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The Catholic Parishes of

St Wulstan and St John

the Evangelist
Part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham Reg. Charity No.

St Wulstan Parish Priest: Fr Michael Miners St John the Evangelist

Church Lane OCDS Loomer Road,
Wolstanton Tel: 01782 626611 Chesterton
Parish Website North Staffs Deanery Website www.northstaffordshire-

Parish Office: c/o St Wulstan’s Presbytery, Church Lane, Wolstanton, Staffs ST5 0EF
Parish Safeguarding Officer: Wol: Becky Perkins
Ch: Andrea Connell 07967394434

The Parish operates in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding Guidance & the National & Archdioceses policies &
procedures at all times. Our Safeguarding Representatives are named above. They can be contacted as above or
alternatively the Diocesan Safeguarding team can be contacted on 01212306240 if you have
any concerns.

The Parish Newsletter for the weekend of:

Year B: 9th June 2024
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Second Collection next weekend-Day for Life
A Access available. Loop system facilities in Wolstanton and Chesterton
Our schools
Primary School: Secondary School:
St Wulstan’s Catholic School St John Fisher Catholic College
Church Lane Ashfields New Road
Wolstanton Newcastle-under-Lyme
Headteacher: Mr Ben Grove Headteacher: Mr Garrett Murray
Tel: 01782 973722 Tel: 01782 615636

Our Mission Statement

We welcome everyone and will work to develop a community of faith and compassion; where
parishioners’ talents and abilities are used to encourage the young, cherish the elderly and support
each other’s needs and to bring God’s love to all.

Mass Intentions:
Please continue to send Mass intention requests via:
📧 Tel: 01782 626611 or post through the presbytery door.

Confessions: 5.30pm Saturdays at St Wulstan’s -before 6pm Mass.

Community Centre Bookings/Enquiries:
Please email your bookings and requests to:

This week’s Liturgy for Wolstanton and Chesterton

Date Saints Location Time Intention Comments

Sat.8th Immaculate Heart W 6pm Gordon Barnett R.I.P (OL)

of Mary

Sun.9th Tenth Sunday Ch 9.15am Gordon Barnett R.I.P (TJ)

in Ordinary
W 11am Juliet & Josef Czech R.I.P Live streamed (W)


Tues.11th St Barnabas, Ch 9.30am Adoration

Apostle 10am Johnson Assoc.-Benefactors

Weds 12th W 9.30am Michael Walton R.I.P (MH) School Mass-Live

streamed (W)

Thurs 13th St Anthony of Ch 10am Juliet & Josef Czech R.I.P


Fri.14th W 9.30am Adoration Live stream (W)

10am Lucy & Johan

Sat.15th W 6pm Gordon Barnett R.I.P (E&MG)

Sun.16th Eleventh Ch 9.15am Terry Lamb R.I.P (TJ)

Sunday in
W 11am Mr & Mrs De Guzman Live Streamed
Ordinary time (wedding anniversary) (W)
Day for Life

Live Streaming: Following guidance from the Diocese, we must inform/remind you when Mass is live
streamed, on You tube, people in the front half of Church MAY be visible. During the act of giving
communion live streaming will be halted. IF YOU STRONGLY OBJECT TO BEING LIVE STREAMED please
speak to one of the stewards.

Popes’ prayer intention for June: For migrants fleeing their homes we pray that migrants
fleeing from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys full of danger & violence, find
welcome & new opportunities in the countries that receive them

St Wulstan’s: 26.05 £ 348.25 02.06 £293.08
St John’s: 26.05 £199.32 100 Club No. 89 £30 Fundraising £20 02.06 £ 161.78

This weekend’s Liturgy

First Reading: Genesis: 3:9-15 I will make you enemies of each other you & the woman, your
offspring & her offspring
Response: Ps.129: With the Lord there is mercy & fullness of redemption
Second Reading: Second letter of St Paul to the Corinthians: 4:13-5:1 We believe & therefore
we also speak.
Alleluia, Alleluia, If anyone loves me he will keep my word, & my Father will love him, & we
shall come to him Alleluia
Gospel: St Mark:3:20-35: it is the end of Satan.

