02 Manual MFG Automation Complete

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National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Group Members: (Write “Owner” with the name of owner of this



1. This assignment is submitted in accordance with the University’s Academic
Regulations. I/we also understand the serious nature of academic dishonesty (such as
plagiarism) and the penalties attached to being found guilty of committing such
2. No part of this assignment has been copied from any other source without
acknowledgement of the source.
3. No part of this assignment has been written by any other person, except to the extent
of collaboration and/or group work as defined in the assignment guidelines.
Signature(s) of students : Owner of Manual
Group Member

Sr Experiment Title Marks



National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout






Total Marks Obtained

Note: Attach lab reports as per the sequence you write on this page.
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

About This Manual

Use this manual as a tutorial to familiarize yourself with the CNC machine and its operations
in the first half and in the second half of the lab you will get familiar with the PLCs . NI
This manual contains exercises that you can use to learn how to develop basic Programs.
These exercises take a short amount of time to complete and help you get started with CNC
programing and PLC ladder logic Programing.

Safety in Lab
The Manufacturing Automation Lab deals with CNC machines . Safety in the lab is very
important, for your health and the health of equipment installed in the lab. Be careful when
working with spinning motors, and parts that can become hot. Most of our equipment is
rugged, but some delicate instruments are required for our experiments. Even rugged
instruments can be damaged when mishandled or driven beyond ratings. Please follow the
safety precautions to avoid injury, discomfort, lost lab time, and expensive repairs.

About the Lab

This laboratory is designed to provide students hands-on experience on CNC machines and
working with PLC Ladder logic software.
Overall, this lab is very informative and provides students idea of some real life techniques
and applications.

Lab Evaluation
Lab evaluation will be done as per the Scheme define by the instructor .( will display in the
1st lecture )

 Primary: Yahoo Group
 Secondary: Through CRs/ Official WhatsApp Group
 Naming assignments, tasks, lab reports etc
o fullname_syn_assignX
o fullname_syn_taskX
o fullname_syn_labreportX
X is the number of the task, assignment, lab report etc.
 Not writing full official name (as on CMS) on any Lab Report or other submission
will get a straight deduction of 20% of that evaluation.

General Rules for Lab Conduct

 Only three things reqd for a disciplined class
1. NO student wandering in the lab
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

2. NO student sitting on the workbench

 NO eatables and NO drinks else water
 Uniform is the must

 Must be present in the start of class
 Attendance will be called latest by 10 mins after start of class
 Must have to perform lab tasks

Evaluation of Lab Performance/Conduct of Lab

1. Labs will be conducted based on groups. Each group can have maximum of 2 students
2. The whole group will present its findings/reading to the instructor along with
fully filled Lab Manual after performing the experiment
3. The instructor will mark the Lab Performance of each individual on the Lab
Manual. Only the present students will get the credit.
4. Every group member will be evaluated for his/her own contribution in Lab
Performance. All group members are supposed to perform all the Lab
Tasks individually.
5. No Lab Performance will be considered for absentees
6. Lab Manual is assumed to be filled at the time of experiment being performed. No
Lab Performance will be considered on the basis of Lab Manual filled outside the lab
(i.e. without performing the experiment or way later performing the experiment)
7. Lab Performance will be graded out of 10

Plagiarism is a serious academic offence but more often than not, it results from
misunderstanding rather than a deliberate intention to cheat. Many students simply do not
understand what plagiarism is. Although confusion is understandable, especially at the
beginning of your study, ignorance will not be accepted as an excuse or as a defense against
an accusation of plagiarism. You must therefore make sure that you understand what
plagiarism is and how you can avoid it.
Plagiarism is the act of taking another person's writing, conversation, song, or even idea and
passing it off as your own. This includes information from web pages, books, songs,
television shows, email messages, interviews, articles, artworks or any other medium.
Whenever you paraphrase, summarize, or take words, phrases, or sentences from another
person's work, it is necessary to indicate the source of the information within your paper using
an internal citation. It is not enough to just list the source in a bibliography at the end of your
paper. Failing to properly quote, cite or acknowledge someone else's words or ideas with an
internal citation is plagiarism.
Self-plagiarism (also known as "recycling fraud“) is the reuse of significant, identical, or
nearly identical portions of one's own work without acknowledging that one is doing so or
without citing the original work. Articles of this nature are often referred to as duplicate
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

or multiple publication. In addition to the ethical issue, this can be illegal if copyright of the
prior work has been transferred to another entity.

