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Nerea Fernández, Laura Crespo 3ºesoE

Cover page 1
Index page 2
Introduction page 3
Objectives page 3
Methodology page 3
Results page 4
Conclusions page 4-5


In this project we have analyzed how the body responds to exercise. To do this we
have done several exercises and we have measured our Heart rates on each exercise
making a difference in the amount of time we practiced each exercise. Each exercise
was Running upstairs, Walking and Running. We have only used our heart rate as an
indicator because we did not have a machine that could measure our oxygen rate.


Our objective is to prove that the amount of time and the different exposure your
body has to exercise, affects the way your body works. When you are exercising your
body wastes more oxygen so it also needs more oxygen, thanks to this our heart
pumps more blood for us to get more oxygen and to do that it increases its speed. It
also transports more oxygen in the blood. That is why when we run our Heart rates
increase and also the amount of oxygen in our blood increases too. Our hypothesis is
that the more exercise you do the more oxygen in blood and heart rate you will have.
Unfortunately we haven't found a way to measure our oxygen in blood, so we won't
be able to prove this part of the hypothesis.


For achieving our results we have carried out several steps and measurements.

First of all we have measured the group members’ normal hearts rate, secondly we
have carried out several activities and from time to time we have stopped to measure
our pulse.

The activities we have performed are the following: running, running upstairs and
walking fast. For running one member of the group has runned for one minute and
then stopped for measuring her heart rate, after that, she has runned for two minutes
and again stopped for measuring pulsation rate and the same but running three
minutes, we have repeated this process with the other two activities and that is how
we have achieved our goal.

The following graphs show the results we have obtained after performing what
mentioned above. We have used graphs to show the re

After all of this research and contrasting all the information obtained we have come
to the conclusion that, as you can see in the graphs overhead, our rate varies
depending on the effort our body makes by performing different activities. When we

carry out tasks in which our body has to do a lot of effort, our heart rate will be
higher than if we perform activities in which our body does not need to do that much
effort, the particular reason for this, is that the more effort we do, the more waste
products the body produces, the brain notices it which makes the heart rate to
increment on order to satisfy all the oxygen necessities the muscles have,
dehydration increases your pulsation too.

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