A FINALS Econometrics - II MCQs

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Question: What is the fundamental concept behind simultaneous-equation models in

econometrics? A. Univariate analysis
B. Multivariate analysis
C. Time-series analysis
D. Cross-sectional analysis

Answer: B. Multivariate analysis

2. Question: In a simultaneous-equation model, how many equations are solved

simultaneously? A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Variable

Answer: B. Two

3. Question: What is the primary challenge associated with estimating parameters in

simultaneous-equation models? A. Overfitting
B. Endogeneity
C. Autocorrelation
D. Heteroscedasticity

Answer: B. Endogeneity

4. Question: Which technique is commonly used to address endogeneity in simultaneous-

equation models? A. Instrumental Variables (IV)
B. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
C. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
D. Ridge Regression

Answer: A. Instrumental Variables (IV)

5. Question: What does the identification problem refer to in the context of simultaneous-
equation models? A. Determining the number of equations
B. Finding the correlation between variables
C. Distinguishing between exogenous and endogenous variables
D. Solving the equations

Answer: C. Distinguishing between exogenous and endogenous variables

6. Question: In a system of simultaneous-equation models, what does a "recursive" structure

imply? A. Equations are solved simultaneously
B. The equations are solved sequentially
C. The model has only one equation
D. No solution exists

Answer: B. The equations are solved sequentially

7. Question: Which statistical test is commonly used to test for over-identifying restrictions in
simultaneous-equation models? A. Durbin-Watson test
B. F-test
C. Chi-squared test
D. t-test

Answer: C. Chi-squared test

8. Question: What happens if the simultaneous-equation model is under-identified? A. The

model is over-specified
B. The model is well-identified
C. There are too many equations
D. The model cannot be estimated

Answer: D. The model cannot be estimated

9. Question: Which of the following is an assumption of the classical linear regression model
that is often violated in simultaneous-equation models? A. Homoscedasticity
B. Independence of errors
C. Linearity
D. Exogeneity

Answer: D. Exogeneity

10. Question: What is the key advantage of using a structural equation modeling (SEM)
approach in handling simultaneous-equation models? A. It doesn't require any assumptions
B. It handles endogeneity more effectively
C. It is computationally simpler
D. It only works for small datasets

Answer: B. It handles endogeneity more effectively

1. Question: What is the primary purpose of using the Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) method
in econometrics? A. Handling heteroscedasticity
B. Addressing endogeneity
C. Dealing with multicollinearity
D. Improving model fit
Answer: B. Addressing endogeneity

2. Question: In the first stage of the 2SLS method, what does the researcher typically regress
on? A. Dependent variable
B. Instrumental variable(s)
C. Residuals
D. Covariates

Answer: B. Instrumental variable(s)

3. Question: What is the key characteristic of a good instrumental variable in the context of
2SLS? A. Strong correlation with the dependent variable
B. Weak correlation with the endogenous variable
C. High multicollinearity with other variables
D. Perfect correlation with the dependent variable

Answer: B. Weak correlation with the endogenous variable

4. Question: In the second stage of the 2SLS method, what is estimated using the results from
the first stage? A. Coefficients of the instrumental variables
B. Residuals
C. Standard errors
D. Coefficients of the endogenous variables

Answer: D. Coefficients of the endogenous variables

5. Question: How does the 2SLS method differ from Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression?
A. 2SLS handles heteroscedasticity, while OLS does not
B. 2SLS accounts for endogeneity, while OLS may suffer from it
C. 2SLS is suitable for nonlinear models, while OLS is not
D. 2SLS requires larger sample sizes compared to OLS

Answer: B. 2SLS accounts for endogeneity, while OLS may suffer from it

6. Question: What is the Hausman test used for in the context of 2SLS? A. Testing for
B. Testing for endogeneity of instrumental variables
C. Testing for normality of residuals
D. Testing for multicollinearity

Answer: B. Testing for endogeneity of instrumental variables

7. Question: If the 2SLS estimator is unbiased and consistent, what can be said about the
instrumental variables used? A. They are irrelevant
B. They are weak
C. They are strong
D. They are valid

Answer: D. They are valid

8. Question: What is the potential drawback of using too many instrumental variables in the
2SLS method? A. Increased efficiency
B. Overfitting
C. Increased precision of estimates
D. Reduced power

Answer: B. Overfitting

9. Question: In the context of 2SLS, what does the term "exogeneity" refer to? A. Independence
of errors
B. Independence of instrumental variables
C. Independence of residuals
D. Independence of endogenous variables

Answer: C. Independence of residuals

10. Question: Which statistical test is commonly used to assess the validity of instrumental
variables in the 2SLS method? A. F-test
B. Chi-squared test
C. Durbin-Watson test
D. t-test

1. Question: In the context of simultaneous equations, what does the "rank

condition" refer to?

A. The number of equations must be equal to the number of variables

B. The coefficient matrix must have full rank
C. The order of the equations must be sequential
D. The dependent variables must be ranked in ascending order

Answer: B. The coefficient matrix must have full rank

2. Question: Why is it important for the coefficient matrix to have full rank in
simultaneous equations? A. To simplify the model
B. To avoid multicollinearity
C. To ensure unique solutions
D. To reduce the number of variables

Answer: C. To ensure unique solutions

3. Question: What is the consequence of violating the rank condition in

simultaneous equations? A. No solution exists
B. Multiple solutions exist
C. The model becomes overfit
D. The model becomes underfit

Answer: B. Multiple solutions exist

4. Question: In the rank and order condition, what does the "order condition" refer
to? A. The number of variables must be greater than the number of equations
B. The order of equations matters in estimation
C. The coefficients must be in ascending order
D. The model must be of a certain mathematical order

Answer: A. The number of variables must be greater than the number of equations

5. Question: How can multicollinearity affect the rank condition in simultaneous

equations? A. It improves the rank condition
B. It has no effect on the rank condition
C. It violates the rank condition
D. It increases the uniqueness of solutions

Answer: C. It violates the rank condition

6. Question: What is the role of exogeneity in satisfying the rank condition of

simultaneous equations? A. Exogeneity is irrelevant to the rank condition
B. Exogeneity helps satisfy the rank condition
C. Exogeneity complicates the rank condition
D. Exogeneity is only related to the order condition

Answer: B. Exogeneity helps satisfy the rank condition

7. Question: Which term describes a system of simultaneous equations that
satisfies both the rank and order conditions? A. Over-identified
B. Under-identified
C. Exactly identified
D. Overfit

Answer: C. Exactly identified

8. Question: If the number of equations is less than the number of variables, what
is the system of equations considered? A. Under-identified
B. Over-identified
C. Exactly identified
D. Overfit

Answer: A. Under-identified

9. Question: What is the primary purpose of checking the rank and order
conditions in simultaneous equations? A. To validate the statistical assumptions
B. To ensure the system is over-identified
C. To guarantee a unique solution exists
D. To simplify the model

Answer: C. To guarantee a unique solution exists

10. Question: How does an over-identified system of simultaneous equations

differ from an exactly identified system? A. It has more equations than variables
B. It has fewer equations than variables
C. It satisfies both rank and order conditions
D. It violates the rank condition

Answer: A. It has more equations than variables

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