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Name : SHARUPA Age : 40 Years

Lab No. : 430417150 Gender : Female
Ref by : Self Reported : 05/06/2024 10:00:29
Collected : 21/05/2024 17:32:00 Report Status : Final
A/c Status :P
Collected at : A. H. HEALTHCARE Processed at : DHAKA-GULSHAN TA-517(NEW), TA-


SPECIMEN : Uterus with adnexa.


GROSS : Received a 8.5x5.0x3.0 cm totally resected uterus with both side

adnexae. The cervix is broad. On opening, the endometrial cavity is
found symmetrical. On slicing the endometrial thickness is 0.2 cm
and myometrium is 2.0 cm thick and grossly unremarkable. Right
ovary measures 2.5x2.0x1.5 cm and right fallopian tube is 6.0x0.5
cm. Left ovary measures 2.0x2.0x1.5 cm and the fallopian tube is
5.5x0.5 cm. A 1.0cm para tubal cyst is found in left fallopian tube.
The cut surface of both ovaries show cyst measuring 1.8x1.0 cm
and 1.5x1.0 cm respectively. Both fallopian tubes are
unremarkable. Submitted eight blocks in five cassettes.

MICROSCOPY : Sections of cervix reveal features of chronic cervicitis with

squamous metaplasia.

Sections of uterine wall show proliferative phase in the

endometrium. The myometrium is unremarkable.

Sections of both ovaries show corpus luteal cyst.

Sections of both fallopian tubes are unremarkable.

A para tubal cyst lined flattened cells is also noted.

No evidence of malignancy is seen.

Classification: Internal
Note: 1. Slides / Blocks can be issued only on advise of the referring consultant after a minimum of 48 hours.
2. Gross specimens will be retained only for a period of 1 month after the date of reporting.
3. Contact histopathology department for any clarification.

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Classification: Confidential

Name : SHARUPA Age : 40 Years

Lab No. : 430417150 Gender : Female
Ref by : Self Reported : 05/06/2024 10:00:29
Collected : 21/05/2024 17:32:00 Report Status : Final
A/c Status :P
Collected at : A. H. HEALTHCARE Processed at : DHAKA-GULSHAN TA-517(NEW), TA-

IMPRESSION : 1. Chronic cervicitis with squamous metaplasia.

2. Left fallopian tube: Para tubal cyst.

HISTOPATH NO : [ Z02/B/2558/24 - Z02/B/2559/24 : Cervix , Z02/B/2560/24 : Wall ,

Z02/B/2561/24 : Right ovary and FT, Z02/B/2562/24 : Left ovary,
FT and para tubal cyst. ]

Dr.Ummey Salma Shabnam

Consultant Dept. of Histopathology

Dr Lal PathLabs Bangladesh Ltd

Note: Case reported by Dr.Ummey Salma Shabnam


·Test results released pertain to the specimen submitted. ·All test results are dependent on the quality of the sample received by the
Laboratory. ·Laboratory investigations are only a tool to facilitate in arriving at a diagnosis and should be clinically correlated by the
Referring Physician. ·Sample repeats are accepted on request of Referring Physician within 7 days post reporting. ·Report delivery may be
delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. Inconvenience is regretted. ·Certain tests may require further testing at additional cost for
derivation of exact value. Kindly submit request within 72 hours post reporting. ·Test results may show interlaboratory variations. ·The
Courts/Forum at Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all disputes/claims concerning the test(s) & or results of test(s). ·Test results are
not valid for medico legal purposes. · This is computer generated medical diagnostic report that has been validated by Authorized Medical
Practitioner /Doctor. The report does not need physical signature.
(#) Sample drawn from outside source.
If Test results are alarming or unexpected, client is advised to contact the Customer Care immediately for possible remedial action.
Tel: +91-11-49885050,Fax: - +91-11-2788-2134, E-mail:

Classification: Internal
Note: 1. Slides / Blocks can be issued only on advise of the referring consultant after a minimum of 48 hours.
2. Gross specimens will be retained only for a period of 1 month after the date of reporting.
3. Contact histopathology department for any clarification.

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Classification: Confidential

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