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Describe a street market you have been to

You should say:
Where it is
What you can buy there
Why you chose to go to this market
And explain what you think about the street market
Today, I’d like to share my experience about the bustling Ben Thanh Market in Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam. Situated in the heart of the city, Ben Thanh Market is a cultural and commercial hub that offers
a taste of authentic Vietnamese life.
This market is a treasure trove of goods, where you can find everything from traditional silk garments
and handicrafts to aromatic spices and fresh produce. The vibrant stalls are adorned with colorful
fabrics, creating a visually stunning atmosphere. It's a one-stop-shop for Vietnamese souvenirs, local
street food, and unique handmade items.
The reason why I chose to visit Ben Thanh Market primarily because of its reputation as a central
market in Ho Chi Minh City, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of Vietnam. The market's historical
significance and its role as a meeting point for locals and tourists alike fascinated me.
Walking through the crowded aisles, the lively chatter of vendors and the aroma of Vietnamese street
food filled the air. I was captivated by the energy and the array of goods on display. The bargaining
culture added to the excitement of the experience, making it more than just a shopping trip.
What struck me the most was the authenticity of the market. It wasn't just a place for commerce but a
living, breathing entity reflecting the essence of Vietnamese daily life. The warmth and friendliness of
the local vendors made the experience even more enjoyable. Exploring Ben Thanh Market felt like
immersing myself in the heart of Vietnamese culture.
In conclusion, Ben Thanh Market in Ho Chi Minh City is not just a marketplace; it's a cultural spectacle
that encapsulates the spirit of Vietnam. The variety of goods, the vibrant atmosphere, and the
friendliness of the people make it a must-visit destination for anyone seeking an authentic Vietnamese
Part 3
1. Where do people buy things?
To the best of my knowledge, people buy things from various places, including supermarkets, local
markets, department stores, and online platforms. The choice of where to buy depends on factors such as
convenience, product availability, and personal preferences. While supermarkets offer a wide range of
products under one roof, local markets may provide a more diverse and unique shopping experience.
Online platforms offer the convenience of shopping from home. Ultimately, the decision on where to
buy is influenced by individual needs and the type of goods or services sought.
2. Do people go to big stores or small stores more often? Why?
I think that people often prefer big stores for their convenience and variety of products. Big stores offer
a one-stop shopping experience with a wide range of items, competitive prices, and often better
discounts. Additionally, they provide a more extensive selection, making it easier for customers to find
everything they need in one place, saving time and effort. However, it’s true that some individuals may
still appreciate the personalized service and unique products offered by smaller stores, emphasizing a
more intimate shopping experience.
3. Are special services valuable to the store?
Certainly, special services enhance a store's value. Services like personalized assistance, efficient
customer support, and convenient policies contribute to customer satisfaction. This, in turn, builds
loyalty and positive word-of-mouth, attracting more customers. Special services create a competitive
edge, distinguishing a store in a crowded market. Furthermore, they foster a positive shopping
experience, encouraging repeat business. Ultimately, these services are integral for a store's success,
fostering customer loyalty and setting it apart from competitors.
42. Describe a useful skill that you learned when you were a teenager
You should say:
What it is
When you learned it
Who you learned it from
And explain how you feel about this skill
Today, I’d like to talk about a pivotal skill that I acquired during my teenage years is the art of cooking.
I started learning this valuable skill around the age of 14, and my primary mentor was my grandmother,
a seasoned cook with a wealth of culinary knowledge.
Under her guidance, I learned the basics of meal preparation, understanding ingredients, and mastering
various cooking techniques. From simple recipes to more intricate dishes, she patiently imparted her
wisdom and love for cooking. It became a bonding experience for us, creating lasting memories in the
The significance of this skill resonates deeply with me. Cooking not only provides me with a practical
life skill but also serves as a creative outlet. The ability to prepare my meals brings a sense of
independence and self-reliance. It's a skill that goes beyond fulfilling basic nutritional needs; it allows
me to explore different cuisines, experiment with flavors, and share delightful meals with friends and
Moreover, cooking has proven to be a therapeutic activity, offering a break from the demands of daily
life. The satisfaction derived from creating a delicious dish is unparalleled. This skill has not only
contributed to my physical well-being but has also enriched my life socially and emotionally.
