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Sang-Ngag Chhoeling Lower Secondary School

Sang-Ngag Chhoeling, Samtse

Annual Examination 2023 Class: VII
Name: _______________________________________ Roll No: _________________


Reading Time: 15 Minutes Full Mark: 80 marks

Writing Time: 2 hours

Directions: read the following questions carefully and CIRCLE the correct answer for the four
given choices. Double circle will be awarded zero.
1. Jigme Namgyal is known by many names, one of the most famous name is:
a. Desi c. Deb Nagpo
b. Trongsa Penlop d. Je khepo

2. Namchang is an example of……

a. Standing stone. c. Ancient stone
b. Oral culture. d. Material culture.

3. Traditional Bhutanese houses have drawings on the wall which wards off evil is….
a. Prayers. c. Tiger.
b. Phallus. d. Flowers.

4. The British wanted to make a _______though Bhutan to Tibet.

a. Rail way. c. Trade route.
b. Bridge. d. Zebra crosssing route.

5. The first mission to Bhutan sent by the British India was led by…..
a. Trongsa Penlop. c. George Bogle.
b. Ashely Eded d. Queen Elezibeth.

6. The earliest name given to Bhutan was…

a. Mon yul c. Mon
b. Mum d. Monpa

7. Bhutan was given the name________ because of medicinal plants and herbs available.
a. Tsenden Kopijong. c. Menjong.
b. Eto metho yul. d. Thunder dragon.

8. There are ______ sources of history.
a. Three. c. Two.
b. Four. d. Five
9. The Election Commission of Bhutan deals with
a. Power c. People
b. Election. d. Country

10. Under Presidential form of government, the head of the government is

a. King. c. President.
b. Prime minister. d. Monk body.

11. “It is unending dialogue between the present and the past.”
The above definition of History is given by
a. Ranke. c. Edward Hallet Carr.
b. Thomas Carlyle. d. Dionysis.

12. Ancient Bhutanese people couldn’t travel form one place to another easily because of
a. Being uneducated. c. Geographical barriers.
b. Unable to travel. d. Being enemies

13. A art of wood carving is known as

a. Pazo. c. Jimzo.
b. Shagzo. d. Lugzo.

14. The definition of history defined by Edward Hallett Carr defined history as
a. Knowledge of the past. d. Philosophy teaching by example.
b. Biography of great men.
c. Unending dialogue between the present
and the past.
15. There are ____ characteristics of history.
a. 5 c. 3
b. 6 d. 4

Question II (1x5)
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or word.
1. Livestock animals are kept at the _________________ floor of the house.
2. Legislature is responsible for __________________the law.
3. The full form of RCSC is
4. The Namchag is believed to have fallen from the ____________.
5. People practiced ___________________________ when paper money not introduced.
Question III (1x5)
Direction: Identify whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE.
1. The king is the head of the state in a presidential form of government. ( )
2. Chorten kora is an example of Dozo. ( )
3. Bhutan follow democratic constitutional monarchy. ( )
4. Interpretation of history can change from place to place. ( )
5. Terton Pema Lingpa is one of the terton gyalpo ( )
Question IV (1x5)
Direction: Match the items in column A with the items in the column B and write the answer in
the ‘Answer’ column.
Column A Column B Answer
I. 1000 a. How, why, where and result
II. Understading b. Travel faster
III. Anglo British treaty c. 11th november, 1865
IV. Rule by god d. Major tertoms
V. Treaty of sinchula e. Theocracy
f. Desi Kunga Rinchen.

Answer ALL the questions
1. If you were Jigme Namgyal, What would you have added to the terms and treaty of Sinchula?
List down 2 points. (3)


2. Many young people are not aware of the culture and traditions of Bhutan. List down three
strategies you would use to make them interested in our culture and tradition.

3. Draw a traditional three storied house and explain how it was used. (8

4. Theocracy is a form of government which is influenced by god, imagine you are a citizen of a
country which follows theocracy. How would your life be different? Give three reasons to support
your answer.

5. British India support Bhutan throughout many problems. Why was British India interested in
Bhutan? State two reasons. (3)

6. Being a citizenship requires one to be honest and sincere. What do you think will happen if
the country is filled with dishonest and insincere people? Give two reasons.


7. Write down 4 terms and conditions from the treaty of Sinchula. (4)

8. Thubpa Tashi, who was the governor of Chokhor valley demanded Pema Lingpa to show his
terton skills. In line with this, describe the second act of treasure discovery by Pema Lingpa. (3)

9. List down any three tertons and write down where they were from.


10. Make a time-line of Jigme Namgyal, starting from 1840 where he first travelled to Trongsa.

11. It is believed that culture is shared. Many Bhutanese youngsters these days are influenced by
what they see on television. How has it changed our culture? List down three points.
12. How was the 40th Druk Desi Chagpa Singye removed? (3)
I. If you were given a choice to study one from the following two, which one would you
choose? Why? Give three reasons.




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