cells), minerals are taken up down the concentration gradient by diffusion

-absorption of minerals also facilitates absorption of water

(absorption of minerals by root hair cellslowers the water potential of the
cytoplasm in root hair cellswater is drawn into the root hair cells from the soil
by osmosis)
10.3 Transport in plants
Tissues responsible for transport in flowering plants:
1. Xylem (transporting water & minerals)
-consists of xylem vessels
-continuous hollow tube with no cytoplasm or nucleiallows water to flow
along the vessel with little resistance
-made up of dead cells with thick and lignified cell wallsprovides support to
the plant
-no end wall between cellsallows water to flow freely from one cell to

2. Phloem (transporting organic nutrients)

-consists mainly of sieve tubes & companion cells
Sieve tubes:
-cells in sieve tubes contain cytoplasm but no nucleiallows organic
nutrients to move along the tube with little resistance
-end walls (sieve plates) have pores to allow organic nutrients to pass
Companion cells:
-contains cytoplasm and a nucleussupports the metabolism of the seive

10.3.1 Distribution of vascular tissue in flowering plants

1. In leaves

2. In stems
3. In roots

10.3.2 Transportation of water and organic nutrients

Movement of water & minerals:
1. Water and minerals are absorbed into the roots
2. water and minerals move up to other parts of the plant
3. (i)water and minerals are used for metabolism
(ii)water is lost by transpiration

Movement of organic nutrients:

1. organic nutrients are made in leaves by photosynthesis
2. (i)organic nutrients move to growing fruits for storage
(ii)organic nutrients move to buds & tips for growth and development

10.3.3 Investigation of the plant tissue responsible for water transport

1. Immerse the shoot in eosin solution for some time
2. Rinse the shoot with water
3. Cut transverse sections of the stem and the leaf
4. The tissue which is stained red is xylem

10.4 Support in plants

Terrestrial plants stand upright & stretch out their branches so that
-they can hold the leaves in the best position to receive the max amount of
sunlight for photosynthesis
-they can raise their flowers to a higher position that favours pollination and
dispersal of fruits and seeds
Herbaceous plant:
Major support: turgidity of thin-walled cells (cortex, pith cells in stem)
Minor support: rigidity of thick-walled cells (e.g. lignified xylem vessels)

Woody plant:
Major support: rigidity of thick-walled cells
Minor support: turgidity of thin-walled cells

Transpiration (★★★★)

1. Structural features of a leaf in reducing water loss {DSE 13 P1-6(d), CE

97-1(a), CE 99-2(a), CE 05-9(b)}
-the presence of cuticle, the distribution of stomata, needle-shaped leaves,
rolling leaves
2. Transport in Angiosperm {DSE 14 P1-4, DSE 12 P1-3, AL 95 PIA-6, CE
(a) Distribution of xylem and phloem in stem and root sections
(b) The structural adaptations of xylem and phloem to their transporting
(c) Annotated diagrams: sieve tube element, companion cells, xylem vessel
3. Weight/Bubble Potometer {DSE 13 P1-6(a)(b)(c), CE 02-3(a)}
(a) change in weight=weight of water loss through transpiration
(b) change in volume=volume of water absorbed

Support and Movement (★★★+)

1. Support in Plant
{DSE 15 P1-9, DSE 14 P1-4, DSE 12 P1-3, CE 01-3(c)}
2. Support in animals
{DSE 17 P1-1, DSE 13 P1-2, CE 98-2(c)}
3. Neuromuscular junction {DSE 15 P1-5, AL 04 PIA-6}
Question bank

1. Suggest a method to estimate the leaf area.

-copy the outline of the leaf on a piece of graph paper (1)

-count the number of squares it occupies and estimate the total area that the
leaf covers (1)

2. Explain why the rate of water loss is lower in environment of higher relative

-In humid condition, the diffusion gradient of water vapour between the
spaces among the mesophyll cells and the atmosphere is smaller than that in
dry condition (1)
-water vapour diffuses slowly in environment of higher relative humidity (1)

3. Explain why higher light intensity leads to higher rate of water loss.

-stomata open wider in higher light intensity (1)

-the cross-sectional area for the diffusion of water vapour increases (1)
-leading to higher diffusion rate of water vapourhigher rate of water loss
-temperature of the leaf increases in higher light intensity (1)
-the rate of evaporation of water vapour from the mesophyll cells into the air
space increases (1)
-water vapour diffuses out more rapidlyhigher rate of water loss (1)

4. State two structural differences between xylem vessel and mesophyll

cells/other thin-walled cells.

