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1. In a sample study about coffee-drinking habits in two towns, the following information was received:
Town A : Females were 40 per cent. Total coffee drinkers were 45 per cent and male non-coffee
drinkers were 20 per cent
Town B : Males were 55 per cent. Male non-coffee drinkers were 30 per cent and female coffee
drinkers were 15 per cent.
Represent this data in a tabular form
2. The annual report of a Public Library reveals the following information regarding the reading habits of
its members. Out of the total of 3718 books issued to the members in the month of June, 2100 were
fictions. There were 467 members of the library during the period and they were classified into five
classes—A, B, C, D, and E. The number of members belonging to the first four classes were
respectively 15, 176, 98, and 129, and the number of fictions issued to them were 103, 1187, 647,
and 58 respectively. The number of books, other than text books and fictions, issued to these four
classes of members were respectively 4, 390, 217, and 341. Text books were issued only to members
belonging to classes C, D, and E, and the number of text books issued to them were respectively 8,
317, and 160. During the same period, 1246 periodicals were issued. These include 396 technical
journals of which 36 were issued to member of class B, 45 to class D, and 315 to class E. To
members of classes B, C, D, and E the number of other journals issued were 419, 26, 231, and 99,

3. Out of a total number of 1,807 women who were interviewed for employment in a factory of Mumbai:
512 were from textile areas and the rest from the non-textile areas. Amongst the married women who
belonged to textile areas, 247 were experienced and 73 inexperienced, while for non- Textile areas.
the corresponding figures were 49 and 520. The total number of inexperienced women was 1341 of
whom 111 resided in textile areas. Of the total number of women. 918 were unmarried and of these
the number of experienced women in the textile and non-textile areas was 154 and 16 respectively.

4. A survey was conducted among 1,00,000 music listeners who were asked to indicate their
preference for classical music, light music, folk songs, film songs and pop varieties of music. The
male listeners interviewed were as many as female listeners. The survey indicated that while the
percentage of listeners who preferred classical music, light music and folk songs were eight, thirteen
and four respectively; the actual number of females for each of the first two kinds were six thousand.
Of the listeners who liked folk songs, the number of male listeners was sank as that of female
listeners. While film songs were liked by number one and half times that for all other varieties put
together, the number for pop music were only a fourth of the number of film song listeners. Sixty per
cent of the listeners of pop music were females.
Prepare a table showing the distribution of music listeners according to sex and type of music.
5. The total number of employees in Cognito firm in 2018 was 6000 and it increased by 1000 employees
in 2019 but due to the pandemic, it decreased by 2000 in 2020. The total number of employees in the
tech department showed an increase from 2018 to 2020. It was 750 in 2018, 1250 in 2019 and 1500
in 2020. In the tech department, employees with medical insurance were 500 in 2018, 550 in 2019
and 600 in 2020. The number of employees in the production department were 1000, 1200 and 1600
in these three years respectively. The number of employees with medical insurance in the production
department were 200 in 2020. The total number of employees without medical insurance were 3000
in 2018 and 3200 in 2019. Employees without medical insurance in the other departments were 2500,
2400 and 1800 in these three years respectively. Tabulate the above information with the given
details as clearly as possible observing the rules of tabulation.

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