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El-Mergib University

Faculty of Engineering /Al-khoms

Chemical & Petroleum Department

Removal Of Copper(II) From Aqueous Solution

By using Iron Slag

B.Sc. Project
Submitted to Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Department In Partial Fulfiment of the Requirment for the
Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering

Submitted by:

Abdullah Misbah Abbad

Supervised by:

Dr. Ali Ramadan Elkais

Mr. Salem Mohammed Al-burki

Fall 2024
‫قال رسول اهلل ﷺ} من سَلَك طريًقا يطلُب فيِه علًما سَلك الَّلُه ِبه طريًقا من‬

‫ِل‬ ‫ِم‬ ‫ِئ‬ ‫ِة‬

‫طرِق الجَّن وإَّن المال كَة لتضُع أجنحَتها ِرًضى لطالِب العل وإَّن العا َم ليستغفُر‬
‫َله ن في الَّسماواِت ومن في األرِض والحيتا في جوِف الماِء وإَّن فض العاِلِم‬
‫َل‬ ‫ُن‬ ‫َم‬

‫على العابِد كفضِل القمِر ليلَة البدِر على سائِر الكواكِب وإَّن العلماَء ورثُة‬

‫األنبياِء وإَّن األنبياَء لم يوِّرثوا ديناًر ا وال درهًما { الراوي‪ :‬أبو الدرداء‪.‬‬

I wanted to say thank you for everything you do. Your love and support mean the
world to me. I'm grateful to have you as my mothe.

(My dear mother)

I am deeply grateful for all that you have done for me, Dad. Your unwavering
love, guidance, and support have shaped me into the person I am today, and I will
forever cherish the memories we have created together.

(My dear father)

Thank you for always being there for me,Your support means the world to me.…
(My brothers) Thank you for being by my side through thick and thin.Your
friendship has been a source of strength and comfort.

(Our friends)

I want to express my appreciation for your accessibility and willingness to help.

Your availability for clarification and guidance has been invaluable.

Dr. (Ali Elkais) & (Mr.Salem Al-burki)



First of all, I thank ALLAH Almighty for enabling me to complete this research.
Praise and thanks be to Him. Then I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. (Ali
Elkais), whose experience was invaluable in formulating the most important
research topics and methodology. His insightful comments pushed me to refine my
thinking and raise my work to a higher level. Then I would like to express my
thanks and appreciation to the lecturers of the Chemical and Petroleum
Engineering Department for their support and teaching, and for all the
opportunities they provided me to continue my research


This work aims to study the effectiveness of iron slag in removing copper ions
from aqueous solutions, depending on various parameters such as contact time,
diameter of particles, pH, initial concentration, adsorbent dose, and temperature.
The best removal rate was (99.55%), and the maximum absorption capacity was
(96.08 mg/g), at a temperature of 25 °C, at a contact time (90 minutes), the weight
of the adsorbent (3.5 grams), pH (5), and size of the adsorbent particles (200
micrometers) with the initial concentration of the solution.

LIST OF CONTENT................................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES...............................................................................................viii
LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................ix
LIST OF SYMBOLS................................................................................................x
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION...................................................................1
1.1 Origin of water contamination........................................................................2
1.1.1 Natural sources........................................................................................3
1.1.2 Anthropogenic Sources............................................................................3
1.1.3 Domestic Sewage.....................................................................................4
1.1.4 Industrial Source......................................................................................4
1.1.5 Agriculture Source...................................................................................4
1.1.6 Mining Source.........................................................................................5
1.1.7 Heavy Metal Intake Through Water........................................................5
1.2 Objectives..........................................................................................................5
1.3 Project Organization:.......................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO:HISTORICAL AND BACKGROUND.................................7
2.1 Literature Review Of Heavy Metal.................................................................7
2.2 Copper's effects on the environment and human health............................10
2.3Techniques for Handling Heavy Metals........................................................10
2.3 .1 Membrane Process................................................................................10
2.3.2 Adsorption.............................................................................................11
2.3.3 Ion Exchange.........................................................................................12
2.3.4 Coagulation and Flocculation................................................................13
CHAPTER THREE:MATERIALS &METHODS...........................................15

3.1 Introduction....................................................................................................15
3.2 An overview of iron slag in brief...................................................................15
3.2.1 Composition...........................................................................................15
3.2.2 Ferrous slag Ferrous..............................................................................16
3.2.3 Applications........................................................................................17 Construction........................................................................................17 Wastewater treatment and agriculture................................................17
3.3 Preparation of adsorbent...............................................................................18
3.4 Preparation Of The Adsorbed Solution........................................................19
3.5 Equipments.................................................................................................19
3.5.1 Spectrophotometer.................................................................................19
3.5.2 Laboratory Water Bath..........................................................................20
3.5.3 Auxiliary Tools......................................................................................20
3.6. Expermintal Studies......................................................................................21
3.5.1 Parameters Effecting Copper Removal.................................................21 Contact Time......................................................................................22 dsorbent Dose Variation.....................................................................22 Initial concetration..............................................................................22 PH Scale..............................................................................................22 Temperature effect..............................................................................23 Particale size.......................................................................................23
3.6 Adsorption Isotherm......................................................................................23
3.6.1 Langmuir Isotherm................................................................................23
3.6.2 Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm............................................................24
3.6.3 Temkin Isotherm....................................................................................24
3.7 Adsorption Kinetecs.................................................................................25
3.7.1 Simple First Order Model......................................................................25
3.7.2. Pseudo first order kinetic model:..........................................................25
3.7.3. Second-Order Pseudo Kinetic Model:..................................................26

CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS......................................27
4.1. Expirmental Studies......................................................................................27
4.1.1. Selection Of The Wave Length............................................................27
4.1.2. Calbiration Curve.................................................................................28
4.1.3 Factors That Affect Copper Adsorption................................................29 Contact Time......................................................................................29 Adsorbent Dose Variation........................................................30 Effect Of PH......................................................................................31 Effect Of Temprature..........................................................................32 Effect Of Initial Copper Concentration.............................................33 Effect Of Adsorbent Particle Size.......................................................34
4.1.4. Adsorption Isotherm.............................................................................35 Langmuir Isotherm Langmuir.............................................................35 Freundlich Isotherm...........................................................................36 Temkin Isotherm................................................................................37
4.1.5 Adsorption dynamic..............................................................................39 Simple First Order Model...................................................................40 Pseudo First-Order Model..................................................................41 Pseudo-Second-Order Kinetics...........................................................42
5.1 CONCLUSIONS:-..........................................................................................45
5.2. RECOMMENDATION :-.............................................................................46
APPENDEX A.......................................................................................................54


Figure (2.1)&(2.2): Iron Slag.................................................................................19

Figure(3.1) :ground iron slag..................................................................................20
Figure(3.3): Laboratory water bath.........................................................................21
Figure(3.4): Gamber Grinding Mill........................................................................22
Figure(4.1): Maximum absorbent of copper(II) solution.......................................29
figure(4.2):Calbiration curve of cu(ii) solution......................................................30
Figure(4.3): Effect of Contact time on copper adsorption......................................31
Figure(4.4): Effect of adsorbent dosage on copper adsorption...............................32
Figure(4.5): Effect of pH on copper adsorption.....................................................33
Figure(4.6):Effect of temperature on copper adsorption........................................34
Figure(4.7):Effect of initial conceratiom on copper adsorption.............................35
Figure(4.8): Effect of particle size on copper adsorption.......................................36
Figure(4.9):linear from langmuir isotherm.............................................................37
Figure(4.10): linear from freundlich isotherm........................................................38
Figure(4.11):linear from temkin isotherm..............................................................39
Figure(4.12):adsorption kinatics of Cu(II)on iron slag at defferent initial
Figure(4.13):plot of the simple first order adsorption kinetics of Cu(II)...............42
Figure(4.14):plot of pseudo first order adsorption kinetics....................................43
Figure(4.15):plot og pseudo second order adsorption kinetics...............................43


Tabel[1.1 ] Major sources of some heavy metal ions in water [17]....................2

Table[2.1] procedures used in the removal of heavy metals[49]......................14
Table [3.1] Chemical composition of iron slag...................................................17
Tables (4.1): Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin Isotherm contact................39
Tables [4.3 a,b,c]:the value of parameters for different kineticmodels fitted to
the Cu(II) adsorption kinetics on Iron Slag varies initial conditions ..............44
Tables [4.3 a] Simple First Order Model............................................................44
Tables [4.3 b] Pseudo-First Order Model...........................................................44
Tables [4.3 c] Pseudo-Scond Order Model.........................................................44