 You may be found guilty of plagiarism if:

o You are presenting or passing off another person's work as your own
o You import into your own work 'more than a single phrase from another
person's work without the use of quotation marks and identification of the
o You make 'extensive use of another person's work, either by summarizing or
paraphrasing it merely by changing a few words or altering the order of the
presentation, without acknowledgement'
o You use 'the ideas of another person without acknowledgement of the source'
or submit or present work as your own 'which is substantially the ideas or
intellectual data of another
o You submit the same piece of work for two different assignments, even if they
are two different departments
o You make 'a deliberate attempt at passing off the ideas or writings of another
person as your own‘
o You take 'the words, ideas and labor of other people and give the impression
that they are your own. Plagiarism is simply theft'

Plagiarism in this course

 What is plagiarism
o Sharing files/codes: by copying, rewriting, looking at or supplying a file
o Coaching: helping your friend in lab report or other evaluation step by step
o Copying files/codes from previous courses or from the web
 What is not plagiarism
o Explaining how to use tools
o Helping others with concepts
o Borrowing ideas from the web or other sources with proper
 Consequences
o Plagiarized submission will not get zero credit, it will even be negative
o May get an F if recommended by Disciplinary Committee
o May be deferred for a semester if recommended by inquiry board
Solution: Never ever think of plagiarism
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

List of Experiments Industrial Automation Lab

1. Introduction to Industrial Automation Lab (CNC Machines)
2. Familiarization & Operation of Control panel of CNC Lathe
3. Introduction to CNC Simulator and performing Milling Operation(Linear and Circular
4. Learning Turning process on CNC Simulator (Using Turning tool)
5. Producing a job on CNC Lathe Machine-I
6. Producing a job on CNC Lathe Machine-II
7. Familiarization & Operation of Control panel Of CNC Lathe
8. Producing a Job on Mill Machine
9. Introduction to Industrial logic control, programmable logic controllers, RSLogix
Software 10 Introduction to Ladder programming, latches and program editing
11. Introduction to Timers (TON, TOF, RTO, RES)
12. Introduction to Counters ( Count UP, Count Down) and
Master Control Reset (MCR)
13. Shift Registers
(BSL,BSR) 14.Sequencers
15. Introduction to industrial automation lab, ( PETRA and Emulator )
16. Performance of the complete PETRA task
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout


1 (CNC

 Familiarize students with CNC machines
 Familiarize students with some basic operations and comparisons between machines
 Familiarize students with the Lab Safety Standards

What is CNC machining?

Write about the Components of CNC Machine

What is Feedscrew and ballscrew?

Write about the Carriage of CNC machine.

National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Types of CNC machines used in industries

What is the difference between CNC Milling and CNC lathe?

In CNC machine Feeds and speeds are determined by:

Search for a 6 axis CNC machine. Paste its picture here and explain its working
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

What safety precautions should be kept in mind while performing operation on CNC
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout


2 Objective: -

 Familiarization with the control panel of CNC lathe and learning how to operate the machine
 Students will operate the machine under supervision to get the feel of operating a CNC machine

Functions of control panel of CNC Lathewere introduced andwere performedto get familiar with the
control panel and its operation
 Familiarization of soft and hard keys
 Manual Data Input (MDI)
 Emergency Stop
 Chuck clamping and unclamping
 Axis Feed Hold
 Hand Wheel
 MPG, Jog, Inc Jog
 Machine reference position return
 Machine coordinates
 Tool Function and Tool Selection
 Types of tool

What are Hard Keys?

Write down the hard keys and the function performed by them in the space below which you have seen

What are Soft Keys?

Write the function of the following keys
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout


Jog: -

Inc Jog / MPG:

- Edit: -
Auto: -

Block delete: -

Single Block: -

Spindle Key:
- Coolant key:

Axis Feed Hold:-

Home: -

Door open/ Door Close:-

Tool Turret:-

Cycle start: -
Cycle Stop: -

Program Stop: -

Chuck clamping and unclamping:-

Ask your Lab Demonstrator about Types of Tool and Tool Turret and write below
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout



Learning G- Codes and M- Codes and implementing them on CNC Simulator

A CNC programme consists of blocks, words and addresses

Block:- A command given to the control box is known as block
Word:- A block is composed of one or more words. A word is composed of an
identification letter and a series of numerals.E.g. a command for feed rate of 200mm/ min is
Address: - An identification letter at the beginning of each word is called as word. The
meaning of the address is in accordance with EIA (Electronics Industries Association).

Function Address
Sequence Number N
Preparatory Function G
Coordinate word X, Y, Z
Parameters for circular interpolation I, J,
K Feed Function F
Spindle Function S
Tool Function T
Miscellaneous Function M
For example, we can write as follows

N10 M03 G01 X10.5 Y20.5 Z-3.0 F200

Let’s have a view on CNC simulator. All of you are required to stay focused during the
Learning linear interpolation
Learning circular interpolation
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Lab Task
Write a Simple Program to write the initials of your name. ( Last Page )

