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7 things that affect vibration frequency🔮

Vibration in quantum physics means everything is energy. We are energetic beings on

certain frequencies. Every vibration is equivalent to a feeling. In the world of
"vibration", there are only two kinds of vibrations, positive and negative. Any
feeling causes you to spread a positive or negative vibration.

1ST -*ideas*
Every thought sends out a frequency to the universe, and that frequency comes back
to the source, so in this case, if you have negative thoughts, frustration,
sadness, anger, fear, it all comes back to you. That’s why it’s so important to
take care of the quality of your thoughts and learn how to cultivate more positive

2TH-* Companion*
The people around you directly affect your vibrational frequency. If you surround
yourself with happy, positive, and committed people, you will also tap into this
vibration. Now, if you are surrounded by complainers, gossips, and pessimists,
beware! In fact, they can dampen your vibration and thus prevent you from using the
Law of Attraction to your advantage.

4TH-*stuff you watch*

When you look at programs that deal with misfortune, death, betrayal, etc. Your
brain accepts this as reality and releases a whole host of chemicals into your
body, which affects Yuu's vibrational frequency. Look at the things that make you
feel good and help you vibrate at a higher frequency.

Whether at home or at work, if you are exposed to a messy and dirty environment for
long periods of time, it can also affect your vibrational frequency. Improve things
around you, organize and clean your environment. Show the universe that you are fit
to receive more. Take care of what you already have!

6th-* word*
If you ask or say the wrong things about things and people, it affects your
vibrational frequency. To maintain a high frequency, you must eliminate the habit
of complaining and speaking ill of others. So avoid drama and bullying. Take
responsibility for your life choices!

Gratitude has a positive impact on your vibrational frequency. This is a habit you
should incorporate into your life now. Start giving thanks for everything, for the
good things and the things you think are bad, for all the experiences you have had.
Gratitude opens the door for good and positive things to happen in your life.

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