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Smart Guess & Test Papers

Student Name ______________________ Father Name ______________________ Roll Number _______

Class: 1st /year - English Marks : 35 Exam Format : Chapter Wise Test
Time : notespk.com_Nauman Sadaf | Date _________________ Examiner Sig __________ Chapter#: 1

MCQ's S/Q L/Q Total

Objective Type

1. Encircle the Correct Option. (1 x 35 = 35)

1) Mr.steward will _______ you at 8.00 P.M.
a) call off b) call to c) call for d) call on

2) The package was lying _________ the front door-a cube-shaped carton sealed with tape.
a) along b) by c) on d) off

3) The package was lying by the front door-a cube-shaped carton ________ with tape.
a) stuck b) fastened c) glued d) sealed

4) Mr.Steward's _________ had been offensive

a) sound b) tune c) tone d) voice

5) He _______ "Well.why not?" he said

a) pondered b) chided c) rebuked d) hesitated

6) "May be some __________ millionaire is doing it."

a) appealing b) Invalid c) psychological d) eccentric

7) Norma ________beneath the covers

a) revealed b) shrieked c) slipped d) slid

8) Norma slid _______ the covers

a) under b) beneath c) below d) inside

9) Norma slid beneath the ________

a) combs b) cover c) blanket d) quilts

10) _________ Norma dropped the cards halves into her purse
a) impulsively b) numbly c) unknowingly d) knowingly

11) She looked the front door and joined Arthur in the ________
a) stairs b) ladder c) elevator d) lift

12) Norma almost hung up but ______ herself .She cleared her throat .
a) restrained b) disgusted c) shrugged d) reprimanded

13) "Certainly not.," she ________ angrily

a) hung down b) hung up c) hung off d) hung by

14) "May be some eccentric millionaire is playing ________ with people ," she said
a) puzzles b) sports c) jokes d) games

15) While she was _______ dishes, she turned abruptly ,dried her hands and took the
a) lying b) stacking c) scrubbing d) smashing

16) Something cold pressed at her __________ as she removed the button unit from the wastebasket.
a) head b) brain c) Skull d) mind

17) There were no _________ or screws visible

a) pins b) strings c) strands d) nails

18) __________, she began to smash it on the sink edge ,pounding it harder and harder ,until the wood split
a) curiosity b) abruptly c) anxiously d) vaguely
19) Abruptly,she began to smash it on the __________ edge,pounding it harder and herder until the wood split
a) sink b) screw c) table d) cough

20) She ___ with a gasp as the telephone rang

a) whirled b) mused c) gagged d) stiffened

21) What did Norma put in the broiler ?

a) fish b) chicken c) beef d) lamb chops

22) To what was the push-button fastened ?

a) wooden box b) golden box c) silver box d) iron box

23) What was covering the button unit?

a) glass dome b) paper c) a piece of cloth d) metal dome

24) How did Mr.Steward look? He was _____

a) fat b) tall c) small d) bulky

25) Norma felt that Mr.Steward's tone was

a) offensive b) loud c) disgusting d) pleasant

26) Mr.Steward said that his organization was

a) home-based b) of International scope c) of national scope d) foreign-based

27) What did Mr.Steward leave on the table when he left

a) the button unit b) the envelope c) the key d) his card

28) How did Norma feel about the card ?

a) She was appalled b) She was curious c) She was worried d) She was disgusted

29) Why did the Arthur reject the offer?

a) He thought it immoral b) He did not believe it c) He did not need money d) He did not like Steward

30) What did Arthur say about pushing the button ?

a) It would be ungraceful b) It would be murder c) It would give money . d) It would fulfil their

31) Norman wanted to get the money

a) to pay the insurance b) to help the needy c) to resign her job d) to improve her
money lifestyle

32) What happen to Norma when she push the button ?

a) she felt offended b) She felt frightened c) She felt incredulous d) She was disappointed

33) Where was Arthur killed ?

a) He was pushed in b) He was suffocated c) He was poisoned d) He was shot dead
front of the train

34) Whom did Norma ring up after the accident ?

a) railway station b) hospital c) insurance office d) Mr.Steward

35) What did Norma find inside the button unit ?

a) tubes b) transistor c) Wires d) nothing

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