G- Codes

Code Application
G00 positioning (rapid traverse) (M,T)
G01 linear interpolation (feed) (M,T)
G02 circular Interpolation CW (M,T)
G03 circular Interpolation CCW (M,T)
G04 dwell, a programmed time delay (M,T)
G05 unassigned
G06 parabolic interpretation (M,T)
G07 cylindrical diameter values (T)
G08 programmed acceleration (M,T)
G09 exact stop check (M,T)
G10 - G12 unassigned or lock and unlock devices
G13 computing line and circle intersect (M,T)
G14 - G14.1 used for scaling (M,T)
G15 - G16 polar coordinate programming (M)
G15 - G16.1 cylindrical interpolation - c axis (T)
G16.2 end face milling - c axis (T)
G17 XY plane selection (M,T)
G18 ZX plane selection (M,T)
G19 YZ plane selection (M,T)
G20 input in inch
G21 input in mm
G22 - G23 machine axis off limit area (M,T)
G22.1 - G23.1 cutting tool off limit area (M,T)
G24 single-pass rough facing cycle (T)
G28 return to reference point (M,T)
G29 return from reference point (M,T)
G30 return to alternate home position (M,T)
G31.1 - G31.4 external skip function (M,T)
G33 thread cutting, constant lead (T)
G34 thread cutting, increasing lead (T)
G35 thread cutting, decreasing lead (T)
G36 automatic accel. and deccel. (M,T)
G37 used for tool gaging (M,T)
G38 measure dia. and center of hole (M)
G40 cutter compensation cancel (M)
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

G41 cutter compensation left (M)

G42 cutter compensation right (M)
G43 cutter offset, inside corner (M,T)
G44 cutter offset, outside corner (M,T)
G45 tool offset decrease
G46 tool offset double increase
G47 tool offset double decrease
G48 scaling off
G49 tool length compensation cancel
G50 tool offset increase
G50.1 cancel mirror image (M,T)
G51.1 program mirror image (M,T)
G52 offset axis w/ respect to 0 point (M,T)
G53 motion in machine coordinates (M,T)
G54 work coordinate system 1 select
G55 work coordinate system 2 select
G56 work coordinate system 3 select
G57 work coordinate system 4 select
G58 work coordinate system 5 select
G59 work coordinate system 6 select
G60 single direction positioning
G61 exact stop check mode (M,T)
G62 reduce feed rate on inside corner (M,T)
G64 cutting mode (M,T)
G65 custom parametric macro (M,T)
G66 custom macro for motion blocks (M,T)
G66.1 custom macro for all blocks (M,T)
G67 stops custom macro (M,T)
G68 coordinate syslaim rotation ON (M)
G69 coordinate syslaim rotation OFF (M)
G70 inch programming (M,T)
G71 metric programming (M,T)
G72 circular interpolation CW (M)
G72 finished cut along z-axis (T)
G73 peck drilling cycle (T)
G74 counter tapping cycle (M)
G74 rough facing cycle (T)
G74 cancel circular interpolation (M,T)
G75 circular interpolation (M,T)
G76 fine boring
G80 canned cycle cancel
G81 drilling cycle, no dwell (M,T)
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

G82 drilling cycle, dwell (M,T)

G83 deep hole, peck drilling cycle (M,T)
G84 right hand tapping cycle (M,T)
G84.1 left hand tapping cycle (M,T)
G85 boring, no dwell, feed out (M,T)
G86 boring, spindle stop, rapid out (M,T)
G87 boring, manual retraction (M,T)
G88 boring, spindle stop, manual ret. (M,T)
G89 boring, dwell and feed out (M,T)
G90 absolute dimension input (M,T)
G91 incremental dimension input (M,T)
G92 set absolute zero point (M,T)
G93 inverse time feed rate (M,T)
G94 per minute feed (M,T)
G95 per revolution feed (M,T)
G96 constant surface speed control (T)
G97 stop constant surface speed control (T)
G98 return to initial point in canned cycle
G99 return to R point in canned cycle
M Codes

M00 Program Stop

M01 Optional (Planned) Stop

M02 End of program

M03 Spindle CW

M04 Spindle CCW

M05 Spindle OFF

M06 Tool change

M07 Coolant #2 ON

M08 Coolant #1 ON

M09 Coolant OFF

M10 Clamp
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

M11 Unclamp

M12 Unassigned

M13 Spindle CW & Coolant ON

M14 Spindle CCW & Coolant ON

M19 Oriented spindle stop

M30 End of tape

M40-M45 Gear changes if used, otherwise unassigned

M90-M99 Reserved for user


G00 - Positioning at rapid speed;

G01 - Linear interpolation (machining a straight line);
G02 - Circular interpolation clockwise (machining
arcs); G03 - Circular interpolation, counter clockwise;
G04 - Mill and
Lathe, G09 - Mill
and Lathe,
G10 - Setting offsets in the
program; G17 - X-Y plane for arc
machining; G18 - Z-X plane for arc
machining; G19 - Z-Y plane for arc
machining; G20 - Inch units;
G21 - Metric units;
G32 - Thread
G40 - Cancel diameter offset; Mill. Cancel tool nose offset; Lathe
G41 - Cutter compensation left; Mill. Tool nose radius compensation left; Lathe
G42 - Cutter compensation right; Mill. Tool nose radius compensation right;
Lathe G50 - Set coordinate system and maximum RPM; Lathe
G91 - Incremental programming
G92 - Reposition origin point;
Mill G92 - Thread cutting cycle;
Lathe G94 - Per minute feed; Mill
G95 - Per revolution feed; Mill
G98 - Per minute feed; Lathe
G99 - Per revolution feed;

