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All you need to become great at planche


From Full to 555

-technical aspect & logic

-performance mindset
-binary evolution (volum/form)
-how to unlock yourself
-all manners to train, when and why


Introduction 3
Level required 3
Module 1: Presentation / Description 4
Evolution doesn’t exist ! 4
Module 2: The mindset of the planche 5
Perform in push 5
Links mind / body movement 5
Normalise / Relativise 6
Projection / Visualization 7
Having standards commensurate with your category 8
No Pain no ??? 8
Module 3: Tips and guideline 9
Band work 9
Long combinations 9
Frequency and volume of work 10
Volume at the level of combination 10
Learn and assimilating 11
Adapting to external conditions 11
Finally 11
Module 4: Understanding the planche 12
Intention / Voluntary contraction 12
Trajectories Press 12
Trajectories Pushup 12
Negative technique 13
Working on the strict form 13
Background work specific work 14
At what stage should you start ? 14
Understanding the programme 14
Module 5: Conditionning / Warm up 15
Warm up 15
Tensions, pains ? 15
Module 6: Next level step 1 16
Volume part 16
The training methods 16
Combo methods 17
Strengthening part 18
Seconf optional way of training 18
Module 7: Next level step 2 19
Volume - long and XXX combinations 19
Combo method 19
Strengthening part 20
Seconf optional way of training 20
Module 8: Next level step 3 21
Combo method 21
Strengthening part 22
Seconf optional way of training 22
Module 9: End of litteral planning 23
Diversify your work 23
Module 10: The different work formats 24
Legacy Notice 27


Welcome to the Next Level Planche Program: and thank you for trusting us to
accompany you in your evolution


When starting this program we assume that you already have mastered a more or less clean
full planche and access to the first variants such as the pushup and the press even in a rough

This content is here to give you all the keys you will need to become really good or even excellent
at it.

We will cover the psychological aspect, which plays a major role in your daily training, but also
the work formats that you will encounter as you progress.

Each of you will use this content in a different way, so it is self-customisable with the help of
information, images and videos that you will find throughout.

All the exercises and training formats you will find in this content are explained in detail. This
will allow you to continue to apply and develop these training logics without any limit of level.

Start by reading the entire document,

so that you can apply it effectively

Presentation / Description


To progress, this programme offers you several training formats, each with a specific goal.
You will alternate between strength and endurance work, and control and form work throughout your evolution.

Muscular reinforcement - specific exercises - combinations - assisted work, dynamic work, slow, each of
these formats is complementary to the others and responds to a precise need, their usefulness therefore varies
according to your deficiencies, and changes throughout your evolution at the same time as your needs.

First of all, you should know that the intensity in body weight, since no weight is added, is only relative to the
quality of execution of the movement, neglecting the form thus amounts to reducing the intensity to provide a
higher volume of work.

The concept of form > strength is false because strength allows you to provide clean work, so focusing too early
on form is a common mistake among beginners, which limits them greatly. Before having access to a good
form, one must accept to get used to producing the desired effort with an intentionally neglected form.

It is also found in more experienced practitioners, who

after learning the planche, once in good shape, categorically
refuse bad shape, which limits them in their evolution in
most cases.

Evolution is a binary phenomenon that starts with gaining

strength and endurance, which then allows you to correct
your form to the scale of the volume previously produced.
Once you have corrected your form, you will have to accept
to neglect it again in order to increase your work volume,
and thus correct it again one step above.

• Evolution doesn’t exist !

The word ‘Evolution’ is a concept, which makes us imagine ‘evolution’ as a progressive linear and repetitive
improvement without conditions other than work, this is false.

What we call evolution is actually adaptation, it is the response to a partially or unmet demand from the body.
Physical adaptation is closely linked to technical adaptation, in fact you can block for a long time because of a
simple detail, which is not based on your strength (for example press and extension problems).

So you understand that, as we keep telling you, you have to accept to produce things in an imperfect way to
adapt and correct a step forward.

The mindset of the planche


• Perform in push

You must have noticed the ‘state’ and face that good planchers have when they practice the push, this is because
the planche requires this particular ‘state’.
What is the purpose of the push if we stick to using the body without tools?

It is mainly used to defend oneself, to attack, to fight... ? All these activities require a similar state of mind, and
are linked to a form of tension or nervousness.

Planching requires a similar state of mind, which will lead you to move forward, breathing intensely in rhythm
with the way you practice, as you would in combat sports.

A person who is afraid, anxious or too relaxed will not be able to perform the planche, so always make sure you
have the right state of mind, as working on this element is not easy, at least not at the beginning.

• Links mind / body movement

The planche is a static movement that is not the easiest to perform.

