Cabico Act2

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Ramirez, Marko S


I. On Chi-Square.
From a survey of 2429 gamers, the data in the table below was derived. The gamers were
asked what type of games they play and whether would they prefer online or offline
playing these games. Two attributes are the type of game and mode of the game.

Observed Expected Observed Expected

Online Online Offline Offline
Gamers Gamers Gamers Gamers

First Person 325 A = 398 587 C = 514 E = 912


Role Play 734 661 783 D = 856 1517


1059 B = 1370 2429

1. Find the value of A. Round off to the nearest whole number.

1059*912 / 2429 = 398
2. Find the value of B. Round off to the nearest whole number.
587 + 783 = 1370
3. Find the value of C. Round off to the nearest whole number.
1370 * 912 / 2429 = 514
4. Find the value of D. Round off to the nearest whole number.
1517 * 1370 / 2429 = 856
5. Find the value of E. Round off to the nearest whole number.
2429 - 1517 = 912
6. What is the computed value of the chi-square?
2 325 − 398 2 734 − 661 2 587 − 514 2 783 − 856 2
𝑥 = ( 398
) + ( 661
) + ( 514
) + ( 856
𝑥 = 38.04464604

7. With the computed degrees of freedom of 1 and a significance level of 0.05(two-tails), what
can you infer from the given data? T-test table is provided below.
The degrees of freedom can be calculated as (number of rows - 1) × (number of columns - 1),
which in this case is (2 - 1) × (2 - 1) = 1. With a significance level of 0.05 (two-tailed), we assess
the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis when it's true, which is 0.05. Comparing the
chi-square value of 38 to the critical value of 3.841 for a significance level of 0.05 (two-tailed)
and 1 degree of freedom, we find that the chi-square value exceeds the critical value.

Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis and infer a substantial association between the
game type and the game mode. In simpler terms, the data indicates that an individual's game
preferences are linked to whether they opt to play online or offline.

II. On Data Transformation:

Suppose that the data for analysis includes the attribute age. The age values for the
data tuples are (in increasing order) 13, 15, 16, 16, 19, 20, 20, 21, 22, 22, 25, 25, 25, 25,
30, 33, 33, 35, 35, 35, 35, 36, 40, 45, 46, 52, 70.

1. Use min-max normalization to transform the value 35 for age onto the range [0.0;1.0].
Round off to two decimal places.

(35 - 13) / (70 - 13) = 0.727


2. Use min-max normalization to transform the value 16 for age onto the range [0.0;1.0].
Round off to two decimal places.
(16 - 13) / (70 - 13) = 0.227


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