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Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.

5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

Environment & the Natural World 3

Role of individuals in solving environmental problem 3

Environment and the Natural world 4

Protecting wild animals 4

Environment and the Natural World 5

Travelling to remote areas 5

Society 5
Overpopulation 5

Society 6
Ageing population 6

Education and Young people 7

Governmental budget for education 7

Education and Young people 7

Student accommodation 7

Education and Young People 8

Doing unpaid work, helping poor communities 8

Energy 9
Exploit energy in remote places 9

Energy 10
Increasing the cost of fuel 10

Energy 11
Cutting down the consumption of fossil fuels 11

Food 12
Taxing fast food 12

Food 12
Role of the government and individuals in ensuring a healthy diet for everyone 12

Sports 13
Team vs Individual sports 13

Technology 14
Library vs computer 14

Technology 14
Online meetings 14

Research 15
Government vs Private Companies doing research 15

Transport 16
Punishments to improve road safety 16

Work and Study 16

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |
Qualifications vs Experience 16

Work and Study 17

Working and travelling in the gap year 17

Homes & Urban planning 18

Architecture of new buildings 18

Homes & Urban planning 19

Intended use vs outward appearance 19

Homes & Urban planning 19

Moving companies to the countryside 19

Art, Culture & History 20

Local vs International Literature 20

Art, Culture & History 21

Governmental funding for art & culture 21

Art, Culture & History 21

Art vs technology 21

Health Care 22
Prevention vs treatment 22

Technology 23
Technology and the income gap 23

Media 24
Stories on the news 24

Tourism 24
International tourism creating tension 24

Modern life 25
Life in the city 25

Modern Life 26
Modern lifestyle and family relationships 26

Business & The economy 26

Shopping malls replacing smaller shops 26

Business & The economy 27

Consumerism 27

Topic Question Type Subtopic Question Ideas Vocab to learn

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

Some people think that Big problems:

Environment & Discussion* Role of
environmental problems
the Natural individuals in
are too big for individuals - Seawater pollution, caused by the activities of large
World solving
to solve. Others believe companies (e.g. Formosa, a Taiwanese steel company,
individuals can also do dumping untreated chemical waste into the sea in the
some things to solve these middle of Vietnam) -> should be solved by the
problems. government (not individuals)

Discuss both views and - Global warming, which happens on a global scale ->
give your own opinion. should be solved by the international community (not

Small problems:

- (1) Switch from cars and motorbikes to public

transport => (2) reduce the amount of traffic emissions
=> (3) mitigate air pollution

- (1) Recycler waste materials => (2) reduce the amount

of waste which is buried underground in landfill sites
=> (3) alleviate soil pollution

Some people think that a Approach: balanced opinion – Disagree

Environment Opinion Protecting wild
animals huge amount of time and
and the Natural
money is spent on the Reasons to agree:
protection of wild animals,
- Wild animals conservation areas are often
and that this money could extremely costly to build and operate
be better spent on the
human population. To - The government should spend an adequate
what extent do you agree amount of money on healthcare and education for
or disagree with this citizens
opinion? Reasons to disagree:

- Maintain ecological balance/ biodiversity

- Some rare animals are of great importance to

biological research / are a great source of information
for biological research

Organized tour to remote Approach: Balanced opinion – Positive

Environment Opinion* Travelling to
remote areas areas and community is
and the Natural
increasingly popular. Is it a Negative:
positive or negative
- These tours may damage the environment.
development for the local Tourist waste may threat the life of the flora and fauna
people and the in the destination

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

- Visitors may disturb the normal lifestyle of local



- Tourists may provide financial benefits for local

people and companies

- The local authorities may impose environmental

tax on tourists and use this tax money to protect the

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

Overpopulation of urban Problems:

Society Problem -
areas has led to numerous
Solution* Overpopulation
problems. - Traffic congestion (overpopulation -> a vast number
of private vehicles -> high traffic density -> traffic

Identify one or two serious - Public services (hospitals, schools) are overloaded
ones and suggest ways
that governments and Solutions:
individuals can tackle these
problems. - The government should build satellite cities and
encourage citizens to move to these new cities (urban-
rural migration)

- Individuals: Each family should have a smaller number

of children -> reduce the fertility rate -> slow down
population growth.