Nevertheless, you must be aware of the enormous psychological dimension involved in the practice of this

Your state of mind directly conditions the way you hold yourself, both through your daily posture and in your
practice of Calisthenics.

An individual who is withdrawn or has a negative state of mind will naturally have a forward stooping posture.
A posture close to the «hollow body» this individual will stand thanks to a muscular support close to that of the
plank, that can in the long run, support him in push.

On the other hand, a person who is naturally relaxed and balanced will have a more upright or even slightly
retracted posture, which can favor a work on the pull.

When performing the planche, your state of mind will directly determine if you are going to stagnate or gain
height and progress. These are two completely different trajectories/feelings, from which different muscular
implications follow.

The person who is anxious about the planche due to his poor visualization of the movement will compromise
the achievement of the movement and fail.

The mindset of the planche

• Example 1 : He will move forward until he feels the alignment with the center of gravity, then fight a fall
backwards in the direction of the legs.

This backward trajectory will create an imbalance in the contact with the bar, and will result in the inability to
apply the required hand and wrist resistance in the correct way and trajectory.

• Example 2 : He will allow a break to be created at the wrist, which will help him to hold the fall forward, by
compression, but will make his planche lower.

The angle of his planche will therefore be sharper, this break will also prevent him from fully using his grip
and therefore fully involving the wrist. This lack of contact and grip at the back of the hand will result in over
involvement of the front chain of the arm, and prevent him from taking full advantage of the back chain.

The confident person will often unconsciously keep the wrist + - in the axis of the bar, a pressure + - balanced
from the front to the back of the hand, equally involving the front (biceps) and back (triceps) muscle chains,
which will allow him to try to go up and maintain his height, rather than hold a fall.

You see therefore that your way of practising is the retranscription of what is going on in your head, and
the first work to be done will be to normalize the idea / vision of your objectives.

• Normalise / Relativise

Your conception, the image that you have of the goal you want to achieve, is the first thing to govern your
The more difficult you perceive your goal to be, the more difficult it will become, and the simpler you see it as,
the simpler it will be.
The first thing to do is to demystify our objective.

Demystification is the main factor that leads the next generation to over-perform the past generation.
When the environment and standards change, the average level changes too. The new generations simply evolve
in a more advanced environment, which creates higher average standards and an additional ease to go for new
higher standards.

With this content we will help you to get the best out of yourself. Of course the amount of work you can do will
depend on many parameters, such as your height and weight, so you will need to look for performances that
match your physical parameters, so base yourself on people with a similar physiology to yours.

Strength begins with self-persuasion and self-confidence.

Find your own levers to persuade yourself, or rather understand, that it is quite, if not easily, achievable.

The mindset of the planche

You will encounter ascending and descending phases throughout your evolution, you will have to go through
each door in your head before you can actually go through it.

Remember the previous gates, once you have passed they are not so hard, so tell yourself that in advance.
Enjoy it, be patient and trust it, it’s not a race but a fight with yourself.

Get to know yourself, don’t hesitate to try things out and do your own experiments. With time you will know
what works and what does not work for you. Each case is different, what will work for someone else will not
necessarily work for you and vice versa.

• Projection / Visualization

What we call visualizing, or projecting, is not just visualizing the effort as we would visualize a journey from
point A to point B.
It is about trying to experience the situation in advance, trying to feel every sensation and detail beforehand.

Visualization / projection’, can be considered as a mental part of the training, without a clear image of the point
of arrival, the path also remains unclear.

By dint of closeness to your body, you can come to quantify by thought the effort that you are able to provide in
the moment, by dint of effort you can also come to conclusive first tries and many amazing results.

Cultivate this closeness with yourself, you are your best support and your best friend.

You must not neglect the notion of pleasure, you must have fun in order to progress, nothing must be considered
as a constraint, even if some days will be more difficult than others, put yourself in perspective, think of the
chance you have and move forward!

Visualization is closely linked to the notion of pleasure, if one day you visualize a movement or a combination
or a strengthening exercise that you like, that makes you want to do it but that is not in the programming, do it!

• Having standards commensurate with your category

The difficulty is relative to the physical parameters that are specific to us.
Leverage plays a major role in isometric work, this is not an excuse, it is a fact.
A 555 does not mean the same thing for a person of 150, 170 or 180 cm.
For a small person it’s ok, for an average person it’s good or very good, for a person over 180 cm it’s huge.

The mindset of the planche

Of course a taller and heavier person can be equivalent to a shorter person, but it will be more difficult and you
have to be aware of this.

It’s important to take it one step at a time, and to have expectations that are proportional to what you can do
at the moment.

• No Pain No ???

Don’t be in a «no pain no gain» mindset, when there is pain, there is no or little gain, pain is not an indicator
of a job well done.

How can you match people who thrive in what they do by being under duress?