-cell wall of xylem vessel is thicker (1)

-no cell content in xylem vessel (1)
5. State four functions of xylem.

-transport of water and minerals

-provide support to the plant
-prevent it from collapsing
-increase the tensile strength of the shoot

6. State the relationship between the rate of transpiration and rate of water

-increased rate of transpiration also increases the rate of water absorption

7. Briefly describe how you would demonstrate that stomata are only present
on the lower epidermis.

-peel off the upper and lower epidermis (1)

-observe under the microscope to see whether stomata are only present on
lower epidermis (1)

8. Explain one way in which the cells in xylem are structurally adapted to the
function of transport.

-xylem vessels have no cell content/no end walls (1)

-which allows a free flow of water with little resistance (1)

9. Explain why the young herbaceous plant becomes wilted and its stem bends
on a hot sunny afternoon.

-the support of the stem of the plant is mainly due to the turgidity of
thin-walled cells (1)
-Under hot and sunny conditions, the rate of transpiration is greater than its
rate of water absorption (1)
-thin-walled cells in the plant lose water (1)
-they become flaccid/lose their turgidity (1)
and thus the stem bends
10. Explain why the stem of woody plants remains upright on hot sunny

-the support of the stem of woody plants is due to the presence of

xylem/independent of the water content of the plant (1)
-and the plant is supported by the rigidity of thick-walled cells in xylem (1)

11. When the stem of a young herbaceous plant is heavily infected by a fungus,
xylem vessel is often blocked up by the fungal hyphae. On a hot day, the
infected stem droops and bends whereas an uninfected stem remains upright.
Account for the appearance of the infected stem.

-As the fungal hyphae block the xylem vessel of the infected stem, water
cannot be transported to the stem (1)
-on a hot day, the rate of transpiration is high (1)
-water loss of the plant becomes greater than the water gain (1)
-thus thin-walled cells in the plant become flaccid/lose turgidity (1)
and can no longer support the plant

12. Describe how you would carry out an investigation with a small
dicotyledonous plant that allows you to identify the cell type for water

-immerse the cut end of the small plant in a dye solution (1)
-after a few hours, cut transverse sections of stems and leaves (1)
-identify the cell type stained by the dye under the microscope (1)

13. If you have prepared a thin section of a leaf, how would you show the
presence of the stored carbohydrates in it?

-add a drop of iodine solution to the leaf section (1)

-observe the leaf section under the microscope (1)
-the section turns blue-black (1)
14. During transpiration, water evaporates from the surface of mesophyll cells.
How does this help them to obtain minerals?

-when water evaporates from mesophyll cells, a transpiration pull is set up

-water is drawn from xylem to the mesophyll cells (1)
-together with dissolved minerals (1)

15. Transport of substances downward through the phloem is very important to

roots. Explain why.

-Roots have no chloroplasts for photosynthesis (1)

-they rely on the transport of food from the leaves (1)
-for respiration and growth (1)

16. Explain how the transpiration rate will change if the fan placed near the shoot
is switched on.

-the transpiration rate will increase (1)

-because the air current sweeps away the water vapour around the leafy
shoot (1)
-the concentration gradient of water vapour between the atmosphere and the
air space in the leaves becomes steeper (1)
-water vapour diffuses out to the atmosphere at a faster rate (1)

17. What will happen to the size of stomatal pore at night? Discuss the functional
significance of this change.

-the size of the stomatal pore will be reduced (1)

-to reduce transpiration/water loss (1)
-when the need for gas exchange decreases in the absence of photosynthesis

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