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1. Student

Name: Imad Nefnifi

E-mail address:

Lab course: laboratoriumpraktijken

2. Identification of the experiment

Title of the experiment: synthese van 1-broombutaan

Start date: 13/03/2024 Scheduled end date: 13/03/2024

Continuous tests (unattended activity within or outside working hours)

Location of experiment
Building: 200G Room: 03.35

3. Identification of the reagents

Description of all applied chemical materials:

Where possible, please replace hazardous agents or processes with less hazardous alternatives.

Chemical risk
CAS- Physical Applied Applied class of Waste
Product name
number state quantity concentration product Category
1. butanol 71-36-3 vloeibaar 10,0 mL groen
2. zwavelzuur groen
3. aceton groen

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Hazards associated with the application of chemical reagents:
Ensure that the H- and R-phrases are known when using chemicals. These can be found in the KU Leuven database of hazardous substances (via KULoket, General, Hazardous materials) or
in the manufacturer’s safety data sheets.
In the table below, indicate the hazards for all products of risk classes E3 and E4.

Name of chemical

Explosion and fire hazard

Extremely or highly flammable (H220, H222,224, H228, H225)
Flammable gas, aerosol, solid (H221, H223, H228)
Flammable due to self-heating (H251,H252)
Fire, explosion with projection of fragments (H204, H202, H203),
Mass explosion in fire (H205)
Explosive (EUH001, EUH006, H200, H201), oxidizing materials (H271, H272), heating may cause
explosion (H240, H241), heating in confinement may cause explosion (EUH044)
May form flammable/explosive vapour-air mixture (EUH018)
May form explosive peroxides (EUH019)
Incompatible with water (EUH014, H260)
Spontaneous combustion when exposed to air (H250)
Unstable product (EUH018, EUH019)
Acute health hazard
Fatal if swallowed (H300), in contact with skin (H310), if inhaled (H330)

Toxic in contact with skin (H311), if inhaled (H331), in contact with eye (EUH070)
Contact with acids liberates very toxic gas (EUH032) or toxic gas (EUH031)
Contact with water liberates toxic gas (EUH029)
Sever burns and eye damage (H314)
Long-term health hazard
Carcinogenic (H350, H350i) or suspected carcinogenicity (H351)
Teratogenic (H361d, H360D) and harmful to fertility (H361f, H360F), both hazards (H361fd, H360FD,
H360Df, H360Fd)
Mutagenic (H340) or suspected mutagenicity (H341)
Damage to certain organs (H371, H372, H370) through prolonged or repeated exposure (H373)

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4. Description of the experiment and risk assessment

Description of the operations and applied techniques:

Description of sub activity Numbers * of

Equipment used
(handling and techniques) products used

* Number of the chemicals as indicated in table “Description of all applied chemical materials”.

Use this space to include any additional information essential to perform the risk assessment (e.g.
photos, descriptions, set-up, schematic of the reaction)

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Risks associated with the use of chemical reagents or nanoparticles

Inhaling, transferring, heating, …

Evaporation and diffusion through heating
Cutting from use of needles/sharp objects
Pressure buildup due to reactions
Transport of chemicals or nanoparticles ( within building, between KU Leuven facilities, external)

Other risks associated with the experiment

Burning, freezing ( high or low temperatures, cryogenic substances, …)

Implosion, explosion ( high pressure, low pressure, underpressure, …)
Fire ( ovens, heating spirals, Bunsen burner, oil baths, …)
Non-ionizing radiation ( NMR, lasers, UV-lamps, ...)
Electrocution ( unprotected outlets, humid environment, high voltage, ...)
Unattended operation ( remote room, outside working hours, ...)
Risk of falling ( set-ups at height, aloft, difficult to reach places, ...)
Biological risk ( pathogenic µ-organisms, GGO, cells, blood, test animals, ...)
Ionizing radiation (X-rays,radio isotopes, ...)