«No pain no gain» means that you are embarking on a chore, for which you will need motivation and support,
where is the joy and pleasure in that?

Pushing the effort to its limits is a pleasure, it is positive to fail because each failure is a step closer to your goal,
it doesn’t require «Motivation» you are doing it, by you for you, and it is the only way you can achieve what you
want whether it is for the planche or anything else.

Tips & Guidelines


• Band work

This format is present throughout this program, don’t take a big one, the assistance should simply allow you to
either focus on the technical aspect, or to have access to skills that are too intense for the moment.

It’s best to take a light resistance and tie a number of knots to adjust the tension, then gradually remove them
when they are no longer needed.

This will help you to quantify your progress better, and take the weight off more gradually.

The presence of the elastic should not make the exercise too simple, it should simplify it but you should still feel
that it is working, it is up to you to gauge its assistance according to your needs.

The elastic, if it is above you, will cut your extension in two by pulling you vertically, place your support (hands,
Pbars), one step forward compared to the vertical line of the elastic, it will better accompany your front and
back extension thus.

• Long combinations

They can be followed literally in the order proposed, but they are not fixed and the order is not imposed.
You can personalize them, enrich them, by replacing for example some impossible dips or V sit by victorian or
easier variants.

You can also incorporate skills that you have mastered that I am not aware of, such as the One arm Handstand,
the Hollowback - the Handstand Flag, which can also be used as ‘rest’ elements to incorporate after a press
before coming back down.

Here are the three rules for creating a training combination that allows us to push the volume as far as possible
in a logical and safe manner.

1 - present skills in a degressive manner (from the most difficult to the easiest)

2 - As previously stated, bodyweight intensity is relative to the quality of execution, so the quality of execution
must also be degressive, so as not to come back too quickly to simple variations, so allow yourself to let the legs
go down if it allows you a longer hold and combo.

3 - alternate muscle groups and breathe between movements, to ‘rest’ and increase the volume of work, rest
elements such as balance movements ( hs oah hollowback ) can be used in the same way as the L sit and the
impossible dips ¼ - ½ amplitude .

Tips & Guidelines

• Frequency and volume of work

Daily work volume: A workout should last 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on your perceived fitness level, pass the 2
hours of intensive workouts, the progress will be more technical, so you will always go from hard to easy.
Example: Volume - short combos / try - elastic

Volume of work over the week: The frequency of training is variable and must be in accordance with the state
of form felt, it is supposed to be between 3 and 5 days of training per week according to your possibilities.

Active rest is often preferable to complete rest, it allows you to keep an activity, a rhythm, and provides benefits
and well-being often superior to total rest.
Stretching, mobility, balance, low volume and low intensity exercises, sets and reps, short series without weights,
the idea being to train for a short period of time, around half an hour, with a moderate effort.

A good state of perceived fitness allows you to train more.

Example of a good week: A tired state will require more rest:

MONDAY Training MONDAY Training

TUESDAY Active rest TUESDAY Active rest
FRIDAY Active rest FRIDAY Training
SUNDAY Rest SUNDAY Active rest

• Volume at the level of a combination

A short (~10s) and intense exercise will be considered as muscular, and will result in maximum strength gain,
this type of exercise requires a rest that can be described as short ~ 1 to 3 minutes

A ‘long’ exercise or combination (~ 20/40s) will be considered as nerve resistance, and will require more rest
(4 to 5 minutes).
If you work to total failure, your rest time may be up to 7 minutes.

The longer you work, the more rest you will need to reproduce it without too much strain on your training, and
on your feeling for the following days.

Your progress will be based on your ability to make the right effort in the right way thanks to our content, at the
right time thanks to your feeling, and your state of mind, which must be in line with the work you have done.
Tips & Guidelines

• Learning and assimilating

Strength gain is a response, an adaptation to a constraint that can take several forms (max strength, endurance,
control and positioning).
To progress you will have to push your limits in terms of strength, endurance and technique.
You can’t push your body to a maximum intensity continuously, especially as you risk going from isolated work
to a more voluminous and nervous work, so you need to understand certain work mechanisms.

You can quickly assimilate a movement, but it does not mean that your body will be able to support this
increase in intensity/volume immediately.
I would therefore ask you to be careful and not to rush, lift your foot when you feel it is necessary, especially
in case of :
Big level up : To adapt to the new effort you can provide, your body needs to assimilate and rest after a
level up, we tend to want to immediately push the machine to its limits to take advantage of the results
hard obtained. This is a mistake, you have to learn to channel yourself even when everything is going

Change of season : Joints, muscles, the body in general can feel variations according to temperatures,
air pressure, humidity, etc.
Atmospheric pressure, humidity. These parameters should not be neglected.