Symbols Units
qe :Equilibrium adsorption capacity mg/g
C0:Initial metal concetration mg/l
Ce:Equlibrium concetration mg/l
V:volume of solution l
KL :Langmuir isotherm constant l/g
aL :Langmuir costant l/mg
Kf :Ferundlich costant l/g
n:Freundlich exponent dimensionless
R:Ideal gas constant J/(mol.K)
M:Molecular wieght of the adsorbed g/mol
Ct :Concetration of metal ions at time t mg/l
Kl :First order rate costant l/min
K2:Equilibrium rate constant of pseudo second g/(mg.min)

Chapter 1 Introduction


Since water is a necessary component of all plant and animal life, its pollution is
typically regarded as more significant than that of soil and air. This which has
particular qualities because of its characteristics, it is the best dissolving agent
available and can suspend or adsorb a wide range of substances. Two to three
billion people worldwide lack access to basic sanitary facilities, and over a billion
people do not have access to safe drinking water. Every year, illnesses linked to
water cause between three and five million deaths [3].

Surface water (freshwater lakes, rivers, and streams) and groundwater

(borehole water and well water) are the principal natural water resources.
Nowadays, one of the most important environmental issues is water contamination
[4, 5]. Heavy metals are among the major pollutants in water sources [6]. Despite
this, heavy metals are sensitive indicators for monitoring changes in the marine
environment. Due to human industrial activities, the levels of heavy metals in the
aquatic environment are seriously increasing and have created a major global
concern [7, 8]. Some of these metals are essential for the growth, development,
and health of living organisms, whereas others are non-essential as they are
indestructible, and most of them are categorized as toxic species for organisms
[9]. Nonetheless, the toxicity of metals depends on their concentration levels in the
environment. With increasing concentrations in the environment and decreasing
the capacity of soils to retain heavy metals, they leach into groundwater and soil
solutions. Thus, these toxic metals can accumulate in living tissues and
concentrate through the food chain. Cadmium is regarded as the
most serious contaminant of the modern age [10]. Copper is classified as a priority
pollutant because of its adverse health effects [11]. Zinc and iron are essential
elements and are generally considered to be non-toxic below certain levels [12].

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 1 Elmergib University

Chapter 1 Introduction

Lead is not an essential trace element in any organism and has no known
biological function. It can cause a variety of harmful health effects [13].

1.1 Origin of water contamination

These heavy metals may be present on the water's surface as a result of man-made
or natural processes. As a result of natural processes, rocks include elements such
as metals, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and naturally occurring weathering
processes. Metal penetrates various areas of the ecosystem as a result of these
actions. Sulfates, hydroxides, oxides, phosphates, and silicates are among the
compounds that include heavy metals [14, 15]. The primary causes of the massive
buildup of heavy metals in the water are both natural and human-caused.
Additional natural sources of heavy metal contamination in water include the wet
and dry deposition of atmospheric salts, the contact of water with rocks, and the
interaction of water with One example of a human cause of tainted water is the
abrupt rise in urbanization and industrialization [16].

Table[1.1 ] Major sources of some heavy metal ions in water [17]

Heavy metal ion Common source

Copper (Cu) Fertilizers, tanning, and photovoltaic cells
Zinc (Zn) Soldering, cosmetics ,and pigment
Cadmium (Cd) Paints, pigments, electroplated parts,
synthetic rubber ,photoconductors
Mercury (Hg) Combustion of coal, municipal solid waste
Chromium (Cr) Leather industry, chrome plating industries,
and tanning
Arsenic (As) Pesticides ,fertilizers, and oxidation of
pyrite (FeS)

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 2 Elmergib University

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1.1 Natural sources

The environment contains excess amounts of trace metals, which are created by
geographical processes such as rock weathering, volcanic eruptions, and water
evaporation into rivers, lakes, and seas [18]. The existence of heavy The hydrogeology,
geochemical characteristics, and local geology of the aquifer all influence the presence of
metals in the water [19]. Weathering is one of the primary causes of pollution. The water
becomes contaminated or polluted due to the weathering of sedimentary rocks like shale,
dolomite, and limestone. Contamination results from the addition of these elements to the
water as a result of the interaction between water and rock elements. These elements
include gabbro, basalt, syenite, and granite [20–21].

1.1.2 Anthropogenic Sources

Anthropogenic circumstances that led to the natural forest being replaced by
human settlement and increased agricultural activity have had an adverse effect
on the ecosystem. The aquatic ecosystems, which include the river's spring waters,
have been contaminated by these operations [22]. Human activity and agricultural
practices have led to an increase in the content of mercury in water. The primary
causes of this are mining, pyro metallurgical activities, the burning of solid waste,
the combustion of coal and oil, and the discharge of residential sewage into the
water. Water, either by snowfall or rain, introduces polluted soil containing
mercury into nearby water areas [23–24]. Corroded metal pipelines and containers
are the source of nickel [25]. Lead in water is primarily found in paint and petrol
additives, as well as in aerosol precipitation formed by the high temperatures used
in industrial processes for the production of chloralkali, batteries, fluorescent
lights, thermometers, and electronic switches, as well as coal combustion,
smelting, and cement production. Among the industrial activities is the chemical
industry [26].

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 3 Elmergib University

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1.3 Domestic Sewage

A significant volume of untreated household sewage is dumped into the river.
There are poisons in this untreated household garbage. These poisons result from
the accumulation of solid waste, plastic debris, or bacterial infection. These have
the potential to contaminate water. Untreated domestic runoff is dumped straight
into water resources, leading to internal pollution and ecological damage [27].

1.1.4 Industrial Source

Because heavy metals cannot be broken down and instead accumulate inside living
things, their contamination of the aquatic environment is extremely dangerous
[28]. The primary means by which they are obtained is through industry residue.
Heavy metals enter aquatic environments, and the kind of wastewater treatment
that is employed affects how much of them accumulate in the water [29]. When
heavy metals and waste from businesses are disposed of, they accumulate in rivers
and lakes and have a negative effect on both humans and wildlife. Reproductive
failure and acute toxic poisoning are the causes of immunological suppression

1.1.5 Agriculture Source

Although there are fewer people living in rural areas, the water is
contaminated due to soil erosion, pesticides, and fertilizer use. When it rains,
surface runoff water enters the surrounding water resource and contaminates the
already existing [31]. Overly nitrogen-enriched fertilizers reduce the amount of
dissolved oxygen in rivers and coastal areas, endangering the biota. Similar
to pesticides, which are applied to manage pests, these pesticides seep into
groundwater, hence causing contamination [32].

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 4 Elmergib University

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1.6 Mining Source

Because heavy metals are found in the earth, there are a number of ways they can
get into the water system, and mining is one of them. When precipitation occurs, it
extracts heavy metals from their geological formation by means of running water.

1.1.7 Heavy Metal Intake Through Water

Heavy metals in surface and subterranean water contaminate soil, and the
pollution gets worse when mined ores are dumped on the ground surface for
manual dressing [34]. The metals are exposed as a result of the dumping over the
surface. to rain and the atmosphere, producing enormous AMD. At that point,
contaminated soil seeps into plant tissue and accumulates there [35].

1.2 Objectives
1. Study the potential use of iron slag in the adsorption method of Cu(II) removal
from an aqueous solution.
2. Treatment of industrial, sanitary, and agricultural wastewater.
3. Study the effect of parameters such as contact time, ph, temperature, particle
size, adsorbent dose, and initial concentration.
4. Assess the feasibility of using iron slag as a low-cost and environmentally
friendly alternative for copper ion removal from wastewater.

1.3 Project Organization:

Chapter One, It explains the significance of water in life, the ways in which heavy
metals can contaminate water, and the necessity of purifying water. Additionally,

Chapter Two, This chapter reviews previous research on the use of iron slag and
some other industrial and natural materials to remove copper from wastewater. In

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 5 Elmergib University

Chapter 1 Introduction

addition, physical and chemical strategies for removing copper and techniques
used in treating various types of water are being researched.

Chapter three, Information on the materials is given in Chapter Three, Materials

and Methods, as well as the study's techniques. It defines and clarifies the intricate
process that is employed. A brief presentation of the characterization and
speciation analysis research was also made.