In essence, learning to cook during my teenage years has been transformative. It has instilled in me a
sense of accomplishment, self-sufficiency, and a genuine passion for the culinary arts. As I continue to
refine and expand my cooking skills, I am grateful for the foundation laid during those formative years,
shaping my relationship with food and the joy that comes from preparing and sharing meals.
Part 3
1. Where do children learn skills in your country?
In Vietnam, children predominantly learn essential skills from various sources. Formal education in
schools plays a crucial role, providing a structured environment for academic and social learning.
Additionally, family plays a significant role in transmitting cultural values and life skills. Extracurricular
activities, such as sports and arts, contribute to skill development. Furthermore, community involvement
and the influence of media also shape children's perspectives and skills. Basically, a combination of
formal education, family guidance, and diverse social experiences contributes to skill acquisition among
children in Vietnam.
2. What are the differences between learning skills on your own and from others?
If you ask me, learning skills on your own requires self-direction and independence, allowing for
personalized pacing. However, learning from others provides guidance, mentorship, and structured
insights. Self-learning fosters autonomy, while learning from others promotes collaboration and shared
knowledge. I do think that both approaches offer unique advantages, with self-learning emphasizing
individual exploration and learning from others emphasizing collective wisdom and experience.
3. What important skills should a child learn?
There is no doubt that critical skills for children include communication, problem-solving, and
collaboration. These skills enhance their ability to express ideas, navigate challenges, and work
effectively with others. Additionally, fostering creativity and adaptability helps them think innovatively
and cope with changing situations. Emotional intelligence is crucial for understanding and managing
emotions. Lastly, digital literacy is becoming increasingly vital, preparing children for the technology-
driven world. I do believe that, a well-rounded set of skills encompassing communication, problem-
solving, collaboration, creativity, adaptability, emotional intelligence, and digital literacy is essential for
a child's development.
4. What skills do you think teenagers should have?
I do think that teenagers should possess critical life skills such as time management, financial literacy,
and decision-making. Effective communication and interpersonal skills are vital for their social
development. Problem-solving and resilience help navigate challenges. What’s more, digital literacy is
essential in the modern world. Lastly, self-awareness and emotional intelligence contribute to their
overall well-being. Developing a balanced set of skills equips teenagers for a successful transition to
5. Who should teach teenagers skills?
In this day and age, teenagers can acquire skills from a combination of sources. Formal education,
including teachers and school programs, imparts foundational knowledge while parents play a crucial
role in teaching practical life skills and values. Additionally, community programs, mentors, and online
resources contribute to skill development. I do believe that a collaborative effort involving educators,
parents, and community resources ensures a holistic approach to teaching teenagers essential skills.
6. What are the differences between children learning skills and adults learning skills?
As far as I’m concerned, children often learn skills through structured environments, emphasizing
foundational knowledge. Adults, on the other hand, bring existing experiences to learning, focusing on
practical applications and relevance. Children's learning is often facilitated by guidance and supervision,
while adults tend to take more initiative. Moreover, adults may have specific goals or career-related
motivations for learning, making their approach more goal-oriented. I do think that the differences lie in
the developmental stages, motivations, and the level of autonomy in the learning process.
43. Describe a time when you were very busy
You should say:
When this time was
Why you were so busy
What you did to deal with the situation
And explain how you felt about being so busy
Today, I’d like to tell you a time I was busy. You know, a particularly hectic period in my life occurred
during my final semester of university, which was about a year ago. The culmination of exams, projects,
and my part-time job created a perfect storm of business.
The main reason for my business was the overlapping deadlines for multiple courses and work
commitments. I was not only juggling the demands of challenging courses but also working extra hours
to meet financial obligations.
To cope with the situation, I implemented a strict schedule, prioritizing tasks based on deadlines and
importance. I utilized time management tools, broke down large projects into smaller, manageable tasks,
and stayed organized with to-do lists. Additionally, I sought support from friends and family, asking for
understanding during that intense period.
