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356 LCGC NORTH AMERICA VOLUME 20 NUMBER 4 APRIL 2002 www.chromatographyonline.


Operational and
Performance Qualification
Viewpoint I n recent years, many laboratories have
taken on the responsibilities of instru-
ment maintenance. Sometimes these
duties are assumed to reduce costs, other
times to provide a more expedient problem
and physical installation. During preinstalla-
tion, all information pertinent to the
proper installation, operation, and mainte-
nance of the instrument is reviewed. Work-
ers confirm the site requirements and the
resolution than most service contracts offer. receipt of all of the parts, pieces, and manu-
As a result, some laboratories have experi- als necessary to perform the installation.
enced a degree of success in allowing their During physical installation, serial numbers
own in-house experts to perform necessary are recorded and all fluidic, electrical, and
instrument quality-assurance operations. communication connections are made for
Guest Authors
For laboratories choosing to go this route in system components. Documentation
Vito Grisanti and
implementing their own protocol, we describing how the instrument was
Edward J. Zachowski
thought it would be helpful to discuss some installed, who performed the installation,
Laboratory equipment of the issues that should receive careful and other miscellaneous details are
attention. archived.
must be qualified to In weighing the seemingly competing The operational qualification process
ensure appropriate and interests of regulatory compliance versus ensures that the specific modules of a sys-
adequate capacity for cost control, users can achieve a balance if tem are operating according to the defined
an overall increase in laboratory productiv- specifications for accuracy, linearity, and
consistent functioning.
ity is realized when the procedures are precision. This process might be as simple
One of the first steps in implemented. In this “Validation View- as verifying a module’s self-diagnostic rou-
meeting good laboratory point” column, we will illustrate that a tines or might be more complex such as
well-managed and well-executed instrument running specific tests to verify detector
and manufacturing
maintenance program can minimize down- wavelength accuracy, flow rate, or injector
practices compliance is to time and increase confidence in testing precision.
perform installation and results. The performance qualification step veri-
operational qualification. fies system performance. Performance qual-
The Four Qs ification testing is conducted under actual
In a regulated Everyone working in an analytical labora- operating conditions throughout the antici-
environment, it is not just tory should be concerned about the quality pated working range. In practice, however,
an option; it is a matter assurance of its laboratory equipment. operational and performance qualification
Quality standards stipulate that all instru- frequently blend together, particularly for
of law.
ments must be adequately designed, main- linearity and precision (repeatability) tests,
tained, calibrated, and tested. However, which can be conducted more easily at the
quality standards and regulations are not system level. For high performance liquid
always clear about how to achieve this goal. chromatography (HPLC), the performance
The approach that has been adopted in the qualification test should use a method with
environment of the analytical instrument a well-characterized analyte mixture, col-
has become known as the Four Qs — umn, and mobile phase. It should incorpo-
design qualification (DQ), installation quali- rate the essence of the system suitability
fication (IQ), operational qualification (OQ), section of the general chromatography
and performance qualification (PQ). chapter 621 in the U.S. Pharmacopeia (1).
Design qualification happens at the ven- Again, proper documentation should be
dor’s site, and it is representative of the way archived to support the performance quali-
an instrument is developed and produced, fication process. In this discussion, we will
usually governed by International Organi- focus our attention on the third step of the
Ira Krull and zation for Standardization (ISO) criteria. process, operational qualification, and pro-
Michael Swartz The installation qualification process can vide some additional information about
Validation Viewpoint Editors be divided into two steps: preinstallation performance qualification.