Chapter Four, Results and Discussions, summarizes the study's findings and
discusses the ramifications of earlier findings based on studies that have been

Chapter Five summarizes and wraps up the research activities in Conclusion and

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 6 Elmergib University

Chapter 2 Historical & Background


This chapter reviews earlier research on the use of iron slag and a few other
industrial and natural materials to remove copper from wastewater. Furthermore,
physical and chemical strategies for copper removal are being researched.

2.1 Literature Review Of Heavy Metal

(Li, Y, et al., 2019) Activated carbons represent powerful materials for water
pollution. In this study, the researchers manufactured two carbon materials in a
simple and environmentally friendly way using biomass waste from neem and
hayvine thabaca plants. The material preparation aimed to achieve high surface
activity and low cost in order to develop an adsorbent for the removal of harmful
substances from water, such as heavy metals. The adsorption of Cu (II) ions on
activated carbon from Neem (CAN) and Hyphaene thebaica (CAH) hulls was
systematically investigated using a batch method by varying several key
operational parameters such as contact time, pH, adsorbent dose, and the effect of
concentration. The results obtained from the study indicated that the maximum
uptake capacity was (277 mg/g) for CAN and (210 mg/g) for CAH at pH 5 after
15 min of equilibrium time in contact with 500 mg/L of the initial concentration of
copper ions solution. Besides, the kinetic study showed that the adsorption
followed a pseudo-first-order model for CAN and a pseudo-second-order model
for CAH. Thus, this study shows that Neem and Hyphaene thebaica hulls represent
a valuable biomass source for the production of activated carbon for heavy metal
remediation [40].

(Trikkaliotis, D.G. et al., 2020) In this study, work was done on the adsorption of
Cu(II) and Pb(II) from two different types of slags (steelmaking and blast furnace
slag) and their alterations made by leaching with demineralized water (with

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 7 Elmergib University

Chapter 2 Historical & Background

contact times of 24 and 48 hours) and a 0.001 mol/L solution of HCl. The blast
furnace slag that was leached for 48 hours had the highest removal quantities of
Cu (II). This observation can be explained by the greater specific surface area of
the leached blast furnace slag; co-precipitation of Cu(II) hydroxides or hydroxo-
complexes on the slag surface is thought to be the mechanism for Cu(II) removal.
Conversely, the altered steelmaking slags show no improvement in their removal
capabilities. The sorption capabilities for Pb(II) were reduced by the slags'
treatment. The initial slag used in steelmaking was revealed in [37].

(Christoforidis, A. K. et al., 2020) Work has been done on preparing A new

absorbent material consisting of chitosan, polyvinyl alcohol, and polyethylene
glycol was prepared to remove copper ions from aqueous solutions. It was studied
at the variables of initial pH, contact time, and adsorbent dose. It was observed
that the maximum absorption (99%) was for the concentration of copper ions (25
mg/L) at pH = 5, temperature (25 °C), and time (5 hours). The study demonstrated
that this material can be adopted as an effective absorbent material for removing
copper from water [38].

(Fita, G. et al., 2023) In this study, cashew nut shells were used as a biosorbent to
remove copper ions. The effects of pH, temperature, contact time, and the initial
concentration of copper were taken into account. The maximum adsorption
capacity was 20 mg/g at a pH of 5 and a time of 30 minutes. Through this study, it
was found that the absorption process is possible and successful, and this material
can be used as a low-cost natural absorbent material to remove copper ions from
aqueous solutions [39].

(Ofiera, L. M. et al., 2024) In this study, a silica gel material modified with
nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA-silica gel) was sensibly designed and prepared via a
simple amidation procedure for the removal of Cu +2, Cd+2, and Pb+2 from water.
The NTA-silica gels showed rapid removal performances for the three metal ions
(Pb+2 (<2 min), Cu+2 (<20 min), and Cd+2 (<20 min), with relatively high

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 8 Elmergib University

Chapter 2 Historical & Background

adsorption capacities (63.5, 53.14, and 76.22 mg/g for Cu+2, Cd+2, and Pb+2,
respectively). At the same concentration of 20 mg/L, the removal efficiencies of
the three metals by the adsorbent ranged from 96% to 99%. The Freundlich and
Langmuir models were utilized to fit the adsorption isotherms. The adsorption
kinetics for the three metal ions were pseudo-second-order kinetics. The removal
performance of the NTA-silica gels increased in a wide pH range (2–9) and.In
addition, the NTA-silica gels were easily regenerated (washed with 1% HNO 3) and
reused for 5 cycles with high adsorption capacity. This study indicates that the
NTA-silica gel is a reusable adsorbent for the rapid, convenient, and efficient
removal of Cu+2, Cd+2, and Pb+2 from contaminated aquatic environments. [41]

2.2 Copper's effects on the environment and human health

Persistent inhalation of copper-containing spray has been associated with a rise in
lung cancer cases among workers who have been exposed. The acceptable upper
bound of Cu (II) in water is 2.5 mg/L. [43] , The byproducts of industries like
metallurgy are the main sources of copper ions, preservation, plating, electronics
plating, tanning, corrosion inhibition, wire drawing, and printing operations. [44],
Skin and respiratory tract corrosion, lung cancer, inflammation, and other health
problems are brought on by exposure to copper dust and mist. Workers who are
exposed to copper spray have an increased chance of developing lung cancer if
they inhale it. [45]. The elimination of copper ions is becoming increasingly
important from an economic and environmental standpoint because of its grave
risks to people, animals, and plants. Cu (II) contamination in the environment
typically causes major health consequences because it accumulates in living
tissues throughout the food chain as a non-biodegradable contaminant. [44-46]

2.3Techniques for Handling Heavy Metals

Heavy metals from wastewater can be recovered using a variety of treatment
methods. While some of them are relatively modern inventions, others are tried-

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 9 Elmergib University

Chapter 2 Historical & Background

and-true techniques that have been in use for decades. Precipitation, ion exchange,
membrane processes, and adsorption are the most often employed.

2.3 .1 Membrane Process

There are five types of membrane processes that are commonly used in water and
wastewater treatment:

1. Micro filtration

2. Ultrafiltration

3. Nanofdtration

4. Reverse Osmosis

5. Electrodialysis

Through these processes, dissolved substances and finely dispersed particles can
be separated from liquids. All five technologies rely on membrane transport, the
passage of solutes or solvents through thin, porous polymeric membranes.

A membrane is defined as an intervening phase separating two phases and forming

an active or passive barrier to the transport of matter. Membrane processes can be
operated as:

(1) Dead-end filtration.

(2) cross-flow filtration.

Dead-end filtration refers to filtration at one end. A problem with these systems is
frequent membrane clogging. Cross-flow filtration overcomes the problem of
membrane clogging and is widely used in water and wastewater treatment.

The membrane itself is a polymeric coating or extrusion with inverted conical-

shaped pores [47].

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 10 Elmergib University

Chapter 2 Historical & Background

2.3.2 Adsorption
Adsorption works on the principle of adhesion. In the case of water treatment,
organic contaminants are attracted to the adsorbing material. They adhere to its
surface through a combination of complex physical forces and chemical action.
For adsorption to be effective, the adsorbent must provide an extremely large
surface area on which the contaminant chemicals can adhere. If the process is to be
economical to build and operate, the total surface area of the adsorbent required
must be contained in a tank of reasonable size. Porous adsorbent materials help
achieve these objectives. Activated carbon is an excellent adsorbent because it has
a vast network of pores of varying sizes to accept both large and small
contaminant molecules. These pores give activated carbon a very large surface
area. Just 1 lb (0.45 kg) of activated carbon has a total surface area of about 150
acres (607028 m2). This can, for example, trap and hold over 0.55 lb (0.25 kg) of
carbon tetrachloride. These pores are created during the manufacturing process by
exposing the carbon to very high heat in the presence of steam. This is known as
activating carbon. Activation oxidizes all particles on the surface of the carbon,
leaving the surface free to attract and hold organic substances. Once the surface of
the pores is covered by adsorbed material, the carbon loses its ability to adsorb.
The spent carbon can then be reactivated by essentially the same process as the
original activation, or it can be discarded and replaced with fresh carbon [48].

