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Science and Technology


一 Ancient Science and Technology

二 Modern Science and Technology Achievements
课前思考 Lead-in Questions

1. What are the four great inventions in ancient China?

2. Can you name any famous doctors in ancient China?

3. What do you know about China’s Space program?

4. Can you name any achievements in modern science and

technology in China?
一 Ancient Science and Technology

一 四大发明 Four Great Inventions

二 中医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine

三 其他古代发明 Other Impressive Ancient Inventions

4.1.1 四大发明
况 Four Great Inventions

Do you know what the four great inventions (四大发明) of China are ?

paper-making compass gunpowder printing

造纸术 指南针 火药 印刷术

4.1.1 四大发明
paper-making 造纸术

况 Four Great Inventions

⚫ invented by Cai Lun(蔡伦) using cheap materials

such as bark, hemp, rags, and other materials

⚫ introduced to the world, contributing the

dissemination of knowledge
4.1.1 四大发明
paper-making 造纸术

况 Four Great Inventions

Demo of traditional paper-making techniques

4.1.1 四大发明
Compass 指南针

况 Four Great Inventions

⚫ shows geographic directions using the

earth’s magnetic field
⚫ enables international trade and
⚫ invented in the Song Dynasty
⚫ Helpful for the explorations of Zheng He,
Christopher Columbus.
4.1.1 四大发明
Gunpowder 火药

况 Four Great Inventions

⚫ invented by alchemists seeking the elixir of

⚫ military applications began in the Tang
⚫ introduced to the Arab world and Europe
in the Yuan dynasty
⚫ brought a series of revolutions to weapon
4.1.1 四大发明
Printing 印刷术

况 Four Great Inventions

• known as “mother of civilization”

• includes block printing(雕版印刷) and
movable type printing(活字印刷)
• block printing is time-consuming and
the blocks become useless after the
• movable type printing is more
convenient with the pieces being
durable and reusable

4.1.1 四大发明 The 4 Great Inventions that changed the world
况 Four Great Inventions

4.1.2 中医药
况 Traditional Chinese Medicine

• has a long history and still popular today.

• different from Western medicine in its
means of diagnosis and treatment, and its
composition of drugs and prescriptions.
• a holistic approach is taken for diagnosis,
diet, age, habits, emotions, lifestyle and
living environments are all taken into
• based on the idea that the cause of
sickness is an imbalance and blockage of
the flow of qi.
• emphasizes on preventing illness.
• the four methods of diagnosis include
inspection, listening and smelling, inquiry,
and palpation.

4.1.2 中医药 Can you match the medical experts
况 Traditional Chinese Medicine with the right descriptions?

张仲景 李时珍
扁鹊 华佗
1. the author of On Diseases (《伤寒杂病论》) ______________
2. the author of Compendium of Meteria Medica (《本草纲目》) _________ 李时珍
3. the inventor of the four methods of diagnosis: inspection, listening and smelling, inquiry, and
palpation (望、闻、问、切) / the earliest known Chinese physician _________ 扁鹊
4. the inventor of the “Five-Animal Exercises (五禽戏)” ________

4.1.3 其他古代发明 烟花爆竹 Fireworks & firecracker
况 Other Impressive Ancient Inventions

⚫ probably first made by stuffing

gunpowder into bamboo sticks
⚫ the explosions can scare off evil spirits
and ghosts

⚫ setting off fireworks on holidays is

still popular
4.1.3 其他古代发明
丝绸 Silk

况 Other Impressive Ancient Inventions

⚫ first developed in ancient China

⚫ first found as early as 3,500 BC
⚫ originally reserved for the emperors and nobles
⚫ later spread to other parts of the world

4.1.3 其他古代发明
况 Other Impressive Ancient Inventions

瓷器 Porcelain 算盘 Abacus

• an early form of calculator

• a frame with rows of beads around the rods
• used for four fundamental operations of arithmetic
4.1.3 其他古代发明
地动仪 Seismograph

况 Other Impressive Ancient Inventions

⚫ invented by Zhang Heng

⚫ used to indicate the direction of
a distant earthquake
⚫ a similar instrument invented in
Europe over 1,700 years later
4.1.3 其他古代发明
围棋 Go (Chinese Chess)

况 Other Impressive Ancient Inventions

⚫ a popular board game which

originates in China
⚫ played on a square wooden
board of 361 intersections
⚫ the person who has the most
pieces walled in will be
declared as the winner
二 Modern Science and Technology Achievements

China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST),

the world's largest filled-aperture and most sensitive radio telescope
中 4.2.1 新四大发明
概国 The four great new inventions in modern China
况 Four Great New Inventions

high-speed train 高铁 mobile payment 移动支付

the bike sharing system 共享单车 online shopping 网购

中 4.2.2 现代科技
况 Modern Science and Technology 袁隆平与杂交水稻 Yuan Longping and Hybrid Rice

Yuan Longping (1930–2021), Father of Hybrid Rice, Crop scientist whose high-yield hybrid rice fed billions.
His team achieved record-breaking yields of 1,500 kilograms per mu (about 22.5 tons per hectare).
4.2.2 现代科技
原子弹与氢弹 Nuclear and Hydrogen Bombs

况 Modern Science and Technology

1964, China’s first nuclear bomb was exploded.

China being the 5th country with atomic weapon after China’s first hydrogen bomb was exploded in 1967
the US, the former Soviet Union, Britain, and France
4.2.2 现代科技
核电站 Nuclear Power Plants

况 Modern Science and Technology

Qinshan Nuclear Power Station, China’s first power plant, Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant, China's first large-scale
Operational since 1992 commercial nuclear power plant, Operational since 1994
4.2.2 现代科技
中国航天科技 Aerospace Science And Technology

况 Modern Science and Technology

China’s first man-made satellite Dong

Fang Hong-I(东方红1号) launched in1970

Shenzhou V manned spaceship( 神 舟 五 号 ) sent China's first

astronaut (Yang Liwei)into the space in 2003
4.2.2 现代科技
中国航天科技 Aerospace Science And Technology

况 Modern Science and Technology

Chang‘e-4 lander(嫦娥四号), the first spacecraft ever, landed on the Moon's far side in 2019.
4.2.2 现代科技
中国航天科技 Aerospace Science And Technology

况 Modern Science and Technology

China‘s 1st Mars orbiter Tianwen-1(天问一号) and rover Zhurong(祝融号) landed on Mars in 2021.
4.2.2 现代科技
中国航天科技 Aerospace Science And Technology

况 Modern Science and Technology

The construction of China's Tiangong space station (天宫空间站) completed in 2022.

4.2.2 现代科技
中国电动汽车 Chinese

况 Modern Science and Technology electric vehicles

Wuling Mini EV, $5,000 Chang’an Lumin, $7,000 BYD Dolphin, $15,000

BYD Seal, $30,000 ZEEKR 001, $50,000 BYD’s Yangwang U8, $160,000
4.2.2 现代科技

况 Modern Science and Technology
比亚迪仰望 BYD’s Yangwang U8, $160,000

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