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Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes


Towards a Unified Coding System for Congenital

Heart Diseases
Jason Chami , BSc; Geoff Strange, MD, PhD; Calum Nicholson, BSc (Hons); David S. Celermajer , MBBS (Hons), PhD, DSc

s congenital heart diseases (CHDs) are heterog- Classification of Diseases (ICD), for example, which con-
enous, often complex and sometimes rare, many tained no codes for CHD in its first version in 1900, con-
constantly evolving coding systems have been tained 73 codes in its tenth revision, and will contain 318
developed and used by CHD specialists, health care sys- in its upcoming eleventh revision (Figure).1
tems and databases. Unfortunately, these disparate cod- Unfortunately, despite the efforts of the World Health
ing systems mean that patient data are often siloed in Organization to promote the use of ICD, the rapid pace
small institutional databases that are unable to be easily of research and the increasing digitization of medical
combined or compared. To ensure continuity of care for records quickly render each new revision insufficient
patients and improve our understanding of the burden for the demands of modern electronic medical record
and outcomes of CHD, it is important to unify patient systems. Instead of being limited to the internation-
data from different sources under a single classification ally accepted standards, many national health services
system. In the process of building a bi-national CHD reg- have developed extensive addenda to the established
istry in Australia and New Zealand, we aimed to iden- lists.2–6 Therefore, with increasing technological prog-
tify the best coding system for our purposes and create ress, the various coding systems for CHD lesions have
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translation tables from all other coding systems in regu- grown further apart.
lar use worldwide. When patients, doctors, nurses, and other health work-
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, as pediatric car- ers across the health care system use different codes to
diology emerged as a sub-speciality, many countries describe the same disease, this poses a risk to appropri-
established their own pediatric cardiology and cardiac ate continuity of care. Indeed, without uniform diagnostic
surgery services. Soon after, to record and refer to stan- codes, data cannot be easily shared or understood across
dardized diagnoses, a variety of logical coding systems institutions or borders. For example, in Australia and New
for classification of CHDs were developed.1 The rarity Zealand, there are currently tens of thousands of CHD
of many CHD lesions makes informative epidemiologi- cases siloed separately in institutional and regional data-
cal study difficult in single institutions, so regional and bases, classified using different systems of CHD coding.
national databases were set up, using the database tech- This prevents combination or comparison and impedes
nology available in the era. research and health services planning. Finally, databases
Since then, technological advances in imaging (eg, with patient information stored in free text without any
echocardiography) have led to greater understanding of stated coding system are neither searchable by diagno-
the anatomy of complex CHDs, necessitating more spe- sis, nor able to automatically manage follow-up sched-
cific diagnostic coding systems to capture newly under- ules based on disease severity, nor able to automatically
stood variations. Thus, as small databases have swelled generate comprehensive patient summaries.
in size and complexity, so too have the coding systems Unfortunately, CHD diagnostic coding is among the
they use. The World Health Organization’s International most challenging in medicine because of the very large

Key Words: cardiology ◼ congenital heart disease ◼ registries ◼ technology

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the editors or of the American Heart Association.
Correspondence to: David Celermajer, MBBS (Hons), PhD, DSc, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Missenden Rd, Camperdown 2050, Sydney, Australia. Email david.
The Data Supplement is available at
For Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page 759.
© 2021 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes is available at

Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2021;14:e008216. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.121.008216 July 2021 757
Chami et al Unified Coding for Congenital Heart Disease

Figure. Number of base congenital

heart disease (CHD) codes in a
selection of popular international
CHD coding systems.
EPCC indicates European Paediatric
Cardiac Code; ICD, International
Classification of Diseases; and STS-
ECATS, Society of Thoracic Surgeons
and the European Association for Cardio-
Thoracic Surgery.