2.3.3 Ion Exchange

The ion exchange process is most often used in municipal water treatment to
remove unwanted ions, such as arsenate, nitrate, and hardness (calcium and
magnesium). Some utilities are using ion exchange processes to remove fulvates
and humates from source water. Still others are using ion exchange to remove
fluorides and anionic complexes of uranium.Ion exchange is a common alternative
to cold-process lime-soda ash softening.

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 11 Elmergib University

Chapter 2 Historical & Background

Ion exchange units are equipped with synthetic resins, which are capable of
stripping away the contaminant ions and exchanging them for more desirable ions.
Many of these processes are reversible and allow the resins to be regenerated. The
waste material from these units should be disposed of, and this sometimes creates
a challenge because of the concentrated contaminant levels in the waste. Resins
provide long-term use, and with good care, they will serve the utility for periods
that help amortize the costs. Some loss and breakdown of the media is expected,
and poor operating conditions can hasten the loss [48].

2.3.4 Coagulation and Flocculation

In the coagulation and flocculation processes, nonsettleable solids are converted
into larger and heavier settleable solids by physical-chemical changes brought
about by adding and mixing coagulant chemicals into the raw water. The settleable
solids can then be removed by the sedimentation and filtration processes.
Nonsettleable solids resist settling for the following two reasons:

1. Particle size:.

2. Natural forces between particles.

Coagulation: adding and rapid mixing of chemical coagulants into the raw water.
Flocculation: slow mixing of the chemicals with the water to assist in building up
particles of floc [48].

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 12 Elmergib University

Chapter 2 Historical & Background

Table[2.1] procedures used in the removal of heavy metals[49]

Technology Description Economics Types of Waste

Gravity Settling Tanks or ponds Relatively Slurries or streams with
provide hold-up inexpensive; suspended solids
time allowing solids dependent on
to settle particle size and
settling rate
Collection devices
such as screens, Labor intensive,
cloth, or other; relatively
liquids pass and Aqueous solutions with
Filtration inexpensive,
solids are retained finely divided solids
additional energy
needed for pumping

Air bubbled liquid

to collect fine solids
that rise to surface Relatively Aqueous solutions with
Floatation with bubbles inexpensive finely divided solids

Agent added to
aggregate solids to
together to facilitate Relatively Aqueous solutions with
separation inexpensive finely divided solids

Spinning of
mixtures and
centrifugal force
causes separation Competitive with Liquid/liquid or
by differences in filtration liquid/solid separations

Boiling off
materials by taking
advantage of
Distillation differences in Energy intensive Organic liquids
boiling points

Solvent recovery by
boiling off the Organic/Inorganic aqueous
Evaporation Energy intensive
solvent streams

Separation of
positively charged
materials by Heavy metals; ions from
Dependent on
Electrolysis application of aqueous solutions; copper
electric current recovery

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 13 Elmergib University

Chapter 2 Historical & Background

Technology Description Economics Types of Waste

Relatively costly
Dissolved materials thermal Organic/inorganics from
Carbon absorption selectively regeneration aqueous solutions with
absorbed in carbon needed; energy low concentrations

Solvent used to
selectively dissolve Relatively high Organic liquids, phenols,
Solvent Extraction
solid or extract costs acids
liquid from waste

Pyrolysis in Insufficient U.S.

Chlorinolysis atmosphere of market for carbon Chlorocarbon wastes
excess chlorine tetrachloride

Oxidative state of
chemical changed Metals, mercury in dilute
Reduction Inexpensive
through chemical streams

Thermal conversion Relatively high Chlorinated organic

Thermal Oxidation
of components costs liquids; silver

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Chapter 3 Materials & Methods


3.1 Introduction
This chapter begins by going over how to prepare the adsorbent and adsorbate
solutions. After that, a list of all the supplies and tools needed for the project is
provided. The single-element research on iron slag's adsorption capacities is
discussed, along with the experimental procedure. Numerous metrics were
measured throughout the trials. It also draws attention to. Equilibrium isotherms
are finally presented.

3.2 An overview of iron slag in brief

Slag is a by-product obtained from the smelting of recycled metals and ores
(pyrometallurgical).[50], The major ingredients of slag are silicon dioxide and
metal oxides. It can be broadly categorized as nonferrous/base metals (by-products
of recovering non-ferrous resources like copper, nickel, zinc, and phosphorus),
ferrous (by-products of processing iron and steel), or ferroalloy (by-product of
ferroalloy manufacture). Slags can be further divided into subcategories based on
their precursor and processing circumstances, such as blast furnace slags, air-
cooled blast furnace slag, basic oxygen furnace slag, and electric arc furnace slag.

3.2.1 Composition
Typically, slag is composed of silicon dioxide and metal oxides. Slags, however,
may contain elemental metals and metal sulfides. The oxides of calcium,
magnesium, silicon, iron, and aluminum make up the majority of these slags;
smaller amounts of manganese, phosphorus, and other elements may be present as
well, depending on the particulars of the raw materials utilized. In addition, among

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Chapter 3 Materials & Methods

other important constituents, slag can be categorized according to the amount of

iron present [50].

The components were identified using X-ray diffraction (XRD) at the El-Mergib
cement plant.

Table [3.1] Chemical Composition of Iron Slag

Elements %Mass

Al2O3 6.4860

CaO 49.0679

Cl 0.0060

Fe2O 14.7312

K2O 0.0085

MgO 9.2741

Na2O 0.0807

SiO2 21.7082

3.2.2 Ferrous slag Ferrous

Slags are produced in different stages of the iron and steelmaking processes,
resulting in varying physiochemical properties. Additionally, the rate of cooling of
the slag material affects its degree of crystallinity, further diversifying its range of
properties. For example, slow-cooled blast furnace slags (or air-cooled slags) tend
to have more crystalline phases than quenched blast furnace slags (ground-
granulated blast furnace slags), making them denser and better suited as aggregate.
It may also have a higher free calcium oxide and magnesium oxide content, which
are often converted to their hydrated forms if excessive volume expansions are not

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Chapter 3 Materials & Methods

desired. On the other hand, water-quenched blast furnace slags have greater
amorphous phases, giving them latent hydraulic properties similar to Portland
cement. During the process of smelting iron, ferrous slag is created, but it is
dominated by calcium and silicon compositions. Through this process, ferrous slag
can be broken down into blast furnace slag (produced from iron oxides of molten
iron), then steel slag (which forms when steel scrap and molten iron are
combined). The major phases of ferrous slag contain calcium-rich olivine-group
silicates and melilite-group silicates [52].

3.2.3 Applications Construction

Utilization of slags in the construction industry dates back to the 1800s, when blast
furnace slags were used to build roads and railroad ballast. During this time, it was
also used as an aggregate and had begun being integrated into the cement industry
as a geopolymer. [53], Today, ground granulated blast furnace slags are used in
combination with Portland cement to create "slag cement." Granulated blast
furnace slags react with portlandite (Ca(OH)2), which is formed during cement
hydration via the pozzolanic reaction, to produce cementitious properties that
primarily contribute to the later strength gain of concrete. This leads to concrete
with reduced permeability and better durability. Careful consideration of the slag
type used is required, as the high calcium oxide and magnesium oxide content can
lead to excessive volume expansion and cracking in concrete [54]. Wastewater treatment and agriculture

The dissolution of slags generates alkalinity that can be used to precipitate out
metals, sulfates, and excess nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) in wastewater
treatment. Similarly, ferrous slags have been used as soil conditioners to rebalance
soil pH and fertilizers as sources of calcium and magnesium.[55] Because of the

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Chapter 3 Materials & Methods

slowly released phosphate content in phosphorus-containing slag and because of

its liming effect, it is valued as fertilizer in gardens and farms in steel-making
areas. However, the most important application is construction [56].

Figure (3.1)&(3.2): Iron Slag

3.3 Preparation of adsorbent

In the adsorption tests, iron slag served as the absorbent material. It was acquired
from the Misurata-based Libyan Iron and Steel Company. After that, it was
cleaned and let to dry for an entire night at 100°C in an air oven. After that, it was
mashed with a disc machine and sieved through a laboratory test sieve to get the
desired volume.

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Chapter 3 Materials & Methods

Figure(3.3) :ground iron slag

3.4 Preparation Of The Adsorbed Solution

By dissolving a precisely balanced amount of copper sulfate (CuSO4.5H2O) in
1000 ml of distilled water, a copper stock solution was created. After that,
deionized water was used to dilute the stock solutions to the necessary
concentrations (1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, and 3000 ppm).