Change in the way you train : When you change your programming or incorporate a new movement
that your body is not used to. Even if everything goes well, don’t put too much intensity in the first
• Adapting to external conditions

There are some external parameters that may disturb you or on the contrary boost you, such as:
Changing the place where you usually practice, A place that is too crowded or cramped can greatly
affect you.

Not having your music, this can happen and therefore it may also reduce your visualization and desire.

The weather, cold, rain, heat, are parameters that can be complicated to manage for some.
All these parameters are not really so.
It’s up to you to adapt and strengthen yourself mentally, focus on your goal, increase your resilience, be rigorous
and don’t let yourself get distracted, even if the performance will be reduced, it doesn’t matter, it’s by dint of
doing that your body and mind will get used to the difficulty.

• Finally

Before leaving you to follow this programme: be positive, notice each of your progresses whatever they are:
gain of endurance, ease, or even simply reproduce a similar performance in a less favorable state.
Congratulate yourself! This is the only congratulation that is worth anything and that really impacts you.
Understanding the planche


• Intention / Voluntary Contraction

Intention: No matter the discipline is going to be paramount to optimizing your performance. This is going to
consist of really focusing and prioritizing a technical detail to facilitate the movement in question.
For example Speed intention is going to be very important when executing a press, when engaging the press,
voluntarily thinking about speed intention (in addition to trajectory optimization) will most certainly improve
your performance,
Similarly for pushups, the intention of explosiveness on the development will only optimize your power on the
movement. There is nothing magical about it, just optimization and the «muscular brain» link that should not
be neglected is very important.

Voluntary Contraction: When we are comfortable with a movement we tend to stop forcing voluntarily and
be relaxed, which is a very good thing.But sometimes for performance purposes voluntary contraction of the
muscles being solicited will be important to optimize height on a plank, collapse slower on a one arm plank,
push harder on a pushup etc... there are dozens of examples where saying to yourself «force even more» before
or during the movement will only be beneficial for your performance.

• Trajectories Press
The banana : It will just allow you to go from the plank position to the handstand position no matter
how, it should be used to progress and add volume to the combinations and not for valid performance

Dolphin : This press requires more strength and technique, it consists in diving slightly forward while
keeping a tension in addition to putting a very strong impulse to engage a momentum and logically help
to make follow the rest of the body without having to force all the way.

Piston : This is the one that requires the most raw strength. No arching or acou is tolerated to perform
it strictly. Your position must be the same from start to finish. Difficult and energetic, it is not to be
preferred if you wish to incorporate speed, fluidity and style in your combinations.

• Trajectories pushups
Thoracic closure: This way requires more technique and trajectory work, it will be less natural at first.
It consists in closing in such a way as to reduce the angle between the shoulder and the hand («bolt
or court») so as to be able to restore more power in the manner of a dips and with the advantage of
maintaining to maintain the deltoids presented in front as well as the contraction of the serrated major
in order to optimize the restitution of the protraction at the rise of the pushup.

Archer pushups : The parameters mentioned above are also valid, here we will have to focus more on
the replacement of the grip when going up in the planche. Indeed when you go down in archery you will
lose grip, it is then imperative to make a sharp rotation of the wrist at the right time to recover the grip
in the axis to optimize its height in planche.

Understanding the planche

• Negative technique

The Negative is often overlooked but it is nevertheless much more difficult and technical than a press. The
difficulty for this transition will be to successfully re-engage the hollow and keep an optimal height.

The most important point for this last point will be to replace your grip if necessary and not to hesitate to
tighten the bar very strongly to keep the contact at the back of the hand and not to try to fall in the maximum
wrist resistance.

To replace the hollow in negative, you can at first try to understand the placement with an easier version such
as the tuck or advanced tuck, or voluntarily reduce the leverage in straddle or full by breaking the pelvis to
facilitate the placement of the back to then replace it and correct your line.

• Working on the strict form

To work on the strict form, you’re going to have to work on it outside of the volume work you’ll be doing.

If your ultimate goal is to get great form and especially to perform endurably with it you’re going to have to
understand every little detail, understand how you perform a protraction, and especially accept going back to
lower level movements.

This should not be taken as a regression, but rather as a step backwards to jump forward.

The main muscle that will interest us here will be the serratus major or serratus anterior. It is the small muscle
that will be asked to make a considerable effort to raise our body. It is therefore a very long muscle to strengthen
and to make enduring. Patience is required to master and have total ease with the protraction.

It will be necessary to do a specific strengthening part related to the form and as said before to work on lower
level variants such as the straddle or the advanced tuck to understand all the mechanisms.