While the experience was undoubtedly stressful, I felt a sense of accomplishment in successfully
managing my responsibilities. The challenge forced me to enhance my organizational and time
management skills, ultimately proving beneficial for my personal and professional growth. Despite the
initial stress, looking back, I appreciate the opportunity to test and develop my abilities to handle
pressure and multiple
Part 3
1. Why do people often feel tired in this day and age?
As far as I’m concerned, in the contemporary world, people often experience fatigue due to various
factors. High workloads, long working hours, and tight schedules contribute to physical and mental
exhaustion. Additionally, the pervasive use of technology and constant connectivity can lead to
information overload and disrupt sleep patterns. Lifestyle factors such as inadequate exercise and poor
nutrition also play a role. Basically, the fast-paced nature of modern life and the pressures it brings
contribute significantly to the widespread sense of tiredness in this day and age.
2. Do you think people will feel even more tired in the future?
It seems to me that, it's plausible that people may feel more tired in the future due to potential
advancements and changes in work, technology, and lifestyle. Increased reliance on technology,
demanding work expectations, and evolving societal norms could contribute to heightened stress and
fatigue. However, improvements in work-life balance, mental health awareness, and technological
innovations promoting efficiency may also counteract this trend. I do think that the future's impact on
people's energy levels will likely depend on the balance struck between these opposing factors.
3. Is time management important?
Yes, absolutely, I believe that time management is crucial in today's fast-paced world. Effectively
allocating time ensures productivity, reduces stress, and enhances work-life balance. It aids in meeting
deadlines, achieving goals, and maintaining overall well-being. It’s true that individuals who master
time management often experience increased efficiency and success in both personal and professional
4. How does technology help with time management?
In my opinion, technology aids time management through various tools and apps. Calendar apps help
schedule tasks, set reminders, and prioritize activities while task management apps facilitate
organization and tracking of to-do lists. Communication tools enable swift collaboration, saving time on
coordination. In addition to that, time-tracking apps provide insights into usage patterns. Overall, I do
think that technology streamlines processes, automates repetitive tasks, and enhances efficiency,
contributing significantly to effective time management.
5. Does technology distract people?
Yes, I do believe that technology can be a powerful source of distraction. The constant notifications,
social media, and a plethora of online content can divert attention and decrease focus. Balancing the
benefits of technology with minimizing distractions is crucial. Basically, it seems to me that
implementing strategies such as setting boundaries and utilizing productivity tools can help individuals
manage and mitigate potential distractions from technology.
44. Describe a life goal that you have had for a long time
You should say:
How long you have had this goal
What the goal is
How you will achieve it
And explain how important it is to you
Certainly. A lifelong goal of mine, nurtured for over a decade, is to establish a foundation dedicated to
promoting education in underprivileged communities. This vision stems from my belief in the
transformative power of education in breaking the cycle of poverty.
The goal is to create an organization that builds schools, provides resources, and supports educational
programs in economically disadvantaged regions. This initiative aims to empower individuals with the
knowledge and skills needed to improve their quality of life.
To achieve this, I plan to collaborate with like-minded individuals, seek partnerships with NGOs, and
engage with local communities to understand their specific needs. Fundraising activities, leveraging
social media, and networking will be essential in garnering support for this cause.
This goal holds immense importance to me as it aligns with my core values of social responsibility and
the belief that education is a catalyst for positive change. It represents a long-term commitment to
contributing meaningfully to society and making a lasting impact on the lives of those who lack
educational opportunities. The pursuit of this goal gives purpose to my life, motivating me to work
towards a more equitable and educated world.
Part 3
1. What do young people have for goals?
If you ask me, young people often have diverse goals, including academic achievements, career
aspirations, personal development, and building relationships. Many aims for higher education,
establishing successful careers, and achieving financial independence. Personal goals may involve
travel, self-discovery, or pursuing hobbies. Additionally, contributing to social causes or making a
positive impact in the community is a goal for some. The range of aspirations reflects the dynamic and
multifaceted nature of the goals that young people set for themselves.

2. How to be better prepared for your goals?

If you ask me, being better prepared for goals involves setting clear objectives, creating a realistic plan,
and breaking tasks into manageable steps. Regularly reviewing and adjusting the plan ensures flexibility.
Seeking mentorship or guidance from those who achieved similar goals provides valuable insights.
Developing relevant skills through continuous learning enhances preparedness. It does seem to me that
Staying motivated with a positive mindset, and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth,
contributes to successful goal attainment. Overall, a combination of planning, skill development,
mentorship, and a resilient mindset enhances one's readiness for achieving goals.
