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Body alchemy shredded academy pdf

"True fitness isn't about being muscular. It's about performance.Having a shredded and athletic body is cool but that type of physique comes as a result of actually being an athlete.The reason this program works is because I don't focus on just building glamour muscles. If you want to look like an athlete then you need to train like one.You will build
strength and power, body control, mobility, endurance, and more. As you get stronger, your outer appearance will begin to reflect it.Don't believe me? Take a look at our testimonials below."Sample Format: Week 1Day 1:Chest and coreDay 2:LegsDay 3:Back and coreDay 4:RestDay 5:Shoulders and coreDay 6:ArmsDay 7:Mobility (optional)Warm Up (4
exercises)Workout (15 Minute Round) Burn Out (3 exercises) Extra Credit (Optional)Stretch (5 exercises)Warm Up (3 exercises)Workout (15 Minute Round)Burn Out (2 exercises)Extra Credit (Optional)Warm Up (5 exercises)Workout (15 Minute Round)Burn out (2 exercises)Extra Credit (Optional)Stretch (4 exercises)Warm Up (3 exercises)Workout
(15 Minute Round)Abs (Circuit: 3 exercises)Burnout (2 exercises)Extra Credit (Optional)Take it easy!or Stretch (20 Exercises/Stretches)Bodyweight OnlyThis program is 100% bodyweight only. You will not use a single weight. However, you will need access to a pull-up bar for some days.Here's Some Sample Workouts From The ProgramWide Pullup
PumpsSingle Leg BurpeesIn & Out PushupsHanging Around-the-worldsSo what are people saying?"Hey man. I just wanted to let you know that I started your program yesterday and I must say, I'm sore as hell! In all my years of training I have never had every core muscle sore. I'm so excited to see how I progress with this program. Thanks man!"-Jay
H"I've done a freakish amount of training in my life... From military drills to weights and everything in between. What Adam Frater created is INSANITY. Literally!"-Luke D"I just started week 5 today and I can honestly say this is the best investment I ever made in myself. It has increased my strength, allowing me to finally hold a handstand for my
yoga practice! This is the best shape I've ever been in."-Dan J"I just finished the entire 8 weeks and I wanted to say thank you. My energy is high every single day, I've gained a ton of strength, and I can finally see my abs! I'm so excited to continue training."-Eddie PTransform Your PhysiquewithTHE SHREDDED ACADEMY 100+ HD exercises tutorials
Mobile app access Access to private FB community Eating Guide 24 healthy recipes Plant Protein Guide Macro Calculator 24/7 email supportOkay, let's just get straight to the point.What is the Shredded Academy and why should you join the team?First and foremost, this program is for a person who desires an athletic physique. If you want the bulky
bodybuilder look, thanks for your time, please go elsewhere. We're building functional bodies here.So what does that mean?Functional FitnessA functional body is built for performance, not for show.When you are functional, you have strength and skill for common body movements. It focuses on strength, power, mobility, and body control. You will
mix static movements with dynamic exercises to achieve a physique that is not only functional, but shredded and athletic.The Workout StructureThe workouts are structured starting with a dynamic warm-up, then a 15 minute circuit of various exercises followed by a burnout with reps and sets. Each day targets a different muscle group. There's even
an extra credit portion if you want to push yourself that extra mile!Why Calisthenics?I've been doing calisthenics for over 10 years. In my experience, it is the most effective and efficient way to transform your physique. Think of the program as cross-training mixed with your bodyweight.By focusing onThere's no need to spend money on a gym or fancy
exercise equipment. No need to spend time pumping iron endlessly. You're killing your joints and slowly reducing your mobility rep after rep.Give yourself 30 minutes per day with this calisthenics program and you will be thrilled at the results.Experiment with your body.Try something new.Try something that works!This program is for you if:you want
to lean out and increase muscle definitionyou want to expose your abs (6 pack gains)you would like to learn new and cool ways to use your bodyweight to workoutyou do not have a gym membershipyou're tired of your current routineTyler k.(8 weeks)After 8 weeks on the Shredded Academy program, I'm feeling like I'm in the best shape of my life. I
saw calisthenics on Instagram but I never tried a workout like this. Adam's program is very professional and well thought out. My goal was to to lose some fat and expose my abs. Mission accomplished! I also gained a ton of strength and muscle definition.I'm motivated to keep this healthy lifestyle going!Carlos S.(8 weeks)The Shredded Academy