Operational Qualification Testing The terms validation and qualification of system modularity (for example, a sys-
After the initial installation of hardware and often are used erroneously to represent the tem that comprises individual modules
software, the next step should be conduct- same concept. Actually, qualification is such as solvent delivery, autosampler, and
ing an operational test. In the pharmaceuti- instrument oriented, and it primarily is a detector modules) and occasionally move a
cal manufacturing environment, this confirmation of evidence that supports the module to another system to address faulty
process is called operational qualification. satisfactory performance of an instrument. conditions with one system to bring it on-
Following the initial installation test, the Validation, on the other hand, is applica- line again.
operational qualification should be repeated tion oriented and relates to a specific mea- Something as basic as a firmware revision
at defined intervals. The goal of this test is surement method or process. can illustrate the importance of the holistic
to demonstrate that the system operates as It is important to understand that after approach. Firmware, of course, is the low-
intended after placement in a user’s envi- an instrument undergoes qualification, it level software incorporated into these
ronment. Testers take a holistic approach must be treated as one entity. This concept instruments that provides algorithms for
whenever possible to ensure proper installa- can represent a major shift in thinking for the internal operations and physical access
tion and good system integration. laboratory workers who enjoy the benefits controls. Detector systems, which measure
analyte response, can use various analog-to-
digital converters. The methodology of ana-
log sampling and the manner in which the
software handles the data all are controlled
by firmware (2). The variations of how
these electronic and software interactions
occur in an instrument are numerous, and
they are invariably different as implemented
by individual instrument manufacturers.
Users of these systems have become
familiar and even comfortable with these
differences — as long as any system is qual-
ified for performance and calibrated so that
the results generated are equivalent and
viable, regardless of the instrument from
which they came. What many users fail to
consider, however, is the effect different
firmware revisions can have on instrument
performance and compatibility when they
switch modules between systems. Swapping
modules of the same make and model
number does not negate the concern,
because many firmware revisions exist for
the same make and model and often only
factory-trained personnel can ascertain the
significance of a swap. Analysts often must
account for hardware revision considera-
tions or performance issues of each module.

Operational Qualification Specifics

Operational qualification verifies key
aspects of instrument performance without
the aspects of any contributory effects that
could be introduced by a method. The goal
is to verify that the main operating parame-
ters — injection volume, flow rate, mobile-
phase mixing, column thermostating tem-
perature, and detection wavelength — are
within their specified limits for accuracy
and precision. This verification gives users
confidence that an instrument is operating
correctly to specifications and that a para-
meter’s selected and actual values have no
unacceptable differences. For example, if a
pump is set to deliver 1.0 mL/min, then
the actual flow should be within required
tolerances (0.95–1.05 mL/min) and not

significantly different (for example, 0.7 or fying correct computer communication In practice, testing individual instru-
1.3 mL/min) from the selected value (3). between the computer and the equipment ment parameters, relative to accepted toler-
For an automated gas chromatograph or a and checking the detector response and the ances, requires isolating each parameter.
gas chromatography–mass spectrometry precision of the retention times and peak Each parameter is consistent with an
system, operational testing can mean veri- areas (4). HPLC function; Figure 1 illustrates typical

Table I: Details of operational qualification for various HPLC instruments

Parameter Reason Comments

Autosamplers and injectors

Injection-volume accuracy Important only in rare cases that require accurate Although isolated modular testing of injection-volume
injections or specialized liquid-handling before accuracy is possible, analysts normally focus on injection-
analysis volume precision, which is more important.
Injection-volume precision Key to system repeatability and result precision Can be determined from a sample’s relative standard
deviation; in practice, it is measured holistically by
observing the reproducibility of detector response
relative to repeated injections using the same injector
Injection-volume linearity Important only in rare cases in which injection Although isolated modular testing of injection-volume
volumes are not held constant linearity is possible, most methods use constant volumes
of sample and standard, thereby muting its significance.
Again, analysts normally focus on injection-volume
precision, which is more important.

Solvent-delivery systems
Flow-rate accuracy Potentially important in obtaining results that are Can be determined by measuring the volume of mobile
comparable between systems phase delivered under a suitable back pressure during a
period of time.
Flow-rate precision Can affect retention times, peak shape, and Can be determined by performing repeated flow-rate
integration results; potentially important in accuracy measurements throughout time.
obtaining results that are comparable between
Gradient accuracy Potentially important in obtaining results that are Can be determined at a modular level by introducing an
comparable between systems additive through one of the solvent channels and
independently measuring its concentration in the mobile
phase as a function of the programmed increases or
decreases of that particular solvent channel.
Gradient precision Can affect retention times, peak shape, and Can be determined by performing repeated gradient
integration results; potentially important in accuracy measurements throughout time.
obtaining results that are comparable between

Column ovens
Thermostating accuracy Potentially important in obtaining results that are Determined by measuring the temperature inside the
comparable between systems column compartment relative to the instrument’s set
point; must use calibrated device.
Thermostating precision Could affect retention times and detector response; Can be determined by performing repeated temperature
potentially important in obtaining results that are accuracy measurements during a period of time.
comparable between systems

Wavelength accuracy Important in determining overall accuracy of results Typically determined by comparing a measured
and validating migrating methods to other systems absorbance with the absorbance maxima of a reference
material such as a holmium oxide filter.
Response linearity Important for accuracy of results throughout a range Analysts should expect to obtain a linear relationship
of expected concentrations between the signal amplitude and the concentration of
Signal-to-noise ratio Plays a role in determining a system’s minimum Can be determined by measuring the random fluctuations
detection limits of a signal’s amplitude throughout time.