In the developed world, Problems:

Society Problem - Ageing
average life expectancy is
Solution* population
increasing. - To society: there may be a shortage of human
What problems will this
cause for individuals and - To individuals: individuals have to pay more tax to
society? provide elderly care for the old who are susceptible to
various elderly health problems
Suggest some measures
that could be taken to Solutions:
reduce the impact of
ageing populations. - Increase the retirement age

- Encourage families to give birth to more children (by

means of providing maternity benefits, childcare
allowances, free education for children)

Children's education is Advantages:

Education and Advantages & Governmental
expensive. In some
Young people Disadvantages* budget for
countries, the government - Citizens have to pay more tax money so that the
pays some or all of the government would have an extra budget for education
- Some students may take education for granted, not
Do the advantages something they must pay to receive, and do not try to
outweigh its achieve good academic results
- If too many students go to school at the same time,
the education system will be overloaded


- Students from all financial backgrounds may have

equal access to education

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

- Parents are relieved from the burden of paying for

children's education

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

It is better for college Living at home

Education and Discussion* Student
students to live in schools
Young people accommodatio
than to live at home with - Students may feel a sense of security because they
their parents. can get family support when they suffer from illnesses

- Students and their families may save a considerable

amount of money (unlike students living in schools who
Do you agree or disagree? have to pay for their accommodation)

Living in schools:

- Students may have easy access to learning facilities

such as libraries, laboratories and group study areas.

- Students may learn to live independently. This is a

crucial living skill for their future.

- Students may save travelling time to school everyday.

- Students are exposed to a variety of cultures

- Students may create a network of relationships with

people from various cultural backgrounds

More and more young Why:

Education and Two-part* Doing unpaid
work, helping people from wealthy
Young People
poor countries are spending a - The young do this to show the responsibility towards
communities short time in communities impoverished communities in low-income countries
in poorer countries doing
- This may enable the young to acquire valuable
unpaid work such as
knowledge (about cultures and languages) and skills
teaching or building
(communication and teamwork)
houses. Why? Who benefit
from this, the community Benefits are for both the community and these
or these young people? young people:

- The knowledge and skills the young gain from this

voluntary activity may bring them a competitive edge
in the job market in the future.

- Communities in developing countries may also

benefit from this because they are provided with
various forms of support (financial, medical and

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

1. The demand for energy Should or should not:

Energy Two-part* Exploit energy
sources such as oil and gas
in remote
is increasing. - The only benefit is an extra supply of fuels for humans
to consume
(a) Should people be
looking for sources of oil - The environmental cost is substantial: the flora and
and gas in remote and fauna (along with their habitats) will be damaged,
untouched places? ecological balance of the place where fuels are
exploited will be disturbed
(b) Do the advantages of
this outweigh the Advantages vs disadvantages:
disadvantages of
damaging such areas? - The benefit of having an extra source of fuels is
temporary, because energy sources in remote places
will soon be exhausted.

- Damage on natural habitats are often long-lasting

or even irreversible, as humans could do little to
restore the original status of these habitats

The best way to solve the It is a good way => problems that can be solved by
Energy Opinion* Increasing the
cost of fuel world's environmental increasing the cost of fuels
problems is increasing the
cost of fuel. - People would switch from private vehicles to public
transport => reducing traffic emissions => reducing air

To what extent do you - Less fossil fuels would be consumed => preventing
agree or disagree? the exhaustion of fossil fuels

It is not the best way => problems that cannot be

solved by increasing the cost of fuels

- It cannot solve soil pollution, which should be

resolved through classifying and treating waste

- It cannot solve deforestation, overfishing and

overhunting, which should be tackled by other
solutions, such as introducing a law on the
conservation and recovery of natural resources

The international Perspective 1: international community?