3.5 Equipments

3.5.1 Spectrophotometer
The spectrometer that was utilised to measure the amounts of copper in a variety
of samples both before and after treatment Maker of the spectrophotometer is
made by (Labmod,inc ,U.S.A) .

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Chapter 3 Materials & Methods


3.5.2 Laboratory Water Bath

It is used to heat samples at certain temperatures

Figure(3.5): Laboratory water bath

3.5.3 Auxiliary Tools

 Filter paper (110 mm): To filter and separate the aqueous solution.

 Sieves (212 ,500 ,600): to sieve iron slag particles .

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Chapter 3 Materials & Methods

 Jamper Mill (Herzog): for grinding iron slag samples

Figure(3.6): Gamber Grinding Mill

3.6. Expermintal Studies

By comparing the concentration of copper (II) ions in the solution before and after
adding iron slag, the removal of copper (II) ions from the solution was

3.5.1 Parameters Effecting Copper Removal

The purpose of the experiment was to determine the factors affecting the
extraction of Cu(II) ions from the synthetic solution and to assess the ideal
adsorption process settings. This is accomplished by altering the temperature, pH

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Chapter 3 Materials & Methods

of the solution, initial concentration of adsorbate, contact time, adsorbent dose,

and particle size. The balancing principle (Eq. 4.1) calculates the calculated
sorption capacity of Cu(II), and (Eq. 4.2) calculates the percent removal of Cu(ll)
ions. Contact Time

The effect of interaction between adsorbent and adsorbate determined the amount
of copper ions removed in a single cycle while maintaining constants for particle
diameter, starting concentration, adsorbent dosage, pH, and temperature. The
contact period for the adsorption process was 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes. dsorbent Dose Variation

The various doses of the adsorbents are mixed with the concentrations of 1000,
1500, 2000, and 3000 ppm of copper (II) ions. different (0.5, 1, 2.5, 3.5, 5) / 100
ml of the adsorbent was taken, and the removal percentage of copper adsorption
was determined by keeping all other factors constant. Initial concetration

The adsorption process was carried out using different concentrations of copper
solution (1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000 ppm), keeping the adsorbent dose, contact
time, temprature and PH constant. PH Scale

One crucial factor is the aqueous solution's pH. The adsorption process was
carried out at a pH range of 5 to 12, while the adsorbent's particle size and other
variables were held constant during the experiment. The necessary volumes of
NaOH solutions were added to keep the medium's pH alkaline.

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 22 Elmergib University

Chapter 3 Materials & Methods Temperature effect

Batch experiments were conducted at different temperatures (25, 35, and 60)
degrees Celsius for initial copper (II) ion concentrations, holding all other
variables constant. Particale size

The measurement of adsorbent granules plays an important role in the transfer rate of
metal ions from solution to adsorbent. In this work, different particle sizes were taken.
The size of the iron slag ranges from 200 to 600 micrometers, with all other parameters
held constant (3000 ppm, pH = 5, T = 25 °C, dose = 3.5 g).

3.6 Adsorption Isotherm

Adsorption isotherms, also referred to as equilibrium data, are a fundamental need
for adsorption systems. Using a batch approach, 3.5 g of iron slag with a particle
size of 0.200 mm is added to 100 ml of Cu(II) ion solution with initial
concentrations of 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, and 3000 ppm to get adsorption
isotherms. The solution starts out with a pH of 5 at 25 °C. The concentration of
leftover Cu(II) ions is then measured in the supernatant solutions. Using a
spectrophotometer, the initial concentration (Co) and equilibrium concentration
(Ce) of Cu(II) ions were found. One of the following isotherm models best fits the
majority of equilibrium data.

3.6.1 Langmuir Isotherm

It is predicated on the ideas that the adsorbate is in touch with the adsorbent's
surface, which has several active sites where the adsorbate has adsorbed, and that
adsorption is the result of a single molecular monolayer adhering to the adsorbate's
surface [57 –58]. This expression yields the Langmuir isotherm:

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Chapter 3 Materials & Methods

Ce 1 al
= + C (3.1)
qe K L KL e

Where qe (mg/g) and Ce (mg/l) are the amounts of adsorbed matter per unit weight
of adsorbent and unabsorbed ions concentration in solution at equilibrium,
respectively. The constant KL is the Langmuir isotherm constant, and the K L/aL
gives the theoretical monolayer solution capacity qe. Therefore, a plot of Ce/qe
versus Ce gives a straight line of slope aL/KL and intercept 1/KL .

3.6.2 Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm

Freundlich isotherm describes adsorption in aqueous systems involving adsorption
surface with heterogeneity and active sites with varied energies [57-59].
Freundlich isotherm is given by the following expression :

log ( q e )=log ( K F )+ log ( C e ) (3.2)

Where KF is the frendlich constant and n is the frendlich exponent, where Kp and n
can be determined from the linear plot of log qe versus log Ce.

3.6.3 Temkin Isotherm

According to the Temkin model, the adsorption heat of sorbed species in the layer
declines linearly rather than logarithmically as a function of temperature [60]. The
Temkin model equation is written as [61]:

q e= ln ( A ) + ln ( Ce ) (3.3)
b b

Where : =B

where qe is the adsorbed ions at equilibrium, A is the equilibrium constant

interrelated to the maximal binding energy (L g −1), R is the universal gas constant

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Chapter 3 Materials & Methods

(8.314 J/mol.K), and T is the temperature in kelvin. A plot of qe versus ln C e

enables one to determine the constants A and B.

3.7 Adsorption Kinetecs

The solute uptake rate is explained by the field of adsorption dynamics, which
studies adsorption kinetics. The residence period of adsorbate uptake at the solid-
solution interface is regulated by this rate.(3.5 g) of iron slag were added to 100 ml
of Cu(II) tanning solutions in two batches to determine the adsorption kinetics
through a batch procedure. In the solution at 25 °C, with a particle size of d =
0.200 mm, an initial pH of 5, and known time intervals of 30, 60, 90, and 120
minutes, the concentration of leftover Cu(II) ions was measured in the
supernatants. Using a spectrophotometer, the initial concentration (C o) and
equilibrium concentration (Ce) of Cu(II) ions were found.

3.7.1 Simple First Order Model

A straightforward order equation can explain the sorption kinetics [62]. The first-
order simple equation that follows explains the shift in the bulk concentration:

log ( C t ) = t+ log (C 0) (3.4)

Where Ct and Co are the concentrations of metal ions at time and initially (mg/l),
respectively, and k1 is the first-order rate constant (1/min). Moreover, [62] it was
suggested that the adsorption system with solid surfaces is not suitable for simple
kinetic models like the first- or second-order rate equation.

3.7.2. Pseudo first order kinetic model:

It describes in Eq:

log ( q e −q t ) =log ( q e ) − t (3.5)

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Chapter 3 Materials & Methods

Where qe and qt are the amounts of metal ions adsorbed at equilibrium and at t
time (mg/g), K1 is the equilibrium rate constant of pseudo-first adsorption (l/min).
The slopes and intercepts of plots of log(qe-qt) versus t are used to determine the
pseudo-first-order constant K1 and equilibrium adsorption qe [63].

3.7.3. Second-Order Pseudo Kinetic Model:

It functions as a single chemical layer on the sorbent grain in the absence of
chemical species reactions. The non-linear form of this model is as follows:

t 1 1
= + t (3.6)
qt K 2 q e qe

Where k₂ is the equilibrium rate constant of pseudo second-order adsorption,

(g/mg.min). The slopes and intercepts of plots (t/qt) versus (t) are used to calculate
the pseudo second- order rate constants k₂ and qe [63].

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions


This chapter presents the experimental data and corresponding analyses. The data
include variations in parameters affecting Cu(II) removal from synthetic solutions,
which are contact time, adsorbent dose, initial concentration, particle size of
adsorbent, temperature, and pH of solutions. The equilibrium isotherm and the
thermodynamic studies are also presented. This is followed by the presentation of
the results of the kinetic studies, which introduces a description of the adsorption
mechanism that occurs through this process.