Data-handling systems
Accuracy and precision Must provide accurate and precise measurement of Can be verified using special software or peak-output
chromatographic peaks and deal properly with simulators, but it generally is accepted that proper
partially resolved, broad, or asymmetric peaks operation is confirmed by obtaining satisfactory results
from operational qualification testing of the complete

HPLC functions. Isolating a parameter as critical parameters such as wavelength operational qualification testing because
much as possible for testing ensures rele- accuracy will necessitate the use of trace- of excess wear), and
vant results. Naturally, we would have able standards and calibrated equipment • the application’s nature (for example,
greater confidence in the results if poten- (3). highly corrosive mobile phases will
tially contributory errors were eliminated The frequency period of operational attack pumps and injectors).
and if testing was limited strictly to the qualification testing will depend on a vari- The event-driven operational qualifica-
responsible mechanism. ety of factors, including tion, which is separate from frequency test-
Table I lists some typical parameters of • the manufacturer’s recommended inter- ing, also has a role that affects the perfor-
interest and the reasons why they are val, mance of a system. In this situation, events
tested. Most HPLC systems today truly are • the user’s required instrument perfor- such as lamp replacement, flow-cell
modular in nature, and these parameters mance, rebuilding, and injector valve seal replace-
are inherent to modules. Although we are • the instrument’s activity (high-activity ment, necessitate repeating an operational
purporting the holistic approach, the para- equipment might need more frequent qualification for the particular module.
meters are delineated by module for practi-
cal purposes. Initially, this approach might
seem paradoxical, but it is not. Consider a
parameter such as injection-volume preci-
sion, which customarily is determined by
observing the reproducibility of detector
response. Obviously, an observer cannot be
entirely sure when the detector is respond-
ing reproducibly or vice versa. Measuring
one parameter creates reliance upon
another, which demonstrates that qualifica-
tion really is for a system, which is treated
as a single entity. For this reason we
describe the approach as holistic, with the
isolation of parameters being a pragmatic
means to an end.
Many quality standards and enforce-
ment authorities stipulate that “where pos-
sible calibrations should be traceable to
national or international standards” to
ensure accuracy (5). This requirement
causes confusion about the need for trace-
able standards and calibrated apparatus
when checking an instrument’s operating
parameters. Tests to verify the accuracy of

delivery Autosampler





Figure 1: Typical HPLC functions subjected

to qualification testing.