challenged me and pushed me to new limits. It was different from the training I was used to but the change was very much needed. After completing the program I was leaner and I saw improvements in my stamina, endurance and also strength. His program helped me to break through that plateau allowing me to accomplish my physique goal along
with other fitness goals I had.I understand this industry is full of a lot of crap, but I promise you I have used every bit of my experience to create an epic program with tons of value. I’m here to help you. Shoot me an email if you have any doubts support@bodyalchemy.meCan beginners do the program?This is bodyweight so it is important that you
have bodyweight strength to complete the exercises. However, if you can do a 3+ pullups and 8+ pushups, you can do this program! But I would suggest purchasing a resistance band to help you get more reps to progress quicker.How is the program delivered to me?This is a digital program intended to be downloaded to your mobile device so you
always have it with you during your workouts. Once you join the Shredded Academy, you will receive access to the entire program. Download everything and it’s yours forever.Will I get the results I want?You have to trust the process. This program was built off of the exact style of training that worked for me - and now it's worked for thousands of
others. YES, your body will start to LOOK different, but the real value is how you will FEEL.The Shredded Academy is available on a brand new mobile app for both iOS and Android devices. Swipe through full screen tutorials on every exercise Track your progress Calculate your macros Plus much more!Join thousands of others who are using The
Shredded Academy to get in the best shape of their lives.Money Back GuaranteeWe value RESULTS and happy customers above all else. Therefore, you have 7 days from the point of purchase to try the program for yourself. Once you try it out, you'll understand why it's worked for over 2,500 people! The Shredded Academy Vol. 1JOIN(ONE-TIME
PAYMENT)Questions?Please email Copyright 2019 - Fit! Warm Up (5 exercises)Workout (15 Minute Round)Burn out (2 exercises)Extra Credit (Optional) 55% OFF Join the other 21,702 athletes who completed the 8 week Shredded Academy and improved their body's physical performance and appearance. Train hard and
you will see the same results.The Shredded Academy8 weeksThe Shredded Bundle★ The Shredded Academy Vol. 1Includes the entire 8 week program above★ The Shredded Academy Vol. 2What comes after the first program? Volume 2! This is the perfect progression to further develop your skills and strength with NEW and challenging workouts.★
Cal-X Core Trainer10 additional ab shredding workouts to add to your routine$20$78$63★ Cooking For Fitness$24This cooking program will teach you how to cook healthy and delicious food. It focuses on meal prep, batch cookings, flavoring, smoothies, macros, etc.The Shredded AcademyVol. 2Cal-XCore TrainerCooking For FitnessTotal Value =
$185Get the bundle deal!-Bundle option below-Shredded Academy Member HighlightsJoin the Shredded AcademyJoin the Shredded AcademyRegression: from kneesRegression: with bandRegression: regular burpee with single leg hopWall ClimbersSingle Leg Bench SquatsRegression: with knees tuckedRegression: less steps on wallRegression:
reduce rangeUSING JUST YOUR BODYWEIGHTUSING JUST YOUR BODYWEIGHT When you do the same workout for a long period of time, your body begins to plateau. In vol. 2, we’ve taken that into account and created a different exercise format to challenge you so you can get those gains. So what’s the different format? Superset and superset
sandwiches. What’s a superset sandwich? Well, I made it up but it’s one of my favorite ways to train because it challenges your body as a whole. You will be given supersets that sandwich certain muscle groups like chest, core, chest... or legs, back, legs. This method combined with other calisthenics supersets are going to have you feeling super
strong. (Supersets = super strength) This program takes your training a step further. At the end of every workout is a 5 minute skills/mobility training section. You train everything from L-sits, to pistol squats, handstands, and more.. Also every 2 weeks, an entire day has been devoted to mobility training. Through focusing on mobility as much as
strength, you will increase your overall performance drastically. You can expect heightened body awareness, body control, strength, flexibility, mobility, and end range strength to name a few.
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