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18- Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

AI= Artificial Intelligence

M/L= Machine Learning
D/L = Deep Learning
Machine Learning:

 Subset of AI.
 Algorithms are trained to learn from past experiences and make predictions.
 They allow for fast and accurate outcomes.
Labelled and Unlabeled data:

 The data needs to be labelled for it to be recognized and processed by the algorithm.
 For example, in a car dealership, the system will consider the car features such as the make,
model, variant, color etc.
 The system is then trained based upon these features, giving it the ability to determine each car
from the others and learn from this data.
Types of Machine Learning:
Supervised Learning

 It allows us to predict future outcomes based on past data.

 The system requires input, output, and labelled data to train the model.
 Once the model is trained, the model is run, and the outcome is compared with the expected
 If the outcome is not satisfactory, the model needs further refinement.
 For example, classifying relevant mails from junk ones.
Unsupervised Learning

 The model is trained not using the correct answer.

 It learns from hidden patterns in the input data.
 It classifies unlabeled data.
 For example, in school, it classifies students with similar interests as a single entity.

18- Artificial Intelligence
Reinforcement Learning

 This model makes use of hit and trial method to determine which method gives the most optimal
 This ensures data is optimized.
Semi-supervised learning:

 Makes use of both labelled and unlabeled data, queries the source data, and then produces an
 It uses unlabeled data mostly which makes it cheap to use.
 For example, classification of web pages into different fields.
Deep Learning:

 It divides algorithms into layers (input, hidden and output layers) to create an artificial neural
network that can make decisions on its own.
 Its performance improves with more data.
 For example, they are used in face recognition systems.
 Neural networks can determine unlabeled data using binary codes of objects.
Working of deep learning:

Machine learning vs Deep learning:

18- Artificial Intelligence
Applications of AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning:

Back Propagation:

 It is the process of giving weightings to each of the neural connections.

 The initial outputs are compared to the expected outputs.
 Data is fed back into the neural network.
 The weightings are altered to minimize difference between the outputs.
 Once the weightings are altered, the errors are solved, and the neural network is functioning
correctly, the model is successfully setup.

 It is used to make predictions from the given data by understanding the relationship between the
input data, the hidden layer, and the output data.
 It is mostly used in prediction apps such as weather forecast.
Aid of graphs to Artificial Intelligence (AI):

 The neural networks can be represented.

 They show the relationship between nodes.
 Helps solve AI problems by looking for path in a graph.
 For example, they are used in A* algorithm and Dijkstra’s algorithm,
Describe the purpose of the A* and Dijkstra algorithm:
They both are used to map out the shortest path between nodes.

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