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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

M00 - Program stop; Mill and Lathe

M01 - Optional program stop; Lathe and
Mill M02 - Program end; Lathe and Mill
M03 - Spindle on clockwise; Lathe and Mill
M04 - Spindle on counterclockwise; Lathe and
Mill M05 - Spindle off; Lathe and Mill
M06 – Tool change; Mill
M08 - Coolant on; Lathe and
Mill M09 - Coolant off; Lathe
and Mill
M10 - Chuck or rotary table clamp; Lathe and Mill
M11 - Chuck or rotary table clamp off; Lathe and
Mill M19 - Orient spindle; Lathe and Mill
M30 - Program end, return to start; Lathe and Mill

Lab Task :
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout


SIMULATOR (Using Turning

To implement G and M Codes on the turning toolbox of CNC Simulator.

A CNC programme consists of blocks, words and addresses.
Block: - A command given to the control box is known as block.
Word: - A block is composed of one or more words. A word is composed of an
identification letter and a series of numerals. E.g. a command for feed rate of 200mm/
min is F200.
Address: - An identification letter at the beginning of each word is called as word.
The meaning of the address is in accordance with EIA (Electronics Industries
Association). Function Address
Sequence Number N
Preparatory Function G
Coordinate word X, Y, Z
Parameters for circular interpolation I, J,
K Feed Function F
Spindle Function S
Tool Function T
Miscellaneous Function M
For example, we can write as follows
N05 M03 G03 X10.5 Y20.5 Z-3.0 R10 F200 S1000

CNC Simulator (Turning Toolbox):-

Let’s have a view on CNC simulator Turning toolbox. All of you are required to stay
focused during the briefing. Firstly you have to change the settings from the previous lab
done on the simulator. Select Turning tool and give the dimensions to the work-piece along
with the selection of the cutting tool.
Class Exercise:-
Write a sample program for the task assigned in the lab
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Lab Task:
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Lab Task Cont:

National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout


Objective: -

Familiarization with the control panel of CNC mill and learning how to operate the machine. Students
will operate the machine under supervision to get the feel of operating a CNC mill.

Following key functions will be introduced to students and then it will be practiced by students to perform the
operations and get familiar with the control panel and its operation.
 Introduction to soft and hard keys
 Manual Data Input (MDI)
 Emergency Stop
 Machine reference position return
 Machine coordinates
 Chuck clamping and unclamping
 Axis Feed Hold
 Hand Wheel
 MPG, Jog, Inc Jog
 Tool Function and Tool Selection
 Types of tool

Function of Control Panel:-

Hard Keys: - These are used for programming (G codes and M codes). They are available at the right
corner of the machine adjacent to the screen.
Soft Keys: - Soft keys include following keys:-
a. MDI: - It is used for manual data input. E.g. before programming manually you have to use
b. Jog: - used for moving the axis manually.
c. Inc Jog / MPG: - used for moving the axis manually using the hand wheel.
d. Edit: - Used for editing the program. i.e. For structuring our program.
e. Auto: - For programming the automatic mode of operation.
f. Block delete: - Used for deleting a block i.e. deleting the complete row of instructions.
g. Single Block: - If one wants to run the single line of command then this key is used.
h. Spindle Key: - Clockwise and anticlockwise movement can be adjusted depending upon the
requirement of the job to be produced.
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

i. Coolant key: - Used to start and stop the coolant.

j. Axis Feed Hold:- Used to decide the speed of feed which ranges from 0.5-200.
k. Home: - Used to set the home position for the machine axis in positive direction.

NOTE: - All Students are required to use them during the lab. Conclusions are also required. Write at
least 3 points about your observations.
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout



Writing the program and practically producing a job on the Lathe machine.

Lab Report:-
Lab report should be hand written. Write the code for the tasks that you performed in the
lab. Your lab report must include following points
 Lab title
 Objective
 Procedure
 Points to remember while writing code
 Analysis
 Conclusions
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Lab Report :
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Lab Report Cont:

National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout



Writing the program and practically producing a job on the Lathe machine.

Lab Report:-
Lab report should be hand written. Write the code for the tasks that you performed in the
lab. Your lab report must include following points
 Lab title
 Objective
 Procedure
 Points to remember while writing code
 Analysis
 Conclusions
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Lab Report :
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Lab Report Cont:

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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout


PRODUCING A JOB ON Milling Machine

Writing the program and practically producing a workpiece on milling machine.

Lab Report:-
Lab report should be hand written. Write the code for the tasks that you performed in the
lab. Your lab report must include following points
 Lab title
 Objective
 Procedure
 Points to remember while writing code
 Analysis
 Conclusions
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Lab Report :
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Lab Report Cont:

National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout


Introduction to Industrial Logic control,
Programable logic controllers and RS Logix

The main objective of this lab is to now about PLCs and introduction to the software RS
Logix .