number of conditions, many of which overlap, combine or (STS–EACTS),8,9 and the International Paediatric and
are otherwise heterogeneous in nature. As an example, Congenital Cardiac Code (IPCCC).1
a relatively straightforward CHD lesion is the ventricu- ICD-9 was ratified by the World Health Organiza-
lar septal defect: the commonest inborn structural heart tion in 1978 and grew in popularity along with some of
abnormality. Anatomically, there are at least 5 different the very first large-scale electronic health databases. It
subtypes of ventricular septal defect, according to dif- had only 29 CHD codes. ICD-9 was replaced by ICD-
ferent anatomic locations within the ventricular septum. 10 in 1994 in response to a growing need for more
Physiologically, the consequences of ventricular septal detailed clinical data as electronic medical records
defect vary according to size and the coexistence of up grew in size and importance. With 73 codes for CHD,
to 10 different other CHDs, such as atrial septal defect, it is more detailed than ICD-9 but not detailed enough
transposition of the great arteries and coarctation of the for modern research and administrative use. The Clini-
aorta. Many such combinations are common, but some cal Modification (ICD-10-CM), adopted in the United
are exceedingly rare. Some combinations occur in rec- States in 2015, has >70 000 codes, several times more
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ognized patterns, such as Tetralogy of Fallot, while others than standard ICD-10.4 The Australian Modification
do not. This example serves to underscore the complexi- (ICD-10-AM) used since 1998 in Australia and New
ties of CHD classification and coding, even before one Zealand also has added detail for clinical databases.3
considers the coding of operative interventions. Due to these regional modifications, international com-
The ideal CHD coding system would be appropriately parison and collaboration remains difficult.
detailed, universally adopted, and structured to allow EPCC and STS–EACTS were published near-simul-
grouping of related defects. There should be enough taneously in 2000, both of which included several hun-
codes to describe defects with great specificity, but not dred base codes and the ability to code much more
so much detail that excessive expertise or time commit- detailed diagnoses than ICD-10.7–9 The codes were
ment is required on the part of coders themselves—a organized in a branching tree structure, meaning that
system that is too cumbersome can lead various institu- highly detailed diagnoses could be grouped together in
tions to create local Short Lists for their own purposes, cases of low patient numbers—a common scenario for
making comparison difficult. For research purposes, mis- CHD research. For convenience, they both came with
cellaneous codes should be avoided, as they encourage premade Short Lists to ensure uniformity across use
nonspecific coding where more accurate codes are avail- cases, but as direct competitors the codes needed to
able. Conversion tables from existing coding systems be harmonized to achieve the aim of a universal CHD
should be available and easy to automate. coding system. By 2005, IPCCC had been created as
Based on these criteria, we identified and evalu- a one-to-one map between EPCC and STS–EACTS.1
ated 5 coding systems for CHDs in widespread use Over time, as IPCCC has been updated with newly
internationally: The International Statistical Classifica- described defects, these updates were pushed through
tion of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Ninth to the EPCC and STS–EACTS Short Lists, which are
Revision (ICD-9); ICD-10 and its national modifica- now described as short lists of IPCCC itself, with the
tions; the European Paediatric Cardiac Code (EPCC),7 EPCC Short List (EPCC-SL) having a more clinical
the Nomenclature System of the International Con- focus, while the STS–EACTS Short List (STS–EACTS-
genital Heart Surgery Nomenclature and Database SL) is surgically oriented.
Project of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons and the Currently in development, ICD-11 will contain a
European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery CHD section based directly upon the IPCCC, with 318

Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2021;14:e008216. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.121.008216 July 2021 758
Chami et al Unified Coding for Congenital Heart Disease

codes for CHD alongside extension codes for clinical in EPCC-SL (Table III in the Data Supplement). In some
and administrative use that allow institutions to tailor cases, the dividing line between certain very closely
the system to their needs without affecting the base related conditions is difficult to draw with certainty, such
codes. as with the variants of hypoplastic left heart syndromes.
When considering all aspects, including clarity, Despite these difficulties, it was possible to create a
detail, structure, and universality, we formed a view that translation table that accurately converts ICD-9, ICD-10,
EPCC-SL has the optimal combination of features. ICD-10-AM, and STS–EACTS-SL codes into EPCC-SL.
With a tree-structured code system, EPCC-SL avoids In conclusion, we propose that EPCC-SL is the most
the pitfalls of miscellaneous codes that are found in suitable coding system for national or international CHD
droves in ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-AM, obscuring true registries. Furthermore, it is possible to create transla-
diagnoses in research databases. Unlike EACTS–STS- tion tables that match up any common congenital cardiac
SL, which is more surgically oriented, EACTS–SL has codes to EPCC-SL for storage in a central database with
a clinical focus that is ideal for use in our large-scale both clinical and research capabilities. Future directions
clinical database. Furthermore, EPCC-SL is mapped include the possibility of coding for common operations
to the IPCCC Long List, which will form the basis of (individual or serial) and developing more sophisticated
the upcoming ICD-11. This allows not only for easy coding approaches in patients with multiple coexisting
upgrade when the time comes, but also the potential CHD lesions. We acknowledge that almost all research
for true universality. Finally, with around 600 codes and health institutions are currently committed to 1 or 2
relevant to a CHD database, EPCC-SL contains suf- locally favored coding systems and that change would be
ficient but not excessive detail for use in both hos- difficult. We hope that the translation protocols included
pital administration and research, while allowing for in the Data Supplement could ease this transition, and
fast data entry and recall in a clinical setting. IPCCC that the clear benefits of coding harmonization for inter-
Long List, in contrast, is extremely detailed, containing national cooperation make this endeavour worthwhile for
>11 000 unique codes—this is clearly too cumbersome health care systems.
for routine use and requires considerable expertise by
the coders.
For these reasons, EPCC-SL will serve as the base ARTICLE INFORMATION
code for the upcoming bi-national ANZ CHD Registry, Affiliations
which is being implemented as a relational database in
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Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, Australia (J.C.).

School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame Australia, Freemantle, WA, Austra-
FileMaker Pro (Claris International Inc, Cupertino USA). lia (G.S.). Heart Research Institute, Newtown, NSW, Australia (C.N.). Royal Prince
This centralized database will be populated periodically Alfred Hospital, Camperdown NSW, Australia (D.S.C.).
with data from each participating institution, each of which
will use the locally favored CHD coding system. To har- We would like to acknowledge Andrew McCallum for his work on the FileMaker
monize the incoming data, we have developed a lookup Pro database housing the new bi-national ANZ CHD Registry. We also thank
table which can be used to instantly translate codes from Drs Clare O’Donnell, Robert Weintraub, Mark Dennis, David Baker, and Michael
Cheung for their work producing the coding system translation table available in
ICD-9, ICD-10, ICD-10-AM, and STS–EACTS-SL into
the Data Supplement.
EPCC-SL that is used in the Registry itself. This lookup
table is easily accessible and modifiable, so any mistakes Sources of Funding
in translation can be easily corrected throughout the The development of a comprehensive ANZ CHD Registry, and the diagnosis
coding solutions described, was initially funded by philanthropic donations from
database. Furthermore, extra translation protocols (eg, to HeartKids Australia and the Kinghorn Foundation. Additional funding has been
ICD-11 when it is published) can easily be added and provided by an Australian Department of Health grant through the Medical Re-
pushed through the whole database. The entire transla- search Future Fund, grant code is ARGCHDG0000028.
tion table is provided in Table I in the Data Supplement.
In general, we faced 2 types of problems when creat- None.
ing the translation table. One to many translations were
very common when translating from coding systems Supplemental Materials
Supplemental Tables I–III
lacking detail into EPCC-SL. For example, the ICD-
10-AM diagnosis of double outlet right ventricle (Q20.1)
could match up to 5 more specific codes in EPCC-SL.
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