For example if you have a rather retracted full, you can at the end of your volume session (in which you will
have had the intention to engage the protraction obviously), With the more or less big rubber band, you will
make series of hold, series of negative or even of pushup if your weak point is the replacement of the hollow in

The goal being to solicit the muscle in its maximum amplitude in order to reinforce it it will be necessary in the
intention once again to want to abuse it to feel it at most.

This is the beginning of your path to your next level of planching.

Start by checking that you know every technical detail of the planche using our free Youtube content as well as
the content attached to this program, technical mistakes will change your muscular involvement and feel, so

CALISTHENICS Understanding the planche

deal with them directly. All the necessary information can be found in the additional video content.
Once you have learned and understood the positioning of the planche, we can start with peace of mind.

• Background work specific work.

Groundwork’ is your daily work, the volume and control work, so the xxx, the long combinations and the
elastic. As you progress, it will give you access to the specific work, that of variants, new transitions and varied

Exam combo to be provided at Exam combo to be provided at If you are above level two go
the end of stage 1 the end of stage 2 for 3
full hold 2s. 333
pushup deadstop dynamic in
good form
hold 2s.

• At what stage should you start ?

To know at which stage to start, try the test combination at the end of parts 1 and 2 which seems to be the
closest to your level, below level 1 you will start at this stage.
If not, you will have to start your journey at stage 2, or 3 for the more advanced.

• Understanding the programme

Before starting, as a reminder: The evolution of strength, at bodyweight, is a binary phenomenon that begins
with a gain in strength and endurance, allowing you to correct your form to the scale of the volume previously

Once you have corrected your form, you will have to accept to neglect it again in order to increase your work
volume, and thus correct it one step higher.
Use all the video content linked to this content to make sure you know everything about the planche.
You can also visit Valentin and Leevan’s youtube channels to learn more!

Conditioning / Warm-up


• Warm up

There are many ways to warm up:

Jumping rope, which quickly increases body temperature, targets the wrists, elbows and shoulders.

The short sprint increases the body temperature and wakes up the nerves.

Actively stretch (by applying resistance) those parts that need their full range of motion - wrists and
shoulders mainly.

The basic set and reps (dips, pull-ups) and plank (lean tuck, lean push-ups) exercises can also be used
as a warm-up if done cleanly and quietly.

An intense, fast-paced combination with a very large assist can help finish a good warm-up.

A video attached to this program will give you different warm-ups.

• Tensions, pains ?

Never ask your body to perform a movement that involves pain, not tension or aches, but persistent and
annoying pain! Pain is a message, listen to your body and do not hurt it.

You can work reasonably on a slightly painful limb because it is an unavoidable consequence from which you
can detach yourself as you adapt to your training.
However, in case of persistent pain, I would ask you to change your way of doing things if it is possible (change
of grip), otherwise, stop working on this movement and work on another movement that does not cause you
Be patient in this way, and treat the area by your own means (stretching, self-massage) or with the help of a
professional. In case of ‘tendinopathy’, to take a simple and concrete example:
It is advisable to let the area rest for two to three days to reduce the inflammation. Once the inflammation has
been reduced, it is not advisable to stop or rest completely. It is advisable to work on the pain but always below
a certain threshold 3-4/10. In this way the tissue/joint will remain irrigated, and can heal while continuing to
be mobilized to maintain normal mobility.

If you do get injured, see a health professional. An osteopath is often able to solve the problem on his own,
trained in muscular, bone, tendon or nerve issues, he will be of great support throughout your sporting life.
The general practitioner can prescribe an appointment with a health professional.
Finally, if no health professional is able to diagnose or cure you, refer you to your GP who can prescribe
medical imaging (X-rays/scans etc).

Next Level step 1


You are already supposed to have a full planche and access to the variations even in bad form.
To be sure, if your level does not allow you to provide the exam combo, you will start by working on your
volume and the transitions between the movements, thanks to the proposed combinations, and the work with
the elastic, I refer you to paragraph 4 - indications, which explains the rules of the long combinations.

You will also have to work on what you lack the most between the hold, the push up and the press, by
concentrating on it at the end of the session with the seated work with the elastic.

Once you are able to perform the test combo present at the end of this stage PERFECTLY, you can move on to
the next stage.
If you are already able to provide the test combo, go directly to the next step.

Start your training with the hardest part - the volume part, you can follow the combinations in any order with
a minimum of 4-5 minutes rest between each one.

your training sequence: 10 min warm up - one elastic - volume - elastic combo - total duration 1h30 to 3 hours

• Volume part

- Remember, the form is degressive if needed along combinations, degrading the form is reducing the intensity,
it helps to provide the effort that you could not provide clean form.

You can then correct it with the strength gain associated with bulky work, and with the control work with the

Don’t stop on a technical failure, if a combination end is too difficult, replace the fulls by straddle planches.