Energy Opinion* Cutting down
the community must act
immediately to ensure that - There are problems associated with burning fossil

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

all nations reduce their fuels that happen in the whole world such as global
consumption of
fossil fuels consumption of fossil fuels warming and climate change => one single country
e.g. gas and oil. cannot solve it

To what extent do you - Developing countries do not own renewable energy

agree or disagree? technology => the international community should
provide less developed countries with this technology

Perspective 2: is this an urgent task?

- The rising sea level has already sunk many coastal

areas and islands.

- Fossil fuel sources are already on the verge of


- Air pollution has already reached an alarming level,

leading to an increase in the number of people who
have respiratory problems such as rhinitis/ sinusitis/
bronchitis/ pneumonia/ tuberculosis in big cities

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

In some countries, an This policy is ineffective and people would still buy
Food Opinion* Taxing fast
increasing number of fast food because:
people are suffering from
health problems as a result - It is fast
of eating too much fast
food. It is therefore - It is tasty
necessary for governments
to impose a higher tax on This policy is disadvantageous to some groups of
this kind of food. people.

- Fast food buyers (including students and average

income workers) have to pay more
To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this - Fast food restaurants will suffer, which causes some
opinion? people to lose their jobs

Some people think that the View 1:

Food Opinion* Role of the
government government has the duty
and individuals to ensure its citizens have a - It is the government's responsibility because only the
in ensuring a healthy diet, while others government, rather than individuals, can impose a tax
healthy diet for argue it is the responsibility on unhealthy food (fast food, or any kind of food that is
everyone of each individual. Discuss high in cholesterol)
both views and give your
- They have to do it to reduce their medical expenses
on treating patients with medical conditions and
diseases related to eating unhealthy food (such as

View 2:

- If people have a balanced diet, they will become

healthier -> they have higher productivity -> they earn
more money -> they pay more tax to the government

- Choosing a diet is a matter of personal preference (=

you eat what you like), not something that the
government can decide

- Diets should be planned according to the specific

health status and nutrition needs of each person.
Therefore, each person should make decisions about
their own diet plans.

Some people think that it is Individual sports:

Sports Discussion Team vs
more beneficial to take
part in sports which are - Learn how to be independent
played in teams, like
football, while other people - Players may boost their determination when

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

think that taking part in dealing with problems on their own

individual sports, like tennis
or swimming, is better. Team sports:
Discuss both views and
give your own opinion. - Acquire interpersonal skills such as communication

- Learn what to do as a member of a team, which is

relevant to working environment of most companies

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

Maintaining public libraries Approach: balanced opinion - disagree Maintaining libraries for public visitors costs a great amount
Technology Opinion Library vs
is a waste of money since of money. Although there are a few reasons why people want
computer technology can Computer technology can replace some functions: to read on a digital device instead of going to libraries, there
replace their functions. Do are more reasonable grounds that these places are still
you agree or disagree? - Most well-known books are available online. needed and should be maintained well.

E.g. readers can easily purchase and read books on There might be some reasons why digital technology can
Amazon using their Kindle device. replace public libraries. One important reason is that online
sites created using this technology are where people can find
- Readers using a digital device have various forms of more books than they do in most local libraries. For example,
assistance there are about 30 million books for sale on the Amazon
bookstore, compared with only about a million in the
E.g. find a specific word or phrase
Vietnamese National Library. Another reason is that readers
using a digital device have various forms of assistance, such as
Public libraries are still needed. Reasons:
the “search” function. Using it, readers can find any specific
word or phrase they want in a long book, which saves them a
- Traditional books in a library do not harm human
great amount of time if they are scanning for information in
that book.
- Better reading experience: Readers in a library can
However, there is stronger evidence that people should keep
focus on their books. Reading on a computer means
maintaining public libraries. One explanation is that these
being easily distracted by notifications from social
places are where people read paper books in rooms with
network applications such as Facebook
good lighting. This activity is often not as harmful to the eyes
as reading on a digital screen which is often too bright to look
at for an extended period of time. In addition to this, public
libraries are where readers can enjoy a better reading
experience. This is because unlike readers in a library who can
better focus on their books, those who read on a computer
might be easily distracted by notifications from social network
applications such as Facebook.

