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The survey gathered data on student demographics and academic details, revealing that most
participants were between 21-30 years old, with a fairly even split between genders. It also
captured their academic progression within the Pharm.D program.

2. Various factors influenced students' decision to enroll in the Pharm.D program, including the
influence of family and friends, personal interest in science, and career aspirations. Notably,
many were motivated by the influence of a Pharm.D. graduate.

3. The majority of respondents expressed satisfaction with studying Pharm.D, indicating a clear
understanding of the degree and happiness with their studies. Many also expressed contentment
with pursuing Pharm.D as a career, despite some reporting regrets.

4. Future career prospects and salary did not significantly affect students' satisfaction with
studying Pharm.D, suggesting motivations beyond monetary gain. However, a small percentage
expressed regret over entering pharmacy school or choosing Pharm.D as a specialty.

5. The survey findings offer valuable insights into student perceptions of the Pharm.D degree,
highlighting the influence of personal networks and overall satisfaction. Further research could
explore reasons for dissatisfaction and long-term career outcomes to enhance the Pharm.D
program and address student needs.

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