+ means that you have to link the two movements quickly to save energy

• The training methods

As you will have noticed there are 2 methods:

The combo method will be more focused on long and complete combinations.
(High volume in the combos but less series on the training as a whole)

The Repetition method will be more focused on short combinations and rest periods that will emphasize
strength endurance.

Next Level step 1

(Small volume in the combinations but a lot of sets in the training as a whole)

It’s up to you to adapt according to your feelings of the day, which method is more adapted and beneficial for
you to optimize your progression and of course the one that will give you the most pleasure.

Get to know yourself, test the two methods, mix them, take the liberty to add or remove movements in the
combinations if you find one too simple, too difficult or too redundant.

Pleasure = Progression.



full full full full press handstand full
press pushup pushup negative negative press
negative press hold push up pushup négative
pushup negative L sit hold court repress repress
4/5 min rest

4/5 min rest

4/5 min rest

4/5 min rest

4/5 min rest

hold pushup full stop 5s respire negative négative

L sit hold 2s. press répète à l’échec L sit push up
max L sit negative straddle hold
straddle max hold
pushups full pushup L sit
try hold press hold full hold
negative L sit L sit
max hold straddle straddle
max hold hold
10 min rest

Next Level step 1


full max hold to press clean band Full hold to press to push up band
max hold to press max reps
2 min rest 2-3 min rest

full push ups to press to hold band full press band

max reps max reps clean
2 min rest 2 min rest

combo libre band

maximum effort, don’t stop if you fail
3 min rest


1st Set : x3-4 (1min of rest between each set)

Full planche 2/3sec. - to straddle 2/3sec.
5 min. of rest
2nd Set : x3-4 (2 min. rest)
Full press - to negative straddle 3 sec.
5 min. of rest
3rd Set : x3-4 (2 min. rest)
Handstand to negative full/straddle max hold - restart straddle planche
5 min. of rest
4th Set : x3-4 (2 min. rest)
Straddle pushup to hold - restart straddle planche hold
5 min. of rest
5th Set : x3-4 (2 min. rest)
Negative straddle to pushup straddle - restart straddle (frog or advanced if it’s too hard)
5 min. of rest
6th Set : x3-4 (2 min. rest)
Straddle archer - to L sit - to straddle press - to negative straddle
7-10 min. of rest

+Examination combo to be provided PERFECTLY full hold 2s - pushup deadstop - press - negative - hold 2s
This combo can also be used to quantify your progress, try it even if you don’t think you can do it
try it even if you don’t think you can do it to compare with your next attempts.

Next Level step 2


Now that we have ensured that you can provide a clean, unpacked combination with the main transitions, you
will continue to increase your workload with long combinations.

You will also get familiar with the xxx, which is also an incredible tool to increase your workload and continue
to nervously assimilate the transitions.

You can also look at the training formats at the end of the programme to modify your sessions.

And as you will be finishing your workouts with band work throughout your evolution and concentrating on
what you may still be lacking, be sure to use adequate assistance.

• Volume - long and XXX combinations

Do not stop on a technical failure, if the end of a combination is too difficult, replace the full by straddle planche



full full full full hold handstand full
pushups 3x
press pushup pushup press press
negative press hold negative négative
press negative press hold push up repress
4/5 min rest

4/5 min rest

4/5 min rest

4/5 min rest

4/5 min rest

negative pushup negative hol négative

pushup pushup L sit stop 10s breath repress
L sit
hold hold full restart to fail, hold
in straddle if straddle
L sit L sit pushup impossible in full max pushup
max full hold L sit
pushup press L sit full
try hold negative straddle
pushups L sit
max hold max hold
10 min rest

Next Level step 2

full max hold to press + Full hold to press to push up band
negative clean band max reps
max hold to press 2-3 min rest
2 min rest focus CONTROL

full push ups to press to hold band full press band

max reps clean max reps clean
2 min rest 2 min rest

combo libre élastique

maximum effort, don’t stop if you fail
3 min rest


1st Set : x3-4 (1min of rest between set)

Full planche press x2 + negative max hold full
5 min. rest
2nd Set : x3-4 (1 min rest between try)
Full pushup to press + negative to straddle press
5 min. rest
3d Set : x3-4 (2 min rest)
Handstand push-ups x5 to negative 90º full - to pushup to hold (restart if no hold)
5 min. rest
4d Set : x3-4 ( 2 min rest)
Full pushup - handstand to negative full max hold
5 min. rest
5d Set : x3-4 ( 2 min rest)
Full press - Flag/negative to straddle pushup - restart straddle max hold
5 min. rest
6e Set : x3-4 ( 2 minutes de repos)
1-3 sec full hold - to press
7-10 min rest
xxx : very intense and voluminous, you can try this format maximum two to three times per workout. with 5
minutes of rest afterwards.Define your current level by being dynamic.
Your base will be the pushup to press to hold direction, then work it in all the other directions alternating: press
to pushup to hold - hold to pushup to press - hold to press to push up and keep trying to add a repeat press,
pushup, dead stop or a second hold.Allow yourself to pass these extra additions in bad form if necessary to
follow our logic and increase the volume at all costs to correct it later.
Exam combo 333 in correct form
Next Level step 3


Your level can now be called correct, at the end of this stage it should be good, so you may stay on this part for
a while.
You will continue to ask more of yourself, following the same logic of work that you have been doing for a while

You can also look at the training formats at the end of the programme to modify your sessions.

