MẪU ĐỀ THI 2 (phong cách học)

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Học phần: Phong cách học Mã đề: 002

Mã học phần: 4112842 Số TC: 02
Ngày thi: Thời gian: 50 phút

Ghi chú: Sinh viên làm bài thi trên phiếu trả lời

Choose A, B, C or D for your best answer

1. In ancient Greece, language was mainly used as:
A. an effort to create speeches
B. a tool to communicate as today
C. a practical and aesthetic function in political and ceremonial events
D. A, B & C are right
2. At that time, the art of creating speeches was called:
A. Rhetoric
B. Poetics
C. Metaphor
D. B& C are right
3. Aristotle (384-322 B.C) created a famous work entitled:
A. Rhetoric
B. Poetics
C. Dialectics
D. Persuasion
4. Dialectics is:
A. the study of creating and guiding a dialogue, talk, or discussion
B. the study of methods of persuasion
C. Both A & B
D. A, B, and C are wrong
5. The development of Stylistics was based on:
A. Rhetorics
B. Poetics
C. Dialectics
D. The three sources: Rhetorics, Poetics, and Dialectics
6. The three sources Rhetorics, Poetics, and Dialectics were then developed into:
A. The way that poetics created its own field of study known as Literary Criticism
B. The way that Rhetorics and Dialectics
7. The language of science, culture, and administration was ……………….. the language of
common people.
A. Different from
B. Similar to
C. The root of
D. None is right
8. Stylistics is generally divided into the periods:
A. Ancient times and The Middle Ages
B. Ancient times, The Middle Ages, and the New Age
C. The Middle Ages and Now
D. A, B & C are wrong
9. Ferdinand de Saussure’s work (1916) is:
A. New Idealists
B. Formalism
C. Structuralism
D. Cours de linguistique generale (Course in General Linguistics)
10. Stylistics relates to:
A. Language in use
B. Literature
C. Individual’s style in creating literature
D. A, B and C are right

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