Music for 11am Mass St Wulstans: Missa Brevis in F-Rheinberger; Ave Verum Corpus-Byrd; ORGAN MUSIC
Praeludium in C- Bohm

Prayers: Please remember in your prayers all those who are sick or ill, particularly our own, Fr
Dykes, Hannah Lahiff, Romana Sidoli, Tony Jenkins, Marshall Fox, Joy Colclough, Brittany Lamb,
Ann Scully, Rob Wynne, Margaret Oldham, Terry Hennigan, Tom Poyner, Irene Zyla, Peter De Cruz,
Charlotte Rogers, Anna & Trevor, Imelda Jeffrey, Vincent Harrington, Derek Lawton, Glenys Price,
Charlotte Cockcroft, Peter Thorpe ,Igor Sinilov, Harrison Gratton (Yr3 child at school), Foteneya,
those who are housebound and those who care for them and all whose anniversaries are about
this time. We pray for the repose of the soul of Jeff Folin (brother in law to Helen Smith our head of
RE at school) & Emma Bowler, Mother of Noah in Year 5 our thoughts & prayers are with their

My thanks to Canon Paul for celebrating Gordon Barnett’s Requiem for me.
Jean & John Plumb wish to send their love & appreciation to Fr Michael, all Parishioners,
School Headteacher & Staff for the very special 90th Birthday Mass & warm greetings
expressed in person, by card & flower bouquets. You ALL gave US a wonderful time THANK
Baptism: The next one is 6th July 10.30am in the side Chapel at St Wulstans, please ring Margaret first
before attending. If you have any questions or queries, please contact Mrs Margaret Oldham.
Asylum-seekers & refugees living locally Thank you for your wonderful support of Sanctus with donations
of food & toiletries over recent years. Please continue your generosity - it is much appreciated.

St. Wulstan’s Church will be open for private prayer every Wednesday & Friday 2.45-
3.45pm please use this opportunity to spend some time in quiet prayer.
Prayer for Ukraine
God of peace & Justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace & the laying down of
weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to
them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment & compassion to guide
their decisions. Above all we pray for all your precious children at risk & in fear, that you would hold &
protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen

Each month our Parishes will be focus on simple actions to LIVE SIMPLY. Each
monthly focus will be displayed in our Churches: JUNE
We will do our best to: 1. Eat less processed & more seasonal food to
reduce carbon footprint
2. collect waste water

Mission Malawi Coffee Morning Sunday 9th June after 11am Mass. Ruth O’Leary is going to Malawi in
July with the Diocesan Youth Service. We are fundraising to support the project & collecting the
following for Ruth to take with her: bars of soap, baby clothes, preemie baby hats & booties, reusable
nappies, reusable sanitary towels & vegetable seeds. A box for donations will be at the back of St
Wulstan’s Church until 23rd June. For more information contact Catherine O’Leary ( 07597597427)
SVP & CAFOD working together in the run up to the General Election As Catholics we know that tackling
poverty & injustice are among the most important issues politicians should act on. SVP & CAFOD have
produced a guide with suggested questions to ask candidates. Please see or
St Wulstan’s School Summer Fayre & Colour Run-Saturday 22nd June 1-4pm entry free lots to see & do
Please come along to support our school
QUOTE: Peace is not just the absence of war or armed confrontation. Neither can a country living under
a tyrannical & brutal regime be said to be living in peace. Peace is the effect, or consequence, of justice,
just as conversely it is injustice- if under injustice we include aggression against a sovereign state – that
is the cause of war. We move towards peace proportionately as we succeed in removing injustice,
particularly the injustice of mass starvation & deprivation. Once we understand this, we have a clear
target for which to aim. Whoever & whatever we may be, all of us can participate to some extent.

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