4.1. Expirmental Studies

The purpose of the experiment is to identify and verify the parameters that
influence the removal of copper (II) from the standard solution. Additionally, it
involves assessing the ideal conditions for the adsorption process, looking at
particle size, contact time, and the impact of PH and dose on the starting
concentration and temperature. The mass balance equation (4.1) was used to
compute the quantity of copper adsorbed onto iron slag:

V (C 0−C e )
q= (4.1)
where: (V) is the volume of solution in liters, (W) is the mass of the adsorbent in
grams, (Co) is the initial metal ion concentration in solution, and (q e) is the amount
of copper adsorbed on the adsorbent. The percentage removal of metal ions is also
calculated and reported using Eq. 4.2:

(C0 −C e )
R= ∗10 0 (4.2)

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

4.1.1. Selection Of The Wave Length

Before starting the experiments to measure copper concentration, the optimal
wavelength was studied. The relationship between wavelength and absorptivity is
shown in Figure 4.1. As shown in the figure below, absorption increases with
wavelength until maximum absorption is reached at 820 nm. Then the absorption
starts to decrease as the wavelength increases. Therefore, this wavelength is used
for the quantitative analysis of copper in samples.

Figure(4.1): Maximum absorbent of copper(II) solution

4.1.2. Calbiration Curve

Calibration standard solutions are analyzed to obtain a calibration curve that
correctly fits the sample to be analyzed. To test copper (II) uptake, a series of
standards from 1000 ppm to 3000 ppm (1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, and 3000 ppm)
were prepared. The absorbance of each solution was then recorded, and a standard
calibration curve was created as shown in Figure 4.2.

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

figure(4.2):Calbiration curve of cu(ii) solution

4.1.3 Factors That Affect Copper Adsorption

Process variables, including contact time, adsorbent dosage, pH, particle size,
temperature, and initial adsorbate concentration, were varied in adsorption tests. Contact Time

In order to determine the equilibrium time, the removal percentage of Cu(II) from
the tanning solutions is examined for 100 ml of solution, an adsorbent dose of 3.5
g, particle size (d = 200 µm), a pH value of 5, a temperature of 25 °C, and time
durations of 30, 60, 90, and 120 min. The impact of contact time on the removal of
Cu (II) from wastewater for five batches is displayed in Figure 4.3.. For both
samples, an ideal contact duration of 90 minutes corresponds to a percentage
elimination of Cu(II) reaching for each batch of tanneries (99.55, 93.18, 85.87,
75.186, and 65.02), respectively.

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

Figure(4.3): Effect of Contact time on copper adsorption

Condition:(adsorbent dosage =3.5 g/100 ml,pH=5,contact time=90 min,particle

size=(d=0.200 mm), and temprature 25 °C) Adsorbent Dose Variation

This was studied at 25 oC with a pH of 5, a contact time of 90 minutes, and

adsorbent dosages varying from 0.5, 1, 2.5, 3.5, and 5 g/L. The initial
concentration of the solution was 3000, 2500, 1500, and 1000 ppm. The results
show that the removal efficiency increases with the adsorbent dosage. The copper
removal was 99.55 percent when the dose was 3.5 g/L (Figure 4.4). It can be
observed that the available sites at low adsorbent doses are not sufficient to take
all available ions in the solution, resulting in poor removal efficiency. Therefore, it
can be concluded that the optimum adsorbent dosage for maximum copper
removal was 3.5 g/L.

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

Figure(4.4): Effect of adsorbent dosage on copper adsorption

Condition:(adsorbent dosage =3.5 g/100 ml,pH=5,contact time=90 min,particle

size=(d=0.200 mm),and temprature 25 °C) Effect Of PH

The effect of changing the initial pH to 5 at 25 °C with an adsorbent dose of 3.5

g/L was studied for a contact time of 90 min. The copper concentration remained
constant at 3000 ppm. The results showed that the highest copper removal
percentage was 99.55 percent at pH 5. This trend was expected. Because
adsorption increases as the pH rises to a certain value and decreases with that
increase,. When the pH value increases above 8, the removal rate decreases
because it leads to. Copper precipitation as Cu(OH)2..figure (4.5).

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

Figure(4.5): Effect of pH on copper adsorption

Condition:(adsorbent dosage =3.5 g/100 ml,pH=5,contact time=90 min,particle

size=(d=0.200 mm),and temprature 25 °C) Effect Of Temprature

They were studied at 25°C, 35°C, and 60°C with a pH of 5, an adsorbent dose of
3.5 g/L, and a call duration of 90 minutes. It was found that with increasing
temperature, the removal efficacy increased, and the maximum removal was
99.98% at 60 °C. The increase in removal efficiency with temperature may be due
to surface coverage, expansion, and reactive and active sites [63]. figure(4.6)

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

Figure(4.6):Effect of temperature on copper adsorption

Condition:(adsorbent dosage =3.5 g/100 ml,pH=5,contact time=90 min,particle

size=(d=0.200 mm),and temprature 25 °C) Effect Of Initial Copper Concentration

The effect of initial copper concentrations on copper (II) removal by iron slag is
clear in Figure 4.7.. Other variables are fixed, such as absorption, contact time,
stretching temperature, holding temperature at 3.5 g for 90 minutes, diameter of
200 µm, temperature of 25 °C, and pH 5. It has been observed that as the initial
concentration increases, the removal percentage increases, and this is due to
covering a larger area. More heavy metal ions are available to occupy the available
adsorption sites on the surface of the adsorbent [64].

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

Figure(4.7):Effect of initial conceratiom on copper adsorption

Condition:(adsorbent dosage =3.5 g/100 ml,pH=5,contact time=90 min,particle

size=(d=0.200 mm),and temprature 25 °C) Effect Of Adsorbent Particle Size

On the removal of copper ions, experiments with copper removal using iron slag
have used sorbents with different particle sizes of 200, 500, and 600 µm. It is
performed at room temperature (25 °C). Adsorbed slag A dose of 3.5 g was added
to react with a solution of copper ions for 90 minutes of contact time and pH 5.
Keep all other parameters constant. Results obtained from impact Average size of
adsorbed particles upon removal of copper Shown in figure (4.8). It can be seen
that the average particle size is 200 μm. Iron slag is capable of removing a high
percentage of copper from aqueous solutions. The removal rates were 99.55%. For
copper. Moreover, the copper removal rates decrease with increasing particle size.
In iron slag, the removal rate at a particle size of 500 µm was 42.75%. At a size of
600 µm, the removal rate was 15.09%. These results can be attributed to. It is clear
that the smaller the particle size, the higher the adsorption capacity, because this
leads to the creation of more sites. Available on the outer surface of iron slag for
adsorption. On the other hand, low particle size would increase high rates of The

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

ion exchange process according to theory Decreased particle size also results in
increased ion exchange.

Figure(4.8): Effect of particle size on copper adsorption

Condition:(adsorbent dosage =3.5 g/100 ml,pH=5,contact time=90 min,particle

size=(d=0.200 mm),and temprature 25 °C)

4.1.4. Adsorption Isotherm

The effect of initial copper concentration on equilibrium was investigated by

performing adsorption experiments with the following: Conditions (dose = 3.5 g,
V = 100 ml, T = 25°C, pH = 5, t = 90 h). The distribution of adsorbed species
between the liquid and the sorbent is described by mathematical models. There are
many iso-thermal models to study and determine system equilibrium Adsorbent
capacity. Typically, the Langmuir , Freundlich and temkin model. Langmuir Isotherm Langmuir

The model assumes homogeneous monolayer surface adsorption where there is no

displacement or molecular interaction and all binding sites have the same energy
and affinity. Hence, saturation can be obtained.[65], Plotting C e/qe versus Ce
results in a straight line with intercept 1/KL and slope aL/KL, as shown in equation

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

(3.1) Figure (4.9). Table (4.1) lists the appropriate correlation coefficient and
Langmuir constants aL, KL, and Qo for the Cu(II)/iron slag system. When
comparing this model with experimental data, the average overall error (2.52% )
is, and the saturation capacity of the monolayer (Qo) is 23.52 mg/g ,
12.0000 f(x) = 0.0424723820526005 x − 2.32367818610807
R² = 0.699118023615085

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Figure(4.9):linear from langmuir isotherm

Condition:(adsorbent dosage =3.5 g/100 ml,pH=5,contact time=90 min,particle

size=(d=0.200 mm),and temprature 25 °C) Freundlich Isotherm

According to the Freundlich model, multilayer adsorption occurs on

heterogeneous surfaces, and as concentration rises, the amount of deposited
adsorbate grows endlessly.[66],It is clear from the data that the correlation
coefficient is far away from 1 (R2 =0.54), and the total error (1.59%) is less than
the Langmuir model.

