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Sub : Advanced Java Sub code : BIS402

Module 1
1. What is a collection framework? Explain the methods defined by collection interface.
2. Demostrate ArrayList class collection with example. (6)
3. Explain HashMap and TreeMap classes. (8M)
4. Explain ArrayList class and explain the following methods, binarySearch, copy, equals,
fill. (8)
5. Explain Queue interface with its methods. (4)
6. Explain the methods defined by the interface Collection, List, SortedSet, Queue. (10)
7. How collection be accessed using iterator explain with example. (6)
8. Explain the following classes by constructing a java program. LinkedList, ArrayList,
HashSet, TreeSet (10)
9. What are comparators? Write a comparator program to sort the accounts by last
names. (10M)

Module 2

1. What is String in Java? Write a JAVA program that demonstrates any four string
constructors of String class (8)
2. Differentiate equals() and == for string comparison. (4)
3. Explain the StringBuffer class with examples capacity, reverse, charAt, deleteCharAt.
4. How does compareTo() method differs from compareToIgnoreCase(). (4)
5. Explain how to check the occurrence of a substring. (5M)
6. Explain any two character handling methods. (4M)
7. Write a JAVA program to sort the names using bubblesort. (6M)
8. Explain the String Comparison methods with suitable programs. (8M)
9. Explain indexOf() and lastIndexOf() methods with example. (4M)
10. What is toString()? Write a program to override toString() and provide your own
string representation. (8M)
11. Explain special string operations with example. (6M)
12. Write a JAVA program to replace all the matching substring within a given string.

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