3. If your friend does not have goals, what do you do to help?
If a friend lacks clear goals, I would encourage open communication to understand their interests and
aspirations. Together, we could explore potential passions and areas of personal development. I might
share my experiences with goal-setting and the positive impact it had on my life. Offering support,
suggesting achievable short-term goals, and helping them create a roadmap for their future can be
instrumental in guiding them toward a more purposeful and fulfilling life.
4. Is it necessary to give advice to children?
Yes, giving advice to children is crucial for their development. It helps shape their understanding of the
world, instills values, and provides guidance in decision-making. Age-appropriate advice aids in
building resilience, social skills, and a sense of responsibility. Offering support and insights enables
children to navigate challenges and make informed choices, contributing to their overall well-being and
Yes, providing guidance to children about their goals is important. It helps them develop a sense of
direction, set realistic expectations, and understand the steps required to achieve their aspirations. Age-
appropriate advice can empower children to make informed decisions, foster a sense of purpose, and
build essential life skills. Encouraging them to explore their interests and offering support in goal-setting
can contribute significantly to their personal and academic development.
45. Describe an unusual holiday or vacation you went on
You should say:
When and where you went
Who you went with
What you did there
And explain why it was unusual
I'd like to share a memorable and unusual vacation that I went on a couple of years ago. It was during
the summer of 2019 when I decided to visit the Northern Lights in Tromsø, Norway. I went on this
adventure with a close friend, Sarah.
Tromsø, known for its stunning natural beauty, is a prime location for witnessing the Northern Lights,
also called the Aurora Borealis. Unlike typical vacations with sun, sea, and sand, our trip focused on
chasing this celestial wonder. We spent our nights in a cozy cabin, surrounded by snow-capped
mountains and frozen lakes.
During the day, we explored the picturesque landscapes, participated in dog sledding, and even went on
a reindeer safari. However, the highlight of the trip was undoubtedly the late-night expeditions to catch a
glimpse of the elusive Northern Lights. We would bundle up in layers of clothing, armed with cameras
and tripods, and head into the chilly wilderness to witness the dancing colors in the night sky.
What made this vacation truly unusual was the ethereal experience of witnessing the Northern Lights, a
natural phenomenon that not everyone gets to see. The unpredictable nature of the lights and the thrill of
chasing them across the Arctic landscape made it an extraordinary adventure.
In essence, this holiday was unlike any other because it blended the excitement of exploration with the
awe-inspiring beauty of the natural world. It's a trip that not only provided lasting memories but also
deepened my appreciation for the wonders our planet has to offer.
Part 3
1. Do you think people in your country have long enough holidays?
In Vietnam, I believe that people generally have shorter holidays compared to some other countries.
The work culture often prioritizes long working hours, leaving limited time for extended breaks. While
there are public holidays and occasional vacations, many individuals express a desire for more extended
periods of rest to rejuvenate and spend quality time with family. It seems to me that balancing work and
leisure remains a concern for many in my country.
2. Which holidays are popular in your country?
In terms of great holidays in Vietnam, I must say that Tet, or the Lunar New Year, is the most celebrated
and significant holiday. You know, it marks a time of family reunions, festive traditions, and joyous
celebrations. Other popular holidays include the Mid-Autumn Festival, commemorated with lanterns
and mooncakes, and National Day, which honors the country's independence. Basically, these occasions
hold cultural and historical importance, fostering a sense of unity and celebration throughout the nation.
3. What are the differences between old and young people when spending their holidays?
If you ask me, older individuals often prefer more traditional and relaxed holiday activities, such as
visiting family or cultural sites. Younger people tend to choose adventurous and dynamic pursuits, like
traveling to new destinations, engaging in sports, or attending events. In addition to that, technology
plays a significant role in how younger generations plan and document their holidays, whereas older
generations may prioritize more personal and offline experiences. I do think that, the generation gap can
influence preferences in holiday activities, blending tradition with contemporary trends.
4. Do you think having holidays help people learn other countries’ cultures?
Yes, absolutely, it seems to me that holidays provide a valuable opportunity for cultural exchange. When
travelling abroad, holiday makers immerse themselves in different customs, cuisines, and traditions.
Needless to say, experiencing a new culture firsthand fosters understanding, tolerance, and appreciation.
