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Understanding a Healing Crisis

Detox Symptoms (sometimes known as “healing crisis”) are listed below. During the
cleansing process, any of the following can occur.

The amount of toxicity, systemic energy, and commitment to a detoxification

process will all influence the symptoms you encounter. The stricter your diet, the
more likely you are to experience a detox symptom.

Mucus and acids have to come out and they come out as healing symptoms - if you
are unaware of these, you will miss this opportunity to rid the body of poison.

If you have symptoms that you aren’t sure are detox symptoms, please seek
medical help. Healing symptoms are not long-lasting and are only temporary. So If in
doubt, seek medical attention and professional help. Common sense is also required,
and it is always preferable to be safe than sorry. Not every symptom is a sign of
detoxification. Raw salads or cooked alkaline vegan foods can help to slow down the
detox process.


• Symptoms of a cold or the flu • Mild headaches
• Fevers of a low intensity • Mucus in the eyes
• Coughing with a lot of discharge • Vision is slightly hazy
• Mucus discharge from the nose or • Minor dizziness
throat that is clear and yellow in color. • Depending on the severity of thyroid
• Aches and pains of a minor nature dysfunction, weight loss might range
• Stools with mucus from 8 to 15 pounds in two weeks (can
• Energy depletion (may go up and be as little as 2 lbs)
down) • Chills
• Symptoms of the disease temporarily • Emotions such as light tears,
increasing indignation, or even laughing rise to
• Itches and rashes the surface.
• Minor blood in the pee • There is some rectal bleeding
• Nasal bleeding for a short period of (hemorrhoids or lesions)

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• Bronchitis or pneumonia symptoms • Muscle deterioration (muscle built
• Mucus from the nose and throat is from meat protein)
thick and green to brown in color • Mucus discharge from the eyes and
(lungs, bronchi, etc) ears is excessive.
• Joint discomfort • Vomiting
• Kidneys produce a lot of waste • Diarrhea
(urine color changes to brown, • “Clumps” of cellulitis
orange, or dark yellow) • Vertigo and/or dizziness
• Old injuries or deteriorating parts of • Minor palpitations of the heart
the body might cause pain. • Teeth that are loose (minor)
• Limbs are paralysed to a minor • Mouth abscesses of a minor nature
extent. • Migraines
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) • Fever with a high temperature (103
• Nosebleeds to 105 F)
• Lung spasms in asthma, • coughing for a long time
emphysema, and COPD (sometimes dry)
• Shortness of breath is moderate • Anxiety or depression
(asthma, emphysema, C.O.P.D) • Emotional decompression (crying,
• An rise in tumor growth that is only anger, laughter)
temporary • Thoughts of heaviness (lack of
• Symptoms of disease are becoming clarity)
more prominent (short-lived) • Where strong poisons are present,
• The appearance of sores on the the skin splits.
skin • Itching that is excessive
• Numerous substances oozing from • The body can drive mercury tooth
the skin, particularly from the hands fillings out.
and feet • Rectal bleeding from hemorrhoids
• Bruising or lesions in the past or present

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• Any area of the body can be • Fingernail and toenail loss
paralysed. • Excessive weight loss is a condition
• Lungs produce a black mucus in which a person loses a (this can
discharge. result when a pancreatic weakness
• With diarrhea, there is a lot of black exists)
flow from the bowels. • Shortness of breath is severe (use
• Tumors have appeared all an antispasmodic or inhaler)
throughout the body. • Deep depression that is temporarily
• Loss of vision relieved by sobbing, rage, laughter,
• Hearing impairment and other methods.
• Severe vertigo (or vertigo) • Confusion in the mind
• Previously suppressed symptoms • Cracking of the skin
(such as “poison ivy”) return. • Teeth are loosening (major)
• Extreme exhaustion
• Abscesses are forming all over the

Wishing you all the best on your detox and healing journey!
Raw Maraby and The Mira Herbals Team

@Raw Maraby @Raw Maraby @RawMaraby

@raw_maraby @rawmaraby @rawmaraby

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