Volume - long and XXX combinations - Don’t stop on a technical failure, if the end of a combination is too
difficult, replace the fulls by straddle planches.



Free Combo full full full hold full full
- Start using
your strength pushup x2 pushup x2 press press archer
and endurance pushup
to create press hold negative negative +
your own pushup press
negative press pushup
4/5 min. rest

4/5 min. rest

repress négative
4/5 min. rest

4/5 min. rest

and personality 4/5 min. rest

pushup negative hold push up
in the way
negative hold
you practice, L sit hold
continue to L sit L sit
follow the long L sit full stop 10s breath archer
combination full hold
rules full pushup restart to fail in pushup
straddle if impossible straddle
hold in full
press max L sit
pushups max hold
negative L sit pushup
max hold full 10 min. rest
max hold
(end with span
strddle no form if

Next Level step 3

full max hold to press + Full hold to press to push up band
negative clean band max reps
max hold to press 2-3 min rest
2 min rest focus CONTROL

full push ups to press to hold band full press band

max reps clean max reps clean
2 min rest 2 min rest

free combo band

maximum effort, don’t stop on a fail
3 min rest


1er Set : x3-4 (1min of rest between sets)

Full pushup x3/5 (restart if no hold)
5 min. rest
2nd Set : x3-4 (1 min. rest between each try)
Full press x 3-5 + negative to hold
5 min. rest
3d Set : x3-4 (2 min. rest)
Archer push-ups straddle to pushup straddle to press to negative to hold (restart if no hold)
5 min. rets
4d Set : x3-4 ( 2
handstand to negative full to pushup to press to negative to max hold (restart if no hold)
5 min. rest
5d Set : x3-4 ( 2 min. rest)
2-5s. hold to press
5 min. rest
6d Set : x3-4 ( 2 min. rest)
archer full pushup to pushup full to L sit to max hold full
10 min. rest

As you approach 555 you will have to reduce the amount of work you do on the band, it is now time to work
in accordance with your level, so keep some at the end of the workout to work on what you lack the most, but
focus more on unassisted work.
Evaluation Combo: 555
this is an important level, to get there feel free to use bad form, see finishing in straddle planche and then cor-
rect it, in full planche.
End of literal planning


Here we are at the .... level. At this point, you are supposed to know yourself, your abilities, your form, and to
be sufficiently trained to know how to adapt yourself daily and to do without a literal schedule that would not
be adapted anymore.

Of course you will continue to strengthen yourself and keep up a similar groundwork, but much of your
remaining progress will be in the variety of your work and your gains in control.
Your stability, your work rate, your ability to breathe, and your synchronicity between these elements.
All of these factors will help you save your energy to produce much more with the same amount of force.
So to prepare you for this moment, we have made you aware of these points and made you work on them.

Now that you have enough strength, you can diversify your work and enrich your combinations!

You now know how to: arrange your training, adapt your rest times,
manage your training frequency and switch between active and complete rest
You also know the importance of volume, and the binary aspect of the evolution of strength/volume → form/

• Diversify your work

Your training must now be more varied and punctual.

You will need to continue to increase your workload, while gradually getting used to working with different
grips and supports and new variations.

Working on supination and pronation will develop different and complementary strengths.
You will need to familiarize yourself with these grips with the help of our guidelines and videos, if you haven’t
already done so.

The floor helps to target shoulders and elbows more as you are not using your grip, so it is a good way to
strengthen yourself differently and gain control.

The rings are a support to be classified independently of the rest, it is a form of habituation which does not only
help to progress on the other supports.
It is rather the opposite, the other supports help to progress in rings. We therefore invite you to look into it after
you have gained sufficient strength and control.

The different work formats


Explanation: We will now introduce you to different work formats.

Each one will have a specific purpose and should be delivered at the right time according to your perceived
fitness level and desires/needs.
You will have noticed that your comfort level on each skill, support or variation varies from day to day.

This is precisely why literal planning is no longer effective.

While maintaining the same groundwork, you will need to visualize and identify what you need to focus on
each day.
You will then use the appropriate work format depending on the goal you are looking for, control work, grip
work or a particular variation etc. .