Holidays, therefore, serve as a bridge for people to learn and embrace the diversity of other countries,
contributing to a more interconnected and globally aware society.
5. Why do some people dislike holidays?
As far as I’m concerned, some individuals might dislike holidays due to various reasons such as past
negative experiences, loneliness, or societal pressure. Some find the expectations around holidays
stressful or feel compelled to conform to certain traditions. Others may associate holidays with loss or
difficult memories. On top of that, the commercialization of holidays can create feelings of financial
burden. I do think that The reasons can vary, but it often boils down to personal circumstances and
46. Describe an occasion when you met someone complaining about something in the public
(in the restaurant or other place)
You should say:
When and where it happened
What he/she complained about
What the result was
And explain how you felt about the experience
Today, I’d like to tell you my story. If my memory serves me right, about a year ago, I encountered a
situation where I witnessed someone expressing discontent in a local cafe. It was a Sunday afternoon,
and I had decided to have a quiet brunch at a popular coffee shop in the city.
As I settled into a corner with my coffee, I couldn't help but overhear a woman at a nearby table
complaining to the staff about the quality of the food. She seemed quite dissatisfied with her order,
specifically a sandwich she had ordered.
The woman complained about the sandwich being overcooked and not meeting her expectations. She
pointed out the issue to the staff and requested a replacement. The staff, to their credit, handled the
situation professionally, apologized, and promptly replaced her meal.
Observing this, I felt a mix of empathy and discomfort. On one hand, I understood the importance of
customers voicing their concerns to ensure quality service. On the other hand, witnessing someone
being quite vocal about their dissatisfaction made the atmosphere slightly tense for other customers,
including myself, trying to enjoy a peaceful meal.
It made me reflect on the importance of effective communication and problem-solving in public spaces.
While it's essential for customers to express their concerns, there's a delicate balance to be maintained to
ensure a positive and pleasant environment for everyone present. Overall, it was a thought-provoking
experience that highlighted the challenges of managing complaints in public settings.
Part 3:
1. Do you think complain is important for business?
Yes, absolutely, I do believe that constructive feedback and complaints can be vital for businesses. They
provide valuable insights into customer preferences and areas that need improvement. Addressing
complaints promptly can enhance customer satisfaction, build trust, and contribute to the overall
improvement of products or services. However, it's crucial for businesses to handle complaints
effectively, demonstrating a commitment to customer service and continuous improvement.
2. Do you think it’s important for a business company to train their employees to react to the
customer's complaints?
Yes, absolutely, my view is that training employees to handle customer complaints is essential for
business success. Well-equipped staff can turn negative experiences into positive ones, ensuring
customer satisfaction. Effective complaint resolution skills contribute to customer loyalty, brand
reputation, and long-term success. Training should emphasize empathy, active listening, and problem-
solving to address customer concerns promptly and professionally. I do think that it's a critical aspect of
providing excellent customer service and maintaining a positive relationship with clients.
3. Do you think are complaint is better to speak to someone or write it down like in an email?
I think both verbal and written complaints have their merits. Verbal complaints allow for immediate
expression of concerns and foster direct communication. On the other hand, written complaints, like
emails, provide a documented record and may be more formal. The choice depends on the individual's
preference and the nature of the complaint. However, a combination of both can be effective, ensuring
clarity and a record for reference in resolving issues.
47. Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home
You should say:
Who this person is
When and how you met him/her
How he/she welcomes visitors
And explain why you think he/she is good at welcoming visitors
Today, I would like to talk about my close friend, Sarah, who is exceptionally good at making people
feel welcome in her home. I first met Sarah about five years ago when we were both working at the
same company. Our friendship grew stronger over time, and I've had the pleasure of visiting her home
on multiple occasions.
Sarah has an innate ability to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. When you step into her house, it's
not just about the physical space but the genuine sense of hospitality that she exudes. She greets visitors
with a contagious smile and often insists on a warm hug, instantly putting everyone at ease.
Her welcoming nature extends beyond initial greetings. Sarah pays meticulous attention to the comfort
of her guests, ensuring they have everything they need. Whether it's offering a refreshing drink,
providing cozy seating arrangements, or engaging in thoughtful conversations, she effortlessly makes
everyone feel like an important part of her home.