5. Precautionary measures

Protective equipment

Number of sub experiment* 1 2 3 4 5

Collective protective equipment
- Fume cabinet
- Local ventilation (extraction arm)
- General ventilation (room ventilation)
- Closed system
- Spillage collectors underneath the setup
- Other:

Personal protective equipment

- Lab coat
- Safety glasses
- Gloves, type:
- Respiratory protection
- Hearing protection
- Other:

* Number of the sub experiment as indicated under “Description of the operations and applied techniques”

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Specific precautionary measures
Check functioning of fume hood
Check glassware for cracks
Attaching hose clamps to cooling ducts
Foresee automatic shutdown of heating system in case of cooling flaw
Gas mask with specific filters present (intervention)
Calcium gluconate ointment present (when handling hydrogen fluoride)
Presence of a fire extinguisher for metal fires (Class D extinguisher)
Check presence of intervention kit:

Work practices
Applying the Code of Good Laboratory Practice
Provide internal training and guidance
Organize selective collection of waste - chemical waste

6. Waste management

Indicate which waste fractions you expect and mark the category of chemical waste for each fraction:
Waste fraction after experiment Waste category
Pure substances:
1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- Other
1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- Other
Main component : with 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- Other
Main component : with 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- Other
Main component : with 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- Other
Main component : with 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- Other
Main component : with 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- Other
Main component : with 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- Other

7. Particular measures

In case of failure and reactivation of utilities (incl. deviation from the specifications):

Consequence(s) in case of
Is this an HSE If yes, please describe the
Utilities failure/malfunction/reactivatio
issue, yes/no? measures
n (specify)
(Cooling) water
Inert atmosphere

Can the experiment take place when the setup is left unattended (= continuous experiments)?
Not applicable: the setup will never be left unattended
Yes. Apply the procedure “Continuous activities – unattended”
No, additional measures are required. Describe the additional measures: In addition, apply the
procedure “Continuous activities – unattended”.

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Describe your procedure for rapid shutdown, or the measure to be taken in case of evacuation of the

Describe the guidelines for a spilling incident:

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Bereiding van p-nitroaniline N-β -D-glucopyranoside

Berekening strafpunten

1. Yield 60% -> 20 strafpunten

2. Prijs van de reactie ->

α-D-glucose: 6mmol * 180,16 g/mol = 1,08 g -> 1,08g * 0,01624 euro/g = 0,01755euro

p-nitroanilineoplossing: 0,4g * 0,115 euro/g = 0,046 euro

methanol: 30mL * 0,032 euro/mL = 0,96euro

som van de prijzen = 1,0236 euro -> goedkoop -> 0 strafpunten

3. Veiligheid

α-D-glucose: geen gevaren

p-nitroanilineoplossing: acute toxiciteit -> T+

methanol: acute toxiciteit -> T+ en licht ontvlambaar -> F+

veiligheid -> 10 + 10 = 20 strafpunten

4. Technische opzet
Refluxopstelling met liebigkoeler -> 1

Reactieflesje -> 1

Kolfje -> 1

Som = 3 strafpunten

5. Temperatuur/tijd
Verwarmen gedurende 20min -> 1 strafpunt

6. Opwerken en zuiveren
Kristalisatie en filtratie -> 1

Verwijderen van een solvent met bp > 150°C -> 2

Destilation <-> refluxopstelling -> 3

Liquid-liquid extraction <-> refluxopstelling -> 3

Som = 9 strafpunten

Totaal van alle strafpunten = 53

Ecoscore = 100 – aantal strafpunten = 100 – 53 = 47

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Tabel ecoscore

Criteria Beschrijving Strafpunten

Yield Bereiding van p-nitroaniline N-β -D-glucopyranoside: 60% yield 20

Prijs van de reactie Kostenberekening: 1,0236 euro (<10 euro)


Veiligheid Acute toxiciteit (T+) en licht ontvlambaar (F+)


Technische opzet Refluxopstelling reactieflesje en koflje


Temperatuur/tijd Verwarmen gedurende 20 minuten


Opwerken en
Kristalisatie en filtratie
zuiveren 1

Verwijderen van een solvent met bp > 150°C 2

Destillatie <-> refluxopstelling 3

Vloeistof-vloeistof extractie <-> refluxopstelling 3

Totaal strafpunten 53

Ecoscore 47

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