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

f(x) = − 0.320185120084627 x + 5.39753973869565
4.000000 R² = 0.544904200691446
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5

Figure(4.10): linear from freundlich isotherm

Condition:(adsorbent dosage =3.5 g/100 ml,pH=5,contact time=90 min,particle

size=(d=0.200 mm),and temprature 25 °C) Temkin Isotherm

If sorption data is analyzed in reference to the linear equation form, from equation
(3.3) a plot of qe versus In Ce figure (4.11) enables one determine the constants A
and B. Temkin constants A and B are listed in table (4.1) and the theoretical plot
of this isotherm is shown in figure (4.11). The correspond correlation coefficient
table (4.1) equals( R2=0.72 )where the total mean error equals to(1.48%) of a
lower value than the Langmuir's and Freundlich's. Among the three models it is
clear that the Temkin model has a better fit with the experimental data than the
Langmuir and Freundlich model.

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

f(x) = − 15.6687396740733 x + 130.244965749356
80.000 R² = 0.68993462503482

2.0000 2.5000 3.0000 3.5000 4.0000 4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000 6.5000

Figure(4.11):linear from temkin isotherm

Condition:(adsorbent dosage =3.5g/100 ml,pH=5,contact time=90 min,particle

size=(d=0.200 mm),and temprature 25 °C)

Tables (4.1): Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin Isotherm contact

Langmuir isotherm Freundlich isotherm

KL aL Qo R2 є KF n R2 є
(l/g) (l/mg) (mg/ .. % (l/g) .. .. %
- -0.079 23.52 0.69 2.62 220.8 - 0.54 1.59
0.43 2.73

Temkin isotherm

B A R2 є
(mg/ (l/g) .. %
-16.271 0.000392 0.72 1.48

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

4.1.5 Adsorption kinetic

The solute uptake rate is described by the field of adsorption kinetic known as
"Adsorption Kinetics." The residence period of adsorbate uptake at the solid-
solution interface is regulated by this rate.3.5 g of iron slag are added to 100 ml of
Cu(II) solutions for each batch in order to determine the adsorption kinetics
through a batch process. The trials are conducted at 25 °C in an initial pH 5
solution with added iron slag particles that have a size of (d=0.200) mm at time
intervals of 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes. The amount of adsorbed Cu(II) increases
in the first minutes of the relationship between the amount and time figure (4.12),
but thereafter stays constant. It is demonstrated that the 90 minute equilibrium
time is unaffected by the starting Cu(II) concentration. A single, smooth, and
continuous curve that leads to saturation represents the temporal profile of copper
uptake, and it raises the possibility of multilayer copper coverage on the
adsorbent's surface. The Cu(II) adsorption onto iron slag is described by a variety
of kinetic models, and the correlation coefficient (R 2 ) expresses how well the
experimental results and the model's anticipated values agree. An R 2 value that is
comparatively high for the correlation between the observed and anticipated
(Cu(II)) adsorption .
The relationship between the amount of adsorbed Cu(II) and time figure (4.12)
shows an increase during the first minutes, however, it remains constants
afterwards. The 90 minutes equilibrium time is proven to be independent of the
initial Cu(II) concentration. The time profile of copper uptake is a single, smooth
and continuous curve leading to saturation, suggesting the possible multilayer
coverage of copper on the surface of the adsorbent.

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

Figure(4.12):adsorption kinatics of Cu(II)on iron slag at defferent initial


Condition:(adsorbent dosage =3.5 g/100 ml,pH=5,contact time=90 min,particle

size=(d=0.200 mm),and temprature 25 °C) Simple First Order Model

Figure (4.13), which displays the experimental results, demonstrates how the ln
(Ct) vs (t) for a single batch of tanning solution differs significantly from the
theoretical values. A comparison between the derived from this model and the
other subsequent models displayed in table (4.3) reveals that the simple first order
kinetics is unable to adequately describe this adsorption process.

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Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

5 f(x) = − 0.018983071686773 x + 6.01483285753155

R² = 0.275600654632093
ln(Ct) 4

20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Figure(4.13):plot of the simple first order adsorption kinetics of Cu(II)

Condition:(adsorbent dosage =3.5 g/100 ml,pH=5,contact time=90 min,particle

size=(d=0.200 mm),and temprature 25 °C). Pseudo First-Order Model

The Lagergren’s model, pseudo-firs-order, outlines adsorption process in solid-

liquid systems based on the adsorption capacity of solid adsorbent materials [67].
It is postulated that one Cu(II) ion is adsorbed onto one adsorption site on the iron
slag surface.

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 41 Elmergib University

Chapter 4 Results & Discussions


2 f(x) = − 0.0116810567310041 x + 2.43687690670303

R² = 0.840490895094859

ln(qe-qt) 1.5


20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Figure(4.14):plot of pseudo first order adsorption kinetics

Condition:(adsorbent dosage =3.5 g/100 ml,pH=5,contact time=90 min,particle

size=(d=0.200 mm),and temprature 25 °C). Pseudo-Second-Order Kinetics

This model assumes that one (Cu(II)) ion is adsorbed onto two adsorption sites on
the iron slag surface. The slope and intercept of plots t/q e versus t, figure(4.15) are
used to calculated the pseudo second order costant K2 and qe .
1.4 f(x) = 0.0118300950883386 x + 0.037244147393679
R² = 0.999902539459156

20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Figure(4.15):plot og pseudo second order adsorption kinetics.

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 42 Elmergib University

Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

Condition:(adsorbent dosage =3.5 g/100 ml,pH=5,contact time=90 min,particle

size=(d=0.200 mm),and temprature 25 °C).

Tables [4.3 a,b,c]:the value of parameters for different kineticmodels fitted to the
Cu(II) adsorption kinetics on Iron Slag varies initial conditions .
Tables [4.3 a] Simple First Order Model

Co (ppm) K1(min-1) R2
1000 -0.0045 0.5645
1500 -0.0018 0.0898
2000 -0.0028 0.0976
2500 -0.0068 0.345
3000 -0.019 0.2756

Tables [4.3 b] Pseudo-First Order Model

Co (ppm) qe(exp) K1 R2
1000 7.047 0.0162 0.5714
1500 6.40 0.0007 0.0446
2000 7.84 0.0012 0.0278
2500 8.77 0.0083 0.4166
3000 11.4375 0.0117 0.8405

Tables [4.3 c] Pseudo-Scond Order Model

Co (ppm) qe(exp) K2 R2
1000 20.16 0.00283 0.9796
1500 26.11 -0.1790 0.9985
2000 41.67 -0.0820 0.9969
2500 64.52 0.0055 0.9989
3000 84.75 0.00374 0.9999

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 43 Elmergib University

Chapter 4 Results & Discussions

Table (4.3) shows a comparison of the experimental and theoretical results for the
sample. This figure shows that the pseudo-second-order kinetic model has a better
correlation with the whole adsorption process. Therefore, a pseudo-second-order
kinematic model can be made that is the limiting.

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 44 Elmergib University

Chapter 5 Conclusion & Recommendations


Adsorption of Cu(II) by iron slag is investigated in batch experiments and kinetics
and equilibrium experiments are conducted for synthetic feedstock solution
simulated of industry effluents. The following conclusions are drawn from the

 The optimal parameters for removing Cu(II) are: AC dosage = 3.5 g/100 ml,
particle size (d = 200 mm), starting pH = 5, temperature = 25 °C, and 90 minutes
of contact time.

 Compared to Freundlich and Temkin isotherms, the Temkin isotherm more

accurately depicts the adsorption process of iron slag/Cu(II).

 The method is chemisorption and (pseudo second order ).

 Therefore, the current study demonstrates the viability of using iron slag as a
readily available, low-cost adsorbent for the efficient removal of Cu(II) from
aqueous solution under ideal circumstances.

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 45 Elmergib University

Chapter 5 Conclusion & Recommendations

1. It might also be possible to do additional research to examine the possibility of
using iron slag again (recycling it and using it again for adsorption).