Your core training: volume work and classic control work will be the same as what this content already
offers, but it will only be 50% of your training, and may even disappear for short periods if another focus
warrants it.

The rest of your training will be modulated daily as mentioned above using the formats below.

Short combinations - isolate a transition/variation.

In a long combination, the slightest failure or loss of trajectory translates into a significant loss of
endurance, spent to regain form and trajectory.
It is therefore important to isolate a problematic transition in order to master it completely.
This will be necessary for you to be able to provide ‘rich’ long combos, in different movements and
variations, without taking too many risks during the transitions which are often as, if not harder than the
movement itself.

Each transition requires a particular working trajectory that makes it more logical, simple and fluid.


XXX : very intense and bulky, you can try this format maximum two to three times per workout. Define
your current level by being dynamic.
Your base will be the pushup to press to hold direction, then work it in all the other directions alternating:
press to pushup to hold - hold to pushup to press - hold to press to push up and keep trying to add a
repeat press, pushup, dead stop or a second hold.

Allow yourself to pass these extra additions in bad form if necessary to follow our logic and increase the
volume no matter what and then correct it.

The different work formats

Pushup to press full planche max reps

More than a simple transition, isolated, it is an alternative to xxx
This is without a doubt the most problematic transition, regaining height after a pushup, and re-engaging
in your work trajectory is imperative to be able to provide long and varied combinations.
You can introduce this into your workouts at any level of the program.

Weighted - knees - ankles - elastic

Once it becomes ‘easy’ for you to carry yourself you can increase the intensity by reducing the overall
This can be a tool to increase the maximum strength and therefore the overall volume without weighting.

Find details of each way of weighting in the images below.

Blindfolded - proprioception
Working blindfolded will require you to focus solely on your sensations, and will help you gain control,
but also and above all confidence. Indeed, psychologically, if you are able to pass a combination without
the help of your eyes, it will be almost impossible to miss it with them.

WARNING! Do not perform this type of work on a support that is too high, favor low or even half-
high parallels.

Max hold to press

Relevant work format, it will ask you to go and get high at the worst moment of your short combination,
and thus obligatorily to follow the good trajectory with the good gesture under penalty of failure.

Max spam
As with all extremely large work formats, it can only be repeated once or twice per workout. It is a good
way to know your raw, clean, or dead stop volume to quantify your evolution. It is also a good way to
train to keep the same work frequency over a certain number of repetitions, and thus not to lose energy

EMOM (every minutes on the minute) is a very interesting training method to work on your strength

It is to be used at the end of the session to increase the volume and finish and totally empty its energy,
not to be done at each training if you do not know how to perfectly manage the intensity that your body
can take in over the training sessions.

The EMOM has a rather simple operation, it consists of doing 1 exercise every minute for X minutes
Example :
EMOM 10’ : 2 full press
EMOM 5’ : 5 pushup to press
EMOM 8’ : 10 seconds full hold

The different work formats

You will have to know how to manage your effort and try to maintain the rhythm so that you are not
unable to do anything during the last few minutes! Of course, even if you can’t keep up the pace, continue
by reducing the difficulty with an easier variation.If however you have no energy left at the end of your
session, you can do an EMOM totally on the rubber band.

There are 2 ways to do the EMOM:

• Simple version : you finish your exercise you trigger the minute of rest which makes you a total rest of
1 minute

• Difficult version: You start your stopwatch at the beginning of the exercise, if your exercise lasts 20
seconds, you will only have 40 seconds of rest. You start again directly at each new minute.

Rubber bands work: this format is present throughout this program, don’t take one too big, the assistance
should simply allow you to either focus on the technical aspect , or have access to skills that are too intense
for the moment.

It’s best to take a light resistance and tie a number of knots to adjust the tension, then gradually remove
them when they are no longer needed.
This will help you to better quantify your progress, and take the weight off more gradually.

The presence of the rubber band should not make the exercise too simple, it should simplify it, but you
should still feel that it is working, it is up to you to gauge its assistance according to your needs.

The rubber band, if it is above you, will cut your extension in two by pulling you vertically, place your
support (hands, Pbars), one step forward in relation to the vertical line of the rubber band, it will better
accompany your front and back extension in this way.

In case of extreme decline, it is quite conceivable and possible to make a whole session with the rubber
band, to have fun, to feel light, to take pleasure, to find sensations, to work its trajectories, to work its
technique will be only beneficial.

The rubber band does not mean in any case «not to force» well to use it is the perfect accessory to
increase its performances as well on the powermoves as on the repetitions.

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All sports practice includes risks, DavaiCalisthenics, as well as its entire team, cannot be held responsible, and hereby disclaims all liability in
the event of injury.
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