5 - System Software

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Chapter 5- System Software

BIOS (Basic Input Output Memory)

Stores and handles the startup and booting instructions of the computer.
CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
Stores the BIOS configuration.
Operating System:
It provides an environment for the human to interact with the computer. It allows to run applications.
HUI (Human user Interface)
It relates to the interaction of a human with the computer.
It can be achieved in 2 ways:
1. Graphical User Interface
Allows the user to interact with the computer by clicking on icons displayed on the screen.
2. Command Line Interface
Allows the user to directly interact with the computer by typing instructions (code). The user is not
limited to a specific number of options.
GUI Environments
WIMP- Windows, Icons, Menu, Pointing Device
Post WIMP- Touch screen- Allows for pinching, rotating gestures etc.
Tasks of an operating system:
Memory Management – Refers to the management of the computer memory.
1. Memory Optimization
 Determine the allocation of the computer memory when multiple apps are run
 Determine the location of apps in the memory.
 Keep track of available and used memory.
 RAM management to maintain optimization.
2. Memory Organization
 Determine how much memory is allocated to an application. Ensures allocation is done
 This can be done by allocating all the memory to an application or allocating part of the
memory to an application.
 Makes use of virtual RAM to release the load on the RAM and utilize some storage from the

3. Memory Protection

Chapter 5- System Software
 Ensures that 2 applications running simultaneously don’t use the same memory locations at
the same time.
 This would result in loss of data and the computer crashing.
Security Management
Ensures the integrity, confidentiality and availability of data.
This can be done by:

 Keeping the OS up to date.

 Keeping the Anti-Virus up to date.
 Using a firewall.
 Using access rights.
Process Management

 It allows swift synchronization of data and processes by controlling the allocation of resources.
 It allows for sharing data.
 It allows for multitasking and handling priorities.
Hardware Management
Involves the input and output devices.

 It allows communication with the I/O devices via the device drivers.
 It allows the conversion of data into a format which the I/O devices can understand.
 It allows handling interrupts received from the devices.
File Management

 Allows to specify the file types such as .jpeg, .docx, .mp4 etc.
 Allows to perform tasks such as opening/ closing a program.
 Ensures access rights policies are maintained.
 Specifies the file storage format.
 Ensures allocation for a file being loaded into the computer memory.
Provision of a User Interface

 It allows the user to interact with the computer. He can either input commands or click on
icons to fulfill a task.
 It allows the user to input data and receive output.
 Provides a platform for connecting hardware devices.
Interrupt Handler

 Handles the interrupts sent from the input devices to the computer.
 The current task is halted whilst the interrupt is being serviced.

Utility Software

Chapter 5- System Software
1. Hard Disk Formatter
 It organizes storage space by assigning it to partitions.
 This allows the OS to recognize a file and identify its location.

2. Virus Checker
 Checks for viruses.
 Provides defense against malware and viruses.
 Most effective if it’s up to date and constantly running in the background.

3. Defragmentation Software
 The blocks of data get scattered as the HDD gets full.
 This software groups those blocks of data and organizes them into contiguous sectors.

4. Disk Content Analysis

 It is used to look for any bad sectors present on the disk and remove unnecessary files
such as temporary internet files from the computer.

5. Disk Repair Software

 It is used repair the bad/ corrupted sectors on the hard drive.
 At first an attempt is made to repair the bad sector. If it fails, it is flagged as bad.
 Then an attempt is made to retrieve the data. The data is then copied to a new sector.

6. File Compression
 It is used to compress the data before writing it onto the HDD.
 This helps save space.

7. Back-up Software
 It allows to backup data onto other storage mediums such as external HDD or the cloud.
 This is a prevention measure so that if data is corrupted on one medium, it is available on
another medium.

Program Libraries
They are a collection of sub routines which can be used during software development thus saving time.
They are made available at runtime so that the developer can utilize Dynamic Link Library (DLL).
Program library: A program is stored in a library.
Library routines can be used to describe subroutines.
Advantages of Program Libraries:

 Remove the need of rewriting routines.

 Allows modular programming; several programmers can work on the same program.
 Allows continuity with other programs.
 Saves time to test sub routines.

Chapter 5- System Software
DLL (Dynamic Link Library)
Software being developed is not linked to the library until actual runtime.
They are available to several applications at the same time.

Pros of DLL Cons of DLL

 The executable program is much smaller.  The DLL files have to be available at
 It is possible to make changes to DLL runtime otherwise the software might
files independently. crash.
 They can be made available to a # of apps  DLL linking software must be present at
simultaneously. runtime.
 They help save time and storage.  Changes to DLL files might cause the
software to crash.

Translation and Execution Programs:

Compiler Interpreter Assembler

 Converts High Level  Converts High Level  Program used to convert
Language into machine Language into machine assembly language into
code. code. machine code.
 The whole program is  The whole program is  The translated program
translated at once which translated line by line is either stored in the
makes the execution which makes the main memory where it
speeds faster. execution speeds is ready to be executed
 However, an error list is slower. or is stored in a storage
generated at the end,  Errors are generated line medium. However, a
which makes spotting by line which makes loader is needed for
errors difficult. spotting them easier. storage in storage
 The translated program  The translated program medium.
can be executed has to be retranslated  The program can be
multiple times without each time the program is used without re-
retranslation. run. translation.
 Contains no syntax  May contain syntax  Used for tasks which
errors. error. need fast execution such
 Compiled program can  Interpreted program as controlling a robot.
be executed on another cannot be executed on  It is hardware sensitive
computer. another computer. and might not work on
other hardware.
 It is difficult to
understand so takes a lot
of time to write a
program in assembler.

Partial compiling and interpreting

 It allows to achieve shorter execution times.

 First the source code is converted into object code, then it translated into low level language then
interpreted/ compiled at the time of execution.

Chapter 5- System Software
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Features
1. Pretty Printing
It uses different colors to represent the built-in functions, variables and text etc.
For example, the variable name would be labelled green while its value would be colored grey.

2. Context- sensitive prompts

This feature displays hints of keywords and available identifiers which are relevant to the context
For example, if p is typed, the function print would be shown along with other options to choose
from, according to the relevancy of the code.

3. Dynamic Syntax Checks

It performs syntax checks, looks for errors and if an error is spotted, the user is alerted.
For example, if there is no indentation after a FOR loop, then that unindented line of code is
underlined in a red color indicating an error has been made.

4. Debugging
It helps in finding and correcting errors.
Disk Mirroring:
The data is stored on 2 disks simultaneously. In case one disk fails, the data is retrieved from the other
Factors to be considered when planning a backup procedure for data:
1. How often to back up the data.
2. What medium to use to back up the data.
3. When to back up the data
4. Appoint someone to back up the data.

Describe the tasks performed by the operating system to manage the main memory in the games console.

 When the game is started, the main data of the game is loaded from the storage into the RAM to
provide the CPU quick access to the data.
 The OS makes sure that sufficient RAM is allocated to the game in order to avoid stutters and
provide a smooth gameplay.
 If the RAM runs out, virtual RAM is allocated to the game.
 If more than one application is running simultaneously, it makes sure that they don’t utilize the
same memory address otherwise the game would crash.

Chapter 5- System Software

Drawbacks of Library Routines:

Compatibility issues; May not work with other code.
Not guaranteed through testing; Unexpected bugs

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