Theory :

PLCs or programmable logic controllers are one of the most widely used industrial control
systems used today to enhance the functionality of a production line or machine functions.Their
flexibility in controlling a wide range of inputs and outputs and changing their operation based
on requirements have made them a favourite control system in recent times.The typical PLC
system is like any other computer system that consists of various hardware components such as
the CPU, programming devices as well as external hardware components Input/Outputs (I/O)
and power supply. The CPU system is microprocessor based that allows all arithmetic
operations as well as logic operations, blocks memory moves, handles the computer interface
etc. Typical systems have 4 buses: a data bus to share information between different elements,
address bus for the respective addresses, control bus for internal actions that need to be
monitored and lastly a system bus which allows the communication between the various ports
and Input/output unit. Inputs are usually sensors or switches that control outputs such as motors
and electric pumps etc.Thus, similar to other computerized devices, the PLC unit has a memory
storage as well as power supply thus making it a very small integrated unit that can be used in
various industriesfor a wide variety of applications.

Besides replacing the relay system, the requirements for PLC included:

 A solid-state system that was flexible like a computer but priced competitively
with a like kind relay logic system.
 Easily maintained and programmed in line with the already accepted relay
ladder logic way of doing things.
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

 It had to work in an industrial environment with all its dirt, moisture,

electromagnetism and vibration.
 It had to be modular in form to allow for easy exchange of components and
Relay Logic
Before PLCs relay logics were used. Problems associated with relay logic are stated
 Hardware logic
 Analog values could not be dealt with
 Hard to trouble shoot

Software for PLC programming

 RSLinx Classic Lite

 RSLogix Micro English
Basics / How to use

 Open RS Linx Classic

 Go to Communication then configure device
 Go to Available devices and pick SLC 500 Emulator.
 Check the status and make sure it is running.

 Configure both checks with 01 then click ok & close from software & minimize.
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

 Open RS Logicx Micro English

 Go to File then New then set filename e.g Shehzil .

 Set series Build 1763 Micrologix 1100 series A.
 Set Driver EMU-500-1. Set Process mode 2.

 You will get a window like this where you can create various programs
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

 After you get the window you can create a Program using ladder logic
 After Completing The Graphical Code verify file, verify project, go online &
run the code
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Lab Report : A report on available PLCs in the market.

Please attached additional pages as needed and staple with this portion .
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout


Introduction to Ladder logic Programming

Introduction to ladder logic Programing.


One of the widely used methods of controlling PLCs is using Ladder logic programming.
The ladder logic diagram is a representation of the steps of programming that employs relay
coils and contacts to control external outputs and actuators. These outputs can be such as
indicator lights, alarms as well as solenoids, motors and pneumatic cylinder amongst others.
The ladder program is all PLCs follows a template that consists of 2 bus bars that are
connected to one another using rung lines.

The 2 bus bars on either side are connected by Rungs 1, 2 and 3. L1 and L2 are the power
sources to the input and output instructions. Notice how each contact coil on the rungs
also has a respective address mapped to the input and output instructions which is
indicated above the instruction Bus bars, also known as power rails supply the power
from the PLC to the instructions it contains. The instructions towards to the left bus bar
are input instructions which typically consist of Normally-Open (NO), Normally-Closed
(NC) contacts coils and status bits that are used to control output instructions. These
output instructions are indicated towards the right bus bar which can include external
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

instructions, mathematical operations, conversions, timers, counters and other PLC

instructions. The rung lines that connect the 2 bus bars are on which the instructions are
written which can be written in a single rung or used in a logic connection such as “OR”
or “AND” along with a second rung line. Thus, they are also sometimes referred to as
branching instructions. When an input logic instruction is true, power flows from the left
bus bar to the right bus bar thereby energizing the output instructions and perform an
operation or task. Manipulation of these instructions and control of input/output instructions
allows users to solve control problems in an efficient manner.

Every PLC program instruction, whether simple or complex requires designers and
programmers to follow few basic steps such as:

1. PLC architecture and PLC I/Os need to be clearly defined .

2. Concepts of ladder logic programming must be well understood and it is critical that
the symbols for all contact coils and output instructions are well understood.

3. Sequential steps of control problems must be clearly defined to identify which

instructions must be written first and on which rung the operation must be performed.

4. A large number of PLCs are operated in automation industries to control pneumatics

and motorized machines. Thus, concepts of motor theory and pneumatic cylinders must
be well understood.

5. Circuit diagrams for PLC inputs and outputs need to be drawn to identify which input
instruction is responsible for the different output operations.