In conclusion, while computers can replace traditional

libraries in a few aspects of reading, there are more
compelling reasons why libraries should be kept. It is
recommended that people invest more money to upgrade
these places in order that visitors can enjoy even better
reading experiences.

Research shows that Approach: advantages outweigh disadvantages

Technology Advantages & Online
business meetings,
Disadvantages meetings
discussions and training Disadvantages:
are happening online
nowadays. Do the - It is not easy for people to express themselves on
advantages outweigh the online platforms in forms of body language and facial
disadvantages? expressions so online business communication may
not be as effective as traditional business

- Online meetings, discussions and trainings may be

ruined by a poor internet connection

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- Save a large amount of cost for companies

- Convenient for participants from all around the


Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

Scientific research should Approach: Balanced opinion – disagree

Research Opinion Government vs
be carried out and
controlled by the Some research should be conducted by the
governments rather than government
doing research
private companies. Do you
agree or disagree? - Some research does not guarantee financial
benefits and thus is not attractive to private for-profit

- Some research requires a large amount of resources

that only the government can provide

Some research should be conducted by private


- Research is more practical because for-profit

companies care about cost-effectiveness

- Research findings are more likely to be applied to the

real world

The only way to improve Approach: Balanced opinion – Disagree

Transport Opinion Punishments to
safety of our roads is to give
improve road
much stricter punishments This is a good way. Reasons:
for driving offences. What
extent do you agree or - This deters people from committing driving
disagree? offences as people are afraid of strict punishments

- Offenders are discouraged from committing their

offences again

It is not the best way. Other solutions are better:

- Road safety should be taught at school as a

compulsory subject

- The mass media should spread images and videos of

victims of traffic accidents, should may have a greater
deterrent impact than stricter punishments do

Nowadays, some Reasons:

Work and Two-part Qualifications
employers think that
Study vs Experience
formal academic - Academic qualifications are often a reliable
qualifications are more proof of one’s ability
important than life
experience or personal - Some jobs such as researchers and professors
qualities when they look for require a high level of academic knowledge, which is
new employees. Why is it often reflected by qualifications
the case? Is it a positive or
negative development? - The act of choosing an employee based on their
qualifications may save a great amount of time for

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

recruiters, while personal qualities can only be

demonstrated if a candidate comes to an interview or
work as a trainee

Positive/ negative: negative

- Qualifications given by some schools are

unreliable. E.g. name of any bad school in your country

- Some recruiters may overlook applications of

potential workers who may not have decent

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

Some students prefer to Advantages:

Work and Advantages & Working and
Disadvantages travelling in the take a gap year between
gap year high school and university, - Travel => acquire social and cultural knowledge
to work or to travel.
- Work => gain working experience and skills
Do the advantages of this (teamwork, leadership etc)
outweigh the
- Some students may choose not to go back to school
after the gap year -> they may lose the chance of
acquiring a degree and academic knowledge in the
university level

- Students who choose to take a gap year may fail to

recall the knowledge they learned at high school when
they enter university

Some people think that Old style:

Homes & Urban Discussion Architecture of
newly built houses should
planning new buildings
follow the style of old - maintain the uniformity of the architectural style
houses in local areas. of the whole neighbourhood, making the area look
Others think that people special, attracting tourists. E.g. Hanoi
should have freedom to
build houses of their own - save architectural design cost
style. Discuss both these
views and give your own Own style:
- Each individual has their own different purposes/
needs when building a house