2. Examine how the agitation rate affects the adsorption process.

3. Modifying the iron slag characteristics with chemicals as this might increase the
adsorption capacity .

4. Study of the ability of iron slag to absorb other heavy metals uch as lead,
cadmium, and chromium.

5. Investigating the safe disposal of the wasted adsorbent is necessary.

6. Use other devices to determine absorption such as an atomic absorption

spectrophotometer (A.A.S) .

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 46 Elmergib University



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Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 54 Elmergib University

Appendix A


Table A.1 :Figure (4.1)data ,Maximum absorbance of cu(ii) solitions..................28

Table A.2 :Figure (4.2)Calibration curve of cu(ii) solutions..................................29
Table A.3 :figure (4.3) data, effect of contact time on removal percentage of
Table A.4 :figure (4.4) data,variation of Cu(II) removal versus adsorbent dose both
Table A.5 :figure (4.5) data,effect of pH variation on removal versus adsorbent
dose both batches....................................................................................................32
Table A.6 :figure (4.6) data,effect temprature variation of on removal percentage
of Cu(II) for both batchs.........................................................................................33
Table A.7 :figure (4.7) data,effect of initial concetration variation on removal of
Cu(II) for both batchs.............................................................................................34
Table A.8 :figure (4.8) data,effect particle diameter variation of Cu(II) removal
versus adsorbent dose both batches........................................................................35
Table A.10 :figure (4.10) data, linear from of langmuir isotherm of Cu(II) /IS
Table A.11 :figure (4.11) data, linear from of freundlich isotherm of Cu(II) /IS
Table A.12 :figure (4.12) data, linear from of timken isotherm of Cu(II) /IS
system ....................................................................................................................38
Table A.13 :figure (4.13) data, adsorption kinetics of Cu(II) on IS at different
initial concetration..................................................................................................40
Table A.14 :figure (4.14) data,plot of the simple first order adsorption kinetcs of
Cu(II) /IS system ....................................................................................................41
Table A.15 :figure (4.15) data,plot of the pseudo first order adsorption kinetcs of
Cu(II) /IS system.....................................................................................................42
Table A.16 :figure (4.16) data,plot of the pseudo second order adsorption kinetcs
of Cu(II) /IS system................................................................................................42

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 55 Elmergib University

Appendix A

Table A.1 :Figure (4.1)data ,Maximum absorbance of cu(ii) solitions.

Wave length (nm) Absorbance

680 0.046
700 0.065
720 0.083
740 0.101
760 0.116
780 0.127
800 0.132
820 0.133
840 0.131
860 0.12
880 0.11

Table A.2 :Figure (4.2)Calibration curve of cu(ii) solutions.

Concetration (ppm) Absorbance

1000 0.042

1500 0.073

2000 0.096

2500 0.114

3000 0.133

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 56 Elmergib University

Appendix A

Table A.3 :figure (4.3) data, effect of contact time on removal percentage of Cu(II).

Time Adsorption of removal percentage %

(min) 1000 ppm 1500 ppm 2000 ppm 2500 ppm 3000 ppm

0 0 0 0 0 0

30 40.35874 58.74439 69.0583 79.73094 88.34081

60 60.53812 63.2287 76.90583 88.69955 94.46936

90 65.02242 75.18685 85.87444 93.18386 99.55157

120 60.53812 60.68759 72.42152 87.80269 95.96413

Table A.4 :figure (4.4) data,variation of Cu(II) removal versus adsorbent dose both

Time Adsorption of removal percentage %

(min) 1000 ppm 1500 ppm 2000 ppm 2500 ppm 3000 ppm

0.5 79.3722 2500 2000 1500 1000

1 89.08819 77.04036 69.0583 58.74439 38.11659

2.5 99.55157 84.21525 73.5426 64.72347 49.32735

3.5 75.63528 93.18386 85.87444 75.18685 65.02242

5 79.3722 67.17489 57.84753 45.29148 42.60090

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 57 Elmergib University

Appendix A

Table A.5 :figure (4.5) data,effect of pH variation on removal versus adsorbent dose both

pH Adsorption Removal Percentage %

5 99.55156951

9 98.80418535

10 97.30941704

11 95.21674141

Table A.6 :figure (4.6) data,effect temprature variation of on removal percentage of

Cu(II) for both batchs.

Temprature(°C ) Adsorption Removal Percentage%

25 99.55156951

35 99.77578475

60 99.92526158

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 58 Elmergib University

Appendix A

Table A.7 :figure (4.7) data,effect of initial concetration variation on removal of Cu(II)
for both batchs.

Ce (ppm) Adsorpion removal percentage %

1000 65.02242

1500 75.18685

2000 85.87444

2500 93.18386

3000 99.55157

Table A.8 :figure (4.8) data,effect particle diameter variation of Cu(II) removal versus
adsorbent dose both batches.

Diameter size(mm) Adsorpion removal percentage %

0.200 99.55157

0.500 42.75037

0.600 15.09716

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 59 Elmergib University

Appendix A

Table A.9 :figure (4.9) data,equilibrium isotherm of Cu(II) /IS system

Concetration Experimental Langmuir freundlich timken

(ppm) qe(mg/g) qe(mg/g) qe(mg/g) qe(mg/g)

1000 18.577835 27.88887 33.8519 36.9160

1500 32.222934 27.58103 33.1851 35.9051

2000 49.071108 29.17592 36.2479 40.3911

2500 66.559898 34.64577 42.6172 48.6168

3000 85.329917 -7.67882 96.0854 89.9285

Table A.10 :figure (4.10) data, linear from of langmuir isotherm of Cu(II) /IS system

Ce (mg/l) Ce/qe (g/l)

13 0.1577
170 2.5602
283 5.7572
372 11.5507
350 18.8276

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 60 Elmergib University

Appendix A

Table A.11 :figure (4.11) data, linear from of freundlich isotherm of Cu(II) /IS system

ln(Ce) ln(qe)

2.599196 4.446525
5.13817 4.198102
5.643718 3.893270
5.919424 3.472678
5.857292 2.921969

Table A.12 :figure (4.12) data, linear from of timken isotherm of Cu(II) /IS system .

ln(Ce) qe

2.5992 85.330

5.1382 66.560

5.6437 49.071

5.9194 32.223

5.8573 18.578

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 61 Elmergib University

Appendix A

Table A.13 :figure (4.13) data, adsorption kinetics of Cu(II) on IS at different initial

Time Adsorption Removal Percentage %

(min) 1000 ppm 1500 ppm 2000 ppm 2500 ppm 3000 ppm

0 0 0 0 0 0

30 27.41832 41.17873 55.16976 69.15054 75.72069

60 17.2966 27.09801 43.94619 63.35682 80.97373

90 18.57783 32.22293 49.07111 66.5599 85.32992

120 17.2966 26.00897 41.38373 62.71621 82.25496

Table A.14 :figure (4.14) data,plot of the simple first order adsorption kinetcs of Cu(II)
/IS system .

Time 3000 ppm 2500 ppm 2000 ppm 1500 ppm 1000 ppm

(min) ln(Ct) ln(Ct) ln(Ct) ln(Ct) ln(Ct)

30 6.390933 6.427837 6.427837 6.227971 5.857292

60 5.97792 6.312768 6.135312 5.643718 5.111501

90 5.857292 5.919424 5.643718 5.13817 2.599196

120 5.97792 6.37959 6.312768 5.720091 4.79642

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 62 Elmergib University

Appendix A

Table A.15 :figure (4.15) data,plot of the pseudo first order adsorption kinetcs of
Cu(II) /IS system.

Time 3000 ppm 2500 ppm 2000 ppm 1500 ppm 1000 ppm

(min) ln(qe-qt) ln(qe-qt) ln(qe-qt) ln(qe-qt) ln(qe-qt)

30 2.26272356 2.26272356 2.26272356 2.26272356 2.26272356

60 1.6341149 1.6341149 1.6341149 1.164111271 1.471595971

120 2.039580008 2.039580008 2.039580008 1.346432828 1.123289276

Table A.16 :figure (4.16) data,plot of the pseudo second order adsorption kinetcs of
Cu(II) /IS system.

Time 3000 ppm 2500 ppm 2000 ppm 1500 ppm 1000 ppm
t/qt t/qt t/qt t/qt t/qt

30 2.6016 1.1916 0.7602 0.5267 0.3961

60 3.4688 2.2141 1.3653 0.9470 0.7409

120 6.9377 4.6137 2.8996 1.9133 1.4588

Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dep. 63 Elmergib University

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