Lab Task:

Ladder Logic Programming

NO  Normally open input

NC  Normally closed input which is actually complement (or invert bit) of

normally open.
Input & Output addressing
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Sequence of gates  AND, NAND , OR , NOR

Truth tables of AND , NAND , OR , NOR gates are given below

XOR & XNOR gates along with truth tables are given below
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Lab Report :
Task 1
You have to design a ladder logic for the following statement:
• When a switch is open, first motor is turned on and when the switch is
closed, power is shut off to first motor and second motor is turned on.

(Note: You can not use more than one input switch for the design of
the ladder logic diagram)

Task 2
Draw ladder logic for the following combinational logic and from the analysis of the
operation of this logic gate system, find out which logical gate does this system of gates

Task 3
The alarm has three sensors, which are connected to a 3-input OR gate. If one or more of
the sensors becomes active, this causes the output of the logic gate to go high, which in
turn sets the latch and activates the alarm output (Q). The alarm will remain active due to
the latch, even when the original alarm input is removed, but may be manually cancelled
by activating the Reset input
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout


Introduction to Timers ( TON,TOFF,RTO,RES)

Introduction to timers used in PLC ladder logic .


PLC manufacturers differ on how timers should be programmed and hence how they can
be considered. A common approach is to consider timers to behave like relays with coils
that when energized, result in the closure or opening of contacts after some preset time.
The timer is thus treated as an output for a rung, with control being exercised over pairs
of contacts else where. This is the predominant approach used in this book. Some treat a
timer as a delay block that when inserted in a rung, delays signals in that rung from
reaching the output.
There are a number of different forms of timers that can be found with PLCs: on-delay,
off delay and pulse. With small PLCs there is likely to be just one form, the on-delay
timers.Figure shows the IEC symbols. TON is used to denote on-delay, TOF off-delay,
and TP pulse timers. On-delay is also represented by TÀ0 and off-delay by 0ÀT.
On-delay timers (TON) come on after a particular time delay. Thus as the input goes
from 0 to 1, the elapsed time starts to increase, and when it reaches the time specified by
the input PT, the output goes to 1. An off-delay timer (TOF) is on for a fixed period of
time before turning off. The timer starts when the input signal changes from 1 to 0.
Another type of timer is the pulse timer (TP). This timer gives an output of 1 for a fixed
period of time, starting when the input goes from 0 to 1 and switching back to 0 when the
set time PT has elapsed.
The time duration for which a timer has been set is termed the preset and is set in
multiples of the time base used. Some time bases are typically 10 ms, 100 ms, 1 s, 10 s,
and 100 s.Thus a preset value of 5 with a time base of 100 ms is a time of 500 ms. For
convenience, where timers are involved in this text, a time base of 1 s has been used.
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Lab Task

Timer ON
This is the simplest timer. In this timer we set a time e.g lets see 5seconds.
When timer is triggered (i.e its input is high) it turns the DN bit on after 5 seconds.
When the tmer input is low it resets the timer. It is practically used to create delays
between activities. Below is the ladder logic program for the timer ON.
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Timer OFF
In this timer we set a time e.g lets see 5 seconds. First the timer input is set
high then instantly low again it. It sets TT bit high and also DN bit. Suppose we have
set time 5 seconds. In order to work this timer first we set the input high which will
set DN bit high then input is immediately set low which sets TT bit high so our timer
starts running. DN bit remains high and turns off after timer completes 5 seconds
time. Practically this timer is used to perform task within prescribed time. Ladder
logic is provided below

Lab Task

The system is started with a Start button that seals in the Auto mode
This can be stopped if the Stop button is pushed (Remember: Stop buttons are normally
When the Auto goes on initially the timer is used to sound the horn for the first 10
seconds to warn that the oven will start and after that the horn stops and the heating
coils start
When the oven is turned off the fan continues to blow for 20 seconds
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Attach lab report here

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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout


Introduction to Counters ( Count Up ,Count Down)
and Master control Reset MCR

Introduction to counters used in PLC ladder logic .

There are two basic counter types: count-up and count-down. When the input to a count-
up counter goes true the accumulator value will increase by 1 (no matter how long the
input is true.) If the accumulator value reaches the preset value the counter DN bit will be
set. A count-down counter will decrease the accumulator value until the preset value is

CTU (Up Counter)

It is a counter that counts up I.e the accumulator starts from zero and rises upto preset
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

It is a counter that counts up I.e the accumulator starts from zero and rises upto preset

Lab Task :

CTD (Down counter)

It counts from preset value and decrements up-to nil.
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
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LAB Task
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Master Control Reset (MCR)

• The master control reset (MCR) instruction can be programmed to control an

entire circuit or to control only selected rungs of a circuit
• When the MCR instruction is false, or de-energized, all non-retentive (non-
latched) rungs below the MCR will be de-energized even if the programmed
logic for each rung is true
• All retentive rungs will remain in their last state. The MCR instruction
establishes a zone in the user program in which all non-retentive outputs can
be turned off simultaneously
• Therefore, retentive instructions should not normally be placed within an MCR
zone because the MCR zone maintains retentive instructions in the last active
state when the instruction goes false
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