- Old houses may not be as convenient as houses

built according to modern architecture

- Old houses may not be as energy-efficient as

new houses (people may install solar panels on the
roof of modern houses)

When designing a building, Outward appearance is important. Reasons:

Homes & Urban Opinion Intended use vs
the most important factor
planning outward
is intended use of the - A building may attract more visitors when
building rather than its it has an attractive outward appearance
outward appearance. To
what extent do you agree - People love a building with an attractive
or disagree? appearance for aesthetic reasons

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

Intended use is more important. Reasons:

- Each individual has their own different

needs, so the outward appearance should be
designed according to these needs. E.g. if the
house owner prioritises energy saving when
designing the house, they may install solar
panels on the roof

- If the owner prioritises outward appearance, the

consequence might be that their houses are
inconvenient to live. E.g. In Hanoi, many villas
owners want big sculptures in front of the main
door, which takes up a large amount of space,
reducing the living space

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

Traffic and housing Approach: strong opinion – agree

Homes & Urban Opinion Moving
companies to problems could be solved
the countryside by moving large This solves traffic problems:
companies, factories and
- People migrate to the countryside -> fewer
their employees to the private vehicles in big cities -> lower traffic density in
countryside. Do you agree big cities -> relieve traffic congestion
or disagree?
This solves housing problems:

- People migrate to the countryside -> a lower

demand for housing in big cities -> lower housing
prices for citizens of big cities

Some people believe that Approach: balanced opinion – disagree

Art, Culture & Opinion Local vs
it is more important to
History International
teach children the Literature of their own country
literature of their own
country than other - It is an important means of educating children
countries. Do you agree or about their own countries’ culture and history, which
disagree? may instil in these children a sense of patriotism

- Teaching children about their own country’s

literature may help them develop their writing skill in
their mother language

Literature of other countries

- It is a way of broaden children’s knowledge of

other cultures, which is essential in today’s context of

- This may stimulate children’s curiosity about

other countries

Some people think the Should not:

Art, Culture & Discussion Governmental
government funding
History funding for art
should not be used for - Cost a large amount of money (building
& culture
supporting art and culture, museums, monuments etc)
while others think
supporting cultural - Money should be spent on other fields (education,
activities may be beneficial healthcare, environmental protection)
for the population and the
culture. Discuss both these Should:
views and give your own
- Promote tourism. Local people may benefit from

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

providing tourist services for visitors.

- Preserve the national culture

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

In today’s world of What science and technology cannot tell people

Art, Culture & Specific Art vs
advanced science and
History Questions technology
technology, we still greatly - Even the latest appliances of science and
value our artists such as technology such as robots and even AI cannot imitate
musicians, painters and human emotions
writers. What can arts tell
us about life that science - Machines function based on logic and a set of
and technology cannot? programmed principles and never sympathise or
empathise in the way that humans do

What arts can tell people

- Pieces of art (paintings, songs, novels) can reflect

how people feel and the emotions of the painters,
song writers and writers.

- Art can inspire people to live a better life / can

instil in people a sense of humanity

It is more important to Approach: Balanced opinion - Agree

Health Care Opinion Prevention vs
spend public money
promoting a healthy Treat ill people:
lifestyle in order to prevent
illness than to spend it on - Healthy is a basic human need
the treatment of people
who are already ill. To what - Some illnesses are extremely dangerous for the
extent do you agree or patients themselves as well as the whole community (in
disagree? case of transferable diseases)

Promote a healthy lifestyle:

- It is more cost-effective. Treating serious diseases

such as cancer is costly

- If a healthy lifestyle is widely adopted, people

may become healthier not only physically but also
mentally. They may therefore live a happier life.