What makes Sarah exceptional at welcoming visitors is her authenticity. She is genuinely interested in
people, remembers their preferences, and goes the extra mile to ensure everyone feels valued. Whether
it's a small gathering or a larger event, Sarah's attention to detail and warm demeanor create an
environment where people feel comfortable and cherished.
I believe Sarah's welcoming nature stems from her kindness and genuine love for connecting with
others. Her ability to make people feel at home reflects not only her hospitality skills but also her deep
appreciation for building meaningful connections. In a world where hospitality can sometimes feel
superficial, Sarah's sincerity sets her apart as an outstanding host and a wonderful friend.
Part 3
1. Do people in your country often invite others to their homes? Why?
Yes, in my country, inviting others to homes is common. I believe that it fosters social bonds,
strengthens relationships, and provides a more intimate setting for interactions. Basically, it's a way to
share hospitality, cultural values, and create a sense of community among friends and family.
2. What kind of people do you think are more likely to invite others to their homes?
People who are sociable, extroverted, and value personal connections are more likely to invite others to
their homes. Additionally, those who appreciate building strong relationships, enjoy hosting gatherings,
and have a warm, welcoming nature are inclined to open their homes to others. Cultural and familial
factors also play a role in determining who is more likely to extend invitations for social interactions at
3. Who are more likely to invite others to their homes, people in the countryside or people in the city?
It seems to me that the likelihood of inviting others to homes can vary, but in many cases, people in the
countryside may be more inclined to invite others. Rural areas often foster close-knit communities,
where social interactions are integral. In contrast, city life may be more fast-paced, and socializing
might occur in public spaces rather than private homes. However, individual preferences and cultural
influences play a significant role, making it a subjective aspect.
4. Are tourist attractions in the countryside more welcome than those in the cities?
Tourist attractions in the countryside are often appreciated for their natural beauty and tranquility,
providing a different experience compared to city attractions. Many people find the countryside
attractions more welcoming due to a relaxed atmosphere, personalized experiences, and a closer
connection to nature. However, preferences vary, and some individuals may prefer the vibrant energy
and diverse offerings of city attractions. Ultimately, it depends on the traveler's interests and the type of
experience they seek.
5. What facilities are there in the tourist attractions in your country?
As far as I’m concerned, tourist attractions in my country offer a range of facilities to enhance visitors'
experiences. Common amenities include information centers, guided tours, restrooms, and souvenir
shops. In addition to that, many attractions provide dining options, recreational activities, and
accommodation nearby. To cater to diverse needs, accessibility features, transportation services, and
cultural exhibitions are often available. Overall, these facilities aim to ensure a comfortable and
enriching experience for both domestic and international tourists.
48. Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved
You should say:
What the facility is
When it was renovated and improved
What has been renovated and improved
And explain how you feel about it
One notable public facility that underwent significant renovation and improvement in my city is the
central public library. The library, a vital educational resource, underwent a comprehensive
transformation about two years ago.
The renovation project encompassed various aspects of the library. Firstly, the physical infrastructure
received a major overhaul, including updated flooring, modernized furniture, and improved lighting.
The layout was reorganized for better accessibility and to create more collaborative spaces.
Technological upgrades were implemented, introducing state-of-the-art computer systems and
enhancing the library's online catalog and digital resources.
The library's collection also saw substantial improvements. New books, both in print and digital
formats, were added to cater to diverse interests and keep the collection up-to-date. The renovation
project also involved expanding the sections dedicated to research materials and reference resources.
As a frequent visitor to the library, I am immensely pleased with the renovations. The modernization has
not only made the library more aesthetically pleasing but has also created a more conducive
environment for learning and research. The improved facilities, including upgraded technology and
expanded collections, have significantly enhanced the overall user experience. It's encouraging to see
the community invest in such crucial public spaces, promoting knowledge and education. The renovated
library now serves as a contemporary hub for information and intellectual exploration, contributing
positively to the cultural and educational landscape of our city.
Certainly, now let me describe a public facility, a park, that has undergone significant renovation and
improvement. The park in question is Central Park, a prominent green space in the heart of my city.
The renovation took place approximately a year ago, with the aim of revitalizing the park and enhancing
its overall appeal. One of the primary improvements was the landscaping. The greenery was revitalized
with new plants, flowers, and well-maintained lawns, creating a more picturesque and inviting
environment. Additionally, walking paths were widened and resurfaced, making them more accessible
and conducive to various recreational activities for people of all ages.
