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Coding Terms

o Interpreters: Converts and executes the program line by line. The essence of a Scripted
language is that its program is basically just a text file with instructions written in it. These
“programs” don't need to be compiled, they're just written into a text file, saved with an
extension suitable for the language of use and then just run the program. If there is a syntax
error in the 5th line of the code in a script, the first 4 lines will run and then an error will
occur on the 5th of code and the script will stop execution.

Examples: JavaScript, Python.

o Compilers: First converts the whole program into assembly code and then converts the
assembly code into machine code. Compiled languages, are converted to byte code (low
level - Machine language) after writing the code. Only after you've compiled the program
can you execute it. If you have an error in the 5th line, you'll be notified while compiling and
the executable file won't be generated. Only after all the errors are dealt with, will you be
able to use the program.

In comparison, Compiled Programs are generally much faster than Scripted programs, since
the complete code is converted to byte code while compilation, hence saving processing at

Examples: Java, C, C++.

o Protocol: a set of standards to be used by two parties from different environments while
communicating. Since, they're from different environments, they don't know each other's
technology/language. But they have to communicate. Here is where the protocol comes in.
E.g. Facebook clients and servers have decided to use the same standards while
communicating (sending requests and getting response). And that's HTTP, a protocol.

o HTTP = Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (https = secure http).

o FTP = File Transfer Protocol.

o mailto = protocol for email addresses.

o URL = Unified Resource Locator.

o Host: a computer in the internet which provides the content resources for a website.

o Domain: enables us to address a certain network address using a friendlier name instead of
the exact IP address.

o DNS = Domain Name System, like an address book for computers. Once a computer
questions it for a certain domain address, it replies with a network address (IP address).

o URL path: an http request sent to the resource domain, which can either be an actual file
containing actual content (a jpg for example);

Or: a request to an application on the source server that will build a dynamic resource, using
content from a DB and sending back HTML that a browser can display.

See: SEO-Friendly URL Structure.

o IIS = Internet Information Services - a Windows application that is a web server.

o asp - an early Microsoft technology for creating dynamic web pages (can also be a suffix
representing a file type).

o PRG = POST-redirect-GET.

o BI environments (QlikSense, Qlikview, Tablau)

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