- In countries where medical care is paid by

individuals rather than the government, the act of
promoting a healthy lifestyle may relieve local people
from the financial burden of paying for medical costs
in case of being diagnosed with a serious disease

The range of technology Increasing:

Technology Discussion Technology and
available to people is
the income gap
increasing the gap - The increasing level of automation may lead to a

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

between the rich and the higher unemployment rate, which means low-income
poor. Others think it has an people may earn less money than the past
opposite effect. Discuss
both views and give your - The rich may equip themselves with modern
opinions. facilities, which may improve their productivity, while
the poor are unable to do this


- Modern technology has created new kinds of jobs

from which people from all financial backgrounds may
earn money (sharing economy)

- Due to the development of the Internet, people

from all backgrounds may have access to a wealth of
information. As a result, poor people may gain an
adequate amount of knowledge to earn money in the

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

The media should include Approach: balanced opinion – agree

Media Opinion Stories on the
more stories which report
good news. To what extent Negative stories are necessary:
do you agree or disagree?
- They reflect how the real society is, with both
positive and negative aspects

- Those who are exposed to too much good news

may become naïve and underprepared when they
encounter bad people in their life

Positive stories:

- They promote a positive way of life, in which

people treat others kindly

- They help people relieve stress and alleviate

other negative emotions.

Nowadays, international Approach: Balanced opinion – Disagree

Tourism Opinion International
tourism is the biggest
industry in the world. It creates tension in a few aspects:
tension - Ways of life of visitors may disturb local lifestyles
international tourism
creates tension rather than i.e. foreigners may drink alcohol and sing out loud at
understanding between night
people from different
cultures. To what extent do - If there are too many tourists from a country, they
you agree or disagree with may make a place become different from how it was
this opinion? before, which may lead to a negative attitude towards
international tourists among local people

It engenders understanding:

- The more people are exposed to a different

culture, the more they are likely to understand it

- When two groups of people start to understand

each other, tension may be defused, leaving a place for
even deeper understanding and harmony

People living in large cities Problems:

Modern life Two-part Life in the city
today face many problems
in their everyday life. What - Traffic congestion
are these problems?
- Higher cost of accommodation
Should governments
encourage people to move

Ideas for IELTS Writing Band 7+ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by Tu Pham 8.5 IELTS - See more of his works on |

to smaller regional towns? Governments should encourage people to move to

regional towns. Reasons:

- Lower traffic density in cities -> solve the problem of

traffic congestion

- Lower demand for housing in cities -> lower

accommodation cost for citizens

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In many places, people’s Advantages:

Modern Life Advantages & Modern
lifestyle is changing rapidly,
Disadvantages lifestyle and
and this affects family - People are more active on the internet -> they
relationships. Do you think communicate more easily with other family members,
the advantages of those which may strengthen family relationships
developments outweigh
the disadvantages? - People travel more today -> they can visit their
family more often


- People are busier with their work -> they spend

less quality time with their family

- People are more likely to live alone than with their

family than in the past

Large shopping malls are Approach: balanced opinion – negative

Business & The Opinion Shopping malls
replacing small shops. Do
economy replacing
you think it is a positive or Positive:
smaller shops
negative development?
- At a shopping mall, people have more choices

- Services in a large shopping mall are often more

professional than in small shops


- People see a diversity of products -> they are

stimulated to make more purchases at shopping malls
-> some purchases can be unnecessary

- The development of shopping malls means less

benefits for owners of small shops and small local

These days, people in some Causes:

Business & The Problem - Consumerism
Solution countries are living in a
“throw-away” society which - The appearance new products, which makes the
means people use things in old ones obsolete
a short time then throw - Because of economic development, people now
them away. Causes and earn more money than in the past and are willing to pay
problems. more money

- The prevalence of advertisements on all media

channels, which stimulate people to make more

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- Due to a high level of automation and the

economies of scale, products are increasingly
affordable to customers


- A waste of resources / the overexploitation of

natural resources

- Industrial waste may damage the environment

- Set a bad example for children, who may no

longer appreciate what is given to them


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