A notable feature of the renovation was the installation of modern amenities. New benches, picnic areas,
and playgrounds were added to encourage community engagement and family activities. The lighting
infrastructure was upgraded, making the park safer and extending its usability into the evening hours.
Furthermore, the introduction of sustainable practices, such as water conservation measures and eco-
friendly waste disposal systems, reflected a commitment to environmental responsibility.
Personally, I am delighted with the improvements made to Central Park. The revitalized greenery and
upgraded facilities have transformed it into a more attractive and functional space. It has become a go-to
destination for locals and visitors alike, offering a serene escape from urban life. The efforts to
incorporate sustainable practices also align with the growing awareness of environmental issues.
Overall, the renovated Central Park has become a vibrant and inclusive community space, contributing
positively to the well-being of the city's residents.
Part 3
1. What are the benefits of public facilities?
Needless to say, public facilities offer numerous benefits, contributing to the overall well-being of
communities. They provide spaces for recreation, socialization, and cultural activities, promoting a
sense of community. Public facilities like parks and libraries enhance the quality of life, offering
opportunities for physical exercise, education, and leisure. I do think that they also play a crucial role in
fostering inclusivity, providing access to resources and services for people from diverse backgrounds.
Basically, public facilities contribute to the overall aesthetic and environmental appeal of a city, creating
a more livable and sustainable urban environment.
2. Why are some public transport methods popular, such as the subway?
In my opinion, subways and other public transport methods are popular due to their efficiency and
convenience. Subways offer a fast and reliable way to navigate through traffic-congested urban areas.
They are cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and provide a predictable schedule, making them
attractive to commuters. The convenience of avoiding traffic congestion, coupled with affordability and
sustainability, contributes to the popularity of subway systems and other efficient public transport
3. Why are some public transport methods unpopular?
It does seem to me that some public transport methods may be unpopular due to factors like
unreliability, overcrowding, and inadequate infrastructure. If public transportation experiences frequent
delays, discomfort, or safety concerns, people are less likely to choose it. Limited accessibility,
inconvenient routes, and insufficient coverage can also contribute to unpopularity. Additionally, personal
preferences, such as the desire for privacy or flexibility, may lead individuals to opt for private transport.
Addressing these issues and improving the overall quality and accessibility of public transport can
enhance its popularity.
4. What kind of transport do young people and old people prefer?
As far as I’m concerned, references for transport can vary among young and old people. Younger
individuals often prefer more flexible and convenient options, such as ride-sharing services or cycling,
aligning with their active lifestyles. On the other hand, older individuals may favor more traditional and
comfortable modes, like buses or trains, which provide stability and ease of use. However, it’s true that
individual preferences within these age groups can differ based on personal circumstances and
49. Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work
You should say:
What it is
How are you learn it
When you do it
And explain how you feel about it
Certainly, a regular practice that greatly aids my study and work is the use of the Cornell Note-Taking
I learned about the Cornell Note-Taking System during my academic years, and I adopted it through
guidance from educational workshops and online resources. This note-taking method involves dividing
a page into specific sections for main ideas, supporting details, and a summary. It encourages active
engagement with the material and enhances comprehension.
I implement the Cornell Note-Taking System consistently during lectures, research, and reading
sessions. When studying or working on a project, I use this method to organize information, identify key
points, and summarize complex concepts. This systematic approach helps me retain information
effectively and serves as an invaluable reference during revisions.
Engaging in the Cornell Note-Taking System has profoundly improved my study and work outcomes. It
not only facilitates a deeper understanding of the subject matter but also streamlines the review process.
The structured format enhances my ability to recall information, making study sessions more efficient
and productive.
In summary, using the Cornell Note-Taking System has become an integral part of my academic and
professional routine. It fosters a sense of organization, boosts my confidence in mastering challenging
topics, and ultimately contributes to a more effective and rewarding study and work experience.
Part 3:
1. Do you think everyone’s routine is different?
Yes, absolutely. Everyone's routine is influenced by individual preferences, responsibilities, and
priorities. Factors such as work, personal commitments, and lifestyle choices contribute to the
uniqueness of each person's daily routine. I do think that tailoring routines to meet specific needs and
preferences is common, reflecting the diverse ways people structure their lives.