If you start instructions such as timers and counters in an MCR zone, instruction
operation ceases when the zone is disabled
The TOF timer will activate when placed inside a false MCR zone
When troubleshooting a program that contains an MCR zone you need to be aware of
which rungs are within zones in order to correctly edit the circuit
MCR controlled areas must contain only two MCR instructions – one to define the start
and one to define the end

MCR Zone True

MCR Zone False

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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout


Introduction to Shift Registers (BSL,BSR)

Introduction to Shift Registers (BSL,BSR)

Theory :

A shift register can be used to simulate the movement or track the flow of parts and
We use the shift register whenever we need to store the status of an event that had
previously happened so that we can act upon it at a later time. This is accomplished by
shifting either status or values through data files
Common applications include:
• Tracking parts through an assembly line
• Controlling machine or process operations
• Inventory control
• System diagnostics

The PLC not only uses a fixed pattern of register (word) bits, but it can easily manipulate
and change individual bits.

A bit shift register is a register that allows the shifting of bits through a single register, or
group of registers

The bit shift register shifts bits serially (from bit to bit) through an array in orderly fashion
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
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Bit Shift Right And Bit Shift Left Registers

When tracking parts on a status basis, bit shift registers are used.
Bit shift instructions will shift bit status from a source bit address, through a data file, and out
to an unload bit, one bit at a time.
There are two bit shift instructions: bit shift left (BSL), which shifts bit status from a lower
address number to a higher address number through a data file; and bit shift right (BSR),
which shifts data from a higher address number to a lower address number
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout
National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

The shift register function enables a programmer to move digital bits within and through the
PLC registers
A data array is a collection of more than one data word (more than 16 bits) in memory
Since data in the BSL and BSR instruction is shifted one bit at a time, the data, which is
shifted is stored in a binary or bit file
Bit Shift Left Program
A shift pulse is generated by a false-to-true transition of switch LS1. When the rung goes
from false to true, the enable bit is set and the data block is shifted to the left (to a higher bit
number) one bit position.
The specified bit, at sensor bit address I:0/1 is shifted into the first bit position, B3:0/0 and get
shifted towards last bit position away from B3:0/0
The last bit is shifted out of the array and stored in the unload bit, R6:0/UL
The status that was previously in the unload bit is lost.
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Bit Shift Right Program

A shift pulse is generated by a false-to-true transition of switch LS1. When the rung goes
from false to true, the enable bit is set and the data block is shifted to the right (to a lower bit
number) one bit position
The specified bit, at sensor bit address I:0/1 is shifted into the last specified bit position of
B3:0 and bits get shifted towards B3:0/0
The last bit is shifted out of the array and stored in the unload bit, R6:0/UL
The status that was previously in the unload bit is lost.
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Attach your lab report here .

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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout


Introduction to Sequencers

Introduction to Sequencers

Sequencers are used whenever a repeatable operating pattern is required. The PLC
sequencer instruction can be used to replace electromechanical drum switches.
Sequencer instructions can perform the same specific "on" or "off" patterns of
outputs that are continuously repeated, but with more flexibility. Sequencer
instructions simplify your ladder program by allowing you to use a single
instruction or pair of instructions to perform complex operations. To program a
sequencer binary information is entered into a series of consecutive memory words.
These consecutive memory words are referred to as a word file. As the sequencer
advances through the steps, binary information is transferred from the word file to
the output word(s).The sequencer output (SQO) instruction can be used to control
output devices sequentially. The desired sequence of operation is stored in a data
file, and this information is then transferred sequentially to the outputs. The
advantage of sequencer programming over the conventional program is the large
savings of memory words. Typically, the sequencer program can do in 20 words what a
standard program can do in 100 words.

Mechanical Drum-Operated Sequencer

A mechanical drum-operated sequencer switch consists of series of contacts that are operated
by pegs located on a motor driven drum.
The pegs can be placed at random locations around the circumference of the drum to operate
When the drum is rotated, contacts that align with the pegs will close, while the contacts where
there are no pegs will remain open
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
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The presence of a peg can be thought of as logic 1, or on, while the absence of a peg can be
logic 0, or off.

Sequencer Instructions
The PLC sequencer instruction can be used to replace electromechanical drum switches

Sequencer instructions can perform the same specific "on" or "off" patterns of outputs that are
continuously repeated, but with more flexibility.
Sequencer instructions simplify your ladder program by allowing you to use a single
instruction or pair of instructions to perform complex operations.

SQO- Sequencer Output

Controls sequential machine operation by transferring 16-bit through a mask to image addresses for
controlling outputs.
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Attach your Lab report Here .

National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout



(PETRA and Emulator)

 Introduction to PLC Programming
 Familiarize students with the Pneumatic Industrial Trainer.
 Familiarize students with the PLC simulator RSEmulator 500.

PETRA (Pneumatic/Electronic Application Trainer)

What is PLC Programming?