Relocating or moving an instrument, sured continuously and documented daily value of qualification programs. Qualifica-
routine preventative maintenance, or with every instrument use. A system- tion has become a part of doing business
upgrades (firmware or software), or modifi- suitability test most likely will identify an within regulatory environments and should
cations are other examples of reasons to HPLC system problem before an analysis be considered a benchmark for laboratory
perform operational qualification. Analysts exhibits it. Flow irregularity, injector preci- quality. Companies must pay attention to
must use their best chromatographic judg- sion, column problems, and detector noise these processes and determine the best eco-
ment to decide which relevant tests should are a few of the possible events that can nomical framework for continued confi-
be performed. After successful completion occur and cause failure of the system- dence in the information supplied by a
of operational qualification, a qualification suitability test. Laboratories should have laboratory.
sticker should be placed on the equipment documented procedures that users can fol-
in an easily visible place to inform users of low if a system falls out of specification. References
the instrument’s compliance. The sticker Ultimately, users should perform these (1) U.S. Pharmacopeia 24–National Formulary 19
should indicate the date the test was per- tests at a defined interval. This interval can (U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Rockville,
Maryland, 1999).
formed (operational qualification), the be every day, every month, or any time the (2) H.H. Bauer, G.D. Christian, and J.E. O’Reilly,
expiration date, and the signature of the instrument is in use. in Instrumental Analysis (Allyn & Bacon, Inc.,
tester. The instrument’s logbook also Boston, 1978), pp. 750–757.
should contain an entry with the same Conclusions (3) P. Bedson, National Measurement System
1997–2000 Valid Analytical Measurement
information. Some people question the value of mainte-
(VAM) Programme (LGC, Teddington, United
nance programs, but many believe that Kingdom, 1998), p. 6.
Performance Qualification Testing they provide tangible benefits in reduced (4) L. Huber, Accreditation and Quality Assurance
In performance qualification, analysts downtime and increased productivity (6). 1(1), 7 (1998).
ascertain that an instrument consistently Some laboratories find that using in-house (5) P. Bedson, National Measurement System
1997–2000 Valid Analytical Measurement
performs according to a specification deter- resources for these programs is a good fit;
(VAM) Programme (LGC, Teddington, United
mined by its routine analysis. The initial others will want the benefits provided by Kingdom, 1998), p. 7.
performance qualification as performed by deploying factory-trained personnel from (6) M. Zoubair El Fallah, LCGC 17(5), 434
a vendor (usually after an operational qual- the instrument manufacturer or a qualified (1999).
ification) is analyzed using a vendor test third party. Some laboratories prefer to rely
mix, a test column, and defined operating upon outside sources because they can Vito Grisanti is the founder of Alpha Tech
parameters. An analyst compares the per- have their systems documented by a poten- Services, 145 North Franklin Turnpike, Ram-
formance results with data obtained in the tially more impartial party, avoid having sey, NJ 07446. Edward J. Zachowski is presi-
past or in the future. This information is their own personnel get bogged down with dent of Alpha Omega Technologies, Inc.,
important, especially to vendors trying to extremely labor-intensive operational quali- 1025 Highway 70, Brielle, NJ 08730, e-mail
diagnose potential hardware issues. They fication tasks such as gradient qualification,
can establish common and predictable evi- have fast response by factory-trained and
dence about whether an instrument is qualified personnel, gain potential cost Ira S. Krull
functioning correctly. During routine use, benefits by preserving laboratory person- “Validation View-
however, the actual conditions of the sys- nel for core laboratory activities, reduce point” co-editor Ira S.
Krull is an associate
tem can vary significantly from this instrument-specific training requirements professor of chemistry
defined test system. It is, therefore, neces- for laboratory personnel, and have expedi- at Northeastern Uni-
sary that users perform checks and tests to ent scheduling of event-driven operational versity in Boston,
demonstrate satisfactory instrumental per- qualification to ensure instrument uptime. Massachusetts, and a
member of LCGC’s edi-
formance during actual use. It is highly If a laboratory wishes to pursue in-house
torial advisory board.
likely that a system’s performance gradually alternatives, we suggest that laboratory
will be affected because of normal wear or management seriously consider special ser- Michael E. Swartz
system failures. We recommend perform- vice training for their personnel. This “Validation View-
ing a system-suitability test before and dur- training will provide greater assurance that point” co-editor
ing analysis studies. A system-suitability the program is being implemented effec- Michael E. Swartz is a
senior scientist at
test provides assurance that a system’s per- tively. We recommend that these workers
Waters Corp., Milford,
formance still is appropriate for use. obtain and retain records of their training. Massachusetts, and a
Performance qualification, therefore, is a These records show that the parties member of LCGC’s edi-
test that is executed more frequently than engaged in the qualification are capable of torial advisory board.
operation qualification. The specifications doing the work and have verified all test
can be determined and documented during results. Direct correspondence about this column
analytical method development and valida- The qualification of instruments does to “Validation Viewpoint,” LCGC, 859 Wil-
tion. During this stage, analysts should set more than bring companies into regulatory lamette Street, Eugene, OR 97401, e-mail
limits of detection, amount precision, reso- compliance. It assures chromatographers of
lution, tailing factor, and retention-time the limits and abilities of their systems and The columnists regret that time constraints
prevent them from responding to individual
precision. In many computer-based data- improves confidence in their analytical reader queries. However, readers are welcome
acquisition systems, these tasks can be results. Qualification is important in the to submit specific questions and problems,
automated, performed easily, and docu- development and transfer of methods to which the columnists may address in future
mented during system-suitability testing. laboratories within or outside its company. columns.
Hence, system performance can be mea- Chromatographers should not discount the

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