2. Which jobs need a morning routine?
I do think that jobs that require early morning commitments or demand a high level of focus and
productivity during the early hours often benefit from a morning routine. Professions such as healthcare,
emergency services, and certain corporate roles may require individuals to establish morning routines to
ensure they start their workday effectively. Having a structured morning routine can be particularly
advantageous in jobs that involve decision-making, strategic planning, or tasks that require peak mental
3. Is a daily routine important?
Yes, a daily routine is important for several reasons. In the first place, it provides structure and
organization to one's day, helping to manage time efficiently. In addition to that, a routine can enhance
productivity, reduce stress, and contribute to a sense of stability and well-being. More importantly, it
establishes healthy habits, supports goal achievement, and can positively impact physical and mental
health. Basically it, a daily routine serves as a foundation for a balanced and fulfilling life.
50. Describe somethings lost by others but found by you
You should say
What it was
When and Where did you find it
What you did do after you found it
And explain how you felt about finding it
Certainly, let me share an experience of finding something that was lost by someone else. It was a pair
of expensive sunglasses that I found in a local park.
This incident occurred about six months ago during a sunny weekend afternoon. I was enjoying a walk
in the park when I noticed a stylish pair of sunglasses on a bench. Realizing that someone might have
accidentally left them behind, I picked them up and looked around to see if anyone nearby seemed to be
searching for them.
Since no one appeared to be looking for the sunglasses, I decided to take them to the park's lost and
found area. The park had a designated spot for lost items, and I handed the sunglasses over to the staff
there, providing a brief description of where I found them.
Discovering and returning the lost sunglasses left me with a sense of satisfaction and goodwill. I
imagined how relieved the owner would be to retrieve such a valuable item. It reinforced the importance
of honesty and consideration in everyday actions, and I felt a positive connection to the community by
contributing to the retrieval of a lost possession. Overall, it was a small act, but the experience left me
with a warm feeling, knowing I had played a part in reuniting someone with their lost belongings.
Certainly, I'd like to share an incident when I found a lost wallet belonging to someone else. It happened
last year in the bustling city center.
As I was walking near a busy shopping area during a weekend, I spotted a wallet on the ground. Upon
closer inspection, I found identification cards, credit cards, and some cash inside. Realizing the potential
distress its owner might face, I decided to locate the nearest police station.
After picking up the wallet, I headed to the nearby police station to report and return it. The officers
there were grateful for my honesty and took the necessary steps to contact the owner. They assured me
that they would handle the situation, and I left my contact information in case the owner wanted to
express their gratitude.
Finding and returning the lost wallet left me with a mix of emotions. On one hand, I felt a sense of
responsibility and satisfaction for doing the right thing, knowing that the owner would likely be
relieved. On the other hand, there was a slight anxiety about the possibility of the owner facing stress
due to the loss. Overall, it was a reaffirmation of the importance of integrity and empathy in daily life,
and I was glad to have been able to help someone in a small but meaningful way.
Part 3:
1. Why do some people like to collect old things?
As far as I’m concerned, people often enjoy collecting old things due to the nostalgia and historical
value associated with vintage items. Collectors may find joy in preserving and appreciating the
craftsmanship of bygone eras. Additionally, the uniqueness and stories behind each antique or vintage
piece can be fascinating, making the hobby a way to connect with the past and appreciate the cultural or
artistic heritage of different time periods.
2. Will children take possession of things they pick up?
Yes, it's common for children to pick up and take possession of things that catch their interest. Children
are naturally curious, and they often explore their surroundings by collecting objects they find
appealing, such as rocks, toys, or small items. This behavior is a part of their development and helps
them learn about their environment, textures, and shapes. Parents typically encourage this exploration as
it contributes to a child's sensory and cognitive development.
3. How should parents educate them?
To the best of my knowledge, parents can educate children about responsible possession and collecting
by setting clear boundaries, explaining the importance of respecting others' belongings, and instilling
values of sharing. Encouraging children to ask for permission before taking things and teaching them
the concept of ownership helps develop a sense of responsibility. Additionally, parents can foster an
appreciation for organization and cleanliness to help children understand the value of their possessions.
Overall, a combination of communication, positive reinforcement, and leading by example can
contribute to effective education on responsible possession for children.

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