Procedure (for PETRA):-

The procedure for the objectives of PETRA lab is as under:-

 Using Table 3.1 and 3.2 verify that the connections between PETRA and
ML1500 match the entries in the said tables.
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

 Verify on the PC that the communication is established between the PC

and ML1500.
 Create a sample program, download and run it using information given from pages
56 to 70 on the Curriculum Manual in your possession.

Lab report should be hand written. You have to add theory by yourself in the lab report.
Your lab report must include following points:-
 Lab title
 Objective of this week’s lab
 Answer the following questions:
1. How does the PLC aid in the overall automation of any industrial unit?
2. Write down a brief introduction for the following PLC components:
i. Battery
ii. Rack/Chassis
How do these components give PLC an advantage in
Industrial environment?
3. Who are the biggest manufacturers of PLCs in the automation world? Name
at least four.
4. Which PLC is available in the lab and connected to PETRA (model and
name of manufacturer)?
5. Why was it necessary to check the connections between PLC and
PETRA (via two black leads) and between PLC and PC (via serial
cable)? Kindly explain with relation to PLC programming and its
application in industrial control.
6. Write down the definitions of the following instructions/features in
i. Examine if Open (XIO)
ii. End Rung
iii. Project Tree
7. What are the three modes of the key switch of the PLC connected
 Analysis of this week’s lab

RSLogix Emulator
 The real world I/O are either simulated using a debug file or through ‘Forces’.
 Debug File creates simulation in ladder logic that is equivalent to a real-
time process triggered by a signal.
 ‘Forces’ simulate real world Inputs (mainly sensors) to trigger certain processes to
achieve desired results in software.

Procedure (for Emulator):-

1. Open RSLogix Micro and RSLinx. Check the configuration of the drivers in
RSLinx by Communications->Configure Drivers.
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Check the Available Driver Types tab to see if SLC 500 DH485 Emulator driver
is selected.
Double click on it to check station number and node number match the one you
are sitting on. You must not change it.
2. On RSLogix Micro open a new file and select the first controller. Create
the following program:
“There are 6 switches and 2 outputs. When SW1 is ON OR SW2 and SW3 are
both ON the first output should be ON.
When the Switches 4,5 and 6 are all ON the program should give the second
3. Go to controller properties (on Project Tree) -> Controller Communications and
write a Processor Node of your choice. Apply the changes mentioned to you in
class and click OK to close the dialog box.
4. Download the program.
5. Go Online
6. Run the Program (Green colored lines on sides of rungs will appear showing they
are ‘active’)
7. Click on an input to turn its Forces ON (while program is running).
8. Perform the simulation required in step #2.
9. Go Offline

You have to add theory by yourself in the lab report. Your lab report must
include following points (in addition to above points for PETRA):-
 Lab title
 Objectives of this week’s lab
 Answer the following questions:
1. What key difference was there between the RSLinx communication
configuration procedure between PETRA lab and Emulator lab?
2. What was the key difference between RSLogix and RS Micro Starter Lite?
3. Can forces be applied to an input when the processor is OFFLINE?
 Analysis of this week’s lab
 Conclusions
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Attach your Lab Report Here .

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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout



 To run the Petra using ladder logic for the performance of the complete task

10. Open RSLogix Micro and RSLinx. Check the configuration of the drivers in
RSLinx by Communications->Configure Drivers.
Check the Available Driver Types tab to see if SLC 500 DH485 Emulator driver
is selected.
Double click on it to check station number and node number match the one you
are sitting on. You must not change it.

11. On RSLogix Micro open a new file and select the first controller. Create
the following program:
“There are 6 switches and 2 outputs. When SW1 is ON OR SW2 and SW3 are
both ON the first output should be ON.
When the Switches 4,5 and 6 are all ON the program should give the second

12. Go to controller properties (on Project Tree) -> Controller Communications and
write a Processor Node of your choice. Apply the changes mentioned to you in
class and click OK to close the dialog box.

13. Download the program.

14. Go Online

15. Run the Program (Green coloured lines on sides of rungs will appear showing they
are ‘active’)

16. Click on an input to turn its Forces ON (while program is running).

17. Perform the simulation required in step #2.

18. Go Offline
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

Pick up the part from dispenser and place it on conveyor belt 1, test all sensors, use
cylinder to move the part to belt 2. Place the accepted part in green tray and the rejected
ones in red. You have to add theory by yourself in the lab report. Your lab report must
include following points (in addition to above points for PETRA):-

 Lab title
 Objectives of this week’s lab
 Answer the following questions
 Analysis of this week’s lab
 Conclusion
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Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout


It is the responsibility of the students to submit the Lab Manual

(Filled and checked) to the concerned lab engineer at the end of
the lab .

If any of the portion is unchecked please get it marked well in

time with n the deadline, otherwise those marks will not be
considered in the final evaluation .

Thank you so much for your cooperation and patience.

Wish you all BEST of LUCK for the Future

National University of Sciences & Technology
Course: MTS 419-Manufacturing Automation
Lab Handout

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